Camila Cabello
- Uvod
- Save the Children
- Children’s Health Fund
- Podpornica migracij in radikalne skupine Black Lives Matter
- Podpornica od March For Our Lives
- Global Citizen Festival in HeadCount
- Just Vote
- Obamova podpornica
Cabellova je ameriška pop pevka kubanskih korenin, ki je postala slavna kot članica dekliške skupine Fifth Harmony, nastale leta 2012 na The X Factor USA.
Kot velika večina pomembnih sredstev ”liberalne CIA”, tudi Cabellova podprla preko družbenih medijev govor Grete Thunberg, ki ga je imela na zasedanju Združenih narodov –
»camila_cabello [Verified] everybody needs to hear this. #Repost @gretathunberg ❤️
“Right here, right now is where we draw the line. The world is waking up. And change is coming, whether you like it or not.”
My full speech in United Nations General Assembly. #howdareyou«1
Dodatno –
Cabellova je bila 22.10.2019 skupaj s top globalistoma Kate Middleton in britanskim princem Williamom pri Kensingtonski palači.
Save the Children
Cabellova je ambasadorka in partnerica od Save the Children, preko katerih je pomagala zbirati denar za žrtve hurikana Maria leta 2019. Za Save the Children pa je oblikovala tudi majice z napisom Love Only (»to help raise awareness of issues involving girls’ equal access to education, health care and opportunities to succeed«)2
»Camila Cabello Vows to Raise $250,000 for Save the Children: ‘A Voice Is a Powerful Instrument’ …
Camila Cabello was honored Thursday at Save the Children’s Gala in New York City Thursday for “her commitment to stand up and be a voice for the kids.” … “One of my favorite quotes is ‘humanity owes the child the best it has to give.’ And Save the Children, you guys are doing just that,” she said, accepting the award. “Changing the courses of kids and families lives all over the world.”
Cabello, who serves as an ambassador for the organization, visited Save the Children’s programs in Puerto Rico following a devastating hurricane last year.«3
Korporativni partnerji od Save the Children –
»Accenture …Boston Consulting Group … Bulgari … C&A and C&A Foundation … GSK … Ikea and Ikea Foundation … Johnson & Johnson [del CFR] … Mendelez International«4
Financer od Save the Children tudi elitna David and Lucile Packard Foundation, 2017 –
»Date: 2019 … $200,000«5
»Date: 2017 … $1,200,000«6
»Date: 2016 … To support emergency relief efforts in Haiti with an emphasis on reproductive health … $225,250«7
Kot tudi Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, leta 1999 – $500 000,8 leta 2002 – $40,000;9 Rockefeller Foundation tesno sodeluje s Save the Children;10 kot tudi Open Society Foundations, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,11 in pa Oprah Winfrey.12
Partnerji od Save the Children leta 2015 –
»Global Corporate Partners [-] … Accenture … BVLGARI … C&A and C&A Foundation … GSK … IKEA US Retail and IKEA Foundation … Johnson & Johnson [del CFR] … Mondeléz International & Mondeléz International Foundation … Featured Corporate Partners [-] … BlackRock [del CFR]… P&G … Penguin Random House … Corporate Partners $1 MILLION AND ABOVE [-] … Facebook Inc. [del CFR, del Sun Valley Meetings] … Pfizer and the Pfizer Foundation [del CFR] … The Walt Disney Company [del Sunc Valley Meetings]… $100,000 TO $1 MILLION [-] … Adobe [del Sun Valley Meetings] … Amazon [del Sun Valley Meetings]… AmeriCares … Apple [del CFR; del Sun Valley Meetings] … BlackRock … BNY Mellon [del CFR] … Cargill … Chevron [del CFR]… Citi Foundation [del CFR] … Colgate-Palmolive … ExxonMobil [del CFR]… [del CFR, del Sun Valley Meetings]… Mastercard [del CFR]… Morgan Stanley [del CFR] … Nike Foundation [del Sun Valley Meetings] … PayPal [del CFR] … PepsiCo Foundation [del CFR] … The Microsoft Corporation [del CFR, del Sun Valley Meetings] … The PwC Charitable Foundation, Inc. … Walmart Foundation [del CFR] … Western Union Foundation [del CFR]… Foundation Partners [-] … Bezos Family Foundation … Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation … Charles Stewart Mott Foundation … Comic Relief USA … Crown Family Philanthropies … The Hearst Foundation, Inc. … Humanity United / Freedom Fund [Pierre Omidyar] … Oak Foundation … Open Society Foundations … Robert Wood Johnson Foundation … The Rockefeller Foundation … The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation«13
Children’s Health Fund
Cabellova je partnerica od Children’s Health Fund, kjer je bil predsedujoči član svetovalne uprave General Colin L. Powell. Častni predsedujoči korporativnemu odboru (2014, 2015, 2016) je Senator John D. Rockefeller IV.
Financerji of Children’s Health Fund leta 2018 –
»$500,000 – $999,999 [-] … H&M Hennes & Mauritz LP … Robin Hood Foundation [Harvey Weinstein; George Soros] … Walmart Foundation … $100,000 – $249,999 [-] … Morgan Stanley Foundation … $50,000 – $99,999 [-] … Merck & Co., Inc. … $25,000 – $49,999 [-] … American Express … J.M. Kaplan Fund, Inc. [CIA] … $10,000 – $14,999 [-] … CBS Corporation … Citigroup … Delta Air Lines, Inc … Lazard Freres & Co. … Foundation«14
Podpornica migracij in radikalne skupine Black Lives Matter
V skladu z ideologijo ”liberalne CIA” je podpornica migracij, čeprav bila decembra 2019 tarča zaradi svojih preteklih rasističnih izjav.
Cabellova je podpornica radikalne skupine Black Lives Matter15, ki je del ”liberalne CIA”. Med podporniki od Black Lives Matter najdemo veliko artistov, ki so tesno povezani s Sorosom in z organizacijami ”liberalne CIA”, kot so to Beyonce, Jay Z, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Justin Timberlake, Scooter Braun (menedžer od Ariane Grande in Justina Bieberja; dober prijatelja Alexandra Sorosa), kot tudi Quentin Tarantino in ostali.
Zgodnje financiranje od Black Lives Matter je prišlo od Georga Sorosa in Ford Foundation. Soros je dal leta 2015 $33 milijonov za vzpodbujanje protestov v Fergusonu, ter financiral, da so se protesti nato razširili na nacionalno raven.
»– Hedge fund mogul’s Open Society Foundations made huge donations
– Organizers bussed in from New York and D.C. to take over campaigning
– Different cash recipients would repeat each others’ messages
– Helped to keep events and messages at the top of news agenda
– Soros cash, from speculating on markets, is given to many liberal causes
Liberal billionaire George Soros donated $33million to social justice organizations which helped turn events in Ferguson from a local protest into a national flashpoint.
… Organizers from professional groups in Washington, D.C., and New York were bussed into the Missouri town to co-ordinate messaging and lobby to news media to cover events using the billionaire’s funding.
The flood of donations were uncovered in an analysis of the latest tax return by Soros’s Open Society Foundations by the Washington Times.
The cash was reportedly funneled into keeping up numbers of protesters in the community over a period of months by bringing in outside activists.
Meanwhile papers from think tanks were disseminated to bring in extra coverage of the civil unrest, also linked to the police killings of Eric Garner in Staten Island and Tamir Rice, 12, in Cleveland, Ohio.
Outlets which covered the research, and the movements themselves, included one, Colorlines, which Soros himself has funded.
The slew of organizations reportedly created their own online ‘echo chamber’, by using their extensive social media presences to ‘like’, repost and comment on articles putting across their point of view.
… The Soros cash was also put to work driving buzzwords and social media campaigns to propel Ferguson into the national consciousness.
One recipient of his funding is the Organization for Black Struggle, which in turned established a group called the Hands Up Coalition, that has helped make ubiquitous the ‘hands up, don’t shoot’ slogan.
… Soros also gave money to the Drug Policy Alliance, which worked on the perpetuation of the ‘black lives matter’ buzz phrase, which has been incorporated into speeches by political figures including Hillary Clinton.
…He is currently ranked at number 17 on the Forbes 400 richlist, with an estimated worth of $24billion.«16
»Mr. Soros spurred the Ferguson protest movement through years of funding and mobilizing groups across the U.S., according to interviews with key players and financial records reviewed by The Washington Times. …
In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations.
The financial tether from Mr. Soros to the activist groups gave rise to a combustible protest movement that transformed a one-day criminal event in Missouri into a 24-hour-a-day national cause celebre. …
Mr. [Kenneth] Zimmerman [of Soros’ Open Society Foundation] said OSF has been giving to these types of groups since its inception in the early ‘90s, and that, although groups involved in the protests have been recipients of Mr. Soros‘ grants, they were in no way directed to protest at the behest of Open Society. …
The plethora of organizations involved not only shared Mr. Soros‘ funding, but they also fed off each other, using content and buzzwords developed by one organization on another’s website, referencing each other’s news columns and by creating a social media echo chamber of Facebook “likes” and Twitter hashtags that dominated the mainstream media and personal online newsfeeds.
Buses of activists from the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference in Chicago; from the Drug Policy Alliance, Make the Road New York and Equal Justice USA from New York; from Sojourners, the Advancement Project and Center for Community Change in Washington; and networks from the Gamaliel Foundation — all funded in part by Mr. Soros — descended on Ferguson starting in August and later organized protests and gatherings in the city until late last month. …
“I went to Ferguson in a quest to be in solidarity and stand with the young organizers and affirm their leadership,” said Kassandra Frederique, policy manager at the Drug Policy Alliance, which was founded by Mr. Soros, and which receives $4 million annually from his foundation. She traveled to Ferguson in October. …
Ms. Frederique works with Opal Tometi, co-creator of #BlackLivesMatter — a hashtag that was developed after the killing of Trayvon Martin in Florida — and helped promote it on DPA’s news feeds. Ms. Tometi runs the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, a group to which Mr. Soros gave $100,000 in 2011, according to the most recent of his foundation’s tax filings. …
With the backing of national civil rights organizations and Mr. Soros‘ funding, “Black Lives Matter” grew from a hashtag into a social media phenomenon, including a #BlackLivesMatter bus tour and march in September.
“More than 500 of us have traveled from Boston, Chicago, Columbus, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Nashville, Portland, Tucson, Washington, D.C., Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and other cities to support the people of Ferguson and help turn a local moment into a national movement,” wrote Akiba Solomon, a journalist at Colorlines, describing the event.
Colorlines is an online news site that focuses on race issues and is published by Race Forward, a group that received $200,000 from Mr. Soros’s foundation in 2011. Colorlines has published tirelessly on the activities in Ferguson and heavily promoted the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag and activities.
At the end of the #BlackLivesMatter march, organizers met with civil rights groups like the Organization for Black Struggle and Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment to strategize their operations moving forward, Ms. Solomon wrote. OBS and MORE are also funded by Mr. Soros.
Mr. Soros gave $5.4 million to Ferguson and Staten Island grass-roots efforts last year to help “further police reform, accountability and public transparency,” the Open Society Foundations said in a blog post in December. About half of those funds were earmarked to Ferguson, with the money primarily going to OBS and MORE, the foundation said.
OBS and MORE, along with the Dream Defenders, established the “Hands Up Coalition” — another so-called “grass-roots” organization in Missouri, whose name was based on now-known-to-be-false claims that Brown had his hands up before being shot. The Defenders were built to rally support and awareness for the Trayvon Martin case and were funded by the Tides Foundation, another recipient of Soros cash.
Hands Up Coalition has made it its mission to recruit and organize youth nationwide to start local events in their communities — trying to take Ferguson nationwide.
Hands Up Coalition has dubbed 2015 as “The Year of Resistance,” and its outreach program strongly resembles how President Obama’s political action committee — Organizing for Action — rallies youth for its causes, complete with a similarly designed Web page and call to action.
Mr. Soros, who made his fortune betting against the British pound during the currency crisis in the early ‘90s, is a well-known supporter of progressive-liberal causes and is a political donor to Mr. Obama’s campaigns. He committed $1 million to Mr. Obama’s super PAC in 2012.
Mr. Soros‘ two largest foundations manage almost $3 billion in assets per year, according to their most recent respective tax returns. The Foundation to Promote Open Society managed $2.2 billion in assets in 2011, and his Open Society Institute managed $685.9 million in 2012.
In comparison, David and Charles Koch, the billionaire brothers whom liberals often call a threat to democracy — and worse — for their conservative influence, had $308 million tied up in their foundation and institute in 2011.
One of the organizations that Mr. Soros funds, and which fueled the demonstrations in Ferguson, is the Gamaliel Foundation, a network of grass-roots, interreligious and interracial organizations. Mr. Obama started his career as a community organizer at a Gamaliel affiliate in Chicago.
Representatives of Sojourners, a national evangelical Christian organization committed “to faith in action for social justice,” attended the weekend. The group received $150,000 from Mr. Soros in 2011.
Clergy representatives from the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference, where the Rev. Jeremiah Wright serves as a trustee, also showed up. Mr. Wright was Mr. Obama’s pastor in Chicago before some of his racially charged sermons, including the phrase “God damn America,” forced Mr. Obama to distance himself. SDPC received $250,000 from Mr. Soros in 2011.«17
»Black Lives Matter cashes in with $100 million from liberal foundations …
For all its talk of being a street uprising, Black Lives Matter is increasingly awash in cash, raking in pledges of more than $100 million from liberal foundations …
The Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy recently announced the formation of the Black-Led Movement Fund [BLMF], a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives coalition.
That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, as well as grant-making from the Center for American Progress.
In doing so, however, the foundations have aligned themselves with the staunch left-wing platform of the Movement for Black Lives, which unveiled a policy agenda shortly after the fund was announced accusing Israel of being an “apartheid state” guilty of “genocide.”«18
George Soros in njegov Open Society Institute sta finančno podpirala visoko izobraženega aktivista iz gibanja Black Lives Matter DeRaya McKessona. Mckesson je preko tega dobil tudi dom oz. sedež, za Sorosa pa se zdi, da iz ozadja igra ključno vlogo pri upravljanju njegove kampanje.
McKesson je tako dobil medijsko platformo pri Huffington Post in pri The Guardian. Huffington Post je v lasti Sorosove tesno zaveznice Arianne Huffington, ki tudi spada pod okrilje ”liberalne CIA”. The Guardian pa je tudi tesno povezan z liberalno super elito, ne samo preko Scott Trust, Guardian Media Group in banke HSBC, ampak tudi prejema donacije od Rockefeller Foundation, kot tudi je partner od Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Open Society Foundations, The David & Lucile Packard Foundation, Skoll Foundation, Park Foundation, Energy Foundation, Humanity United – Omidyar Network. Poleg tega pa je The Guardian pomembno medijsko sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”.
McKesson je bil leta 2015 gostujoči predavatelj na Yale Divinity School. Dobitnik nagrade Howard Zinn Freedom to Write Award, prako tako leta 2015. Howard Zinn je elitni antifa številka ena že od 60ih.
Mckesson je so-ustanovitelj od Campaign Zero, katere namen je zmanjšanje policijskega nasilja, po zgledu protestov v Fergosonu. Leta 2016 se je potegoval za župana Baltimorja, na koncu končal na šestem mestu.
»DeRay Mckesson, who left his cushy job in Minneapolis Public Schools to lead Black Lives Matter protests across the country, not only makes $165,000 as a high-level official in Baltimore Public Schools as of last month – he’s living off connections of leftist money man George Soros.
The American Mirror [ultrakonservativna spletna stran] reports that Mckesson is living in a home “owned by philanthropists James and Robin Wood in Baltimore,” who are “wealthy donors to the Baltimore chapter of George Soros’ Open Society Institute.”«19
Robin Woods je leta 2008 postala tudi članica uprave od Open Society Institute Baltimore.
Podpornica od March For Our Lives
Cabellova je podpornica od March For Our Lives, v katerega sta iz ozadja močno vpletena George Clooney in Scooter Braun – oba del ”liberalne CIA”. George Clooney tudi član od Council on Foreign Relations, kot tudi tesno povezan z Johnom Prendergastom, ki je delal za Sorosov International Crisis Group in bil član Clintonovega National Security Council.
Podporniki pa tudi ostali iz liberalne elite in ”liberalne CIA”, kot so to – Amal Clooney, Oprah Winfrey, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg, Justin Bieber, Alyssa Milano, Amy Schumer, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, John Legend, Taylor Swift, Justin Timberlake, Will Smith, Cher in še številni ostali.
Del tega so tudi napisi med njenimi nastopi – aktivisti od Black Lives Matter, napis Refugees Welcome Here, …. posnetki aktivistke Emme Gonzales (preživela streljanje; so-ustanoviteljica od Never Again MSD), napisi od Women’s March (ki bi se lahko sicer imenoval Soros’s March, …. ali pa Ford’s March … ali pa CIA’s March).
Global Citizen Festival in HeadCount
Leta 2020 in 2021 je nastopala na Global Citizen Festival, ki je pomemben promotor globalizma in ideologije ”liberalne CIA”. Na festivalu nastopi tudi Lady Gaga
Partnerji od Global Citizen Festival aprila 2020 so bili –
»Cisco … Citi … The Coca Cola … GSK … IBM … Johnson & Johnson … P&G … PepsiCo. … StateFarm … Target … Teneo … Verizon … Vodafone«20
Partnerji od Global Citizen Festival junija 2020 so bili –
»Citi … Johnson & Johnson … P&G … SAP … Verizon … Vodafone … Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation … Bloomberg Philanthropies … European Commission … Wellcome Trust … CEPI … GAVI – The Vaccine Alliance … The Global Fund … WHO … United Nations Foundation«21
Caballova pa sodeluje tudi s HeadCount, organizacijo za registracijo volivcev, ki je prav tako del iste sfere kot Global Citizen, ki preko glasbe in digitalnih medijev promovira globalizem in ”liberalno CIA”.
»HeadCount is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that promotes participation in democracy through music, culture, and digital media. Since 2004 the organization has registered over 700,000 voters and worked with a long list of musicians and partners including Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, Camila Cabello, Dave Matthews Band, JAY-Z, Beyoncé, March for Our Lives, RuPaul’s DragCon, MTV, and Dead & Company. With 40,000 volunteers, street teams in most major U.S. cities, and presence at more than 1,000 events each year, HeadCount ranks as one of the most active grassroots civic participation organizations in the United States.«22
Podporniki od HeadCount –
»Black Girls Vote. Black Voters Matter … Democracy Works. Do Something. Drug Policy Alliance [George Soros, Ethan Nadelmann, Ira Glasser, Walter Cronkite, Arianna Huffington, Richard Alpert, Ram Dass, Harry Belafonte, Nicholas Katzenbach, Frank Carlucci, Paul Volcker, George Shultz, Russell Simmons, Deepak Chopra, Richard Branson] … Fair Elections Center … GLAAD. Marijuana Policy Project. NAACP … ONE Campaign … Rock the Vote … The Ally Coalition … Voto Latino«23
So-ustanovitelj od HeadCount Andy Bernstein, je bil leta 2020 gost pri super elitnem Center for Strategic & International Studies24, ki je tesno povezan s CIA, Pentagonom in State Departmentom. CSIS tudi eden od vodilnih promotorjev vojne proti Siriji. Bernstein pa je tudi član uprave od Global Citizen.
Just Vote
Global Citizen in HeadCount pa sta ustanovitelja od Just Vote, kot orodje super elite, da preko glasbenikov širijo svoj vpliv na politični parket –
»Just Vote is a non-partisan, get-out-the-vote campaign launched by Global Citizen and HeadCount to mobilize support from artists, influencers, media and corporations to give young Americans the tools to use their voice in the 2020 U.S. elections. The non-partisan effort aims to engage one million young voters and get 50,000 young people registered for the first time or re-registered ahead of November 3, 2020.«25Ibid.
Podporniki od Just Vote –
»The Kennedy Institute is grateful to the following individuals who have lent their support to the Just Vote initiative.
Andy Card: Chairman, National Endowment for Democracy; former Chief of Staff to President George W. Bush; Board Member, Kennedy Institute …
Mo Cowan: President, Global Affairs and Policy, General Electric Corporation; former U.S. Senator; Board Member, Kennedy Institute …
Tom Daschle: Founder and CEO of the Daschle Group; former U.S. Senator and Senate Majority Leader; Board Member, Kennedy Institute …
Chris Dodd: Senior Counsel, Arnold and Porter; former U.S. Senator; Board Member, Kennedy Institute …
Bill Frist: M.D.; former U.S. Senator and Senate Majority Leader …
Patrick J. Kennedy: Son of former Senator Edward M. Kennedy; founder, the Kennedy Forum; former U.S. Congressman; Board Member, Kennedy Institute …
Victoria Reggie Kennedy: Attorney, Greenberg Traurig; widow of former U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy; President, Board of Directors, Kennedy Institute …
John Kerry: Former U.S. Senator; former Secretary of State …
Martin Luther King III: Global Human Rights Activist and Co-Founder of Drum Major Institute …
Cindy McCain: Widow of former U.S. Senator John McCain«26; dostop 242102021
Dodaten opis podpornikov od Just Vote
Pomembni podporniki od Just Vote so tesno povezani s Council on Foreign Relations, National Endowment for Democracy, National Democratic Institute, U.S. Global Leadership Coalition in ostalimi vodilnimi organizacijami liberalnega establišmenta.
- Andy Card – predsedujoči od National Endowment for Democracy (tesno povezani s CIA in IRI, kot tudi z Open Society Foundations); član od Alfalfa Club; član uprave od American Council for Capital Formation; bil vodja od White House Iraq Group (Condoleezza Rice, Stephen Hadley); bil predsednik in generalni direktor od American Automobile Manufacturers Association; član svetovalne uprave od U.S. Chamber of Commerce (del od CFR); član svetovalne uprave od BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Inc. (Jacob Frenkel – JPMorgan Chase International; Harvey Krueger – Barclays Capital, Lehman Brothers Inc; Rasheda Ali – hčerka Muhammada Alija); upravitelj od George Bush Presidential Library; član/govorec od Renew America Together (General Wesley Clark, Jeb Bush, Jennifer M. Granholm, guverner Mike Huckabee, Tom Ridge); član uprave od Lorillard Tobacco Company, LLC.
- Tom Daschle – član od Council on Foreign Relations; član svetovalnega odbora od U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; predsedujoči od Center for American Progress; pod-predsedujoči od National Democratic Institute (CIA); so-predsedujoči nacionalni svetovalni upravi od National Institute for Civil Discourse (so-ustanovitelja George H.W. Bush in Bill Clinton; Christine Todd Whitman, Madeleine Albright, Katie Couric, Kennethy Duberstein, Dan Glickman, Lee Hamilton, Jim Kolbe, Colin Powell, Robert Reich, Bill Richardson, Richard Lugar, Sandra Day O’Connor); član svetovalne uprave od Partnership for a Secure America; Distinguished Visitor od American Academy in Berlin; član nacionalne svetovalne uprave od Children’s Scholarship Fund; so-ustanovitelj od Bipartisan Policy Center; član svetovalne uprave od National Security Action; član svetovalne uprave od With Honor Action (David Gergen, Michele Flournoy, Mike Bezos, Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, John Warner, Admiral Michael Mullen, Francis Townsend, Robert Gates, Erskine Bowles); član svetovalne uprave od American Democracy Mounth Council; član svetovalnega odbora od Energy Future Coalition; član svetovalne uprave od Foreign Policy for America; član od Global Leadership Foundation; upravitelj od LBJ Foundation; so-predsedujoči od ONE Vote, iniciativa od One Campaign; član zunanjega svetovalnega odbora od BP America Inc.; član zdravstvenega svetovalnega odbora od General Electric Company; višji svetovalec od DLA Piper; partner pri Pine Island Capital Partners (Admiral Michael Mullen).
- Chris Dodd – član od Council on Foreign Relations; doživljenjski direktor od Atlantic Council; član svetovalnega odbora od U.S. Global Leadership Council; član višjega svetovalnega odbora od National Democratic Institute; član od Alfalfa Club; član svetovalnega odbora od TechnoServe; predsedujoči in generalni direktor od Motion Picture Association of America; član odbora od JFK Library; član nacionalnega odbora od World Wildlife Fund; višji svetovalec od Teneo; višji svetovalec od Arnold & Porter; bil govorec pri Commonwealth Club of California; bil govorec pri Connecticut Forum; bil govorec pri The Common Good.
- Bill Frist – član od Council on Foreign Relations; svetovalec od Center for Strategic and International Studies; član svetovalnega odbora od U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; član od Global Health Working Group – Clinton Global Initiative; bil član direktorske uprave od National Endowment for Democracy; služil kot višji sodelavec od Bipartisan Policy Center; član od Statecraft Board od Clements Center for National Security (Kelly Ayotte, Kurt Campbell, Ashton Carter, Paula Dobriansky, Eric Edelman, Robert Gates, Stephen Hadley, Henry Kissinger, John F. Lehmanm, Joseph Lieberman, Sam Nunn, Thomas Reed, Condoleezza Rice, Marco Rubio, James Steinberg, Admiral Bobby R. Inman, Eliot Cohen, Robert Kagan), University of Texas; član uprave od Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; član uprave od The Nature Conservancy; so-predsedujoči od ONE Vote, iniciativa od One Campaign; častni pod-predsedujoči od Partnership for a Healthier America, od Michelle Obama; bil 2008 Frederick H. Schultz Professor of International Economic Policy na Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University; član svetovalnega odbora od St. Albans School of Public Service (David M. Abshire, John B. Bellinger III, David R. Gergen, Paul R. Ignatius, Virginia Mars, Joseph S. Nye Jr., Sandra Day O’Connor, John C. Whitehead); član od Center for Excellence in Education; predsedujoči od Newborn and Child Survival – Save the Children; član uprave od Clinton Bush Haiti Fund; član uprave od Kaiser Family Foundation; bil govorec pri Commonwealth Club of California; govorec pri Munk Debates; član vodstva od Theranos (Henry Kissinger, Sam Nunn, George Shultz, William Perry).
- John Kerry – top predstavnik liberalnega establišmenta.
- Martin Luther King III – udeleženec od skrivne Forstmann Little Conferences; član nacionalne svetovalne uprave od Children’s Scholarship Fund (Ted Forstmann, John T. Walton, Will Smith, Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Sam Nunn, Lester Crown, Stanley Druckenmiller, Eli Broad, James E. Burke, Ron Burkle, Barbara Bush, Joseph Califano Jr., Henry Cisneros, Tom Daschle, Dick DeVos, Pamella DeVos, Peter Flanigan, Trent Lott, Daniel Moynihan, Warren Rudman).
- Cindy McCain – predsedujoča upravi od McCain Institute for International Leadership; članica častne svetovalne uprave od Hart Center for Public Service (John Kerry, William Cohen, Larry Summers, General Charles Boyd, Tom Brokaw, Hugh Jackman, Deborra-Lee Jackman, Arianna Huffington, Warren Beatty); ustanovna članica od Eastern Congo Initiative (Ben Affleck; Ward Brehm; Mvemba Phezo Dizolele; Muadi Mukenge; Maura O’Neillm; Dave Olsen); članica Bidenove tranzicijske svetovalne uprave; bila predsedujoča od Halo Trust (Angelina Jolie); udeleženka od Concordia Summit; govornica pri ASU+GSV Summit.
Partnerske organizacije od Just Vote
»Companies and organizations partnering with Just Vote, include anchor collaborators Cisco, Procter & Gamble, Verizon, and The Wallace Global Fund, alongside over 50 entities that are committed to inspiring civic engagement in the electoral process. They include: Americares, Ace Hotel, American Alliance of Museums, Art Beyond Sight, Asian American Writers’ Workshop, BlackStar Projects, Bridgespan Group, Brookings Institution, Campaign Legal Center, Catalyst Miami, Chobani, The Coca-Cola Company, Center for Democracy & Technology, Community Economic Development Association of Michigan, Common Justice, Crane Institute of Sustainability (Intentional Endowments Network), Constitutional Rights Foundation, CVC, Dangerous Speech Project, Delta Air Lines, Economic Hardship Reporting Project, Ford Foundation, Fountain House, Global Impact Investing Network, Global Tax Network, LLC, Heartland Coca Cola Bottling, Hunger Free America, Jobs for the Future, Lyft, National Disability Rights Network, National Women’s Law Center, Net Impact, NEXUS, Osmosis, PEN America, Petco, Pioneer Works, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, Saks Fifth Avenue, SoundCloud, Staff Smart Medical Staffing, LLC, Team Rubicon, Tectonic Theater Project, Theatre for a New Audience, Tony’s Chocoloney, True Colors United, Twitter, Vow – To End Child Marriage, Inc., Washington Office on Latin America and Wells Fargo.«27
Vidnejši sodelavci kampanje od Just Vote
Pri kampanji od Just Vote so leta 2020 sodelovali –
»Alanis Morissette, Billie Eilish, Billy Porter, Bob Weir, Dave Matthews, DJ Khaled, Donna Karan, Dove Cameron, FINNEAS, Gavin Rossdale, Jack Johnson, Julianne Hough, Kaia Gerber, Andrew ‘King Bach’ Bachelor, Lenny Kravitz, Loren Gray, Madison Beer, Meghan Trainor, Nicky Jam, Prince Royce, Quavo, Shawn Mendes, Taylor Swift and Usher.«28Ibid.
Obamova podpornica
Cabellova o predsedniku Obami, marca 2016, ko je ta obiskal Kubo in se poslavljal od predsednikovanja –
»i’m going to miss @BarackObama as @POTUS so much«29
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