Declaration of INTERdependence 1976
Čas branja 64 minut
- Razvoj koncepta Interdependance
- Trilateral Commission in Declaration of Interdependance
- Henry Stelle Commager
- Svetovalci za nastanek Declaration of Interdependence
- Člani svetovalnega odbora od “A Declaration Of Interdependence”
- Vidnejši podpisniki od Declaration of Interdependance leta 1976
- Tedanji člani uprave od World Affairs Council Of Philadelphia
- Nevladne organizacije, ki so sodelovale pri programu ’’A Declaration Of Interdependence’’
Razvoj koncepta Interdependance
Eden od pomembnih mejnikov glede odločanja o načrtovanju in kreiranju globalne prihodnosti, se zgodi konec oktobra leta 1968, kot se s strani OECD odvija konferenca Long range forecasting and planning. Konferenca se odvija na Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center v Italiji. In iz te konference tudi nastane vplivni Club of Rome, ki leta 1972 izda vplivno poročilo Limits to Growth. Club Of Rome je ena od ključnih nevladnih organizacij, ki stojijo za nadnacionalnim gibanjem trajnostnega razvoja. Ključni pojem, ki izvira iz tega je Interdependence in pa projekt Interfuture, ki deluje od leta 1976 – 1978. Najpomembnejši ustanovitelji in zgodnji predstavniki od Club of Rome so hkrati vodilni predstavniki skupine Bilderberg, kot so Aurelio Peccei, Max Kohnstamm, Carol L. Wilson, Louis Camu in baron Daniel Janssen. Peccei pa je tudi najvidnejši udeleženec konference Long range forecasting and planning. Vidnejši udeleženci konference so še Carl Christian von Weizsäcker, katerega sin Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker kasneje postane so-predsednik (2012 – 2018) od Club of Rome; Rene Dubos, profesor emeritus na Rockefeller University, ki je leta 1972 svetovalec od United Nations Conference on the Human Environment; Alain C. Enthoven, Rhodes Scholar, ki je bil od leta 1956 – 1960 ekonomist pri RAND Corporation in od leta 1969 – 2000 član od Council on Foreign Relations; Alexander King, so-ustanovitelj od Club of Rome in udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 1970.
To isto omrežje, ki je v ozadju od Club of Rome, pa je bilo vse od konca druge svetovne vojne dalje, tesno povezano z italijansko skrivno pro-fašistično prostozidarsko ložo P2, zaradi česar leta 1981 izbruhne velika afera. P2, katere člani predstavljajo vrh italijanskega gospodarstva, politike, obveščevalne, vojske in medijev, je iz ozadja vodena s strani ultrakonservativnega omrežja od CIA, kot tudi preko Trilateral Commission. Richard Brenneke, ki je bil ’’neodvisni pogodbenik’’ za CIA, je sredi 90ih pričal v senatu in dejal, da je CIA financirala P2 v višini $1 – $10 milijonov na mesec z denarjem namenjenega za financiranje terorizma in trgovine z drogami. Omrežje od P2 je tesno prepleteno s tem od skorumpirane CIA banke BCCI, v kateri imajo pomembno vlogo tudi vodilni Rothschildovi bankirji, ki so povezani z Milanom Kučanom pri Shimon Peres Center for Peace. Eden od teh centrov je skorumpirana Banco Ambrosiano, za katero delata pomembni član lože P2 Roberto Calvi in pomemben Rothschildov bankir Alfred Hartmann, ki je direktor in predsednik BCCI-jine skrivne švicarske podružnice BCP, CFO BCC Holding. Pod-predsedujoči od Banco Ambrosiano je v tistem času Carlo Pesenti. Pesenti je tesen prijatelj Davida Rockefellerja, in preko njega oktobra leta 1967 izve za obstoj zasebne ultrakonservativne obveščevalne skupine Le Cercle, kamor ga Pesenti tudi povabi. V svoji avtobiografiji David imenuje Le Cercle kot ’’Pesenti Group’’. Leta 1970 je zasedanja od Le Cercle na zasebnem posestvu od Rocekfellerjev v Washingtonu.
Banca Ambrosiano je bila v tistem času članica od leta 1971 ustanovljene Inter-Alpha Group of Banks, katere ustanovna članica je tudi Kredietbank of Brussels (KBC Group), katera leta 2002 preko Trilateral Commission in s pomočjo Milana Kučana, Nika Kavčiča, Antona Ropa in Marka Voljča prevzame Novo Ljubljansko Banko, ki jo je potrebno nato dokapitalizirati v višini več milijard €. Ta bančna skupina naj bi bila tesno povezana s Club of Rome in njegovo radikalno ’’okoljevarstveno’’ politiko –
»The Banco Ambrosiano, headed by the incarcerated Calvi, forms one of the members of the international Inter-Alpha group of banks whose other members are the Nederlandsche Middenstandbank, the Kredietbank of Brussels, the Privatbanken of Denmark, Williams and Glyn of London (the Royal Bank of Scotland), Berliner Handels-und Frankfurterbank (BHF) of Frankfurt, and Ultrafin of New York. The group represents an international banking web of enormous influence with close ties to the zero-growth, depopulation policies associated with the Club of Rome and its chairman Aurelic Peccei.«1Vivian Zoakos. The trail of Italy’s P-2 scandal leads to Club of Rome global banking networks. Executive Intelligence Review. Volume 8, Number 24. June 16, 1981. Str. 27.
»According to sources close to Calvi, it was at Peccei’s suggestion that Calvi hired then Columbia University Prof. Richard Gardner as the group’s “chief of intelligence,” under cover of a board position at the New York offices of Ultrafin. Gardner, whose wife, Daniele Luzzato, hails from one of the oldest (and once most-feared) families of Venice, subsequently left the post to become the Carter administration’s ambassador to Italy. At the time of his employment with Ultrafin he was the leading economic light of the Rockefeller-funded Trilateral Commission, and a partner in the Coudert law firm in New York. His connections to Fiat chief Gianni Agnelli, a fellow member of the Trilateral Commission and board member of Chase Manhattan Bank, were responsible for his assignment to Calvi, reports an Ambrosiano officer who claims to have been the go-between for the Milan banker and AgneIli. Gardner prepared monthly reports “on the world political situation and its impact on Inter-Alpha,” the sources at Ambrosiano explained.
This set of facts would be of remote interest except that I) Fiat employee and Trilateral Commission member Carlo Bonomi was arrested for illegal currency dealings in the same sweep that netted Roberto Calvi;
2) also arrested was the head of the Venetian Industrialists Association and former head of the Venetian Chamber of Commerce, Mario Valeri di Manera, a business partner of Calvi’s in an Ambrosiano subsidiary, Banca Cattolica di Venezia. Valeri di Manera is a leading figure among the surviving Venetian oligarchy, who bears the nickname, “the last Doge of Venice.” He is a business partner and intimate of Richard Gardner’s in-laws, the Luzzato family. He is also linked to the Loredano clan, who provided a thousand years’ of rulers and diplomats to the old Venetian Republic until it moved to Argentina in 1977.
Banker Calvi’s personal role affords a view, in one glimpse, from the level of policy-makers like Gardner and Peccei down to the pit of dirty-money operations and hired terror. His arrest led to the raid on Grand Master Licio GeIli’s mansion, said a friend of Calvi’s, because “everyone knew that Calvi was guilty as all hell, that he was running the biggest flight-capital operation in Italy. Gelli was the connection to Argentina. He was close to the last military government there and to the present one. If you wanted to move money between Italy and South America he was the guy you had to go to.”
When the case officer for Calvi and Gelli died in a terrorist set-up last fall, Italian press noted that the murdered Judge Alessandrini was holding two casebooks: Calvi’s and that of the so-called Front Line branch of the terrorist Red Brigades. Well-informed Italian law enforcement sources say that Calvi was financing Prima Linea privately, while he bankrolled the Socialist Party in public. Surprisingly, this accusation does not faze friends of Calvi. “When Alessandrini died I naturally assumed that Calvi was behind it,” said a senior officer of Banco Ambrosiano. …
That such dealings took place is not surprising, considering that the political networks who appeared to direct the deployment of P-2’s nasty capabilities included men like Aurelio Peccei and Richard Gardner, intellectual stars of the Club of Rome and Trilateral Commission. Numerous P-2 members are also members of the Trilateral Commission. …
One well-informed West German banking source described Inter-Alpha this way:
This is a bank with an aristocratic background. It is made up of private bankers who do not meddle with just anybody, and, in fact, it is not really a public bank. The partners are not the important guys. They just manage the business. There are silent partners, sleeping partners, whose names are not known to the public, and it is their money which is really the bank. You would be astonished at the fundraising power of that bank; even though they participate little in the interbank market, it is enormous.«2David Goldman. A map of the financial powers that control P-2 operations. Executive Intelligence Review. Volume 8, Number 27. July 7. 1981. Str. 29 – 31.
Pojem Interdependence, katerega ozadje dejansko predstavlja Trilateral Commission, je izraz, ki se uporablja za opis pojava planetarnega nereda, pretresa globalnih razmerij moči in grožnje kategoriji industrijski svet. Poudarek na soodvisnosti (Interdependence), kot o procesu, ki je potreboval vodenje, da bi se premaknil iz potencialno konfliktno-dominiranega stanja zadev, v vprašanje ’’harmoničnih’’ povezav, je bil odziv na ostale diskurze v 70ih o svetovni ekonomiji, ki so poudarjali globalne strukture, kot razmislek o globokem neravnotežju med razvitim in razvijajočim se svetom. Soodvisnost bi se lahko upravljala z aktivnim ustvarjanjem novih in ’’harmoničnih povezav’’ med Zahodom in državami Tretjega sveta, če bi se našle metode takšnega upravljanja. Vzporedno z Interdependence se razvije tudi projekt Interfutures, ki je tesno povezan s Club of Rome in njegovim slavnim poročilom Limits to Growth. S poudarkom na metodah, je Interfutures postavil elemente, ki postanejo dominantna Zahodna interpretacija globalizacije. Trilateral Commission in z njo tesno povezani Club of Rome – izvira sicer iz skupine Bilderberg in je del Rockefellerjevega omrežja – sta ključno povezana s projektom Interfutures, ki nastane leta 1976. Projekt Interfutures je uradno del OECD, glavna pobudnica pa je bila tedanja japonska vlada.
- Zelo pomemben je podatek, da je ustanovni predsedujoči (1976 – 1977) od Interfutures vplivni japonski ekonomist in kasnejši zunanji minister (1979 – 1980) Saburo Okita, ki je hkrati ustanovni član od Trilateral Commission in ustanovni član od Club of Rome. Okito kot predsedujočega od Interfutures nadomesti Isamu Miyazaki, ki okoli leta 1985 postane član od Trilateral Commission. Financerji projekta Interfutures pa so poleg držav OECD še Ford Foundation, ki jo tedaj vodi super elitni Rockefellerjev zaveznik McGeorge Bundy, German Marshall Fund of the U.S. (Ustanovni člani uprave leta 1972 – David Rockefeller; John J. McCloy; C. Douglas Dillon; Richard N. Cooper; Derek C. Bok; Gabriel Hauge) in Toyota Foundation, ki je ustanovna korporacija od Trilateral Commission.The OECD Observer.3Facing the Future. September 1979. Str. 3.
- Ključni svetovalec pri projektu Interfutures je zagotovo vodilni švedski globalist Pehr Gyllenhammar, ki je hkrati ena od vodilnih osebnosti skupine Bilderberg in član mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora (1971 – 1955) od Rockefellerjeve Chase Manhattan Bank. Član svetovalnega odbora je tudi Keichi Oshima, tedanji OECD direktor za znanost, tehnologijo in industrijo, ki okoli leta 1981 postane član od Trilateral Commission, čeprav je že leta 1978 so-avtor njenega pomembnega poročila Energy: Managing the Transition.
- Pomemben svetovalec pri projektu je vplivni harvardski profesor post-industrializma Daniel Bell, ki velja za enega od ključnih ustanoviteljev neokonservatizma. Bell, ki je bil od leta 1967 – 1988 član od Council on Foreign Relations, je bil leta 1969, ko postane profesor na Harvardu, tudi udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg. Bell je bil, tako kot številni iz tega omrežja, tesno povezan s CIA preko Congress for Cultural Freedom.
»Interfutures sat at the same time as the American Trilateral Commission, appointed to resuture an American worldview broken by the problem of multipolarity. “Managing interdependence,” as formulated both in the Trilateral commission and the Interfutures program, was a euphemism for finding the political technologies and planning tools with which a new confrontational world situation could be pushed toward forms of strategic cooperation.¹³ Another shared denominator between the Interfutures group and the Trilateral Commission was the theme of ‘ungovernability,’ a definition proposed by the Trilateral Commisson to denote problems of rigidity in Western welfare states and social systems.¹⁴ Both Interfutures and the Trilateral Commission performed a central analytical move as they joined together, in the notion of interdependence, problems of uncertainty in the outside world environment with the idea of uncertainty within Western societies. The latter were understood as having been unleashed by forms of social crisis with roots in Western systems of governance. By joining these two elements of crisis together, both Interfutures and the Trilateral Commission also came to the conclusion that the capacities of the West to meet a transformed world order in which the Third World now had a bargaining position hinged on its ability to draw developing countries into an expanding
world market. In addition, Western competitiveness needed to be restored through the reform of labor markets and welfare states.¹⁵ In this sense, ‘interdependence’ was more than a description of a new phenomenon of globality, it was term charged with a heavy historical legacy of Western hegemony and a diagnosis of a situation in which the colonial relationships inherited from the nineteenth century were giving way to a new symmetry in power relations. In this world situation, the meaning of First, Second and Third World was no longer clear.
The Interfutures program defined interdependence as a threefold problem:
First, the oil crisis was the final indication that the long period of stability around industrial society was over. …
Second, the liberal capitalist economies were increasingly competing with the socialist planned economies over resources, technological development and investment. …
Third, this process of possible convergence (convergence theory boomed in the decade prior to the Interfutures group) was disturbed through the confrontation with the Third World, which forced both Western societies and the economies of the Eastern bloc to seek new competitive alliances. In the years leading up to OPEC, the Third World had shown that it was no longer content to be the object of development policies, and was increasingly claiming a fair share of world development. This included access to markets for advanced industrial goods, an increased share of world industrial labor, and controls over prices of its raw materials in what to Interfutures was nothing less than a full shake-up of the postwar world order.¹⁶ … Third World and the OECD countries lay in the fact that Third Worldism was not stable and was already breaking up between oil exporters and importers. A number of countries – Iran, India, Brezil, South Africa, Mexico, and Algeria – were contenders for industrialism, while other Third World countries – such as Bangladesh – were basically only the sites of location for Western industries. Japan (the third node of the Trilateral Commission) occupied an intermediary place with its hyper industrialization and increasing reliance on raw materials. … . Interdependence was thus a fundamentally fractious process which posed not one but many problems of coordination, but also the opportunity for strategic alliances if common interests over the long-term could be found. Interfutures’ problem was how to reassert the AIS’ [Advanced Industrial Economies] interests over the long-term by possibly making strategic concessions to the most advanced LDCs for the purpose of protecting long term hegemony.¹⁷
The vision of global challenges put forward by the notion of interdependence was thus one that reflected a highly Western biased conception of changes to world order, and a limited take on globality. The Interfutures group also used the term to refer to a different set of issues that by the mid 1970s were labelled ‘world problems’ or ‘common problems,’ and that went beyond problems of coordination between categories and depicted planning problems that could not be dealt with within the frame of the nation state and national planning systems such as those developed during the postwar period. In radical globality discourses, so-called ‘world problems’ were understood as problems that necessitated common solutions, in other words forms of planning and decision-making surpassing the national, the bipolar or even the transnational level and that could only efficiently take place on a new level of world, for instance in the form of world government, world regulation or indeed world plans. This latter notion – the idea that the entire world system could be planned – was as we will see an idea that flourished along with the many different models of the world economy that marked the first half of the 1970s. In most of these models, problems in the world economy were perceived as shared, or indeed common. The Club of Rome, in many ways a twin project to that of Interfutures but guilty in the eyes of the OECD of the problematic Limits to Growth-report in 1972, spoke of problems in the world system using the term world problematique, denoting encompassing problems that concerned the world as a whole. …
Interfutures’ mission was in fact a two fold one, as its work not only consisted in the strategic analysis of a new world situation marked by interdependence, but also in examining which new methods of planning could permit overseeing and managing this new situation. Interfutures was thus devoted from the onset to the question of methods, and to the particular technologies that could transform a global situation of conflict and struggle for resources into one of “harmonious development.”²⁰ The program proposed using forms of long-term or long range planning, including scenarios, prospective and modelling, as its particular method. … Future research, for instance the scenario method experimented with by Interfutures, originated in technological forecasting and Cold War strategy. Both focused on the idea of the ‘long range,’ a category produced by nuclear strategy and ballistic research. … The methods of forecasting, systems analysis, global modelling and scenario analysis laid the basis for new communities of planners, oftentime consultants, who moved between national planning commissions and transnational sites such as the Club of Rome, IIASA, or Interfutures.²⁵
Like its more insubordinate twin, the Club of Rome, Interfutures stemmed from a central gathering of planners organized by the OECD in Bellagio [Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center] in 1969. The Bellagio conference, the theme of which was “Long range forecasting and planning” was called by the OECD’s Science Policy Unit around the theme of ‘problems of modern societies.’ … [P]roblems of modern societies was a euphemism for the concern within parts of the OECD with the critique of growth by the late 1960s and the discovery of both the environmental and social costs of economic development. The OECD’s Science Policy Unit was created by Alexander King, the initiator, with Aurelio Peccei, of the Club of Rome, as part of a turn away from the strict postwar focus on growth within the organization. King used the Science Policy Directorate in order to criticize the standing of the idea of industrial development, convinced as he was that the prerequisites for industrial development were exhausted and that growth based on resource extraction had reached maturity in the Western world. .²⁷ He thought that the Western world had to develop a more nuanced approach to problems of industrial development if capitalism was to survive. …
Another participant at Bellagio was the former RAND strategist and software engineer Hasan Ozbekhan. Ozbekhan designed the first model for the Club of Rome, meant to address a ‘global predicament’ by stressing interdependence in a world system. … Ozbekhan is an example of the radical use of systems theory in forging radical visions of a better and more rational world by the late 1960s and 1970s. But Ozbekhan’s model for the Club of Rome, which explicitly incorporated the variable of Western value change as a precondition for a new world equilibrium, was never used and the Limits to Growth report published in 1972 was based instead on Jay Forrester’s World 2 model, initially designed to monitor the flow of goods in commercial warehouses in Boston harbor.³³ The Interfutures report made use of some of Ozbekhan’s ideas but translated the idea of a world system with an ideal future objective into a completely different concern with the future interests of the industrialized nations and the necessity of maintaining the ‘market image.’ …
Limits to Growth was based on computer models produced by a team of computer analysts and systems programrs under the direction of Dennis [CFR, 1974 – 1987] and Donatella Meadows [CFR, 1974 – 1975] at MIT. Limits sent a shock wave through the industrialized world with its projection of an “overshoot and collapse” scenario.⁴³ … The report was publically marketed and spread in ways that were strategically oriented at catching public attention, its models and scenarios also intended to work as triggers of the global imagination and to raise attention about an ensuing environmental collapse.«4Jenny Andersson, Planning in Cold War Europe; Planning the Future of World Markets: the OECD’s Interfuturs Project. De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018. Str. 320 – 331.
Trilateral Commission in Declaration of Interdependance
Trilateral Commission, pravo ozadje koncepta Interdependence
»The “growing interdependence” that so impressed the founders of the Trilateral Commission in the early 1970s is deepening into “globalization.” The need for shared thinking and leadership by the Trilateral countries, who (along with the principal international organizations) remain the primary anchors of the wider international system, has not diminished but, if anything, intensified. At the same time, their leadership must change to take into account the dramatic transformation of the international system. As relations with other countries become more mature—and power more diffuse—the leadership tasks of the original Trilateral countries need to be carried out with others to an increasing extent.«5; dostop 28.8.2023
Henry Kissinger in Declaration of Interdependence
»Fortunately, the majority of Americans have more vision as they enter the third century. Secretary of State [Henry] Kissingerhas presented what amounts to an entire curriculum on interdependence in a series of addresses accross the country to world affairs councils. He has said ’’I believe that with all the dislocations we are now experiencing there also exists an extraordinary opportunity to achieve for the first time in history a truly global society, carried by the principle of interdependence.’’6John F. Reichard. On Declaring Interdependence. International Education and Cultural Exchange. Volume XII, No. I. Summer, 1976.
Pojem Interdependence in nenazadnje Declaration of Interdependence je koncept, ki ima svoje začetke pri vodilnih predstavnikih Rockefellerjevega omrežja, preko Council on Foreign Relations in seveda preko mednarodne Trilateral Commission. Ta koncept se nato iz tega omrežja prenese na nižji nivo, na ”okoljevarstveni” Club of Rome in kasneje na pro-globalistične United Nations, ki so orodje v rokah super elite za njihovo svetovno vlado oz. novi svetovni red. Vodilni propagandisti koncepta Interdependence so Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Joseph Nye in Richard N. Cooper.
»Contemporaries often summarized Kissinger’s foreign policy as “détente.” He preferred to speak of “interdependence.” A “new international system” had replaced “the structure of the immediate postwar years,” he declared in London in December 1973: one based on “the paradox of growing mutual dependence and burgeoning national and regional identities.”
“The energy crisis,” he suggested three months later, was one of “the birth pains of global interdependence.” By April 1974, “The Challenge of Interdependence” had become a speech title; by 1975 interdependence was “becoming the central fact of our diplomacy.” “If we do not get a recognition of our interdependence,” Kissinger warned in October 1974, “the Western civilization that we now have is almost certain to disintegrate.” Academics at his alma mater such as Richard Cooper and Joseph Nye obliged by writing books on the subject. Interdependence found institutional expression with the first meeting of the Trilateral Commission at the Rockefeller estate in Pocantico Hills in 1972 and the first meeting of the “Group of Six” (Britain, France, Italy, Japan, the United States and West Germany) at Rambouillet in 1975. The New York Times chose to mark the Bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence with an editorial entitled “Interdependence Day.” It was a concept enthusiastically adopted by President Jimmy Carter and his national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski.«7; dostop 28.8.2023
Govor Henryja Kissingerja 15. aprila leta 1974 v New Yorku, na šesti posebni seji od United Nations General Assembly. Na tej seji so sprejeli dve deklaraciji Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order in Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order.
»The Challenge of Interdependence
We are gathered here in a continuing venture to realize mankind’s hopes for a more prosperous, humane, just, and cooperative world.
As members of this organization, we are pledged not only to free the world from the scourge of war but to free mankind from the fear of hunger, poverty, and disease. The quest for justice and dignity—which finds expression in the economic and social articles of the United Nations Charter …
We in this Assembly must come to grips with the fact of our interdependence.
The contemporary world can no longer be encompassed in traditional stereotypes. The notion of the northern rich and the southern poor has been shattered. The world is composed not of two sets of interests but many: developed nations which are energy suppliers and developing nations which are energy consumers, market economies and nonmarket economies, capital providers and capital recipients. …
We are all engaged in a common enterprise. No nation or group of nations can gain by pushing its claims beyond the limits that sustain world economic growth. …
Applying Science to the World’s Problems …
– The technology of birth control should be improved. …
—The poorest nations, already beset by manmade disasters, have been threatened by a natural one: the possibility of climatic changes in the monsoon belt and perhaps throughout the world. The implications for global food and population policies are ominous. The United States proposes that the International Council of Scientific Unions and the World Meteorological Organization urgently investigate this problem and offer guidelines for immediate international action.
An Open Trade and Finance System
Sixth, the global economy requires a trade, monetary, and investment system that sustains industrial civilization and stimulates growth. …
This Assembly should strengthen our commitment to find cooperative solutions within the appropriate forums such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the GATT, and the World Food and Population Conferences.«8; dostop 28.8.2023
Trilateral Commission tudi kasneje razširi pojem Interdependence preko svoji delovnih skupin in srečanj –
- Towards a Renovated International System, 1977
- Beyond the Interdependence: The Meshing of the World’s Economy and the Earth’s Ecology, 1990.
- An Emerging China in a World of Interdependence, 1994.
Henry Stelle Commager
Glavni snovalec od Declaration of Interdependance (ena izmed predhodnih deklaracij med drugim nastane že leta 1937) je bil vplivni zgodovinar Henry Steele Commager, ki je tesno povezan z Rockefellerjevim omrežjem in njenimi globalističnimi ambicijami po svetovni vladi. Sama deklaracija je bila predstavljena pri World Affairs Councils of Philadelphia 24. oktobra leta 1975, podpisana pa 30. januarja 1976.
Commager je bil član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1954 – 1960. V tem obdobju je tudi udeleženec od Salzburg Global Seminar in sicer leta 1951 in 1955, ko je ta financiran s strani Rockefeller Foundation.
»Grants from the Commonwealth Fund and the Rockefeller Foundation enabled the Seminar to grow from an annual summer program to several sessions a year, which in 1950 focused on sociology, social relations, literature, music, and theatre, in addition to the General Session in American Studies. While more specialized, these early sessions were still all based in the study of America and its culture and institutions, with faculty coming from the US and Fellows primarily from Western Europe … . The program continued to diversify and the summer of 1953 saw the establishment of one of the Seminar’s longest-running series – American Law and Legal Institutions – which ran every summer for decades, bringing in prominent American jurists and legal scholars, including a great number of US Supreme Court judges – both on the bench and prior to their appointment. … Notable faculty members of the period included … renowned historian Henry Steele Commager.«9; dostop 19.8.2023
Leta 1951 je Commager imenovan v uredniško svetovalno upravo od Foreign Policy Association.
Leta 1952 je udeleženec od Fulbright Conference on American Studies na Cambridgeu. Leta 1956 postane Fulbright Professor ameriške zgodovovine na University of Copenhagen. Leta 1959 pa postane član izvršnega odbora od Fulbright Scholarship.
Leta 1962 je imenovan v United States National Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Commager je med svojo dolgo profesorsko kariero predaval na Amherst Collegeu, Columbia University, New York University, IMT, Cambridge University in na Oxfordu.
Leta 1974 se Commager pojavi v televizijski oddaji Journal, ki jo vodil z liberalnim establišmentom tesno povezani Bill Moyers, ki je kasneje pomemben financer ’’liberalne CIA’’ preko Schumann Foundation. Moyers leta 1966 postane član od Council on Foregin Relations, kjer ostane do leta 1985. Moyers je v obdobju od 1967 – 1974 tudi član uprave od CFR. V obdobju od 1967 – 1971 in 1973 je Moyers udeleženec in član nadzornega odbora zasedanj skupine Bilderberg. Prav tako v tem obdobju je Moyers tudi upravitelj od Rockefeller Foundation, in sicer od leta 1969 – 1980. Nato je v obdobju od 2000 – 2002 upravitelj od Open Society Foundations.
V oddaji leta 1974 sta govorila o odstavitvi predsednika Nixona in o ustavi.
Commager je ponovno Moyersov gost leta 1988 v oddaji World of Ideas, kjer govorita o stanju demokracije v ZDA. Leta 1988 Moyers izda knjigo The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis With Excerpts from an Essay on Watergate, kjer uvod napiše ravno Commager.
Commager je bil tesen prijatelj od super elitnega Arthurja M. Schlesingerja, dolgoletnega upravitelja od Century Foundation. Schlesinger je bil član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1947 – 2006. Schlesinger pa je bil tudi član od OSS Society, ki predstavlja eno izmed ozadij od CIA –
»The OSS Society, Inc., an exclusive hereditary organization whose membership is limited to veterans of the OSS and their lineal descendants. … The society has been a veritable “who’s who” of military, political, intellectual and social luminaries, and the best and brightest from this nation’s universities – William Casey, Julia Child, William Colby, Ambassador Richard Helms, Paul Mellon, S. Dillon Ripley, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and John Weitz, to name just a few.«10; dostop 20.8.2023
Leta 1975 izide Declaration of Interdependence preko World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, ki je za ta namen financiran preko Rockefeller Foundation.
»World Affairs Council of Philadelphia
The Council is seeking to bring an international dimension to the U.S. Bicentennial by working with national groups, educational institutions, and other organizations to address the new realities of global interdependence. … $60,000.«11Rockefeller Foundation. Annual Report, 1975. Str. 41.
Ustanovna doktrina Kučanovega in Rocardovega Collegium International in svoj izvor v Declaration of Interdependance iz leta 1976.
»When in the course of history the threat of extinction confronts mankind, it is necessary for the people of the United States to declare their interdependence with the people of all nations and to embrace those principles and build those institutions which will enable mankind to survive and civilization to flourish.
Two centuries ago our forefathers brought forth a new nation; now we must join with others to bring forth a new world order. On this historic occasion it is proper that the American people should reaffirm those principles on which the United States of America was founded, acknowledge the new crisis which confronts them, accept the new obligations which history imposes upon them, and set forth the causes which impel them to affirm before all people their commitment to a Declaration of Interdependence. …
To establish a new world order … It is essential that mankind free itself from the limitations of national prejudice, and acknowledge that the forces that unite it are incomparably deeper than those that divide it – that all people are part of one global community, dependent on one body of resources, bound together by the ties of a common humanity and associated in a common adventure on the planet earth.
WE AFFIRM that the resources of the globe are finite, not infinite, that they are the heritage of no one nation or generation, but of all peoples, nations and of posterity … Narrow notions of national sovereignty must not be permitted to curtail that obligation.
WE AFFIRM that the exploitation of the poor by the rich, and the weak by the strong violates our common humanity and denies to large segments of society the blessings of life, liberty, and happiness. …
WE AFFIRM that the resources of nature are sufficient to nourish and sustain all the present inhabitants of the globe and that there is an obligation on every society to distribute those resources equitably …
WE AFFIRM our responsibility to help create conditions which will make for peace and security and to help build more effective machinery for keeping peace among nations. Because the insensate accumulation of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons under international supervision. …
WE AFFIRM that the oceans are the common property of mankind whose dependence on their incomparable resources of nourishment and strength will, in the next century, become crucial for human survival, and that their exploitation should be so regulated as to serve the interests of the entire globe, and of future generations.
WE AFFIRM that the pollution flows with the waters and flies with the winds, that it recognizes no boundary lines and penetrates all defenses, that it works irreparable damage alike to Nature, and to Mankind – threatening with extinction the life of the seas, the flora and fauna of the earth, the health of the people in cities and the countryside alike – and that it can be adequately controlled only through international cooperation.
WE AFFIRM that the exploration and utilization of outer space is a matter equally important to all the nations of the globe and that no nation can be permitted to exploit or develop the potentialities of the planetary system exclusively for its own benefit.
WE AFFIRM that the economy of all nations is a seamless web, and that no one nation can any longer effectively maintain its processes of production and monetary systems without recognizing the necessity for collaborative regulation by international authorities.
WE AFFIRM that in a civilized society, the institutions of science and the arts are never at war and call upon all nations to exempt these institutions from the claims of chauvinistic nationalism and to foster that great community of learning and creativity whose benign function is to advance civilization and the health and happiness of mankind.
WE AFFIRM that a world without law is a world without order, and we call upon all nations to strengthen and to sustain the United Nations and its specialized agencies, and other institutions of world order, and to broaden the jurisdiction of the World Court, that these may preside over a reign of law that will not only end wars but end as well that mindless violence which terrorizes our society even in times of peace. …
Henry Steele Commager
October 24, 1975«12Declaration of Interdependence. World Affairs Council of Philadelphia. 1975
Svetovalci za nastanek Declaration of Interdependence
Člani svetovalnega odbora, ki so bili svetovalci Henryja Steeleja pri snovanju Deklaracije
- Dr. Herbert Agar – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1947 – 1970; v 40ih je delal za Louisville Courier-Journal, katerega lastnik je Barry Bingham, ki je v obdobju od 1958 – 1971 upravitelj od Rockefeller Foundation; Bingham financira Agarja, da vodi Fight for Freedom Committee (njegov član je tudi Marshall Field, ki je bodoči tast od Mariette Peabody Tree), ki zagovarja takojšnji vstop ZDA v vojno leta 1941; bil član od British Fulbright Commission (financirana s strani Rockefeller Foundation)13The U.S. Advisory Commission on International Educational and Cultural Affairs. A Special Report on American Studies Abroad. 1963., 1963. Njegov oče John G. Agar je bil upravitelj od Rockefeller Foundation, 1920 – 1928, član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1926 – 1931, član od Bankers Clubs of New York, član od Metropolitan Club in manjšinski delničar od The New York Times Company.
- Raymond Aron – vplivni francoski pisec in intelektualec, ki se leta 1933 se pridruži Social Documentation Center (financiran s strani Rockefeller Foundation), ki ga vodi Celestin Bouglé. Center pred tem vodi Marcel Déat, ki kasneje med nemško okupacijo Francije ustanovi kolaborantsko gibanje National Popular Regrouping. Pri Social Documentation Center Aron spozna ekonomista Roberta Marjolina (udeleženec zasedanj skupine Bilderberg, 1955, 1956, 1960, 1965; ustanovni član od Trilateral Commission), kateri preko Bougleja prejme štipendijo od Rockefeller Foundation. Aron je bil udeleženec od Hague Congress (tesno povezan s CIA; pomemben za nastanek European Movement), 1948; bil udeleženec ustanovnega zasedanja od Congress for Cultural Freedom (številni posamezniki in organizacije financirani s strani CIA), 1950; udeleženec zasedanj skupine Bilderberg, 1957, 1963, 1966; član od neoliberalne Mont Pelerin Society (Aron je sicer oster kritik skrajnega neoliberalizma); napisal knjigo The Opium of the Intellectuals, 1955; bil prijatelj od Friedricha von Hayeka in svetovalec od Henryja Kissingerja. Aron je bil nasploh močno financiran s strani Rockefeller Foundation in Ford Foundation.
- Harlan Cleveland – študiral kot elitni Rhodes Scholar, 1938; bil vodja oddelka United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), 1946 – 1947; bil član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1953 – 2007; ameriški predstavnik pri zvezi NATO, 1965 – 1969; udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 1967; direktor od Program in International Affairs – Aspen Institute, 1974 – ; bil CIA Guest Speaker, 1977; napisal knjigo The Third Try at World Order: U.S. Policy for an Interdependent World, 1977; bil pod-predsedujoči od The Atlantic Council; bil več kot 25 let član uprave od Club of Rome; bil član od National Committee on American Foreign Policy, cca 1998 – ; bil predsedujoči in kasneje častni predsedujoči od The American Forum for Global Education; bil član uprave od Joyce Mertz-Gilmore Foundation (del ’’liberalne CIA’’); bil upravitelj od American Refugee Committee; bil član globalnega svetovalnega odbora od World Future Society (Maurice F. Strong; Robert S. McNamara).
- Ruth Clusen – predsednica od The League Of Women Voters of the U.S. (del ’’liberalne CIA’’); bila udeleženka od UN Conference on the Human Environment na Švedskem, 1972; preko tedanjega administratorja od Environmental Protection Agency Russella Traina (Trilateral Commission, cca. 1978 – 1982) je bila izbrana v ameriško delegacijo pri US-USSR Joint Committee on Environmental Protection v Moskvi, 1974; bila pomočnica sekretarja za okolje na United States Department of Energy, 1978 – 1981; preko State Departmenta je bila članica svetovalnega odbora za UN Conference on Human Settlement, cca 1976; bila okoljska svetovalka od Conservation Foundation in od US Chamber of Commerce, cca 1976 – .
- Richard N. Gardner – študiral kot Rhodes Scholar, 1954; njegova mentorica je Eleanor Roosevelt; avtor knjige In Pursuit of World Order: U.S. Foreign Policy and International Organization, 1964; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1969 – 2019; bil upravitelj od United Nations Institute for Training and Research, 1969 – 1973; leta 1970 napiše članek za Foreign Affairs (publikacija od CFR) Can the United Nations Be Revived?; bil posebni svetovalec od U.N. Conference on the Human Environment, 1972; član od Trilateral Commission, 1974 – 1976, 1981 – 1993, 1998 – 2005; bil direktor od National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, 1989 – 2019; upravitelj od Center for Strategic and International Studies, cca 1990a; bil posebni svetovalec od UN za Rio Earth Summit (propaganda od Club of Rome), 1992; bil upravitelj od Freedom House, cca 1993 – ; upravitelj od Aspen Institute; bil so-predsedujoči od Aspen Institute Program on the United States and the World Economy, 1982 – 1993; bil član uprave od United Nations Associaiton; bil Senior Fellow od Salzburg Global Seminar, cca 2000 – ; bil podpredsednik od American Ditchley Foundation; bil član izvršnega odbora od Initiative on Global Development, 2003 – ; bil profesor prava in mednarodne organizacije pri School of International and Public Affairs – Columbia University.
- James A. Harris – predsednik od National Education Association (tesen partner od Rockefeller Foundation).
- Gabriel Hauge – inštruktor ekonomije na Harvard University, 1938 – 1940; delal za Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1939 – 1940; profesor ekonomije na Princeton University, 1940 – 1942; bil ekonomist pri New York State Banking Department, 1947 – 1950; bil pomočnik urednika pri Business Week, 1950 – 1952; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1951 – 1981, direktor 1964 – 1981; pomočnik predsednika Dwighta D. Eisenhowerja za ekonomske zadeve, 1953 – 1958; udeleženec zasedanj in član izvršnega odbora skupine Bilderberg, 1955 – 1958, 1961 – 1964, 1966, 1968 – 1972, 1974, 1978; ustanovni pokrovitelj od Per Jacobssen Foundation (David Rockefeller; Marcus Wallenberg; Eugene Black; Hermann Abs; Albert Janssen), 1963 – ; bil upravitelj od Committee for Economic Development, cca. 1966 – ; predsedujoč upravi od Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company (del Pilgrims Society), 1970 – ; član od Pilgrims Society; član ustanovnega častnega odbora od German Marshall Fund of the US (David Rockefeller; C. Douglas Dillon; John J. McCloy; James Conant), 1972 – ; bil predsednik od skrivne International Monetary Conference; bil član od Century Association; bil član od Economic Club; bil leta 1975 v ožjem izboru za direktorja CIA, skupaj z ostalimi super elitnimi predstavniki iz Rockefellerjevega omrežja, kot so C. Douglas Dillon, Robert Roosa, George H. W. Bush, Harold Brown in Walter Wriston.
- Frederick Heldring – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1971 – 2007; predsednik od Philadelphia National Bank, 1974 – , predsedujoči 1986 – 1989; bil pod-predsedujoči od International House; bil predsedujoči od World Affairs Council; ustanovitelj in predsedujoči od Global Interdependence Center, 1979 – 2000; bil predsedujoči od Council of International Visitors; bil član izvršnega komiteja od ameriškega odbora od International Chamber of Commerce.
- Robert M. Hutchins – bil član od Wolf’s Head, cca. 1921; bil dekan od Yale Law School, 1927 – 1929; kot dekan od Yale Law School ustanovi Institute of Human Relations (napolnjen s člani od Skull & Bones; tesno povezan z evgeniko preko Institute of Psychology, ki je ustanovljen leta 1925 preko financiranja s strani Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Fund), katerega ustanovni financer je Rockefeller Foundation, 1929 – ; bil predsednik (1929–1945) in kancler (1945–1951) od Rockefellerjeve University of Chicago; bil predsedujoči uredniški upravi od Encyclopædia Britannica, 1943 – 1974; bil ustanovitelj od pro-globalističnega/pro-UN Committee to Frame a World Constitution (vzpostavitev novega svetovnega reda), 1945 – ; bil predsedujoči upravi od Goethe Bicentennial Foundation (leta 1949 financirana s strani Rockefeller Foundation v višini $20,000), cca 1949 – ; bil pridruženi direktor (skrbi za financiranje izobraževanja) od Ford Foundation, 1951 – ; bil predsednik (1954 -) od Fund for the Republic (posvečen ’’državljanskim svoboščinam’’; center se kasneje preimenuje v Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions (CSDI)), ki deluje pod okriljem Ford Foundation); ustanovitelj in predsednik od Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions (Charles S. Mott; Ramsey Clark; Allen Weinstein; Max Kampelmann; Paul Ehrilch – Fellow), 1959 – ; bil tesen prijatelj od CIA direktorja Allena Dullesa in Aldusa Huxleyja, s katerima eksperimentira z drogami, med drugim z LSD (MK-ULTRA).
- Archibald MacLeish – bil član od Skull & Bones; leta 1942 pri njemu v Office of Facts and Figures služi bodoči vodilni predstavnik liberalnega establišmenta McGeorge Bundy (Skull & Bones; Ford Foundation); bil član skrivnega Advisory Committee on Postwar Foreign Policy (Cordell Hull; Dean Acheson; Leo Pasvolsky; Norman Davis Alger Hiss; Philip Jessup; Harry Dexter White; Hamilton Fish Armstrong), ki deluje v tesni povezavi s Council on Foreign Relations; bil član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1947 – 1948; bil ameriški predstavnik pri ustanovitvi UNESCO; bil prvi knjižničar pri U.S. Congress; bil tesno povezan z vodilnimi ameriškimi simpatizerji komunizma; bil velik občudovalec pro-fašističnega Ezra Ponda, ki je mentor proti-Rockefellerjevega Eustaceja Mullinsa.
- Martin Meyerson – bil udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 1970; bil predsednik od University of Pennsylvania, 1970 to 1981; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1972 – 2007; bil član uprave in Senior Fellow od Aspen Institute; bil predsedujoč upravi od Institute of International Education, 1981 – 1985; bil svetovalec od Ford Foundation; bil član uprave od Foreign Policy Research Institute; bil član višjega izvršnega odbora od Conference Board; bil Senior Fellow od Salzburg Global Seminar; bil član od National Academy of Education; bil ustanovitelj od Centre for Environmental Studies; bil svetovalec od United Nations; bil svetovalec več državam zahodne Afrike; bil direktor od Afro-American Film Foundation; bil član uprave od Scott Paper Company, 1971 – 1993.
- Francis T. P. Plimpton – izobraževal se je na super elitnem pripravljalnem kolidžu Phillips Exeter Academy; njegov cimer na Harvard Law School, je bil Adlai Stevenson; po diplomi iz Harvarda je delal za super elitno odvetniško pisarno Root, Clark, Buckner & Ballantine, 1929 – 1931; bil partner pri super elitni družinski odvetniški pisarni Debevoise & Plimpton (del Pilgrims Society; njihova stranka je tudi Ford Foundation), 1933 – 1961, 1965 – 1983; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1933 – 1983; bil član od Pilgrims Society; bil član uprave od Foreign Policy Association; v Kennedyjevi administraciji je bil namestnik ameriškega predstavnika pri United Nations, 1961 – 1965; bil prvi pod-predsednik in član administrativnega tribunala od United Nations, 1966 – 1980; bil predsednik od New York City Bar Association, 1968 – 1970; v 60ih pokrovitelj od American Birth Control League (Planned Parenthood); bil upravitelj od Phillips Exeter Academy; bil nadzornik od Harvard College. Družina Plimpton je nasploh že od samega začetka pomembna članica od Pilgrims Society in CFR.
- Gus Tyler – v 30ih je bil socialistični aktivist in sindikalni funkcionar; bil pomočnik predsednika sindikata International Ladies Garment Workers Union, ki se danes imenuje UNITE HERE (del ’’liberalne CIA’’); bil član uprave od League for Industrial Democracy (od 50ih tesno povezan s CIA v boju proti komunizmu), cca 1989 – ; bil tesno povezan z Alice Sheldon (delala kot obveščevalka za CIA), ki je bila poročena s Huntingtonom D. Sheldonom, direktorjem (1951 – 1961) od Office of Current Intelligence pri CIA.
- Harris L. Wofford, Jr. – v 30ih podpornik Clarencea Streita (podprt s strani Pilgrims Society) in njegovo promocijo svetovne vlade, zato okoli leta 1940 ustanovi Student Federalists (član je tudi Steve Benedict, ki kasneje postane pomočnik Gabriela Haugeja), ki se leta 1947 združi z United World Federalist (ključni ustanovitelj je top CIA operativec Cord Meyer); leta 1947 se udeleži zabave pri super elitni Clare Boothe Luce (del Rockefellerjevega CIA omrežja), kjer spozna Johna F. Kennedyja; leta 1948 diplomiral na Rockefellerjevi University of Chicago; okoli leta 1948 se kot prvi belec vpiše na Howard Law School, katere ozadje predstavlja Sigma Pi Phi; okoli leta 1951 postane prijatelj in neuradni svetovalec Martina Luthra Kinga (del Rockefellerjevega CIA omrežja); postane pravni svetovalec pri zelo elitnem Theodoreju M. Hesburghu pri United States Commission on Civil Rights, 1957 – 1959; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1969 – 2019; bil predsednik od Bryn Mawr College, 1970 to 1978; bil predsedujoči od Pennsylvania Democratic Party, 1986; bil senator, 1991 – 1995; leta 2005 spozna Baracka Obamo (vodilno Rockefellerjevo in Sorosovo sredstvo v omrežju ’’liberalne CIA’’), z njim postane tesen prijatelj in ga predstavi pred njegovim govorom A More Perfect Union – »Obama addressed the subjects of racial tensions, white privilege, and racial inequality in the United States, discussing black “anger,” white “resentment,” and other issues.«
- Leonard Woodcock – bil aktivni udeleženec od Civil Rights Movement (del Rockefellerjevega CIA omrežja), kjer tesno sodeluje z Martinom Luthrom Kingom; predsednik sindikata United Auto Workers, 1970 – 1977; bil član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1973 – 1977; ustanovni član od Trilateral Commission, 1973 – ; tesno povezan s Trilateral Commission tudi preko Carterjeve administracije; bil vodja od U.S. Liaison Office to the People’s Republic of China, 1977 – 1979; prvi ameriški ambasador na Kitajskem, 1979 – 1981. En teden po ustanovitvi formalnih ambasadorskih odnosov s Kitajsko, Kitajska podpiše sporazum s podjetjem Coca-Cola (ozadje od Trilateral Commission), ki postane ekskluzivni prodajalec pijače v tej državi.
Člani svetovalnega odbora od “A Declaration Of Interdependence”
- Dr. Derek C. Bok – študiral kot elitni Fulbright Scholar, 1954 – 1955; skupaj s profesorjem Johnom T. Dunlopom leta 1970 napiše knjigo Labor and the American Community, ki nastane preko Rockefeller Brothers Fund; predsednik od Harvard University, 1971 – 1991, vršilec dolžnosti 1971 – 1991; bil dekan od Harvard Law School, 1968 – 1971; bil član od Federal Advisory Committee on Affirmative Action pri Institute of Higher Education; član svetovalne uprave od National Endowment for the Humanities; bil član nacionalnega odbora od Human Rights First (del ’’liberalne CIA’’). Njegova žena je bila Sissela Bok, ki leta 1980 napiše knjigo Teaching Ethics in Higher Education, financirano s strani Rockefeller Brothers Fund in Carnegie Carnegie Corporation for Education.
- William T. Coleman, Jr. – Afro-ameriški sekretar za transport, 1975 – 1977; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1972 – 2017; ustanovni član od Trilateral Commission, 1973 – 2006; bil član od Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology and Government – Carnegie Corporation of NY, 1988 – 1994; bil sodnik pri United States Court of Military Commission Review (Edward G. Biester Jr.), 2004 – 2009; bil član uprave Rockefellerjeve Chase Manhattan Bank; bil častni upravitelj od Brookings Institution; upravitelj od Aspen Institute; bil upravitelj od Urban Institute, bil višji direktor od NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Inc. (del ’’liberalne CIA’’); član elitne Afro-ameriške pol-skrivne bratovščine Sigma Pi Phi. Njegov sin je William T. Coleman III – od leta 2002 član od Trilateral Commission; upravitelj od Carnegie Institution for Science, 2021 – ; član uprave od Seagate Technology plc.
- Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller – eden od vodilnih arhitektov in znanstvenikov tistega časa; bil član od The Century Association, ki je tesno povezana s Council on Foreign Relations; bil član od Cosmos Club, ki je tesno povezan s CIA in CFR; bil član od United Nations Association of the United States of America (William vanden Heuvel; Steven Rockefeller; William Coleman Jr.; John J. McCloy), 1973 – ; bil ustanovni član od The United States Committee for the United Nations University, 1973 – ; leta 1973 je bil govorec pri Carnegie Center for International Peace glede United Nations University, 1973; bil član svetovalnega odbora od World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, 1975 – ; leta 1983 je ustanovljen Buckminster Fuller Institute, od katerega program Fuller Challenge je financiran s strani Rockefeller Foundation, Surdna Foundation, The Salzburg Global Forum, The Pulitzer Foundation.
- Thomas B. McCabe – bil ustanovni član od Committee for Economic Development, 1942 – ; bil član od U.S. Associates Council od International Chamber of Commerce, 1947; bil predsedujoči od Federal Reserve System, 1948 – 1951; bil predsedujoči poročilu The Challenge to America: It’s Economic and Social Aspects, ki nastane v sklopu Panel IV od Special Studies Project (Henry Kissinger; Laurance Rockefeller; Arthur F. Burns;Lucius D. Clay; Theodore M. Hesburgh; Henry R. Luce; Dean Rusk) od Rockefeller Brothers Fund, konec 50ih; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1955 – 1982; bil 39 let generalni direktor od Scott Paper Company (ustanovni financer od Trilateral Commission).
- Howard C. Petersen – bil družabnik pri super odvetniški pisarni Cravath, deGersdorff, Swaine & Wood, 1933 – 1941; bil pomočnik vojnega sekretarja, 1945 – 1947; bil izvršni pod-predsednik od Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Company, 1947 – 1950, predsednik 1950 – 1966, generalni direktor 1966 – 1975, predsedujoči 1966 – 1978; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1949 – 1995; bil posebni pomočnik predsednika Kennedyja za mednarodno trgovinsko politiko, 1961 – 1963, v tej vlogi je bil pogajalec za General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) z European Economic Community; bil udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 1965; bil član od Committee for Economic Development; bil član neokonservativnega Committee on the Present Danger; bil direktor od Panama Canal Corporation; bil član od Century Association; bil upravitelj od Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; bil predsedujoči upravitelj od Marshall Foundation; bil predsedujoči upravi od Institute for Advanced Study na Princeton University, cca. 1974 – .
- Mary Petrie – kot žena Donalda A. Petrieja, ki je član uprave od United Nations Association Of U.S.A. (William vanden Heuvel; John C. Whitehead) in izvršni pod-predsednik od Hertz Corporation, 1959 – 1960, kasneje predsednik od Hertz International; bil partner pri Lazard Freres, 1967 – 2000; bil član od Century Association.
- Marietta Peabody Tree – članica elitne družine Peabody, ki je tesno povezana z Rockefellerji; Kennedy jo leta 1961 imenuje v United Nations Commission on Human Rights; bil ambasadorka pri UN, 1961 – 1965; bila članica uprave od CBS (CIA propaganda); delala za Office of Inter-American Affairs – Hospitality Committee for New York City od Nelsona Rockefellerja. Njen prvi mož (1938 – 1947) je bil Desmond FitzGerald – pomemben CIA uradnik, ki je bil tesno povezan Allenom Dullesom, leta 1950 ga tesen Rockefellerjev zaveznik Frank Wisner rekrutira v Office of Policy Coordination, in tesno povezan z Williamom Caseyjem. Preko drugega elitnega moža Ronalda A. Treeja, je v Veliki Britaniji tesno povezana z Rothschildi in Warburgi.
Vidnejši podpisniki od Declaration of Interdependance leta 1976
- James Abourezk (D-SD) – prvi arabsko-ameriški senator, 1973 – 1979; del omrežja ’’liberalne CIA’’; ustanovitelj od pro-migracijskega American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (del ’’liberalne CIA’’; podporniki terorističnih skupin Hezbollah in Hamas; podporniki vodilnega sredstva ’’liberalne CIA’’ Michaela Moora); skupaj z Mortonom Halperinom (ustanovni član od Collegium International) pomaga Johnu Marksu (sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’) pri knjigi o MK-ULTRA Manchurian Candidate; tesno povezan z omrežjem od Institute for Policy Studies in njegovim Center for National Security Studies, ki sta del Rockefellerjeve kontrolirane opozicije.
- Edward W. Brooke III (R-Mass) – afro-ameriški Rockefellerjev republikanec, 1967 – 1979; udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 1969; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1973 – 1988; leta 1996 postane prvi predsedujoči od World Policy Council, ki je think tank bratovščine Alpha Phi Alpha, katere ozadje predstavlja vodilna afro-ameriška pol-skrivna bratovščina Sigma Pi Phi, ki je kopija Wall Street bratovščine Skull & Bones (družine Rockefeller, Harriman, Bush, Bundy, John Kerry); bil vodja od African American Republican Leadership Council (Grover Norquist).
- Frank Church (D-Idaho) – senator 1957 – 1981; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1963 – 1973; bil član od Senate Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations (’’preiskovanje’’ podjetja IT&T in CIA zaradi vpletenosti v volitve v Čilu; člani – Hubert Humphrey, Joe Biden, Jacob Javits – Bilderberg 1964, George McGovern, Claiborne Pell – Bilderberg 1992), 1970; bil predsedujoči od U.S. Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities (Walter Mondale; Gary Hart; John Tower; Howard Baker) oz. Church Committee (’’preiskovanje’’ preprodaje drog s strani CIA in ’’preiskovanje’’ skrivnih ameriških vojn proti državam tretjega sveta), 1975 – 1976; leta 1981 na volitvah premagan s strani John Birch Society (del ’’konservativne CIA’’).
- Alan Cranston (D-Cal) – senator, 1969 – 1983; ustanovni član od Trilateral Commission, 1973 – 1978; član od Rockefeller Commission on Population Growth and the American Future (John D. Rockefeller 3rd), 1969; bil predsednik od pro-globalističnega United World Federalists, 1949 – 1952; so-ustanovitelj in bil predsedujoči od State of the World Forum (financerji – Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund; Ford Foundation; Warren Buffett), 1996 – 2001; bil predsedujoči od Gorbachev Foundation/USA, 1996 – 2001.
- Jacob Javits (R-NY) – pro-migrantski senator (Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965), 1957 – 1981; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1960 – 1985; z Davidom Rockefellerjem ustanovitelj od International Executive Service Corps, 1964; udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 1969; častni direktor od Atlantic Council, cca. 1977 – ; član od Senate Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations, 1970; udeleženec od skrivne International Monetary Conference, 1971; častni pokrovitelj od America – Israel Friendship League, 1976.
- Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) – senator, 1957 – 1981; prebral dokumenta Pentagon Papers za kongresne zapise; dezinformacijski propagandist NLP; glede 9/11 dejal, da je bil ’’inside job’’ za interese Wall Streeta in vojaško industrijskega kompleksa; član direktorske uprave od Alexis de Tocqueville Institution, 2001 – , predsedujoči, 2004 – ; bil član od Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity; bil član svetovalne uprave od Center for Economic and Social Justice; kandidat za ameriškega predsednika 2008, 2020.
- Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn) – senator, 1949 – 1964, 1971 – 1978; pod-predsednik ZDA, 1965 – 1969; bil pod-predsednik od American Political Science Association, 1954 – 1955; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1959 – 1978; bil imenovan za častnega doživljenjskega člana od vodilne afro-ameriške bratovščine Alpha Phi Alpha; bil upravitelj od Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1969 – 1971; bil član od Senate Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations, 1970 – ; bil član neokonservativne Coalition for Democratic Majority, 1972 – ; bil upravitelj od African-America Institute (tesno povezan s CIA, Rockefeller Foundation), cca. 1976 – ; bil častni direktor od Atlantic Council, cca. 1977 – 1978.
- Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii) – senator, 1963 – 2012; bil član od Coalition for Democratic Majority, 1972 – ; bil svetovalec od National Bipartisan Commission on Central America (za več proti-komunistične pomoči El Salvadorju in Nikaragvi; člani – predsedujoči Henry Kissinger, Nicholas Brady, Robert Strauss, Lane Kirkland), 1983 – 1984; bil predsedujoči senatnemu Committee On Secret Military Assistance to Iran And the Nicaraguan Opposition (glede afere Iran-Contra je Inouye dejal – [There exists] a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.), 1987. Njegova žena je bila Irene Hirano Inouye – predsedujoča od Ford Foundation, 2010 – ; bila predsedujoča od Kresge Foundation.
- George McGovern (D-SD) – senator, 1963 – 1981; bil član od Senate Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1973 – 2012; bil udeleženec 20-letnice od Institute for Policy Studies, 1983; bil predsednik od Middle East Policy Council, 1991 – 1997; bil član svetovalne uprave od The Common Good.
- Gaylord Nelson (D-Wisc) – senator, 1963 – 1981; so-ustanovitelj, častni predsedujoči in član globalnega svetovalnega odbora od Earth Day Network (vodilno ’’okoljevarstveno’’ sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’, ki dejansko zastopa Rockefellerjeve interese), 1970 – ; bil svetovalec od The Wilderness Society.
- Claiborne Pell (D-RI) – senator, 1961 – 1997; bil član od Senate Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations; predsedujoči od Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 1987 – 1995; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1966 – 2009; član od Pilgrims Society; bil član od Club of Rome, 1974 – , bil pridruženi član, cca. 2000 – ; udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 1992; upravitelj od International Rescue Committee, cca. 1999 – ; član svetovalne uprave od Center for Strategic and International Studies, cca. 1980a – 1990a; bil povezan z Esalen Institute (del Rockefellerjevega dezinformativnega omrežja glede LSD, psihedelike, spiritualizma); bil direktor zelo levičarsko orientiranega Center for International Policy (anti-CIA in tujim državnim udarom), 1998 – 2000; bil član svetovalne uprave od Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (Robert Jay Lifton; Noam Chomsky; Harry Belafonte; Michael Douglas; Jane Goodall; Daniel Ellsberg; Dalai Lama; jordanska kraljica Noor; Desmond Tutu); bil del dezinformativnega Disclosure Project (del Rockefellerjevega omrežja glede NLP); bil član od George Town Club (tesno povezan s CIA omrežjem).
- William Proxmire (D-Wisc) – senator, 1957 – 1989; član družine Rockefeller; bil predsedujoči od Senate Banking Committee, 1975 – 1981, 1987 – 1989.
- Abraham A. Ribicoff (D-Conn) – senator, 1963 – 1981; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1974 – 1997; bil predsedujoči retrospektivni študiji od Council on Foreign Relations-New York Bar Association glede iranske krize s talci.
- John Sparkman (D-Ala) – senator, 1946 – 1979; predsedujoči od Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 1975 – 1979; predsedujoči od Senate Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs, 1967 – 1975; udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 1955, 1956.
- Adlai E. Stevenson III (D-Ill) – senator, 1970 – 1981; udeleženec zasedanj skupine Bilderberg, 1971; bil govorec pri World Affairs Council of Northern California; bil član od US Asia Pacific Council.
- Les Aspin (D-Wisc) – kongresnik, 1971 – 1993; bil član neokonservativne Coalition for Democratic Majority, 1972 – ; predsedujoči od House Armed Services Committee, 1985 – 1993; sekretar za obrambo, 1993 – 1995; predsedujoči od President’s Intelligence Advisory Board, 1994 – 1995; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1973 – 1995; bil emeritus od Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute, cca, 1990a; bil predsedujoči od Commission on Roles and Capabilities of the U.S. Intelligence Community.
- Jonathan B. Bingham (D-NY) – kongresnik, 1965 – 1983; bil član od Skull & Bones, 1936; bil praktikant pri elitni odvetniški pisarni Cravath, de Gersdorff, Swaine & Wood (del CFR), 1936 – 1941; bil član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1952 – 1986; bil sekretar super elitnega guvernerja NY Averrela Harrimana (član Skull & Bones; član od CFR; član od Pilgrims Society) iz Brown Brothers Harriman (pomembni financerji nacizma), 1955 – 1958; bil ameriški predstavnik pri United Nations Trusteeship Council, 1961 – 1962, predsednik leta 1962; bil ameriški ambasador pri United Nations Economic and Social Council; bil upravitelj od zelo progresivnega The Twentieth Century Fund/Century Foundation (Arthur Schlesinger Jr.; Arthur Burns; Hodding Carter III; Harvey I. Sloane; William D. Ruckelshaus; Vernon Jordan; J. Kenneth Galbraith), 1964 – 1984; bil član super elitne bankirske družine Lehman, ki je ustanoviteljica Lehman Brothers (del Pilgrims Society).
- John Brademas (D-Ind) – kongresnik, 1959 – 1981; služil kot House Democratic Chief Deputy Whip, 1973 – 1977; služil kot House Majority Whip, 1977 – 1981; študiral kot Rhodes Scholar, 1949; udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 1965; član od Council on Foreign Relaitons, 1973 – 2016; član od Trilateral Commission, 1975 – 1995; bil upravitelj od Rockefeller Foundation, 1981 – 1992; bil predsednik od New York University, 1981 – 1991, kasneje upravitelj; predsedujoči od NY Fed, 1983 – 1986, predsednik 1986 – 1988; bil Fulbright Scholar, 1986; bil upravitelj od African-America Foundation (del CIA in Rockefellerjevega omrežja), cca. 1986 – ; bil član uprave od National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, 1986 – 2016; bil upravitelj od Committee for Economic Development, cca. 1990a; bil direktor od National Endowment for Democracy, 1992 – 1993, predsedujoči 1993 – 2001; bil član od Bretton Woods Committee, cca. 1999 – 2016; bil direktor od Roosevelt Institute (William vanden Heuvel; Anna Eleanor Roosevelt; Katrina vanden Heuvel; Joseph Stiglitz; Robert Borosage); bil član svetovalne uprave od Center for Dialogues: Islamic World – U.S – The West; bil član od George Town Club; bil manjši financer Sorosove International Crisis Group.
- Yvonne B. Burke (D-Cal) – Afro-ameriška kongresnica, 1973 – 1979; bila članica od Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, 1992 – 2008; s strani Obame imenovana v upravo od Amtrak, 2013 – ; je članica afro-ameriškega sestrstva Alpha Kappa Alpha (Eleanor Roosevelt; Jeda Pinkett Smith; Alicia Keys), ki spada pod okrilje pol-skrivne bratovščine Sigma Pi Phi; bila odvetnica pri McCone Commission, ki je preiskovala Watts Riots.
- Cardiss Collins (D-Ill) – Afro-ameriška kongresnica, 1973 – 1997; bila predsedujoča od Congressional Black Caucus; bila članica od National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (del ’’liberalne CIA’’); članica afro-ameriškega sestrstva Alpha Kappa Alpha (Eleanor Roosevelt; Jeda Pinkett Smith; Alicia Keys), ki spada pod okrilje pol-skrivne bratovščine Sigma Pi Phi.
- Barber L. Conable (R-NY) – kongresnik, 1965 – 1985; bil predsednik skrivne bratovščine Quill and Dagger; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1973 – 1974; ustanovni član od Trilateral Commission, 1973 – udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 1978; bil član od Chemical Warfare Review Commission (Zbigniew Brzezinski; Alexander Haig), 1985 – ; bil Senior Fellow pri American Enterprise Institute (Milton Friedman; Paul McCracken), 1985 – ; bil upravitelj od Urban Institute, 1985 – 1986; predsednik od World Bank Group, 1986 – 1991; bil član od Bretton Woods Committee, cca. 1999 – 2003; bil član uprave od United Nations Association; bil predsedujoči od National Committee on United States-China Relations; bil član uprave od Commission on Global Governance (Maurice Strong; Jacques Delors; Jan Pronk; Oscar Arias).
- John J. Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich) – Afro-ameriški kongresnik, 1965 – 2017; bil so-ustanovitelj od Congressional Black Caucus, 1969; položaj predstavnika zapusti po obtožbah s strani ’’gibanja’’ #MeToo (glavna financerja Soros in Ford Foundation), glede spolnega nadlegovanja njegovega ženskega osebja in na skrivaj uporabljal davkoplačevalski denar za plačevanje poravnav nadlegovanja; bil eden prvih kongresnikov, ki se je pridružil Democratic Socialists of America (sredstva ’’liberalne CIA’’); leta 2004 se pojavi v dokumentarcu vodilnega sredstva ’’liberalne CIA’’ Michaela Moora Fahrenheit 9/11.
- Ronald V. Dellums (D-Cal) – Afro-ameriški kongresnik, 1971 – 1998; bil predsedujoči od House Armed Services Committee, 1993 – 1995; bil član bratovščine Alpha Phi Alpha, ki je tesno povezana z vodilno pol-skrivno afro-ameriško bratovščino Sigma Pi Phi; bil član političnega think tanka World Policy Council (del ’’liberalne CIA’’; Cornel West; Edward Brooke), ki je tesno povezan z Alpha Phi Alpha; bil pod-predsedujoči od Democratic Socialists of America (del ’’liberalne CIA’’); leta 2007 podprl Hillary Clinton; bil član od Urban Policy Committee od Hillary Clinton.
- Christopher John Dodd (D-Conn) – kongresnik, 1975 – 1981; bil senator, 1981 – 2011; bil predsedujoči od Democratic National Committee, 1995 – 1997; bil predsedujoči od Senate Banking Committee, 2007 – 2011; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1985 – ; udeleženec zasedanj skupine Bilderberg, 1999, 2000, 2001; generalni direktor od Motion Picture Association (propaganda ’’liberalne CIA’’), 2011 – 2017; član uprave od Atlantic Council; višji svetovalec od National Democratic Institute; član svetovalne uprave od U.S. Global Leadership Council; tesen prijatelj in svetovalec Joeja Bidena.
- Robert F. Drinan (D-Mass) – predstavnik, 1971 – 1981; jezuitski duhovnik in sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’; bil član uprave od People for the American Way (del ’’liberalne CIA’’); bil član uprave od progresivne Americans for Democratic Action, ki nastane preko Socialist Party of America (del neokonservativnega/CIA omrežja); bil član uprave od NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (del ’’liberalne CIA’’); bil član nacionalne guvernerske uprave od levičarskega-liberalnega Common Cause.
- Ralph H. Metcalfe (D-Ill) – Afro-ameriški kongresnik, 1971 – 1978; bil član bratovščine Alpha Phi Alpha, ki je tesno povezana z vodilno pol-skrivno afro-ameriško bratovščino Sigma Pi Phi; bil so-ustanovitelj od Congressional Black Caucus.
- Abner J. Mikva (D-Ill) – kongresnik, 1969 – 1973, 1975 – 1979; bil član višje svetovalne uprave od National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, cca. 2004 – ; bil član nacionalnega odbora od Human Rights First (del ’’liberalne CIA’’); mentor od Baracka Obame (Rockefellerjevo in Sorosovo sredstvo).
- William S. Moorhead (D-NY) – kongresnik, 1959 – 1981; bil član od Skull & Bones; diplomiral na Phillips Andover Academy, ki je sorodstveno povezana z bolj elitno in zelo ekskluzivno pripravljalno šolo Phillips Exeter Academy; pomemben za ustanovitev National Endowments for the Arts and the Humanities (del omrežja ’’liberalne CIA’’).
- Richard Nolan (DFL-Minn) – kongresnik, 1975 – 1981, 2013 – 2019; od leta 2012 – 2017 prejme za kampanje $18,500 od Alide Rockefeller Dayton; leta 2014 prejme dve donaciji v vrednosti $5,200 od Jonathana Sorosa; leta 2016 prejme eno donacijo v vrednosti $2,700 od Georgea Sorosa; leta 2016 prejme donacijo v višini $1,000 od Alexandra Sorosa; leta 2016 podpre Bernieja Sandersa (vodilno Rockefellerjevo in Sorosovo sredstvo) za predsednika ZDA.
- Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) – Afro-ameriški kongresnik, 1971 – 2017; ustanovni član od Congressional Black Caucus; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1995 – 2003; član od Trilateral Commission, cca. 1995 – 2008; CFR je ustanovil Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Program and Ladders for Leaders, ki je propaganda multikulturalizma in ideologij ’’liberalne CIA’’ na zgodovinsko črnskih univerzah in kolidžih; bil član elitne afro-ameriške pol-skrivne bratovščine Sigma Pi Phi.
- Stephen J. Solarz (D-NY) – kongresnik, 1975 – 1993; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1978 – 2010; bil član uprave od National Endowment for Democracy, 1992 – 2001; bil višji svetovalec od National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, 1989 – 2010; bil pod-predsedujoči Sorosovi International Crisis Group, 1990s – 2010; bil mednarodni pokrovitelj od neokonservativne Henry Jackson Society; bil upravitelj od African – America Institute, cca. 1986 – .
- Louis Stokes (D-Ohio) – Afro-ameriški kongresnik, 1969 – 1999; bil pod-predsednik clevelandske veje od National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (del ’’liberalne CIA’’), 1965 – 1966; bil predsedujoči od House Select Committee on Assassinations (1977 – 1978), ki je preučevala atentata na Kennedyja in Martina Luthra Kinga; bil predsedujoči od House Intelligence Committee, 1987 – 1989; bil član od Iran-Contra Investigating Committee (Warren B. Rudman; George J. Mitchell; Sam Nunn; William S. Cohen; Lee Hamilton; Dick Cheney; Les Aspin); bil ustanovni član in predsednik od Congressional Black Caucus, 1971 – ; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1988 – 2003; bil prostozidar pri Prince Hall Freemasonry, ki je tesno povezana s Sigma Pi Phi; bil član od Sigma Pi Phi.
- Paul E. Tsongas (D-Mass) – kongresnik, 1975 – 1979; senator, 1979 – 1985; bil so-ustanovitelj, član in pod-predsedujoči od Concord Coalition (Peter G. Peterson; Paul Volcker; Warren Rudman; Sam Nunn; Robert E. Rubin; Bob Kerrey).
Člani 94-ega kongresa, ki so podprli The Declaration of Interdependence
- Gale W. McGee (D-Wyo) – senator, 1959 – 1977; bil ameriški ambasador pri Organization of American States, 1977 – 1981; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1955 – 1991; bil Research Fellow pri Carnegie Corporation of NY; bil arhitekt od Panama Canal Treaty, 1978; bil vodja od Institute for International Affairs (na inštitut pripelje Henry Kissingerja; Eleanor Roosevelt) – University of Wyoming, cca. 1950a.
- Walter F. Mondale (D-Minn) – senator, 1964 – 1976; pod-predsednik ZDA, 1977 – 1981; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1973 – 2021; ustanovni član od Trilateral Commission, 1973 – 1977; udeleženec zasedanj skupine Bilderberg, 1974, 1981; bil član od Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities (preiskovanje domnevnih zlorab s strani CIA in FBI), 1975; ustanovni častni predsedujoči od Alliance to Save Energy (David Rockefeller; Henry Kissinger; Laurance Rockefeller; Carla Hills; Henry Ford II; Russell Train; Thomas Watson; Peter G. Peterson; Vernon Jordan; Robert O. Anderson; Hubert Humphrey; Sam Nunn Claiborne Pell; Henry Jackson), 1977 – ; član uprave od National Endowment for Democracy, 1985 – 1986; direktor in častni predsedujoči od National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, 1985, predsedujoči, 1983 – 1993; član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Goldman Sachs, cca. 1999 – ; član od Bretton Woods Committee, cca. 2009 -2018; tesno povezan z Jimom Jonesom in Jonestown Cult; leta 2008 najprej podpre Hillary Clinton, nato Baracka Obamo.
- John V. Tunney (D-Cal) – senator, 1971 – 1977; bil član od Standing Subcommittee on the Environment; bil predsedujoči od Special Senate Subcommittee on Science, Technology and Environment, preko katerega se sprejme prvotni Endangered Species Act; bil predsedujoči upravi od Armand Hammer Museum of Art and Culture Center (ustanovitelj super elitni Armand Hammer) na UCLA; bil član častne uprave od Living with Wolves (častna častne uprave sta tesen Rockefellerjev zaveznik Robert Redford in Jane Goodall).
- Edward G. Biester, Jr. (R-Pa) – kongresnik, 1967-1977; član direktorske uprave od World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, 1977-1978; bil član nacionalne guvernerske uprave od Common Cause, 1977-1978; bil generalni državni tožilec za Pennsylvanijo, 1979 – 1980; je član uprave od Rumsfeld Foundation (Donald Rumsfeld); bil imenovan v United States Court of Military Commission Review, 2004 – .
- Edward Mezvinski (D-Iowa) – kongresnik, 1973 – 1977; ameriški ambasador pri United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 1977 – 1979; predsedujoči od Pennsylvania Democratic Party, 1981 – 1986; leta 2001 je kot odvetnik obtožen bančne prevare v višini $10,000 000, predsednik Clinton ga noče oprostiti; leta 2010 postane tast od Chelsea Clinton, ki leta 2011 postane članica od Council on Foreign Relations.
- James W. Symington (D-Mo) – kongresnik, 1969 – 1977; bil pomočnik svojega super elitnega daljnega sorodnika in tedanjega ambasadorja v Veliki Britaniji Johna Hay Whitneyja (tesen Rockefellerjev zaveznik), 1958 – 1960; bil administrativni pomočnik generalnega tožilca Roberta F. Kennedyja, 1962 – 1963; bil vodja protokola ZDA, 1966 – 1968; bil član uprave od Atlantic Council, 1986 – 2001; bil član uprave od Riggs Bank National Association (del Bushevega in CIA omrežja; tesno povezana s financiranjem savdskih teroristov 9/11); bil ustanovitelj in predsedujoči od American-Russian Cultural Cooperation Foundation, 1992 – 2015; bil direktor od Library of Congress Russian Leadership Program, 2001; leta 2008 prejme Order of Friendship od Vladimirja Putina. Njegov oče je bil W. Stuart Symington – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1959 – 1988; služil kot prvi sekretar za zračne sile, 1947 – 1950; služil kot senator, 1953 – 1976.
Tedanji člani uprave od World Affairs Council Of Philadelphia
- A. Addison Roberts – predsedujoč upravi.
- William W. Bodine, Jr. – predsednik uprave, kasneje predsedujoči od World Affairs Council Of Philadelphia, – 1983; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1978 – 1983.
Nevladne organizacije, ki so sodelovale pri programu ’’A Declaration Of Interdependence’’
Nevladne organizacije, ki so sodelovale pri programu ’’A Declaration Of Interdependence’’ od World Affairs Council Of Philadelphia –
- Council on Foreign Relations. Predsedujoči David Rockefeller.
- Program in International Affairs – Aspen Institute.
- Predsednik in generalni direktor postane leta 1969 Joseph E. Slater, ki je član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1958 – 2002. Na položaju ostane do leta 1986. Leta 1971 se kot predsednik od Aspen Institute udeleži zasedanja skupine Bilderberg. Njegov mentor je vodilni Rockefellerjev strateg in ekonomist John J. McCloy, ki pred Davidom Rockefellerjem vodi Council on Foreign Relations. Slater skupaj s tesnim Rockefellerjevim zaveznikom Robertom O. Andersonom reorganizira Aspen Institute. Slater, ki prihaja iz Rockefellerjevega omrežja, je bil na začetku 50ih glavni ekonomist od Creole Petroleum, ki je venezuelska podružnica od Standard Oil. Leta 1957 se je Slater pridružil programu International Affairs pri Ford Foundation, kjer je predsedujoči McCloy. Slater je med drugim zadolžen za podeljevanje štipendij študentom iz vodilnih jugoslovanskih univerz. V tej vlogi je bil, kot varovanec Rockefellerjevega omrežja izredno pomemben propagandist za ameriško priznanje Kitajske. Za časa delovanja pri Ford Foundation je bil Slater tudi član Eisenhowerjeve Commission on Foreign Assistance oz. Draper Committee, ki so jo vodili ključni Rockefellerjevi posamezniki, kot so William H. Draper, John J. McCloy in George C. McGhee. Preko Slaterja in Andersona začne Aspen Institute tesno sodelovati z United Nations za mobilizacijo globalnega mnenja glede okoljevarstvenih vprašanj in ostalih področij iz ’’liberalne CIA’’. Salter je tudi zaslužen za širjenje vpliva od Aspen Insitute v Evropo, kjer leta 1974 so-ustanovi Aspen Institute Berlin, katerega ključni ustanovitelj in ustanovni direktor je Shepard Stone, Slaterjev nadrejeni pri Ford Foundation in s katerim sta se leta 1971 skupaj udeležila zasedanja skupine Bilderberg.
- International Peace Academy/International Peace Institute. Inštitut je pod izredno močnim vplivom od United Nations in Arabcev. Ustanoviteljica inštituta je elitno CIA sredstvo Ruth Forbes Young, katere družina je preko Leeja Harveyja Oswalda in Georgea de Mohrenschildta izredno tesno povezana z atentatom na Kennedyja. Kasnejši financerji inštituta so Soros, pedofil Epstein in Bill Gates.
- Fund for Peace. Ustanovitelj sklada leta 1957 je Randolph Compton. Sklad v 90ih deluje kot kanal za sredstva od National Endowment for Democracy. Financiran pa je tudi s strani Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Open Society Institute, Ploughshares Fund, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Institute of International Education, United Nations Foundation, zveze NATO, Barrick Gold in ostalih. Nasploh je sklad del omrežja ’’liberalne CIA’’ in tesno povezan s sredstvi ’’liberalne CIA’’, kot je Ramsey Clark.
- Section of International Law – American Bar Association.
- U.S. Council of the International Chamber of Commerce.
Specializirane in sorodne agencije od United Nations –
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development—World Bank
- International Court of Justice—World Court
- International Development Association
- International Finance Corporation
- International Labor Organization
- International Monetary FundUnited Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
- United Nation‘s Children Fund
- World Health Organization
- World Meteorological Organization
»In the context of a Bicentennial Era program spanning thirteen years, the nation‘s primary and secondary schools call out for involvement. The graduates of 1976 will find themselves in positions of decision-making authority before the program reaches its conclusion. And the path of knowledge for kindergarten children of the Bicentennial year will parallel the entire program. It is timely, therefore, to reachas many students as possible at all grade levels in our primary and secondary schools to carry an awareness of Interdependence into America‘s third century. These very students will be called upon to make decisions based on the ideas set forth in the Declaration and the actions initiated by participating bodies.
The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia will expand its already well-established school program, and work to ensure that Declaration and its precepts will be included in the curricula and the texts of our schools. Starting with the schools of our region as a base, the prospects for national involvement are realistic and are being actively pursued. The National Education Association, Overseas Development Council, and Foreign Policy Association are assisting in this effort.«14World Affairs Council of Philadelphia. Declaration of Interdependance. 1976.