Bernie Sanders
Čas branja 117 minut

- Uvod
- Earth Day Network
- Svetovalci Sandersove predsedniške kampanje
Članek še ni dokončan, ker je potrebno še dodatno analizirati in povzeti določene posameznike.
Verjetno je sedaj čas, da avtor predstavi še to, tukaj velikokrat omenjeno vodilno Rockefellerjevo in Sorosovo sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”, imenovano Bernie Sanders, ki je leta 2016 ”kandidiral” za predsednika ZDA.
Sanders, ki ga večinoma podpirajo skrajni levičarji, levičarji in progresivci, je član od Democratic Socialists of America (”anti-fa”, ”anti-rasiti”, ”anti-kapitalisti”), kjer delujejo še ostala vodilna sredstva ”liberalne CIA”, kot so Noam Chomsky, Cornell West, Gloria Steinam, Barbara Ehrenreich, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Danny K. Davis (podpornik skrajnega črnskega nacionalista, anti-Semita in homofoba Louisa Farrakhana iz Nation of Islam).
Sanders je seveda tudi podpornik od dveh vodilnih ”okoljevarstvenih aktivistk”, Grete Thunberg in Jamie Margolin. Slednja je bila tudi govornica med njegovo predsedniško ”kampanjo”.
27. januarja 2019 je Sanders zapisal –
»Young people all over the world are demanding action on climate change, like @GretaThunberg, who had the courage to demand that the world’s corporate elite do their part to address this global crisis.«
21. septembra 2019 je Sanders ob tvitu Grete Thunberg
»The preliminary numbers say there are at least 3 million people in today’s #ClimateStrike And that is before counting North and South America!! To be updated… #FridaysForFuture«
zapisal –
»What gives me hope right now is this new generation of young people who dream big and do not want to settle for the status quo. #ClimateStrike«
Sanders je na svojem Facebook profilu decembra leta 2019 posredoval zapis od časopisa The Guardian (del ”liberalne CIA”) –
»Greta Thunberg is right. Next year, the future of the planet is on the line. We cannot allow Trump to continue destroying the planet while making his fossil fuel executive friends rich. We need to defeat him, pass a Green New Deal and lead the world in addressing the climate crisis. I am prepared to do exactly that when we are in the White House.«1
Zelo zgovorno je tudi Berniejevo norčevanje iz najrevnejših, ko 16. februarja 2022 zapiše, da ni pošteno, da imajo najbogatejši Američani, katerim zvesto služi tudi sam in ostala sredstva ”liberalne CIA”, več premoženja kot 42% najrevnejših Američanov –
»It is not fair and it is not just that the two wealthiest people in America now own more wealth than the bottom 42%. I’m on the floor of the Senate NOW to demand action on the needs of our working families.«2
Earth Day Network
Sanders je bil med svojo predsedniško kampanjo član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Earth Day Network, kjer so bili direktorji v 90ih Laurance Rockefeller, Ted Turner, John Kerry, Geylord Nelson, Ralph Nader, Al Gore, Senator John Heinz, Theodore Hesbourgh, Lester Brown, Teresa Heinz, Rev. Jesse Jackson (sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”), John Young (direktor od HP), Sidney Drell, Paul Ehrlich, Mitchell Kapor.
Člani mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora v obdobju okoli leta 2000 so sestavljali –
- pomemben Rockefellerjev zaveznik Maurice Strong, jordanska kraljica Noor, Jane Goodall, Robert Kennedy Jr., Sir Richard Branson, Phillipe Cousteau Jr., Leonardo DiCaprio, Shaquille O’Neill, Martin Scorsese, Barbra Streisand (financerka ”liberalne CIA”) in John Podesta.
Leta 2016 so bili člani mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora –
- Sir Richard Branson, Lester Brown (Earth Policy Institute; Founder, Worldwatch Institute), Phillipe Cousteau Jr., Leonardo DiCaprio, Jose Maria Figueres, Al Gore, David L. Hunke (President and Publisher, USA Today), Benjamin T. Jealous (President and CEO, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; People for the American Way; World Economic Forum; Kapor Capital; Amnesty International; Center for American Progress; Boule), Shaquille O’Neal, John Podesta, Carl Pope (Sierra Club), Len Sauers (Procter & Gamble), Larry Schweiger (National Wildlife Federation), Martin Scorsese, James Gustave Speth (Natural Resources Defense Council), Barbra Streisand, Mark Tercek (The Nature Conservancy), Ted Turner, ter ostali.
Pokrovitelji od Earth Day Network leta 2016 so bili Wells Fargo (del od CFR), UPS (del od CFR), Toyota (North America del od CFR), PwC, NASA, Connect for Climate, Earth Vision Trust in ostali.3
Leta 2021 pa so člani mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora –
- njegov so-predsedujoči Leonardo DiCaprio, Prince Albert II of Monaco, Sir Richard Branson, Michael Brune (Sierra Club), Philippe Cousteau, Zac Efron, Tarja Halonen (Concordia Summit; Council of Women World Leaders; World Economic Forum; Club of Rome), Teresa Heinz, Lisa Jackson (Apple), Gene Karpinski (League of Conservation Voters), John Kerry, Lyn Lear in Norman Lear, David Levy (Amazon Web Services), Tom Lovejoy (United Nations Foundation), Kaddu Sebunya (African Wildlife Foundation), Manuel Pulgar Vidal (WWF International), Christine Todd Whitman, Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr. (Hip Hop Caucus) in ostali.
Ostali financerji od Earth Day Network skozi različna obdobja –
»EDN has received grant money from numerous foundations over the years, including the AT&T Foundation, the Beldon Fund, the Blue Moon Fund (formerly called the W. Alton Jones Foundation), the Bullitt Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Compton Foundation, the David & Lucile Packard Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Turner Foundation, and many more.«4
Kot tudi –
»Avaaz Foundation … Bauman Family Foundation … Heinz Family Foundation … JPB Foundation … Nathan Cummings Foundation … NextGen Climate Action … Partnership Project … Rockefeller Brothers Fund … Sixteen Thirty Fund … Skoll Global Threats Fund … Sustainable Markets Foundation«5
Svetovalci Sandersove predsedniške kampanje
Med Sandersovimi ekonomskimi svetovalci pri njegovi predsedniški kampanji, je bilo veliko Rockefellerjevih in Sorosovih ”new left” sodelavcev, vključno s top članoma liberalnega establišmenta Josephom Stiglitzem in Jeffreyem Sachsom.
Joseph Stiglitz
Joseph Stigliz je podprl kampanjo Jeremya Corbyna (sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”) za predsednika od Labour Party, ter bil avtor poročila Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Stigliz je bil s strani organizatorjev povabljen, kot eden od pomembnejših gostov na Occupy Wall Street, ki je seveda del Rockefellerjevega omrežja ”liberalne CIA”.
Stigliz je ustanovitelj od Initiative for Policy Dialogue, katerega financerji so –
»Charles Stewart Mott Foundation … Foundation for European Progressive Studies [tesno povezan z Party of European Socialists] … Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammernarbeit (GIZ) … Open Society Institute … Rockefeller Brothers Fund … Swedish International Development Agency … Ford Foundation … John D. And Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation … William and Flora Hewlett Foundation … United Nations DP … UNICEF … Japan International Cooperation Agency«6
Ostale povezane Josepha Stiglitza –
- študiral kot Fulbright Scholar (ustanovitelj J. William Fulbright bil Rhodes Scholar; financer je State Department; Scholars – Henry Kissinger, Milton Friedman, Philip Odeen, Thomas Pickering, Norman Ornstein, Norman Podhoretz, Allen Weinstein, Donald Kagan, John Brademas, Paula Dobriansky, Jessica P. Einhorn, Daniel P. Moynihan, Craig A. Barrett, Rita Hauser, Richard W. Lymann, Robert A. Scalapino, Ruth Simmons, Emmet J. Rice, Javier Solana, Mary Robinson, Hans Blix, Lamberto Dini, Andreas Papanderou, Bill Rowling);
- je član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1997 – ;
- udeleženec od Bretton Woods Committee;
- član svetovalnega odbora od Peterson Institute for International Economics (direktor in predsednik je bil David Rockefeller; Conrad Black, Robert Zoellick, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, George Shultz, Maurice Greenberg, Peter G. Peterson, Paul Volcker, Carla Hills, Allan Greenspan, Jacob Wallenberg, Jean-Claude Trichet, Lawrence Summers);
- član od Foreign Policy Association;
- član ustanovne svetovalne uprave od Institute for New Economic Thinking (ustanovni financerji: George Soros – 50 milijonov $, Paul Volcker, David Rockefeller, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Carnegie Corporation; so-ustanovitelj Jim Balsille – CIGI; ustanovna svetovalna uprava – Jeffrey Sachs, William Janeway – Warburg Pincus; izvršni direktor Robert Johnson – Soros Fund Management; vodstvena uprava – Anatole Kaletsky, Drummond Pike – Tides Foundation, Chris Canavan – Soros Fund Management, Rohinton Medhora – CIGI, Eric Weinstein – Thiel Capital, Gillian Tett – Financial Times; strokovnjaki – Noam Chomsky, Jesse Eisinger – ProPublica, Larry Elliott – The Guardian, Naomi Klien, James Manyika, Damon Silvers – AFL-CIO, Joseph Stiglitz, Lawrence Summers, Adair Turner);
- Senior Fellow in glavni ekonomist od Roosevelt Institute;
- član od Cordell Hull Institute;
- član svetovalne uprave od Center for Economic and Policy Research;
- član svetovalne uprave od Global Policy Innovations;
- ustanovni član od Berggruen Institute on Governance (ustanovitelj in predsedujoči Nicolas Berggruen; ustanovni financer in svetovalec Pierre Omidyar; Francis Fukuyama, Condoleezza Rice, George Shultz, James Manyika, Eric Schmidt, Reid Hoffman, Arianna Huffington, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Ernesto Zedillo, Wallis Annenberg, Jacques Attali, Carl Bildt, Max von Bismarck, Tony Blair, Eli Board, Gordon Brown, James Cameron, Jared Cohen, Jacques Delors, Jack Dorsey, John Elkann, Niall Ferguson, Christiana Figueres, Mo Ibrahim, Walter Isaacson, Pascal Lamy, Bernard-Henri Levy, Mario Monti, Elon Musk, Sean Parker, Romano Prodi, Nouriel Roubini, Kevin Rudd, Nicolas Sarkozy, Stephen Schwarzman, Jeff Skoll, Lawrence Summers, Laura D’Andrea Tyson, Guy Verhofstadt, Axel Weber, Fareed Zakaria);
- član od Council for the Future of Europe (Nicolas Berggruen, Tony Blair, Jacques Delors, Pascal Lamy, Peter Sutherland, Guy Verhofstadt, Romano Prodi, Mario Monti, Gerhard Schröder) – Berggruen Institute on Governance;
- član od Progressive Agenda (ultra liberalna ”new left” skupina; financer George Soros 159 milijonov $; Bill de Blasio, Jonathan Soros, Katrina van den Heuvel – The Nation, Abigail Disney, Marian Wright Edelman – Children’s Defense Fund, Howard Dean, Maria Elena Durazo – vice president for immigration, and civil rights, and diversity at Unite Here!, Heather McGhee – Demos, Deepak Bhargava – Center for Community Change, Senator Sherrod Brown);
- redni udeleženec od China Development Forum;
- član mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od Bund Summits (Jeffrey Sachs, Robert Rubin, Jean-Claude Trichet, Jason Furman, Lord Adair Turner, Masaaki Shirikawa, Adam Posen, Edmond Alphandery) – Shanghai;
- udeleženec konference od African–America Institute (v preteklosti povezan s CIA; Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation; Harold Hochschild, Ramsey Clark, David Rockefeller, Steven Rockefeller, Dana Creel);
- udeleženec letnega srečanja od Institute of International Finance (direktorji – Sir John Bond, Josef Ackerman, William Rhodes, Tasuku Takagaki, Sir David Walker, Cees Maas, Markus Wallenberg, James Gorman, Alex Weber, Gary Cohn; člani od Market Monitoring Group – George Soros, David Dodge – Bank of Canada, Malcolm Knight – BIS, Koos Timmermans – ING; udeleženci letnih srečanj – Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Alan Greensberg, Larry Summers, Willem Duisenberg, Jacob Frankel, Mark Carney, Jamie Dimon, Larry Fink, Wolfgang Ischinger, Brian Moynihan, Martin Wolf – FT);
- član od Baker Institute for Public Policy (Leslie Gelb, John Major, Colin Powell, Madeleine Albright, Sheikh Abdula bin Ali Al-Thani, James Baker III, James Baker IV);
- udeleženec od Toronto Global Forum (Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger, Fareed Zakaria, Mark Thompson, Dominic Barton, Shimon Peres, John Negroponte, Ben van Beurden, Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, Christine Lagard, Lynn Forester de Rothschild) – International Economic Forum of the Americas;
- bil govorec pri Leaders for Business (Jeffrey Sachs, John Deutch, Fred Bergsten, Garry Kasparov, Lester Brown, Thomas Frieman, Javier Solana, Anatole Kaletsky, Sir Elton John, Sir Bob Geldof, Piers Morgan);
- bil član mednarodne guvernerske uprave od Centre for International Governance Innovation (ustanovitelj in predsedujoči Jim Balsillie; Anne-Marie Slaughter, Allan Gottlieb, Bill Graham, Thomas Pickering, Maurice Strong, Rita Hauser, Olivier Giscard d’Estaing, Strobe Talbott);
- član od Tokyo Club Foundation for Global Studies (povezan z G8 in G20; Kissinger, Paul Volcker, C. Fred Bergsten, Renato Ruggiero);
- član svetovalne uprave od Eurasia Foundation (Thomas Pickering, Fiona Hill, Madeleine Albright, James Baker III, Lawrence Eagelburger, Frank Carlucci, Lee Hamilton);
- bil član direktorske uprave in je častni član uprave od Center for Global Development (Lawrence H. Summers, Afsaneh Beschloss, George W. Casey Jr., David F. Gordon, John Lipsky, Robert Mosbacher, Jr.; nekdanji direktorji – C. Fred Bergsten, Jessica P. Einhorn, Timothy Geithner, David Gergen, C. Boyden Gray, James Harmon, Mark Malloch-Brown, Jennifer Oppenheimer, Dina Habib Powell, Rachel Pritzker, William D. Ruckelshaus, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Sheryl Sandberg, James Gustave Speth, Ernest Stern – JP Morgan, Sheryl Sandberg; Ernesto Zedillo – član svetovalne skupine; financerji – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, Bloomberg Pgilanthropies, European Commission, ExxonMobil Foundation, Mastercard Foundation, Open Philanthropy, Western Union Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, C&A Foundation, IKEA Foundation, Open Philanthropy Project, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, The Nature Conservancy, Omidyar Network, Rockefeller Foundation, Foundation to Promote Open Society, Luminate, Oxford Policy Management, United Nations Foundation)7;
- član od Collegium International (Milan Kučan; Michel Rocard);
- bil govorec pri World Leaders Forum – University of California;
- član svetovalnega odbora od Oxford Martin School (Victor Chu, Ben Goldsmith, Reid Hoffman, Pascal Lamy, Joseph Nye, Sir Crispin Tickell, Lord Nicholas Stern, Sir Martin Sorrell, jordanski princ Talal Bin Muhammad, Amory Lovins – Rocky Mountain Institute, Lord Martin Rees of Ludlow, Ernesto Zedillo, Vittorio Colao – Vodafone, Francis Finlay, Orit Gadiesh – Bain & Co., Mo Ibrahim);
- bil na zasedanju od Clinton Global Initiative;
- član svetovalne uprave od Global Policy Journal (Paul Collier, Jeffrey Sachs, Lord Nicholas Stern, Anne-Marie Slaughter; Practitioner’s Board – Sir Peter Sutherland, Romano Prodi, Pascal Lamy, George Soros, Muhammad Yunus, Bill Emmott) – Durham University;
- je član od Resources for the Future (osnovni kapital zagotovila Ford Foundation; danes so vodilni financerji Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Energy Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Tides Foundation, United Nations Foundation, World Wildlife Fund; Laurance Rockefeller, Robert O. Anderson, William Ruckelshaus);
- častni član od Club of Rome;
- direktor od Acumen Fund (ustanovna financerja Rockefeller Foundation in Cisco; Jacqueline Novogratz, Andrea Soros Colombel, Mark Tercek; globalna svetovalna uprava – Arianna Huffinton, Chris Anderson, iranska princesa Noor Pahlavi, Paul Polman – Unilever, Per Heggenes – Ikea Foundation);
- globalni govorec od Creative Artists Agency;
- kot član Rockefellerjeve klike udeleženec od The Russia Forum (Alan Greenspan, Paul Wolfowitz, Sergei Sobynin, Putin, Željko Bogeič, Anatoly Chubais, Sergey Brilev, Sergei Shvestov, Sergey Kravchenko – Boeing Russia);
- bil direktor od American Economic Association;
- bil govorec pri The Commonwealth Club of California;
- bil govorec pri UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations;
- govorec pri Financial Services Leadership Forum (svetovalni odbor – Maurice Greenberg, Peter G. Peterson, John C. Whitehead, Harold MacGraw III; govorci – Maurice Greenberg, John C. Whitehead, Felix Rohatyn, David Rubenstein, Robert Rubin, Stephen Schwartzman, Timothy Geithner, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Larry Summers, John Train, James Tisch, Peter Thiel, Ronnie Chan, Jeff Bewkes, Eliot Spitzer, Jamie Dimon, Larry Fink) – NY Public Library;
- upravitelj od Economists for Peace and Security (Oscar Arias, Jason Furman, George Papandreou, Robert M. Solow, Robert S. McNamara; Fellow – Yanis Varufakis).
Jeffrey Sachs
Jeffrey Sachs je član uprave Sandersovega Sanders Institute.
New York Times je zapisal »… probably the most important economist in the world.«8 Revija Time je zapisala »… the world’s best known economist.«9Ibid.. Raziskave revija Economist, ki je v lasti družin Rotshchild, Agnelli in še nekaj elitnih britanskih aristokratskih družin, pa so Sachsa uvrstile »[among] the three most influential living economists.«10Ibid.
Sachs je bil ključni ameriški ekonomski svetovalec za privatizacijo Rusije, kjer je bil najprej na povabilo Gorbacheva in nato tedanjega predsednik Yeltsina svetovalec začasnega premierja Yegorja Gaidarja in finančnega ministra Borisa Fedorova. Pred tem je za enake zadeve deloval v Centralni Evropi in v Južni Ameriki. Čeprav se mu pogosto prepisuje, da je bil glavni krivec za to, kar je sledilo v Rusiji kasneje, so glavni krivci zagotovo ruska skorumpirana elita in pa tudi skorumpirana (liberalna) elita za katero dela sam.
Sachs je leta 1992, ko je deloval na Poljskem, bil podprt s strani Sorosove Open Society Initiative, in kot pravi sam, mu je fundacija pokrivala potovalne stroške in osebje, sam pa ni prejemal plače; od leta 1992-1993 je v Rusiji delal preko Ford Foundation, ki je financirala njegovo skupino in s katero je leta 1994 ustanovil Institute for Economic Analysis v Moskvi, sam pa od fundacije ni prejemal plačila.11; str. 13 in 16 Torej, Sachs je v Rusiji delal kot član od Harvard Institute for International Development (H.I.I.D.), ki je nastal leta 1974, da bi pomagal državam s socialnimi in ekonomski reformami. Sachs je v Rusiji pri ekonomski reformi sodeloval z Yegorjem Gaidarjem, ki pa je bil po hiperinflaciji, ki je dosegla 2500%, novembra 1992 potisnjen ob stran. Nato je na sceno stopil Yeltsinov ekonomski car Anatoly Chubais, ki je bil predan ”radikalnim reformam”, ter obljubil, da bo zgradil tržno gospodarstvo in pometel ostanke komunizma.
Chubais pa je bil že znan človek s strani konservativnega (Mont Pelerin Society)/ liberalnega establišmenta. Tako Chubais kot tudi Yegor Gaidar in nekateri ostali ruski reformatorji so se leta 1988 in leta 1989 sestali na madžarski konferenci pri Centre for Research into Communist Economies, ki je nastal kot projekt od londonskega Institute of Economic Affairs, ki je promoviral Hayeka in Freidmana v vzhodni Evropi. Udeleženci madžarskega srečanja so bili Friedrich von Hayek, Sir Anthony Fischer (Pilgrims Society; Mont Pelerin Society; Institute for Economic Affairs; Manhattan Institute for Policy Research; Atlas Economic Research Foundation; Institute for Political Studies –Vaduz), Ljubo Sirc (ustanovni upravitelj od Centre for Research into Communist Economies; kasneje tesno povezan z LDS in nato z Janezom Janšo), Lord Ralph Harris (so-ustanovitelj od Centre for Research into Communist Economies; Institute of Economic Affairs; Mont Pelerin Society; Bruges Group; Institute for Political Studies –Vaduz; International Center for Research into Economic Transformation – Moskva; The Freedom Association), Lisl Biggs-Davison (upraviteljica od Centre for Research into Communist Economies; udeleženka srečanj od Royal Institute of International Affairs; njen oče Sir John Alec Biggs-Davison sredstvo od MI6). Nato so Rusi preko Centre for Research into Communist Economies leta 1990 ustanovili moskovski International Center for Research into Economic Transformation, katerega predsedujoči je bil Lord Ralph Harris, Yegor Gaidar in Ljubo Sirc sta bila so-predsedujoča znanstveni upravi; s centrom povezan tudi Konstantin Kagalovsky. Ljubo Sirc se je z Gaidarjem in Chubaisem sicer prvič srečal leta 1986. Leta 1990 pa nastane tudi Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, katerega ustanovni direktor je Gaidar, člani inštituta so še Victor Mau, Andrei Nechayev, Vladimir Mashchits, Petr Aven, Leonid Grigoryev, Sergei Vasilyev. Ko pride leta 1991 na oblast Yeltsin, s katerim so reformatorji v stiku, postane Yegor Gaidar njegov začasni premier; Victor Mau je pomočnik premierja za ekonomske zadeve; Andrei Nechayev postane ekonomski minister; Vladimir Mashchits postane minister za Odnose s Skupnostjo neodvisnih držav; Petr Aven postane minister za Mednarodne ekonomske zadeve; Leonid Grigoryev postane vodja Odbora za tuje investicije; Sergei Vasilyev pa vodja od Centra za ekonomske reforme.
Delovanje liberalnega establišmenta in Sachsa v Rusiji
Za to, da je Harvard prišel v Rusijo, je bila odločitev od USAID, ki spada pod State Department. State Department sta v tistem obdobju vodila Lawrence Eagleburger v Bushevi administraciji in Warren Christopher v Clintonovi. Leta 1992 je H.I.I.D. dobil prva finančna sredstva za delo v Rusiji. Kasneje pa je imel H.I.I.D. podporo v samem vrhu Clintonove administracije, med pomembnejšimi je bil Lawrence Summers (top predstavnik liberalnega establišmenta), ki je tudi sam prihajal iz Harvarda, in katerega je Clinton leta 1993 imenoval za Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs. Summers, kot namestnik sekretarja za finance Roberta Rubina, je imel dolgoletne povezave v vodilnimi pri Harvardovih projektih v Rusiji in kasneje v Ukrajini. H.I.I.D. je za časa Clintonove administracije dobil $57,7 milijonov – vse razen $17,4 milijona brez konkurenčnih ponudb. Eden takšnih primerov je bil, ko so uradniki Clintonove administracije podpisali odpoved, ki je omogočal H.I.I.D.-ju da je prejel $20 milijonov za svoj ruski program pravne reforme. Odobritev tako velikega zneska kot nekonkurenčne ”spremembe”, ki je sledila veliko manjši nagradi, katero je H.I.I.D. v višini $2,1 milijona prvotno prejel leta 1992, je bila zelo nenavadna, prav tako kot navedba razlogov za ”zunanjo politiko” kot razlog za odpoved. Odpoved je odobrilo pet ameriških vladnih agencij, vključno s Treasury Department in National Security Council, ki sta bili dve vodilni agenciji, ki sta oblikovali ameriški program pomoči do Rusije. Poleg milijonov, ki jih je H.I.I.D. prejel direktno, pa je inštitut pomagal usmerjati in koordinirati okoli $300 milijonov podpore od USAID ostalim pogodbenikom. Summers je tudi najel Davida Liptona, pod-predsednika od svetovalnega podjetja Jeffrey D. Sachs and Associates, da je postal Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary for Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Lipton je v novi administraciji Joea Bidena višji svetovalec sekretarke za finance Janet Yellen. Poleg tega pa je bil Lipton posebni pomočnik Baracka Obame; bil prvi namestnik upravnega direktorja pri IMF, 2011-2020; bil Head of Global Country Risk Management pri Citi Bank; delal za United Nations Development Program in World Institute for Development Economics Research, 1989-1992; bil član svetovalne skupine pri Center for Global Development; bil fellow od Woodrow Wilson Center of Scholars; imel višji položaj pri Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; bil ugledni obiskovalec od American Academy in Berlin; udeleženec od World Economic Forum. Lipton pa je tudi član od Trilateral Commission – 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020. Lipton piše o Indigo Economics za spletni portal Global Perspective od podjetja Letter One, katerega lastnik je ruski oligarh Mikhail Friedman. Poleg Friedmana in Liptona za Global Perspective o Indigo Economics pišejo še Dominic Barton, Michael Bloomberg, Carl Bildt, Sir Ken Robinson, Ian Bremmer, ter Arianna Huffington in ostali za Pet Factor.
Direktor od H.I.I.D.-jevega ruskega projekta je bil Andrei Shleifer, Summersov varovanec na Harvard University. Summers je leta 1995 napisal promocijsko besedilo za Privatizing Russia, katere so-avtor je bil Shleifer, ter izjavil “the authors did remarkable things in Russia, and now they have written a remarkable book.” V tistem času pa je Shleiferjeva žena Nancy Zimmerman vodila hedge fund oz. zasebno investicijsko partnerstvo, preko katerega je investirala po celem svetu. USAID je domneval, da je mladi harvardski pravni strokovnjak Jonahtan Hay (Rhodes Scholar – oznanjeno tudi v New York Times, 1983; H.I.I.D.) s Shleiferjevim znanjem in sodelovanjem, v Moskvi uporabljal ameriška finančna sredstva, da bi podprl ruske investicije od gospe Zimmerman. Shleifer in Hay, ki ju je financirala USAID, sta bila v zelo tesnih odnosih z Yeltsinovim notranjim krogom, ter sta pet let vodila vodilni ameriški program v Rusiji, preko katerega sta pomagala prodati tisoče državnih podjetij, pomagala preoblikovati sovjetske zakone in pomagala ustvariti kapitalske trge. Hkrati pa sta Hay in Shleifer zadolžena za promocijo, med drugim, ”zahodnih idealov fair-playa”. Po teh razkritjih je USAID ukinil Harvardski projekt, ter sporočil obširno preiskavo. Afera je poslabšala odnose med Moskvo in Washingtonom, namestnik premierja Anatolij Chubais pa je zavračal obtožbe in označil preiskavo za zaroto, ki so jo ustvarili tisti v ZDA, kateri ne podpirajo ideje o ruskih radikalnih reformah. Po izbruhu škandala je Sachs odstavil tako Shleiferja kot Haya iz H.I.I.D. Poleg tega pa so nekateri v Rusiji videli Shleiferja in Haya kot žrtvi grenkega boja za nadzor nad ruskim delniškim trgom, ki se je bil med rusko centralno banko in med Rusko zvezno varnostno komisijo. Oba harvardska moža sta služila tudi kot ključna svetovalca šefu varnostne komisije.
Tedanja svetovalca ruske vlade za funkcije vrednostnih papirjev sta bili tudi podjetji KPMG in Price Waterhouse, obe preko Resource Secretariat, katerega je vzpostavil H.I.I.D, financiral pa USAID. Pri Resource Secretariat je bil ključen Richard Bernard iz z Rockefellerji tesno povezane elitne Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP. Resource Secretariat pa je sodeloval tudi z Rockefellerjevo Chase Manhattan in s Credit Suisse First Boston, kateri sta si prizadevali pridobiti odskočno desko na novem obljubljajočem hitro rastočem trgu. Hay, kateremu je veliko izkušenejši in bolj strokoven Bernard povedal o nepravilnostih in korupciji pri Russian Project, je začel Bernardu zmanjševati odgovornosti. Poleti leta 1995 je Hay zrežiral, da je Bernarda poklical Yeltsinov glavni pravni svetovalec Orekhov in mu povedal, da ne bo obdržal svoje službe. Shleifer pa je potrdil Bernardovo odpustitev.
V odboju 1991-1992, ko je Yeltsinova vlada prevzela sovjetska sredstva, je krožilo več privatizacijskih shem. Tisto, ki jo je sprejel Vrhovni Sovjet leta 1992 je bila sestavljena tako, da je preprečevala korupcijo, vendar pa je bil program, ki ga je kasneje izvajal Chubais takšen, da je vzpodbujal kopičenje lastnine v nekaj rokah, ter odprl vrata razširjeni korupciji. Chubais je moral na koncu za izvršitev računati v glavnem le ne Yeltsinove predsedniške uredbe, ne pa na parlamentarno odobritev. Veliko ameriških uradnikov je sprejemalo ta diktatorski modus operandi, poleg tega pa so Jonathan Hay in njegovi pomočniki oblikovali veliko od teh uredb. S pomočjo svetovalcev H.I.I.D.-ja in ostalih zahodnjakov, so Chubais in njegovi kroniji vzpostavili omrežje ”privatnih organizacij”, financiranih preko pomoči, katere so jim omogočale, da so zaobšli zakonite vladne agencije, ter tudi zaobšli novi ruski parlament, Dumo. Preko tega omrežja sta dva Chubaisova družabnika, eden od njiju Maxim Boycko je so-avtor prej omenjene knjige Privatizing Russia, drugi pa je bil Dmitry Vasiliev, nadzirala okoli $300 milijonov denarja od pomoči, ter več milijonov dolarjev od posojil od mednarodnih finančnih inštitucij. Večina tega denarja od pomoči je tekla preko moskovskega Russian Privatization Center (R.P.C.), nastalega leta 1992. R.P.C. je nastal pod vodstvom Chubaisa, ki je bil kasneje tudi predsedujoč upravi, kljub temu, da je vodil G.K.I., novi ruski privatizacijski odbor, katerega višji pravni svetovalec leta 1991 je bil Jonathan Hay, ko je bil še na Harvard Law School. Kasneje, leta 1992 pa je Hay postal H.I.I.D.-jev generalni direktor pri G.K.I.-ju. S tem je Hay pridobil izjemno moč nad pogodbami in programi, ter nadzoroval dostop do Chubaisovega kroga in bil njihov zagovornik. Boycko je bil generalni direktor od R.P.C.-ja večino njegovega obstoja. R.P.C. je deloval kot pravno zasebna, neprofitna, nevladna organizacija, katera je nastala s še eno od Yeltsinovih uredb in je pomagala izvajati vladno politiko glede inflacije in ostalih makroekonomskih zadev, poleg tega pa se je tudi pogajala za posojila z mednarodnimi finančnimi inštitucijami. Ustanovitelj od R.P.C. je bil H.I.I.D., Andrei Shleifer pa je bil član direktorske uprave. Ostali člani direktorske uprave so bili Chubaisovi izbranci. R.P.C. pa je pomagal osnovati tudi Ira Lieberman iz World Bank. S pomočjo H.I.I.D.-ja je R.P.C. dobil 45 milijonov dolarjev od USAID in več milijonov dolarjev od Evropske Unije, posameznih evropskih vlad, Japonske in ostalih držav, kot tudi posojila od World Bank v višini $59 milijonov, in od European Bank for Reconstruction and Development v višini $43 millijonov, ki jih morajo odplačati Rusi. Eden od rezultatov tega financiranja je bil obogatitev Chubaisa in njegovih zaveznikov, ki je bila tako finančna, kot tudi politična.
H.I.I.D. pa je pomagal ustvariti še več s pomočjo financiranih institucij. Ena od teh je bila Zvezna komisija za vrednostne papirje, ustanovljena s predsednikovo uredbo, vodil pa jo je Chubaisov varovanec Dmitry Vasiliev. Komisija, ki je imela sicer zelo omejena izvršilna pooblastila in financiranje, vendar je USAID oskrboval denar zanjo preko dveh s strani Harvarda ustanovljenih institucij, ki so jih vodili Hay, Vasiliev in ostali člani iz tega Harvardovega-Chubaisovega kroga. Drugi je bil Institute for Law-Based Economy (I.L.B.E.), ki sta ga financirala USAID in World Bank. Inštitut ustanovljen, da bi pomagal razvijati pravni in nadzorni okvir za trge, se je razvil tako, da je zaobjemal pripravo odlokov za rusko vlado. Inštitut je dobil $20 milijonov od USAID. Avgusta leta 1997 pa so njegovi ruski direktorji odstranili za okoli $500,000 vredno ameriško pisarniško opremo iz poslovalnice v Moskvi, ki so jo vrnili šele po več tedenskih ameriških pritiskih. Poleg tega pa I.L.B.E. ni hotel predati zapiskov in dokumentacije USAID-ovi reviziji.
Hay je uporabil svoj vpliv, kot tudi finančne vire od USAID-a, da je pomagal svojemu dekletu in kasnejši ženi Elizabeth Hebert, da je v Rusiji ustanovila vzajemni sklad Pallada Asset Management. Pallada je bil prvi vzajemni sklad, ki ga je registrirala Zvezna komisija za vrednostne papirje, ki jo je vodil Vasiliev. Vasiliev je odobril Pallado pred veliko vplivnejšima in etabiliranima Credit Suisse First Boston in Pioneer First Voucher. Nato so Hay, Hebertova in Vasiliev s pomočjo virov in financ od I.L.B.E. ustanovili zasebno svetovalno podjetje z davkoplačevalskim denarjem. Ena od prvih strank je bila Shleiferjeva žena Nancy Zimmerman, ki je vodila hedge fund s sedežem v Bostonu, in kateri je na veliko trgoval z ruskimi obveznicami.
Leta 1995 je Anatoly Chubais organiziral insajdersko dražbo glavnega državnega premoženja, znane kot loans-for-shares. Edini tuji pravni osebi, katerima je bila dovoljena udeležba na dražbi sta bila George Soros in Harvard Management Company (H.M.C.), katera investira univerzitetne donacije. H.M.C. in Soros sta postala pomembna delničarja od podjetij Novolipetsk, ruske druge največje jeklarne in od Sidanko Oil, katerega rezerve so presegale Mobilove. H.M.C. in Soros pa sta investirala tudi v ruski visoko donosni domači trg obveznic, subvencioniran s strani IMF-a. Še bolj sumljiv pa je bil po pisanju Anne Williamson Sorosov nakup 25% plus enega deleža od podjetja Sviazinvest, telekomunikacijskega giganta, ki ga je kupil v partnerstvu z Vladimirjem Potaninom, lastnikom podjetja Uneximbank. Soros je v podjetje investiral 980 milijonov dolarjev in kasneje, leta 2001 dejal, da je to bila njegova najslabša investicija. Kasneje se je izvedelo, da je Soros malo pred tem nakupom v zakulisju pokril posojilo Yeltsinovi vladi v višini nekaj sto milijonov dolarjev, medtem ko je vlada čakala na izkupiček izdaje evroobveznic. Kot se zdi sedaj je bilo posojilo namenjeno za nakup Norilsk Nickel s strani Uneximbank, avgusta 1997. Lastniki Norilsk Nickela pa so ruski oligarhi Oliver Potanin, Oleg Deripaska in Roman Abramovich, vsi tesno povezani z liberalnim establišmentom. Ameriški program pomoči v Rusiji je bil poln takšnih navzkrižij interesov, v katere so bili vključeni H.I.I.D.-jevi svetovalci in njihovi s strani USAID-a financirani Chubaisovi zavezniki, H.M.C. jevi menedžerji, favorizirani ruski bankirji, Soros in izseljenci z notranjimi informacijami, ki so delali na ruskih nastajajočih trgih.
Kljub razkritjem te korupcije v ruskih medijih in jasno, z veliko večjim oklevanjem v ameriških medijih, je H.I.I.D.-jevo-Chubaisova klika še nekaj časa ostala glavni instrument ameriške politike ekonomske pomoči Rusiji. Ta je uporabila tudi skupino na visoki ravni Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission, katera je pomagala zrežirati kooperacijo Ameriško-Ruskih naftnih sporazumov in vesoljsko postajo Mir. Preko komisije pa je obstajal tudi Capital Markets Forum, kjer sta bila predsedujoča na ruski strani Chubais, Vasiliev, na ameriški strani pa predsedujoči od SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) Arthur Levitt Jr. (CFR; Goldman Sachs; Carlyle Group; AIG; Bloomberg LP) in sekretar za finance Robert Rubin. Andrei Shleifer je bil imenovan za posebnega koordinatorja vseh štirih delovnih skupin od Capital Markets Forum. Hayevo dekle Hebertova, je služilo v dveh podskupinah, kot tudi direktorji od Salomon Brothers, Merrill Lynch in ostalih investicijskih hiš iz Wall Streeta.
Maja 1997 sta Hay in Shleifer izgubila svoj $14 milijonov vreden projekt pri H.I.I.D.-ju, ko je na začetku leta 1997 USAID dobila dokumente o njunih aktivnosti v Rusiji, preko katerih sta bila vpletena v zasebne dobičke. Hay pa je poleg vsega ostalega, skupaj s svojim očetom izkoriščal notranje informacije, preko katerih sta investirala v ruske vladne obveznice. Tudi po obtožbah je Hay ostal član Chubaisove klike v Rusiji, Shleifer pa profesor na Harvardu.
Po tistem, ko je na začetku leta 1996 Chubais zaradi svojih nepriljubljenih reform izgubil svoj visoki položaj v Yeltsinovi vladi, ga je odrešil H.I.I.D. in ga postavil na svojo plačilno listo, financirano s strani USAID-a. To odločitev je podpiral tudi takratni pomožni administrator pri USAID Thomas Dine (CFR; AIPAC; Brookings Institute; Committee for the Liberation of Iraq; Israel Policy Forum; Freedom House; Search for Common Ground; American Friends of the Czech Republic; U.S.-Musilm Engagement Project; Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty; Vaclav Havel Foundation). Ambasador Richard Morningstar (CFR; New Global Energy Center – Atlantic Council; Albright Stonebridge Group; Eurasia Foundation; Council of American Ambassadors; Institute for International Studies – Stanford University; Concordia Summit; Kosovo-America Educational Foundation), ki je bil tedaj posebni Clintonov in Christopherjev svetovalec za področje nekdanje Sovjetske zveze je takole zagovarjal ameriško oz. mednarodno podporo korupciji in oligarhiji –
»If we hadn’t been there to provide funding to Chubais, could we have won the battle to carry out privatization? Probably not. When you’re talking about a few hundred million dollars, you’re not going to change the country, but you can provide targeted assistance to help Chubais.«12
Tudi Lawrence Summers ni skoparil s hvalnicami na račun Chubaisa in njegove (harvardske) klike, ki jo je imenoval Dream team.
Jonathana Haya in Andreija Shleiferja, kot tudi njegovo ženo Nany Zimmerman so ameriške oblasti obsodile. Hay je pred svojim priznanjem krivde na sodišču v Bostonu grozil ruskim novinarjem, ki so preiskovali njegove dejavnosti. Hay je moral plačati kazen v višini več milijonov $, podobno kazen sta dobila tudi Shleifer in njegova žena. Harvard University je morala plačati $26,5 milijona kazni. V obsodbi tudi piše, da je Hay v prihodnosti izključen od prejemanja plačil od USAID. Vendar temu ni tako.
Delovanje liberalnega establišmenta in Sachsa v Ukrajini
nadaljevanje od dogajanja v Rusiji …
Jonathana Haya (Rhodes Scholar), ki ga je Putin leta 2013 obtožil, da je v 90ih v Rusiji skupaj s Harvardovo skupino in Chubaisem deloval kot agent od CIA, pa najdemo leta 1999 in kasneje v ukrajinski podružnici poljskega anti-ruskega (anti-Putinovega) think tanka The Centre for Social and Economic Research (CASE)13, kjer je član nadzornega odbora. Financer projektov od CASE tudi USAID. Leta 1999 nastali CASE Ukraine, čeprav podružnica od CASE, se ima za naslednika skupine, ki je bila financirana s strani Harvarda in je delovala v obdobju med 1996-1999. CASE Ukraine pa se je leta 2007 Hayu, kot predsedniku od The Law Reform Institute, tudi posebno zahvalil za njegov prispevek pri poročilu Overview of Gas Market in Ukraine14
Hay pa je bil strokovnjak tudi pri Task Force on Economic Reform Strategy (Blue Ribbon Commission II Project cont.)15 od CASE Ukraine; financer projekta je bil UNDP.16
Pri CASE se je Hay ponovno združil z Jeffreyem Sachsom, ki je član svetovalnega odbora, skupaj s še nekaterimi pomembnimi sodelavci liberalnega establišmenta, ki so tesno povezani s Peterson Institute for International Economics oz. z Rockefellerjevim in Sorosovim omrežjem –
- Lord Nicholas Stern (Peterson Institute for International Economics; Oxford Martin School; Global Policy Journal; G20 Eminet Persons Group on Global Finance Governance; Avoided Deforestation Partners; Energy Transition Commission; Climate One – Commonwealth Club of California; Global Commission on the Economy and Climate / New Climate Economy; High-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing – United Nations Climate Change Conference, Copenhagen; Grantham Research Institute – London School of Economics; China Investment Corporation; China Finance 40 Forum; TED Conferences; World Economic Forum; HSBC; EBRD; World Bank);
- Anders Aslund (Bilderberg Group; Trilateral Commission – Europe; Atlantic Council; Peterson Institute for International Economics; Eurasia Foundation; Georgetown University; Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Brookings Institution; Woodrow Wilson Center; Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Russian Privatization Center; Colloquium on the Former Soviet Union for the Exectutive Directors of World Bank; Carnegie Moscow Center; Economics Education and Research Consortium – Ukrajina; U.S.-Ukraine Business Council; U.S.-Ukraine Foundation; Project Syndicate; World Economic Forum; Oslo Freedom Forum; Yalta European Strategy; Warsaw Security Forum; Group of 50), skupaj s Sachsom in Davidom Liptonom delal v Rusiji kot svetovalec od Yeltsina;
- Fabrizio Coricelli (Institute for New Economic Thinking – Soros/Rockefeller; Central European University – Soros; Centre for Economic Policy Research; Paris School of Economics; EBRD; World Bank; IMF; pisec prispevkov za World Economic Forum; European Commission);
- Daniel Gros (Central European University – Soros; Centre for European Policy Studies; European Commission; Bocconi University – Mario Monti; Europe Policy Group – World Economic Forum; IMF; Kiel Institute for the World Economy; Project Syndicate; Information and Technology Innovation Foundation; Fulbright-Schuman Scholar);
- Simon Johnson (Peterson Institute for International Economics; National Bureau of Economic Research; MIT Sloan School of Management; Centre for Economic Policy Research; IMF; member of the Joe Biden’s presidential transition Agency Review Team; Project Syndicate); kot tudi
- Vladimir Mau (član direktorske uprave od Gazprom; emeritus ekonomist Ruske federacije; European Forum Alpbach);
- Susan Schadler (Royal Institute of International Affairs; Center for International Governance Innovation; Global Strategic Advisors; St. Anthony’s College – Oxford University; IMF);
- Wing Thye Woo (Harvard Institute for International Development; Earth Institute – Sachs; Asia Foundation; Millennium Project – United Nations; Distinguished Fellow – Institute of Strategic and International Studies).
Pomemben upravljalec od CASE pa je poljska anti-ruska družina Balcerowicz. Leszek Balcerowicz, nekdanji poljski minister za finance in namestnik premierja (1989-1991, 1997-2001) je profesor na Warsaw School of Economics; bil predsedujoči odboru (1992-2000) in član odbora od CASE (1992-2017); bil predsedujoči od National Bank of Poland (2001–2007); član od Rockefellerjeve Group of Thirty; član uprave super elitnega Peterson Institute for International Economics; član uprave od Bruegel; upravitelj od Institute of International Finance; ustanovitelj in predsedujoči od Civil Development Forum Foundation; bil svetovalec (2016-2017) ukrajinskega predsednika (Petro Poroshenko) in so-predsedujoči od Group of Strategic Advisors on the Support for Reforms in Ukraine (Soros – Open Society Foundations)17; častni član uprave od Scope Foundation (Jean-Claude Trichet – Trilateral Commission); udeleženec od European Forum Alpbach; bil govorec pri Munich Economic Summit (Jeffrey Sachs, Jean-Claude Trichet, Axel Weber, Anatole Kaletsky, William Drozdiak, Ursula von der Leyen; Bill McDermott – SAP, Demetrios Papademitrou – Open Society Foundations). Balcerowitz po Jeffreyu Sachsu skupaj z nekaterimi poljskimi ekonomisti leta 1989 predstavil The Balcerowicz Plan, oziroma “Shock Therapy“. Soros je v tem obdobju tesno sodeloval s Sachsom, ter financiral njegovo delo na Poljskem preko svoje Stefan Batory Foundation. Poleg tega pa je Soros sodeloval tudi s Prof. Stanislawom Gomulko, ki je postal svetovalec od Balcerowicza pri njegovem planu.
Balcerowitz je bil decembra 2007 govorec pri The Center on Capitalism and Society – Columbia University, ki je potekala pri Council on Foreign Relations. So-ustanovitelji centra leta 2001 so bili Jospeh Stiglitz, Andrzej Rapaczyński (član uprave od Sorosove Stefan Batory Foundation; njegova žena Wanda Rapaczynski članica od Trilateral Commission), Edmund Phelps (CFR; RAND Corporation; Digital Economics Group – World Economic Forum; Project Syndicate), Roman Frydman (Institute for New Economic Thinking; Project Syndicate; New York University), Amar Bhide (CFR; McKinsey & Company; Harvard Business School; Project Syndicate), Richard Nelson (Institute for New Economic Thinking; RAND Corporation; President’s Council of Economic Advisors), Glenn Hubbard (CFR; Economic Club of New York; American Enterprise Institute; G. W. Bush – Council of Economic Advisors; BlackRock; KKR; MetLife Inc.), Bruce Greenwald (First Eagle Investment Management – Soros), Merritt Fox (CFR), Pentti Kouri (Sorosov investitor na Finskem; član uprave od Nokia). Januarja leta 2002 postane Jeffrey Sachs član od centra, septembra istega leta pa se center pridruži Earth Institute, ki ga vodi Sachs. Center vodi konference, katere se v različnih obdobjih udeležijo Paul Volcker, Stanley Fischer, George Soros, Josef Ackerman, Christine Lagarde, Karl-Otto Pöhl, Günther Oettinger (Bilderberg Group – 2018; German Council on Foreign Relations; Deloitte Deutschland), Lawrence Summers, Merit Janow, Peter Thiel, Emma Rothschild.
Kot je razvidno iz vidnejših članov od CASE, so ti tesno povezani z organizacijami liberalnega establišmenta, od super elitnega PIIE, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Atlantic Council, kot tudi z raznimi Sorosovimi, kot je to Open Society Foundations, Institute for New Economic Thinking, Central European University in Project Syndicate, katerega financer je Soros.
Financerji raznih projektov od CASE so bili leta 201918 Evropska komisija (največji skozi leta), Evropski parlament, Evropska Unija, Poljska, PwC; leta 201819 tudi nizozemsko zunanje ministrstvo; leta 201720 med vidnejšimi financerji Soros Foundation Kazakhstan, International Visegrad Fund, Centre For European Policy Studies; leta 201621 ponovno Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan; leta 201522 OECD; leta 201423 USAID; ter Ford Foundation24
V zunanje omrežje od CASE pa spada tudi pro-migracijsko/pro-globalizacijsko združenje raznih evropskih think tankov The Policy Association for an Open Society (PASOS), ki tesno sodeluje s Sorosovo Open Society Foundations.
Jonathan Hay je preko CASE Ukraine in s financiranjem od UNDP tako sodeloval pri usposabljanju ukrajinskega političnega vodstva –
»… we have also continued to provide high level and timely advice through projects organized by CASE in cooperation with other organisations in the CASE Network or with institutional organisations. In this respect, we are particularly proud of our contribution to the comprehensive plan of reforms for Ukraine following the Orange Revolution: UNDP Blue Ribbon Commission Report “Proposals to the President – A New Wave of Reforms.” Our recommendations were favourably received by the new political leadership of the country. Following this success, CASE has contributed its expertise to similar reports in other countries in transition. … After the Orange Revolution, the new leadership of Ukraine expressed its interest in elaborating new concepts of economic policy and economic reform using the expertise and experience of both international and Ukrainian experts. This resulted in the organization of the International Expert Group (IEG). … The policy advice provided by the IEG has been built, to a significant extent, on the basis of the UNDP Blue Ribbon Commission Report “Proposals to the President – A New Wave of Reforms,” which was favorably received by the new political leadership of Ukraine. … April 23-25, Kiev. Marek Dabrowski, Anders Aslund, Jonathan Hay, Aleksandr Paskhaver, Oleksandr Rohozynsky, Vladimir Dubrovskiy and other experts took part in the UNDP Strategic Retreat on Ukraine’s Reforms. The purpose of this high-level meeting with key Ukraine’s policymakers was to discuss key problems of Ukraine’s economic and institutional reforms after the Orange Revolution and in the context of Ukraine’s strategic plans for Euro-Atlantic integration.«25; (PDF) str. 4, 10, 33
So-predsedujoči od International Expert Group je bil Kálmán Mizsei, ki je v tem obdobju (2001-2006) služil kot UNDP Regional Director for Europe and the CIS. Poleg tega pa je bil Mizsei pridruženi profesor na Sorosovi Central European University in so-predsedujoči od Roma Policy Board in predsedujoči od Making the Most of EU Funds for the Roma pri Open Society Institute/Open Society Foundations. Pred tem, od leta 1992-1995 pa je Mizdei služil kot predsednik za ekonomski program pri elitnem EastWest Institute, v Washingtonu. Člani uprave od EastWest Institute so/bili častni predsedujoči George H. W. Bush, častni predsedujoči Helmut Kohl, so-predsedujoči Martti Ahtisaari, predsedujoči Bertholtz Beitz, John Kluge, Alexander Voloshin, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Mustafa Koc, Lord Weidenfeld, predsedujoči Ross Perot Jr., Sarah Perot, Michael Chertoff, General James L. Jones, Joseph Nye, James C. Whitehead, Wolfgang Ischinger, predsednik in predsedujoči Giuseppe Scognamiglio, predsedujoči Francis Finlay, direktor emeriti Stephen B Heintz (Rockefeller Brothers Fund). Mizsei pa je bil v obdobju od 1997 do 2001 direktor od Greenbergove AIG Global Investment Group for Central and Eastern Europe. Greenberg pomemben predstavnik liberalnega establišmenta, ter tesno povezan z Davidom Rockefellerjem, Henryem Kissingerjem in Petrom Petersonom iz Blackstone Group.
Udeleženci ustanovne večerje od Orange Circle, ki je bila leta 2005 in kasneje tesno vpeta v obdobje po Oranžni revolucij in v ukrajinske reforme, so bili Zbigniew Brzezinski, Madeleine Albright, Carla Hills, Vitali Klitschko, Viktor Yushchenko, kot tudi prej omenjeni Kálmán Mizsei. Člani mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Orange Circle pa so bili Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carl Bild (Sorosov agent), Bruce Jackson (CFR; Lockheed Martin; Munich Security Conference; Henry Jackson Society; Committee for the Liberation of Iraq; Project for the New American Century; Center for Security Policy; International Institute for Strategic Studies), Emma Bonino (Open Society Foundation; European Council on Foreign Relations), Vaclav Havel (Trilateral Commission; New Atlantic Initiative; International Committee for Democracy in Cuba), Timothy C. Draper (njegov oče je William Draper III), William G. Miller (CFR; International Institute of Strategic Studies; Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation) in ostali.
Solntsevskaya Bratva
Vodilni ruski oligarhi, med katere spada tudi Anatoly Chubais, pa so tesno povezani z rusko zionistično oligarsko mafijo Solntsevskaya Bratva, katere vodje so Sergey Mikhailov, Viktor Averin in Semion Mogilevich. S Solntsevskayo Bratvo pa so zelo tesno povezani, pogosto pa tudi obtoženi, da so člani –
- Robert Maxwell (The Global Panel; Club of Rome; lastnik od Daily Mirror; domnevni agent KGB – FBI; njegova hčerka Ghislaine Maxwell vpletena v pedofilske dejavnosti Jeffreya Epsteina),
- Edmond Safra (1001 Club; B’nai B’rith; Jewish Agency for Israel; UJA Federaton of NY),
- Vadim Rabinovich (European Council of Jewish Communities; All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress; United Jewish Community of Ukraine; European Jewish Union; European Jewish Parliament),
- Pyotr Aven (Genesis Philanthropy Group; Russian Geographical Society; Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy; Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; Alfa Group – Mikhail Fridman),
- Mikhail Fridman (IAB – CFR; World Economic Forum; Global Perspectives – Letter One; Alfa Group; Yalta European Strategy; Russian Jewish Congress; European Jewish Fund; Genesis Philanthropy Group; Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center),
- German Khan (Russian Jewish Congress; Genesis Philanthropy Group; European Jewish Fund; Alfa Group; Rosneft International; Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center);
- Oleg Deripaska (Munich Security Conference; China Development Forum; World Economic Forum; Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs – Harvard; Internatioanl Economic Forum of the Americas; Russian Geographical Society; St. Peterburg International Economic Forum; Rusal; Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Advisory Council – Putin; Dialogue – Europe – Russia; Norilsk Nickel – 28%; Magna International; financer od CFR; financer od Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; financer od Breaking the Climate Deadlock; tesno povezan z družino Rothschild),
- Alisher Usmanov (Russian Geographical Society; Moscow State Institute of International Relations; Gorchakov Fund; Soviet Committee for the Defense of Peace; St. Peterburg International Economic Forum; Norilsk Nickel),
- Andrei Skoch,
- Lev Kvetnoy,
- Roman Abramovich (World Economic Forum; Federation of Jewish Communities in Russia; Moscow Jewish Museum; Norilsk Nickel; povezan z družino Rothschild),
- Anatoly Chubais (član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od CFR; udeleženec zasedanja od skupine Bilderberg, 1998, 2012; udeleženec od World Economic Forum; član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Rockefellerjeve JP Morgan Chase; udeleženec od U.S.-Russia Business Council; so-predsedujoči od E.U.-Russia Industrialists’ Roundtable; bil govorec o privatizaciji pri Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1999; član od Russian Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; član od Russian-Arab Business Council; udeleženec od The Russia Forum; nadzoroval privatizacijo od Norilsk Nickel; generalni direktor od Rusnano),
- Michael Cherney (Michael Cherney Foundation; ključni so-ustanovitelj od Jerusalem Summit; ključni so-ustanovitelj od Intelligence Summit),
- Yury Luzhkov (U.S.-Russia Business Council; Russian Geographical Society; nekdanji župan Moskve),
- Vladimir Yevtushenkov (Russian Geographical Society; Russian Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; Russian-Arab Business Council),
- Evgeny Novitsky.
- Družina Rothschild je tesno povezana s posamezniki iz tega kroga.
Pomembne povezave Jeffreja Sachsa
Jeffrey Sachs je –
- član od Counil on Foreign Relations, 1981 – ;
- udeleženec od zasedanja Bilderberg Group, 1990;
- član od elitnega Bretton Woods Committee (Morton Abramowitz, Paul Volcker, Maurice Greenberg, Peter Peterson, Lee Hamilton, Henry Kissinger, Paul Volcker, Henry Kravis, Frank Carlucci, James Baker III, Michael Blumenthal, George Soros, David Rockefeller, Lawrence Summers);
- član in ekonomski svetovalec od elitnega Brookings Institution;
- bil raziskovalec pri National Bureau of Economic Research;
- direktor od Center for Global Development (načrti kako bo World Bank delovala v prihodnosti; člani Joseph Stiglitz, Robert McNamara, Timothy F. Geithner, Lawrence Summers, Marc Malloch-Brown, Robert Mosbacher Jr.);
- član svetovalne uprave od elitnega Peterson Institute for International Economics (direktor in predsednik je bil David Rockefeller; Peter G. Peterson, George Soros, Conrad Black, Robert Zoellick, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, George Shultz, Maurice Greenberg, Paul Volcker, Carla Hills, Allan Greenspan, Jacob Wallenberg, Jean-Claude Trichet, Lawrence Summers, Timothy Geithner, Karl Otto Pohl, Stephen Schmidheiny, Peter Sutherland, Mario Monti, Renato Ruggiero, Victor Pinchuk, Joseph Stiglitz, Thierry de Montbrial, Paul Krugman, Jason Furman);
- član ustanovne svetovalne uprave od Institute for New Economic Thinking (ustanovni financerji: George Soros – 50 milijonov $, Paul Volcker, David Rockefeller, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Carnegie Corporation; vodstvo/svetovalci/člani – Joseph Stiglitz, Drummond Pike, William Haneway, Eric Weinstein, Chris Canavan), 2009 – ;
- član od The Forum for the Future of Higher Education; član mednarodne svetovalne uprave pri SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (Mohammad Yunus);
- pisec za Project Syndicate (financer in pisec George Soros; Zbigniew Brzezinski, Richard Haass, Joseph Stiglitz, Joseph S. Nye, Kofi Annan); bil udeleženec od World Governement Summit – Dubai (Mohammad Yunus, Gordon Brown, Joseph Stiglitz, Barack Obama, Richard Branson, Peter Baron, Jordanska kraljica Raina, Francis Fukuyama);
- član od Cultural Change Institute – Tufts University;
- udeleženec od Clinton Global Initiative;
- član od Center for the Study of Science and Religion;
- član od leta 2012 ustanovljenega New York Leadership for Accountable Governemnt, skupaj z Davidom Rockefellerjem;
- udeleženec od World Economic Forum;
- član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Institute for International Integration Studies;
- član svetovalne uprave od Global Policy Journal (Anne-Marie Slaughter, Lord Nicholas Stern, Joseph Stiglitz, Pascal Lamy, Javier Solana, Theo Sommer – Die Zeit, George Soros, Muhammad Yunus) – Durham University;
- ugledni obiskovalec od American Academy in Berlin;
- višji svetovalec pri China Development Research Foundation; udeleženec od China Development Forum;
- član mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od Bund Summit, Shanghai;
- član od Global Development Advisory Panel – The Guardian;
- član mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od Mary Robinson Foundation – The Climate Justice;
- so-predsedujoči od OneNYC (Andy Darrell – Environmental Defense Fund; Donna DeCostanzo – Natural Resources Defense Council; Bill McKibben –; David Miller – C40 Cities; Emily Nobel Maxwell – The Nature Conservancy; Michael Northrop – Rockefeller Brothers Foundation) – Bill de Blasio;
- član uprave od Ban Ki Moon Centre for Global Citizens;
- komisar od Broadband Commission for Sustainbale Development;
- član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Antwerp Management School; direktor od Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization Initiative (Mary Robinson, Walter Isaacson; Martti Ahtisaari, Ernesto Zedillo);
- mednarodni ambasador od Religions for Peace (Richard Blum, Thomas McLarty III, Prince El-Hassan bin Talal, John Brademas, Steve Killela);
- član/govorec od European Academy of Diplomacy (Zbigniew Brzeziński, Mary Robinson, Micheil Saakaszwili, Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Radosław Sikorski);
- bil direktor od Center for International Development – Harvard University, 1995-1999;
- bil član od Biotechnology Advisory Council – Monsanto;
- strokovnjak od DeepMind AI – Google;
- član mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od Trias;
- bil govorec pri The Commonwealeth Club of California;
- bil govorec pri The Common Good;
- govorec pri UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations;
- bil govorec pri Munich Economic Summit;
- bil govorec pri Yalta European Strategy;
- govorec pri World Government Summit;
- govorec pri Leaders for Business;
- govorec pri Youth & Leadership Summit – Paris School of International Affairs of Sciences Po;
- govorec na konferenci pri American Renewable Energy Day;
- govorec pri Mediterranean Dialogues;
- govorec pri Global Bioeconomy Summit 2020;
- dobitnik od Marshall Visitor Program od International House (ustanovitelj in financer – John D. Rockefeller III; John J. McCloy, David Rockefeller, Paul Volcker, Henry Kissinger, John C. Whitehead, Frank Wisner II, George Ball, George Marshall, Gerald Ford).
- Sachsa je imel v svoji slavni beležki zapisanega tudi pedofil Jeffrey Epstein (nekdanji član od Trilateral Commission).
Ostale povezave Jeffreyja Sachsa
Jeffrey Sachs je direktor od Center for Sustainable Development – Earth Institute – Columbia University; bil direktor okoljevarstvenega Earth Institute (trajnostni razvoj; External Advisory Board – Bono U2, George Soros tudi financer, Mary Robinson)- Columbia University, 2002-2016; predsedujoč svetovalni upravi od Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment – Columbia University; bil Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development na University of Columbia; profesor od Health Policy and Management na University of Columbia; strokovnjak pri School of Internationl and Public Affairs (Joseph Stiglitz, Merit Janow; Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mary Robinson, David Rothkopf, Zalmay Khalilzad, Michael Armacost, Frederick Kempe) – Columbia University.
Sachs je bil posebni svetovalec pri generalnemu sekretarju UN-a Antóniu Guterresu (UN High Commissioner for Refuggees; Clinton Global Inititative; Socialist International; Club de Madrid; European Council on Foreign Relations – Soros; Friends of Europe; Global Agenda Council on Humanitarian Assistance – WEF) za Sustainable Development Goals, 2016-2018.
Pred tem pa je bil posebni svetovalec UN-a Ban Ki Moonu za Sustainable Development Goals in Millennium Development Goals, 2007-2016. Prav tako pa posebni svetovalec UN-a Kofiju Annanu za Millennium Development Goals, 2002-2006.
Sachs je bil direktor (2012-2019) in je član vodstvenega odbora, sekretarijata in omrežnega strateškega odbora od UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (Ted Turner, Laurence Tubiana, Peter Bakker, Jan Egeland – Norwegian Refugee Council, Tarja Halonen, James Hansen – The Earth Institute, Carin Jämtin – Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Vladimir Mau, Michelle Nunn, George Papandreou, Paul Polman, David Rosen – American Jewish Committee, Monsignor Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Andrew Steer – World Resources Institute, William Vendley – Religions for Peace; Emeritus Members – Prince Albert II, Frances Beinecke, Christiana Figueres, Jose Maria Figueres).
Sachs je bil komisar pri The Lancet Covid-19 Commission – UNSDSN; visoko-nivojski govorec pri Internet Governance Forum (António Guterres; Vint Cerf – Google; Latha Reddy – Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace) – UN, 2020; govorec pri Kapucinski Development Lectures (Joseph Stiglitz, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Francis Fukuyama, Carl Bildt, Thomas Piketty, Tony Blair, belgijska kraljica Mathilde, norveški princ Haakon, Aung San Suu Kyi, Alaa Murabit) – United Nations Development Programme; član svetovalne uprave od Futures of Education (Alice P. Albright, Gordon Brown, Cecilia Scharp – SIDA) – UNESCO; član visoko-nivojskega svetovalnega odbora od United Nations Alliance of Civilizations.
Član visoko-nivojske svetovalne uprave za ekonomske in socialne zadeve pri Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Joseph E. Stiglitz, Ernesto Zedillo) – UN; član zunanjega svetovalnega odbora od The Family Business Network – United Nations; član zagovornikov od Sustainable Development Goals (Erna Solberg, belgijska kraljica Mathilde, Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Richard Curtis, Jack Ma, Dia Mirza, Paul Polman) – United Nations; govorec pri Human Rights Council (Mary Robinson, Alaa Murabit) – UN.
Sachs je član direktorske upave od Millennium Promise Alliance (ustanovni so-financer George Soros – $50 milijonov za Millennium Promise za 33 Millennium Villages preko Soros Humanitarian Foundation; ostali financerji – Earth Institute, Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Center for Sustainable Development, The Brin Wojcicki Foundation GSK, Blue Chip Foundation, Oxfam) in direktor od Millennium Villages Project.
Član svetovalne uprave od Think 20 (T20) Argentina; član svetovalne uprave od Sense and Sustainability; raziskovalni strokovnjak od International Growth Center; član svetovalne uprave od 2030 Beyond; član mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od Trinity International Development Initiative (Mary Robinson) – Trinity College Dublin; član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od European Alpbach Forum (Pascal Lamy, Karel Schwarzenberg, Catherine Ashton, Alois von und zu Liechtenstein, Margot Wallström); član svetovalne uprave od Local Pathways Fellowship; član svetovalne uprave od Center for Internatioal Relations and Sustainable Development (Thierry de Montbrial, Shaukat Aziz, Li Wei, Sheikh Muhammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah); član svetovalne uprave od South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics; član svetovalnega odbora od Sustainable Development Institute – Monash University; član svetovalne uprave od Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose – University College London; predsednik od SDG Academy (flagship education platform of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network); član od GCI Global Advisory Council (Covid-19) – PEMANDU Associates; član globalnega odbora od CIPPEC; ugledni strokovnjak pri International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis v Laxenburgu, Avstrija; član globalnega svetovalnega odbora od Jio Institute, Indija.
Je avtor knjig The End of Poverty, Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet, The Price of Civilization, The Age of Sustainable Development, in zadnja knjiga Building the New American Economy: Smart, Fair & Sustainable.
Bil je svetovalec papeža Janeza Pavla II v Centesimus Annus, z Vatikanom pa tako kot Joseph Stiglitz, tesno sodeluje preko Pontifical Academy of Sciences in s Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences na teme trajnostnega razvoja in podobnih tem.
Occupy Wall Street
Sachs pa je bil tudi povabljeni pomembni govorec pri Occupy Wall Street, ki je del omrežja ”liberalne CIA”.
»“Widely considered to be the leading international economic adviser of his generation” (in the words of his official bio on the Columbia University website), the notorious Dr. Sachs was contracted by hard-line capitalist regimes from Bolivia to Russia. His task: to design an economic “shock treatment” that produced misery and death for untold numbers of working people.
Jeffrey Sachs gained notoriety for advocating and implementing what is now called “neoliberal” capitalist economics with a vengeance. Following in the footsteps of Milton Friedman’s “Chicago Boys” – who helped the dictator Augusto Pinochet in mid-1970s Chile starve workers and the poor for the greater glory of the “free market” – Sachs first made the spotlight as leader of the “Harvard Boys” who brought shock treatment economics to Bolivia in 1985.
Determined to smash the combative tin miners who were the backbone of the Andean country’s radical labor movement, newly elected president Víctor Paz Estenssoro and his ally, former military dictator Hugo Banzer, put forward a “new economic policy” which – in the words of the standard history of U.S.-Bolivia relations – “had a certain ‘made in the USA’ stamp about it”:
“Its primary architect was Jeffrey Sachs, a bright, brash, young Harvard professor whom the Los Angeles Times called ‘the Indiana Jones of economics.’ Its domestic manager was Planning Minister Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, a businessman who had spent so much time in the United States that he spoke Spanish with an accent. …
“The social costs…were immense…. Paz passed the costs of stabilization on to the lower classes. In the new era [of neoliberal economics], Paz looked to Sachs and Machiavelli…. The statistical details roll by too quickly for an outsider to fully grasp the human costs. In 1986 the purchasing power of the average Bolivian was down 70 percent…. Unemployment reached 20-25 percent, and nearly all social welfare benefits to workers were swept away.” …
The assault on Bolivian workers was embodied in the most hated piece of legislation in the country’s history: Supreme Decree 21060, which virtually illegalized strikes while shutting the mines, firing the vast majority of miners and “relocating” more than 20,000 of them to tropical areas. “Following the advice of Harvard economist Jeffrey Sachs, whose neoliberal ‘shock treatments’ would later be applied to Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union to devastating effect, [it] cut government spending, overhauled the monetary system – thereby bringing a halt to hyperinflation while plunging the economy into recession – and encouraged foreign investment …”«
Svetovalec Josepha Borrella
Sachs je posebni svetovalec od visokega predstavnika in pod-predsednika Evropske komisije Josepa Borrella Fontelesa, ki je –
- član uprave upraviteljev od European Movement International (José Manuel Barroso, Pat Cox, Jacques Delors, Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Mario Monti, Karel Schwarzenberg, Herman Van Rompuy, Guy Verhofstadt; Paul-Henry Spaak, Robert Schuman, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, Joseph H. Retinger);
- član direktorske uprave od Notre Europe (Jacques Delors, Pascal Lamy, Enrico Letta, Etienne Davignon, Vitorino Antonio, Karel Van Miert, Javier Solana, Antoniette Spaak, Barbara Spinelli);
- emeritus član uprave od Reporters Without Borders (financerji leta 2019 – Ford Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Omidyar Network, National Endowment for Democracy, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, SIDA, Evropska komisija, Adessium Foundation, Fritt Ord)26, str. 32;
- bil predsedujoči od Global Progressive Forum, 2007-2011;
- član od Partido Socialista Obrero Español (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party).
- član svetovalnega odbora in udeleženec od super elitne Munich Security Conference (George Soros, Federica Mogherini, Prince Turki Al Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Oliver Bäte, Carl Bildt, Jane Harman, John F. Kerry, David Miliband, Radosław Sikorski, Javier Solana, Alexander Soros, Admiral James G. Stavridis; pomembnejši udeleženci – Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, Paula Dobriansky, Brent Scowcroft, General James L. Jones, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Strobe Talbott, James Woolsey, David Petraeus, Alex Karp, Peter Thiel, Lord Charles Powell, Lord Kerr of Kinlochard, Malcolm Rifkind, Wolfgang Ischinger, Joschka Fischer, Josef Joffe, Angela Merkel, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, Marcus Wallenberg, Thierry de Montbrial, Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein), 2020;
- udeleženec od Cybersec European Cybersecurity Forum (Leon Panetta – CIA, Beyza Unal – Chatham House, Marta Poslad – Google; General Keith Alexander).
Fonteles pa se je leta 2020 udeležil tudi evropskega srečanja od Trilateral Commission (udeleženci – Lawrence Summers, Cecilia Malmström, Jean-Claude Trichet, Angela Merkel, Mario Monti, Carl Bildt, Enrico Letta). Leta 2020 pa se je Borrell udeležil virtualne konference od Sorosovega European Council on Foreign Relations (udeleženci – George Soros, Alexander Soros, Carl Bildt, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, Heiko Maas, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Mabel van Oranje, Ivan Krastev).
Borrell pa je tudi redni pisec za Project Syndicate, katerega financerji so –
»Project Syndicate’s public service mission has received support from the Open Society Foundations, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the MasterCard Foundation, the European Climate Foundation, the European Journalism Centre, the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation, the Heinrich Böll Stiftung, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, GAM, the Google Digital News Initiative, McKinsey Global Institute, the Nature Conservancy, and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network.«27
Robert Reich
Robert Reich – član uprave Sandersovega Sanders Institute in bil svetovalec Bernieja Sandersa.
Reich je študiral kot elitni Rhodes Scholar; pod Clintonom (Rhodes Scholar) bil US Secretary of Labor; bil direktor US Federal Trade Commission; bil ekonomski svetovalec Baracka Obame.
Reich je dobitnik nagrade Nelson Rockefeller Distinguished Public Service Award – Dartmouth College; dobitnik nagrade od Bruno-Kreisky Award za najboljšo politično knjigo leta Supercapitalism.
Nekaj vidnejših povezav Roberta Reicha –
- bil strokovnjak od International Leadership Forum (strokovnjak tudi John Macomber – Council on Foreign Relations; Pilgrims Society; Bretton Woods Committee; Carnegie Institution for Science; Harlan Cleveland – Aspen Institute; Council on Foreign Relations; Atlantic Council; Rhodes Scholar; Rockefeller University; Council for Excellence in Government; French-American Foundation; Alfalfa Club; Link Club; Atlantic Institute for International Relations; Lehman Brothers; McKinsey & Company; Chase Manhattan Bank) – Western Behavioral Sciences Institute;
- so-ustanovitelj in emeritus član uprave od Economic Policy Institute (Julianne Malveaux – Rockefeller Foundation, USA Today, US Council of Economic Advisers; Ruy Teixeira – Center for American Progress, The Century Foundation, Brookings Institution, Progressive Policy Institute; Richard L. Trumka – AFL-CIO);
- upravitelj od Economists for Peace and Security (Robert McNamara, Jospeh Stiglitz, Jason Furman, Robert Solow, George Papandreou);
- član svetovalne uprave od Roosevelt Institution (predsednik William vanden Heuvel; Katrina vanden Heuvel; Joseph Stiglitz; Larry Diamond; Todd Gitlin; John Podesta; John Brademas; Jonathan Soros; Dee Dee Myers);
- bil govorec pri Progressive Forum (Richard Dawkins, Lester Brown, Jane Goodall, Al Gore, Seymour Hersh, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., John Kerry, Nicholas Kristof, Bill McKibben, Bill Moyers, Nancy Pelosi, T. Boone Pickens, Robert Redfort, Cecile Richards – Planned Parenthod, Anthony Romero – ACLU, George Soros, Sonia Sotomayor, Gloria Steinem);
- večkratni govorec pri Commonwealth Club of Californica;
- član raziskovalne svetovalne uprave od Washington Center for Equitable Growth (člani izvršnega odbora – Laura D’Andrea Tyson, John Podesta, Jason Furman, Janet Yellen, Robert Solow; financiran s strani ”liberalne CIA”);
- avtor pri World Economic Forum.
- bil profesor na John F. Kennedy School of Government – Harvard University;
- upravitelj od Blum Center for Developing Economies (Jimmy Carter, Dalai Lama, Afsanheh Beschloss, Richard C. Blum, Steven Chu, Michelle Nunn, George Shultz, Laura D’Andrea Tyson, Thomas Daschle, Caio Koch-Weser) – University of California;
- član svetovalne uprave od Graduate School of Journalism (Daniel Ellsberg, Craig Newmark, Stephen M. Silberstein, Ernest James Wilson III, Esther Wojcicki);
- član svetovalnega odbora od Berkely Film Foundation (George Lucas, Abby Ginzberg, Linda Schacht).
Business Enterprise Trust
Reich je bil član direktorske uprave od Business Enterprise Trust, katerega ustanovitelja sta top sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” Norman Lear in elitni James E. Burke (CFR, Trilateral Commission, Sun Valley Meetings, Forstmann Little & Co. Conference, Johnson & Johnson, IBM, Partnership for a Drug-Free America, United Negro College Fund, Business Roundtable, Prudential Insurance Company, The Washington Post Company, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Urban Institute, Concord Coalition, President’s Commission on Executive Exchange, Children’s Scholarship Fund), leta 1989. Člani direktorske uprave in upravitelji so bili –
- Warren Buffett (CFR, Bohemian Grove, Urban Institute, Sun Valley Meetings, Microsoft CEO Summit, Financial Services Leadership Forum – NYPL, Good Clob/The Giving Pledge, 30% Club, Alfalfa Club, Augusta National Golf Club, Nuclear Threat Initiative, European Economic Round Table, Clinton Global Initiative, Concordia Summit, State of the World Forum conferences, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, večinski lastnik podjetja Coca Cola – Trilateral Commission),
- William T. Coleman Jr. (CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bretton Woods Committee, Brookings Institution, United Nations Association, National Committee to Unite Divided America – Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress, Urban Institute, Arms Control Action, National Commission on Choosing and Using Vice President – Miller Center of Public Affairs, Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation, Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Beta Kappa, NAACP, O’Melveny & Myers LLP),
- Katharine Graham (CFR, Trialteral Commission, Sun Valley Meetings, Bretton Woods Committee, Urban Institute, Rockefeller University, Microsoft CEO Summit, Committee for Economic Development, Commonwealth Club of California, Connecticut Forum, Washington Post),
- Henry B. Schact (Pilgrims Society, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Committee for Economic Development, Business & Society Program – Aspen Institute, Brookings Institution, The Business Council, Business Roundtable, Inter-American Dialogue, Resources for the Future, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Urban Institute, Bretton Woods Committee, Committee to Encourage Corprate Philanthropy, The Conference Board, Chase Manhattan Bank, Warburg Pincus, AT&T, Johnson & Johnson, CBS, New York Times Co., Yale University, Metropolitan Museum of Art),
- Robert A. Iger (Sun Valley Meetings, Walt Disney Co., Bloomberg Philanthropies, Partnership for a New American Economy, Paley Center for Media, WTC Memorial Foundation, Appen of Conscience Foundation, New Establishment Summit, Bloomberg Global Business Forum, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, ABC, Apple, Village Global),
- Sol M. Linowitz (CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bretton Woods Committee, Club of Rome, International Center for Economic Growth, American Academy of Diplomacy, Inter-American Dialogue, Americas Society/Council of the Americas, World Future Society, International Executive Service Corps, Pacific Council on International Policy, Century Association, Academy for Educational Development, Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict – Carnegie Corporation, Population Institute, Public Agenda, Commonwealth Club of California, Xerox, Time Inc., Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York),
- Douglas Fraser (United Auto Workers),
- James T. Lynn (CFR, Business Roundtable, Brookings Institution, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Gerald R Ford Foundation, President’s Commission to Study Capital Budgeting, Lazard Freres & Co., Aetna, Pfizer, TRW, Northrop Grumman),
- John T. Walton (Walmart, Walton Family Foundation, Children’s Scholarship Fund).
The Common Cause
Reich je član nacionalne vodstvene uprave od The Common Cause (Education Fund), katerega financerji so –
»American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) … Barbra Streisand Foundation … Bauman Family Foundation … Bullitt Foundation … Carnegie Corporation of New York … CREDO Mobile (Working Assets) … Democracy Fund … Ford Foundation … Foundation for the Carolinas (FFTC) … Gerbode Foundation … Gill Foundation … Hopewell Fund … Issue One … James Irvine Foundation … JEHT Foundation … Jennifer and Jonathan Allan Soros Foundation … John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation … Joyce Foundation … Justice at Stake … Justice at Stake Campaign … Leonard & Sophie Davis Fund … Naomi and Nehemiah Cohen Foundation … NEO Philanthropy … New Venture Fund … Newman’s Own Foundation … Open Society Foundations … Park Foundation … Piper Fund … Proteus Fund … Rockefeller Brothers Fund ... Rockefeller Foundation … Schumann Media Center … Tarbell Family Foundation … Thornburg Foundation … Tides Center … Voqal Fund (Instructional Telecommunications Foundation) … Wallace Global Fund … Western Conservation Action … Western Conservation Foundation … Woodtiger Fund … Z Smith Reynolds Foundation«28
The American Prospect
Reich je bil so-ustanovitelj, predsedujoči, ustanovni urednik in pisec od progresivnega The American Prospect, katerega financerji so prav tako organizacije, fundacije in skladi iz omrežja ”liberalne CIA” –
»American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) … American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) … American Federation of Teachers … Annie E. Casey Foundation … California Endowment … Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund … Ford Foundation … Foundation to Promote Open Society … International Brotherhood of Teamsters … JPB Foundation … Open Society Foundations … Ploughshares Fund … Proteus Fund … Rockefeller Brothers Fund … Schumann Media Center … Service Employees International Union … Stephen M. Silberstein Foundation … Surdna Foundation … United Steelworkers … W. K. Kellogg Foundation«29
»Institutional donors to The American Prospect Inc. include Schumann Center for Media and Democracy ($2,165,000 since 2001); New York Community Trust ($2,000,250 since 2003); Ford Foundation ($1,775,000 since 2002); Popplestone Foundation ($1,725,000 since 2003); Open Society Institute ($1,115,000 since 1999); John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation ($674,000 since 1999); Annie E. Casey Foundation ($539,000 since 2007); Rockefeller Foundation ($330,000 since 2000); Foundation to Promote Open Society ($300,000 since 2009); Carnegie Corp. of New York ($207,000 since 2007); Surdna Foundation ($200,000 since 2004); and W.K. Kellogg Foundation ($197,500 since 2012).«30, str. 7
The New Republic
Reich je bil sodelujoči urednik od progresivne revije The New Republic, ki spada v omrežje ”liberalne CIA” in vedno tesno povezana z liberalnim establišmentom.
Za revijo so v 80ih pisali vodilni neokonservativci (v glavnem tesno povezani z Young People’s Socialist League in Socialist Party of America), kot so Joshua Muravchik, Michael Ledeen, Edward Luttwak, Irving Kristol, Robert Kagan in Jeane Kirkpatrick.
Ustanovni urednik od The New Republic je bil Walter Lippmann (podpornik socializma od Fabian Society – britanska Labour Party), ki je bil ustanovni član od CFR, 1922-1970, in direktor, 1932-1937; bil član od neoliberalnega Mont Pelerin Society (Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, George Stigler, Sir Anthony Fisher, Otto van Habsburg, Max von Thurn und Taxis, Ed Feulner, Lord Ralph Harris, William Buckley Jr., Arthur Burns, Martin Feldstein, Niall Ferguson, Steve Forbes, Valery Giscard d’Estaing, Alan Greenspan, Charles Koch, Edwin Meese, Ludwig von Mises, Murry Rothbard, George Shultz, John Templeton); bil kolumnist od Today and Tomorrow, The New York Herald Tribune; bil kolumnist in urednik od The New York World; bil član od elitnega Cosmos Club.
The New Republic pa preko svojega tedanjega urednika Gilberta Harrisona (1956-1975) povezana z New World Foundation, katere so-ustanoviteljica je poleg Harrisona tudi elitna Anita McCormick Blaine. Harrison se je leta 1951 poročil z Anne Blaine, vnukinjo od Anite McCormick Blaine. Anitin mlajši brat Harold se je poročil z Edith Rockefeller, sestro od John D. Rockefellerja Jr. Harris pa bil tudi tesno povezan z ultra-liberalnim Cordom Meyerjem (Scroll & Key – Yale; CFR; Georgetown Set – CIA; United World Federalists), ki je bil pomemben operativec od CIA. Mary Pinchot Meyer, žena Corda Meyerja je razlagala, da sta njen mož in Harrison skupaj z njunimi družabniki del od OSS/CIA, ki vedno spletkarijo, da dobijo lastnega najljubšega predsedniškega kandidata v Belo hišo. Mary je bila ljubica od Johna Kennedya, ter tudi skrivnostno umrla leta 1964. Cord Meyer pa je bil po pisanju Deborah Davis v njeni knjigi Katharine the Great, glavni operativec od ‘Operation Mockingbird’, preko katere je liberalni establišment/CIA na skrivaj vplival na domače in tuje medije. V New World Foundation, ki je pomemben financer ”liberalne CIA”, in je v 80ih veljala za eno najbolj (skrajno) levičarskih ameriških filantropskih organizacij, pa sta člana uprave postala tudi pomembna predstavnika liberalnega establišmenta, Hillary Clinton in Vernon Jordan. Robert Reich pa je tudi hodil s Hillary Clinton.
Leta 2016 pa je publicist od The New Republic postal Hamilton Fish V, ki je tesno povezan z Georgeom Sorosom. Fish je bil politični svetovalec od Sorosa, bil član uprave njegovega Open Society Insitute, bil publicist od The Nation, ki prav tako spada v omrežje ”liberalne CIA”. Za The New Republic pa so pisali še Joseph Stiglitz, Barbara Ehrenreich, Niall Ferguson, Dana Milbank (Skull & Bones; Washington Post) in ostali.
Democracy: A Journal of Ideas
Reich je član uredniškega svetovalnega odbora od progresivnega Democracy: A Journal of Ideas (so-ustanovitelj Andrei Cherny – The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans), katerega člani so tudi –
- (pokojni) super elitni Leslie Gelb – predsednik emeritus od Council on Foreign Relations; član od Bretton woods Committee; član od Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict – Carnegie Corporation of New York; član od Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; bil govorec pri Foreign Policy Association; član od Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; član od The Forum for the Future of Higher Education; član od Nixon Center – Center for the National Interest; član od Pacific Council on International Policy; član od Diplomacy Center Foundation; član od America Abroad Media; član od Pew Global Attitude Project – Pew Research Center; član svetovalne uprave od Truman National Security Project; član od National Security Network; govorec pri The Common Good; direktor od Peter G. Peterson Foundation; član od International Crisis Group (Soros&Co.); član od Baker Institute for Public Policy; član od US Commission on National Securitb; član od The Middle East Institute – Columbia University; ustanovni član od Association fot the Study of the Middle East and Africa; član od United Against Nuclear Iran; član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Peres Center for Peace; član mednarone akademske uprave od Israel-America Academic Exchange; kolumnist od New York Times;
- Robert Abernethy Jr. – član od Chairman’s Forum od Council on Foreign Relations; pod-predsedujoči od Atlantic Council; član od Society of Fellows – Aspen Institute; upravitelj od Brookings Institution; član mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od U.S. Institute of Peace; ključni ustanovitelj in član svetovalne uprave od Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (Eliot Cohen – dekan, Romano Prodi, John Lipsky; Foreign Policy Institute – Zbigniew Brzezinski, Harold Brown, Paul Wolfowitz, Jessica Einhorn, John Lipsky, Francis Fukuyama, Joshua Muravchik) – John Hopkins University; upravitelj emeritus od Johns Hopkins University (Norman R. Augustine, David M. Rubenstein, Michael R. Bloomberg); bil direktor od Pacific Council on International Policy; član uprave od Los Angeles World Affairs Council; član zunanje političnega svetovalnega odbora od Center for American Progress; član svetovalne uprave od Truman National Security Project; svetovalec od Center for Global Risk and Security – RAND Corporation; direktor od International Refugee Assistance Project (bil prvotno projekt od radikalnega pro-migrantskega Urban Justice Center; financerji fundacije iz omrežja ”liberalne CIA” in korporacije liberalnega establišmenta); član od California Committee South – Human Rights Watch; član od Synergos Global Philanthropists Circle (Peggy Dulany Rockefeller, David de Ferranti, Maurice Strong, Michael Sonnenfeldt); bil direktor od Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions; upravitelj od Meridian International Center; direktor od progresivnega New Leaders Council (povezan s Center for American Progress, The New Deal, Truman National Security Project, Roosevelt Institute,, Netroots Nation, Teach for America, Our Time, Louisiana Progress, Young People For, Public Allies Chicago, She Should Run); upravitelj od New Democrat Network; upravitelj od Progressive Policy Institute; bil upravitelj od Democratic Leadership Council; član uprave od Integrity Initiatives International;
- Melody Barnes – začela odvetniško kariero pri elitni Shearman & Sterling (del Pilgrims Society); delala za Raben Group (lobirala za American Civil Liberties Union, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, American Constitution Society, Center for Reproductive Rights); bila pomočnica in glavna svetovalka od Senatorja Edwarda M. Kennedya; bila podpredsednica za politiko pri Center for American Progress, delala pod Johnom Podesto – so-predsedujoči od Obama-Biden Transition Project; bila članica predsedniške kampanje Baracka Obame; služila kot direktorica za zakonodajne zadeve pri Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; bila članica uprave od EMILY’s List (ideologija ”liberalne CIA”); bila članica uprave od Planned Parenthood Action Fund (del ”liberalne CIA”); članica uprave od Booz Allen Hamilton (del od CFR; NSA) – Carlyle Group (David Rubenstein); predsedujoča od Forum for Community Solutions – Aspen Institute; članica od Public Policy Advisory Board od Uber (del Sun Valley Meetings); članica direktorske uprave od Marguerite Casey Foundation (del ”liberalne CIA”); so-ustanoviteljica in vodja od MB² Solutions LLC; višja strokovnjakinja od Resoults for America (Raj Shah – Rockefeller Foundation); emeriti upraviteljica od YearUp (korporativni partnerji – SalesForce, Microsoft, Facebook, Bank of America, New York Life, JP Morgan Chase, Amazon, AT&T, Harvard University, General Electric, Kaiser Permanente, American Express, PayPal, BNY Mellon, LinkedIn);
- William D. Budinger – član od Council on Foreign Relations; upravitelj od Aspen Institute; upravitelj od Third Way (Rachel Pritzker); član uprave od Breakthrough Institute (Rachel Pritzker);
- Christopher F. Edley, Jr. – član od Council on Foreign Relations; upravitelj od elitne Russell Sage Foundation; upravitelj od The Century Foundation; član svetovalne uprave od Hamilton Project (Eric Schmidt, John Deutch, David Rubenstein, Sherly Sandberg, Dick Gephardt, Penny Pritzker, Robert Rubin, Lawrence Summers, Jason Furman, Timothy Geithner, Peter Orszag, Tom Steyer, Laura D’Andrea Tyson) – Brookings Institution; bil član komisije pri No Child Left Behind; član uprave od The Oppurtunity Institute (Laura D’Andrea Tyson, Robert Reich, Bill Richardson, Tom Steyer; financerji – Bank of America, The California Endowment, The California Wellness Foundation, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Ford Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Heising Simons Foundation, William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, The James Irvine Foundation, The David & Lucile Packard Foundation, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, NextGen America) 31; član ameriškega svetovalne odbora pri Human Rights Watch (Soros &Co.); član ameriškega programskega svetovalnega panela pri Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; bil je član od U.S. Commission on Civil Rights; bil dekan od Berkeley School of Law – University of California; bil predsedujoči tranzicijski skupini Obama-Biden; so-ustanovitelj od Harvard Civil Rights Project; bil višji svetovalec pri predsedniški kampanji Al Gora (2000), Howarda Deana (2004), Baracka Obame (2008) in Hillary Clinton (2016); član uprave od Inequailty Media (Robert Reich, Katrina vanden Heuvel);
- Ezekiel Emanuel – član od Council on Foreign Relations; višji strokovnjak od Center for American Progress; član od COVID-19 Advisory Board – Joe Biden; piše za New York Times; njegova hčerka Gabrielle je elitna Rhodes Scholar, druga hčerka Natalia je Marshall Scholar;
- Karen Kornbluh – članica od Council on Foreign Relations, bila Senior Fellow for Digital Policy – CFR; članica od Socrates Program – Aspen Institute; bila gostujoča strokovnjakinja pri Center for American Progress; Markle Technology Policy Fellow pri New America Foundation; je Senior Fellow in direktorica za Digital Innovation and Democracy Initiative pri German Marshall Fund of the U.S.; predsedujoča upravi od Open Technology Fund; bila ameriška ambasadorka pri OECD, 2009-2012; bila ekonomska svetovalka Senatorja Johna Kerrya, 1991-1994; bila članica uprave od U.S. Agency for Global Media; je Mozilla Fellow; udeleženka od World Economic Forum; članica uprave od International Digital Accountability Council;
- Anne-Marie Slaughter – bila članica uprave in je članica od Council on Foreign Relations; bila članica uprave od Brookings Doha Center – Brookings Institute; bila govornica pri The Commonwealth Club of California; bila govornica pri Foreign Policy Association; upraviteljica od Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress in članic od National Comittee to Unite a Divided America – CPNC; bila članica od National War Powers Commission – Miller Center of Public Affairs; članica uprave od National Endowment for Democracy; članica od Responsibility to Protect Working Group – U.S. Institute of Peace; bila govornica pri Milken Institute Global Conference; bila govornica pri Connecticut Forum; bila govornica pri Pacific Council on International Policy; bila direktorica od New America Foundation; članica svetovalne uprave od Truman National Security Project; bila so-direktorica od Princeton Project on National Security (leta 2006 ustvari poročilo ‘Forging a World of Liberty Under Law: U.S. National Security In The 21st Century – ima močan vpliv na prihajajočo Obamovo administracijo; George Shultz, Anthony Lake, Francis Fukuyama, Joseph Nye, Henry Kissinger, Samantha Power; financerji – Ford Foundation, William & Flora Hewlett Foundation); članica od National Security Network; članica svetovalne uprave od Center for a New American Security; udeleženka od Sedona Forum – McCain Institute for International Leadership; direktorica od Atlantic Council; članica svetovalne uprave od Global Public Policy Institute; udeleženka od Bergedorf Round Table – Korber Foundation; piše za Project Syndicate; članica svetovalne uprave od School of Public Policy – Central European University (Soros); članica od Bipartisan Council – Center for Strategic and International Studies; članica strateškega odbora od Project on Justice in Times of Transition (Beyond Conflict); bila članica mednarodne guvernerske uprave od Centre for International Governance Innovation; bila govornica pri World Leaders Forum – Columbia University; članica svetovalne uprave od Global Policy Journal – Durham University; udeleženka od Concordia Summit; govornica pri TED Conferences; izvršna direktorica od Cyberspace Institute; predsedujoča od Advisory Committee on Democracy Promotion (Condoleezza Rice; Paula Dobriansky; Joshua Muravchik; Michael Novak; Vin Weber; Clifford May) – State Department; ustanovna članica od Foreign Affairs Policy Board (Stephen Hedley, Jane Harman, Carla Hills, Robert Kagan, Jim Kolbe, Thomas McLarty III, Admiral Michael Mullen, John Negroponte, Thomas Pickering, John Podesta, Strobe Talbott, Jacqueline Novogratz); članica svetvalnega odbora od National Security Action; ameriška članica od Inter-American Dialogue; članica od Task Force on the United Nations – U.S. Institute of Peace; članica svetovalnega odbora od Justice for Kurds; članica od Brookings Blum Roundtable – Brookings Institute.
Inequality Media Project
Reich je so-ustanovitelj in član direktorske uprave od Inequality Media Project, kjer so člani uprave še Katrina vanden Heuvel (CFR, World Policy Institute, Commonwealth Club of California, The Nation – The Nation Institute, Roosevelt Institute, Progressive Congress, Progressive Agenda, Institute for Policy Studies; njen oče William vanden Heuvel tesno povezan s CIA in član od Pilgrims Society), Christopher F. Edley Jr. (opis zgoraj pod Democracy: A Journal of Ideas), Steven Silberstein (Democracy Alliance – Soros, Stephen M. Silberstein Foundation – del ”liberalne CIA”, Patriotic Millionaires), Annie Leonard (Greenpeace USA, Wallace Global Fund, Public Citizen, Grassroots Recycling Network, GAIA, Global Greengrants India, International Forum on Globalisation, Democracy Initiative, Climate One, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream ).
Reich je član svetovalne uprave od Truthout, ki je progresivna, ”ljudska” novičarska spletna stran in novičarska organizacija, iz omrežja ”liberalne CIA”. Za Truthout je pisala tudi top Sorosova agentka in njegova tesna prijateljica Arriana Huffington iz Huffington Post. Pisci so še ostala sredstva ”liberalne CIA”, kot so Noam Chomsky, Greg Palast, Jim Moyers, John Pilger, Bill Ayers in ostali.
Videnjši člani svetovalne uprave pa poleg Billa Ayersa še Dean Baker, Beverly Bell (Institute for Policy Studies), Cynthia Boaz, Julian Casablancas (The Strokes), feministka Jaclyn Friedman, top sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” Mark Ruffalo, Mark Weisbrot (Center for Economic and Policy Research – Joseph Stiglitz, Robert Solow, Danny Glover, Dean Baker), Richard D. Wolff (Rethinking Marxism). Član uprave bil tudi pokojni Howard Zinn.
Fundacije in skladi, ki so bili financerji od Truthout leta 2016 –
»Annie E. Casey Foundation … Cloud Mountain Foundation … Craigslist Charitable Fund … Lannan Foundation … Park Foundation«32
Financerji od Truthout leta 2013 –
»Ben & Jerry’s Foundation … The Brightwater Fund … Cloud Mountain Foundation … Freedom of the Press Foundation … Lannan Foundation … The Media Consortium … Park Foundation … Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program [sklad upravlja z več kot $8,660,000,000 sredstev; The Vanguard Group upravlja z več kot $7,100,000,000,000 sredstev]«33
Financerji od Truthout leta 2011 –
»Schumann Media Center … Park Foundation … The Brightwater Fund … Cloud Mountain Foundation … Boston Foundation«34
Saving Capitalism
Reich igra v dokumentarnem filmu Saving Capitalism, ki je nastal po njegovi knjigi ‘Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few‘. Film je izdal Netflix (del Sun Valley Meetings – Trilateral Commission) leta 2017. So-režiser filma je bil Jacob Kornbluth, ki je leta 2013 posnel dokumentarec Inequality for All, kjer je pripovedovalec prav tako Robert Reich. Film je poleg ostalih dobil nagrado od Sundance Film Festival – Sundance Institute (Robert Redford, Pat Mitchell; financerji George Soros in fundacije ”liberalne CIA”), ki je tesno povezan z liberalnim establišmentom in ideologijo ”liberalne CIA”.
Robert A. Johnson
Robert A. Johnson – bil ekonomski svetovalec Bearnieja Sandersa.
Johnson je mednarodni investitor in svetovalec investicijskim skladom, ter bil upravni direktor od Soros Fund Management (do nedavnega del od Council on Foreign Relations); pred tem je bil upravni direktor od Bankers Trust Company (del Pilgrims Society); bil je glavni ekonomist od US Senate Banking Committee pod vodstvom predsednika Senatorja E. Williama Proxmirea (član družine Rockefeller; bil pripravnik pri J.P. Morgan & Co.; Berzelius); bil je višji ekonomist pri US Senate Budget Committee pod vodstvom predsednika Pietra Domenicija (bil je višji sodelavec od Bipartisan Policy Center; bil član od Alfalfa Club; bil član od Knights of Malta; član uprave od Nuclear Threat Initiative).
Johnson je služil pri United Nations Commission of Experts on International Monetary Reform (2009), katere predsedujoči je bil Joseph Stiglitz.
Johnson je član uprave od progresivne Democracy Alliance, katere so-ustanovitelj in financer je George Soros.
Je višji sodelavec in direktor od Global Finance Project – Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute in član zunanjega svetovalnega odbora od Julis-Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy & Finance – Princeton University.
Institute for New Economic Thinking
Johnson je predsednik od Institute for New Economic Thinking, katerega ustanovni financerji so George Soros – $50 milijonov, Paul Volcker, David Rockefeller, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Carnegie Corporation.
So-ustanovitelja sta še Jim Balsillie (Centre for International Governance Innovation) in William Janeway (Warburg Pincus).
Člani vodstvenega odbora so še Chris Canavan (CFR, Soros Fund Management, Fund for Global Human Rights, Concordia Summit), Arminio Fraga (CFR, Group of Thirty, Soros Fund Management, China Investment Corporation), Anatole Kaletsky, Drummond Pike (Tides Foundation), Gillian Tett (Financial Times).
Ustanovni člani svetovalne uprave so bili Jeffrey Sachs, Joseph Stiglitz, William Janeway.
Strokovnjaki so Noam Chomsky, Jesse Eisinger (Pro Publica), Mohamed A. El-Erian, Larry Elliott (The Guardian), Neva Rockefeller Goodwin (Rockefeller Brothers Fund; Winrock International – Rockefeller; Rockefeller University; Institute for Global Leadership; Global Development Policy Center; Global Development And Environment Institute; Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy; New Economy Coalition; Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economy; International Center for Research on Women; President’s Council on Sustainable Development – Clinton), Naomi Klien, James Manyika (Rhodes Scholar; McKinsey Global Institute), Joseph Stiglitz, Lawrence Summers, Adair Turner.
Economic Policy Institute
Johnson je član direktorske uprave od Economic Policy Institute, katerega ustanovitelj je Robert Reich. Člani uprave – predsedujoči Richard L. Trumka (AFL-CIO; opis v nadaljevanju); Julianne Malveaux (Rockefeller Foundation Fellow; USA Today; US Council of Economic Advisers; Delta Sigma Theta; African-American Women for Reproductive Freedom); Gary Bass (Bauman Foundation); Jacob Hacker (Policy Network – Lord Evelyn de Rothschild; New America Foundation; Economic Security Index – Rockefeller Foundation; The Century Foundation; Washington Center for Equitable Growth; The American Prospect); Robert Kuttner (The American Prospect; Institute for New Economic Thinking; Demos); Manuel Pastor (Institute for New Economic Thinking; Washington Center for Equitable Growth; Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration – USC; Climate One); Ruy Teixeira (Center for American Progress, The Century Foundation; Brookings Institution; Progressive Policy Institute); Alexis Herman (The Coca-Cola Company; Prudential; Delta Sigma Theta – Boule Honorary Award; Clinton Bush Haiti Fund; New Ventures LLC; Caring Institute; Urban League).
Financerji inštituta leta 2020 –
»2020 Donor Acknowledgment List; $200,000 and up: … Alliance for American Manufacturing. American Federation of Teachers. The Bauman Foundation … Families and Workers Fund. The Ford Foundation. National Education Association. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Silicon Valley Foundation. William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. W.K. Kellogg Foundation … $100,000–$199,999: AFL-CIO. AFSCME. International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Kresge Foundation. Marguerite Casey Foundation. Peter G. Peterson Foundation. Service Employees International Union. Stephen M. Silberstein Foundation. Surdna Foundation. United Auto Workers. United Steelworkers … $50,000–$99,999: CREDO. New Venture Fund … Rockefeller Family Fund. United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners. United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. The Why Not Initiative … $10,000–$49,999: American Postal Workers … Center for Community Change. Climate Imperative Foundation. Communications Workers of America … Present Progressive Fund … Unbound Philanthropy … $5,000–$9,999: … Omidyar Network Services LLC«35
Financerji leta 2017 –
»2017 Donor Acknowledgment List … $200,000 and up: Alliance for American Manufacturing. American Federation of Teachers. The Bauman Foundation. Ford Foundation. Good Ventures. National Education Association. Open Society Foundations. Peter G. Peterson Foundation. W.K. Kellogg Foundation … $100,000–$199,999: AFL-CIO. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Marguerite Casey Foundation. Public Welfare Foundation. Service Employees International Union. Stephen M. Silberstein Foundation. Surdna Foundation. United Auto Workers. United Food and Commercial Workers. United Steelworkers … $50,000–$99,999: Annie E. Casey Foundation. Credo Mobile. Institute of International Education. The Nathan Cummings Foundation. Tides Foundation. United Brotherhood of Carpenters. The Why Not Initiative … $20,000–$49,999: … Carnegie Corporation of New York. The Center for Popular Democracy … University of California, Berkeley … $10,000–$19,999: … UNITE HERE«36
Campaign for America’s Future
Johnson je član direktorske uprave od Campaign for America’s Future (Institute for America’s Future), katere ustanovitelj in so-direktor je Robert Borosage, ki je bil tudi ustanovni predsednik od Institute for America’s Future (ustanovni financer George Soros – $500,000), 2009; bil urednik od The Nation (del ”liberalne CIA”); član svetovalne uprave od Roosevelt Institute; so-ustanovitelj od Progressive Congress (John Cavanaugh, Katrina vanden Heuvel); udeleženec zasedanja pri Open Society Foundations (Katrina vanden Heuvel, John Podesta); upravitelj od Institute for Policy Studies; ustanovni direktor od Center for National Security Studies – Institute for Policy Studies.
Podpisniki peticije od Campaign for America’s Future so razna sredstva ”liberalne CIA”, kot so –
- John Cavanagh (Institute for Policy Studies),
- Larry Cohen (Our Revolution – Bernie Sanders; Communication Workers of America),
- Gar Alperovitz (Institute for Policy Studies),
- Angela Glover Blackwell (Rockefeller Foundation; PolicyLink),
- Michael Brune (Sierra Club),
- Julie Burton (Women’s Media Center),
- Chuck Collins (Institute for Policy Studies),
- Zack Exley,
- Jane Fonda,
- Anna Galland (,
- Joseph Geevarghese (Our Revolution),
- Sarita Gupta (Ford Foundation),
- Jane Kleeb (Our Revolution),
- Naomi Klein,
- Annie Leonard (Greenpeace USA),
- Bill McKibben (,
- Rashad Robinson (Color of Change),
- Ilya Sheyman (,
- Donna Smith (Progressive Democrats of America),
- Gloria Steinem,
- Nina Turner,
- Dorian Warren (Center for Community Change),
Kot tudi –
- Roger Hickey (Campaign for America’s Future; Economic Policy Institute; The Real News),
- James J. Zogby (CFR; Arab American Institute; Clinton Global Initiative; OneVoice; Commonwealth Club of California),
- Robert Borosage,
- Dean Baker,
- Christopher Edley Jr.,
- James Galbraith,
- Fred Harris,
- Ro Khanna,
- Manuel Pastor
- Robert Reich.
Govorci pri srečanjih od Campaign for America’s Future so bili Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Arianna Huffington, Nancy Pelosi, Van Jones, Bill Moyers, Jesse Jackson, Barbara Ehrenreich, Bernie Sanders in Antonio Villaraigosa.
Financerji od Campaign for America’s Future –
Atlantic Philanthropies – $290,000, 2009; $2,450,000, 201137
»American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) … NEO Philanthropy Action Fund … NextGen Climate Action … Spectemur Agendo … United Steelworkers«38
Brennan Center for Justice
Johnson je bil član uprave od radikalnega Brennan Center for Justice – NYU School of Law, ki je pomemben podpornik/promotor ideologije ”liberalne CIA”.
So-predsedujoča centru sta Robert A. Atkins (Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, & Garrison LLP) in Patricia Bauman (Bauman Foundation; Natural Resources Defense Council; NEO Philanthropy; Democracy Alliance; Working America Education Fund; Catalist).
Bauman Family Foundation, kjer je Patricia predsednica je bila od leta 2008 do začetka 2019 pomemben financer naslednjih organizacij iz omrežja ”liberalne CIA” –
»Tides Foundation: $11,065,000 … NEO Philanthropy: $7,852,000 … Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors: $3,500,000 … New Venture Fund: $3,425,400 … Natural Resources Defense Council: $2,975,000 … Voter Participation Center: $2,350,000 … Center for Effective Government: $2,128,500 … Working America Education Fund: $2,050,000 … Brennan Center for Justice: $1,750,000 … Center for Community Change: $1,537,000 … Economic Policy Institute: $1,450,000 … Labor Community Strategy Center: $1,135,000 … Public Citizen Foundation: $1,002,000 … Media Matters for America: $1,160,000 … Project on Government Oversight: $964,500«39
Člani ekonomske svetovalne uprave od Brennan Center for Justice pa so pomembni člani liberalnega establišmenta, kot so Lawrence Summers, Joseph Stiglitz, Laura D. Tyson, Jason Furman in Peter R. Orszag.
George Soros pomemben financer, tako od Brennan Center kot od elitne New York University –
»George Soros’s Open Society Foundations (formerly Open Society Institute) has been the Brennan Center’s largest funder,” giving the Center $7,466,000 from 2000 to 2010 while also giving NYU $2,819,540 during this same time period, a total of $10,285,540.” The Brennan Center has been named a Democracy Alliance approved entity, aligning it with the liberal donor network associated with a number of left-of-center funders.«40
Financerji od Brennan Center for Justice leta 2020 –
»$2,000,000+: Arnold Ventures. Ford Foundation … $1,000,000 – $1,999,999: The Amazon Community, including Amazon’s Black Employee Network. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The JPB Foundation. Craig Newmark Philanthropies. Quadrivium … $500,000 – $999,999: Open Society Foundations. Salesforce … $250,000 – $499,999: … The Bauman Foundation … Carnegie Corporation of New York … The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation … Park Foundation … Tides Foundation … $100,000 – $249,999: Bank of America … Marguerite Casey Foundation … Democracy Fund … Heising-Simons Foundation … The Joyce Foundation … Mertz Gilmore Foundation … NEO Philanthropy … The Overbrook Foundation. Piper Fund, a Proteus Fund initiative. Present Progressive Fund of Schwab Charitable … Robin Hood. Rockefeller Brothers Fund. The University of Chicago Law School … Wallace Global Fund. The WhyNot Initiative … $50,000 – $99,999: … Columbia Law School … CREDO … Equal Justice Works … Media Democracy Fund … Microsoft … PayPal … Ryan Rockefeller and Julia Jansch. Wyatt Rockefeller and Julie Fabrizio … $25,000 – $49,999: … Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP … Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP. PepsiCo … Frederick A.O. Schwarz, Jr. … $10,000 – $24,999: … Arnold & Porter … Fund for the Future at Rockefeller Family Fund … Lee Halprin and Abby Rockefeller … JPMorgan Chase & Co. … Levi Strauss Foundation … National Basketball Association. NBCUniversal. Northrop Grumman Foundation … Pfizer Inc. … Larry [Laurance] and Wendy Rockefeller … Barbra Streisand … Lawrence Summers and Elisa New«41; str. 34-36
Pomembnejši financerji od Brennan Center for Justice leta 2019 –
»$1,000,000 – $1,999,999: Ford Foundation. Craig Newmark Philanthropies … $500,000 – $999,999: Gail Furman [Furman Foundation]. The JPB Foundation. Open Society Foundations … $250,000 – $499,999: The Bauman Foundation. Bohemian Foundation. Carnegie Corporation of New York … The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation … The Joyce Foundation … Rockefeller Brothers Fund … $100,000 – $249,999: Bank of America. Bridging Peace Fund of Tides Foundation. Marguerite Casey Foundation … Democracy Fund … Mertz Gilmore Foundation. NEO Philanthropy. The Overbrook Foundation. Present Progressive Fund of Schwab Charitable … Wallace Global Fund«42; str. 26
Capital Institute
Johnson je direktor od Capital Institute (Gus Speth), katerega ustanovitelj je John Fullerton. Fullerton je bil upravni direktor pri super elitni JP Morgan; član od Club of Rome; bil direktor pri New Economy Coalition (Neva Rockefeller Goodwin, Gus Speth, David Abramowitz – Center for American Progress, John Cavanagh; financerji leta 2016 – Capital Institute, The Chorus Foundation, Cloud Mountain Foundation, NoVo Foundation, The Overbrook Foundation, Park Foundation, Proteus Fund, Threshold Foundation)43; strokovnjak in poslovni vodja pri Center for Business and the Environment – Yale University.
Fullerton je upravitelj od V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation, ki je del omrežja ”liberalne CIA” in je financer od –
» American University. Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative. Climate Central … Climate Nexus … Global Alliance for the Future of Food. The Hive Fund for Climate & Gender Justice … Post Carbon Institute. Union of Concerned Scientists. United Nations Foundation. University of Cambridge. University of Copenhagen – Center for Applied Ecological Thinking … US Climate Action Network«44; dostop 18.5.2021
B Team
Fullerton pa je tudi svetovalec od zelo elitne iniciative Business Leader’s oz. B Team, katerega ustanovitelja sta pomemben predstavnik liberalnega establišmenta in financer ”liberalne CIA”, britanski milijarder Richard Branson in Jochen Zeitz (The B Team Africa Network Steering Committee; Harley Davidson, Inc.; One Young World; Wilderness Safaris; Zeitz Foundation for Intercultural Ecosphere Safety), nekdanji predsedujoči in generalni direktor od podjetja Puma. Voditelji od B Team poleg Bransona in Zeitza (Puma) še –
- Paul Polman (Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism; Wall Street Journal CEO Summit; Climate Leadership Council; Atlantic Council; Bloomberg Global Business Forum; Fortune/Time Global Forum; Clinton Global Initiative; Concordia Summit; Focusing Capital on the Long Term – FCLT Global; One Young World; Avoided Deforestatin Partners; Appeal for Conscience Foundation; Sustainable Develpoment Solutions Network; Global Commission on the Economy and Climate; International Business Council – World Economic Forum; UN Global Compact; Climate Power; World Business Council for Sustainable Development; Unilever; Dow Chemical Company);
- Sharan Burrow (International Trade Union Confederation; International Labour Organization; New Climate Economy/Global Commission for the Economy and Climate; European Climate Foundation; World Justice Project; World Benchmarking Alliance; Danone);
- Ajay Banga (Mastercard; Peterson Institute for International Economics; Coalition for the American Dream; Partnership for New York City; Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity; The Business Council; British-American Business Council; U.S.-India Strategic Partnership Forum; Bloomberg Global Business Forum; Bloomberg New Economic Forum; The Economic Club; Fortune/Time Global Forum; Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism; Council for Inclusive Capitalism with The Vatican; Climate Power; The Global Investors for Sustainable Development (GISD) Alliance – UN);
- Oliver Bäte (CFR – GAB; Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg Group; Allianz Grupe; McKinsey & Company; Munich Security Conference; Council for Inclusive Capitalism with The Vatican; Institute of International Finance; World Economic Forum; European Financial Services Roundtable; Wall Street Journal CEO Summit; Monetary Authorety of Singapore; Pan-European Insurance Forum; The Geneva Association; The Global Investors for Sustainable Development (GISD) Alliance – UN);
- Marc Benioff (CFR; Salesforce; Sun Valley Meetings; Time Inc.; Committee to Encourage Corporate Pgilanthropy; The Business Club; Business Roundtable; Fortune Global Forum; Rework America – Markle Foundation; The Coalition for the American Dream; Young Global Leaders – World Economic Forum; Initiative on the Digital Economy – MIT; Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism with The Vatican; Vatican Conference 2021; Milken Institute – Milken Global Conference; Lesbians who Teach; Too Small To Fail; University of Southern California; Cisco; Toyota Research Institute Advisory Board; High-Level Advisory Group on Climate Action – UN);
- Jesper Brodin (IKEA; INGKA Group – IKEA Foundation; TED Conferences; World Resources Institute; World Economic Forum CEO Climate Leaders; Bloomberg Green Festival; Climate Power; Technology and Leadership in Digital Retail – Roscongress);
- Kathy Calvin (UN Foundation; United Nations Association of the U.S.; Earth Day Network; International East-West Center; The Hart Center for Public Service; AOL Time Warner Foundation; Women Political Leaders; APCO Worldwide; Business for a Better World Center – George Mason University; Women’s Media Foundation);
- Christiana Figueres (Climate Leadership Council; Sustainable Development Solutions Network – UN; World Resources Institute; Inter-American Dialogue; Omega Institute for Holistic Studies; TED Conferences; Concordia Summit; Bloomberg Green Festival; Climate One; One Young World; Earth Optimism; Climate Power; Eni S.p.a.);
- André Hoffmann (Bilderberg Group; Roche Holding; Institute for Strategic Dialogue; World Economic Forum; The Royal Institute of International Affairs; 1001 Club; WWF; Peace Parks Foundation; MAVA Foundation; Global Footprint Network);
- Arianna Huffington;
- Mo Ibrahim;
- Yolanda Kakabadse (Ford Foundation; World Wide Fund for Nature; World Resources Institute; World Economic Forum; Inter-American Dialogue; International Union for Conservation of Nature; LafargeHolcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction; Earth Charter; Wellbeing Economy Alliance);
- Andrew Liveris (Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg Group; The Dow Chemical Company; IBM; Citigroup Inc.; Peterson Institute for International Economics; Clinton Global Initiative; Concordia Summit; Business Roundtable; The Business Council; U.S. Council for International Business; National Petroleum Council; World Economic Forum; California Institute of Technology; Tufts University; The Hellenic Initiative; Saudi Aramco; Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation; Teneo; BlackRock Long Term Capital; Public Investment Fund – Saudi Arabia; advisor to Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia; The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Advanced Manufacturing Partnership – Obama; American Manufacturing Council – Donald Trump; The Nature Conservancy);
- Hiromichi Mizuno (Council for Inclusive Capitalism with The Vatican; Global Capital Markets Advisory Council – Milken Institute; TED Conferences; Government Pension Investment Fund; United Nations Special Envoy on Innovative Finance and Sustainable Investments; Climate Action 100+; Climate Finance Leadership Initiative – Bloomberg; Global Investors for Sustainable Development; Tesla, Inc.; Danone);
- Indra Nooyi (PepsiCo.; Amazon; Schlumberger Limited; Temasek; Coalition for Inclusice Capitalism; The Economic Club of NY; Asia Summit – Milken Institute; U.S.-India Business Council; U.S.-India Strategic Partnership; Yale Corporation; MIT Corporation; Eisenhower Fellowships; World Economic Forum; International Rescue Committee; Catalyst; Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts; World Justice Project; New York Times DealBook Conference; West Point);
- Jean Oelwang (Concordia Summit; Virgin Unite; Rocky Mountain Institute; The Elders; JUST Capital; The Carbon War Room; Ocean Unite; The Caribbean Climate Smart Accelerator; 100% Human at Work; The Branson Centres of Entrepreneurship; Sara Blakely Foundation; Humanity 2.0; The Audacious Project; The New Now; TED Conferences; MoMA);
- Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (Rockefeller Foundation; Clinton Global Initiative; Bloomberg New Economic Forum; Bloomberg Task Force on Fiscal Policy for Health; Young Global Leaders Foundation – World Economic Forum; Brookings Institution; Center for Global Development; World Resources Institute; One Campaign; Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; The New Climate Economy; The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate; Gavi: The Vaccine Alliance; Mercy Corps; IMAGO Global Grassroots; The Education Commission;; Results for Development; Nelson Mandela Institution; Mandela Institute for Development Studies; Open Government Partnership; Lazard Freres; Standard Chartered Bank; Danone; Twitter; G20 Eminent Persons Group on Global Financial Governance; Women’s World Banking; Harvard University International Advisory Board; Oxford Martin School; Blavatnik School of Government – Oxford University; Tsinghua University Beijing — School of Public Policy and Management Global Advisory Board; Project Syndicate);
- François-Henri Pinault (multi milijarderski mož od top sredstva ”liberalne CIA” Salme Hayek; Kering Foundation);
- Mary Robinson;
- Muhammad Yunus.
Financerji od B Team so –
»Allianz … Ford Foundation … Ikea Foundation … Kering … Luminate … MasterCard Impact Fund … Open Society Foundations … Safaricom … Salesforce … Unilever … Virgin Unite … Wallace Global Fund … William & Flora Hewlett Foundation«45; dostop 20.5.2021
Danny Glover
Danny Glover je strokovnjak in član uprave od Sanders Institute.
Glover je vodilni predstavnik ”liberalne CIA” iz Hollywooda. Podobno kot nekateri ostali iz te hollywoodske srenje, kot na primer Mark Ruffalo in Danny DaVito, je jasno, da Glover ni bil (javni) podpornik od Hillary Clinton, ampak njenega bolj ”skrajno levega” ekvivalenta in v resnici enako s Sorosom/Rockefellerji povezanega Bernieja Sandersa. Po volitvah je Glover Trumpa (”anti-establišment” sredstvo ”konservativne CIA”) imenoval za rasista, ter ga kritiziral, ker je prepovedal vstop muslimanom in zaradi gradnje zidu. Glover pa je tudi sam tesno povezan z liberalnim establišmentom.
Leta 1989 je Glover ustanovil Artists for a New South Africa, nevladno organizacijo financirano s strani Ford Foundation, Tides Foundation, Nathan Cummings Foundation, People for the American Way, Walt Disney Company, MTV, The David Geffen Foundation, Kellogg Company, Planet Hollywood – vsi del ”liberalne CIA”.
Od leta 1998 do 2004 je Glover služil kot ambasador dobre volje za United Nations Development Program, ter kasneje kot UN-ov ambasador.
V 90ih se je Glover pridružil od s strani Rocekfeller Foundation in Tides Foundation financirane TransAfrica: Justice for the African World, ter leta 2002 postal tudi predsedujoči. Poleg ostalih stvari je bil TransAfrica vpleten v bizarno vsiljevanje, da bi morala ameriška vlada plačati odškodnino potomcem od transatlantskih sužnjev.
V zadnjih letih je Glover pomemben podpornik od s strani Sorosa in Ford Foundation financirane radikalne skupine Black Lives Matter. Skupaj z Bradom Pittom in Johnom Legendom je bil so-producent dokumentarnega filma iz leta 2012 The House I Live In, ki je bil financiran s strani Ford Foundation, Sorosove Open Society Foundations, s strani milijarderske družine Pritzker, preko njihove Libra Foundation, in RiverStyx Foundation. Dokumentarec smatra, da je ”drug war” v glavnem ”rasna vojna”, zaradi katere je v zaporih kar se da veliko število črnskega prebivalstva.
Leta 2017 je bil Glover so-producent od dokumentarnega filma Strong Island, ki govori o temnopolti osebi, ki jo po sporu ubije beli mehanik, katerega belska porota spravi na prostost. So-producentki sta bili Susan Rockefeller, žena Davida Rockefellerja Jr., in Laura Poitras, s strani elit podprta ”liberalna CIA” novinarka, ki je postala znana kot ena od dveh glavnih novinarjev, ki sta pomagala Edwardu Snowdenu (del ”liberalne CIA”) v zvezi z njegovimi informacijami glede NSA.
Leta 2005 je Glover s pisateljico in producentko Joslyn Barnes (producentka od This Changes Everything od Rocekfellerjeve agentke Naomi Klien) ustanovil Louverture Films, kjer je kasneje partnerica postala Susan Rockefeller, kot tudi Bertha Foundation; partner pa je tudi Matthew Palevsky, ki je član uprave od Threshold Foundation (del ”liberalne CIA”), strokovnjak od Poynter Institute for Journalism (financerji – Omidyar Network, Open Society Foundations, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation), delal za The Real News Network (del ”liberalne CIA”), bil novinar za The Huffington Post (del ”liberalne CIA”).
Institute for Policy Stuides
Leta 2016 je Glover postal član uprave od s strani Rockefeller Foundation, Sorosa in Ford Foundation financiranega Institute for Policy Stuides (top ”liberalna CIA”; Barbara Ehrenreich, Robert Borosage, Noam Chomsky, Katrina vanden Heuvel, Gore Vidal, John Cavanagh, Richard Falk; financerji – Rockefeller Foundation, Rockfeller Brothers Fund, Ford Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, MacArthur Foundation), kjer se je pridružil svojemu mentorju Harryu Belafonteu. Institute for Policy Studies deluje kot kontrolirana opozicija oz. kot ”anti-establišment” znotraj omrežja ”liberalne CIA”. ISP je vseskozi tesno povezan z raznimi pro-socialističnimi in pro-komunističnimi posamezniki in skupinami. Izredno lep primer tega delovanja je tudi Tom Harkin.
Tako Glover kot Belafonte sta bila velika podpornika venezuelske predsednika Huga Chaveza, katerega je Glover imenoval z ‘my brother, my comrade and a great leader‘; oba sta tudi podpornika Chavezovega naslednika Nicolasa Madure. Skupaj pa sta tudi oba podpornika Castrovega režima na Kubi. Veliko te njune podpore gre pripisati dejstvom, da so ti komunistični voditelji tesni zavezniki v svojem boju proti belskemu ”rasizmu” proti črncem. Leta 2007 je Hugo Chavez dal Gloverju $16 milijonov, da bi ustvaril film o velikem zgodovinskem suženjskem uporu. Nekaj let pred tem je Belafonte vodil uspešna pogajanja s Castrovim režimom, da bi ta zagotovil uradno vladno podporo za produkcijo (črnske) rap glasbe – v kar pa so vpletene tudi zahodne vlade. To navidezno zelo globalistično zavezništvo s komunisti, ki ga imata črnska aktivista Glover in Belafonte, je zelo podobno zahodnim anti-fa brigadam.Glover se je tudi udeleževal večerij pri Ford Foundation, ter leta 2007 vodil uradno prireditev za Nelsona Mandelo v New Yorku. Poleg tega pa je Glover leta 1987 upodobil Nelsona Mandelo v filmu Mandela. Glover pa je tudi prijatelj od Desmonda Tutuja, ki je top afriški član super elite in pomembno Rockefellerjevo sredstvo, pogosto v omrežju ”liberalne CIA”.
Center for a New American Dream
Glover je bil član uprave od Center for a New American Dream (Tides Foundation, V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation, Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund)46, ki je promovirala ”okoljevarstvo” in ”social justice”, ter bila del ozadja od Grete Thunberg oz. Climate Mobilization.
Vidnejši člani svetovalne uprave leta 2014 so bili še Bill McKibben, Carl Anthony – Ford Foundation, Alan AtKisson – SIDA, Lester Brown – Earth Policy Institute, Winona LaDuke – Honor the Earth Fund in David Suzuki; medtem, ko je bil James Gustave Speth član direktorske uprave. Podporniki centra pa še Bill Bradley, Robert Reich, Meryl Streep, Julian Bond – NAACP.
Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights
Glover je bil v obdobju od 2012 – 2015 upravitelj od Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights, kjer so poleg številnih članov družine Kennedy člani uprave in upravitelji še (bili) – Alex Gorsky – Johnson & Johnson, Martin Sheen, Harry Belafonte, Ted Sorensen, Hodding Carter III, Vernon Jordan, William vanden Heuvel, Andrew Young, Dan Glickman, Susan Livingston – Brown Brothers Harriman, Dermot McDonogh – Goldman Sachs, Michael Posner- NY University Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, John W. Rogers Jr. – Ariel Investments, John Studzinski – PIMCO, Randi Weingarten – American Federation of Teachers. Člani vodstvenega odbora pa so še Alec Baldwin, Tony Bennet, Michael Bolton, Melanie Griffith. Med ustanovitelje med člani vodstvenega odbora spadajo Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Sachs, Kerry Kennedy, Desmond Tutu. Z vodstvenim odborom pa so povezani še Nobelovi nagrajenci Muhammd Yunnus, Lech Walesa, Mohamed El-Baradei, Oscar Arias, Tawakkol Karman (tesno povezana s skrajno Muslimansko bratovščino, ter z omrežjem National Endowment for Democracy in Facebook Oversight Board). S centrom pa so kot govorci/nagrajenci povezani še Joseph Biden, Bono iz U2, Hillary Clinton, George Clooney, Tim Cook – Apple, Robert De Niro, Anthony Fauci, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Dan Schulman – PayPal, Howard Schultz – Starbucks, Taylor Swift. Kot ”aktivisti” so s centrom povezani Afsaneh Beschloss – RockCreek, Laurence Fink – Black Rock, Al Gore, Raymond J. McGuire – Citigroup, predsedujoči od CFR David Rubenstein – Carlyle Group, Lily Safra – The Edmond J. Safra Philanthropic Foundation.
Partnerske organizacije centra leta 2022 so v glavnem vodilna Wall Street podjetja in razne organizacije iz omrežja ”liberalne CIA” –
»American Civil Liberties Union … American Federation of Teachers … Ariel Investments … Bank of America … Center for Health and Gender Equity … Columbia Law School … Council for Global Equality … Credit Suisse … Defiende Venezuela … Democracy Forward … Discovery … Foundation for Press Freedom … Global Citizen … Global Justice Center … Grammy Museum … Gucci … Guggenheim … Immigration Services and Legal Advocacy … Intesa Sanpaolo … Johnson & Johnson … JP Morgan … Lazard … March for Our Lives … McKinsey & Co. … Morgan Stanley … NYU Stern … Paul Weiss LLP … PayPal … Pritzker Traubet Foundation … Red Lesbica Cattrachas … Schmidt Futures … Sexual Minorities Uganda … The Sum of Us … Trans Unitd … Tribeca Film Festival … UBS … United We Dream … Verizon … Women (and Man) of Zimbabwe Arise«47; dostop 25.8.2022
Center for Economic and Policy Research
Glover je član direktorske uprave od new left aktivističnega think tanka Center for Economic and Policy Research, kjer je član svetovalne uprave top Rockefellerjev ekonomist Joseph Stiglitz.
Financerji centra –
»American Jewish World Service. John and Laura Arnold Foundation. Institute for New Economic Thinking. National Education Association. Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Sloan Foundation. Bernard & Anne Spitzer Family Charitable Trust. Tides Foundation«48; dostop 25.8.2022
Hugo Chavez, delovanje v medijih in razne povezave
Glover je bil svetovalec od Chavezove Telesur, ki naj bi bila proti-utež od CNN in Univision.
Chavez je vedno znova in znova dokazoval, da se najbolj razume z vodilnimi Rockefellerjevimi sredstvi ”liberalne CIA”. Telesur, Chavez in njegova obveščevalna, ki naj bi ”razkrivali” kaj je National Endowment for Democracy, pa nikakor ”ne morajo” razkrinkati, kdo je ”super nevidni vohun” Danny Glober in za koga dela.
Glover je bil še –
- direktor od LinkTV (financerji – The Annenberg Foundation, Catherine T. and John D. MacArthur Foundation, Wallace Global Fund, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Shei’rah Foundation, Open Society Institute, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Otto Haas Charitable Trust, Park Foundation);
- član svetovalne uprave od pro-migrantske RefugePoint (Susan Surandon, Jessica Houssain, Julia Taft);
- so-predsedujoči od Vanguard Public Foundation (fundacija financira – Amnesty International, Agape Foundation, ACLU, Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), Greenpeace, National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild, Tides Center, Southern Poverty Law Center, Rainforest Action Network, Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice, Sierra Club Foundation, Nature Conservancy, New America Foundation, Oxfam, WWF) – ideologija ”liberalne CIA”, kot ‘-rasizem”, LGBT, ”enake pravice”, okoljevarstvo, ….
Leta 2014 je imel Glover pri predvajanju nekritične biografije Mi Amigo Hugo, ki jo je posnel z Rockefellerjem povezani Oliver Stone, goreč govor v podporo venezuelskemu socializmu 21-ega stoletja.
Leta 2008 je v podporo Baracka Obame, skupaj z Barbaro Ehrenreich, Billom Fletcherjem Jr., in s Tomom Haydenom ustanovil Progressives for Obama, ki je kasneje postala znana kot Progressive America Rising.
Leta 1999 je bil Glover udeleženec od super elitnega Bohemian Grove, poleg oseb kot so George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, general Colin Powell, Newt Gingrich, ….
Harry Belafonte
Harry Belafonte je strokovnjak od Sanders Institute.
Belafonte, glasbenik (prvi Afro-Američan z nagrado Emmy) in aktivist, je tesno vpleten v dejavnosti ”liberalne CIA”, kot je podpiranje multi-kulturalizma, množičnih migracij, ”anti rasizma”, ”črnskih pravic”, itd.
Belafonte je hkrati velik podpornik tedanje sovjetske oblasti (ne glede na gulage in podobno), Chavezove in sedanje venezuelske oblasti in Castrove oblasti na Kubi, ne glede na Castrovo (Belafonte ga slavi kot ”anti-rasista”) podporo socialistični vojaški diktaturi v Etiopiji, ki je povzročila genocid nad Etiopijci. Fidel Castro in njegov minister za kulturo sta celo z njim vzpostavila programe za širjenje hip hop glasbe na Kubi.
Belafonte je tako kot prej omenjeni Danny Glover, član od leta 1981 nastalega TransAfrica Forum, ki je bil v glavnem fokusiran na končanje aparthajda v Južni Afriki. TransAfrica med drugim financiran s strani Rockefeller Foundation (1984 – 29,415$)49 , Ford Foundation (1986 – 200,000$ in 100,000$)50 (1982 – 150,000$) =bl&ots=34bppT9tX&sig=ACfU3U09r7UidLMBM0oPbwhvRMNfmJXZ4w&hl=sl&sa=X&ved =2ahUKEwjNpZaDgNjwAhVys4sKHa37CukQ6AEwEXoECAoQAw#v=onepage&q =transAfrica%20Forum%20ford%20foundation&f=false, Carnegie Corporation of NY (1995; ”With a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, TransAfrica Forum began operations in August of a new program, the TransAfrica Forum Policy Institute.”)52 , Coca Cola Foundation (1995; ”A grant from the Coca Cola Foundation has made possible continuation of TransAfrica Forum’s Education for Careers in International Affairs Program.”)53Ibid., itd. Medtem ko je Imani Countess (National Democratic Institute for International Affairs; AFL-CIO), nekdanja višja direktorica od TransAfrica Forum, Open Society Foundations Fellow.
Proti koncu stoletja pa je bila skupina povezana z idejo, da bi morala ameriška vlada plačati odškodnino potomcem transatlantskih potomcev.
»The cultural boycott of South Africa …. is frightening because Harry Belafonte and his cohorts (Trans-Africa and Artists and Athletes Against-Apartheit) are now using the same techniques they abhor themeselves. … If entertainers do not do exactly as they say and espouse their political beliefs with respect to South Africa, they will be targeted for public embarrassment and economic sanctions. … Why doesn’t TransAfrica and Belafonte target the major film studios for listing on the U.N. blacklist? All of them do business with South Africa by selling their films over there.«54
Pro-komunistično/globalistično sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”
Belafonte je na začetku kariere študiral igralstvo skupaj z Marlonom Brandom, ki je bil tudi sam anti-fa aktivist in aktivist ”liberalne CIA”.
Kot že omenjeno, je Belafonte velik pristaš ”anti-rasističnih” komunističnih/socialističnih režimov, še posebno gre tu za Venezuelca Huga Chaveza in Nicolasa Maduro, za Castra iz Kube, povezan pa je bil tudi z oblastmi v Sovjetski zvezi, čeprav je desnica pretiravala pri njegovih povezavah s Sovjetsko zvezo. Pri njegovem podpiranju komunizma, ga lahko damo v isto skupino z anti-fa pro-črnskima aktivistoma Howardom Zinnom in Ramseyem Clarkom, ki sta oba tesno povezana z liberalno super elito okoli Rockefellerja in organizacij ”liberalne CIA”. Belafonte je tako leta 2006 vodil delegacijo, katera je obiskala Chaveza. Člana delegacije ”liberalne CIA” tudi Danny Glover in Cornel West.
»Belafonte led a delegation of Americans including the actor Danny Glover and the Princeton University scholar Cornel West that met the Venezuelan president for more than six hours late Saturday. …”No matter what the greatest tyrant in the world, the greatest terrorist in the world, George W. Bush says, we’re going to tell you: Not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of the American people …. support your revolution,” Belafonte told Chavez during the broadcast. … [Belafonte] also has been outspoken in criticizing the U.S. embargo of Cuba. …Chavez said he believes deeply in the struggle for justice by blacks, both in the U.S. and Venezuela.«55
Belafone o Kubi leta 2003 –
»I don’t see it as a supreme effort [to support Cuba], it’s a way of life: if you believe in freedom, if you believe in justice, if you believe in democracy, if you believe in people’s rights, if you believe in the harmony of all humankind, I don’t know if you have any other choice that to be there for as long as it takes [povedano zelo izkrivljeno, kot da če verjameš v demokracijo, nimaš druge izbire, kot da podpiraš Fidela Castra].
When I was a kid almost everybody in my family who was Jamaican spoke Spanish and had a lot of Cuban friends and relations. So I’d say that from about the 1930s until now I’ve always had some relationship to Cuba or Cubans. When I became an artist and began to have some celebrity I went to Cuba quite regularly, before ’59. I went there with Sammy Davis, Jr., and to hear Nat “King” Cole, and to hang out with Frank Sinatra, the place we hung out the most was the Hotel Nacional. …
But I remember when I first went to Cuba [na oblasti s strani CIA podprti Batista], the distinctive line that was drawn between black Cubans, mulatto Cubans and white Cubans, and I remember how distant black Cubans were from any of the abundance that came with the tourist trade. As a matter of fact, you didn’t even really see many black waiters. Those were good jobs in those days, and most of them were taken by the light-skinned Cubans. And whenever I would speak with Cubans of direct African characteristics and DNA, they told me about the brutality of racism and the cruelty of the regime against them, and how much they were oppressed by many of the wealthy Cubans who practiced many of the policies and social conduct that America had. …
So when I went to Cuba post-revolution [na oblasti Fidel Castro], the first thing I noticed was the mixtures of people, particularly among the young – there were still residues of the old ways among older citizens – but certainly among the young … I was deeply struck by the fullness of the integration of race and certainly when I looked around at the jobs that were held in the hotels, when I revisited the Nacional, and when I went to the Havana Riviera, I saw a staff that was integrated and managers that were black, and things like that, so I’m not suggesting that Cuba does not still suffer from some racism, but it’s important to know that it is not an official practice of the state, it’s not institutionalized. The institutions there do a great deal to purge any residual racism. Those things are quite impressive to me, let alone the fact that culture, which was a toy for the rich and the privileged, is now a fully-embraced part of the national agenda. …
I’ll tell you something that’s impressed me greatly: experiencing the hip-hop culture, the Cuban rappers. …
But I was surprised at how many there were and how uninformed the hierarchy in Cuban cultural circles was of the whole culture of hip-hop music. …
I did my first big concert of the tour in Havana’s Karl Marx Theater. Actually, it was the second; the first was an obligation I had to the students of the Lenin School, an act of reciprocity. … That was in 1981 or 82. …
And I’d like to see Bono [top sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”], from U-2, he’s not American, he doesn’t have to be bound by our silly laws. There are a lot of people I’d like to see in Cuba. I’d like to see black American actors go and make films in Cuba. I’d like to see black American actors just go to Cuba and be part of the film festival, black and white, many have already been, Danny Glover, others. Susan Sarandon should go, Tim Robbins, people like Sean Penn [”liberalna CIA”].«
Junija leta 2000 je bil Belafonte poseben govorec na zborovanju v Castrovi Kubi, kjer so počastili ameriško sovjetska vohuna, Ethelo in Juliusa Rosenberg, ki sta prenesla strogo zapune visoko tehnološke informacije o radarjih, sonarjih in o reaktivnih pogonih, kot očitno tudi o nuklearni tehnologiji v Sovjetsko zvezo. Pri tem je eden od opazovalcev dejal, da so Belafonteu tekle solze, ko se je spomnil na bolečino in ponižanje, ki ga je moral prenašati njegov prijatelj Paul Robeson v Ameriki v 50ih – kar pa je v resnici čisto druga zadeva (Robeson ni bil kaznovan ali napaden, ker bi dejal, da črnci in belci niso enakopravni, ampak ker je dejal, da če bi prišlo do vojne med ZDA in Sovjetsko zvezo, se mogoče črnci ne bi borili za ZDA. Bil je preganjan, ker je stalno trdil, da je Stalinova Sovjetska zveza raj za zatirane in da je edina država na svetu, ki bi prakticirala pravo enakopravnost in demokracijo država z gulagi). Nedvomno je bil Belafonte zadovoljen, ko je slišal, da predstavlja Kuba ”an example of keeping the principles the Rosenbergs fought and died for alive.”
Oktobra leta 1983 je Belafonte na ”World Peace Concert”, ki ga je vodila vzhodno nemška uradna Komunistična mladinska organizacija, podal blagoslov sovjetsko-sponzorirani ”mirovni” kampanji, ki je pritiskala na unilateralno zahodno razoroževanje, v času ko je Sovjetska zveza nameščala svoje SS-20 rakete v Vzhodni Nemčiji.
Kot je poročal New York Times (27.10.1983), ”[Belafonte] attacked the American invasion of Grenada and also criticized the scheduled NATO weapons deployment [Pershing 2] and thanked the East Germans for making him a member of their National Academy of Arts. Mr. Belafonte was given flowers and thunderous standing ovations.”
Jimmy Carter in Ronald Reagan sta dejansko s tem nameščanjem raket Pershing 2 kompenzirala sovjetsko raketno obrambo.
»”Why I’m Not Wild About Harry—Belafonte, that Is. The Truth About Him You Won’t Hear in the Chorus of Accolades!”:
»No wonder that the late Leo Cherne, head of the International Rescue Committee, rejected Belafonte being honored. “I happen to have some reservations about Belafonte,” he wrote one of the IRC’s board, “I have found him . . . beyond my tastes for the elements of left-wing predisposition. He played a significant relief role in Ethiopia at a time when Ethiopia was under the control of the left wing dictator Mengistu [vladal od 1977-1991; odgovoren za smrt od 1 200 000 do 2 000 000 Etiopijcev], at the very time that the Castro military forces were playing an active support role.”
Writing some years ago, Agustin Blazquez and Jaums Sutton pointed out that “apparently, Castro can do no wrong in the eyes of Belafonte even though he promised the Cuban people to restore the 1940 Constitution, to provide an entirely civilian government, to have full democratic political freedom of expression and press and to have honest and free elections. Instead, Castro installed a totalitarian communist regime, which in reality is totally illegitimate, because it violated the 1940 Constitution. But apparently, the fact that the little Cuban people under Castro do not have the same rights he enjoys is fine with Belafonte’s humanitarianism.”«h56ttps://; PJMedia – Salem Media Group – del ”konservativne CIA”
Belafontejeva malo znana sestra, Shirley Belafonte Cooks, je bila poročena s komunističnim-globalistom antife in z UN-om povezanim aktivistom Stoneyem Cooksom, in je razvila svoje pomembne elitne povezave.
- 17.2.2015, Washington Post, ‘Lyndon Johnson’s letter to MLK’s widow heads to auction after a big fight‘:
»Stoney Cooks, front, and Shirley (Belafonte) Cooks, both veterans of the early civil rights movement…«
- 25.10.2003,, ‘An exclusive interview with Harry Belafonte on Cuba‘:
»I think my sister turned out to be the best of us all. Her name is Shirley and she’s just a wondrous person. She lives in Washington, DC and she does a lot of work politically. She was on the staff of Madeline Albright [članica super elite] in the State Department during [the Clinton administration] when people in the State Department were brighter than the people who are there now [kar je laž; to pove samo zato, ker je na oblasti Bush, sicer član iste super elite, kot Albrightova]. When my sister was very young I brought her into the civil rights movement, she worked for [gibanje Martina L. Kinga, financirano s strani Rocekfellerjev] SCLC and for SNCC [od Howarda Zinna] mostly, and she grew up in the tradition of the movement.«
- 12.5.1978, Volume 12, Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, str. 895′:
»President [Jimmy Carter] today announced the appointment of Stoney Cooks as Representative of the United States to the 45th Session of the Trusteeship Council of the United Nations, to be held in New York for May 15 to June 9. Cooks, 35, is executive assistant to U.N. ambassador Andrew Young [ambasador od 1977-1979; član od CFR, od leta 1977 dalje; zgodnji vodja ‘gibanja za državljanske pravice’; bil izvršni direktor s strani Rocekfellerjev financiranega Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC; Martin L. King); bil župan Atlante; pomagal pri ustanovitvi elitnega in s CIA povezanega U.S. Institute for Peace; bil svetovalec od Nike (del Sun Valley Meetings); prostozidar; član od elitnega Bretton Woods Committee; bil upravitelj in ustanovni predsedujoči od s strani CIA, Rocekfellerjev in Ford Foundation financiranega Africa-American Institute; bil v vodstvu od Southern African Enterprise Development Fund (uradni ustanovitelj Bill Clinton; Maurice Tempelsman – ustanovni direktor od Africa-American Institute); upravitelj elitnega s CIA povezanega Freedom House; član elitnega Alfalfa Club; član od US Commission on National Security; podpornik od Hillary Clinton; podpornik Baracka Obame; član direktorske uprave Trunerjeve elitne United Nations Foundation]. From 1972 to 1977, he was administrative assistant to then-Congressman Young. From 1970 to 1972, he was executive director of Southern Christian Leadership Conference [s strani Rockefellerjev financiranega, in od M. L. Kinga vodenega].«
- November 1978,, ‘The New Left in Government; From Protest to Policy-Making‘:
»Many of these New Leftera activists, along with others mentioned, have been associated with the Institute for Policy Studies [del ”liberalne CIA”], an organization whose leadership includes several admitted or otherwise known Communists and other revolutionaries. The pattern of affiliation with IPS, like the pattern of activity in proHanoi segments of the “peace” movement of the 1960s…«
- November 1978, Heritage Foundation, ‘The New Left in Government; From Protest to Policy-Making‘, str. 40-41:
»Cooks developed his relationship with Young while both were staff employees of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and later as Young’s administrative assistant when Young was elected to Congress from Georgia in 1972. When 10th World Youth Festival, a Soviet-controlled international mobilization of pro-Communist strenght, was held in East Berlin in 1973, Cooks was a U.S. sponsor. …
According to a formerly ”TOP SECRET” FBI report entitled Foreign Influence – Weather Underground Organization (WUO), dated August 20, 1976, Stoney Cooks was among 41 Americans who traveled to Bratislava Czechoslovakia, for a September 6-13, 1967, meeting with representatives of the Communist North Viatnamese government and the Viet Cong. This gathering, in which representatives of SDS [Students for Democratic Society] and other radical groups participated, was described by an SDS participant as ”The first large meeting between Americans of the anti-war movement and delegations from the DRV (Democratic Republic of Vietnam) and NLF (National Liberation Front of South Vietnam).
According to an article in the January-Feburuary 1968 issue of Dissent by another participant, the meeting had been initiated, by the North Viatnamese, and the Americans ”were expected not only to oppose the [U.S.] war in Vietnam but also to favor, on balance, an NLF victory.” The Bratislava session also served another important purpose: according to the FBI report, it was part of ”a series of events which had a cumulative effect on the growing presence of Weatherman as revolutionary Marxist-Leninists who had made a commitment to; armed, struggle in behalf of the international communist movement.”«
Belfonte sam, pa je bil vpleten v mnoge globalistične zadeve. Globoko vpleten v ‘Civil Rights movement’ v 50ih in 60ih, ter bil eden od zaupnikov od Martina Luthra Kinga Jr., katerega aktivnosti so bile financirane s strani Nelsona Rockefellerja in Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
- 6.4.2017,, ‘Harry Belafonte discusses his friend Paul Robeson, civil rights at Rutgers‘:
»Belafonte, 90, was accompanied by Robeson’s granddaughter, Susan Robeson … Belafonte — whose political beliefs were greatly inspired by his friend and mentor, Paul Robeson — was a staunch supporter of the movement and was one of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s confidants.«
Jim Jones, ustanovitelj od s CIA povezanim in komunističnim, samomorilskim Jamestown Cult, je bil velik oboževalec od Paula Robesona.
Hugo Chavez, Institute for Policy Studies in ostalo
Belafonte je bil ambasador dobre volje od UN-a.
Skupaj z že prej omenjenim hollywoodskim igralcem Dannyem Gloverjem je bil eden od prvotnih podpornikov venezuelskega predsednika Huga Chaveza, ki je dopustil intervjuje za Democracy Now!, kateri je medij, ki je financiran s strani fundacij od Rockefellerjev, Sorosa, od Ford Foundation.
Belafonte je slavnostni ambasador za vprašanja mladoletniškega pravosodja pri UCLA, financirane s strani fundacij od Rockefellerjev, Sorosa, od Ford Foundation.
Belafonte je upravitelj od Institute for Policy Studies, ki je financiran s strani fundacij od Rockefellerjev, Sorosa, od Ford Foundation – upravitelj tudi Danny Glover.
Bil direktor od TransAfrica: Justice for the African World, kjer je predsedujoči Danny Glover; so-predsedujoči od Women’s March on Washington, januarja 2017, financiran s strani fundacij od Rockefellerjev, Sorosa, Buffeta, Ford Foundation in ostalih.
Poleg tega pa še direktor od Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights.
Direktor od The Advancement Project (pro-migracijski, LGBT, ”človekove pravice”, ”policijsko nasilje” – ”liberalna CIA”), ki je financiran57; str. 18 od Ford Foundation, Sorosove Open Society Foundations, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, The JPB Foundation, The Atlantic Philanthropies, Nathan Cummings Foundation, Borealis Philanthropy, Institute of International Education, Skadden Foundation, Wallace Global Fund.
Častni direktor Sorosove Drug Policy Alliance (častni član uprave bil tudi zloglasni CIA operativec Frank Carlucci, kot tudi Arriana Huffington, Paul Volcker, George Shultz, Carla Hills, Walter Cronkite – vsi super elitni člani iz Rocekfellerjevega in Sorosovega kroga), ki deluje na ohranjanju modne besedne fraze ‘black lives matter‘, katera je bila vključena v govore političnih osebnosti, vključno s Hillary Clinton.
Član svetovalne uprave od Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (Harrison Ford – Rockefellerjev agent; Jane Goodall – United Nations Messenger of Peace; Bianca Jagger – Council of Europe Goodwill Ambassador for Human Rights; Dalai Lama; Robert Muller – New age ”liberalna CIA”; Jonathan Schell – Nation Institute, Ted Turner – New age, CNN, ”liberalna CIA”, Rockefellerjev agent, United Nations Foundation; Desmond M. Tutu – ‘liberalna CIA”; Michael Douglas – CFR, United Nations Peace Messenger, ”liberalna CIA”; Paul R. Ehrlich – Population Institute, Zero Population Growth; Daniel Ellsberg – Pentagon Papers, ”liberalna CIA”; Theodore M. Hesburgh – National Committee on United States-China Relations, Ploughshares Fund; predsednik je David Krieger – World Future Council; član svetovalne oprave je Noam Chomsky –”liberalna CIA”; Oliver Stone – ”liberalna CIA”).
Belafonte je pokrovitelj od Desmond Tutu Peace Trust.
Gathering For Justice
Leta 2005 je Belafonte ustanovil Gathering For Justice, katerega financerji so California Wellness Foundation, Human Rights Campaign Foundation, Kresge Foundation, MoveOn Civic Action (, New World Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Threshold Foundation58
Gathering For Justice je še ena v vrsti radikalnih t.i. ”social-justice” organizacij iz omrežja ”liberalne CIA”.
5.3.2020 pa je Gathering For Justice pripravil ‘#RADICALREADZ – Celebrating Linda Sarsour!’
Linda Sarsour, članica uprave od Women’s March, Inc. (del ”liberalne CIA”), je islamska ekstremistka iz omrežja ”liberalna CIA”, podpornica terorizma, feministka, zagovornica migracij, anti-Semitka, podpornica in nadomestnica Bernieja Sandersa, podpornica šeriatskega prava in povezana s pohodom od People’s Climate Movement (del ”liberalne CIA”).
Linda Sarsour (vodja od Women’s March) je 8.3.2011 zapisala na Twitterju:
»Brigitte Gabriel = Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She’s asking 4 an a$$ whippin’. I wish I could take their vaginas away – they don’t deserve to be woman.«59
Ayaan Ali je bila rojena v Somaliji in je žrtev ženskega genitalnega pohabljenja, ki je pobegnila pred v naprej dogovorjeno poroko, ter je od takrat dalje ena od vodilnih glasov, ki kritizirajo islam. Alijeva je postala del neokonservativne elite, je članica od Council on Foreign Relations, je strokovnjakinja pri Hoover Institution (del ”konservativne CIA”), strokovnjakinja pri Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, gostujoča strokovnjakinja pri American Enterprise Institute (del ”konservativne CIA”), feministka, …. ; pobegnila iz Nizozemske v ZDA po tem, ko so ji muslimanski džihadisti grozili s smrtjo.
Alijeva je o Sarsourjevi dejala:
»Human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali says that a Women’s March organizer who has defended sharia law is a “fake feminist.” … Though Sarsour led the feminist event in Washington, D.C., she has attacked Ali and other women who have criticized radical Islam and sharia law. …
“Ms. Sarsour is hostile to me and not because she knows me, but because she’s a fake feminist,” Ali told Fox News’ Martha MacCallum on Wednesday. “Ms. Sarsour is not interested in universal human rights. She’s a defender of sharia law.” …
Last month, The Daily Caller reported that Sarsour led the Women’s March despite having family ties to Hamas, the terrorist group. At a convention last month hosted by the Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America, two groups tied to the Muslim Brotherhood (ozadje od al-Kajde), Sarsour posed for a picture with alleged Hamas financier Salah Sarsour (it is unclear if they are related). …
Other outlets dug up old tweets showing that Sarsour defended sharia law. In one tweet she wrote that sharia law is “reasonable.”Another showed that favorably compared Saudi Arabia [tesen zaveznik liberalnega establišmenta/CIA] to the U.S. because the former grants women paid maternity leave. She downplayed the regime’s prohibition against women driving. The Daily Caller’s report caused a furor online and sparked the hashtag #IMarchWithLinda. Sarsour’s supporters claimed that she was being unfairly smeared by coordinated attacks from conservatives. …
Ali noted that Sarsour and other march organizers did not address violence women face under Islamic rule. She pointed to Boko Haram’s kidnapping of more than 200 girls in Nigeria and ISIS raping and murdering Yazidi Christian women in Iraq.
“We have threats, real threats, against women — a real war on women. Our genitals are being cut. 140 million woman have been subjected to genital mutilation — child brides,” said Ali, who is also a victim of female genital mutilation.«60
March on Washington
Belafonte je bil poseben govorec 2.10.2010 pri ‘March on Washington‘, ki ga je organiziral One Nation Working Together, ki ga sestavljajo NGO-ji in politične stranke iz omrežja ”liberalne CIA”, kot so – AFL-CIO, AFSCME, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, American Federation of Teachers, American Muslim Association of North America, Campaign for America’s Future, Center for Community Change, Code Pink, Color of Change, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America, Earth Day Network, Friends of the Earth, Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, Green for All, Institute for Policy Studies, Interfaith Worker Justice, NAACP, National Council of La Raza, National Education Association, National Immigrant Solidarity Network, National Wildlife Federation, People For the American Way, Planned Parenthood, Progressive Democrats of America, Reform Immigration For America, Service Employees International Union, Sierra Club, UNITE HERE, United for Peace and Justice, United States Student Association, USAction, U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. Ostali govorci so bili Deepak Bhargarva (član uprave od Open Society Foundations), Luis Gutierrez, Wade Henderson (NAACP, UCLA), Jesse Jackson (podpornik Sandersa; sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”), Ben Jealous (Sandersov svetovalec), Van Jones (član od CFR, v vodstvu od Center for American Progress, Progressive Agenda, Clinton Global Initiative), Al Sharpton (National Action Network), Richard Trumka (Campaign for America’s Future, Economic Policy Institute, AFL-CIO) in Marian Wright Edelman (Članica od Council on Foreign Relations; članica uprave od Robin Hood Foundation – George Soros doniral $50 milijonov, član uprave posiljevalec Weinstein – Sorosev prijatelj; bila vodja od NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund; ustanoviteljica in predsednica emerita od Children’s Defense Fund).
Bill McKibben
– strokovnjak od Sanders Institute.
Ben Jealous
Ben Jealous je strokovnjak od Sanders Institute in član uprave od Sandersove Our Revolution.
Jealous je študiral kot elitni Rhodes Scholar in bil predsednik in generalni direktor od NAACP, katerega najpomembnejši financerji skozi različna obdobja so –
»American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) … American Federation of Government Employees … American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) … American Federation of Teachers … American Postal Workers Union … Communications Workers of America … Ford Foundation … International Brotherhood of Teamsters … Kresge Foundation … Charles Stewart Mott Foundation … Nathan Cummings Foundation … NEO Philanthropy … Open Society Foundations … Proteus Fund … Robert Wood Johnson Foundation … Sergey Brin Family Foundation … Service Employees International Union … Sixteen Thirty Fund … Skoll Global Threats Fund … United Food and Commercial Workers … W. K. Kellogg Foundation«61
Leta 2013 ga je Washington Post (predstavlja pomembno obveščevalno strukturo liberalnega establišmenta) imenoval za “one of the nation’s most prominent civil rights leaders.”
Jealous je partner od Kapor Capital (del ”liberalne CIA”); predsedujoč upravi od Southern Elections Fund; je eden od John L. Weinberg/Goldman Sachs Visiting Professor na Woodrow Wilson School – Princeton University. Leta 2013 je bil imenovan za Young Global Leader od World Economic Forum.
Jealousove povezave –
- bil izvršni direktor od National Newspaper Publishers Association (zveza več kot 200 časopisov črnske skupnosti);
- bil direktor od US Human Rights Program – Amnesty International (financerji – Ford Foundation, Tides Foundation, Agape Foundation, Bank of America Foundation, Columbia Foundation, Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, JEHT Foundation, John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Minneapolis Foundation, Open Society Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Rockefeller Foundation, Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust, Vanguard Public Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation)62;
- je član elitnega Center for American Progress;
- član globalnega svetovalnega odbora od elitnega Earth Day Network (člani – Ted Truner, John Podesta, Richard Branson, Al Gore, Bernie Sanders, Martin Scorsese, Shaquille O’Neil, Carl Pope, Phillipe Cousteau Jr., Barbara Streinsand, Mark Tercek, William Ruckelshaus; v vodstvu so bili Laurence Rockefeller, John Kerry, Raplh Nader, Geylord Nelson, Paul Ehrlich, Robert Kennedy Jr., Teresa Heinz).
Jealous je podpornik od Justice Democrats (podporniki od Greta Thunberg; Zack Exley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)
Leta 2016 najprej podprl Sandersa, nato Hillary Clinton.
Jane D’Arista
Jane D’Arista je bila ekonomska svetovalka Bearnieja Sandersa.
D’Arista je raziskovalna sodelavka od Economic Policy Institute, kjer je koordinatorka od Committee of Economists and Analysts for Financial Reform. Emeritus član uprave je Robert Reich.
Pomembnejši financerji inštituta –
»American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) … American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) … American Federation of Teachers … American Postal Workers Union … Bauman Family Foundation … Communications Workers of America … Democracy Alliance … Energy Foundation … Marguerite Casey Foundation … Nathan Cummings Foundation … National Education Association … Open Society Foundations … Peter G. Peterson Foundation … Ploughshares Fund … Public Welfare Foundation … Service Employees International Union … Sixteen Thirty Fund … Stephen M. Silberstein Foundation … Surdna Foundation … Unite Here … W. K. Kellogg Foundation«63
D’Arista je bila ekonomistka pri Banking and Commerce Committees – U.S. House of Representatives; predavala mednarodne finance na Boston University School of Law, 1988-1999; je pridružena raziskovalka pri Political Economy Research Institute – University of Massachusetts.
D’Arista je bila so-ustanoviteljica od Stable, Accountable, Fair and Efficient Financial Reform (SAFER), preko katerega je bila predstavnica od progresivnega ”anti-Wall Street” Americans for Financial Reform, katerega koalicijski partnerji so –
»AFL-CIO [National Endowment for Democracy] … AFSCME … Alliance For Justice … American Sustainable Business Council … Campaign for America’s Future .. Center for Digital Democracy … Center for Justice and Democracy … Color of Change … Common Cause … CREDO … Demos … Economic Policy Institute … Green America … Institute for Policy Studies: Global Economy Project … Political Action … NAACP … Unidos … UNITE HERE«64; dostop 26.8.2022
Americans for Financial Reform je projekt od Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (LCCHR), katerega financerji so –
»American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) … American Federation of Government Employees … American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) … American Federation of Teachers … Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation … Ford Foundation … John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation … National Education Association … NEO Philanthropy Action Fund … Open Society Foundations … Open Society Policy Center … Sixteen Thirty Fund«65
Koalicijski člani od LCCHR –
»Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. [tesno povezani z Boule] … American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee … American Civil Liberties Union … American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO … American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO … American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO … American Islamic Congress … American Jewish Committee … Amnesty International USA … Anti-Defamation League … Arab American Institute Foundation … B’nai B’rith International … Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law … Center for Popular Democracy … Center for Reproductive Rights … Center for Victims of Torture … Children’s Defense Fund … Code for America … Common Cause … Dēmos … Drug Policy Alliance … Feminist Majority … Freedom From Religion Foundation … GLSEN … Hip Hop Caucus … Human Rights Campaign … Human Rights First … Human Rights Watch … League of Women Voters of The United States … Muslim Public Affairs Council … NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. … NARAL Pro-Choice America … National Association for the Advancement of Colored People … National Bar Association … National Black Justice Coalition … National Center for Lesbian Rights … National Center for Transgender Equality … National Education Association … National LGBTQ Task Force … National Immigration Forum … National Immigration Law Center … Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) … Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. [Bill Cosby; Boule] … Open Society Policy Center … OXFAM America … People For the American Way … Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. … PolicyLink … Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights … SAGE/Advocacy & Services for LGBT Elders … Service Employees International Union … The Sierra Club … Southern Christian Leadership Conference … Southern Poverty Law Center … Teach for America … UnidosUS (formerly National Council of La Raza) … Voto Latino … YWCA USA«66; dostop 26.8.2022
D’Arista je raziskovalka pri Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) na University of Massachusetts Amherst. Ekonomist na inštitutu je tudi top sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” Daniel Ellsberg.
D’Arista piše za progresivni The Real News Network, katerega financerji leta 2022 so –
»Bertha Foundation. Crown Family Philanthropies … The Annie E. Casey Foundation«67
Upravitelj od The Real News Network pa je tudi top sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” Danny Glover.
Lawrence Mishel
Lawrence Mishel je bil ekonomski svetovalec Bearnieja Sandersa.
Mishel je ugledni sodelavec in bil predsednik (2002-2017) od Economic Policy Institute; bil sodelavec od U.S. Department of Labor; bil fakultativni član od School of Industrial and Labor Relations – Cornell University; so-avtor 12ih izdaj od The State of Working America.
Mishel je bil ekonomist ali svetovalec pri delavskih sindikatih iz omrežja ”liberalne CIA” – United Auto Workers; United Steelworkers; American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, ki je največji član od delavskega sindikata American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO); Industrial Union Department – AFL-CIO [National Endowment for Democracy], ki je največja zveza delavskih sindikatov v ZDA.
Mishel piše za The American Prospect, katerega financerji so –
»American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) … American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) … American Federation of Teachers … Annie E. Casey Foundation … California Endowment … Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund … Ford Foundation … Foundation to Promote Open Society … Open Society Foundations … Ploughshares Fund … Proteus Fund … Rockefeller Brothers Fund … Schumann Media Center … Service Employees International Union … Stephen M. Silberstein Foundation … Surdna Foundation … W. K. Kellogg Foundation«68
Mishel je pisal tudi za Huffington Post od tesne Sorosove zaveznice Arianne Huffington.
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