Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger

- Uvod
- Schwarzeneggerjevi politični začetki
- Global Warming Solutions Act
- R20 Regions of Climate Action
- USC Schwarzenegger Institute for State and Global Policy
- George Bush Presidental Library Foundation
- Schwarzeneggerjeve povezave s CIA omrežjem in ”konservativno CIA”
- After-School All-Stars
- Think Long Committee
- Bohemian Grove
- Robert De Niro in Schwarzenegger
Guverner Kalifornije od 2003 – 2011; v administraciji Georga H. W. Busha je bil član od President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, 1990 – 1993.
Schwarzenegger je podpornik in prijatelj od Grete Thunberg, s katero se je srečal novembra leta 2019, dan zatem, ko se je Greta srečala z Leonardom DiCaprijem.
»The actor and former Republican Party governor of California posted a photograph on instagram of him cycling with Ms Thunberg in Santa Monica, who he described as a “hero”. … Their meeting this week is not the first time Schwarzenegger has met Ms Thunberg. In May she attended the Austrian World Summit in Vienna, organised by Schwarzenegger’s environmental organisation #R20. At the summit, Schwarzenegger addressed climate sceptics, saying “We are asking you to stop lying to the people about climate change and pollution and to offer them solutions instead of bulls***.”
Speaking to the audience, Ms Thunberg said: “We need to call it what it is: an emergency. We children are not leaders, nor are the scientists, but many of you here are. People listen to you, but most of you have failed to take this responsibility. We young people are waking up and we promise, we won’t let you get away with it anymore.”
In September, Schwarzenegger offered Ms Thunberg the loan of a Tesla Model 3 so she could travel using the electric-powered vehicle through the US and Canada. …
One person responded to Schwarzenegger’s post on Instagram writing: “I used to be a huge fan. Now I can see how you [are] being used as a puppet by a bunch of elitists. This is a guy came from a small town in Austria to [become] the world’s most famous bodybuilder and actor. This reminds me of the story of Icarus. Very sad.”«1
Schwarzenegger je 5.11.2019 objavil na twitterju –
»It was fantastic to see my friend and one of my heroes @GretaThunberg last week and go on a bike ride around Santa Monica together and I was so pumped to introduce her to my daughter Christina. Keep inspiring, Greta!«2
Schwarzeneggerjevi politični začetki
Schwarzenegger je v politično areno vstopil kot podpornik neokonservativca, nekdanjega direktorja od CIA in člana super elite Georga H. W. Busha, kateri ga je imenoval v President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (1990-1993).
Pogosto je bil kritiziran zaradi svojega odnosa do žensk in zaradi rasističnih izpadov, kjer verjetno najbolj izstopa primer Robbya Robinsona. Tesen družinski prijatelj družine Schwarzenegger, kot tudi Arnoldov tesni prijatelj je bil tedanji UN-ov generalni sekretar Kurt Waldheim, ki je bil vpleten v nacistične zločine.
Arnold je glasoval za Proposition 187, kateri je onemogočal otrokom imigrantom pravico, da bi obiskovali javne šole, ali da bi dobivali ugodnosti javne pomoči. 15 let je bil član svetovalne uprave od skupine U.S. English, ki je nasprotovala dvojezičnim programom. Southern Poverty Law Center (”liberalna CIA”) je razkril, da je so-ustanovitelj od U.S. English John Tanton, ustanovil 13 ”sovražnih skupin” in da je povezan s Council of Conservative Citiziens. S Council of Conservative Citiziens je povezana tudi Ann Coulter, ki nekako predstavlja ”konservativno CIA” in je tudi v tem stilu dejala, da niso rasisti. Coulterjeva je bila govornica pri hollywooski skrivni druščini Friends of Abe, ki jo predstavljajo ”konservativci” kot so Robert Duvall, Clint Eastwood, Jon Voight, James Woods, Kurt Russell, Steven Seagal, Bruce Willis, Robert Downey Jr., Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughn, itd.
Schwarzeneggerjeva guvernerska kandidatura pa je bila v mnogočem zelo podobna kandidaturi predsednika Trumpa (sredstvo ”konservativne CIA”).
»The similarities between Donald Trump and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger are so obvious that comparisons started rolling in as soon as Trump announced his candidacy for president last year. …
Schwarzenegger delivered more mixed messages on immigration-related concerns. He offended many Latinos when he called a talk-radio station to praise the civilian border-control measures of the Minutemen, and he repealed a law signed by his predecessor allowing driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants. But he also came out in support of a guest worker program. …
(George) Gorton does not support Trump, but he said that if he wins, “it’s because people are so frustrated with the (candidate) choices, not just this election, but the choices back to back to back have not worked out.«3
Schwarzeneggerjevo guvernersko obdobje Kalifornije, ki je trajalo od 2003 do 2011, je bilo podprto s strani elit od elit. Njegovi podporniki so bili Warren Buffett, Lord Jacob Rothschild, James Wolfensohn, Nicky Oppenheimer, Busheva Bela hiša, kot tudi Rockefellerjeva top predstavnika Paul Volcker in George Shultz.
European Economic Round Table
Schwarzenegger je bil leta 2002 udeleženec od European Economic Round Table, ki sta jo organizirala Warren Buffett in Lord Jacob Rothschild. Ostali udeleženci so bili še Bono iz U2, Nicky Oppenheimer, James Wolfensohn, Paul Volcker, David Frum, Harold Rhode, Barbara Walters, Anatole Kaletsky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky in Roland Berger.
»The world’s second-richest man dropped into the English countryside with the Terminator at his side on Monday, a day after warning the UK’s corporate big game his elephant gun was loaded. Billionaire Warren Buffett and mean machine Arnold Schwarzenegger touched down by helicopter on the immaculate lawns of Waddesdon Manor, a Renaissance-style chateau in the undulating hills of Buckinghamshire. Buffett, 72, is guest of honor at a closed two-day meeting of some of the world’s most powerful businessmen and financiers — the ultimate networking opportunity.The get-together in the ancestral home of the Rothschild banking family will discuss economic and political issues, the organizers said [ustanovitev od European Economic Round Table]. Among those invited to Waddesdon Manor were the likes of James Wolfensohn, predsident of the World Bank, Jorma Ollila, chief executive of Nokia and De Beers chairman Nicky Oppenheimer. Schwarzenegger was on the guestlist as a celebrity customer of the conference sponsor NetJets Inc, a private jet business owned by Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc.«424.9.2002, Reuters, ‘Buffett’s Back, with the Terminator!’
Hoover Institution
Ozadje od Schwarzeneggerja je bilo med njegovo kandidaturo tesno povezano s Hoover Institution, ki je sicer del ”koservativne CIA”, a tesno povezano z liberalnim establišmentom okoli Davida Rockefellerja. To je lepo vidno tudi pri Davidu Rubensteinu, sedanjemu predsedujočemu od Council on Foreign Relations, ki je bil v preteklosti nadzorni član inštituta. Skupaj z Rubensteinom pa član nadzorne uprave tudi Trumpov top svetovalec Peter Thiel, ki je pomemben član od Sun Valley Meetings, kot tudi tesno povezan s CIA. Preko CIA-jinega Palantir Technologies pa je Thiel tudi financer od Council on Foreign Relations. Pomembna oseba, ki je bila zadolžena za nominacijo Schwarzeneggerja za kalifornijskega guvernerja, je bil kontroverzni Karl Rove. Rove se je julija 2003 srečal z republikansko hierarhijo na elitnem Bohemian Grove, kjer jim je pojasnil, da si Busheva Bela hiša na mestu guvernerja želi Schwarzeneggerja. Rove, ki je bil leta 2020 svetovalec pri Trumpovi predsedniški kampanji, je bil skupaj s top predstavniki liberalnega establišmenta udeleženec od skrivne Forstmann Little Conferences, kot tudi govorec pri The Connecticut Forum. Rove je danes član svetovalnega odbora od American Corporate Partners (AOC), kjer so člani svetovalnega odbora še David Axelrod, višji svetovalec Obamove predsedniške kampanje; General John M. Keane – Council on Foreign Relations; William Kristol; Georgeann McRaven – žena od generala Williama McRavena; General Richard B. Myers – Northrop Grumman; General Peter Pace – President’s Intelligence Advisory Board; General David H. Petraeus – CIA, Council on Foreign Relations; Lawrence H. Summers – Council on Foreign Relations; Edward H. Vick – Young & Rubicam Advertising Worldwide; Paul Wolfowitz – Council on Foreign Relations. Člani svetovalnega odbora od AOC so bili tudi George Shultz, John Hamre, Vernon Jordan. Rove pa je postal tudi član svetovalne uprave od George W. Bush Institute. Proti Schwarzeneggerjevi guvernerski kandidaturi so protestirala razna ”anti-rasistična”, pro-migracijska sredstva ”liberalne CIA”, kot sta to kalifornijski AFL-CIO in Code Pink.
»Schwarzenegger’s Hoover Institution handlers are exploiting the Hollywood actor’s “star power” while keeping his positions on issues under tight wraps. …
While Arnold continues to draw crowds, the truth is beginning to slip out. Women picketed his campaign headquarters in posh Santa Monica last week holding banners that proclaimed, “Terminate the Barbarian” and “Governor Gang Bang.” They were protesting Schwarzenegger’s 1977 interview in Oui magazine. He boasted of engaging in group sex with a woman at a Gold’s Gym in Venice Beach. As recently as July, he told an Esquire interviewer that a blond woman can be “as smart as her breasts look, great as her face looks, beautiful as her whole body.” Code Pink [”liberalna CIA”] spokesperson Karen Pomer told reporters that Schwarzenegger “owes an apology to women he has abused.” …
For 15 years Schwarzenegger has served on the advisory board of U.S. English, a group that campaigns against bilingual programs. The Southern Poverty Law Center [”liberalna CIA”] has revealed that U.S. English co-founder John Tanton funded 13 “hate groups” and is tied to the Council of Conservative Citizens once known as the White Citizens Council. Tanton delivered a speech a few years back in which he said, “As whites see their power and control … declining, will they simply go quietly into the night? Or will there be an explosion?”
The Republicans have been grooming Schwarzenegger for the California governorship for years. He served as chairman of the President’s Council on Fitness in the first Bush administration. He is a close friend of the Bush family. …
Schwarzenegger flew to Washington and visited the White House last April 10. He met with Karl Rove [American Corporate Partners; Americans for Community and Faith-Centered Enterprise; Bohemian Grove; Forstmann Little Conferences; Connecticut Forum; Friends of Abe], George W. Bush’s chief political strategist. …
The San Francisco Chronicle reported that Rove met [julij 2003] at the Bohemian Grove with “the Republican hierarchy, especially those close to former Gov. Pete Wilson” and signaled that the White House “would favor Schwarzenegger.” Within hours, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) who had poured nearly $3 million of his own car alarm fortune into the recall, tearfully announced he would not seek the governorship.
Ever since, Rove and other GOP power brokers have been pressuring the other Republican candidates to remove themselves from the recall race. Bill Simon soon withdrew, as did Peter Ueberroth. The heat is now on Sen. Tom McClintock to step aside to avoid splitting the GOP vote.
In announcing his candidacy [7.8.2003] on the Jay Leno show, Schwarzenegger loudly proclaimed himself an outsider free from the “political class.” If you can’t get things done, he exclaimed, “Hasta la vista, Baby.” Yet he quickly named billionaire Warren Buffett and former Secretary of State George Shultz of the Bechtel Corp. (one of the no-bid Iraq contractors) to head his Economic Recovery Council.
Then he named the despised former Gov. Pete Wilson to direct his campaign. The California AFL-CIO [”liberalna CIA”] responded by releasing a leaflet with a graphic of Wilson’s head grafted on Schwarzenegger in his “Terminator” role.
“I’m back,” the leaflet reads. “My old staff and I are running the Schwarzenegger campaign. When I was governor, I almost terminated prevailing wages. … I did terminate daily overtime pay. … This time, I’ll finish the job. Hasta la vista, unions!”
Wilson is loathed for ramming through Prop. 187, stripping hardworking, taxpaying, immigrants of public assistance. Wilson rammed through and signed the law deregulating the state’s energy market. It opened the door for Enron, Reliant, and Houston-based El Paso Natural Gas to create a phony “energy shortage” in 2001 with rolling brownouts across the state. Even the Bush-dominated Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) admitted that these energy traders “gamed” the California energy market, forcing ruinous contracts on beleaguered ratepayers. Yet FERC refused to nullify those contracts and now the Bush-Cheney gang is blaming Davis for the crisis they created. …
This reporter spoke with Eliseo Medina, international vice president of the Service Employees International Union [”liberalna CIA”], moments after 600 leaders of the AFL-CIO voted unanimously to fight the recall and oppose Prop. 54 at a special convention in Los Angeles, Aug. 26. They also voted to call for a “yes” vote for Democratic Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante on the second part of the ballot.
While the lights were dimming, Enron CEO Ken Lay [Trilateral Commission; Spirit of America; Forum for International Policy; American Enterprise Institute; Asia Society; World Economic Forum; President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development, 1996-1999; Resources for the Future; International Leadership Council – The Nature Conservancy; President George H.W. Bush’s Council on Environmental Quality; Eli Lilly and Company], summoned top Republicans to a secret meeting at the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills, May 11, 2001. Among them was Arnold Schwarzenegger, convicted junk-bond dealer Michael Milken [Milken Institute; Milken Global Conferences], and L.A. Mayor Richard Riordan. Reporter Jason Leopold who covered the California energy crisis for Dow Jones News Wire writes that Lay “handed out a four-page document to Schwarzenegger, Riordan and Milken titled ‘Comprehensive Solution for California’ which called for an end to federal and state investigations into Enron’s role in the California energy crisis and said consumers should pay for the state’s disastrous experiment with deregulation through multi-billion rate increases.” …
Look at who is behind Schwarzenegger: Pete Wilson and his gang! They are anti-worker, anti-immigrant. They are trying to take a free shot at the biggest state in the union. I absolutely believe that the White House is behind this. It is up to us to mobilize to stop it.”«5
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett, s katerim se je Schwarzenegger poznal že vrsto let prej, je postal njegov ekonomski svetovalec med guvernersko kampanjo. Buffett kot član super elite, pomemben financer ”liberalne CIA”.
»Arnold Schwarzenegger today enjoyed an early boost in his bid to become the governor of California by winning the backing of Warren Buffett, one of the world’s canniest investors.
By naming Mr Buffett as his economic adviser, Mr Schwarzenegger, the Terminator star, has won instant credibility in a political contest that is half celebrity circus. …
“I have known Arnold for years and know he’ll be a great governor,” said Mr Buffett, the world’s second richest man after Microsoft’s Bill Gates. “It is critical to the rest of the nation that California’s economic crisis be solved, and I think Arnold will get that job done.” …
Mr Schwarzenegger met Mr Buffett seven years ago [1996] at a lecture the investor gave in Los Angeles and their paths crossed again when Berkshire Hathaway, the investment company owned by Mr Buffett, bought NetJets, a corporate firm in which the actor owns a stake. Last year, the two attended an economic conference in London at the British estate of Lord Rothschild.
Mr Buffett, whose prestige is all the higher for having sidestepped the dotcom craze, is not in the habit of openly supporting political candidates. His political donations are small beer, never more than $1,000, and usually for Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, the New York senator. Only one moderate Republican has received a contribution from Mr Buffett.«6
Global Warming Solutions Act
27.9.2009 je Schwarzenegger podpisal Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, ki je pomenil prvi nacionalni korak pri zmanjševanju emisij toplogrednih plinov.
R20 Regions of Climate Action
Leta 2011 je Schwarzenegger, potem ko je končal mandat guvernerja Kalifornije (2003-2011), ustanovil R20 Regions of Climate Action, kjer je tudi ustanovni predsedujoči emeritus. Kot kalifornijski guverner je Schwarzenegger odgovoren, za podpis prelomne zakonodaje, ki je privedla kjotski protokol v kalifornijski zakon. Te in druge iniciative so (po uradni razlagi) tedanjega predsednika Obamo vodile k temu, da je prosil Schwarzeneggerja, da pridobi podobne zaveze od še tridesetih ameriških držav. Ti uspehi v izvrševanju ukrepov na pod-nacionalnem nivoju in njegova zmožnost da prikaže potencial, ki bo meril ta učinek s ponovitvijo na pod-nacionalnem nivoju, je glavni razlog za nastanek od R20 Regions of Climate Action, pri ustanovitvi katerega je sodeloval tudi Ban Ki-moon.
Partnerska organizacija od R20 Regions of Climate Action je Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, s katero skupaj vodita The 100 Climate Solutions Project Campaign. Leonardo DiCaprio, pomemben globalist in sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”, je v ta namen preko svoje fundacije ustanovil Planet Pledge Fund (PPF) v višini $1 milijarde. S PPF hoče DiCaprio Foundation mobilizirati številne filantrope, ki bi bili pripravljeni financirati upravljanje odpadkov, obnovljivo energijo in energetsko učinkovite projekte. Preko The 100 Climate Solutions Project Campaign se poskuša prikazati, da se nizkoogljični infrastrukturni projekti lahko replicirajo in povečajo na svetovni ravni. S tem skupnim projektom poskušata obe organizaciji prepoznati vsaj sto energetsko obnovljivih, energetsko učinkovitih in upravljalno odpadnih infrastrukturnih projektov po celem svetu.
R20 Regions of Climate Action pa sodeluje tudi z Bloombergovo C40 Cities, kot tudi z The Climate Group, ki spada v omrežje ”liberalne CIA”.
Partnerske organizacije od R20 Regions of Climate Action –
»African Development Bank … Bank of America Merrill Lynch [del od CFR]. Bloomberg Philanthropies [del od CFR]. C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group [Michael Bloomberg]. Climate Disclosure Project. Children’s Investment Fund Foundation. Citi [del od CFR] … Climate-KIC. Climate Policy Initiative … Deutsche Bank [del od CFR]. Global Environment Facility … Government of the United States … John Hopkins School of Advanced and International Studies [financerji – Ford Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Rockefeller Foundation; ustanovitelj in dekan bil George Packard, 1979-1993] … Meridiam … Standard and Poor’s Ratings Services … Swiss State Economic Cooperation … UN-Habitat … United Nations Capital Development Fund … World Bank … World Resources Institute … WWF«7; dostop 28.12.2021
Decembra leta 2015 je Schwarzenegger oznanil sekreteriat od Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance (CCFLA). CCFLA je upravljena s strani koalicijskih organizacij, vključno z R20, UN Environment Programme (UNEP), UN Development Programme (UNDP) in Global Fund for Cities Development — Fonds mondial pour le développement des villes (FMDV).
USC Schwarzenegger Institute for State and Global Policy
Leta 2012 je bil ustanovljen USC Schwarzenegger Institute for State and Global Policy, kjer je član svetovalne uprave tesen Rockefellerjev prijatelj in nekdanji predsednik od Bechtel George Shutlz. Ostali člani svetovalne uprave v glavnem prihajajo iz omrežja liberalnega establišmenta, kot so –
- Henry Cisneros (bil upravitelj od Rockefeller Foundation; upravitelj od Urban Institute; član od Pacific Council on International Policy; ustanovni član Bloombergovega Partnership for a New American Economy; skupaj s Kissingerjem bil član anti-komunistične National Bipartisan Commission on Central America);
- Christine Todd Whitman (članica direktorske uprave od CFR; bila administratorka od Environmental Protection Agency (administracija G. W. Busha); bila pohvaljena za svoje delo od National Resources Defense Council; članica direktorske uprave od American Security Project);
- Ronald L. Olson (član od CFR; direktor od Buffettovega Berkshire Hathaway; direktor od Graham Holdings Company; direktor od RAND Corporation; direktor od Mayo Clinic; direktor od California Institute of Technology );
- Vicente Fox (nekdanji mehiški predsednik; bil predsednik od Buffettove Coca-Cola – Mehika);
- Werner Faymann (izvršni predsednik avstrijske Social-demokratske stranke (SPÖ); nekdanji avstrijski kancler);
- itd.
George Bush Presidental Library Foundation
Schwarzenegger je kot tesen prijatelj družine Bush, bil tudi upravitelj od George Bush Presidental Library Foundation na Texas A&M University, kjer so bili skozi različna obdobja upravitelji člani liberalne super elite – James Baker III (CFR), Brent Scowcroft; William Draper III (CFR), C. Boyden Gray (CFR), Ray Lee Hunt (Center for Strategic and International Studies), Walter Annenberg (Sunnylands), Dick Cheney (CFR), Richard Gelb (CFR), Max Fisher (B’nai B’rith), Robert Mosbacher Jr. (CFR), Nicholas Brady (CFR), Dan Quayle, Robert Strauss (CFR), Jack Valenti (CFR), James Cicconi (Le Cercle), John D. Macomber (CFR).
Dobitniki nagrad George Bush Award for Excellence in Public Service –
- Helmut Kohl – 2000; Mikhail Gorbachev – 2001; Edward M. Kennedy – 2003; Arnold Schwarzenegger – 2004; William “Billy” F. Graham – 2006; Robert M. Gates – 2007; Ronald Reagan – 2011; Sheikha Moza bint Nasser – 2013.
Dobitniki nagrad William Waldo Cameron Forum on Public Affairs –
- George Bush – 1997; Julie and David Eisenhower – 1998; Robert M. Gates – 1999; Barbara Bush – 2000; Michael R. Beschloss – 2000; Lech Walesa – 2001; Condoleezza Rice – 2002; Karl Rove – 2002; Jack Kemp – 2005; Mitt Romney – 2007; Ban Ki-moon – 2008; Richard Haass – 2009; Laura Bush – 2010; Jim & Meredith Olson, Newt & Callista Gingrich – 2011; Eric Cantor – 2011; Robert M. Gates – 2016.
Afghanistan World Foundation
Schwarzenegger je slavnostni ambasador od leta 2002 nastale Afghanistan World Foundation, kjer so višji člani svetovalne uprave vodilni član liberalne super elite Henry Kissinger, monaški princ Albert, Dianne Feinstein.
Med bolj znanimi člane direktorske uprave so Susan Sarandon, Keifer Sutherland in James Tupper.
Slavnostni ambasadorji – Al Pacino, Benecio del Toro, Celine Dion, Henry Kissinger, Charlize Theron (top ”liberalna CIA”), Faith Hill, Helen Hunt, Jessica Lange, Penelope Cruz (top ”liberalna CIA”), Shaquille O’Neil, Tom Cruise (top ”liberalna CIA”), (The late) Mohamed Ali, (The late) Natalie Cole.
»Afghanistan World Foundation salutes President George H.W. Bush for his support for Afghanistan during the cold war.
“Lest we forget: the noble people of Afghanistan have suffered enormous deprivation during the war… The people of Afghanistan have reached out their hands for our help, and America will not let them down.” — Vice President George Bush January 25, 1988 in a letter to Sonia Nassery Cole«8
Schwarzeneggerjeve povezave s CIA omrežjem in ”konservativno CIA”
Council for National Policy
Schwarzenegger je bil govorec pri relativno vplivni, a dokaj skrivnostni (”anti-globalistični”; ”anti-New World Order”) konservativni/neo-konservativni Council for National Policy (CNP), ki predstavlja pomembno ozadje ”konservativne CIA”. Vplivni predstavniki, ki so bili so-ustanovitelj od CNP – Nelson Bunker Hunt (1001 Club, John Birch Society), Joseph Coors, Jeffrey Coors, Pierre duPont IV, Tim LaHaye (protestantski duhovnik), Rev. Jerry Felwell Sr., Jack McLamb (podpornik od dezinformatorja Alexa Jonesa; Alex Jones pa po drugi strani ščiti to skupino pred javnostjo; družina od Jonesa tesno povezana s CIA in z anti-komunizmom), Jack Abramoff, John Bolton (CFR; Trumpova administracija), Richard V. Allen, Elsa Prince (mama od Erica Princa – ustanovitelj od Blackwater Company, ki je tesno povezana s CIA; mama od Betsy de Vos – Trumpova administracija), Joel Skousen, Cleon Skousen, Mark Skousen, Jeane Kirkpatrick (CFR), Steve Forbes, Paul Craig Roberts, Pat Buchanan, Mitt Romney, Arnaud de Borchgrave (CFR), General John Singlaub, Edwin Meese III, Frank Gaffney, Grover Norquist (CFR), Rick Santorum, John Templeton Jr., Oliver North, Steve Bannon (Trumpova administracija; varovanec Johna L. Thorntona, nekdanjega so-predsednika od Goldman Sachs in upravitelja od Schwarzman Scholars na Tsinghua University), Kellyanne Conway (Trumpova administracija).
Skupina pa je tesno povezana z liberalnim establišmentom tudi preko ljudi kot so Donald Rumsfeld, Rudy Giuliani, James Woolsey (CIA), George W. Bush, Newt Gingrich – ki so bili vsi govorci in/ali gostje pri CNPju.
Council for National Policy pa preko Bannona povezan z že prej omenjeno hollywoodsko skrivno desničarsko skupino Friends of Abe.
Council for National Policy je nastal izključno kot proti utež od liberalnega Council on Foreign Relations, in naj bi se zavzemal za ekonomsko svobodo, judovsko-krščanske vrednote, ter za močno nacionalno obrambo. CNP tako predstavlja (desničarsko) kontrolirano opozicijo ”proti” establišmentu. CNP je v tej mreži ”konservativne CIA” tesno povezan z veliko bolj vplivnimi organizacijami, kot so American Security Council, American Enterprise Institute, Heritage Foundation in s Hoover Institution, če jih naštejem samo nekaj. Pri tem pa je pomembno poudariti, da je CNP nastal kot projekt od ključnih osebnosti iz ultra-konservativne in mnogokrat dezinformativne John Birch Society, katera pa danes ni več tako vplivna, kot je to bilo za časa komunizma. CNP tako sestavljajo bogati posamezniki, fundamentalistični pridigarji, vodilni ”New Right” politiki, kar se je kmalu po njegovem nastanku izrazilo v Reaganovi administraciji.
V to omrežje ”konservativne CIA” pa spada tudi bolj evropska zasebna obveščevalna skrivna skupina Le Cercle (posezana s Pentagonom, CIA in z American Security Council), v kateri pa ljudje okoli Rockefellerja (razen neokonservativcev) niso imeli pomembnega vpliva, kljub temu pa sta bila v njej do neke mere dejavna David Rockefeller in Nelson Rocekfeller, kot tudi Henry Kissinger, Paul Volcker, Zbigniew Brzezinski, John Negroponte, Brent Scowcroft, Alan Greenspan in Chuck Hagel.
Posamezni člani od CNP pa so povezani s CIA operacijami in z odredi smrti v t. i. boju proti ”komunizmu” v Južni Ameriki. Med bolj pomembnimi je Howard Phillips, ustanovni guverner od CNP, ki se je bojeval proti revnim kmetom (t. i. komunistom) v državah tretjega sveta. Phillips je ustanovitelj od The Conservative Causes (TCC), prav tako tesno povezan z American Security Council. Tako ASC, kot TCC sta podpirala angolske upornike iz UNITA, južno afriško apartheidno diktaturo, ter vodje južno ameriških oddelkov smrti. Phillips je tudi osrednja osebnost, ki je na začetku 80ih začela preko CIA posle s heroinom in krekom. Hkrati pa so Phillips, Jack Abramoff in Oliver North, vsi iz CNP, začeli kampanjo za odstavitev tedanjega državnega sekretarja Georga Shultza in njegovega namestnika Johna C. Whiteheada, oba tesno povezana z Davidom Rockefellerjem, ker nista dovolj podpirala to vrsto aktivnosti.
Druga pomembna osebnost, ki je tesno povezana s CIA, oz. z njenim vodenjem iz ozadja je Nancy Cline. Clineova je bila malo pred smrtjo imenovana za direktorico od OSS Society, ki naj bi skupaj z Association of Former Intelligence Officers vodila CIA iz ozadja. V OSS Society najdemo še osebe kot so General John Singlaub (CNP), James Schlesinger, Arthur Schlesinger, Porter Goss, Ross Perot, George H. W. Bush, Paul Mellon, William Webster, James Woolsey, William Colby, William Casey, Bernadette Casey Smith, William vanden Heuvel (The Nation – top ”liberalna CIA”), S. Dillon Ripley II, Richard Helms, John Negroponte, Robert Gates, David Petraeus, General John Mulholland, General Michael Mullen, Beurt SerVaas. Njen mož Ray Cline, je bil CIA uradnik in povezan z liberalnim establišmentom, hkrati pa tudi član strateške uprave od American Security Council, ter bil vpleten v številne anti-komunistične odrede smrti in teroristične vidike Hladne vojne, od Tajvana do Evrope.
S CNP je bil povezan tudi Beurt SerVaas, ki je vodil sumljivo zasebno obveščevalno, povezano z vlado. SerVaas je bil povezan s tedanjim direktorjem od CIA Williamom Caseyem in s posli od Iran-Contra, v katero je bila vpletena tedanja Reaganova administracija. Iz uprave od CNP so bili v Iran Contra vpleteni še kasnejši predsedujoči od OSS Society General John Singlaub, General Daniel Graham in Polkovnik Oliver North.
Iz uprave od CNP pa prihajajo tudi ustanovitelji od Heritage Foundation. To so Edwin Feulner, družina Coors in Paul Weyrich. Iz poročila belgijske policije (1986) je razvidno, da je Heritage Foundation glavna ameriška veja od omrežja Le Cerle in Opus Dei.
Pomembna članica uprave od CNP je bila tudi Elsa Prince, katere družina tudi financira CNP. Njen sin je Eric Prince, ki je bil anti-sandistični propagandist in Navy Seal, ter bil lastnik od Total Intelligence Solutions in od Blackwater USA. V obdodju po 11/9 so ti dve podjetji uporabili Bush, Rumsfeld in Cheney, kot tudi Cofer Black (CIA Counter-Terrorist Center), da so podprli CIA-jine in JSOC-jeve programe za atentate, ki so jih izvajale posebne enote in brezpilotni letalniki. Tukaj je pomembno predvsem to, da so bili tako Bush, kot Cheney in Rumsfeld konec 90ih in v začetnem obdobju po letu 2000 udeleženci skrivnih srečanj od CNP.
Pomemben govorec pri CNP pa vsekakor nekdanji direktor od CIA in eden najvplivenjših neokonservativcev James Woolsey, sicer član Demokratske stranke, in tudi član od CFR.
Ostali govorci v sklopu od CNP-jevega kandidatskega foruma leta 2015 pa še Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Jim Gilmore in Rick Santorum.
Pomembni financerji od CNP tudi družina Mercer, ki je vodila Trumpovo kampanjo za predsednika ZDA zadnja dva meseca.
American Security Council
Schwarzenegger je (bil) tudi povezan s top ultrakonservativno American Security Council (ASC; ”konservativna CIA”), ki je tudi liberalno-konzervativni ekvivalent od Council on Foreign Relations. ASC deluje v povezavi med CIA (Mossad) – FBI (Edgar Hoover) – Pentagon; hkrati deluje preko skrivne ultrakonservativne skupine Le Cercle.
ASC je igral tudi pomembno vlogo v anti-komunizmu za časa Hladne vojne, ki je presegalo vse meje razuma, v to je spadala tako želja po bojevanju z nuklearnim orožjem proti komunistom, kot tudi bojevanje proti delavskim sindikatom, in pa obsežno zasebno obveščevalno zbiranje podatkov o posameznikih. Na začetku 70ih je bilo 1500 korporacij članic od ASC. Za ASC in njegovo povezavno s podpiranjem odredov smrti, kot tudi za CIA-jino trgovino z drogami v Južni Ameriki in drugje, velja podobno kot za prej opisani Council for National Policy. Se pa ASC razlikuje po tem, da je veliko bolj povezan z neokonservativci in na sploh z izraelsko obveščevalno skupnostjo, kot tudi s samim vrhom liberalnega establišmenta, čeprav samo jedro ASC-ja predstavlja ”anti-Rockefellerjevo” osebje. Zgodovinsko gledno, pa so bili pomembni (ustanovni) posamezniki povezani s fašistično ideologijo, z Liberty Lobby, s KKK, s Shickshinny Knights of Malta in s podobnimi ekstremnimi rasističnimi in anti-židovskimi organizacijami. Predvsem gre za nasledstvo dediščine od Generala MacArthurja in ekstremista, kot je bil senator Joseph McCarthy. Vendar je s padcem Sovjetske zveze, za katerega je bila vsekakor pomembna strategija oz. tekma oboroževanja med ZDA in Sovjetsko zvezo, katero je uvedla Reaganova administracija, izginil tudi močan vpliv ASC-ja, ki danes deluje kot American Security Council Foundation. Ni potrebno posebej poudariti, da je bil Reagan izbira ASC-ja. Pravo nadaljevanje od ASC pa je postal Center for Security Policy, ki velja za neokonservativno utrdbo.
Razlika med CNP in ASC pa je tudi v tem, da je (bil) ASC veliko vplivnejši, kot tudi vodstvo je sestavljeno iz oseb, ki so vplivnejše, čeprav so posamezniki prepleteni z obema organizacijama, kot je to v primeru Oliverja Northa, Josepha Coorsa, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Generala John Singlauba, Jacka Kempa, itd.
Pomemben predsedujoči od ASC v 80ih je bil James Angleton (Skull & Bones; AFIO; Security and Intelligence Fund), vodja od CIA-jine proti-obveščevalne.
Ostali pomembni iz CIA, ki so imeli pomembne položaje pri ASC so bili še –
- Richard Bissell (namestnik direktorja od CIA pod top članom liberalnega establišmenta Allenom Dullesom; Institute for Defense Analysis),
- Ray Cline (co-ops),
- Daniel Arnold (CIA uradnik, ki je bil tesno povezan s trgovino z drogami),
- Frank Barnett (Smith Richardson Foundation; Rhodes Scholar; Rockefeller Fellow; Ford Fellow; CFR; International Institute of Strategic Studies; National Strategy Information Center),
- General Vernon Walters (pomočnik članov liberalne super elite Avarella Harrimana in Henrya Kissingerja; član od CFR; 6I), itd.
Civilni posamezniki, ki so bili povezani s CIA pa so bili –
- James Atkinson (Georgetown University – psychological warfare),
- Karl Bendetsen (Heritage Foundation; Committee on the Present Danger),
- Whittaker Chambers (Time magazine; National Review),
- Joseph Coors,
- Lev Dobriansky (OSS; U.S. Global Strategy Council; njegova hčerka je Paula Dobriansky),
- senator Thomas Dodd,
- Edwin Feulner (Mont Pelerin Society, Manhattan Institute, CSIS Fellow; Heritage Foundation; Le Cercle; Sarah Scaife Foundation; Knight of Malta; CNP),
- Partick Frawley (financer od Information Council of the Americas; financer ”pro-hipijevske” rebije Square),
- Robert Galwin (Motorola; AmeriCares),
- senator Henry M. Jackson (lobist za Boeing; top neokonservativec; American –Israel Friendship League; Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs),
- Monique Garnier-Lancon (CNP; Heritge Foundation; Le Cercle),
- George Hearst Jr. (medijski imperij Hearst),
- Jack Kemp (Jewish Insitute for National Security Affairs; FreedomWorks; Urban Institute; U.S. Institute of Peace; CNP),
- William Kintner (Freedom House; World Affairs Council; CFR; International Security Council),
- Jeane Kirkpatrick (Le Cercle; CFR; Committee on the Present Danger; US Global Strategy Council; Defense Policy Board; Freedom House),
- Sven Kraemer (Le Cercle; Center for Security Policy),
- Anthony Kubek (Western Goals Foundation),
- Neil Livingstone (Global Options – CIA; ExecutiveAction – CIA, Pentagon; George Town Club – CIA; AFIO; Young Americans for Freedom),
- Jay Lovestone (International Affairs Department – AFL-CIO; American Institute for Free Labor Development – CIA, korporacije),
- Dr. Edward Luttwak (Special Operations Policy Advisory Board; Washington Institute for Near East Policy),
- William Pawley (povezan z atentatom na JFK-ja),
- Constantine Menges (Hoover Institute; RAND Corporation; American Enterprise Institute; so-ustanovitelj od National Endowment for Democracy),
- Richard Pipes (Committee on the Present Danger; American Committee for Peace in Chechnya; Benador Associates),
- Stefan Possony (Hoover Institution),
- Ronald Reagan (Hoover Institute Honorary Fellow; Young Americans for Freedom; Bohemian Grove),
- William Regnery (America First Committee; National Policy Institute),
- Henry Regnery (Regnery Publishing; American Friends of the Middle East; Freedoms Foundation),
- Sid Richardson,
- Richard Mellon Scaife (Sarah Mellon Scaife Foundation; Hoover Institution; Center for Strategic and International Studies; Heritage Foundation; Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation; Congress for Cultural Freedom),
- Thomas Spencer (AFIO; Council for National Policy; Le Cercle),
- W. Scott Thompson (Rhodes Scholar; Committee on the Present Danger; US Institute of Peace),
- senator John Tower (tesno povezan z liberalno super elito; podpiral segregacijo; President’s Foriegn Intelligence Advisory Board; George Town Club – CIA),
- William van Cleave (Team B; Committee on the Present Danger; Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies; IISS; Center for Policy Studies).
Visoki predstavniki ameriške vojske, povezani s CIA –
- General Daniel Graham (Heritage Foundation; Foreign Affairs Research Institute; DIA),
- General Richard Larkin (AFIO; DIA),
- General John Singlaub (Council for National Policy; OSS Society; AFIO; Special Operations Policy Advisory Board; World Anti-Communist League; Council for Inter-American Security; National Defense Council Foundation; Western Goals Foundation; Refugee Relief International),
- General Richard Stilwell (povezan s CIA-jino trgovino z drogami; 6I; Le Cercle; AFIO; Council on Foreign Relations; Inastitute for the Study of American Wars; U.S. Global Strategy Council; Special Operations Policy Advisory Board; AmeriCares),
- General Vernon Walters (Council on Foreign Relations; Atlantic Council; National Millitary Intelligence Association; 6I; Safari Club; American Academy of Diplomacy; Bohemian Grove),
- General Edward Lansdale (OSS; Special Operations Policy Advisory Board; National Defense Council Foundation),
- General Nathan Twining (Liberty Lobby; Order of Deadalians).
Kljub temu, da je ASC deloval kot nasprotje Rockefellerjeve struje, vsaj v nekaterih pogledih, pa sta bila Nelson Rockefeller (Le Cercle; Bohemian Grove; CFR; Rockefeller Brothers Fund; Atlantic Council; Bilderberg Group; Conservation Fund), kot tudi Henry Kissinger, člana vodstva od American Security Council. Vendar Kissinger velja za najbolj povezano osebo med člani super elite.
Tam najdemo tudi že večkrat tukaj omenjeno Christine Todd Whitman, ki danes deluje kot ”anti-Trump” političarka, katere družina je zgodovinsko tesno povezana z liberalnim establišmentom.
Ostali pomembni iz kroga liberalne super elite, ki so bili v vodstvu od ASC so še –
- Casper Weinberger (CFR; Trilateral Commission; Ditchley Foundation; Center for Security Policy; Bohemian Grove; George Town Club),
- Avarell Harriman (pomemben financer nacizma; Brown Brothers Harriman; CFR; Psychological Strategy Board; Special Group 5412),
- Clare Booth Luce (Council on Foreign Relations; AFIO; Council of American Ambassadors; American Academy of Diplomacy; Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation; American Club of Rome; Population Action International; Knights of Malta),
- Henry Luce (Time Magazine; Council on Foreign Relations; Pilgrims Society; Skull & Bones; National Committee for a Free Europe – CIA; Henry Luce Foundation; Special Studies Project – Rockefeller Brothers Fund; United China Relief),
- Eugene Rostow (Council on Foreign Relations; Bilderberg Group; Atlantic Council; Washington Institute for Near East Policy; Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs; Balkan Action Council; Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; Coalition for Democratic Majority; Committee for the Free World; National Institute for Public Policy; International Security Council).
After-School All-Stars
Schwarzenegger je ustanovitelj in častni predsedujoči od After-School All-Stars, katerega financerji so New York Life Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Mondeléz International (Foundation), T-Mobile Foundation, Murdochova News Corp. (del Sun Valley Meetings), Susan Crown Exchange (hčerka od Lesterja Crowna), Internet Association.9
Predsedujoč direktorski upravi je Paul Wachter, s katerim sta s Schwarzeneggerjem znanca že od 70ih. Wachter je poslovno tesno povezan z Warrenom Buffettom, ter delal za pomembne banke, ki spadajo pod okrilje liberalne super elite, kot so Schroder & Co. Incorporated; Kidder, Peabody & Co.; in za Bear, Stearns & Company. Wachter pa je bil tudi član direktorske uprave od Time Warner, ki predstavlja pomemben del od Sun Valley Meetings. Stranke od Wachterja so poleg Schwarzeneggerja še LeBron James, Bono iz U2, Drake, Billie Eilish in ostali. Wachter, ki je delal tudi za elitno odvetniško pisarno Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton and Garrison, je bil udeleženec od Milken Global Conference od Milken Institute.
Think Long Committee
Schwarzenegger je bil gost od Think Long Committee (for California; 2010), ki so ga sestavljali člani liberalne super elite, kot so George Shultz (top Rockefellerjev zaveznik), predsedujoči Nicolas Berggruen (CFR), nekdanja državna sekretarka Condoleeza Rice (CFR), Eric Schmidt (Google; CFR), Laura D’Andrea Tyson (CFR), milijarder David Bonderman (član uprav od World Wide Fund for Nature in od Wilderness Society; ustanovni partner od TPG Capital; član uprave od Berggruen Institute), milijarder Eli Broad (The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation), nekdanji župan San Francisca Willie Brown (leta 1993 bil udeleženec od Bohemian Grove), Maria Elena Durazo (AFL-CIO), itd.
Gostitelji srečanj so bili Google Inc., The Broad Foundation in James Irvine Foundation.
Poleg Schwarzeneggerja pa je bil gost še Jerry Brown (The Common Good).
Odbor je nastal v okviru Berggruen Institute on Governance, ki prav tako predstavlja pomemben del iz omrežja nevladnih organizacij okoli liberalne super elite. Člani direktorske uprave so Reid Hoffman (Bilderberg Group; CFR; Sun Valley Meetings), top Soroseva zaveznica Arianna Huffington, Eric Schmidt, Helle Thorning-Schmidt (Trilateral Commission; danska premierka, 2011-2015), Ernesto Zedillo (Clinton Global Initiative; Center for the Study of Globalization, Yale University).
V The Berggruen Network pa najdemo posameznike kot so –
- Wallis Annenberg (Annenberg Foundation),
- Timothy Garton Ash (Senior Fellow – Hoover Institution; European Council on Foreign Relations),
- Jacques Attali (mož iz ozadja od Emanuela Macrona, kot tudi pomemben iz ozadja francoske politike),
- Carl Bildt (pomemben Sorosev zaveznik; International Crisis Group; European Council on Foreign Relations),
- Max von Bismarck,
- Tony Blair,
- Gordon Brown,
- režiser James Cameron,
- Fernando Henrique Cardoso (brazilski predsednik, 1995 – 2002; član od Clinton Global Initiative; član od World Resources Institute; član Turnerjevega New Age United Nations Foundation),
- Jacques Delors (Club of Rome; Notre Europe; Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; International Crisis Group),
- Jack Dorsey (Twitter; Sun Valley Meetings),
- John Elkann (družina Agnelli; Sun Valley Meetings);
- Niall Ferguson (Mont Pelerin Society; Hoover Institution; Bretton Woods Committee; International Monetary Conference; Bilderberg Group),
- Christiana Figueres (was the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 2010 – 2016; Economic Council member for the Rockefeller Foundation Economic Council on Planetary Health),
- Francis Fukuyama (CFR; NED, New America Foundation; Freedom House; Trilateral Commission; RAND Corporation),
- Mo Ibrahim (član globalne uprave od CFR; Mo Ibrahim Foundation),
- Walter Isaacson (CFR; Clinton Global Initiative, Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg Group; Aspen Institute; Forstmann Little Conferences; Rhodes Scholar),
- Pascal Lamy (Notre Europe; Centre for European Reform; European Council on Foreign Relations; Bilderberg Group),
- filozof Bernard-Henri Lévy,
- Mario Monti (Bilderberg Group; Trilateral Commission; Atlantic Council; Transparency International; Goldman Sachs; The Coca-Cola Company),
- Elon Musk (Sun Valley Meetings; Earth Day Network; Open AI),
- Pierre Omidyar (top financer ‘liberalne CIA’; eBay),
- Romano Prodi (European Council on Foreign Relations; Bilderberg Group),
- Kevin Rudd (nekdanji premier Avstralije, 2007-2010, 2013; Atlantic Council; Asia Society; Bloomberg New Economic Forum; CSIS),
- Nicolas Sarkozy,
- Gerhard Schröder (nemški kancler, 1998 – 2005; European Advisory Council of the Rothschild Group),
- Stephen Schwarzman (CFR; Atlantic Council; Blackstone Group; JP Morgan Chase; Partnership for a New American Economy; Asia Society; Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence; Skull & Bones),
- Jeff Skoll (top financer ”liberalne CIA”),
- Joseph Stiglitz (CFR; top Rockefellerjev in Sorosev ekonomist; ekonomski svetovalec Bernieja Sandersa, ki je pomembno sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”),
- Lawrence Summers (CFR; Bohemian Grove; Brookings Institution; Peterson Institute for Internaitonal Economics; Bretton Woods Committee; U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; Atlantic Council; Bloomberg New Economic Forum; Economic Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; Bilderberg Group; Trilateral Commission; World Economic Forum; Group of Thirty; Institute for International Finance; International Crisis Group; Clinton Global Initiative),
- Guy Verhofstadt (Sorosevo sredstvo v Evropski Uniji),
- Axel Weber (Institute for International Finance; UBS Group AG),
- Fareed Zakaria (CFR; Clinton Global Initiative; New America Foundation),
- Lei Zhang (Brookings Institution; China-United States Exchange Foundation),
- Bijian Zheng (China Institute for Innovation and Development Strategy),
- Min Zhu (China Institute for Innovation & Development Strategy).
Bohemian Grove
Schwarzenegger je član/udeleženec od že prej omenjenega Bohemian Grove (David Rockefeller, Nelson Rockefeller, James Baker III, George Shultz, James Weinberger, Lawrence Summers, David O’Reilly, Alexander Haig, Dwight Eisenhower, Maurie Greenberg, britanski princ Philip, Helmut Kohl, David Packard), kjer je imel leta 2010 tudi ključni govor. Osrednja družina od Bohemian Grove je družina Bechtel, ki je tudi tesno povezana s CIA. Center od Bohemian Grove je kamp Mandalay, kjer so (bili) gostje elitni predstavniki vlad; vodstva od – Bank of America, Amoco, ChevronTexaco, Bechtel, Wackenhut, Du Pont, Rothschild Investment Trust Capital Partners plc, UBS Warburg, Dillon Read & Co., German Steel Trust, ThyssenKrupp, omrežje banke JP Morgan, Merill Lynch, Lehman Brothers, Export-Import Bank, Wells Fargo, Seafirst Bank, Manhattan Institute, CIA, General Electric, RAND Corporation, Firestone, AT&T, Atlantic Richfield Company, Johnson & Johnson, Walt Disney Company, Weyerhaeuser, Union Pacific Corporation, Gannett Corporation, PG&E Corporation, MITRE Corporation, McKesson Corporation, ConAgra Inc., HCA Health Corporation, Franklin Templeton Investments, ICF Kaiser Consulting Group, Kissinger Associates, Carlyle Group, TRW Inc., Space Technology Laboratories, IBM, Ford Motor Company, News Corp., BSkyB (Rothschildi in Murdoch), Daily Telegraph plc., The Economist, Caltech, Stanford University; člani bratovščin Order of the Bath, Order of the British Empire, Knights of Malta; vodstva/člani od Ditchley Foundation, Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Business Roundtable, Business Council, Committee for Economic Development, Council on International Economic Policy, Trilateral Commission, Atlantic Institute for International Affiars, Pilgrims Society, 1001 Club, Le Cercle. Udeleženec pa je bil tudi francoski socialistični premier Michel Rocard, ki ga je na Bohemian Grove povabil Henry Kissinger; Rocard pa je govoril o nastanku Evropske Unije.
Robert De Niro in Schwarzenegger
Robert De Niro je novembra leta 2016, ko so potekale ameriške predsedniške volitve, zavrnil skupno fotografiranje s Schwarzeneggerjem, če bi ta volil Trumpa. To se je zgodilo na VIP zabavi od Israel Defense Forces, ki je zbirališče od sredstev tako ”liberalne CIA”, kot tudi ”konservativne CIA”. Robert De Niro, ki je sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”, se dela anti-rasista in podpornika migracija. De Niro je na teh predsedniških volitvah volil za Hillary Clinton, pri čemer pa ni imel nobenih moralnih zadržkov z njeno preteklostjo, ko je ta kot državna sekretarka bila med vodilnimi akterji vojn v Libiji in Siriji, kot tudi pri podpiranju in oboroževanju skrajnih islamistov in teroristov. Jasno, De Niro pomemben promotor migracij, ki jih je vojna v Siriji na račun njegove izbire za predsednico ZDA pridelala za nekaj milijonov samo v Siriji.
»Robert De Niro made crystal clear which candidate he supports this presidential election at the VIP cocktail reception for the annual Friends of the Israel Defense Forces [regionalni direktor in CEO je general major Meir Klifi-Amir – IDF; zbirališče tako ‘l’iberalne CIA”, kot tudi ”konservatine CIA”, kot tudi financirani od obeh; leta 2018 so zbrali 139 milijonov $ za izraelske vojake] Western Regional Gala held Thursday at the Beverly Hilton. The event was chaired by producing giant and FIDF national board member Haim Saban [Saban Center for Middle East Policy – Brookings Institution; top financer Demokratske stranke; financiral predsedniško kampanjo G. W. Busha; pro-izraelski] and his wife, Cheryl.
“If you’re supporting Trump, I want nothing to do with you,” said De Niro, after refusing to pose for a photograph with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
While Schwarzenegger, a career Republican, publicly tweeted on Oct. 8 that he would NOT be voting for Trump, he still hasn’t made clear for whom he will be voting. In the tweet, the actor-turned-politician wrote: “For the first time since I became a citizen in 1983, I will not vote for the Republican candidate for President.”
“If you’re not part of the solution, then you’re part of the problem,” said De Niro [tisti večer so zbrali $38 milijonov za izraelsko vojsko]. …
[Larry] King, who’s interviewed every Israeli prime minister with the exception of David Ben-Gurion, said, “Haim Saban is one of the best men I know, and this is a very worthy cause.” King continued, “I’ve always been a supporter of Israel. These people have their backs to the wall. I don’t always support everything Israel does, but I sure support their defense forces. Nothing is black and white. They’re living a defensive life.”«10
Schwarzenegger je kmalu po tem dogodku tudi javno začel podpirati migracije, svoje mnenje pa je podal, ko je Trumpova administracija začasno prepovedala migracije iz sedmih, v glavnem muslimanskih držav. Pri tem je Schwarzenegger uporabil običajni argument ”strahu”, ki pa dejansko nima realne podlage, razen kot orožje sredstev ”liberalne CIA” in super elit za vzpodbujanje migracij. Kljub javni zahtevi za prepoved muslimanskih migracij, je bil ta izvršni ukaz blokiran s strani zveznih sodnikov; izstopata predvsem – Rob Ferguson – generalni državni tožilec in James Robart – zvezni sodnik, ki sta zelo tesno povezana z Williamom Gatesem Sr. in Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Ferguson je delal za odvetniško pisarno Preston Gates & Ellis, od katere partner je bil super elitni William H. Gates Sr., oče od Billa Gatesa. Poleg tega pa je bil Robart od leta 1999 upravitelj in do leta 2008 predsedujoči od Whitman College, katerega pomemben financer je Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Robart je bil tudi predsednik in upravitelj od Seattle Children’s Home, katera tudi prejema veliko denarja od najpomembnejših fundacij, kot so Gates Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Paula Allena iz Microsoft in od podjetja Boeing. Robart je tudi Fellow od American Bar Foundation, ki je tesno povezana z ”liberalno CIA”. Pomembni financerji fundacije skozi različna obdobja so Ford Foundation, Sorosov Open Society Institute, MacArthur Foundation, v zadnjem času pa predvsem Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Pomemben predstavnik in financer od American Bar Foundation je tudi William H. Neukom, ki je bil predsedujoči od Preston Gates & Ellis, bil vodilni Microsoftov pravnik, ter bil tudi od 2007 do 2008 predsednik od American Bar Association. Neukom poleg tega še član uprave od super elitnega Pacific Council on International Policy, so-ustanovitelj od prav tako elitnega World Justice Project, ter bil član uprave od Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences na Stanford University.
Dejanji obeh sodnikov pa sta takoj javno podprli podjetji Microsoft in Amazon, slednje je v lasti super elitnega in s CIA tesno povezanega Jeffa Bezosa, ki je bil tudi pomemben podpornik od Hillary Clinton. Pri tem je tudi pomembno, da je Bezos lastnik od Washington Post, ki je pomembno propagandno sredstvo od super elite. Naslednja dva sodnika, ki sta blokirala izvršni ukaz sta bila Havajski zvezni sodnik Derrick Watson in zvezni sodnik Theodore Chuang iz Marylanda, ki ju je na ta položaj imenoval Barack Obama. Oba sodnika prav tako povezana z liberalnim establišmentom – izobražena na elitni Harvard University, pri čemer Watson delal za elitno odvetniško pisarno Farella Braun + Martel (liberalna elitno-orientirana), medtem, ko je bil Chuang svetovalec od bolj prestižne Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering, Hale and Dorr LLP. Chuang je bil od leta 2009-2014, dokler ni bil imenovan za zveznega sodnika, namestnik generalnega svetovalca pri United States Department of Homeland Security.
Dejstvo je, da kjer koli na zahodu so povečane skupine migrantov/priseljencev in Bližnjega vzhoda ali Afrike, tam je nadpovprečno razvit kriminal in nastajanje getov. Pa naj bo to Francija, Nemčija, Danska, Norveška, Švedska ali ZDA (tam tudi množične migracije iz Južne Amerike). Vendar, ker je super eliti cilj poceni delovna sila, nizke delavske plače, neskončna rast neoliberalnega ekonomskega sistema, lažje širjenje ”proste trgovine” zaradi migracij, in še veliko ostalih razlogov, se o tem ne sme racionalno diskutirati v javnosti, še manj v politiki ali v medijih. Ker tudi ko pogledamo korporacije, ki so skupaj s fundacijami ”liberalne CIA” najpomembnejši financerji in propagandisti migracij, z lahkoto opazimo, da pripadajo Rockefellerjevemu krogu. Trumpova administracija, ki je seveda tesno povezana z liberalnim establišmentom in ”konservativno CIA”, je bila v resnici močno naklonjena migracijam, saj je samo leta 2019 prišlo 1,2 milijona novih migrantov. Trump pa je v nagovoru pri State of the Unionu dejal, da legalne migracijo bogatijo ZDA.
»Arnold Schwarzenegger isn’t holding back when it comes to criticizing President Trump!
Arnold, an immigrant from Austria, weighed in on the temporary ban placed on immigrants from seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the U.S., telling Mario, “I think the real problem is that it was vetted badly. If they would run this by the Justice Department and Homeland Security and had the lawyers really study and focus on it and give it some time to do it the right way… I know what he’s trying to accomplish — his fear about people coming in from other places, causing harm to the country. There is another way to going about it to do it the right way and accomplish all of the goals. I think they were hasty with it.”
He went on to say, “To go and ban people who have a green card, that means that the United States of America has given you permission to work here permanently and you are on the way to permanent citizenship… I was in that position… It’s crazy, it’s crazy and makes us look stupid when the White House is ill-prepared to put this kind of executive order out there.”«11
14.8.2017, twit od Arnolda Schwarzeneggerja po nasilju v Charlottesvillu, ko je stal pred Simon Wiesenthal Center, kateremu je doniral 100,000 $:
»I’m proud to stand with #SWC (Simon Wiesenthal Center) against hate everywhere.«12
Odgovor od Simon Wiesenthal Center
»… #SWC Commends @Schwarzenegger for Generous Gift to Support Fighting #hate #Bigotry & #Antisemitism #Charlottesville.«13
Schwarzenegger pa danes kot sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” igra anti-Trump multikulturnega anti-rasista –
»Hollywood actor Arnold Schwarzenegger has hit out at Donald Trump over what the US president’s critics say is a failure to unequivocally condemn white supremacists and bigotry following last weekend’s violence in Charlottesville.
Schwarzenegger, who previously served as former Republican governor of California, said to Trump: “as president of this great country, you have a moral responsibility to send an unequivocal message that we don’t stand for hate and racism.” ….
Schwarzenegger and Trump have exchanged tough words with each other in the past. When Schwarzenegger left his presenting role of The New Celebrity Apprentice in March this year, he blamed the show’s poor performance on its association with former host Trump.«14