Čas branja 345 minut
Nevladne organizacije
- A Call to Defend Democracy
- American Chamber of Commerce
- APCO Worldwide
- Banka Riggs National Corporation
- Campaign for American Leadership in the Middle East
- The Century Foundation
- Concordia Leadership Council
- Democracy & Security International Conference
- EastWest Institute
- European Council on Foreign Relations
- Friends of Europe
- Institute of International Finance
- Institute for Policy Studies
- International Commission on the Balkans
- International IDEA
- Middle East Media Research Institute
- U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (USGLC)
Medijske organizacije
Politični in obveščevalni posamezniki
- Richard A. Clarke
- Tom Harkin
- Thomas H. Kean
- Yousef Al Otaiba
- Varovanec Franka Wisnerja II
- Član od Cosmos Club
- Ključni podpornik Savdskega princa Mohammeda bin Salmana
- Tesne povezave z Obamovo administracijo
- Tesne povezave z Donaldom Trumpom in Jaredom Kushnerjem
- Globalist liberalnega establišmenta I
- Dogodek pri bankirski družini Allbritton leta 2012
- Milken Institute Global Conference 2019
- Globalist liberalnega establišmenta II
- Alvaro Uribe Vélez
A Call to Defend Democracy
(CIA) propagandno pismo A Call to Defend Democracy – Covid-19 Crisis Threatens Democracy, Leading World Figures Warn,1; dostop 28.12.2022 ki je bila iniciativa od National Endowment for Democracy in švedske nevladne organizacije International IDEA.
»The Covid-19 pandemic threatens more than the lives and the livelihoods of people throughout the world. It is also a political crisis that threatens the future of liberal democracy.
Authoritarian regimes, not surprisingly, are using the crisis to silence critics and tighten their political grip. But even some democratically elected governments are fighting the pandemic by amassing emergency powers that restrict human rights and enhance state surveillance without regard to legal constraints, parliamentary oversight, or timeframes for the restoration of constitutional order. Parliaments are being sidelined, journalists are being arrested and harassed, minorities are being scapegoated, and the most vulnerable sectors of the population face alarming new dangers as the economic lockdowns ravage the very fabric of societies everywhere. …
Repression will not help to control the pandemic. Silencing free speech, jailing peaceful dissenters, suppressing legislative oversight, and indefinitely canceling elections all do nothing to protect public health. On the contrary, these assaults on freedom, transparency, and democracy will make it more difficult for societies to respond quickly and effectively to the crisis through both government and civic action.
It is not a coincidence that the current pandemic began in a country where the free flow of information is stifled and where the government punished those warning about the dangers of the virus—warnings that were seen as spreading rumors harmful to the prestige of the state. When voices of responsible citizens are suppressed, the results can be deadly, not for just one country but for the entire world. …
It is only through democracy that independent civil society, including women and young people, can be empowered to partner with public institutions, to assist in the delivery of services, to help citizens stay informed and engaged, and to bolster social morale and a sense of common purpose.
It is only though democracy that free media can play their role of informing people so that they can make sound personal and family decisions, scrutinize government and public institutions, and counter disinformation that seeks to tear societies apart. …
It is only in democracies that the rule of law can protect individual liberties from state intrusion and constraint well beyond what is necessary to contain a pandemic.«2; dostop 28.12.2022
Najpomembnejši podpisniki pisma so člani od Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, skupine Bilderberg in pogosto udeleženci od World Economic Forum. Številni vodilni evropski podpisniki so hkrati še člani od European Council on Foreign Relations in Club de Madrid (Danilo Türk; Milan Kučan). Ameriški podpisniki pa, poleg tega, da so večinoma člani od Council on Foreign Relations in tesno povezani z varnostno obveščevalnim omrežjem, so številni še tesno povezani z NED, NDI, IRI in Freedom House. Torej gre tudi v tem primeru za tesno posredno in neposredno povezavo z International Democrat Union (Janez Janša). Za manj pomembne posameznike, ki sicer niso analizirani, pa je avtor mnenja, da so verjetno v večini del ’’liberalne CIA’’, ter številni od njih povezani z NED.
Vidnejši podpisniki pisma –
- nekdanji albanski predsednik Rexhep Meidani (Club of Madrid);
- nekdanji argentinski predsednik Mauricio Macri (“Yesterday I [Mauricio Macri] was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I know that half of this cabinet, or even more, are actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum…It’s [also] true in Argentina and in France now with the President a Young Global Leader.”);
- Kevin Rudd (Center for Strategic and International Studies; Club of Madrid); Gareth Evans (International Crisis Group);
- nekdanji avstrijski zvezni kancler Alfred Gusenbauer (Bilderberg, 2002, 2006, 2007, 2015; Club of Madrid);
- Muhammad Yunus (top Rockefellerjevo sredstvo);
- Guy Verhofstadt (tesen Sorosov zaveznik; Friends of Europe; Club of Madrid);
- nekdanji brazilski predsednik Fernando Henrique Cardoso (Club of Madrid; Club of Rome; Global Commission on Drug Policy);
- Ivan Krastev (Bilderberg, 2019; Open Soceity Foundations; European Council on Foreign Relations; International Crisis Group);
- nekdanji kanadski zunanji minister Lloyd Axworthy (Bilderberg, 1996; Pacific Council on International Policy; John D. & Catherine T. Mac Arthur Foundation; Trudeau Foundation; Human Rights Watch);
- nekdanja namestnica generalnega sekretarja UN Louise Fréchette (Bilderberg, 2000; Global Leadership Foundation; CARE International; Centre for International Governance Innovation);
- Oscar Arias Sanchez (International Crisis Group);
- Vesna Pusić (European Council on Foreign Relations);
- Toomas Henrik Ilves (Trilateral Commission; European Council on Foreign Relations);
- Elmar Brok (tesen Sorosov zaveznik; Friends of Europe; Atlantik-Brücke; German Council on Foreign Relations; European Endowment for Democracy);
- John Bruton (Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg Group; European Council on Foreign Relations; Friends of Europe; Club de Madrid);
- Natan Sharansky (Institute for Zionist Strategies; Jewish Agency for Israel; Le Cercle);
- Enrico Letta (Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg, 2012);
- Vaira Vike-Freiberga (European Council on Foreign Relations; Club of Madrid);
- Andrius Kubilius (International Republican Institute);
- Ernesto Zedillo (Club of Madrid; Group of Thirty; Global Development Program Advisory Panel – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Coca-Cola Company);
- Jan Peter Balkenende (Bilderberg, 2008; Club of Madrid; One Young World);
- Hans van Baalen (Sorosov zaveznik);
- Kati Piri (Sorosova zaveznica);
- Laurens Jan Brinkhorst (Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg, 1970, 1974, 1981; European Leadership Network);
- Thor Halvorssen (Oslo Freedom Forum);
- Vidar Helgesen (Bilderberg, 2018; International IDEA);
- Jerzy Buzek (Club of Madrid);
- Aleksander Kwasniewski (Bilderberg, 2008; Atlantic Council; European Council on Foreign Relations; Club of Madrid);
- Leszek Balcerowicz (New Atlantic Initiative; Mont Pelerin Society; Center for European Policy Analysis);
- Radosław Sikorski (Bilderberg, 2016-2019, 2022; Center for Strategic and International Studies; Munich Security Conference; European Council on Foreign Relations);
- Ana Gomes (Sorosova zaveznica);
- Petre Roman (Club of Madrid);
- Garry Kasparov (Center for Security Policy; Renew Democracy Initiative; Foundation for Democracy in Russia);
- Mikhail Khodorkovsky;
- Vladimir Kara-Murza (Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom);
- Zhanna Nemtsova (Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom);
- Iveta Radicova (Sorosova zaveznica);
- Ana Palacio (Global Advisory Board – Council on Foreign Relations; Atlantic Council; European Council on Foreign Relations, European Leadership Network);
- Carl Bildt;
- Cecilia Malmström (Trilateral Commission; Peterson Institute for International Economics; European Council on Foreign Relations; Migration Policy Institute);
- Margot Wallström (International Crisis Group; European Council on Foreign Relations; Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice; International Gender Champions; International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance; Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy);
- Lord George Robertson (Bilderberg, 1998,2001; Forstmann Little Conferences; Atlantic Council; International Institute for Strategic Studies; International Crisis Group; European Council on Foreign Relations; Centre for European Reform; Global Panel Foundation; Ditchley Foundation; Global Leadership Foundation);
- Sir Malcolm Rifkind (Bilderberg, 1986, 1996; Aspen Atlantic Group; Ditchley Foundation; European Leadership Network, Global Panel Foundation);
- Timothy Garton Ash (Bilderberg, 1989, 1996, 2019; European Council on Foreign Relations; German Council on Foreign Relations);
- Andrew Card (National Endowment for Democracy);
- Benjamin Rhodes (National Security Action; Iraq Study Group Report);
- Bill Richardson (Bilderberg, 1999, 2000; Kissinger Associates; Freedom House; Refugees International);
- David J. Kramer (Center for European Policy Analysis; Center for Strategic and International Studies; International Republican Institute; Freedom House);
- Frank J. Fahrenkopf;
- H. R. McMaster (Bilderberg, 2017; Atlantic Council; H. Smith Richardson Foundation; National Security Advisor – Donald Trump);
- Jeb Bush (International Republican Institute; Project for the New American Century; AmeriCares);
- Jim Kolbe (Kissinger/McLarty Associates; International Republican Institute; Freedom House);
- Joshhua Muravchik (Freedom House; Project for the New American Century; Washington Institute for Near East Policy; The Foundation for Democracy in Iran);
- Kelly Ayotte (International Republican Institute; Foundation for Defense of Democracies; ONE Campaign);
- Kenneth Wollack (National Endowment for Democracy; National Democratic Institute);
- Kurt Volker (Kissinger/McLarty Associates; Atlantic Council; McCain Institute for International Leadership);
- Madeleine Albright (Aspen Strategy Group, Atlantic Council; CIA External Advisory Board; National Democratic Institute; Freedom House; U.S. Institute of Peace; Eurasia Foundation; Center for European Policy Analysis);
- Michael Chertoff (Trilateral Commission; Atlantic Council; Freedom House; U.S. Institute of Peace; EastWest Institute; Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; Knights of Malta);
- Randy Scheunemann (International Republican Institute; Project for the New American Century; Committee for the Liberation of Iraq; Munich Security Conference);
- Richard Gephardt (Bilderberg, 2012; National Endowment for Democracy; National Democratic Institute; RAND Corporation);
- Richard Gere (sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’);
- Thomas Daschle (Bilderberg, 2008; National Democratic Institute; National Security Action);
- Victoria Nuland (National Endowment for Democracy; Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs);
- Walter Mondale (Trilateral Commission, 1973 – ; Bilderberg, 1974, 1981; National Democratic Institute; Washtington Institute for Near East Policy; RAND Corporation);
- William J. Burns (Bilderberg, 2015, 2016, 2022; National Endowment for Democracy; Carnegie Endowment for International Peace);
- William Kristol (Bilderberg, 1995; Forstmann Little Conferences; Aspen Strategy Group; Project for the New American Century; American Enterprise Institute; Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation);
- Tawakkol Karman (CIA sredstvo od National Endowment for Democracy v ’’arabski pomladi’’; nekdanja pripadnica radikalna Muslimanske bratovščine; Facebook Oversight Board; sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’).
American Chamber of Commerce
Kot je razvidno iz številnih slovenskih udeležencev srečanja evropskega dela od Trilateral Commission v Ljubljani leta 2018, jih je kar nekaj tesno povezanih z AmCham Slovenia, ki je podružnica od AmChams in Europe, ta pa spada pod American Chambers in Europe (AmCham EU), ki je bila ustanovljena leta 1948. American Chambers in Europe pa spada pod krovno, leta 1912 ustanovljeno U.S. Chamber of Commerce, ki je dolgoletni, a ne konstantni korporativni član od Council on Foreign Relations.
Članske organizacije od AmCham EU dejansko predstavljajo korporativne člane od Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, skupine Bilderberg, udeležence Sun Valley Meetings, ter hkrati vodilne financerje ’’liberalne CIA’’, razen podjetja Amway –
»3M. Abbott … Accenture … Amazon [Jeff Bezos]. American Express [Warren Buffett]. Amgen. Amway [del ’’konservativne CIA’’]. APCO Worldwide [Richard V. Allen; Laurens Brinkhorst; Stuart Eizenstat; Toomas Hendrik Ilves; Alexander Kwasneiwski; Travor Nielson]. Apple [Tim Cook]. Arnold & Porter. AT&T … BakerMcKenzie. Bank of America [Brian Moynihan]. Barclays. Baxter … BNY Mellon. Boeing. Boston Consulting Group. Bristol-Myers Squibb … Brunswick … Cargill … Caterpillar … Charles Schwab … Chevron. Cisco. Citi … Convington … Dell … Diageo … DLA Piper. Dow. Du Pont … Lilly & Co. … Ernst & Young. Estee Lauder … Exxon Mobil. FedEx … Ford … General Electric. General Dynamics. General Motors. Gilead. Goldman Sachs. Goodyear. Google [Eric Schmidt] … Hewlett Packard … Honeywell … IBM … Intel … Johnson & Johnson … JPMorgan Chase & Co. [Rockefeller] … Lockheed Martin … Mars Inc. … Marsh McLennan. Mastercard … McDonald’s. Mercedes Benz. Meta [Facebook; Peter Thiel/CIA]. MetLife … Microsoft. Moody’s. Morgan Stanley … NBCUniversal … Nike … Oracle … Paramount. Pfizer … Phillip Morris International. P&G. PwC. Qualcomm. Raytheon Technologies … Salesforce … S. J. Johnson … S&P Global … Teneo. Carlyle Group [David Rubenstein]. The Coca-Cola Company [Warren Buffett] … UPS … Verizon … WilmerHale LLP«3ttps://; dostop 20.12.2022
U.S. Chamber of Commerce je v času, ko je potekala konferenca od Trilateral Commission v Sloveniji vodil Thomas J. Donohue Sr. (predsedujoči in generalni direktor, 1997 – 2021), ki je od leta 2004 član od Council on Foreign Relations. Še več, Donohue je bil v tem času tudi predsednik in je danes predsednik emeritus od Center for International Private Enterprise (tesno povezan z U.S. Chamber of Commerce), ki je eden od osnovnih štirih stebrov CIA-jinega National Endowment for Democracy, kateri je poleg tega, da je vodilni financer in akter državnih udarov, tudi vodilni financer in partner, ne samo globalne (skrajne) levice, ampak tudi slovenske (skrajne) levice, ki v Sloveniji propagira in vodi ’’proti-Janša’’, pro-RTV in ’’anti-kapitalistične’’ proteste. National Endowment for Democracy pa financira še ostale tri CIA-jine stebre – International Republican Institute, National Democratic Institute in malo manj znani Solidarity Center (tesno povezan z AFL-CIO), ki so tudi vodilni partnerji od NDI v financiranju in izvajanju državnih udarov in v financiranju raznih ’’aktivistov’’. Donohue je tudi upravitelj od Hudson Institute, ki spada v omrežje ’’konservativne CIA’’.
Predsedujoči in so-ustanovitelj od Center for International Private Enterprise je Greg Lebedev, ki je hkrati še član uprave od U. S. Chamber of Commerce. Lebedev je tudi predsedujoči svetovalni upravi od Robertson Foundation for Government, kjer so člani svetovalne uprave še top Rockefellerjev zaveznik general Brent Scowcroft (Council on Foreign Relations; Atlantic Council; Kissinger Associates/CIA; Center for Strategic & International Studies; Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board; Aspen Strateg Group – Aspen Institute; International Republican Institute), vodilna neokonservativka Paula J. Dobriansky (Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; Atlantic Council; National Endowment for Democracy; Freedom House), Cuck Robb (Trilateral Commission; National Democratic Institute; U.S. Institute of Peace; Center for Strategic and International Studies).
Kot ključnega člana uprave in izvršnega odbora od U.S. Chamber of Commerce bi avtor izpostavil tudi s CIA tesno povezanega milijarderja H. Ross Perotja, Jr., ki je bil zadnji predsedujoč upravi od EastWest Institute. Perot je še član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Atlantic Council; član od s CIA in Pentagonom tesno povezanega Center for Strategic & International Studies (predsedujoči mednarodnemu odboru svetovalcev je Henry Kissinger); član uprave od American Enterprise Institute (ozadje ’’konservativne CIA’’); bil član super elitnega Business Executives for National Security; član od prav tako super elitnega Bretton Woods Committee; upravitelj od član od Wall Street Journal CEO Council; bil udeleženec za javnost zaprtih konferenc (Microsoft) CEO Summit, ki jih je organiziral Bill Gates v okviru podjetja Microsoft; udeleženec od World Economic Forum, 2013, 2020, 2022; bil član uprave od Dell, 2009 – 2013.
Perot je bil (cca. 2004 – 2008) tudi upravitelj od International Business Leaders Forum, ki spada pod okrilje top globalista in novo pečenega britanskega kralja Karla III. Vodilni upravitelji iz tistega obdobja, ko so vzpostavljali sistem te organizacije, prihajajo iz okrilja CIA, podjetja Coca-Cola oz. iz okrilja Trilateral Commission. To so –
- James Wolfensohn.
- Neville Isdell (Center for Strategic and International Studies; The Coca-Cola Company; U.S.-Russia Business Council; Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS; World Wildlife Fund).
- Richard Edelman (Council on Foreign Relations; Atlantic Council; Edelman Intelligence; World Economic Forum).
- Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (Bilderberg, 2011; European Round Table of Industrialists; World Economic Forum; Nestle; kot višji vodja pri Nestle deluje v Čilu, ko podjetje Nestle sodeluje v CIA državnem udaru).
- Michael Rake (Royal Institute of International Affairs; Business for New Europe; KPMG; easyJet plc).
- Lord Watson of Richmond (Pilgrims Society; The European Movement UK; Coca-Cola European Advisory Board).
- Sunil Mittal (član globalne svetovalne uprave od Council on Foreign Relations, 2021 – ; International Business Council – World Economic Forum).
- Mohammed Jameel (član elitne savdske družine).
- Abdullah Kamel (nekdanji savdski milijarder in bankir, ki je bil aretiran skupaj z Al-Waleedom bin Talalom).
- Bernd Pischetsrieder (European Round Table of Industrialists; Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation; Volkswagen Group).
Člani mednarodne svetovalne uprave so –
- James Wolfensohn.
- Lord Browne of Madingley (Bilderberg, pogosto 1995 – 2006; Energy Futures Initiative; BeyondNetZero; Blavatnik School of Government; BP; L1 Energy; General Atlantic).
- Donald Keough (Trilateral Commission; The Coca-Cola Company – Warren Buffett; Allen &Co. – CIA; Berkshire Hathaway Inc. – Warren Buffett; The Washington Post Company – Warren Buffett; McDonald’s Corporation).
Kasneje se mednarodni svetovalne upravi pridruži Mary Robinson, ki je bila ustanovna članica od Trilateral Commission. Financerji od International Business Leaders Forum leta 2006 –
»Adidas-Salomon … American Chambers of Commerce. BAE Systems. Baker & McKenzie – Russia … Batory Foundation [George Soros]. BBC … British Chambers of Commerce. British Council … Citigroup … Dell … Ernst & Young. Ford Foundation … Grant Thornton … Halliburton International … HRH The Prince of Wales Charitable Foundation. HSBC … Netherlands Ministry for Education … Nike … Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) – Russia. Oracle … Phare Programme. Royal Bank of Scotland … UN Development Programme (UNDP) … USAID … World Bank. Yukos«4; dostop 6.10.2006
APCO Worldwide
Vodilno globalno PR podjetje APCO Worldwide, je podjetje za javne zadeve in strateško komunikacijsko svetovanje. APCP Worldwide nastane leta 1984, kot podružnica od Arnold & Porter.
Ustanoviteljica od APCO Associates je Margery Kraus, ki je danes tudi izvršna predsedujoča od APCO Worldwide. Kraus je bila članica od International Business Leaders Forum, kateri je, kot že analizirano, tesno povezan z liberalnim estavblišmentom in financiran s strani ’’liberalne CIA’’. Prav tako je bila Kraus upraviteljica in je danes članica svetovalnega odbora od Eurasia Foundation, ki je analizirana pod Transatlantic Policy Network.
APCO Worldwide, ki je kot vodilno PR podjetje tudi pomembno sredstvo za širjenje ideologij ’’liberalne CIA’’, je prav tako tesno povezano z liberalnim establišmentom in njegovim obveščevalnim omrežjem. Najvidnejši člani globalnega svetovalnega odbora so –
- Richard V. Allen – član od Council on Foreign Relations; član svetovalne uprave od s CIA tesno povezanega Center for Strategic & International Studies; javni podpornik in tesno povezan z National Endowment for Democracy; član svetovalnega odbora od International Republican Institute (1989 – ); član od Council on National Policy (obveščevalno in politično ozadje ’’konseravativne CIA’’); Senior Fellow od Hoover Institution; član svetovalnega odbora od Sorosove International Crisis Group; Distinguished Fellow od Heritage Foundation (ozadje ’’konservativne CIA’’); bil svetovalec od APCO Intelligence (cca. 1999 – ); bil Strategic Strategist za Trade and International Relations pri APCO Worldwide (cca. 2003 – ); udeleženec zasedanj ultrakonservativne zasebne obveščevalne skupine Le Cercle.
- J. Kenneth Blackwell – nekdanji župan Cincinnatija, je od leta 1994 član od Council on Foreign Relations; član uprave od International Republican Institute; bil član svetovalne uprave od s CIA, Pentagonom in neokonservativci tesno povezanega Jewish Institute for National Security of America (Michael Ledeen; Henry Jackson; James Woolsey; Paul Wolfowitz; Dick Cheney; Richard Perle; Nina Rosenwald; Max Kampelman; Jeane Kirkpatrick; John Bolton; Robert Pfaltzgraff, Jr.; Elliott Abrams; James Stavridis; Eric Edelman; Roger Zakheim); Fellow od Aspen Institute; Fellow od Salzburg Global Seminar; Fellow od School of Advanced International Studies (British-American Project) na John Hopkins University; član uprave od National Rifle Association (propaganda ’’konservativne CIA’’, vsaj kar se tiče masovne prodaje in pravice do orožja); predsedujoči od International Foundation for Electoral Systems (Allen Weinstein – National Endowment for Democracy); član elitne Afro-ameriške skrivne bratovščine Boule, kateri so močno pod nadzorom liberalnega establišmenta in vodilni črnski propagandisti ’’liberalne CIA’’ v ZDA.
- Laurens Jan Brinkhorst – pomemben predstavnik ozadja nizozemske politike; udeleženec zasedanj skupine Bilderberg (1970, 1974, 1981); udeleženec zasedanja od Trilateral Commission; nekdanji član evropskega parlamenta (1994 – 1999); upravitelj od RAND Europe; upravitelj od Friends of Europe; član svetovalnega odbora in višji programski svetovalec od European Policy Centre; član od European Leadership Network; član uprave od Salzburg Global Seminar; član svetovalne uprave od World Resources Institute; član uprave od International Institute of Sustainable Development; predsedujoči svetovalnemu odboru od Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation; član pro-palestinskega The Rights Forum (tesno povezan z nizozemsko kraljevo družino); član zelo elitne nizozemske bratovščine Minerva na University of Leiden; njegova hčerka Petra Laurentien Brinkhorst (European Climate Foundation; Rewilding Europe – WWF; Fauna & Flora International; European Cultural Foundation) je poročna v nizozemsko kraljevo družino, katera je ozadje skupine Bilderberg in tudi vodilni evropski propagandist ’’liberalne CIA’’, tudi v Evropskem parlamentu.
- Harry G. Broadman – član od Council on Foreign Relations; bil svetovalec od RAND Corporation (1979); bil Senior Fellow od Brookings Institution (1980 – 1981); član od Bretton Woods Committee; Senior Fellow na Foreign Policy Institute – John Hopkins University; upravni direktor od The Albright Group (Madeleine Albright; 2008 –); hkrati delal za Albright Capital Management LLC, višji upravni direktor od PricewaterhouseCoopers (2011 – ); bil član uprave od The Corporate Council on Africa; član uprave od Overseas Private Investment Corporation; bil višji uradnik pri World Bank Group.
- Kathy Calvin – nekdanja predsednica in generalna direktorica in je še članica uprave od Turnerjeve UN Foundation; bila predsednica od AOL Time Warner Foundation (del Sun Valley Meetings); bila članica uprave od UN Association of the U. S. of America; članica nadzorne skupine pri Global Philanthropy Forum; članica uprave od International Women’s Media Foundation (top propagandist feminizma/’’liberalne CIA’’); članica uprave od The B Team; bila članica svetovalnega odbora od The Elders; ambasadorka od World Benchmarking Alliance; svetovalka od One Young World (top propagandist ’’liberalne CIA’’); članica uprave od Global Women Leaders; članica uprave od Business for a Better World Center – George Mason University; članica uprave od Internews; bila direktorica uredniške administracija pri U.S. News & World Report.
- Shelby Coffey III – član od Council on Foreign Relations; član uprave od Pacific Council on International Policy; član od International Press Institute; Senior Fellow od Freedom Forum; bil upravitelj od Newseum; bil namestnik upravnega urednika pri Washington Post (del Sun Valley Meetings; del skupine Bilderberg; del Trilateral Commission); bil urednik od Los Angeles Times; bil predsednik od CNN Business News (del Sun Valley Meetings); bil izvršni pod-predsednik od ABC News.
- John Defterios – 35 letna kariera pri vodilnih globalističnih medijih; bil voditelj od Marketplace Middle East na CNN International (del Sun Valley Meetings); bil voditelj od CNNMoney Roundtable; bil evropski dopisnik za Reuters (del od CFR); delal za PBS Television; predsedujoči moderator pri Atlantic Council Energy Forum; vodilni medijski voditelj pri World Economic Forum; je Energy Fellow od World Economic Forum; član od Global Agenda Council on the Arab World – World Economic Forum; član selekcijskega odbora od katarske Al-Attiyah Foundation; predsedujoči moderator pri OPEC Seminar; predsedujoči moderator pri IMF Roundtable; predsedujoči moderator pri Putinovem St. Petersburg International Economic Forum; predsedujoči moderator pri U.S.-Saudi Arabia Investment Summit; predsedujoči moderator pri World Energy Council; predsedujoči moderator pri Saudi Arabia’s Future Investment Initiative; bil predsedujoči od World Islamic Economic Forum.
- Stuart Eizenstat – višji strateg za Business and Finance in Trade & Internaitonal Relations – APCO Worldwide (2003 – ); član od Council on Foreign Relations (1993 – ); udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg (2002); član uprave od Atlantic Council; član od Bretton Woods Committee (cca. 1985 – 2009); bil član uprave (2001 – 2010) in pod-predsednik od Freedom House (2006-2009); član svetovalne uprave od McLarty Associates (del CIA omrežja preko Kissinger Associates); bil član svetovalne uprave od Washington Institute for Near East Policy; član od Center on Global Counter-Terrorism Cooperation; član guvernerske uprave od Partnership for Public Service; član od American Academy of Diplomacy; član svetovalne uprave od Middle East Media Research Institute; član svetovalnega odbora od Jewish Fund for Justice; so-predsedujoči od Jewish People Policy Institute; član svetovalne uprave od Ukrainian Jewish Encounter; častni član svetovalne uprave od One Voice; višji svetovalec pri Covington & Burling (del od CFR); član uprave od UPS; bil član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Bank Menatep (v večinski lasti vodilnega ruskega oligarha Mihaila Khodorkovskyega, ki je sredstvo CIA/liberalnega establišmenta); podpisnik od promigrantskega pisma Inclusive America.
- Jack Faris – nekdanji komunikacijski direktor od Bill & Melinda Gates Foundaiton.
- Dan Glickman – član od Council on Foreign Relations; udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg (2001); član od CIA External Advisory Board (2009 – ); član od Bretton Woods Committee (cca. 2009 – 2015); izvršni direktor od Congressional Program – Aspen Institute; predsedujoč upravi od U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; član guvernerske svetovalne uprave od Partnership for Public Service; član vodstvenega odbora od Service Year Alliance; Senior Fellow od Bipartisan Policy Center; Distinguished Fellow pri The Chicago Council on Global Affairs; upravitelj od Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights; ustanovni so-predsedujoči od Search for Common Ground; direktor od Oxfam USA; upravitelj od American Film Institute; bil predsedujoči in generalni direktor od Motion Picture Association of America (2004 – 2010); predsednik od Refugees International (2010 – ); član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od The Coca-Cola Company (najpomembnejši lastnik Warren Buffett; del Trilateral Commission; del Sun Valley Meetings); bil partner pri Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP; član uprave od UN Friends of the World Food Program; tako kot Fajonova in Turk udeleženec konferenc od Transatlantic Policy Network.
- Toomas Hendrik Ilves – član od Trilateral Commission; član svetovalnega odbora od Munich Security Conference; član od European Council on Foreign Relations; upravitelj od Friends of Europe; Distinguished Fellow pri Hoover Institution (2017 – ); član od The Global Futures Council on Blockchain Technology – World Economic Forum; predsedujoči od Global Agenda Council on Cyber Security – World Economic Forum (2014 – 2016); član od Chatham House Commission on Democracy and Technology; Fellow pri Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (2017 – ); član svetovalne uprave od New Pact for Europe; član uprave od Free Russia Foundation; član od Alliance for Securing Democracy – German Marshall Fund; član od Center for European Policy Analysis; član svetovalnega odbora od International Committee for Democracy in Cuba; član svetovalne uprave od Oxford University Centre for Technology and Global Affairs; bil predsedujoči od European Cloud Partnership Steering Board (2012 – 2014).
- Said T. Jawad – član vodstvenega odbora od Concordia Summit (David Petraeus – CIA; Danilo Türk); Senior Fellow od Future of Diplomacy Project (2010 – 2011) na Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; Diplomat-in-Residence pri Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (2011 – 2020) – John Hopkins University; predsedujoči od Foundation for Afghanistan (2004 – 2014, 2022 – ); član uprave od Afghan- American Chamber of Commerce.
- Bruce W. Jentleson – Distinguished Fellow pri Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (2022 – ); Non-Resident Senior Fellow pri Chicago Council on Global Affairs; bil Fulbright Senior Research Scholar v Španiji; bil svetovalec pri Atlantic Council; bil svetovalec pri Carnegie Commission for Preventing Deadly Conflict (Cyrus Vance, John C. Whitehead, Morton Abramowitz, Graham Allison, McGeorge Bundy, Sidney Drell, Lawrence Eagleburger, Leslie Gelb, Mikhail Gorbachev, Jimmy Carter, Lee Hamilton, Sol Linowitz, Robert McNamara, George Shultz, Richard Lugar, Condoleezza Roce, Elie Wiesel, Desmond Tutu, Sam Nunn) – Carnegie Corporation of NY; bil svetovalec pri Washington Institute for Near East Policy; bil svetovalec pri U.S. Institute of Peace; med Obamovo kampanjo leta 2012 je bil član od National Security Advisory Steering Committee.
- Julie T. Katzman – delala za Lehman Brothers; članica direktorske uprave od John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (2012 – ); članica svetovalne uprave od MIT Media Lab; članica uprave od International Center for Research on Women; bila izvršna pod-predsednica in glavna izvršna direktorica od Inter-American Development Bank.
- Beth Keck – članica od Council on Foreign Relations; članica od National Committee on US-China Relations; bila so-predsedujoča od New Vision for Agriculture Project Board (2004 – 2014) – World Economic Forum; je Fellow (2021 – ) na China Global Research Center – School of Advanced International Studies – The Johns Hopkins University; na podiplomskem študiju študirala kot Rotary Foundation Scholar; bila Volkswagen Visiting Chair in Sustainability (2019 – 2021) na Schwarzman College – Tsinghua University; je Visiting Schwarzman Scholar na Schwarzman College (2021 – ); bila Practitioner-in-Residence (20152 – 2021) za kitajske študija na SAIS – The Johns Hopkins University; bila višja direktorica pri Wallmart (del od CFR; 2004-2015); bila višja pod-predsednica pri The Boeing Company (del od CFR; 2002 – 2004).
- Aleksander Kwasniewski – udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg (2008); član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Atlantic Council; upravitelj Sorosove International Crisis Group; član od European Council on Foreign Relations; član od Global Commission on Drug Policy; član vodstvenega odbora od Concordia Summit (David Petraeus – CIA; Danilo Türk); član od Club of Madrid (Danilo Türk; Milan Kučan); predsedujoči od Yalta European Strategy; član mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od European Academy of Diplomacy; častni član od Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture; predsedujoči od European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (Milan Kučan); član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od International Center for Development and Democratic Transition (Madeleine Albright; Paula Dobriansky; Kim Campbel; Sonya Licht); član svetovalne uprave od Dialgue Europe-Russia (2017 – ); član nadzorne uprave od International Centre for Policy Studies v Kijevu; bil član uprave od Burisma Holdings – del ukrajinske v glavnem židovske oligarske mafije, ki je preko Ihorja Kolomoiskyjega povezna z ukrajinskim predsednikom Vladimirjem Zelenskim in skrajno desno skupino Azov; leta 1994 imenovan Global Leader for Tomorrow – World Economic Forum; udeleženec od Munich Security Conference (2017).
- James McGregor (2010 – ) – član od Council on Foreign Relations (2010 – ); član od Atlantic Council; član od National Committee on U.S.-China Relations; član mednarodnega odbora od Asia Society; član uprave od U.S.-China Education Trust; bil predsedujoči od American Chamber of Commerce na Kitajskem; bil generalni direktor od Dow Jones & Company na Kitajskem (1994 – 2000); bil poročevalec za The Wall Street Journal (1987-1994); bil višji svetovalec pri Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide (2003 – 2006).
- Mark Michelson (1997 – ) – bil predsedujoči od American Chamber of Commerce v Hong Kongu; član od Fulbright Advisory Committee v Hong Kongu;
- Susan Molinari – članica od Council on Foreign Relations (1996 – ); članica od Trilateral Commission; članica uprave od Atlantic Council; članica od Commission on Federal Election Reform; članica svetovalne uprave od Vote Run Lead (del ’’liberalne CIA’’); bila višja predsednica za Government Affairs & Public Policy for the Americas pri Google (del od CFR; del od Sun Valley Meetings); članica od Toyota North America Diversity Advisory Board; članica uprave od Institute of Politics na Harvard University.
- Trevor Neilson – tesno povezan z Billom Gatesom in ONE Campaign.
- Pamela Passman (2021 – ) – članica od Council on Foreign Relations (2006 – ); višja sodelavka od Center for Strategic and International Studies; članica od Pacific Council on International Policy; članica uprave od National Bureau of Asian Research; članica uprave od Business for Social Responsibility (del ’’liberalne CIA’’); bila družabnica pri Covington & Burling LLP (1987 – 1991; 1994 – 1996); članica uprave od Kids In Need of Defense; bila pomočnica generalnega svetovalca (1996 – 2002) in korporativna pod-predsednica in namestnica generalnega svetovalca (2002 – 2011) pri Microsoft (del od CFR; del Sun Valley Meetings).
- Lars Petersson – višji svetovalec in nekdanji predsednik od IKEA U.S., top propagandist ’’liberalne CIA’’.
- Tim Roemer – bil član od 9/11 Commission; bil član od Presidential Task Force on Combating the Ideology of Radical Extremism – Washington Institute for Near East Policy; član od US-India Strategic Dialogue – Aspen Institute; član uprave od United States India Strategic Partnership Forum; član svetovalne skupine od U.S.-India Friendship Council; član od U.S.-India 21st Century Institute – Center for American Policy; član uprave od Center for National Policy; član svetovalne uprave od America Abroad Meida; strateški svetovalec pri Issue One.
- Andrés Rozental – član od Trilateral Commission; Senior Nonresident Fellow pri The Brookings Institution; član od Pacific Council for International Policy; član uprave od Mexico Institute – Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars; član odbora od International Institute for Strategic Studies; bil višji politični svetovalec pri Chatham House; član od Inter-American Dialogue; član uprave od Center for International Governance Innovation (2002 – ); upravitelj od Migration Policy Institute; član od International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA); ustanovni predsednik in predsedujoči upravitelj od Mexican Council on Foreign Relations (2001 – ); bil član uprave od HSBC Mexico; bil član uprave od Toyota; član uprave od Brookfield Asset Management (upravljajo za $75 milijard sredstev); predsedujoči od ArcelorMittal Mexico; član uprave od ArcelorMittal Brazil.
- Gregory F. Treverton (2017 – ) – član od Council on Foreign Relations (1977 – ); član od Atlantic Council; višji svetovalec za Transnational Threats Project (2017 – ) pri Center for Strategic & International Studies; namestnik direktorja pri International Institute for Strategic Studies; bil pod-predsedujoči (1993 – 1995) in predsedujoči (2014 – 2017) od U.S. National Intelligence Council; bil višji raziskovalec (2000 – 2009) in služil kot Director for the Center for Global Risk and Security (2009-2014) pri RAND Corporation (1996 – 2014); bil predsednik in pod-predsednik za študije pri Pacific Council on International Policy (1998 – 2000); član svetovalne uprave od Oxford Analytica; predsedujoči od Global TechnoPolitics Forum; bil član od Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; bil zadolžen za Evropo pri National Security Council; profesor za prakso mednarodnih odnosov na University of Southern California (2017 – ); Visiting Fellow na Centre for Asymmetric Threat Studies – Swedish National Defence Univeristy.
APCO preko svojih programov tako tudi predstavlja enega od vidnejših propagandistov za ideologije ’’liberalne CIA’’ in globalizma, na področjih, kot so raznovrstnost, vključevanje, rasna enakost, spolna enakost, plačna enakost, strukturni rasizem, zločin iz sovraštva, pro-migracij itd.
V preteklosti so bili član mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora še Stephen Hadley (cca 2012 -) – vodilni propagandist vojne proti Siriji, Carlos Gutierrez (cca 2012 -), Bill Richardson (cca 2012 -), Pat Cox (2007 – ), J. Stapleton Roy (cca 2007 -), Stephen J. Solarz (cca. 2007 – ).
Vidnejše stranke od APCO Worldwide skozi različna obdobja –
2016 – Bristol Myers-Squibb, Clinton Global Initiative, Dell (del od CFR), Digital Europe, eBay (Pierre Omidyar; del Sun Valley Meetings), IKEA – US (vodilni propagandist in financer ’’liberalne CIA’’), Microsoft (del od CFR; del od Sun Valley Meetings), Novartis Afirca, Sony Africa (del Sun Valley Meetings), The Economist (v večinski lasti družine Rothschild, družine Agnelli in britanske aristokracije), The Womenity Foundation, The World Polic Conference – French Institute of International Affairs, United Airlines (del od CFR; Warren Buffett – 10% lastnik do 2020), UPS Foundation, Walmart – China (del od CFR).5, 29.6.2016
Ostali primeri iz neprofitnega sektorja – We Mean Busienss, The Nature Conservancy, Rotary International.6; dostop 27.12.2022
Ostali primeri 7; dostop 27.12.2022 –
- hrvaško predsedovanje pri Council of Europe leta 2020;.
- The Cybersecurity Tech Accord (Člani koalicije – ABB, Avast, Bitdefender, Cisco, Dell, F-Secure, HP Inc, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, LinkedIn, Meta, Microsoft, Nokia, Oracle, Salesforce, SAP, Schneider Electric, Telefonica).
- The Women’s 20 Japan (Closing the Gender Gap for New Prosperity. Financerji – Deloitte, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Uber, Boston Consulting Group, Cisco, Ernst & Young, HP, Microsoft, Philip Morris Japan, KPMG, Sumimoto Mitsui Financial Group, 30% Club, Google).8; dostop 27.12.2022
- Equinix (Partnerji – Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Oracle, Amazon Web Services, Cisco, Dell Technologies, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, AT&T Business, Verizon, Accenture), EMBARK (Supports gender justice initiatives. Investing in Our Just and Feminist Future.) – iniciativa od CARE International. Financerji od CARE International leta 2021 so –
»Cumulative Lifetime Giving: $1,000,000+ Abbott … Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. Amway (del ’’konservativne CIA’’) … The Annenberg Foundation … The Atlantic Philanthropies … Bank of America. Baxter International Foundation … The Bezos Family Foundation on behalf of Students Rebuild … Blackstone [Stephen Schwarzman] … Bloomberg Philanthropies … The Howard G. Buffett Foundation … Cargill … Cisco Systems Inc. and the Cisco Foundation. The Coca-Cola Company [Warren Buffett]… Credit Suisse. Credit Suisse Americas Foundation. Susan M. Crown … Michael and Susan Dell Foundation … Delta Air Lines [Warren Buffett] … Facebook … Ford Foundation … Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. GE Foundation. General Mills Foundation … Goldman Sachs … The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Conrad N. Hilton Foundation … Johnson & Johnson … JPMorgan Chase Foundation … W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The Kendeda Fund … The Kresge Foundation … Levi Strauss Foundation … John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Mars Inc. … Mastercard … The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Merck & Co. Inc. … Microsoft Corporation … Mondelēz International Foundation. Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation … Charles Stewart Mott Foundation … The New York Community Trust. NIKE Foundation. Oak Foundation … Open Society Foundations. Oracle … The David and Lucile Packard Foundation … The PepsiCo Foundation. Pew Charitable Trusts. Pfizer Inc. The Pfizer Foundation … Procter & Gamble Company …The Rockefeller Foundation … Sheryl Sandberg … The Charles Schwab Corporate Foundation. Silicon Valley Community Foundation … Sony Music Entertainment … Starbucks Coffee Company. The Starr Foundation [Maurice Greenberg] … The Tides Foundation. Tiffany & Co. … United Nations Foundation. The UPS Foundation. Visa Inc. … The Walmart Foundation. Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation«9; str. 18-19
Banka Riggs National Corporation
Riggs Bank je bila ustanovljena leta 1836 in je bila večino časa najpomembnejša banka v Washington D.C. Pri banki pa je imelo odprte račune 23. ameriških predsednikov ali njihovih družinskih članov.
Od leta 1983 je bila ključna pri upravljanju z Riggs Bank vplivna družina Allbritton.
Joe Allbritton, ki je leta 1973 postal član od Council on Foreign Relations, leta 1981 postane predsedujoči od Riggs National Corporation, leta 1983 dobi še popolni nadzor nad njo.
Izvršni direktor banke je med drugim tudi Jonathan Bush Sr. (Skull&Bones; United Negro College Fund; Partnership for Public Service; George Bush Presidential Library), ki je bil mlajši brat top CIA operativca Georgea H. W. Busha. Jonathan je leta 1970 ustanovil banko J. Bush & Co., ki je več let zagotavljala diskretne bančne usluge ambasadam tujih vlad v Washingtonu. Banko J. Bush & Co. leta 1997 kupi Joe Allbritton, Bush pa leta 2000 postane predsednik in generalni direktor od Riggs Investment. Bushev sin Jonathan S. Bush (Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation) pa postane leta 2004 tudi član od Council on Foreign Relations.
In tudi leta 2004 je morala banka Riggs plačati simbolni znesek v višini $25 milijonov civilne globe, zaradi pranja denarja dveh diktatorjev, in pa Savdskega denarja, ni pa bilo nobenih obtožb zaradi tesnih povezav z 9/11. Seveda ni bilo za pričakovati, da bo zloglasna 9/11 Commission, katere sestava je enaka, kot bi Al Capone sebi pripravil komisijo, da bi mu sodila, kaj razkrila javnosti. Preko banke je, kot je poročal Newsweek, Savdski princ Bandar, ki je bil 22 let veleposlanik v Washingtonu, opral na milijone $ denarja ($1 milijardo). Princ Bandar je več desetletij tesen družinski in CIA prijatelj družine Bush. Preko banke so vsaj trije posamezniki, dva terorista vpletena v 9/11, in en znani simpatizer Al Qaede, prejemali mesečne dohodke. Denar je prihajal iz računov princese Haife Al Faisal, žene princa Bandarja oz. hčerke savdskega kralja Faisala. 9/11 Commission je leta 2004 jasno zavrnila poročanje Newsweeka, glede vpletenosti Haife Al Faisal in princa Bandarja. Delno razkriti deli ’’preiskave’’ od 9/11 Commission, ki so bili objavljeni leta 2016, pa so seveda potrdili vpletenost Bandarja v financiranje teroristov vpletenih v 9/11 preko banke Riggs.
Istočasno sta imela na banki odprte račune tudi dva pomembna diktatorja, tesno povezana z liberalnim establišmentom. Eden je bil nekdanji čilski neoliberalni diktator Pinochet, ki je prišel na oblast s pomočjo Rockefellerjevega-Kissingerjevega-CIA državnega udara. Drugi je bil diktator iz Ekvatorialne Gvineje general Teodoro Mbasogo, ki je prišel na oblast preko državnega udara. Država bogata z nafto, je preko banke Riggs poslovala z vodilnimi naftnimi podjetji liberalnega establišmenta, kot so Exxon Mobil, Amerada Hess, Marathon Oil in ChevronTexaco.
Preko banke Riggs je med drugim od leta 1985 dalje princ Bandar na skrivaj, vsake tri mesece prejemal po $30 milijonov, kar naj bi zneslo več kot $1 milijardo. To je bilo plačilo, ki ga je Bandar prejel od vodilnega britanskega proizvajalca orožja BAE System (tesno povezani z liberalnim establišmentom), zaradi rekordne prodaje orožja Savdski Arabiji v višini $34 milijard. BAE System tudi pomemben financer super elitnih nevladnih organizacij, tudi teh v omrežju ’’liberalne CIA’’.
Stvar postane še bolj zanimiva, ko pogledamo, kdo so bili še člani uprave banke Riggs. To so bili Jack Valenti; Norman Augustine – ustanovitelj CIAjinega podjetja In-Q-Tel; J. Carter Beese Jr. – top predstavnik podjetja Dilligence, ki je tesno povezano s CIA in igralo pomembno vlogo v iraški vojni.
Ključni in pomembnejši predstavniki banke, kolikor je avtorju uspelo zbrati podatke (včasih so podatki glede članov uprav med Riggs Bank in med Riggs National Corp. narobe navedeni, vendar to nima bistvenega vpliva, ker sta obe upravi vseskozi močno prepleteni) –
- Joe L Allbritton – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1973 – ; generalni direktor od Riggs National Corporation, 1983 – 2001; član uprave od Riggs National Corporation, 1981 – 2004; predsedujoči od Riggs Bank National Association, – 2001; predsedujoči od Houston Financial Services Limited, 1977 – ; član od Alfalfa Club; upravitelj od John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 1985 – ; upravitelj od George Bush Presidential Library; upravitelj od National Geographic Society; tesen prijatelj Ronalda Reagana; tesen prijatelj Augusta Pinochetja.
- Robert L Allbritton – predsedujoči od Riggs National Corporation, 2001 – 2005; predsedujoči od Riggs Bank National Association, 2001 – ; generalni direktor od Allbritton Communications Company (POLITICO), 2001 – , član uprave od 1992 – ; publicist od POLITICO, 2001 – ; upravitelj od The Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation; upravitelj od George Washington University (Sharon Percy Rockefeller; Diana V Negroponte, 2014 – ; Julius W Hobson Jr .; Admiralka Michelle J. Howard).
- Barbara B. Allbritton – diretorica od Riggs National Corporation, 1991 – 1996; članica uprave od Riggs Bank National Association, 1997 – 2004; direktorica od Allbritton Communications Company, 1974 – , predsednica, 1980 – 2001.
- Jonathan Bush Sr. – ustanovitelj od J. Bush & Co.; predsednik in generalni direktor od Riggs Investment, 2000 – 2001; generalni direktor od Riggs National Corporation, 2000; član od Skull&Bones; upravitelj od United Negro College Fund; član uprave od Partnership for Public Service; upravitelj od George Bush Presidential Library; njegov brat je George H. W. Bush.
- Norman R Augustine – član uprave od Riggs National Corporation, cca. 1989 – ; član uprave od Atlantic Council, cca. 1989 – ; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1994 – ; ustanovitelj od In-Q-Tel (CIA; George Tenet – 9/11), 1999 – ; član od Homeland Security Advisory Council; član uprave od Center For A New American Security; član uprave od American Security Project; član od Defense Policy Board, 1997 – 2000; član od Business Roundtable; član od Business Council; vodja od Council for Excellence in Governemnt; član od Alfalfa Club; član uprave od Bipartisan Policy Center; upravitelj od John Hopkins University; član uprave od The Procter & Gamble Company; pod-predsednik od LTV Missiles and Space Company (LTV Corporation), 1973 – 1977; član uprave od The Black & Decker Corporation, 1997 – ; član uprave od ConocoPhillips Company, 1989 – , 2002 – ; leta 1977 se pridruži podjetju Martin Marietta Corporation, kjer kasneje postane predsednik in generalni direktor – verjetno do združitve s podjetjem Lockheed Martin Corporation leta 1995; član uprave od Lockheed Martin Corporation, – 2015; služil kot Assistant Secratary of the Army, 1973 – 1975; služil kot Under Secretary of the Army, 1975 – 1977.
- William McChesney Martin Jr. – delal kot odvetnik od Riggs National Corporation; član od Pilgrims Society; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1947 – 1995; upravitelj od Rockefeller Borthers Fund; član od Alibi Club – CIA; član od Atlantic Council; upravitelj od Carnegie Institute for Science, 1967 – 1983; član od Century Association; predsedujoči od Federal Reserve System, 1951 – 1970; predsedujoči od Export-Import Bank of the US, 1946 – 1948; reorganiziral New York Stock Exchange, 1931 – 1948; direktor od World Bank; bil član uprave od US Steel Corporation; član uprave od Freeport Minerals Company; član svetovale uprave od IBM; član uprave od American Express; član uprave od Caterpillar; član uprave od Dow Jones & Company; član uprave od Elli Lilly & Company; član uprave od General Foods; član uprave od Royal Dutch Shell Petroleum; upravitelj od Yale University; družina Martin je tesno povezana z vodilni švedsko bankirsko družino Wallenberg (nekako od 30ih tesno povezani tudi z Rockefellerji), preko Scandinavian Securites Corp.; Marinov oče bil zadolžen za ustanovitev od Federal Reserve Act of 1913, preko katerega nastane Federal Reserve System.
- Jack Valenti – član uprave od Riggs National Corporation; član uprave od član uprave od član od Council on Foreign Relations, 2004 – 2006; upravitelj od Aspen Institute; član od Century Association; upravitelj od George Bush Presidential Library; član od Alfalfa Club; član od Public Advisory Committee on Trade Policy (Lyndon B. Johnson; David Rockefeller; Arthur Watson; Sidney Weinberg; George Meany – AFL-CIO); predsednik od Motion Picture Association of America, 1969 – 2005.
• Timothy C. Coughlin – predsednik od Riggs National Corporation, 1992 – 2004; predsednik od Riggs Bank, 1985 – 1992; bil izvršni pri Banque Paribas; bil izvršni pri Rockefellerjevi Chase Manhattan Bank; član uprave od Economic Club of Washington DC; zakladnik pri John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. - J. Carter Beese Jr. – tesno povezan z Bushem in CIA ozdjem; predsednik od Riggs Capital Partners, 1998 – 2005; član uprave od Riggs National Corporation, 2001 – ; višji svetovalec od Center for Strategic and International Studies; bil član od Metropolitan Club (Frank Wisner II); bil svetovalni dirktor od Carlyle Group, 1986-1989; eden od ključnih članov od Dilligence (CIA; eno ključnih zasebnih podjetij v Iraku); imenovan Global Leader for Tomorrow od World Economic Forum, 1998; bil pod-predsedujoči od Bankers Trust (del Pilgrims Society); bil predsedujoči od Alex. Brown International (banka Alex. Brown je tesno povezana z omrežjem Skull & Bones in z banko Brown Brothers Harriman, ki so tesni Bushevi zavezniki, tudi pri financiranju nacizma; kasneje se banka združi z Bankers Trust; banka povezana z Dilligence – CIA); član uprave od Philadelphia Stock Exchange; član od Burning Tree Club; predsednik George H. W. Bush ga imenuje za direktorja od Overseas Private Investment Corp., 1990 – 1992; prav tako ga Bush Sr. imenuje za komisarja od US Securities and Exchange Commission, 1992 – 1994; bil član od Information Technology Advisory Committee – predsednik George W. Bush.
- Stephen Joel Trachtenberg – bil član uprave od Riggs Bank, 1998 – 2004; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1990 – ; član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od U.S. Institute of Peace; član svetovalne uprave od Middle East Media and Research Institute; guverner od Ditchley Foundaiton; upravitelj od Committee for Economic Development; bil predsedujoči od Selection Committee for Maryland and the District of Columbia za Rhodes Scholarships ; član od Cosmos Club; Fellow od American Bar Foundation; bil predsednik od George Washington University, 1988 – 2007; je 33° Freemason of the Scottish Rite.
- Anthony P. Terracciano – predsedujoči od Riggs National Corporation, 2004 – 2005; pod-predsedujoči in generalni finančni direktor od Rockefellerjeve JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.; bil predsednik od Bank of New York Mellon, 1987 – 1990; bil predsednik bančnih operacij od First Union Corporation, 1995-97;
- Colbert I. King – izvršni pod-predsednik od Riggs National Corporation, 2000 – ; bil član uprave od Riggs National Corporation, 1980 – 1990; bil urednik od Washington Post, 1990 – ; član od Bretton Woods Committee; bil izvršni direktor od The World Bank Group; bil pomočnik sekretarja za finance, 1977 – 1979; dobitnik Pulitzer Prize for Commentary 2003.
- F. Elwood Davis – delal za Riggs National Bank; član od Alfalfa Club; predsednik od zelo ekskluzivnega golf kluba Burning Tree Club; član od Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
- Škof Nathan Dwight Baxter – član uprave od Riggs National Bank, – 2004/05; član od Cosmos Club; doživljenjski član od National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (del ”liberalne CIA”); bil član pol-skrivne eline Afro-Ameriške bratovščine Boule/Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity; bil član od Union of Black Episcopalians; njegov tesen prijatelj je bil nadškof Desmond Tutu (globalistično sredstvo liberalnega establišmenta).
- Bill Walton – član uprave od Riggs National Corporation, 1999 – ; višji pod-predsednik pri Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.; član uprave od American Enterprise Institute; bil član od Trump Transition Team; njegov prijatelj je bil William S. Paley.
- Lawrence I Hebert – član uprave od Riggs National Corporation, 1988 – ; član uprave od Riggs Bank Europe Ltd., 1987 – ; član uprave od Riggs Bank National Association, 1981 – ; direktor od Perpetual Corporation (Joe L Allbritton), 1980 – ; predsedujoči od Allbritton Communications Company, 1998 – ; direktor od Westfield News Publishing, Inc., 1991 – ; pod-predsedujoči od Houston Financial Services Limited, 1977 – .
- Frederick Ryan Jr. – član uprave od Riggs National Corporation, – 2004/05; pod-predsedujoči od Allbritton Communications Company, 1995 – ; so-ustanovitelj od POLITICO; član od Alfalfa Club; član Reaganove administracije.
- James Symington – član uprave od Riggs National Corporation; kongresnik iz Missouriija, 1969 – 1977; bil član kabineta Roberta F. Kennedyja na US Justice Department, 1962-1963; član svetovalne uprave od Center for Strategic & International Studies; član od Alfalfa Club; član od American Bar Association; član od John O. Marsh Institute (Lawrence Eagleburger; Frank Carlucci – CIA; Lee Hamilton; Edward Meese; Jack Kemp; Alan K. Simpson; Chuck Robb; Andrew Brimmer); njegov oče je bil W. Stuart Symington (član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1959 – ); podpornik Baracka Obame; podpornik Hillary Clinton; podpornik Johna Kerryja.
- Robert V. Fleming – predsedujoči član uprave in predsednik od Riggs National Corporation, 1926 – 1963; vodil banko 37 let in za svojega naslednika izbral Jenningsa.
- Lewellyn A Jennings – predsedujoči član uprave od Riggs National Corporation, 1963-1973, predsedujoči izvršnemu odboru, 1973-1975, svetovalec, 1975-1983; višji pod-predsednik izvršnega odbora od Republic National Bank Dallas 1960-1961; služil v predsedniškem odboru od Georgetown University; upravitelj od George Washington University; direktor od Potamac Electric Company. Za časa njegovega delovanja so depoziti narasli iz $543 milijonov na $1,006 milijarde.
- Frank Arthur Vanderlip (1864-1937) – član od Pilgrims Society; član uprave od Riggs National Corporation; varovanec vodilnega bankirja in Rockefellerjevega tesnega zaveznika Jamesa W. Stillmana (National City Bank); bil so-ustanovitelj od Federal Reserve System; bil upravitelj od Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; bil član od Metropolitan Club; član uprave od Union Pacific Railroad; član uprave od Farmers’ Loan & Trust Company of New York; član uprave od Nation Bank of Commerce; član uprave od National City Bank (Citibank); bil odgovoren za vpeljavo prvega vrtca po Montessori Method.
- John M. Christie – predsedujoči član uprave od Riggs National Corporation, 1973 – 1981; za banko dela od leta 1935 -.
- Vincent C. Burke Jr. – izvršni podpredsednik od Riggs National Corporation, 1973 – ; predsedujoči od Riggs National Corporation, 1981 – 1983.
- James D. M. McComas – izvršni pod-predsednik od Riggs National Bank, 1978 – 1983?; vodja mednarodnega oddelka od Riggs National Corporation, 1983 – .
- Webb C. Hayes IV – vodja korporativno posojilne divizije od Riggs National Corporation, 1983 – .
- William Moreland – vodja marketinške divizije od Riggs National Corporation, 1983 – .
Sodelovanje s Savdijci in teroristi povezanimi z 9/11 in Al Qaedo
»The bank’s prominent embassy and international operations will be shut down in an attempt to bury a scandal that has the potential of becoming much larger. That an institution like Riggs could so quickly disintegrate is an indication of the extent of the corruption that has overtaken American finance and government.
There are three separate activities for which Riggs has come under investigation: (1) its relationship with the Saudi royal family and the potential financing of two of the September 11 hijackers through an account owned by the wife of the Saudi ambassador [tesen Bushev družinski prijatelj princ Bandor]; (2) its relationship with the corrupt and dictatorial regime of the oil-rich West African country of Equatorial Guinea; and (3) its banking business with the former military dictator of Chile, Augusto Pinochet.
The Saudi accounts:
The public revelations concerning the bank’s relationship with Saudi Arabia came mainly through the publication of a Newsweek article on December 2, 2002 (“The Saudi Money Trail”). The news magazine reported that in January 2000, two of the hijackers who were on the plane that crashed into the Pentagon—Nawaf Alhazmi and Khalid Almihdhar—received monetary aid and other assistance from Omar al-Bayoumi.
Alhazmi and Almihdhar are at the center of suspicions of US government complicity in the 9/11 attacks—and for good reason. The CIA had identified the two as early as January 2000 as Al Qaeda operatives, and the Washington Post reported in June 2002 that the FBI also knew of the two from January of 2000. Yet they were allowed to enter the US and live openly in San Diego for 18 months prior to the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. Newsweek reported in September 2002 that the roommate of Alhazmi and Almihdhar in San Diego was an FBI informant!
According to the December 2002 Newsweek article on Riggs Bank, al-Bayoumi “apparently did work for Dallah Avco, an aviation-services company with extensive contracts with the Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation, headed by Prince Sultan, the father of the Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar [Aspen Institute; Bohemian Grove, 1992]. According to informed sources, some federal investigators suspect that al-Bayoumi could have been an advance man for the 9/11 hijackers, sent by Al Qaeda to assist the plot that ultimately claimed 3,000 lives.”
Al-Bayoumi may have been receiving assistance in his activities from sections of the Saudi royal family. The Newsweek article states: “About two months after al-Bayoumi began aiding Alhazmi and Almihdhar, Newsweek has learned, al-Bayoumi’s wife began receiving regular stipends, often monthly and usually around $2,000 and totaling tens of thousands of dollars. The money came in the form of cashier’s checks, purchased from Washington’s Riggs Bank by Princess Haifa bin Faisal, the daughter of the late King Faisal and wife of Prince Bandar, the Saudi envoy who is a prominent Washington figure and personal friend of the Bush family. The checks were sent to a woman named Majeda Ibrahin Dweikat, who in turn signed over many of them to al-Bayoumi’s wife…”
Dweikat’s husband, Osama Basnan, is reported to be a sympathizer of Al Qaeda and is known to have had friendly relations with the two hijackers, Alhazmi and Almihdhar.
Al-Bayoumi apparently came under suspicion shortly after the attacks of September 11. He was picked up by British intelligence, which found evidence that he had made two phone calls to diplomats at the Saudi Embassy in Washington. However, he was released and is reported to be in Saudi Arabia.
Further, according to Newsweek: “Osama Basnan showed up in Houston last April [2001] while Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah came to town with a vast entourage en route to President George W. Bush’s ranch. According to informed sources, Basnan met with a high Saudi prince who has responsibilities for intelligence matters and is known to bring suitcases full of cash into the United States.”
There are suspicions that Basnan may have been a member of Saudi intelligence, suggesting that Saudi intelligence was closely monitoring, if not aiding, the activity of the September 11 hijackers through its accounts at Riggs.
Newsweek noted that the FBI, as of December 2002, still had an investigation open into the transactions. In July 2003, the FBI accused Riggs Bank of failing to abide by anti-money-laundering (AML) regulations.
Prior to and after the attacks of September 11, it was not unusual for Saudi clients to transfers of millions of dollars in and out of the bank with no questions asked. This was in violation of AML regulations, which require the reporting of all transaction involving such large sums of money.
The bank was eventually fined $25 million in May 2004 for violating these regulations. However, the FBI has issued a statement saying it found no evidence of terrorist financing. The Bush administration has refused to release the intelligence behind the investigation, citing “national security concerns.”
Even after the FBI’s accusations in July 2003, the bank continued to allow massive cash transfers by the Saudi ambassador. Under pressure, the bank announced this past March that it was closing all Saudi accounts.
Equatorial Guinea and General Pinochet: …
Equatorial Guinea was Riggs’ largest client. It held over 60 accounts at the bank, with varied holdings of $300-700 million. Its ruler, Teodoro Obian Nguema Mbasogo, came to power in a military coup in 1979 and is infamous for his corruption and brutality. Relations with the United States became strained in the mid-1990s, when the Clinton administration broke off diplomatic ties. However, these were restored by the Bush administration in 2003. The country holds interest for the United States because of its large oil reserves.
According to the subcommittee report, Riggs “serviced the EG [Equatorial Guinean] accounts with little or no attention to the bank’s anti-money laundering obligations…” For example, “Riggs opened multiple personal accounts for the President of Equatorial Guinea, his wife, and other relatives; helped establish shell offshore corporations for the EG President and his sons; and over a three-year period, from 2000 to 2002, facilitated nearly $13 million in cash deposits into Riggs accounts controlled by the EG President and his wife.”
Riggs also opened an account that received large sums of money from oil companies that did business with Equatorial Guinea, including Exxon Mobil, Amerada Hess, Marathon Oil and ChevronTexaco. Riggs allowed the wire transfer of over $35 million from the account to two unknown companies. “The Subcommittee has reason to believe that at least one of these recipient companies is controlled in whole or in part by the EG President.”
Riggs appears to have acted as a conduit for large-scale bribes or other corrupt machinations between the giant oil corporations and the dictator of a country with which they were eager to do business. The report also noted that these oil companies made a number of large payments (sometimes valued at over $1 million) to individual officials or family members for a variety of services. …
In addition to its dealings with the Saudi royal family and Equatorial Guinea’s dictator, Riggs had a close relationship with the former dictator of Chile, Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet held numerous active accounts at Riggs between 1994 and 2002, even while he was under house arrest in Britain and his assets were supposedly frozen.
According to the subcommittee report, “The aggregate deposits in the Pinochet accounts at Riggs ranged from $4 to $8 million at a time.… Riggs account managers took actions consistent with helping Mr. Pinochet to evade legal proceedings seeking to discover and attach his bank accounts.… Riggs opened multiple accounts and accepted millions of dollars in deposits from Mr. Pinochet with no serious inquiry into questions regarding the source of his wealth; helped him set up offshore shell corporations and open accounts in the names of those corporations to disguise his control of the accounts; altered the names of his personal accounts to disguise their ownership; transferred $1.6 million from London to the United States while Mr. Pinochet was in detention and the subject of a court order to attach his bank accounts; conducted transactions through Riggs’ own accounts to hide Mr. Pinochet’s involvement in some cash transactions; and delivered over $1.9 million in cashiers checks to Mr. Pinochet in Chile to enable him to obtain substantial cash payments from banks in that country.”
The scope of the corruption, money-laundering and other suspicious activities is indeed astonishing. While it was engaged in these activities, the bank operated under the not-so-watchful eye of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. In spite of clear indications of regulatory violations at least as early as 1997, the OCC took no actions. …
Jonathan Bush played a very important role in helping find investors for the various failed oil businesses that George W. Bush ran before he began his career in politics. Jonathan Bush also helped raise money for George H.W. Bush and is a former chair of the New York Republican State Finance Committee. In 2000, he was briefly named president and CEO of Riggs Investment Management Company (RIMCO), a wholly owned subsidiary of Riggs Bank.
While Jonathan Bush appears not to have been directly involved in the Saudi, Pinochet or Equatorial Guinean accounts, his position at Riggs is an indication of the close ties between the bank and the Bush family.
Moreover, Riggs is owned by the Allbritton family, a Texas family with close ties to the Republican establishment. Joe Allbritton, the former head of Riggs who bought the bank in the mid-1970s, is a friend of the Bush family. His son, Robert Allbritton, is the current chairman and CEO.
The Allbritton family is known among the Washington elite for the party it traditionally holds after the annual Alfalfa Club dinner … “The Alfalfa roster includes presidents, politicians, diplomats and business impresarios, all bound together by being either formidably influential or fabulously rich. Attendees have included luminaries like Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States; Jack Valenti, the president of the Motion Picture Association of America; and others with surnames like Greenspan, Kissinger and Rehnquist. President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney made their first joint public appearance after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks at the Alfalfa gathering in 2002.”
Valenti [Council on Foreign Relations; Century Association; Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; George Bush Presidential Library Foundation; Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria; Save the Children USA], who, like Allbritton and Bush, is a former Texas businessman, is also on the board of directors of Riggs Bank.
A television station also owned by Allbritton was in the news earlier this year after it refused to air an ad critical of the Bush administration’s policy in Iraq.«10
Campaign for American Leadership in the Middle East
Prvotni podpisniki pisma Campaign for American Leadership in the Middle East (CALME), ki je bilo poslano tedanjemu ameriškemu predsedniku Georgeu W. Bushu leta 2005, glede ”reševanja” izraelsko-palestinskega spora.
»Dear Mr. President:
We, the undersigned, believe that resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is critical to U.S. national security interests and essential to reduce the threat posed by international terrorism. We write to underscore American public support for your efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We encourage you to make this a central and sustained objective of American foreign policy. A peaceful resolution of the conflict will enhance our efforts to build a secure, stable, and more democratic Middle East, and in so doing, serve U.S. national security interests.
It is only right that the United States use all the resources at its disposal to help Israelis and Palestinians overcome the differences and fears that divide them in order to reach a settlement that will provide true security for Israel, help the Palestinians to achieve their own democratic state and lead to peace and prosperity for all the peoples of the region. …
Initial Signatories (as of November 23, 2005): … Dan Adler [American Jewish Committee] … James B. Adler [American Jewish Committee] … Karen R. Adler [Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies] … Madeleine K. Albright … Harriet C. Babbitt [USAID; National Democratic Institute for International Affairs] … Craig R. Barrett [Intel Corporation] … Jack Bendheim [AIPAC] … Lee Bollinger [Columbia University] … Eli Broad … Rachel Bronson [Middle East Studies – Council on Foreign Relations] … Richard Burt [Diligence Inc. CIA] … William S. Cohen … Lester Crown [General Dynamics Corporation; Henry Crown and Company] … Lawrence S. Eagleburger … Richard Fairbanks [Center for Strategic & International Studies] … James Fitzpatrick [Arnold & Porter] … Larry Garber [New Israel Fund] … Charles Goodman [General Dynamics Corporation; Henry Crown and Company] … Steve Grand [Middle East Strategy Group – The Aspen Institute] … Mimi and Peter Haas [Miriam & Peter Haas Fund] … Lee Hamilton [9/11 Commission] … John J. Hamre [Center for Strategic and International Studies] … Arianna Huffington … Martin S. Indyk [Saban Center for Middle East Policy – Brookings Institution] … Walter Isaacson [Aspen Institute] … Thomas Kean [9/11 Commission] … Jonathan Klein [Getty Images] … Scott Lasensky [United States Institute of Peace] … Jeffrey Laurenti [The Century Foundation] … George J. Mitchell … William Nitze … Sean O’Keefe … Louis Perlmutter [Lazard Freres & Co.] … Thomas R. Pickering … Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf [American Sufi Muslim Association] … William Rogers [Kissinger Associates; Arnold & Porter] … Mara Rudman [Center for American Progress] … Warren B. Rudman …Henry Siegman [U.S./Middle East Project – Council on Foreign Relations] … Frederick W. Smith [Skull & Bones; FedEx] … William Vendley [Religions for Peace] … John C. Whitehead … Frank G. Wisner … James J. Zogby [Arab American Institute]«11
Kasnejši vidnejši podpisniki od CALME do maja leta 2008 so bili – Henry E. Catto, Jr.; Warren Christopher; Philip Condit (Boeing Corporation); Chester Crocker [U.S. Institute of Peace]; Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr.; Stuart Eizenstat; Frank T. Griswold III (Presiding Bishop, Episcopal Church; verjetno član zelo razširjene družine Griswold ima v svoji zgodovini vsaj tri predstavnike pri Pilgrims Society; Episkopalna cerkev pa je del od Pilgrims Society); Sidney Harman; Elizabeth Jones (APCO Worldwide); Philip Lader; Anthony Lake; Thomas McLarty III (McLarty/Kissinger Associates); Sam Nunn; Leon E. Panetta (CIA); William Perry; John Podesta; Tom Ridge; Chuck Robb; Dennis Ross; William H. Taft IV; General Anthony Zinni.
The Century Foundation
Zelo progresivna The Century Foundation je od svoje ustanovitve leta 1919 dejansko del omrežja od Pilgrims Society in od Council on Foreign Relations, ter deluje predvsem kot Rockefellerjevo sredstvo. Ključna vloga bankirske družine J.P. Morgan je preko Pilgrims Society vidna predvsem pri vzpostavitvi samega sistema delovanja fundacije, kar se prenese v glavnem na posameznike, ki so tesno povezani s Council on Foreign Relations. Morganov vpliv sega nekako do sredine 30ih, nakar pa je ključna povezava z Rockefellerji vse do danes. Fundacija deluje kot ekonomsko, zunanje in notranje politični think tank. In kar je zelo pomembno, s Century Foundation je sodelovala tudi 9/11 Commission. Century Foundation je za ta namen podpiral dve delovni skupini, ki sta preučevali vprašanje domovinske varnosti.
Druga zadeva, kar se tiče Century Foundation, je njena tesna povezava, posebno od leta 1971 dalje, s CIA sredstvi, kot so razni trockisti, Young People’s Socialist League, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), Socialist Party of America (SPA), ter posledično s številnimi vodilnimi delavskimi sindikati, ki so samo fasada od CIA. Med bolj znanimi osebami in sindikati so Norman Thomas, Michael Harrington, Albert Shanker, Sandra Feldman, Bayard Rustin, Max Shachtman, Carl Gershman (ustanovni predsednik od National Endowment for Democracy), Jerry Wurf, AFL-CIO, American Federation of Teachers, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. Ta CIA politika liberalnega establišmenta, ki je začela nastajati za časa korejske in še bolj za časa vietnamske vojne, je tudi steber manipuliranja in definformiranja, ki se danes kaže v top sredstvih ’’liberalne CIA’’, kot so Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Greta Thunberg, Linda Sarsour, Black Lives Matter, ter pri sredstvu ’’konservativne CIA’’ Donaldu Trumpu, in številnih njihovih kopijah po celem svetu. In ta sredstva ’’liberalne CIA’’ so vzporedni mehanizem, ki se razvija skupaj z neokonservativci, saj imajo med drugim številni iz med njih svoje korenine ravno pri Young People’s Socialist League od Socialist Party of America. Vzporednost tega sistema neokonservativcev in (radikalnih) sredstev ’’liberalne CIA’’, oz. teza/anti-teza/sinteza, pa je izrazito lepo vidna tudi preko njihove kooperacije z neokonservativnimi National Endowment for Democracy, Freedom House, International Republican Institute, bolj ”liberalnim” International Democratic Institute, kot tudi z International Rescue Committee. V preteklosti pa so bila v to vpeta še (CIA) gibanja, kot je Civil Rights Movement okoli Martina Luthra Kinga, American Friends of Vietnam, A. Philip Randolph Institute, Americans for Democratic Action, American Committee for Cultural Freedom, etabilirana in v glavnem neokonservativna proti-Nixonova Coalition for a Democratic Majority od Henryja ’’Scoop’’ Jacksona. Vsi ti skupaj so tudi pomembni nosilci ekspanzije globalizma oz. t.i. ameriškega imperializma liberalnega establišmenta. In posledično vpleteni v večino vojn, državnih udarov in barvne revolucije zadnjih nekaj desetletij. The Century Foundation pa pri vsem tem igra zelo pomembno vlogo. Upravitelj od Century Foundation je tudi Charles V. Hamilton, ki je izumil frazo ’’institutional racism’’, katera se seveda konstantno vsiljuje s strani super elite preko ’’liberalne CIA’’. Tudi ni nobeno presenečenje, da je financer od Democratic Socialists of America Lee Halprin, partner radikalne feministke Abby Rockefeller (hčerka Davida Rockefellerja), s katerim sta oba upravitelja od David Rockefeller Fund. Halprin pa je financiral tudi top sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’ Bernieja Sandersa. Halprin je tudi financer od Progressive Change Campaign Committee (Elizabeth Warren; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; Rashida Tlaib; Ilhan Omar), ki je seveda podpornik od Green New Deal in od “Medicare for All”. V vseh teh manipulacijah in pranju možganov s strani CIA/liberalnega establišmenta in teh sredstev ’’liberalne CIA’’, sta Lee Halprin in Abby Rockefeller financirala Anti-capitalist Capital Campaign1 [’’anti-Hillary Clinton’’; ’’anti-Donald Trump’’] od Democratic Socialists of America.
Vidnejši člani od Democratic Socialists of America, ki so hkrati seveda tudi sredstva ’’liberalne CIA’’ –
John Sweeney; John Feffer (Open Society Foundations; Institute for Policy Studies; Huffington Post); Saikat Chakrabarti (Justice Democrats; Brand New Congress; Bernie Sanders kampanja); igralec John Paul Cusack; Barbara Ehrenreich (Institute for Policy Studies); Mildred Jeffrey (Emily’s List; Americans for Democratic Action; National Abortion Rights League; American Civil Liberties Union); José La Luz (Bernie Sanders kampanja; Barack Obama; American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees); Carlos Manuel Maza (Media Matters for America); režiser Adam McKay (posname kvazi biografski film o neokonservativcu Dicku Cheneyju; RepresentUs); režiser Michael Moore; Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine); igralka Cynthia Nixon (Sex and the City); Nikkita R. Oliver (Black Lives Matter); igralka Susan Sarandon; radikalna islamistka Linda Sarsour; filmar Shaun Scott (Bernie Sanders kampanja); Sarah Silverman (podpornica Hillary Clinton; podpornica Bernieja Sandersa); vodilna CIA feministka Gloria Steinem; Bhaskar Sunkara (The Guardian US; The Nation; Jacobin); Astra Taylor (Occupy Movement); Cornel West; Timothy Andrew Wohlforth (Independent Socialist League; International Committee of the Fourth International); marksistični ekonomist Richard D. Wolff; Eliseo Medina (Service Employees International Union); Paul Le Blanc (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation).
Upravitelji od Century Foundation leta 2005
Upravitelji od Century Foundation leta 2005, ko je ustanovljen Partnership for a Secure America. Od 26 upraviteljev fundacije, jih je 14 (53,48%) članov od Council on Foreign Relations, en upravitelj pa je nekje v tistem obdobju član mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od Council on Foreign Relations. Vsaj dva upravitelja pa prihajata iz družine, ki je del Pilgrims Society.
Leta 2005 preko The Century Foundation nastane zelo vplivni Partnership for a Secure America, kjer so ustanovni člani svetovalne uprave naslednji vodilni predstavniki liberalnega establišmenta –
»Lee Hamilton (co-chair). Warren Rudman (co-chair). Howard Baker. Samuel R. Berger. Zbigniew Brzezinski. Warren Christopher. Lawrence Eagleburger. Gary Hart. Rita Hauser. Carla Hills. Richard Holbrooke. Nancy Kassebaum Baker. Thomas Kean. Anthony Lake. Robert McFarlane. Donald McHenry. Sam Nunn. William Perry. Thomas Pickering. Theodore Sorensen. John Whitehead. Frank Wisner«12; dostop 1.12.2005
Financerji in partnerske organizacije od The Century Foundation
Financerji od The Century Foundation leta 2000 –
»John D. & Catherina T. MacArthur Foundation: $50,000 … $450,000 … $100,000 … Open Society Institute: $375,000 … $40,000 … Sagner Family Foundation: $479,421 … Rockefeller Group: $35,000 … Carnegie Corporation of NY: $200,000 … The Commonwealth Fund: $18,000 … John S. and James L. Knight Foundation: $100,000«13The Century Foundation, Annual Report 2000; str. 45
Spodaj so navedene partnerske organizacije od The Century Foundation v obdobju pred in v letu 2008, s katerimi tudi prirejajo konference in forume. Te organizacije so ali zelo pomembne organizacije okoli jedra liberalnega establišmenta ali pa bolj in manj pomembne organizacije iz omrežja ’’liberalne CIA’’ –
»The American Prospect. Campaign for America’s Future. Carnegie Corporation of New York. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The Center for American Progress. The Council for Excellence in Government. The Center for Urban Research, City University of New York. The Columbia Journalism Review. The Council on Foreign Relations. Drum Major Institute. The Economic Policy Institute. The Foundation Center. Fred Friendly Seminars. The International Longevity Center. John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. The Open Society Institute. The Russell Sage Foundation. Institute for Educational Leadership. Demos. The Spencer Foundation. The [William & Flora] Hewlett Foundation. The Broad Foundation. The Stanley Foundation. Institute on Assets and Social Policy. The Constitution Project. Institute for Women’s Policy Research. The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU’s School of Law. Common Cause. People for the American Way. Leadership Conference for Civil Rights. American Constitution Society. Citizens Union. The Helen Bader Foundation. New York Society for Ethical Culture. The Nation. Frederich Ebert Stiftung Foundation. United Nations Foundation. Public International Law & Policy Group. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The Commonwealth Fund. The Center for Genetics and Society. The Miller Center. Carnegie Mellon University. Georgetown University Law Center.«14; dostop 27.11.2008
Financerji od The Century Foundation leta 2021 –
»FOUNDATIONS AND OTHER PARTNERS: … Arnold Ventures … Ford Foundation. Heising Simons Foundation … Lumina Foundation … National Domestic Workers Alliance. New America [Foundation]. New Venture Fund … Open Society Foundations … Robin Hood Foundation. Sixteen Thirty Fund. The Annie E. Casey Foundation. The Ballmer Group. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Carnegie Corporation of New York … The Commonwealth Foundation. The Henry Luce Foundation. The Joyce Foundation. The Moriah Fund … The Rockefeller Brothers Fund. The Walton Family Foundation. W. K. Kellogg Foundation«15; str. 14
Upravitelji od The Century Foundation leta 2005
Upravitelji od The Century Foundation leta 2005, ko je ustanovljen Partnership for a Secure America. Od 26 upraviteljev fundacije, jih je 14 (53,48%) članov od Council on Foreign Relations, en upravitelj pa je nekje v tistem obdobju član mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od Council on Foreign Relations. Vsaj dva upravitelja pa prihajata iz družine, ki je del Pilgrims Society, eden pa je v tistem obdobju zelo verjetno še vedno član od Pilgrims Society.
- H. Brandt Ayers – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1983 – 2020; bil guverner od American Ditchley Foundation; bil član od International Fulbright Board; bil član svetovalne uprave od Nieman Foundation for Journalism – Harvard University; pripravljal komentarje za National Public Radio (del ’’liberalne CIA’’); podpornik od ’’Civil rights movement’’; med Me Too (del ’’liberalne CIA’’) gibanjem je prišlo v javnost, da je spolno/fizično nadlegoval uslužbenke pri Anniston Star, kjer je bil urednik in publicist.
- Peter A. A. Berle – njegov oče je bil Adolf Augustus Berle Jr. (Pilgrims Society, Council on Foreign Relations, The Century Foundation); bil član od American Bar Association; bil član svetovalne skupine pri Environmental Protection Agency; bil predsednik od National Audubon Society; član od New York State Assembly, 1968-1974; bil član svetovalne uprave od Committee on Environment – Harvard University; za časa Clintonove administracije je bil član od Public Advisory Committee, 1992-2003, ki je bil sestavni del od Commission on Environmental Cooperation pod globalističnim North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
- Alan Brinkley – bil član menedžerske uprave od The Center for United States-China Arts Exchange (ustanovni financerji Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Ford Foundation, Henry Luce Foundation; Russell A. Phillips, Jr. – Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Richard C. Holbrooke, Lee Bollinger, Yo-Yo Ma); član guvernerske uprave od Roosevelt Institute; bil profesor emeritus na Columbia University; bil upravitelj od Oxford University Press, 2009-2012; njegov oče je bil vplivni TV voditelj David Brinkley (član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1978 – 2002; bil udeleženec od zelo pomembne Jonathan Conference on International Terrorism, 1984).
- Joseph A. Califano, Jr – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1973 – 2023s; guverner od Ditchley Foundation; upravitelj od John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; upravitelj od Urban Institute; upravitelj od LBJ Foundation; član uprave od Kaiser Foundation; bil upravitelj od Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1977-1979; bil član nacionalnega svetovalnega odbora od Children’s School Fund; član od Knights of Malta (del CIA – Opus Dei – ’’konservativna CIA’’); udeleženec od Bohemian Grove; bil član uprave od CBS Corporation; član svetovalnega odbora od American Foundation for AIDS Research; upravitelj od New York-Presbyterian Hospital; član nadzorne uprave od Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; ustanovni predsedujoči in predsednik od The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (1992 -) – Columbia University; njegove stranke so bile Black Panthers, The Coca-Cola Company.
- Alexander Morgan Capron – bil direktor od Ethics, Trade, Human Rights and Health Law – World Health Organization; Fellow od American Association for the Advancement of Science; njegov oče je bil William Mosher Capron (RAND Corporation; Brookings Institution; President John F. Kennedy’s Council of Economic Advisers).
- Hodding Carter III – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1977 – 2011; šola se na elitni Phillips Exeter Academy; bil član od American Committee on U.S.-Soviet Relations; član uprave od Atlantic Council; bil predsednik, generalni direktor in predsedujoči od John S. & James L. Knight Foundation, 1998 – 2005; član svetovalne uprave od Partnership for Public Service; višji svetovalec od Council for a Comminity of Democracies (Frank Carlucci, John C. Whitehead, Max Kampelman; Madeleine Albright; Paula Dobriansky); bil član svetovalnega odbora od Center for Public Integrity (Theodore Hesburgh; Arthur Schleinger Jr.; William Schnider; Paul Volcker; Arianna Huffington; Christiane Amanpour; Jennifer 8. Lee; Craig Newmark); član svetovalnega odbora od Americans for Campaign Reform / Issue One; upravitelj od Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights; član od Council of Senior Fellows od Salzburg Global Seminar; bil upravitelj od Princeton University, 1983-1998; član svetovalne uprave od Center on Public Diplomacy (Joseph Nye; Vartan Gregorian; William H. Luers – Eurasia Foundation; Fernando Henrique Cardoso; Henry Catto; Bruce Gelb; Betty King – Refugees International) – USC; bil kolumnist pri The Wall Street Journal, 1981 – ; bil podpisnik od Balkan Action Council; njegov oče je bil Hodding Carter II (Pulitzer Prize Board; United Press International).
- Edward E. David, Jr. – bil predsednik od Exxon Research and Engineering Company, 1977-1986; bil upravitelj od Carnegie Institute of Science; bil ameriški predstavnik pri NATO Science Committee; bil predsednik od American Association for the Advancement of Science; bil dosmrtni član od Corporation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); bil član od NASA Advisory Council.
- Brewster Castberg Denny – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1983 – 2010; bil član od UN Association United States of America; bil član od Committee on Science, Arms Control, and National Security (Ashton Carter; Condoleezza Rice; Brent Scowcroft; Jospeh Nye; Robert R. Everett – MITRE Corporation; Alton Frye – Council on Foreign Relations; Michael May – Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory); bil član od American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1975-1988; bil dekan od Graduate School of Public Affairs – University of Washington.
- Christopher Edley Jr. – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1990 – cca. 2018; bil upravitelj od Russell Sage Foundation; bil član svetovalnega odbora od Human Rights Watch U.S.; bil član od U.S. Program Advisory Panel – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; podpisnik od Campaign for America’s Future (Robert Borosage; Dean Baker; Angela Glover Blackwell; John Cavanagh – Institute for Policy Studies; Larry Cohen; Zack Exley – Brand New Congress; Jane Fonda; James K.Galbraith; Anna Galland –; Ro Khanna; Naomi Klien; Annie Leonard – Greenpeace USA; Bill McKibben –; Robert Reich; Gloria Steinem; James Zogby); bil so-ustanovitelj od Harvard Civil Rights Project (’’racial justice’’); bil posebni svetovalec Billa Clintona, 1992-1998.
- Charles V. Hamilton – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1977 – cca. 2020; izumitelj frazo ’’institutional racism’’, avtor knjige Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America (1967); profesor emeritus od Government and Political Science na Columbia University.
- Matina S. Horner – članica od Council on Foreign Relations, 1984 – 2023s; bila predsednica od Radcliffe College (Vidnejše študentke – Susan Berresford – Ford Foundation; Benazir Bhutto; Sylvia Mathews Burwell – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Amy Goodman – Democracy Now!; Jamie Gorelick – Trilateral Commission; Carol Lani Guinier – NAACP; Amy Gutmann – Berggruen Institute; Helen Keller – American Civil Liberties Union; Mary White Ovington – NAACP; Muriel S. Snowden – Freedom House; Barbara W. Tuchman – mama od Jessice Tuchman Mathews; Lally Weymouth – hčerka od Trilateralke Katherine Graham); bila članica svetovalnega odbora od American Enterprise Institute; upraviteljica od Committee for Economic Development, 1986 – ; bila izvršna pod-predsednica od TIAA-CREF, 1989-2003; članica uprave od The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston; bila članica uprave od Time-Warner, Inc.
- Lewis B. Kaden – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1995 – 2020; bil pod-predsedujoči od Asia Society; bil član uprave od Center for New American Security; bil predsedujoči upravitelj od Markle Foundation; bil član od Rework America – Markle Foundation; bil upravitelj od Business Council for International Understanding; bil upravitelj od Human Rights First; bil član uprave od Environmental Defense Fund (Teresa Heinz; Paul H. Nitze; E. John Rosenwald, Jr.; Fred Krupp; Thomas H. Kean; Stanley Druckenmiller; Kathryn Murdoch; Ann Doerr; Hannelore Grantham); bil član uprave od Council for Aid to Education; bil profesor na Columbia University Law School, 1976- 1984; bil direktor od Center for Law and Economic Studies – Columbia University, 1980-1984; bil član svetovalnega odbora od Center for Business & Human Rights (Jacqueline Novogratz; Laura D’Andrea Tyson) – New York University; bil član od American Bar Associations; bil partner pri super elitni odvetniški pisarni Davis Polk & Wardwell, 1984-2005; bil pod-predsedujoči od Citigroup Inc., 2005-2013; bil predsedujoči od Citi Foundation; bil član uprave od Bethlehem Steel Corporation, 1993-2003; bil vodilni neodvisni direktor od ArcelorMittal, 2008 – .
- James A. Leach – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1994 – 2023s; član ameriškega kongresa, 1977-2007; član nacionalne guvernerske uprave od Common Cause, 2007 – ; član uprave od Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; predsedujoči od National Endowment for the Humanities, 2009-2013; član uprave od Pro Publica (John Podesta; Herbert M. Sandler; Henry Louis Gates, Jr.; Gara LaMarche); bil član uprave od Kettering Foundation; začasni direktor od Institute of Politics – Harvard Kennedy School (2007); gostujoči profesor na Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs – Princeton University; upravitelj od Princeton University.
- Richard C. Leone – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1991 – 2015; član svetovalne uprave od Partnership for a Secure America; član svetovalnega odbora od American Ditchley Foundation; bil član uprave od Center for American Progress; bil upravni direktor od Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. (del Pilgrims Society), 1985-1989; bil direktor in upravitelj več skladov pri Dreyfus Corp. (povezani s Pilgrims Society); bil predsedujoči od Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, 1990-1994; bil višji svetovalec med predsedniško kampanjo Walterja Mondalea (Bilderberg, 1974, 1981; Trilateral Commission, 1973-1977; National Democratic Institute, 1985-1993; podprt s strani Democratic Socialists of America) leta 1986.
- Jessica Tuchman Mathews (2000-2008) – prihaja iz družine od Pilgrims Society (njen dedek je bil super elitni Henry Morgenthau, ustanovni član od Council on Foreign Relations, član od Pilgrims Society; njen stric Henry Morgenthau Jr. je bil Rooseveltov sekretar za finance, član od Council on Foreign Relations, član od Pilgrims Society, šolan na Phillips Exeter Academy; njen oče je bil bankir Maurice Wertheim in bil predsednik od American Jewish Committee; njena mama Barbara Tuchman je delala za Institute of Pacific Relations in za The Nation); članica od Council on Foreign Relations, 1978 – 2023s; članica od Trilateral Commission; članica izvršnega odbora skupine Bilderberg (1998-2002, 2004-2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017); upraviteljica od Rockefeller Foundation; upraviteljica od Rockefeller Brothers Fund; upraviteljica od Brookings Institution; upraviteljica od International Crisis Group; predsednica (1997–2015; nasledi Mortona Abramowitza) in Distinguished Fellow od Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (2015 -); guvernerka od Ditchley Foundation; bila članica od Project on National Security Reform (David Abshire; Norman Augustine – CIA; General Wesley Clark; Admiral Edmund Giambastini; Newt Gingrich; Admiral Mike McConnell – Director of National Intelligence; Tom Ridge; Thomas Pickering; Brent Scowcroft; General James L. Jones; Jim Steinberg); članica mednarodne sverovalne uprave od Pew Global Attitutes Project (Madeleine Albright; Gareth Evans; Leslie Gelb; Carla Hills; Henry Kissinger; Peter G. Peterson; Peter Sutherland; Desmond Tutu; jordanska kraljica Noor; Yotaro Kobayashi; John Passacantando – Greenpeace USA; Kenneth Roth; John Sweeney – AFL-CIO; Laura D’Andrea Tyson) – Pew Research Center; so-podpredsedujoča od Inter-American Dialogue; članica svetovalne uprave od Search for Common Ground; članica uprave od Nuclear Threat Initiative; članica svetovalne uprave od Women in International Security; upraviteljica od Joyce Foundation (Barack Obama); bila ustanovna pod-predsednica od World Resources Institute; članica uprave od Union of Concerned Scientists; članica guvernerske uprave od Stockholm International Peace Research Institute; članica mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Center for International Development – Harvard University; članica od Harvard Corporation; članica svetovalnega odbora od Transparency International; v zgodnjih 80ih je služila v uredniški upravi in kasneje bila tedenska kolumnistka pri The Washington Post (Warren Buffett; Katherine Graham); financerka Baracka Obame; njen mož je super elitni in s CIA tesno povezani general Charles G. Boyd (Council on Foreign Relations; Bilderberg Group; Center for the National Interest; Project on National Security Reform; Business Executives for National Security; In-Q-Tel – CIA; US Commission on National Security; Gary Hart Center for Public Service; član uprave od obrambnega pogodbenika Leonardo DRS).
- Alicia H. Munnell – članica uprave od National Bureau of Economic Research; višja pod-predsednica in direktorica za raziskave pri Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1973-1993; v Clintonovi administraciji je bila članica od President’s Council of Economic Advisers, 1995-1997; Fellow od TIAA Institute.
- Peter Michael Pitfield – bil kanadski senator; tesno povezan z družino Trudeau; bil član odbora od International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1984 – ; od sredine 80ih do leta 2002 služil kot pod-predsedujoči in kasneje kot direktor emeritus od Power Corporation of Canada (družina Desmarais; Pierre Trudeau; tesno povezani z Rockefellerji; Maurice Strong; James Wolfensohn; Paul Volcker; Charles Bronfman; Lord Armstrong of Ilminster – N. M. Rothschild & Sons; tesno povezani z belgijsko družino Frere iz Suez Group); njegov oče je bil vplivni finančnik Ward C. Pitfield; Petrov nečak Ward P.D. Elcock je bil direktor od Canadian Security Intelligence Service, 1994 – 2004.
- John Podesta – eden pomembnejših Rockefellerjevih/Sorosovih sredstev, član od Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; bil član od Economic Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; ustanovni direktore od Center for a New American Security (William Perry; Madeleine Albright; Richard Armitage; Norman Augustine; admiral Dennis Blair; Hans Binnendijk; Ashton Carter; Susan Rice; Tony Podesta; Paul Dobriansky; R. Nicholas Burns); bil član od Foreign Affairs Policy Board – State Department; ustanovitelj od Center for American Progress (Morton Halperin, Tom Daschle, Van Jones, Gordon Gray, Robert Abernethy, Marc Agrast, Jane Harman); bil član od Truman National Security Project; bil član od Liberty and Security Committee (general Wesley Clark; Morton H. Halperin; William Sessions; William Taft IV; polkovnik Colby Vokey; Walter Cronkite; Grover G. Norquist; Thomas R. Pickering; William D. Rogers; Paul Weyrich; Kate Martin) – The Constitution Project (2002); član svetovalnega odbora od Energy Future Coalition (R. James Woolsey; Richard Branson; Frances Beinecke; Charles B. Curtis; Tom Daschle; Susan Eisenhower; Michael Finely; C. Boyden Gray; admiral Dennis McGinn; Ted Turner); član svetovalne uprave od Managing Global Insecurity; član svetovalne uprave od Alliance for Securing Democracy; tesno povezan z Earth Day Network; podpisnik pisma Campaign for American Leadership in the Middle East; podpisnik pisma President Biden: You can be the Climate President; pokrovitelj pro-migrantske Inclusive America; podpornik Rockefeller Initiative on UFO Disclosure; preko Center for American Progress omogočil delovne prostore za Media Matters for America.
- Richard Ravitch – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1984 – 2023s; direktor od Volcker Alliance (2013 – ); bil predsedujoči upravitelj od Housing Investment Trust – AFL-CIO (2004 – ); bil predsedujoči svetovalni upravi od AFL-CIO Building Investment Trust; bil s Paulom Volckerjem so-predsedujoči od State Budget Crisis Task Force (2012); bil namestnik guvernerja New Yorka (2009-2010); bil partner pri The Blackstone Group, 1979-1983; tesen prijatelj vodilnega Rockefellerjevega ekonomista Paula Volckerja; bil delegat za Baracka Obamo med volitvami leta 2008.
- Alan Sagner – bil član uprave od Business Executives for National Security; bil član svetovalnega odbora od pro-izraelsko/palestinski J Street (Morton H. Halperin; Eli Pariser; Robert M. Solow – Russell Sage Foundation); pomemben financer od The Nation (del ’’liberalne CIA’’); bil predsedujoči od Corporation for Public Broadcasting (1990a -); ustanovitelj od Sagner Family Foundation (del ’’liberalne CIA’’); bil predsedujoči od Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
- Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1947 – 2007; član od Pilgrims Society; član CIA-jinega Veterans of the OSS; tesen prijatelj Nelsona Rockefellerja; od 50ih dalje tesen prijatelj Henryja Kissingerja; so-ustanovitelj od Americans for Democratic Action (1947 – ); član svetovalnega odbora od Center for Public Integrity (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists); od 80ih vsaj uradno vodilni nasprotnik multikulturalizma, kar izrazi v knjigi The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society (… the “cult of ethnicity,” if pushed too far, may endanger the unity of society. … multiculturalists are “very often ethnocentric separatists who see little in the Western heritage other than Western crimes.” Their “mood is one of divesting Americans of their sinful European inheritance and seeking redemptive infusions from non-Western cultures.”), vendar kljub temu ostane zvesti član od CFR in super elite do smrti.
- Theodore Sorensen – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1967 – 2010; bil član uprave od National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (cca. 1997 – ); bil član svetovalne uprave od Partnership for a Secure America; bil član svetovalne uprave od National Security Network; bil član uprave od International Center for Transitional Justice; bil svetovalec od International Freedom Center; bil predsedujoči mednarodni svetovalni upravi od International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life; bil s strani Carterja nominiran za direktorja od CIA; bil Fellow pri Institute of Politics na Kennedy School of Government; bil višji svetovalec pri Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison (1966 – ).
- Baronica Shirley Williams – bila članica mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Council on Foreign Relations; udeleženka zasedanja skupine Bilderberg (2010, 2012); bila generalna sekretarka od Fabian Society (1960 – ; ozadje od Labour Party); bila članica uprave od Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; upraviteljica od International Crisis Group (- 2004); bila so-predsednica od Royal Institute of International Affiars (2002-2006); članica od Nuclear Threat Initiative; guvernerka od Ditchley Foundation; bila pod-predsednica od European Movement; članica od European Leadership Network; bila članica od International Commission on Nuclear Non Proliferation and Disarmament; bila članica uprave od Institute for Public Policy Research; študirala kot elitni Fulbright Scholar.
- William Julius Wilson – bil raziskovalni sodelavec (1970) in član uprave od Russell Sage Foundation (1988-1998); bil Fellow od John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (1987 – 1992); bil Visiting Professor of American Studies pri French-American Foundation (1989-1990); bil član uprave od Social Science Research Council (1979-1985); član nacionalne uprave od A. Philip Randolph Institute (1981 – ); bil član čikaškega odbora od Chicago Council on Foreign Relations (1981-1984); član od Research Advisory Committee to the Project on the Future of the Welfare State – Ford Foundation (1984 – ); član uprave od Center for National Policy (1987-1992; Terry Sanford; Cyrus Vance; Edmund Muskie; Leon Panetta – CIA; Robert Rubin; Thomas Foley; Madeleine Albright; Jane Harman; John Brademas; Maurice Tempelsman; Tim Roemer); član od Domestic Strategy Group – The Aspen Institute (1992-2002); član svetovalne uprave od Center for Public Integrity (1995 – ; Theodore Hesburgh; Arthur Schlesinger Jr.; William Schneider; Paul Volcker; Arianna Huffington; Hodding Carter III); mednarodni svetovalec od The YES Campaign (Jeffrey Sachs; Adele S. Simmons – Marsh and McLennan Companies; Muhammad Yunus); so-ustanovitelj od Campaign for America’s Future; član odbora akademskih svetovalcev od Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (2003 – ); član od Putting Families First: Good Jobs for All Advisory Council – Center for Community Change (2015 – ; top ’’liberalna CIA’’); član svetovalne uprave od Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute (1996 -) – United Negro College Fund; član svetovalne uprave in izvršnega odbora od W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research; bil direktor od Joblessness and Urban Poverty Research Program – John F. Kennedy School of Government; bil član od President Clinton’s Commission on White House Fellowships (1994-2001); dobitnik nagrade Martin Luther King Jr. National Award; dobitnik nagarade W.E.B. Du Bois Career of Distinguished Scholarship Award; njegovi prispevki so bili pripravljeni pri Social Democrats Convention – New York (1980), Socialist Scholars Conference – New York (1985), Conference on “The Future of the Welfare State” – Ford Foundation (1986), Council on Foundations Annual Meeting – Atlanta (1987), Rockefeller Foundation Conference on Welfare Reform – Williamsburg (1988), Brookings Institution – Washington (1991), Hamilton Project annual retreat (2015); po njemu se imenuje William Julius Wilson Institute na Harlem Children’s Zone, kjer je predsedujoči emeritus Sorosov agent Stanley F. Druckenmiller (Soros Fund Management LLC; Quantum Fund, Center for Strategic & International Studies – CIA; Forstmann Little Conferences; Children’s Scholarship Fund; Robin Hood Foundation; Environmental Defense Fund; Memorial Sloan Kettering; Dreyfus Corporation).
Upravitelji od The Century Foundation
Vidnejši upravitelj od The Century Foundation od ustanovitve leta 1919 do sprejetja novih leta 1985 –
Upravitelj: | Obdobje: | Povezave: |
Edward A. Filene | 1919 – 1937 | Ključni ustanovitelj od The Century Foundation; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1924 – 1937; so-ustanovitelj od Institute for Propaganda Analysis, 1937-1942. |
Henry S. Dennison | 1919-1952 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1927 – 1933; bil predavatelj na Harvard Business School; bil član uprave od American Management Association; bil član uprave od Business Research Council; bil predsednik in lastnik od Dennison Manufacturing Co. Paper Box Factory; bil industrijski svetovalec v administracijah Woodrowa Wilsona in Franklina D. Roosevelta. |
Bruce Bliven | 1922 – 1977 | Ustanovni član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1922 – 1926; urednik od The New Republic. |
James G. McDonald | 1922 – 1964 | Ustanovni član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1922 – 1964; predsedujoči od Foreign Policy Association, 1919 – 1933. |
Nathan Roscoe Pound | 1924-1928 | Eden najbolj citiranih pravnih strokovnjakov 20. stoletja; bil član od Wickersham Commission (1929); zelo pomemben začetni podpornik New Deala (1933-1937); začetni podpornik Adolfa Hitlerja; bil dekan od Harvard Law School (1916-1936); bil član od University of Chicago Law School. |
Owen D. Young | 1929 – 1934 | Ustanovni član in član uprave od Council on Foreign Relations, 1922 – 1941; član od Pilgrims Society; pomemben Morganov predstavnik. |
Henry Jaromir Bruère | 1932 – 1934 | Član od Pilgrims Society; socialni reformator in svetovalec predsednika Roosevelta med bančno likvidacijsko krizo 1930 – 1933. |
Adolf A. Berle, Jr. | 1934 – 1971 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1947 – 1971; član od Pilgrims Society; Rooseveltov ’’Brain Trust’’,1938 – 1944. |
Oswald Knauth | 1935 – 1962 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1925 – 1953; soustanovitelj od National Bureau of Economic Research, 1920 – . |
Francis Biddle | 1937–1968 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1951 – 1952; član od Pilgrims Society; Rooseveltov generalni tožilec, 1941 – 1945; ameriški tožilec za vojne zločine v Nürenbergu. |
Robert H. Jackson | 1937–1941 | Glavni ameriški tožilec za vojne zločine v Nürenbergu; bil Field Staff v Južni Afriki preko Rockefeller Foundation, 1968-1970. |
Robert S. Lynd | 1937–1970 | Na začetku 1920ih napiše esej Done in Oil (izid publikacije poskušajo Rockefellerji preprečiti), ki je kritično do razmer v naftnih kampih; v letih 1923 – 1926 je Lynd direktor od Institute of Social and Religious Research, ki ga financirajo Rockefellerji. |
Harrison Tweed | 1937–1946 | Bil partner od Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, ki je zunanja pravna roka od Rockefellerjeve Chase Manhattan Bank; njegova hčerka Katharine Winthrop Tweed se je poročila z CIA operativcem Archibaldom Bulloch Rooseveltom Jr. (številni predstavniki družine Roosevelt so top CIA operativci), ki je bil tudi Rhodes Scholar; leta 1974 postal pod-predsednik pri Chase Manhattan Bank in svetovalec Davida Rockefellerja za Bližnji vzhod. |
John H. Fahey | 1938-1950 | Bil predsedujoči organizacijskemu odboru od International Chamber of Commerce; bil pod-predsednik od U.S. Chamber of Commerce. |
William I. Myers | 1941–1947 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1953; bil član uprave od Rockefeller Foundation; bil član od President’s Committee on Foreign Aid; bil upravitelj Rockefellerjevega General Education Board; bil upravitelj od Carnegie Institute of Washington; bil član uprave od Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships; bil predsedujoči od Federal Reserve Bank of New York. |
W. W. Waymack | 1942-1960 | Bil član od U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. |
Chester Bowles | 1947–1950 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1954 – 1983; upravitelj od Rockefeller Foundation, 1954-1961; bil član od Special Studies Project: America at Mid Century (Nelson Rockefeller; Henry Kissinger; Adolf Berle Jr.; Arthur Burns; general Lucius Clay; John Cowles; Gordon Dean; John Gardner; Caryl Haskins; Theodore Hesburgh; Milton Katz; Henry Luce; Dean Rusk; David Sarnoff) – Rockefeller Brothers Fund, tesno sodeloval z Eleanor Roosevelt in pri New Deal. |
Benjamin V. Cohen | 1948–1983 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1942 – 1983; leta 1937 se je na predlog ekonomista Beardsleyja Rumla (Council on Foreign Relations, 1927 – 1960; Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Fund; Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Division of Social Sciences – University of Chicago; Social Science Research Council) pogovarjal z Nelsonom Rockefellerjem (tesne Rockefellerjeve povezave s fašističnimi kolegi v Južni Ameriki, predvsem preko Standard Oil) glede delovanje inter-ameriškega programa v Južni Ameriki; služil kot svetovalec od American Zionist Movement, 1919-1921, in bil v tej vlogi tudi udeleženec od 1919 Paris Peace Conference; bil član Rooseveltove New Deal in Trumanove administracije; bil so-ustavarjalec programa Land-Lease; bil leta 1948 svetovalec od ZDA in novoustanovljenega Izraela; tesno povezan s Felixom Frankfurterjem. |
H. Christian Sonne | 1948–1971 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1945 – 1967; bil upravitelj od Committee for Economic Development; bil predsedujoč upravi upraviteljev od American Scandinavian Foundation; član od Metropolitan Club. |
Paul G. Hoffman | 1950–1953 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1942 – 1960; član od Pilgrims Society; delal za obveščevalno službo OSS; bil predsednik od Ford Foundation, 1950-1953; bil pod-predsedujoči od CIA-jinega American Committee on United Europe; bil član od Committee for International Economic Growth (W. Averell Harriman, Douglas Dillon, Harlan Cleveland; Willian Benton); ustanovni predsedujoči od Committee for Economic Development, 1942 – 1948; so-ustanovitelj od International Rice Research Institute (John D. Rockefeller III; Raymond Fosdick – Rockefeller Foundation; George Harrar – Rockefeller Foundation; Forsty Hill – Ford Foundation; Robert McNamara; Maurice Strong; Ingrid Hagen). |
David E. Lilienthal | 1950–1981 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1947 – 1980; njegovo inženirsko in svetovalno podjetje D&R je financirano s strani Rockefellerjev in banke Lazard Freres; delal za banko Lazard Freres; bil predsedujoči od United States Atomic Energy Commission, 1946 – 1950; varovanec Felixa Frankfurterja. |
Robert J. Oppenheimer | 1950–1967 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1947 – 1966; bil ustanovni predsedujoči od General Advisory Committee od U. S. Atomic Energy Commission; imenovan tudi ’’oče atomske bombe’’; bil direktor od Institute for Advanced Study – Princeton University. Po navedbah sicer zelo manipulativnega obveščevalnega sredstva Kay Griggs (njen sin iz prvega zakona John Garland Pollard IV je poročen v družino Roberta E. Bluma, ki je bil član od Pilgrims Society, ter bil tesen prijatelj in odvetnik od Rockefellerjev; Griggs je tesno povezana z dezinformativnim pro-nacističnim omrežjem ’’konservativne CIA’’ in tudi z Alexom Jonesom; bila podvržena hipnozi v stilu MKULTRA), naj bi bil Oppenheimer član skrivnega new yorkškega (CIA) sionističnega omrežja ’’The Joint’’ (General Louis H. Buehl III; George H. W. Bush; Zbigniew Brzezinski; William Colby; William Casey; Bob Edwards; Albert Einstein; Alexander Haig; njen mož polkovnik George Raymond Griggs; Henry Kissinger; Cord Meyer; Chuck Robb; Eugene Rostow; savdski kralj Faisal; princ Turki al Faisal; Brent Scowcroft; general Jack Sheehan; George Shultz; Strobe Talbott; Caspar Weinberger) – kar je težko dokazati (posebno del tega izsiljevalnega CIA pedofilskega homoseksualnega omrežja, v katerega pa so dejansko bili, preko številnih navedb in posrednih dokazov vpleteni Craig Spence, William Casey, Roy Cohn, Edwin Wilson in ostali iz tega omrežja). |
Herman W. Steinkraus | 1950–1974 | Bil predsednik od United States Chamber of Commerce, 1959; bil predsednik od American Association for the United Nations; 1960a – . |
Erwin D. Canham | 1951–1982 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1950 – 1953; študiral kot Rhodes Scholar; bil član od The American Assembly (financer Rockefeller Foundation, cca. 1960) – Columbia University; bil predsednik od U.S. Chamber of Commerce; bil član uprave od National Bureau of Economic Research; bil član svetovalne uprave od U.S. Information Agency; bil član uprave od Public Broadcasting Service; urednik od The Christian Science Monitor; bil član od Pulitzer Prize Board, 1958 – 1970. |
Wallace K. Harrison | 1951–1958 | Zelo pomemben Rockefellerjev arhitekt in posredni sorodnik; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1946 – 1950; skupaj z Detlevom Bronkom leta 1951 prvi upravitelj od Rockefeller Brothers Fund, ki ni prihajal iz družine Rockefeller. |
August Heckscher II | 1951–1997 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1951 – 1997; bil član od International Objectives and Strategies – Special Studies Project od Rockefeller Brothers Fund; delal za OSS ,1942-1945; v Kennedyjevi administraciji je služil kot prvi White House Special Consultant on the Arts; bil glavni urednik od New York Herald Tribune, 1948-1956. |
James Rowe | 1951–1984 | Bil svetovalec top neokonservativca Henryja ’’Scoop’’ Jacksona med njegovo predsedniško kampanjo; kot tudi svetovalec Waterja Mondela, bil član od Harvard Board of Overseers ,1965-71; bil član svetovalnega odbora od School of Advanced International Studies – Johns Hopkins University. |
Evans Clark | 1958-1970 | Leta 1928 je postal prvi izvršni direktor od Twentieth Century Fund, 1928-1958; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1948 – 1957; leta 1919 je postal informacijski direktor od Russian Soviet Government Bureau (AKA “Soviet Bureau”; 1919 – 1920); leta 1919 je postal član od levičarske/socialistične People’s Freedom Union (povezave z globalističnim/feminističnim Campaign for World Government in New York Bureau of Legal Advice iz katerega nastane American Civil Liberties Union – del ’’liberalne CIA’’; povezani pa so tudi s skrivno sovjetsko vohunsko organizacijo Ware Group, katere operativci so člani od Communist Party USA, med njimi tudi super elitni Alger Hiss, precej tesen Rockefellerjev prijatelj, ki je član od Council on Foreign Relations in od Pilgrims Society). |
Arthur F. Burns | 1958–1981 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1960 – 1986; član od Pilgrims Society; član od Special Studies Project od Rockefeller Brothers Fund; predsedujoči od National Bureau of Economic Research, 1968-1969; bil predsedujoči od Federal Reserve System, 1970-1978; član od Mont Pelerin Society; udeleženec od skrivne International Monetary Conference, 1971, 1976; varovanec Wesleyja J. Mitchella (Council on Foreign Relations, 1924 – 1948), ustanovitelja od National Bureau of Economic Research leta 1920. Burns je mentor od Alana Greenspana, Miltona Friedmana in Georga Stiglerja (so-ustanovitelj od Mont Pelerin Society). |
Morris B. Abram | 1959–2000 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1965 – 2000; študiral kot Rhodes Scholar; bil predsedujoči od United Negro College Fund, 1970 – 1979; bil nacionalni predsednik od American Jewish Committee, 1963-1968; bil partner pri elitni odvetniški pisarni Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison; 1963-1968; bil pogajalec za izpustitev Dr. Martina Luther Kinga iz zapora Fulton County Georgia. |
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. | 1959-2007 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1947 – 2007; član od Pilgrims Society; član CIA-jinega Veterans of the OSS; tesen prijatelj Nelsona Rockefellerja, od 50ih dalje tesen prijatelj Henryja Kissingerja; so-ustanovitelj od Americans for Democratic Action, 1947 – ; član svetovalnega odbora od Center for Public Integrity (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists); od 80ih vsaj uradno vodilni nasprotnik multikulturalizma, kar izrazi v knjigi The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society (… the “cult of ethnicity,” if pushed too far, may endanger the unity of society. … multiculturalists are “very often ethnocentric separatists who see little in the Western heritage other than Western crimes.” Their “mood is one of divesting Americans of their sinful European inheritance and seeking redemptive infusions from non-Western cultures.“), vendar kljub temu ostane zvesti član od CFR in ostalih NGOjev do smrti. |
J. Frederic Dewhurst | 1960–1967 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1954 – 1967; pod-predsednik od American Statistical Association. |
J. Kenneth Galbraith | 1960–1968 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1946 – 1971; udeleženec ustanovnega srečanja od World Economic Forum, 1971; bil predsednik od American Economic Association. |
James P. Mitchell | 1960–1964 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1958 – 1964; državni sekretar za delo, 1953 – 1961. |
Jonathan B. Bingham | 1964–1986 | Član od Skull & Bones; poročen v super elitno bankirsko družino Lehman; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1952 – 1986; leta 1955 postane sekretar new yorškega guvernerja W. Averella Harrimana (Skull & Bones; Pilgrims Society); bil član predstavniškega doma, 1965 – 1983. |
Don K. Price | 1964–1995 | Študiral kot Rhodes Scholar; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1954 – 1977; pod-predsednik od Ford Foundation, 1953-1959; ustanovni dekan od John F. Kennedy School of Government – Harvard University, 1958 – 1976; upravitelj od RAND Corporation, 1961 – 1971; bil predsedujoči od Research & Development Board – US Department of Defense, 1952 – 1953. |
Patricia Roberts Harris | 1969–1985 | Članica od Council on Foreign Relations, 1970 – 1985; kot prva črnka služi v predsedniškem kabinetu in je prva črnka, ki je ambasadorka, 1965 – 1967; bila pod-predsedujoča poglavju od NAACP na Howard University; bila članica uprave od Rockefellerjeve Chase Manhattan Bank; bila članica uprave od IBM. |
Robert M. Coles | 1971–1974 | Svetovalec od Ford Foundation; profesor emeritus na Harvard University; upravitelj od Robert F. Kennedy Memorial; član od American Psychiatric Association. |
Michael Harrington | 1971-1973 | CIA sredstvo; predstavnik t.i. State Department socializma; ustanovni član od Democratic Socialists of America (Bernie Sanders, Jesse Jackson, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib) – top sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’; njegov kolega Norman Thomas (Socialist Party) je bil vodja CIA-jine zloglasne organizacije Congress for Cultural Freedom; Thomas je bil tesen prijatelj od Allena Dullesa (direktor od CIA; član od Council on Foreign Relations; član od Pilgrims Society) in Corda Meyerja (top CIA operativec – zadolžen za prikrito financiranje organizacij; član od Council on Foreign Relations; domnevno član od ’’The Joint’’); Harringtonov mentor je bil Trotskyev družabnik Max Shachtman, Shachtman postane mentor več sodelavcem od AFL-CIO; po Thomasovi smrti Harrington postane predsedujoči od Socialist Party, tesno sodeluje z National Endowment for Democracy in Freedom House. |
Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. | 1971–1973 | Zelo pogosti udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 1969-2019; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1978 – 2021; upravitelj od Rockefeller Foundation; 1971-1984; upravitelj od Ford Foundation, 1987 – 1999; upravitelj od Urban Institute, 1972-1980; upravitelj od African-America Institute, cca. 1976 – ; izvršni direktor od United Negro College Fund, 1970-1971, kasneje tudi predsednik; član pol-skrivne elitne črnske bratovščine Boule – Sigma Pi Phi. |
J. Paul Austin | 1974–1978 | Generalni direktor od The Coca-Cola Company, 1966-1981, predsedujoči, 1970-1981; uradno ni naveden kot član od Council on Foreign Relations (v nekaterih virih naveden kot član); tesno povezan z Davidom Rockefellerjem; ustanovni član od Trilateral Commission, 1973 – ; predsedujoči upravitelj od RAND Corporation, 1971-1981; član uprave od Morgan Guaranty Trust, cca 1971 – ; upravitelj od California Institute of Technology, 1975 – ; upravitelj od Carnegie Institute of Science, 1976-1978; podpornik Martina Luther Kinga Jr. |
William D. Ruckelshaus | 1974–1983 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1977 – 1996; član uprave in predsedujoči od Urban Institute, 1974-1988; član od American Council for Capital Formation, 1975 – ; član od Trilateral Commission, vsaj med 1993-1995; upravitelj Rockefellerjeve Conservation Foundation, 1976-1978. |
Jerry Wurf | 1976–1981 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1973 – 1981; vodja ameriškega delavskega gibanja; predsednik sindikata American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), 1964-1981 (uradno je odkril in končal financiranje od CIA); leta 1969 je postal pod-predsednik od A.F.L.-C.I.O.; bil član od Young People’s Socialist League; bil so-ustanovitelj od Congress of Racial Equality (CORE); bil član izvršnega odbora od Leadership Conference on Civil Rights; bil prijatelj Martina Luther Kinga Jr.; po uradni zgodbi zgodbi Wurf ’’razkrije’’ povezave med AFL-CIO in CIA, ter kljub temu postane član od CFR. |
José A. Cabranes | 1983–2000 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1973 – 2006; bil svetovalec takratnega državnega sekretarja Cyrusa Vancea, 1977-1978; ameriški okrožni sodnik; bil predsednik senata pri United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review; bil upravitelj od Yale Corporation, 1987-1999; bil upravitelj od Columbia University, 2000-2012. |
Theodore Sorensen | 1984-2010 | Član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1967 – 2010; bil član uprave od National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, cca. 1997 – ; bil član svetovalne uprave od Partnership for a Secure America; bil član svetovalne uprave od National Security Network; bil član uprave od International Center for Transitional Justice; bil svetovalec od International Freedom Center; bil predsedujoči mednarodni svetovalni upravi od International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life; bil s strani Carterja nominiran za direktorja od CIA; bil Fellow pri Institute of Politics na Kennedy School of Government; bil višji svetovalec pri Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, 1966 – . |
Albert Shanker | 1985-1990 | Top CIA sredstvo; bil član od Trilateral Commission; član uprave od National Endowment for Democracy, cca 1985 – ; član uprave od Freedom House, 1993-1999; član uprave od International Rescue Committee, 1973 – ; član uprave od Committee for Economic Development; predsednik od American Federation of Teachers, 1972 – ;bil član izvršnega odbora od AFL-CIO, 1973 – ; član uprave od Social Democrats USA; član uprave od Free Trade Union Institute; član uprave od African-American Labor Center (financiran s strani NED); tesno povezan Shachtmanom in z ljudmi iz njegovega mentorstva. |
Homeland Security Project
The Century Foundation v sodelovanju z drugimi organizacijami, organizira razne delovne skupine. Kot že omenjeno, je bilo eno takšnih zelo pomembnih sodelovanj z 9/11 Commission leta 2004. Fundacija je naročila poročilo kot del svojega Homeland Security Project. Projekt se je začel z delovno skupino, kateri sta so-predsednikovala Thomas Kean in Richard Celeste. Nekatere komponente projekta so delno financirale John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.16; dostop 27.11.2008
Strokovnjaki od Homeland Security Project leta 2008 –
- Thomas Kean
- John Podesta – eden pomembnejših Rockefellerjevih/Sorosovih sredstev, član od Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; bil član od Economic Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; ustanovni direktore od Center for a New American Security (William Perry; Madeleine Albright; Richard Armitage; Norman Augustine; admiral Dennis Blair; Hans Binnendijk; Ashton Carter; Susan Rice; Tony Podesta; Paul Dobriansky; R. Nicholas Burns); bil član od Foreign Affairs Policy Board – State Department; ustanovitelj od Center for American Progress (Morton Halperin, Tom Daschle, Van Jones, Gordon Gray, Robert Abernethy, Marc Agrast, Jane Harman); bil član od Truman National Security Project; bil član od Liberty and Security Committee (general Wesley Clark; Morton H. Halperin; William Sessions; William Taft IV; polkovnik Colby Vokey; Walter Cronkite; Grover G. Norquist; Thomas R. Pickering; William D. Rogers; Paul Weyrich; Kate Martin) – The Constitution Project (2002); član svetovalnega odbora od Energy Future Coalition (R. James Woolsey; Richard Branson; Frances Beinecke; Charles B. Curtis; Tom Daschle; Susan Eisenhower; Michael Finely; C. Boyden Gray; admiral Dennis McGinn; Ted Turner); član svetovalne uprave od Managing Global Insecurity; član svetovalne uprave od Alliance for Securing Democracy; tesno povezan z Earth Day Network; podpisnik pisma Campaign for American Leadership in the Middle East; podpisnik pisma President Biden: You can be the Climate President; pokrovitelj pro-migrantske Inclusive America; podpornik Rockefeller Initiative on UFO Disclosure; preko Center for American Progress omogočil delovne prostore za Media Matters for America.
- Richard F. Celeste – študiral kot elitni Rhodes Scholar (1960); član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1981 – 2014; bil član predstavniškega doma v Ohiou (1971-1974); pod-guverner Ohioa (1975-1979); guverner Ohioa (1983-1991). Celeste se po študiju na Oxford University vrne v ZDA leta 1962 in služi v uradu za osebje pri Peace Corps, kjer je posebni pomočnik super elitnega Chesterja Bowlesa (Council on Foreign Relations, 1954 – 1983; The Century Foundation, 1947–1950), ki je bil v obdobju od 1954-1961 upravitelj od Rockefeller Foundation, ter bil član od Special Studies Project: America at Mid-Century od Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Bowles je bil leta 1961 državni pod-sekretar, v obdobju od 1963 – 1969, pa je bil ameriški ambasador v Indijo, kjer je Celeste (1963-1967) njegov osebni pomočnik. To obdobje je tudi pomembno, ker v tem obdobju Bowles postane tesno povezan s francosko-indijskim poslovnežem J. R. D. Tato, ki je hkrati tesno povezan še z Davidom Rockefellerjem in Henryjem Kissingerjem. Družina Tata je tudi postala del super elite in pomemben del globalizacije. Bowles je bil tudi povezan z omrežjem okoli Martina Luthra Kinga, ter leta 1958, kot upravitelj od Rockefeller Foundation, napiše knjigo What Negroes Can Learn from Gandhi.
Celeste je član svetovalne uprave od študentskega Roosevelt Institution (Dee Dee Myers; William Perry; John Podesta; John Prendergast – International Crisis Group; William van den Heuvel; Richard Lugar; David Rothkopf; Andrea Batista Schlesinger – Open Society Foundation), ki se kasneje združi z Roosevelt Institute (v vodstvu prav tako člani liberalnega establišmenta). Celeste je član od Independent Strategic Assessment Group (general James McCarthy; admiral Normand Saunders; Richard Forster; admiral Jim Eckelberger; Antonio Pensa) od United States Northern Command (NORTHCOM), ki je ustanovljen leta 2002. Celeste pa je bil tako kot Bowles ambasador v Indiji, 1997 – 2001. V obdobju od 1994 – 1997 pa je bil upravitelj od Carnegie Corporation of New York; član svetovalne uprave od Institute for International Education (2004 -); bil direktor od Peace Corps (1979 – 1981).
Celeste (očitno kot del Rockefellerjeve propagande ’’liberalne CIA’’ in kot član od CFR) je populistično znan po tem, da je kot guverner odprl številne vladne položaje za Afroameričane in za ženske (zaposli rekordno število žensk – popolna mantra ’’liberalne CIA’’ v duhu feminizma), poleg tega pa je omogočil sindikatom državnih uslužbencev, da se pogajajo o plačah in ugodnostih, ne le o delovnih pogojih. Manj je pa verjetno znano17 (samo do leta 1986), da je pet njegovih najpomembnejših ljudi, ki jih je imenoval leta 1983, do leta 1986 odstopilo zaradi kritik. Devet državnih in zveznih velikih porot je leta 1986 preiskovalo obtožbe. Vplivni nepremičninski milijonar Marvin L. Warner, najpomembnejši Celesteov financer in zbiralec finančnih sredstev, je bil leta 1987 obsojen na tri leta in pol zaporne kazni in na $22 milijonov finančne kazni, zaradi propada Home State Savings Bank, katere propad je leta 1985 povzročil bančno krizo v Ohiou. Zaradi propada banke so morali zapreti 71 hranilnic in posojilnic. Celeste v znameno za financiranje kampanje, Warnerja imenuje na položaj predsedujočega od Ohio Building Authority, ki nadzoruje izgradnjo državnih stavb in zaporov. Celesteov Youth Services Department se je znašel pod plazom kritik, ker je najel dva obsojena preprodajalca mamil, zaradi pisanja čekov neobstoječim podjetjem in poneverjanja državnih podatkov. Podjetje, ki izdelovalo njegove televizijske oglase, za njegovo kampanjo leta 1982, je z njegovim mandatom dobilo pogodbo v višini $8,3 milijona za promocijo turizma v državi. Še bolj kontroverzen je bil njegov Department of Mental Retardation. Glede na poročila od The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer in The Cincinnati Enquirer, so bili pacienti v zasebnih zdravstvenih ustanovah za duševno zdravje, kjer so delali državni pogodbeniki, hudo pretepeni, spolno zlorabljeni in slabo hranjeni. En pacient pa je umrl zaradi podhranjenosti. Administratorka enega od teh podjetij s 14imi skupinskimi domovi, pa si je domnevno z uporabo neprofitnega statusa svoje agencije, kupila dva neobdavčena Jaguarja. Ko je Celeste končal guvernerski mandat, pa je v obdobju nekje od leta 1992- cca. 1997, postal član višjega svetovalnega odbora CIA-jinega aparata za države udare in revolucije National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (Morton I. Abramowitz; Theodore C. Sorensen; Maurice Tempelsman; John Brademas; Bill Bradley; Mario M. Cuomo; Christopher Dodd; Michael S. Dukakis; Dick Gephardt; John T. Joyce; Daniel Patrick Moynihan; Chuck Robb; Stephen J. Solarz; Cyrus Vance; Anne Waxler; Andrew J. Young; Walter F. Mondale; Madeleine Albright; Edmund Muskie; Harriet Babbitt; Richard Gardner). - Morton Abramowitz
Concordia Leadership Council
Uradna ustanovitelja od Concordia Leadership Council leta 2011 sta Matthew Ardleigh Swift in Nicholas Logothetis. Vendar je z obema, predvsem pa preko družine Logothetis, povezan vodilni predstavnik liberalnega establišmenta John D. Negroponte, ki je hkrati tesno povezan s CIA.
Najpomembnejši dogodek je letni Concordia Summit, katerih udeleženci so vodilni predstaviki liberalnega establišmenta in super elite, številni predstavniki arabskih in držav tretjega sveta, kot tudi številna sredstva ”liberalne CIA”. V okviru organizacije pa potekajo še razne pomembne konference na letni ravni.
Zagotovo ključni so-ustanovitelj od Concordia Leadership Council, vsaj glede družinske zgodovine, je Matthew Ardleigh Swift, ki prihaja iz družine, ki je povezana z liberalnim establišmentom in CIA. Njegova mama je Teri Ardleigh Swift je članica uprave od The World Affairs Council (konference potekajo po več mestih v ZDA), ki organizira pomembne konference, na katerih so bili govorci praktično skoraj vsi najvidnejši predstavniki liberalnega establišmenta. Oče od Teri A. Swift je bil Joseph D. Ardleigh, direktor (1967-1979) od Research Institute of America (RIA), ki je deloval kot povezava med vlado in podjetji. Ardleigh je delal za inštitut vse od leta 1937. Ustanovitelj inštituta je Leo Cherne, ki je prav tako tesno povezan s CIA. Cherne je bil dolgoletni upravitelj od pro-migrantskega in s CIA tesno povezanega International Rescue Committee (IRC). Cherne, ki leta 1981 postane član od Council on Foreign Relations, je v obdobju od 1946 – 1976 tudi predsedujoči od Freedom House, ki je seveda še ena CIA fasada. Prav tako pa je Cherne upravitelj od s CIA in Pentagonom tesno povezanega Center for Strategic and International Studies. S Chernejem je že od konca 30ih let preko RIA in kasneje preko IRC tesno povezan zloglasni William Casey, ki kasneje postane direktor od CIA. Casey je tudi ena od osrednjih osebnosti Reaganove predsedniške kampanje. V tem času pa Casey tudi ustanovi neoliberalni Manhattan Institute. Oba Casey in Cherne pa sta oba tudi člana od President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, prvi od 1974-1976, drugi pa od 1976-1977. O zgodovinskem vplivu in pomembnosti inštituta RIA govori tudi dejstvo, da so prejemniki slavnostnih nagrad inštituta Living History Award leta 1960 ob 25i obletnici inštituta naslednji – Nelson A. Rockefeller, John J. McCloy, Allen W. Dulles (CIA), Dean Acheson, W. Averell Harriman, William H. Draper II, Dwight Eisenhower, Herbert Hoover, Harry S. Truman, general James Doolittle, general Lucius D. Clay, general Douglas MacArthur, William S. Paley, Arthur Hayes Sulzberger, C. D. Jackson, admiral Arleigh A. Burke, Alfred P. Sloan Jr., Thomas J. Watson Jr., Charles E. Wilson, J. Edgar Hoover, Henry R. Luce, Clare Booth Luce, Henry Cabot Lodge, Thomas S. Gates Jr., Henry A. Wallace, Henry Ford II, James W. Fulbright, George Humphrey, Hubert Humphrey, Edward V. Rickenbacher, Robert A. Lovett, Adlai E. Stevenson, Lyndon B. Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Richard M. Nixon, Wernher von Braun, Bernard Baruch, Eleanor Roosevelt, Thurgood Marshall (NAACP), George Meany (AFL-CIO).
Matthew Swift se je izobraževal na George Washington University, katera, kot se bo videlo v nadaljevanju, je pomemben center v tem omrežju. Swift in Nicholas Logothetis (drugi so-ustanovitelj od Concordia) sta med študijem pri Murdochovem medijskem imperiju pomagala za širjenje njegove propagande med milenijci. Verjetno ni napačna domneva avtorja, da ni naključje, da sta Swift in Logothetis prišla ravno pod Murdochovo okrilje, saj je tudi Murdoch že od začetka svoje kariere tesno povezan z istim CIA omrežjem, kot tudi Swiftov dedek Joseph D. Ardleigh.
Poleg tega je Swift na začetku kariere od 2005 -2007 delal še za super elitnega T. Boone Pickensa, pri njegovem Pickens Plan iz leta 2008, katerega namen je bil zmanjšanje ameriške odvisnosti od uvožene nafte. Preko Pickens Plan bi investirali približno $1000 milijard v nove vetrne turbine. Tudi Pickens je predstavnik super elite in tesno povezan z liberalnim establišmentom. Tako postane Pickens član od leta 2011 ustanovljenega United States Energy Security Council, katerega člani so še številni vodilni neokonservativci oz. vodilni predstavniki liberalnega establišmenta, kot so R. James Woolsey (CIA), George Shultz, Robert McFarlane, general Wesley Clark, Norman Augustine (CIA; In-Q-Tel), John Lehman, Alan Greenspan, William Perry, Gary Hart, C. Boyden Gray, James Roche, general Keith Alexander, Harold Borwn, Stephen Hadley in Tom Ridge. USESC pa je tesno povezan z Institute for the Analysis of Global Security. Pickens pa je bil tudi udeleženec od Concordia Summit. Prav tako pomembna pa je tudi Pickensova dejavnost v skrivnem ultrakonservativnem omrežju ’’konservativne CIA’’, saj je bil povezan z American Security Council, s katerim so prav tako povezani nekateri nagrajenci od Research Institute of America. Kot na primer general Douglas MacArthur, Henry in Clare Booth Luce, Nelson Rockefeller, W. Averell Harriman.
Leta 2007 je bil Swift pripravnik pri Business Roundtable, katerega tedanji najvidnejši člani so Evan Greenberg (AIG; Starr Foundation), Kenneth I. Chenault (American Express – vodilni delničar Warren Buffett), Riley P. Bechtel, W. James McNerney, Jr. (Boeing Co.), David J. O’Reilly (Chevron), E. Neville Isdell (Coca-Cola), James W. Owens (Caterpillar), Andrew N. Liveris (Dow Chemical), Charles O. O’Holliday (DuPont), Rex W. Tillerson (ExxonMobil), Frederick W. Smith (FedEx), Jeffrey R. Immelt (General Electric), Lloyd C. Blankfein (Goldman Sachs), Wilbur L. Ross Jr., James Dimon (JP Morgan Chase), Harold McGraw III (McGraw-Hill Companies), ter še številni ostali.
Med ali takoj po pripravništvu pri Business Roundtable je Swift od leta 2007 – 2008 delal za New York Post, ki je prav tako v rokah Ruperta Murdocha. Pri časopisu je pomagal ustvarjati novo publikacijo The Core, namenjena starim med 18 – 24 let.
Swift je v tem času po ustanovitvi od Concordia tudi sam razširil delovanje v omrežju liberalnega establišmenta, in je postal član od Council on Foreign Relations, 2020 – ; bil član svetovalnega odbora od Millennium Leadership Program pri Atlantic Council, 2016 – 2020; član svetovalnega odbora od Next Generation Leaders pri McCain Institute for International Leadership, 2013 – ; bil član od Advisory Committee on Public-Private Partnerships (SAP3) – State Department, 2016 – 2018; povezan pa je bil tudi s Foreign Policy Initiative. Poleg vseh teh super elitnih povezav, je bil Swift še govorec pri TEDx na temo How to Create Partnerships Between World Leaders.
Swift je od leta 2020 višji svetovalec pri softverskem podjetju Rubicon, kjer je članica uprave super elitna in s CIA tesno povezana Paula Dobriansky, ki je bila med drugim pod-predsednica od National Endowment for Democracy in članica uprave od Atlantic Council. Član od Rubicon je tudi član Thielove ’’PayPal Mafia’’ Jack Selby, ki je upravni direktor pri Thiel Capital, kjer deluje tudi Sebastian Kurz, ki skupaj z Janšo postane častni predsedujoči od International Democratic Union. Selby je dejaven tudi pri Thielovem obveščevalno podatkovnem podjetju Palantir Technologies, ki nastane preko CIA-jinega In-Q-Tel. Thiel, ki je top sredstvo ’’konservativne CIA’’ in je tudi ključni Trumpov svetovalec, je seveda v resnici top globalist.
Nicholas Logothetis je pod-predsedujoči član uprave družinskega mednarodnega konglomerata Libra Group, ki nastane iz podjetja Lomar Shipping, katerega leta 1976 ustanovi njegov oče Michael Logothetis. Ni presenetljivo, da Concordia nastane ravno v času, ko je član uprave Libra Group super elitni John D. Negroponte, prvi direktor od U.S. Intelligence (2005-2007), ki je hkrati tesno povezan tudi s CIA (v 80ih tudi tesen sodelavec William Caseyja; član od OSS Society) in ravno leta 2010 postane član od Trilateral Commission. Negroponte, ki je član od Council on Foreign Relations od leta 1981, postane seveda tudi ustanovni član vodstvenega odbora od Concordia. Pomemben je tudi podatek, da je njegova žena Diana Villiers Negroponte (Council on Foreign Relations; Brookings Institution; Global Leadership Council; Women’s Foreign Policy Group), nekje v obdobju od 2001 – 2015 upraviteljica od Freedom Hosue. Za časa vojne v Vietnamu pa je bil Negroponte uradnik, zadolžen za Vietnam pri National Security Council, ki ga tedaj vodi Henry Kissinger. Kljub temu, da tedaj pride do spora med mlajšim Negropontejem in tedaj že super elitnim Kissingerjem, je danes Negroponte dolgoletni pod-predsedujoči od Kissinger/McLarty Associates, ki je pomembno CIA in korporativno ozadje liberalnega establišmenta. Negroponte, ki prav tako kot družina Logothetis prihaja iz bogate grške ladjedelniške družine, se je šolal na zelo ekskluzivni pripravljalni Phillips Exeter Academy, kjer so se izobraževali Rocekefellerji, Joseph Coors, Mark Zuckerberg in ostali. Negroponte je bil na Yale University član od zelo ekskluzivnega in elitnega Fence Club (deluje do leta 1979) od bratovščine Psi Upsilon, ki je tesno povezana s Skull & Bones. Istočasno sta bila člana kluba še William H. T. Bush (brat kasnejšega CIA direktorja Georgea H. W. Busha) in kasnejši direktor od CIA Porter Goss (Book and Snake). Zanimivo je tudi članstvo od Psi Upsilon, saj so bili njeni vidnejši člani, poleg Negroponta, Gossa in Busha, še Cornelius Vanderbilt III, Albert Perkins (ravnatelj od Phillips Exeter Academy, 1873-1883), William Howard Taft (Skull & Bones), Robert A. Taft (Skull & Bones), William Sloane Coffin (Skull & Bones), Roger Sherman Baldwin Foster (Skull & Bones), Francis Burton Harrison (Skull & Bones), Thomas J. Watson, Nicholas Murray Butler, W. Averell Harriman (Skull & Bones), Archibald MacLeish (Skull & Bones), Anthony Higgins (Skull & Bones), Nelson Rockefeller, Henry L. Stimson (Skull & Bones), Robert O. Anderson, William H. Webster (CIA), Peter Coors, William S. Cohen, William C. Ford, John Kerry (Skull & Bones), Beau Biden (sin Joeja Bidena), kot tudi pisec knjige The DaVinci Code Dan Brown (Phillips Exeter Academy). Iz vseh teh povezav se tudi jasno vidi preplet teh zelo elitnih bratovščin, za katerimi so stale vodilne bankirske in korporativne družine, tesno povezane s Pilgrims Society, Council on Foreign Relations in CIA. Te elitne bratovščine so imele veliko večji pomen nekje do leta 1970/80, kot pa ga imajo verjetno danes, ko so v ozadju mogoče drugačne vrste skrivnih povezav.
Negropone pa je bil kasneje (2016-2018) J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of International Affairs na Elliott School of International Affairs na George Washington University.
Nicholas Logothetis je študiral (2007-2010) ravno na Elliott School of International Affairs na George Washington University, in v tem vmesnem času delal, kot že omenjeno, pripravništvo za Murdochove medije Fox News Channel, British Sky Broadcasting, News Corporation. Danes pa je Nicholas tudi član od Royal Institute of International Affairs.
V tem obdobju 2007 – 2008 so financerji od Elliott School of International Affairs vodilne fundacije ’’liberalne CIA’’, ’’konservativne CIA’’ in vodilne korporacije liberalnega establišmenta –
»American International Group [Maurice Greenberg] … Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry … AXA Foundation. Bank of America. Barclays Americans Corporation. The Boeing Company. Carnegie Corporation of New York … The Coca-Cola Company [Warren Buffett] … Delta Air Lines Foundation [Warren Buffett] … Department of Defense. Department of Education … ExxonMobil Corporation. Fannie Mae Foundation. Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund … The Ford Foundation. Freddie Mac Foundation … The GE Foundation … Goldman Sachs Group … IBM Corporation. Indian American Education Foundation. ING (US) Financial Services Corporation … Johnson & Johnson … Lockheed Martin Corporation … John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The Merck Company Foundation … Merrill Lynch & Company Foundation. Microsoft Corporation … Motorola Foundation … The New York Times Company Foundation … Northrop Grumman Foundation … Robert R. McCormick Tribune Foundation. Shell Oil Company Foundation. Smith Richardson Foundation … The Washington Post Company [Warren NB]«18Elliott School of International Affairs, Annual Report 2007-2008; str. 52
Preko Libra Group je leta 2016 Nicholasov brat George Logothetis financiral Obamovo pro-migrantsko globalno iniciativo Partnership for Refugees, katere partnerji so bile vodilne korporacije in skladi liberalnega establišmenta, tesno povezane s Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission in skupino Bilderberg. George Logothetis pa postane tudi član uprave in ustanovni pokrovitelj Obamovega My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Alliance (propaganda ’’liberalne CIA’’).
Ustanovni člani vodstvenega odbora od Concordia leta 2011
- Aleksander Kwasniewski – Bilderberg Group, 2008; član uprave od Atlantic Council; upravitelj Sorosove International Crisis Group; član od Global Commission on Drug Policy; član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od APCO Worldwide; predsedujoči od Yalta European Strategy; član mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od European Academy of Diplomacy; častni član od Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture; predsedujoči od European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (Milan Kučan); bil član uprave od Burisma Holdings – del ukrajinske v glavnem židovske oligarske mafije, ki je preko Ihorja Kolomoiskyjega povezna z ukrajinskim predsednikom Vladimirjem Zelenskim in skrajno desno skupino Azov; leta 1994 imenovan Global Leader for Tomorrow – World Economic Forum; udeleženec od Munich Security Conference.
- Vaira Vike-Freiberga – članica od European Council on Foreign Relations; ustanovna članica od Club of Madrid (Danilo Türk; Milan Kučan); članica od Global Leadership Foundation; članica od InterAction Council; članica od Global Leaders Council for Reproductive Health – Aspen Institute; članica od Council of Women World Leaders; članica uprave od International Centre for Democratic Transition; članica od European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation; članica od Board of Thinkers – Boston Global Forum; bila članica od Global Commission on Elections, Democracy & Security – International IDEA/Kofi Annan Foundation; bila članica svetovalne uprave od Institute for Cultural Diplomacy; Senior Fellow od Institute of Politics – John F. Kennedy School of Government; bila predsedujoča od High Level Group on Media Freedom and Pluralism – European Commission.
- John Negroponte – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1981 – ; član od Trilateral Commission, 2010 – ; pod-oredsedujoči od Kissinger/McLarty Associates; Middle East Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; član od Intelligence and National Security Alliance; član od OSS Society; ustanovni član od Foreign Affairs Advisory Board – State Department; član od Bretton Woods Committee; predsedujoči od American Council for International Busienss; član ustanovnega odbora od Middle East Investment Initiative; direktor od American Academy of Diplomacy; predsedujoči od Diplomacy Center Foundation; predsedujoči emeritus od Council of the Americas/Americas Society; upravitelj od Asia Society; predsedujoči programskemu odboru od U.S-ASEAN Business Council; bil predsedujoči od French-America Foundation; član uprave od American Democracy Month Council; član od Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity; upravitelj od Appel of Conscience Foundation; udeleženec od Le Cercle.
- Frances Townsend – članica in članica uprave od Council on Foreign Relations; članica izvršnega odbora od Trilateral Commission; upraviteljica od Atlantic Council; članica od Middle East Strategy Task Force – Atlantic Council; upraviteljica od Center for Strategic and International Studies; članica od Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; članica uprave od International Republican Institute; bila članica od CIA External Advisory Board; predsedujoča od Intelligence and National Security Alliance; bila članica od U.S. President’s Intelligence Advisory Board – Bush; bila članica od Director of National Intelligence Senior Advisory Group; članica vodstvenega odbora od Miller Center of Public Affairs; članica svetovalne uprave od National Security Institute – George Mason University; članica od Partnership for a Secure America; upraviteljica od McCain Institute for International Leadership; izvršna članica od Center for Cyber and Homeland Security; bila predsednica od Counter Extremism Project; upraviteljica od New York City Police Foundation; članica uprave od Freeport McMoRan; bila pod-predsednica za korporativne zadeve pri Activision Blizzard (del Sun Valley Meetings).
- Princ Abdul-Aziz bin Talal bin Abdul-Aziz al Saud – savdski princ; član nacionalnega sveta mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations (Princ Turki al Faisal – CIA; David Petraeus – CIA); član od Islamic Finance and The Global Economic Crisis Forum; predsedujoči od Arab Gulf Program for Development; predsedujoči od Arab Council for Childhood and Development; predsedujoči od Center of Arab Woman for Training and Research; predsedujoči od Arab Open University.
- George M. Logothetis – izvršni predsedujoči od Libra Group; član uprave od American Democracy Month Council; član uprave od My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Alliance – Obama Foundation (Nika Kovač – Inštitut 8. marec); član izvršnega odbora pri Hellenic Initiative.
Vidnejši člani svetovalnega odbora od Concordia Summit leta 2022 –
- Princ Abdul-Aziz bin Talal bin Abdul-Aziz al Saud
- José María Aznar
- Jose Manuel Barroso
- Cherie Blair
- Irina Bokova – nekdanja generalna sekretarka od UNESCO, 2009 – 2007; bila Fellow na University of Maryland; med študijem se je udeležila izvršnega programa na John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University; članica uprave od Ban Ki Moon Centre for Global Citizens; članica guvernerske uprave od The Democracy and Culture Foundation (Nicolas Berggruen; Laura Chinchilla; George Papandreou; Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani; Mark Thompson – The New York Times Co.; Stephen Dunbar-Johnson – The New York Times Co.; Bernard-Henri Levy; Ai WeiWei); članica svetovalne uprave od Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (Michael Chertoff; Janez Janša); članica izvršnega odbora od Paris School of International Affairs /PSIA/, SciencePo.
- Ian Bremmer
- Felipe Calderón
- Paula Dobriansky
- Jacob Frankel
- Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
- Jane Harman
- Lord Michael Hastings
- Jeh Johnson
- Muhtar Kent
- Aleksander Kwaśniewski
- Andrew N. Liveris
- Constantine M. Logothetis
- Anita B. McBride
- Carolyn Miles – nekdanja predsednica in generalna direktorica od Save the Children (del ’’liberalne CIA’’); bila so-predsednica od super elitne globalistične/militaristične U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, 2013 – ; članica od Expert Review Panel pri Racial Equity 2030 (globalistična rasno in spolno kvotna propaganda ’’liberalne CIA’’).
- George J. Mitchell
- John D. Negroponte – CIA
- General David H. Petraeus – CIA
- Anders Fogh Rasmussen – udeleženec zasedanj skupine Bilderberg, 2000, 2003, 2014; udeleženec od World Economic Forum, 2004, 2008; panelist pri Global Security Forum, 2009; udeleženec od Munich Security Conference, 2017; član svetovalne uprave od Yalta European Strategy, 2017 – ; udeleženec od Warsaw Security Forum, 2018; strokovnjak pri Schranner Negotiations Institute (Mathias Schranner; David Petraeus; John Kerry; Joschka Fischer; Wolfgang Ischinger; Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg; baronica Catherine Ashton; Martina Hingis); član od Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity (Michael Chertoff; Joe Biden; John D. Negroponte; Victor Pinchuk; Marietje Schaake; Toomas Henrik Ilves; Felipe Calderon; Eileen Donahoe – National Endowment for Democracy); bil govorec pri National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (Eric Schmidt; Steve Chien – JPL; Chris Darby – In-Q-Tel/CIA; Eric Horovitz – Microsoft; Andy Jassy – Amazon; William Mark – SRI; Andrew Moore – Google); član od European Leadership Network; generalni sekretar zveze NATO, 2009 – 2014
- Kevin Rudd
- Frances F. Townsend
- Danilo Türk
- Alvaro Uribe Velez
- Vaira Vike-Freiberga
Partnerske organizacije od Concordia Leadership Council za obdobje 2021 – 2022
»2022 Lexington Summit: … Rubicon Technologies. Salesforce. Visa. Libra Group. Link Strategic Partners … Save the Childern … Winrock International [Rockefeller] … Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue … 2021 Annual Summit: … AT&T. ExxonMobil. Google … Merck … Wallmart … Americares. Berggruen Institute. Care. The Global Fund. Solve … Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue … The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation. Rockefeller Foundation. U.S. Global Leadership Coalition … U.S. Department of State«19; dostop 10.1.2023
Concordia Summit 2011
Prva letna konferenca Concordia Summit 2011
Vidnejši govorci prve Counter-Extremism Conference od Concordia Summit leta 2011 –
George W. Bush –
član od Skull & Bones; so-ustanovitelj od Security and Prosperity Partnership for North America; član od Alfalfa Club; bil član od Council for Excellence in Education; častni član od World Trade Center Memorial Foundation; častni predsedujoči od Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation; pomemben za ustanovitev od Americans for Community and Faith-Centered Enterprises; udeleženec od Council for National Policy, 1999; dobitnik nagrade od Atlantic Council, 2018; dobitnik Freedom Award od International Republican Institute, 2015. Družina Bush je zelo globoka zasidrana v samo CIA omrežje in vpletena v mnoge afere in manipulacije, hkrati pa predstavlja pomembno ozadje liberalnega establišmenta, kot tudi ”konservativne CIA”. Bush je bil predsednik za časa 9/11, o čemer pa več v nadaljevanju.
je zelo tesen Bushev neoliberalni-neokonservativni kolega, ki je bil v obdobju od 2002 – 2010 kolumbijski predsednik, leta 2012 pa postane član od Leadership Council of Concordia. Velez je bil od oktobra do decembra leta 1982 župan mesta Medellin, ki je eden od osrednjih kolumbijskih mafijskih centrov. Leta 2020 ga aretirajo zaradi preiskave njegove vpletenosti v pokole v krajih El Aro in La Granja, ko je bil guverner Antioquije (1995-1998). Leta 1991 preiskovalci od U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency izdajo poročilo o njegovi povezanosti z narkokarteli in Escobarjem. Hkrati pa je Uribe Velez pomemben financer skrajno desnih paravojaških oddelkov smrti. Več o njemu v povezavi.
Aleksander Kwasniewski
John D. Negroponte
kot nekdanji predsedujoči (2002-2004) od 9/11 Commission.
Paula Dobriansky
Frances Townsend
Mikheil Saakashvili
Luis Alberto Moreno
George Logothetis
Anita B. McBride
bila za časa predsednikovanja Busha Jr. njegove posebna pomočnica in bila vodja kabineta Laure Bush, 2005 – 2009. McBride je bila direktorica osebja Bele hiše v administracijah Ronalda Reagana in Georga H. W. Busha, ter bila direktorica od U.S. Speaker’s Bureau pri US Information Agency.
McBride je pri RAND Corporation ustanovila RAND African First Ladies Initiative in Fellowship program. RAND African First Ladies Initiative se kasneje preimenuje v The Global First Ladies Alliance20; dostop 10.1.2023, katerega partnerji so Clinton Foundation, Ford Foundation, CARE Internaitonal, International Planned Parenthood Federation, Rotary International, The Corporate Council on Africa, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, TEDx, Merck, General Electric, RAND Corporation, UN, UN Population Fund.
McBride je služila kot Fellow od First Ladies Initiative pri Bush Institute in služi kot svetovalka pri Laura W Bush Women’s Initiative.
McBride ja višja svetovalka (2009 – ) od George W. Bush Presidential Center, katerega izvršni direktor je David Kramer, ki je tudi član od Council on Foreign Relations, izvršni direktor od Freedom House, predsedujoči od Free Russia Foundation, član uprave od International Republican Institute, član uprave od Refugees International, član uprave od Foreign Policy for America.
McBride je bila članica od US-Afghan Women’s Council (Laura Bush; Hillary Clinton; Paula Dobriansky; Doris Buffett; Pat Mitchell; Dina Habib Powell; Diana Rowan Rockefeller); članica od Women’s Democracy Network – International Republican Institute; bila predseedujoča od J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board; izvršna pri Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies na School of Public Affairs – American University, 2010 – .
General Montgomery C. Meigs
bil poveljnik od NATO Stabilisation Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina, oktober 1998 – oktober 1999; bil do leta 2002 glavni poveljnik od United States Army Europe; svetovalec pri Pentagonu, 2002 – ; redni udeleženec od Munich Security Conference do leta 2002; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 2005 – 2021; bil International Affairs Fellow od Council on Foreign Relations na Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981 – 1982; član od Mitre Corporation; bil član od International Security Advisory Board (General Larry Welch; Richard Garwin; Gary Hart; Graham Allison; Ashton Carter; Robert Gallucci; William Perry; Robert Pfaltzgraff; Chuck Robb; James Schlesinger; William Schneider; Brent Scowcroft; Walter Slocomber ) – State Department, 2011 – ; bil predsednik in generalni direktor od Business Executives for National Security, 2010 – 2013; član od International Executive Service Corps (ustanovitelj in predsedujoči David Rockefeller leta 1964; Sol Linowitz; C. D. Jackson; Frank Pace; William Paley; William Hewitt; Michael Blumenthal; Nicholas Brady; John C. Whitehead; William Rhodes); gostujoči profesor za strateške in vojaške operacije na School of Foreign Service – Georgetown University; vojaški svetovalec pri NBC News, 2008 – .
Democracy and Security International Conference
Izjemno pomembna neokonservativna konferenca Democracy & Security International Conference je potekala leta 2007 v Pragi in se je prepletala s srečanjem od G8 v Heiligendammu. Dogodek, imenovan tudi Neoconservativne International, so organizirali Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI), Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies pri izraelskem Shalem Center in Foundation for Social Analysis and Studies (FAES) od Joseja Marie Aznarja.
Ključna organizacija tukaj je Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI), ki ima svoje začetke pri leta 1998 ustanovljenem programu National Security Assessments Program (NSA), ki je deloval znotraj češkega Civic Institute, ki je ena prvih čeških nevladnih organizacij. NSA Program je organiziral razne konference, kot so NATO and Central European Security in the 21st Century (april 1999), A Tenth Anniversary Assessment of Central European Freedoms (april 2000), Trans-Atlantic Missile Defense and Security Cooperation (april 2001). Ugledni govorci pri Prague Security Studies Institute so bili –
»The distinguished speakers included former CIA Director, Hon. James Woolsey; former U.S. National Security Advisor, Hon. Richard Allen; U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic, John Shattuck [Council on Foreign Relations, 1995 – ; Institute for New Economic Thinking – Soros; Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy – CIA; Central European University – Soros; Humanity in Action; American Civil Liberties Union]; Hon. Richard Perle; prominent Soviet dissident, Vladimir Bukovsky [World Economic Forum, 1977; Cato Institute; Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation; Human Rights Foundation]; former Advisor to the Prime Minister of Poland, Piotr Naimsky; Air Marshal and former Chief of British Defence Intelligence, Sir John Walker [Royal United Services Institute for Defense and Security Studies]; Professor of International Security Studies at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, Dr. Robert Pfaltzgraff, Jr.; German Ambassador Hagen Graf Lambsdorff [German Council on Foreign Relations]; Sorbonne Prof. Franćoise Thom; Director of the Institute for Strategic Studies in Bonn, Dr. Holger Mey [International Institute for Strategic Studies; The Alphen Group; German Council on Foreign Relations; Honorary Ancien – NATO Defense College]; Hon. William F. Martin [Energy Security Group – Council on Foreign Relations; Maintaining Energy Security in a Global Context – Trilateral Commission, 1996; World Resources Institute, 1998 – ; Club of Prague; University for Peace – UN]; Hon. Roger W. Robinson, Jr.; and Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., President of the Center for Security Policy. …
Our scholars also attended the historic NATO summit in November 2002, during which the alliance was substantially expanded. Select students participated in a NATO “mini-summit,” in which they were given rare individual access to important figures in the fields of global security and international affairs, including Hon. Madeleine Albright, former U.S. Secretary of State; Hon. Zbigniew Brzezinski, former U.S. National Security Advisor; Hon. Jeane Kirkpatrick, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN; and Timothy Garton Ash, author, historian, and political scientist.«21Prague Security Studies Institute, 2002-2003; str. 12, 16
So-ustanovitelj od PSSI leta 2002 je bil Rockefellerjev bankir Roger W. Robinson Jr., ki je bil pod-predsednik pri International Department od Chase Manhattan Bank, zadolžen pa je bil za področja Sovjetske zveze, centralne Evrope, vzhodne Evrope in Jugoslavije. Robinson pa je bil tudi osebni kadrovski asistent Davida Rockefellerja. Robinson je bil kot višji direktor od International Economic Affairs pri Reaganovem National Security Council, arhitekt skrivne ekonomske in finančne strategije, ki je pripeljala do padca Sovjetske zveze. V obdobju od 2001 – 2006 je Robinson služil kot predsedujoči in pod-predsedujoči od U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. Robinson je bil predsedujoči (cca. 1996 – 2004) in kasneje svetovalec od William J. Casey Institute na Center for Security Policy (R. James Woolsey; James Schlesinger; Donald Rumsfeld; Dick Cheney; Richard Perle; Fred Ikle; J. Kenneth Blackwell), katerega ustanovitelj in izvršni predsedujoči od leta 1988 je Frank Gaffney Jr. Robinson pa je bil tudi sam član uprave od Center for Security Policy. Poleg tega je Robinson tudi upravitelj od Sarah Scaife and Carthage Foundations, ki je vodilni financer ’’konservativne CIA’’ in hkrati s tem financer močne in vplivne CIA.
Robinson je ustanovitelj, predsednik in generalni direktor od RWR Advisory Group, ki ga marca 2022 kupi Janes Information Services. Janes izdaja publikacije Jane’s Defence Weekly, Jane’s Intelligence Review, za kateri piše vodilni ’’anti-Janša’’ ’’raziskovalni novinar’’ Blaž Zgaga.
Ustanovni člani mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od PSSI od leta 2002 so bili – R. James Woolsey (CIA), Robert Pfaltzgraff, Elie Wiesel, Timothy Garton Ash (European Council on Foreign Relations; Bled Strategic Forum – Centre for European Perspective), Václav Havel, jordanski princ El Hassan bin Talal, Adam Michnik (Journal of Democracy – National Endowment for Democracy), Alexandr Vondra (govorec pri Trilateral Commission, 2002, 2008; Democracy Service Medal – National Endowment for Democracy), Michael Novak (American Enterprise Institute). Vodilni člani ustanovnega izvršnega odbora so poleg Rogerja W. Robinsona, Jr. v glavnem predstavniki omrežja ’’konservativne CIA’’, kot so – Frank Gaffney Jr. (Center for Security Policy; Foundation for Democracy in Iran; Committee for Peace and Security in the Gulf; Council for National Policy; Benador Associates; … one of the “key ideologues who are the nerve center of the Islamophobia network“); Curtin Winsor, Jr. (Chase Manhattan Bank; William H. Donner Foundation; Federation for American Immigration Reform); R. Daniel McMichael (Sarah Scaife & Carthage Foundations; Center for Information Policy Research – Harvard University); Alejandro Chafuen (Mont Pelerin Society, 1980 – ; Atlas Economic Research Foundation, 1985 – 2017; Hispanic American Center of Economic Research, 1996 – ).
Partnerske organizacije od PSSI leta 2007 so bile –
»Atlas Economic Research Foundation. NATO … Konrad Adenauer Stiftung … German Marshall Fund of the United States … Visegrad Fund … Fundación para el Análisis y los Estudios Sociales [Jose Maria Aznar] … Shalem Institute … Center Herzliya«22; dostop 7.7.2007
Zanimiva je tudi zasedba mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora leta 2009, kjer se zgoraj navedenim pridružita še Madeleine Albright in Karel Schwarzenberg (European Council on Foreign Relations).
Financerji od PSSI v obdobju 2012-2013 –
»NATO … Carthage Foundation … Smith Richardson Foundation. Donner Canada Foundation. Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique. Donner Foundation … Heinrich Böll Stiftung … Atlantic Council of the United States … Diana Davis Spencer Foundation«23; str. 19
Financerji od PSSI za obdobje 2018 –
»Sarah Scaife Foundation … Diana Davis Spencer Foundation. National Endowment for Democracy … The William H. Donner Foundation … Inernational Visegrad Fund … Open Society Foundation. International Republican Institute. NATO … KPMG«24; str. 23
Financerji od PSSI za obdobje 2020 –
»GLOBSEC. National Endowment For Democracy … PSSI Washington … The Atlas Economic Research Foundation. Sarah Scaife Foundation«25; str. 21
Vidnejši udeleženci neokonservativne konference Democracy & Security International Conference –
- Peter Ackerman (Top CIA sredstvo za državne udare in barvne revolucije; Council on Foreign Relations; Atlantic Council; Freedom House; U.S. Institute of Peace; Weatherhead Center for International Affairs – CIA; Spirit of America; International Center on Nonviolent Conflict – Fletcher School for Law and Diplomacy; Albert Einstein Institute; CATO Institute; financer od National Endowment for Democracy);
- Sheldon G. Adelson (top sionist; Friends of Israel Defense Forces; Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies; Taglit – Birthright Israel; AIPAC; Republican Jewish Coalition);
- Ronald Dietrich Asmus (pomemben za ekspanzijo zveze NATO; Council on Foreign Relations; RAND Corporation; German Marshall Fund of the U.S.; Truman National Security Project);
- Richard Dearlove (MI6; Bilderberg, 2007; Henry Jackson Society; United Against Nuclear Iran; American International Group; Forstmann Little Conferences);
- Devon Gaffney Cross (sestra Franka Gaffneyja; Bilderberg, 1995; Council on Foreign Relations; Center for Strategic and International Studies; Smith Richardson Foundation; Project for the New American Century);
- Marc Ellenbogen (Global Panel Foundation; Henry Jackson Society; United Press International);
- Reuel Marc Gerecht (CIA; American Enterprise Institute; Foundation for Defense of Democracies; Middle East Initiative – Project for the New American Century; The American Academy in Berlin);
- Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (Center for Strategic and International Studies; European Council on Foreign Relations; Atlantic Initiative; Institute for Strategic Dialogue; German Council on Foreign Relations);
- Vaclav Havel (Orange Circle);
- Toomas Hendrik Ilves (European Council on Foreign Relations);
- Bruce P. Jackson (Council on Foreign Relations; Project for the New American Century; Center for Security Policy; International Institute for Strategic Studies; American Enterprise Institute; U.S. Committee to Expand NATO; Henry Jackson Society; Project on Transnational Democracies; Committee for Liberation of Iraq; Orange Circle; International Commission on the Balkans; Lockheed Martin);
- Josef Joffe (Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg, 1993, 2006; Hoover Institution; International Institute for Strategic Studies; The American Academy in Berlin; American Council on Germany; Aspen Institute Germany World Economic Forum; Die Ziet);
- Garry Kasparov (Bilderberg, 2012; Center for Security Policy; Renew Democracy Initiative; Foundation for Democracy in Russia; Human Rights Foundation);
- Ronald Lauder (Council on Foreign Relations; American-Israel Friendship League; World Jewish Congress; American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee; Anti-Defamation League);
- Joe Lieberman (Council on Foreign Relations; Center for a New American Security; Washington Institute for Near East Policy; Foundation for Defense of Democracies; McCain Institute for International Leadership; Peres Center for Peace);
- Clifford D. May (Council on Foreign Relations; Project for the New American Century; Foundation for the Defense of Democracies; Henry Jackson Society);
- Joshua Muravchik (Council on Foreign Relations; Freedom House; American Enterprise Institute; Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs; New Atlantic Initiative; Project for the New American Century);
- Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Le Cercle, 1978; Intelligence Summit);
- Richard Perle (Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission, 2003 – 2008; Bilderberg, 1983, 1985, 2001-2015; American Enterprise Institute; Foundation for Defense of Democracies; Project for the New American Century; New Atlantic Initiative; Henry Jackson Society; Center for the National Interest; Le Cercle; Munich Security Conference, 1999 – 2003, 20063 2013; World Economic Forum, 1989, 1993, 1995);
- Nina Rosenwald (Council on Foreign Relations; Freedom House; Washington Institute for Near East Policy; Center for Security Policy; Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs; American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC));
- Karel Schwarzenberg (Trilateral Commission; 2001-2015; Bilderberg, 1979-1981, 2008; European Council on Foreign Relations; New Atlantic Initiative; Europaeum; Club of Rome);
- Natan Sharansky (Bilderberg, 2005; Benador Associates; Henry Jackson Society; Renew Democracy Initiative; Institute for Zinoist Strategies; Shalem Center; Le Cercle);
- Stefano Silvestri (Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg, 1978-1982, 1997; European Leadership Network, International Institute for Strategic Studies);
- Veton Surroi (Bilderberg, 2000; Global Leader for Tomorrow – WEF, 1999); Yulia Tymoshenko (Orange Circle – CIA; Council of Women World Leaders)
- Yulia Tymoshenko – (Council of Women World Leaders; Orange Circle; del kroga skorumpiranega mafijskega oligarha Ihorja Kolomoyjskyega, ki je prav tako financer oz. ozadje od Volodimyryja Zelenskyega).
EastWest Institute
EastWest Institute je bil ustanovljen leta 1981 in vseskozi deluje pod močnim Rockefellerjevim vplivom. Inštitut je tesno povezan z odnosi s Sovjetsko zvezo, nato z Rusijo, hkrati pa je inštitut močno dejaven v Centralni Evropi, vzhodni Evropi, Balkanu oz. v jugovzhodni Evropi, kasneje pa je postal še pomemben center za odnose s Kitajsko, v okviru katerega tudi od leta 2009 organizirajo letna srečanja U.S.- China High-Level Political Party Leaders Dialogue. Interesna sfera inštituta pa je tudi Bližnji vzhod in Severna Afrika, kasneje pa posebno pozornost posveti globalnemu sodelovanju v kibernetskem prostoru. Tako od leta 2017 – 2021 inštitut so-upravlja sekretariat od Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (Michael Chertoff; Jospeh Nye; Marietje Schaake; Uri Rosenthal; Carl Bildt), ki je ustanovljen istega leta na Munich Security Conference. Inštitut preneha delovati leta 2021, verjetno je eden od ključnih razlogov smrt ustanovitelja inštituta Johna Edwina Mroza, leta 2014.
Razna programska dela inštituta se nato prenesejo na organizacije, ki so del tega globokega obveščevalnega omrežja, kot so Atlantic Council, Henry L. Stimson Center, George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations in na Observer Research Foundation America. Sam proces prenosa inštituta na te organizacije pa je vodil Jonathan Fanton (Council on Foregin Relations, 1991 – ; Rockefeller Brothers Fund; World Refugee and Migration Council; Jackson Institute for Global Affairs – Yale University; Human Rights Watch; International Center for Transitional Justice), nekdanji predsednik od The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation in varovanec od Elisabeth McCormack (Council on Foreign Relations, 1974 – ; Rockefeller Family Advisors; Population Council; John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; Atlantic Philanthropies; California Institute for Integral Studies), ki je bila zelo pomembna predstavnica Rockefellerjev.26; dostop 19.12.2022
Ustanovitelj, generalni direktor in predsednik inštituta je bil John Edwin Mroz, ki je leta 1983 postal član od Council on Foreign Relations in bil seveda tudi tesno povezan z obveščevalnim ozadjem. Mroz je leta 1981 preko Institute for East West Security Studies, kot se je prvotno imenoval inštitut, postal skrivni kontakt Reaganove administracije s palestinsko organizacijo PLO. Diplomatska naveza je bila prekinjena z začetkom libanonske vojne leta 1982. Mroz je poskušal Arafata prepričati, da PLO prizna Izrael, v zameno pa ZDA priznajo PLO. Mroz je bil svetovalec več kot 20 vladam po celem svetu, vključno z ZDA, Nemčijo, Ukrajino, Turčijo, Poljsko in Rusko federacijo, kot tudi Evropski komisiji, Svetu Evrope, G-8, zvezi NATO in Afriški uniji. Mroz je bil tudi govorec pri World Economic Forum; bil govorec pri International Chamber of Commerce; bil govorec pri World Justice Project. V Sloveniji je bil Mroz tesno povezan z vplivnim britansko/slovenskim ekonomistom Ljubom Sircem, ki je znan predvsem po tem, da je preko britanskega neoliberalnega obveščevalnega omrežja izobraževal bodoče ruske oligarhe. In preko te naveze je Mroz spoznal Sirca.
Predsedujoča emeritusa inštituta leta 2000 sta Sorosovo sredstvo Maarti Ahtisaari in George F. Russell Jr. Russell je bil kot predsedujoči od East West Institute tudi vodja projekta Reframing Perceptions of Islam and Muslims in America, kot tudi so-predsedujoči od Strengthening U.S.-Russian Relations. Russell pa je tudi predsedujoči emeritus od The National Bureau of Asian Research (Carla Hills – CFR; Dennis Blair – CFR) in član uprave od Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Leta 1999 pa je bil Russell so-ustanovitelj in so-predsedujoči od Business-Humanitarian Forum (John C. Whitehead; Robert Zoellick; Susan Cowley – Merck & Co.; Vladimir Fedorovich Petrovsky), katere namen je bil promocija sodelovanja med humanitarnimi organizacijami in zasebnimi podjetji.
Vidnejši predsedujoči emeritusi od EastWest Institute leta 2000 –
- Berthold Beitz (Bilderberg, 1958; 1001 Club; Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung);
- Whitney MacMillan (Trilateral Commission; Council on Foreign Relations; International Peace Institute; Salzburg Global Seminar; Care International; Mayo Clinic; Cargill);
- so-ustanovitelj Ira D. Wallach (United Nations Association; The New York Public Library; People For the American Way Foundation).
Najvidnejši člani uprave inštituta, spadajo v ozko Rockefellerjevo omrežje in hkrati predstavljajo sam vrh liberalnega establišmenta –
- Donald M. Kendall (Council on Foreign Relatins, 1988 – ; Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg, 1992; Center for Strategic and International Studies; Business Group for Latin America; U.S.-USSR Trade and Economic Council; American Committee on U.S. Soviet Relations; World Economic Forum; PepsiCo.; Order of Friendship – Vladimir Putin; Equal Justice Award – NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund), ki je tedaj kot direktor od PepsiCo., skupaj z Rockefellerjevo (David Rockefeller, kot top ozadje od CIA, leta 1963 ustanovi Business Group for Latin America, za boj proti širjenju komunizma, katerega člani so še Donald M. Kendall – PepsiCo., C. Jay Parkinson – Anaconda, Harold S. Geneen – IT&T, Agustín Edwards – El Mercurio, Enno Hobbing – CIA) in Kissingerjevo navezo, družino Edwards in navezo preko CIA (Richard Helms), pomemben za odstranitev čilskega predsednika Allendeja leta 1973.
- John W. Kluge (JP Morgan Chase; James Madison Council; Virginia Neurological Institute; John W. Kluge Foundation; Metromedia Telecommunications, Inc.), ki je Rockefellerjev predstavnik.
- Mustafa V. Koc (Bilderberg, 2004 – 2015; International Advisory Board – Council on Foreign Relations; Internatioal Advisory Council – JP Morgan Chase; Global Leader of Tomorrow – World Economic Forum, 1993; workforce gender diversity figures – World Economic Forum; UN Women), tesno povezan z Rockefellerji.
- Jacques de Larosiere (Bilderberg, 1982; Trilateral Commission, 1984; Group of Thirty; Banque de France; BNP Paribas; European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; International Monetary Fund).
- William H. Luers (Council on Foreign Relations, 1976 – ; Rockefeller Brothers Fund, 1990 – ; The Iran Project; American Academy of Diplomacy; Eurasia Foundation; United Nations Association of the U.S.; Eisenhower Fellowships; School of International and Public Affairs – Columbia University; Salzburg Global Seminar; The Trust for Mutual Understanding), ki je Rockefellerjev predstavnik.
- Klaus Mangold (German Council on Foreign Relations; European Leadership Network; Rothschild GmbH; Rothschild Europe; Rothschild Russia; Ernst & Young; DaimlerChrysler AG; Quelle AG);
- Andrey Nechaev (Russian Financial Corporation).
- Joseph S. Nye, Jr. (Council on Foreign Relations, 1970 – ; Trilateral Commission, 1981 – ; Bilderberg, 1994; Atlantic Council; Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; Center for Strategic & International Studies; Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; Weatherhead Center for International Affairs; Defense Science Board; Foreign Affairs Policy Board; Princeton Project on National Security Henry Jackson Society; Hoover Institution Fellow; American Academy of Diplomacy; The Forum for the Future of Higher Education; World Economic Forum, 1989, 1993, 2013, 2014), zelo pomemben Rockefellerjev predstavnik.
- Condoleezza Rice (Council on Foreign Relations, 1984 – ; Trilateral Commission, 2009 – 2012; Bilderberg. 2008; International Advisory Council – JP Morgna Chase, 2008 – ; Atlantic Council; Aspen Institute; U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; Carnegie Corporation of NY; U.S. Institute of Peace; Hoover Institution Fellow; RAND Corporation; Vulcan Team; American Academy of Diplomacy; Washington Institute for Near Wast Policy; Clements Center for National Security; Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence; Foundation for Excellence in Education; International Rescue Committee; World Economic Forum, 2008), ki je varovanka Georgea Shultza in posledično tesna Rockefellerjeva zaveznica.
- John J. Roberts (Council on Foreign Relations, 1990 – ; Center for Strategic and International Studies; School of International and Public Affairs – Columbia University; US-Russia Business Council; US-EU Poland Action Commission; Bretton Woods Committee; American International Group (AIG); Starr Foundation), ki prihaja iz omrežja top Rockefellerjevega zaveznika Maurica Greenberga.
- John C. Whitehead (Council on Foreign Relations, 1978 – ; Trilateral Commission, 1982 – 1985; Bilderberg, 1984 – 1997; Pilgrims Society; Atlantic Council; Carnegie Corporation of NY; Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; Goldman Sachs Foundation; New America Foundation; Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy; Partnership for Public Service; Brookings Institution; Bretton Woods Committee; Foreign Policy Association; American Academy of Diplomacy; Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies; Busienss Executives for National Security; Partnership for a Secure America; Peres Center for Peace; International Rescue Committee; Global Commission on Drug Policy; United Nations Association; The Nature Conservancy; Eisenhower Fellowships; J. Paul Getty Trust; Goldman Sachs; Campaign for American Leadership in the Middle East), prav tako tesen Rockefellerjev zaveznik.
Leta 2001 se EastWest Institute pridružijo še –
- kot član uprave Stephen B. Heintz (Council on Foreign Relations, 1995 – ; Rockefeller Archives Center; The Iran Project; Partnership for Public Service; U.S,- Muslim Engagement Project; Center for Effective Philanthropy; Dēmos: A Network for Ideas & Action; Munich Security Conference, 2010, 2017), predsednik od Rockefeller Brothers Fund od leta 2001 – .
- častni predsedujoči, kot nekdanji predsednik ZDA George H. W. Bush (Council on Foreign Relations, 1972-1978; Trilateral Commission, 1978 – 1980, 1984; The Carlyle Group; Veterans of the OSS; Association of Former CIA Officers; George Town Club – CIA; Safari Club – CIA; Nugan Hand Bank; International Crisis Group Award, 2009), ki je bil kot pomemben predstavnik od CIA in tudi njen direktor 1976-1977, in predstavlja pravo CIA (Vernon Walters; Ted Shackley; Frank Carlucci III; William Casey) ozadje Reaganovega predsednikovanja in vpleten v številne vojne, podpiranja diktatorjev, atentate, in bančne afere pranja denarja od drog in orožja.
- kot član uprave Wolfgang Ischinger (Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg, 1998 – ; Atlantic Council; European Council on Foreign Relations; International Crisis Group; German Council on Foreign Relations; American Institute of Contemporary German Studies; American Academy Berlin; Atlantik-Brücke; Yalta European Strategy Group; Institute for Strategic Dialogue; Centre for European Reform; European Leadership Network; Dialog Europe-Russia; World Economic Forum), kot ameriški ambasador v ZDA, ki se je tedaj še razvijal v top Rockefellerjevega globalista, kronal pa to svojo vlogo kot član od Trilateral Commission (2008 – ) in kot predsedujoči od Munich Security Conference Foundation (2008-2022), katere konferenc se redno udeležuje od 90ih, predsedujoči pa postane istega leta, kot postane tudi član od Sorosovega European Council on Foreign Relations.
- kot članica uprave Sony Licht (Geneva Centre for Security Policy; Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence; European Cultural Foundation; Robert Bosch Stiftung Fellow), kot predsednica uprave od Fund for an Open SocietyYugoslavia.
- kot član uprave Thorvald Stoltenberg (Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg, 1966, 1970, 1973, 1982, 1994, 1995; International Crisis Group; Global Commission on Drug Policy; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 1989 – 1990; Norwegian Red Cross, 1999-2008; International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), 2003 – ), ki je bil ustanovni član od Trilateral Commission (1973 – 2001) in je prav tako tesno povezan z obveščevalnim omrežjem.
Kasneje postanejo člani uprave inštituta še vodilni ruski oligarh Mikhail Khodorkovsky (osrednja želja Rockefellerjevega establišmenta za ruskega predsednika); Lord George Weidenfeld; Michael Chertoff; general James L. Jones; Ross Perot Jr.; ruski oligarh Alexander Voloshin; nekdanji islandski predsednik Olafur Ragnar Grimsson; nekdanja kanadska premierka Kim Campbell; Zhang Deguang (China Foundation for International Studies; Shanghai Cooperation Organisation), ki postane tudi član svetovalne uprave od Centre for European Perspectives, ki je organizator Blejskega strateškega foruma.
Dobitniki nagrad od East West Institute – vodilni ruski oligarh Anatoly Chubais (varovanec Ljuba Sirca in kasneje posredno tudi Lawrenca Summersa in Jeffreyja Sachsa), 1992; Daniel Patrick Moynihan, 1992; George H.W. Bush, 1995; Leonid Kuchma, 1995; Donald M. Kendall, 1996; Václav Havel, 1997; Helmut Kohl, 1999; George Papandreou, 2000; Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, 2001; David Rockefeller, 2002; John C. Whitehead, 2002; Jean Chrétien, 2002; Javier Solana, 2003; ruski finančni minister Alexei Kudrin, 2004; Anna Lindh, 2004; Tony Blair, 2005; James H. Billington, 2007; Mohammed ElBaradei, 2008; William Perry, 2008; Henry Kissinger, 2008; Sam Nunn, 2008; George Shultz, 2008; kazastanski predsednik Nursultan Nazarbayev, 2009; Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, 2009; s CIA tesno povezani radikalni islamist Fethullah Gülen, 2009; William Cohen, 2013.
Financerji od EastWest Institute
Rockefellerji so tesno povezani z inštitutom in so financerji vse od ustanovitve inštituta. Rockefeller Brothers Fund tako leta 1984 donira $50,00027; str. 32 –
»Throughout the 1980s, the RBF supported the EWI program in U.S.-Soviet relations, providing much-needed general support that enabled it to bring together European, American, and Soviet specialists and officials in a collaborative environment to discuss policy matters and build upon shared concerns.«28; dostop 17.12.2022
Ford Foundation financira inštitut leta 1990 v višini $1,200,000.29; str. 73
Financerji inštituta leta 2000 za Russian Regional Studies Program, ki je izdajal Russian Regional Report (RRR) –
»The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, The Rockefeller Family, The Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies … Daimler-Benz AG, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, and The National Council for Eurasian and East European Research.«30; dostop 22.10.2000
Najpomembnejši financerji inštituta od leta 1981 – 2001 –
»Our Most Important Supporters, 1981 – 2001: … The Atlantic Philanthropies. Carnegie Corporation of New York. Coca-Cola Foundation. Compton Foundation … The Ford Foundation … German Marshall Fund … The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation … The Alfred Krupp von Bolten und Halbach Foundation. John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. The Knight Foundation. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Charles Stewart Mott Foundation … Open Society Institute. The Pew Charitable Trusts. Ploughshares Fund … Rockefeller Brothers Fund. The Russell Family Foundation. Sasakawa Peace Foundation … The Fritz Thyssen Stiftung. The Tisch Foundation. The Starr Foundation … Individuals: … Donald M. Kendall. John W. Kluge … Rockefeller Family and Associates … John C. Whitehead … Governments and Multilateral organizations: … Italy … OECD. Sweden/SIDA … Switzerland … USAID. Corporations: … American International Group … AT&T. BP Amoco. Cargill. CBS. Citibank. DaimlerChrysler Corporation. Eni. ExxonMobil Corporation. Frank Russell Company. IBM Corporation. ING Bank. Johnson & Johnson. Kohlberg Kravis Roberts. Lukoil … PepsiCo. Inc. … 3M. UBS Brinson.United Technologies. Yukos [Mikhail Khodorkovsky]«31Dve letno poročilo od EastWest Institute, 2000-2001; str. 31
Financerji inštituta v obdobju 2007-2008 –
»Corporations: Allen & Company LLC [tesno povezana s Trilateral Commission, The Coca-Cola Co. in s CIA]. American International Group, Inc. [Maurice Greenberg] … Chevron Corporation. The Coca-Cola Company [najpomembnejši lastnik Warren Buffett; tesna povezava z Allen & Co. In s Trilateral Commission] … ENI S.p.a. General Electric Company … JP Morgan Chase & Co. [Rockefeller] … Motorola Inc. … Norilsk Nickel [Vladimir Potanin; Oleg Deripaska] … PepsiCo. Inc. … Siemens … Foundations and Trusts: … S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation [tesne povezave s CIA] … John W. Kluge Foundation … Charles Stewart Mott Foundation … Ploughshares Fund … Rockefeller Brothers Fund … The Russell Family Foundation … The Starr Foundation [Maurice Greenberg] … Walter P. & Elisabeth Stern Foundation … The Whitehead Foundation … Individuals and Families: Herbert Allen III [Allen & Co.] … Stephen B. Heintz [Rockefeller Brother Fund] … David Rockefeller … Ross and Sarah Perot [Jr.] [družina Perot je tesno povezane s CIA]… $500,000 … Public Sector and Non-profits: … German Federal Foreign Office … Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)«32EastWest Institute, Annual Report 2007-2008, str. 27-29
Rockefellerji ostanejo ključni financerji inštituta vse do konca, pri tem pa so ključni financerji organizacije iz omrežja ’’liberalne CIA’’, vojaške korporacije in pomembni predstavniki iz ozadja CIA, kot je to razvidno iz letnega poročila iz leta 2019 –
»CHAIRMAN’S SOCIETY: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) … Sarah and H. Ross Perot, Jr [CIA]. Shelby Cullom Davis Trust [del ’’konservativne CIA’’]. PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY: China-United States Exchange Foundation … The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies [Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace] … JPMorgan Chase [Rockefeller]. Kaspersky. Microsoft. The Starr Foundation. AMBASSASDOR’S SOCIETY: … Johnson & Johnson … PEACEKEEPER’S SOCIETY: … Ronald S. Lauder … Rockefeller Brothers Fund … INSIDER’S CIRCLE: … General Dynamics Corporation. Vartan Gregorian … Raytheon … Susan and David Rockefeller … William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Frank G. Wisner [CIA]«33EastWest Institute, Annual Report 2019; str. 28
European Council on Foreign Relations
Vidnejši člani od ECFR –
Jean-Claude Trichet | Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg; Peterson Institute for International Economics; Bretton Woods Committee; Group of Thirty; Bank for International Settlements; Institute for International Finance; European Banking Congress; European Institute; Bruegel; French Institute for International Relations; Aspen Institute of France; Salzburg Global Seminar Fellow; European Association for Banking and Financial History – Rothschild; International Monetary Conference; World Economic Forum; The Economic Club; Fortune Global Forum; Ambrosetti Forum; Goldman Sachs; PIMCO |
Romano Prodi | Bilderberg; Berggruen Institute on Governance; European Round Table of Industrialists; European Banking Congress; InterAction Council – Turk; Club de Madrid – Turk; World Economic Forum; The Economic Club; Ambrosetti Forum |
Pascal Lamy | Bilderberg; Berggruen Institute on Governance; Center for China and Globalization; Notre Europe; Centre for European Reform; Friends of Europe; Salzburg Global Seminar Fellow; Paris Peace Forum; Women Political Leaders; World Economic Forum; World Leaders Forum; Forum Agenda 2011 – German Marshall Fund; President Biden: You can be the Climate President – pismo |
Martti Ahtisaari | Eden od pomembnejših Sorosevih agentov; Bilderberg; International Crisis Group; Club of Madrid; Open Society Foundations; EastWest Institute; Mo Ibrahim Foundation; World Economic Forum; Clinton Global Initiative; World Leaders Forum; Israel Council on Foreign Relations; Blejski strateški forum; National Committee on American Foreign Policy Award |
Wolfgang Ischinger | Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg; Atlantic Council; Munich Security Conference; International Crisis Group; American Institute for Contemporary German Studies; Atlantik-Brucke – Young Leader; American Academy in Berlin; EastWest Institute; German Council on Foreign Relations; Centre for European Reform; European Leadership Network; Global Zero; Dialogue Europe-Russia; Institute for Strategic Dialogue; Women Political Leaders; World Economic Forum; Halifax International Security Forum; German-British Forum; Europeaum – Elliott Abrams; Globsec; Paris Peace Forum |
Carl Bildt | Top Sorosevo sredstvo; Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg; Middle East Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; International Crisis Group; Council for the Future of Europe – Berggruen Institute on Governance; Committee for the Liberation of Iraq; Centre for European Reform; European Policy Centre; Friends of Europe; Centre for European Policy Analysis; Club of Madrid; Global Leadership Foundation; Global Zero; Centre for International Governance Innovation; Orange Circle – NED; International Advisory Group – Ukraine; New Europe Centre – Ukraine; Global Commission on Internet Governance; Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace; Intellibridge Expert Network; RAND Corporation – Pentagon; Wallenberg Foundations; World Economic Forum; McCain Institute for International Leadership; Pi Capital; Global Security Forum – Globsec; Institute of International and European Affairs; Warsaw Security Forum; Forum Agenda 2011 – German Marshall Fund; Blejski strateški forum |
Joschka Fischer | Visiting Diplomat – Council on Foreign Relations; Bilderberg; Aspen Atlantic Group – Aspen Institute; International Crisis Group; Albright Stonebridge Group; Munich Security Conference; World Economic Forum; Europeaum – Elliott Abrams; Institute for National Security Studies; Israel Council on Foreign Relations; E.U.-Israel Forum |
Grof Alexander Lambsdorff | Fulbright Scholar; Trilateral Commission; Atlantic Initiative; German Council on Foreign Relations; Atlantik-Brücke; European Endowment for Democracy; Cercle de Lorraine; International Journalist’s Programme; Friedrich Naumann Stiftung; NATO Parliamentary Assembly; Ludwig von Mises Institute; Munich Security Conference; Forum Agenda 2011 – German Marshall Fund |
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer | Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg; American European Community Association; International Centre for Counter – Terrorism; Friends of Europe; Centre for European Policy Studies; Oost – West Instituut; Jong Atlantisch Samenwerkings Orgaan Nederland; Bahrain Center for Strategic, International and Energy Studies (DERASAT); Action Ukraine Report – U.S. Ukraine Business Council; Minerva bratovščina; Munich Security Conference; World Economic Forum; nekdanji generalni sekretar zveze NATO |
Karel Schwarzenberg | Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg; Europaeum; Club of Rome; Friends of Israel Initiative; International Committee for Democracy in Cuba; Munich Security Conference; Globsec; Salzburg Global Seminar; Israel Council on Foreign Relations; Herzliya Conference |
Javier Solana | Fulbright Scholar; Council on Foreign Relations – IAB; Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg; Aspen Institute Spain; International Crisis Group; Notre Europe; Friends of Europe; Munich Security Conference; World Economic Forum; Commonwealth Club of California; Group of 50; Institute of European and International Affairs; nekdanji generalni sekretar zveze NATO |
Ana Palacio | Council on Foreign Relations – GAB; Trilateral Commission; Atlantic Council; Aspen Atlantic Group – Aspen Institute; Initiative for a Renewed Transatlantic Partnership – CSIS; Carnegie Corporation of New York; United Against Nuclear Iran; Institute for Strategic Dialogue; Energy Futures Initiative; Albright Stonebridge Group; World Justice Project; Institute for Human Sciences – Soros; Jerusalem Summit; Investcorp |
Aleksander Kwaśniewski | Bilderberg; Atlantic Council; International Crisis Group; Club de Madrid – Turk; European Academy of Diplomacy – NED; APCO Worldwide – Open Russia Foundation; Dialog Europe-Russia; Bursima Holdings – Ihor Kolomoyskyi; Global Commission on Drug Policy; Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture; European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation; Munich Security Conference; World Economic Forum; Concordia Summit – Turk; Warsaw Security Forum; World Leaders Forum – Turk; Burisma – Hunter Biden |
Radosław Sikorski | Bilderberg; American Enterprise Institute; Counter Extremism Project; New Atlantic Initiative; Center for European Policy Analysis; European Academy of Diplomacy; Justice for Kurds Network of Student Ambassadors; Intellibridge; Munich Security Conference; McCain Institute for International Leadership; Globsec; Warsaw Security Forum; Forum Agenda 2011 – German Marshall Fund |
António Guterres | Friends of Europe; Club de Madrid; International Peace Institute; International Gender Champions; Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; Dag Hammarskjöld Fund for Journalists; World Economic Forum; Clinton Global Initiative; Socialist International; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
Jonas Gahr Støre | International Crisis Group; World Economic Forum; TED Conferences; njegova mentorja sta z liberalnim establišmentom tesno povezana Gro Harlem Brundtland in Jens Stoltenberg |
Connie Hedegaard | Bilderberg; Friends of Europe; European Climate Foundation; KR Foundation; OECD’s Round Table for Sustainability |
Toomas Hendrik Ilves | Center for European Policy Analysis; Warsaw Security Forum; Free Russia Foundation; Oslo Freedom Forum; World Economic Forum; Globsec; National Democratic Institute Award; Atlantic Council Award |
Tarja Halonen | Club de Madrid; Council of Women World Leaders; Women Political Leaders; Sustainable Development Solutions Network; Club of Rome; Seta – LGBT; Clinton Global Initiative |
Margot Wallström | International Crisis Group; Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice; International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance; The Enough Project; Institute for Human Rights and Business; International Gender Champions; Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy |
Françoise Tulkens | European Court of Human Rights; King Baudouin Foundation; Clooney Foundation For Justice; High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom; United Nations Human Rights Advisory Panel for Kosovo |
Daniel Sachs | Royal Institute of International Affairs; Open Society Foundations; Apolitical Academy Global; World Economic Forum |
Sebastian Kurz | Thiel Capital – CIA; European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation; MyEurope; Munich Security Conference; Globsec; European Forum Alpbach |
Wolfgang Schüssel | Global Leadership Foundation; Global Agenda Council on Public Finance and Social Protection Systems – World Economic Forum; Club of Madrid; European Policy Centre; Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies; United Europe; Konrad Adenauer Foundation – tesno povezan z NED; Bertelsmann Stiftung; Dialogue Europe — Russia Advisory Board; Ambrosetti Forum; Delphi Economic Forum; Investcorp; Lukoil |
Kristalina Georgieva | World Economic Forum; Paris Peace Forum; Women Political Leaders; China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED); International Monetary Fund; World Bank; United Nations Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing; Globsec; Foreign Policy Association Medal |
Ivan Krastev | International Crisis Group; International Institute for Strategic Studies; Robert Bosch Stiftung Fellow; Institute of Human Scienes; Progressive Governance Digital Summit; Forum Agenda 2011 – German Marshall Fund; The New York Times; Journal of Democraties – National Endowment for Democracy; Project Syndicate |
Vaira Vike-Freiberga | Concordia Summit; Global Leadership Foundation; Club of Madrid; European Academy of Diplomacy; European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation; Council of Women World Leaders; World Leaders Forum |
Vesna Pusić | InterAction Council; Institute for Human Sciences – Soros; No Borders Orchestra – financerji Rockefeller, Soros |
Friends of Europe
Leta 1999 ustanovljena organizacija Friends of Europe, je preko svojih vodilnih predstavnikov tesno povezana s skupino Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, European Council on Foreign Relations, kot tudi s predstavniki evropskega parlamenta/evropske komisije. Osrednjo moč in kapital od Friends of Europe, preko njenih vodilnih predstavnikov, kot so super elitni Etienne Davignon, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, baron Daniel Janssen, v resnici predstavlja tisto izrazito pomembno ozadje evropske (prikrite obveščevalne) politike in preko katerega se vrši globalizacija in propaganda ’’liberalne CIA’’, preko vseh možnih aspektov, ne glede na številne negativne posledice in kriminalna dejanja. Friends of Europe je dejansko pod-veja od skupine Bilderberg in Trilateral Commission, ter sestrska organizacija od Sorosove European Council on Foreign Relations. Številni posamezniki pa so tudi tesno povezani z World Economic Forum. Upravitelji od Friends of Europe so še številni (bivši) premierji in vidnejši politiki iz številnih evropskih držav.
Ustanovni predsednik je super elitni Bilderbergovec in Trilateralec Etienne Davignon – obtožen s strani žrtve X2 v obsežni super elitni pedofilski aferi Dutroux, da je bil udeleženec zabav z mladoletnimi dekleti. Poleg tega Davignon tesno povezan z družino Lippens, ki je bila eno od središč te skrajno sadistične pedofilske afere. Davignon pa je hkrati tudi tesen prijatelj od Henryja Kissingerja. Davignonove povezvave, kot član uprave ali član – Council on Foreign Relations, IAB; Kissinger Associates; Center for Strategic and International Studies; Bretton Woods Committee; Atlantic Institute for International Affairs; European Round Table of Industrialists; European Council on Foreign Relations; Centre for European Policy Studies; American European Community Association; Belgian American Educational Foundation; Royal Institute of International Affairs, Belgija; Cercle Gaulois; Jacques Delors Institute; European Institute; Re-Imagine Europa; Center for Dialogues: Islamic World-U.S.-The West; Forum for a Responsible Globalization; Belgian Kids Fund for Pediatric Research; Kofi Annan Business School Foundation; Anglo American; Suez Group; Solvay; Societe Generale de Belgique; PlaNet Finance Group; Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Predsednik guvernerske uprave je prav tako Bilderbergovec in Trilateralec Thomas Leysen, ki je član od European Round Table of Industrialists, hkrati tudi predsedujoči od King Baudouin Foundation, ki je pomemben financer ”liberalne CIA”.
Vidnejši upravitelji so še (opomba – spodaj navedeni so člani uprav, člani ali udeleženci konferenc pri navedenih organizacijah) –
- Carl Bildt – vodilni Sorosov agent.
- Joaquín Almunia – Bilderberg Group; European Council on Foreign Relations; European Movement International; Centre for European Reform; The European House – Ambrosetti; European Policy Centre; Jacques Delors Institute; World Economic Forum.
- Baroness Valerie Amos – Royal Institute of International Affairs; Mastercard Foundation; Mo Ibrahim Foundation; Task Force on Humanitarian Access – Center for Strategic & International Studies; United Nations Development Programme; World Economic Forum.
- Franziska Katharina Brantner – European Council on Foreign Relations; EastWest Institute; European Movement International; New Pact for Europe; European Policy Centre; Heinrich Böll Foundation.
- John Bruton – Trilateral Commission; Global Leadership Foundation; Club de Madrid; Centre for European Policy Studies; Centre for Transatlantic Relations; Institute of International and European Affairs; PIMCO Europe; Eli Lilly & Co.
- Pat Cox – Bilderberg Group; International Crisis Group; Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe; Institute of International and European Affairs; MyEurope; Yalta European Strategy; European Movement International; European Movement Ireland; KPMG.
- Alexander De Croo – Europe Policy Group – World Economic Forum; European Investment Bank; European Stability Mechanism; African Development Bank; Asian Development Bank; European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
- Jaap de Hoop Scheffer – Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg Group; European Council on Foreign Relations; American European Community Association; Centre for European Policy Studies; International Centre for Counter-Terrorism; Bahrain Center for Strategic, International and Energy Studies; Oost-West Instituut; Munich Security Conference; World Economic Forum.
- Anna Diamantopoulou – Trilateral Commission; European Council on Foreign Relations; European Movement International; Foundation for European Progressive Studies; Delphi Economic Forum; Institute for Cultural Diplomacy – Janez Janša; Richard von Weizsäcker – Fellow at the Robert Bosch Stiftung; Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company.
- Sorin Ducaru – European Council on Foreign Relations; Munich Security Conference; Cybersec Forum.
- Tanja Fajon – European Council on Foreign Relations; Transatlantic Policy Network; Adriatic Council – Trilateral Commission.
- Sylvie Goulard – Trilateral Commission; Berggruen Institute; European Council on Foreign Relations; European Policy Centre; Centre for European Reform; Institute for European Politics; New Pact for Europe; Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe; French Institute of International Relations.
- Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović – Trilateral Commission; Concordia Summit – Danilo Türk; Globsec; NATO Defense College Foundation; Halifax International Security Forum; Women Political Leaders; Council of Women World Leaders; 2019 Fulbright Lifetime Achievement award.
- Dalia Grybauskaitė – Club de Madrid; Women World Leaders; World Leaders Forum; Concordia Summit.
- Elisabeth Guigou – Trilateral Commission; European Council on Foreign Relations; Jacques Delors Institute; French Institute of International Relations; Paris School of International Affairs; The Hague Institute for Global Justice; World Economic Forum; World Policy Conference.
- Connie Hedegaard – Bilderberg Group; European Council on Foreign Relations; Club of Rome; European Policy Centre; European Climate Foundation; KR Foundation; Africa Europe Foundation; Volkswagen Sustainability Council.
- Toomas Hendrik Ilves – European Council on Foreign Relations; Munich Security Conference; Hoover Institution; Global Futures Council on Blockchain Technology – The World Economic Forum; Alliance for Securing Democracy – German Marshall Fund; Center for European Policy Analysis; Globsec; Free Russia Foundation; NDI Democracy Award – National Democratic Institute; Freedom Award – Atlantic Council; World Leaders Forum; Concordia Summit.
- so-ustanovitelj Baron Daniel Janssen – Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg Group; 1001 Club; European Round Table of Industrialists; Per Jacobsson Foundation; American European Community Association; Belgian American Educational Foundation; Cercle Gaulois; Fondation Francqui – Stichting; Club of Rome; Royal Institute of International Affairs, Belgija; Institut Europeen d’Administration des Affaires (INSEAD); Solvay.
- Jean-Claude Juncker – Club de Madrid; European Policy Centre; World Economic Forum.
- Ilham Kadri – European Round Table of Industrialists; The B Team; World Business Council for Sustainable Development; International Business Council; Solvay; L’Oréal; Catalyst.
- Kaja Kallas – European Council on Foreign Relations; Women Political Leaders; Council of Women World Leaders; Women Economic Forum.
- Sony Kapoor – Young Global Leader – World Economic Forum; Honorary Fellowship – George Soros; Re-Define; Senior Fellow – E3G; Green Finance – UN.
- Miroslav Lajčák – European Council on Foreign Relations; European Leadership Network.
- Pascal Lamy – Bilderberg Group; European Council on Foreign Relations; 21st Century Council – Berggruen Institute on Governance; Council for the Future of Europe – Berggruen Institute; EU-China Economic Relations – Royal Institute of International Affairs; Jacques Delors Institute; Centre for European Reform; European Policy Centre; Distinguished Fellow – Centre for Economic Policy Research; European Centre for International Political Economy; Collegium International; Forum for a Responsible Globalization; Center for China and Globalization; Hong Kong/Europe Business Council; Paris Peace Forum; Women Political Leaders; World Economic Forum; World Leaders Forum; President Biden: You Can be the Climate President.
- Yves Leterme – Kofi Annan Foundation; Volkswagen Sustainability Council.
- Linas Antanas Linkevičius – European Council on Foreign Relations; Center for European Policy Analysis; Eastern European Studies Centre.
- Magid Magid – sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’.
- Cecilia Malmström – Trilateral Commission; Peterson Institute for International Economics; European Council on Foreign Relations; Migration Policy Institute; Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation; Covington & Burling; World Economic Forum.
- David McAllister – German Council on Foreign Relations; Fellow – German Marshall Fund of the U.S.; European Leadership Network; Institute for European Politics; Konrad Adenauer Foundation; European Endowment for Democracy.
- Carlos Moedas – Trilateral Commission; European Council on Foreign Relations; Jacques Delors Institute; Re-Imagine Europa; Africa Europe Foundation; Aga Khan University; UNESCO; Goldman Sachs; Suez Group; World Economic Forum.
- Federica Mogherini – Rockefeller Brothers Fund; Munich Security Conference; International Crisis Group; Global Commission for Post-Pandemic Policy; Fellow – Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; Fellow – German Marshall Fund of the U.S.; European Policy Centre; European Leadership Network; Istituto Affari Internazionali; Africa Europe Foundation; The Cairo Review of Global Affairs; World Economic Forum; Bled Strategic Forum.
- Mario Monti – Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg Group; Atlantic Council; American European Community Association; EU-China Economic Relations – Royal Institute of International Affairs; Centre for European Reform; Council for the Future of Europe – Berggruen Institute; Distinguished Fellow – Center for Economic and Policy Research; Club of Madrid; European Movement International; Ambrosetti Forum; Spinelli Group; Transparency International; European Investment Bank; Goldman Sachs; The Coca-Cola Company; Moody’s; World Economic Forum.
- Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones – Bilderberg Group; International Institute for Strategic Studies; Ditchley Foundation; Royal United Services Institute for Defense and Security Studies; Centre for Euroepan Reform; European Leadership Network; Intelligence Summit; United Against Nuclear Iran; International Institute for Counter-Terrorism; QinetiQ – George Tenet/CIA; Munich Security Conference; Halifax International Security Forum; Globsec.
- Alojz Peterle – Jacque Delors Institute; Convention on the Future of Europe; International and Security Affairs Centre; World Forum for Ethics in Business; Institute for Cultural Diplomacy; Bled Strategic Forum.
- Hans-Gert Pöttering – Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung; European Movement International; Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies; Reimagine Europa; House of European History.
- Paul Révay – Trilateral Commission; East West Bridge International; Informal Advisory Group – United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
- Joachim Rogall – Robert Bosch Stiftung; Association of German Foundations.
- Jacek Saryusz-Wolski – European Policy Centre; Polish Institute of International Affairs; German-Polish-Ukrainian Society; Orange Revolution – CIA; Ukrainian Advisory International Council of Reforms.
- Marietje Schaake – Cyber Security Center – Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies; European Council on Foreign Relations; Real Facebook Oversight Board; Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence; CyberPeace Institute; Center for Humane Technology; Design 4 Democracy Coalition; Centre for European Policy Studies; European Leadership Network; Royal Institute of International Affairs; PubLeaks Foundations; Digital Freedom Fund; Prince Claus Fund; Alliance for Securing Democracy – GMF; Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity; Transatlantic High Level Working Group; Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy; Information and Democracy Working Group – Reporters Without Borders; Global Future Council – World Economic Forum; Young Global Leader – World Economic Forum; Eurasia Group; Munich Security Conference; Concordia Summit.
- Javier Solana – Council on Foreign Relations – GAB; Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg Group; Munich Security Conference; Distinguished Fellow – Brookings Institution; International Crisis Group; European Council on Foreign Relations; Fellow – Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; Aspen Institute Spain; Jacque Delors Institute; European Leadership Network; Global Commission on Drug Policy; Global Leadership Foundation; Centre for Geopolitics – Cambridge University; Institute of Modern International Relations – Tsinghua University; Centre of Human Dialogue; Fulbright Scholar; Yalta European Strategy; Elcano Royal Institute for International and Strategic Studies; Human Rights Watch; British Petroleum; World Economic Forum.
- Christos Stylianides – European Council on Foreign Relations; World Economic Forum; 2021 Climate Change Conference.
- Helle Thorning-Schmidt – Council on Foreign Relations – GAB; Trilateral Commission; Atlantic Council; Center for Global Development; International Crisis Group; 21st Century Council – Berggruen Institute; European Council on Foreign Relations; Facebook Oversight Board; Centre for European Policy Studies; Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship; Global Leadership Foundation; Council of Women World Leaders; Save the Children; Every Woman, Every Child Global Strategy UN Advisory Group; World Economic Forum; Clinton Global Initiative.
- Baron Frans van Daele – Trilateral Commission; Distinguished Fellow – Nietze School of Advanced International Studies; American European Community Association; Foundation Jean Monnet; Royal Association of Belgian Nobility; vodja kabineta belgijskega kralja; World Policy Conference.
- Herman Van Rompuy – Trilateral Commission; American European Community Association; Club de Madrid; Club of Budapest; New Pact for Europe; European Policy Centre; My Europe; Munich Security Conference; World Leaders Forum – Columbia University.
- Guy Verhofstadt – Council for the Future of Europe – Berggruen Institute; The WorldPost Advisory Council – Berggruen Institute; European Movement International; Club of Madrid; European Leadership Network; New Pact for Europe; European Institute for Public Administration; Planet First Partners.
Upravitelj od Friends of Europe je bil tudi Karel van Miert (Bilderberg Group; European Policy Centre; Goldman Sachs; Anglo-American Corporation; Eli Lilly; Solvay), ki je prav tako kot Etienne Davignon s strani žrtve X2 obtožen, da je bil udeleženec super elitnih zabav, kjer so zlorabljali mladoletna dekleta. V pedofilsko afero Dutroux, pa so vpletene še družine Janssen (Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg Group; Friends of Europe), Lippens, de Launoit, Selliers De Moranville, ki so vse, tako kot Etienne Davignon povezane z Belgian Kids fund for Pediatric Research. To omrežje pa je tesno povezano tudi z vodilnim belgijskim podjetjem Solvay (Boël; Davignon; van Miert; Janssen; Selliers de Moranville; Solvay). V afero Dutroux pa so bili poleg omenjenih, vpleteni še številni vodilni predstavniki belgijske aristokracije – Princ Laurent; kralj Baudouin; kralj Albert II; družina de Merode; brata Vanden Boeynants in baron de Bonvoisin – vsi vodilni predstavniki belgijskega fašističnega (obveščevalnega) podzemlja – policije, sodstva in politike. In ni presenečenje, da so ravno to osebe, ki stojijo za t.i. ’’vladavina prava’’, pro-migracijskimi stališči in ’’super človekovimi pravicami’’, ki jih tako opevajo razna sredstva ’’liberalne CIA’’ in Evropska komisija.
Leta 2016 so Friends of Europe sklenili strateško partnerstvo z McKinsey Global Institute (del od CFR), ki je pomemben financer in propagandist ’’liberalne CIA’’. Davignon pa postane sodnik pri MGI Essay Prize: An Opportunity for Europe, katere predsedujoči je Davignonov kolega Pascal Lamy.
Kar se tiče samega financiranja organizacije, je to zelo netransparentno, razen, da so očitno delni financerji sami upravitelji. Je pa glede na povezave vodilnih posameznikov sklepati, da vodilni financerji prihajajo iz omrežja, ki so tudi financerji oz. partnerji od skupine Bilderberg in Trilateral Commission. So pa za leto 2005 vidni njihovi partnerji. To so –
»Adecco … APCO Europe … British Petroleum … British American Tobacco … Deutsche Post … Exxon Mobil … IBM … Institute of International and Strategic Studies … McKinsey&Company … Microsoft … Novartis … Open Society Foundation … Pfizer … Royal Institute for International Relations … Standard & Poor’s … The Coca-Cola Company … The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung … The Stefan Batory Foundation [Open Society Foundations] … Unilever … Visa Europa … Volvo … Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung … European Movement … European Commission«34
Institute of International Finance
Institute of International Finance je bil ustanovljen leta 1983 s strani pomembnega Rockefellerjevega mednarodnega bankirja Williama S. Ogdena, ki je bil pod-predsedujoči od Chase Manhattan Bank. Hkrati pa je Ogden tudi član od Council on Foreign Relations (1974 – 1997) in član od Pilgrims Society. Ogden je bil tudi član uprave od Rockefellerjevega Council of the Americas / Americas Society, ki ima na začetku tesne povezave s CIA.
»The IFF was formed earlier this year by a group of private [bankers] in the wake of debt problems by large country borrowers. It hopes to facilitate gathering of economic information on country borrowers and to aid the flow of information between lenders and borrowers.«35
Vse to potrjuje, da je Institute of International Finance del Rockefellerjevega mednarodnega bančnega omrežja, preko katerega se nadzorujejo mednarodne finance in zadolžujejo države (tretjega) sveta. Kljub temu, da ni dostopnih informacij o vseh začetnih članih uprave inštituta, kateri dejansko deluje kot neke vrste klirinška hiša za mednarodni dolg, je dejstvo, da inštitut deluje kot podaljšana veja od Trilateral Commission. Na začetku to potrjuje sam William Ogden, ki prihaja iz Chase Manhattan Bank, ki je preko Davida Rockefellerja osrednji steber od Trilateral Commission. Kasneje pa to potrjujejo številni člani uprave, ki so člani od Trilateral Commission ali pa prihajajo iz vodilnih multinacionalnih bank, ki imajo svoje vodilne predstavnike pri Trilateral Commission.
Številni člani uprave od IIF pa so prav tako tesno povezani z Group of Thirty, ki nastane leta 1978 preko ustanovnega financiranja od Rockefeller Foundation. Prvi predsedujoči od Group of Thirty je nizozemski bankir Johannes Witteveen, ki je v obdobju od 1973 – 1978 upravni direktor od IMF. Witteveen, ki je tesno povezan z Rockefellerji, postane tudi upravitelj od Rockefeller Foundation, ter je skupaj Davidom Rockefellerjem eden od ključnih ustanoviteljev od Group of Thirty.
IIF je ustanovljen maja leta 1982 na srečanju mednarodnih bankirjev v Ditchley Park, na sedežu od Ditchley Foundation, ki je del anglo-ameriškega globokega omrežja od skupine Bilderberg. Uradno je IIF ustanovljen s strani 38 bank vodilnih industrijskih držav in stoji na I Street, zraven IMF. Inštitut je nastal tudi kot odziv na mednarodno dolžniško krizo na začetku 80ih in hkrati tudi predstavlja ozadje od IMF. Takratni upravni direktor od IMF (1978 – 1987) Jacques De Larosière je pomemben podpornik ustanovitve inštituta in tudi udeleženec ustanovnega srečanja. Prav tako maja 1982, ko poteka ustanovni sestanek od IIF, se De Larosière udeleži zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, leta 1984 pa je udeleženec srečanja od Trilateral Commission v Washingtonu pri Ronaldu Reaganu. Prav tako se leta 1984 De Larosière udeleži zasedanja od skrivne International Monetary Conference (IMC), ki se je udeležijo tudi vodilni Rockefellerjev ekonomist Paul Volcker, Walter B. Wriston (Bilderbeg, 1962, 1968, 1988) iz Citigroup in Wilfried Guth (Group of Thirty) iz Deutsche Bank.36 Temi zasedanja od IMC leta 1984 sta bili zgornja mednarodna obrestna mera in dajanje posojil najbolj zadolženim državam. De Larosière, ki kasneje postane član uprave od IIF, postane leta 1992 tudi član uprave od Group of Thirty. Nato je služil kot guverner od Banque de France, 1987 – 1993. V obdobju od 1993 – 1998 pa je De Larosiere predsednik od European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Leta 2021 postane svetovalec od BNP Paribas.
Udeleženci ustanovnega zasedanja pri Ditechley Foundation, preko katerega nastane Institute of International Finance,37Institute of International Finance. The first 25 years. Chapter 1, str. 2. so v višji predstavniki bank, ki so v glavnem del Trilateral Commission in Pilgrims Society. Poleg Ogdena je najpomembnejši udeleženec zasedanja nizozemski banki H. Onno Ruding, ki leta 1993 postane član od Trilateral Commission.
So-predsedujoča –
- William S. Ogden – Chase Manhattan Bank [del Pilgrims Society; del CFR; del Trilateral Commission]
- Peter Leslie – Barclays [del Pilgrims Society]
Udeleženci –
- Lord A. R. Barber – Midland Bank [del Trilateral Commission]
- A. Blank – Algemene Bank Nederland [ABN Amro – del Trilateral Commission]
- Werner Blessing – Deutsche Bank [del Trilateral Commission]
- George J. Clark – Citicorp/Citibank [del Pilgrims Society; del Trilateral Commission]
- C. Todd Conover – Reaganov kontrolor valute
- W. Peter Cooke [namestnik predsedujočega od Chatham House] – Bank of England [del Pilgrims Society]
- Jacque De Larosière – upravni direktor od IMF
- C. David Finch – IMF
- T. A. Green – National Westminster Bank [del Trilateral Commission]
- Takeo Kani – Industrial Bank of Japan [del Trilateral Commission]
- Axel Kollar – West Deutsche Landesbank
- Francis Mason – Chase Manhattan Bank
- Eiichi Matsumoto – Bank of Tokyo [del Trilateral Commission]
- Donald McCouch – Manufacturers Hanover [del Pilgrims Society]
- William McDonough – First National Bank of Chicago
- Neil J. McMullen – National Planning Association
- Paul Mentre de Loye – IMF
- Alfred F. Miossi – Continental Illinois
- Kazuo Nakamura – Mitsubishi Bank [del Trilateral Commission]
- David O’Nordby – Mellon Bank [del Pilgrims Society]
- Shijuro Ogata – Bank of Tokyo [del Trilateral Commission]
- Grant L. Reuber – Bank of Montreal [del Trilateral Commission]
- Harold Rose – Barclays Bank
- Hans Onno Ruding [član od TC, 1993 – 2011] – Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank
- Winfried Spaeh – Dresdner Bank
- Werner Stange – Morgan Guarnty [del Pilgrims Society]
- Ernest Stern – World Bank
- Walter S. Surrey [tesno povezan z obveščevalnim omrežjem] – Surrey & Morse
- Alexander C. Tomlinson – National Planning Association
- R. A. Utting – Royal Bank of Canada
- Eric Whittle – Lloyds Bank International [del Pilgrims Society]
IIF se kasneje razširi na 490 podjetij iz več kot 70 držav.
»The Institute of International Finance, on I Street around the corner from the International Monetary Fund, is owned by 189 commercial banks that have lent more than half a trillion dollars to developing countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa. About a third of the banks are based in the United States, the rest in 38 other countries. …
The Institute is basically a gatherer of detailed information about the financial position of the debtor countries. It seeks, in Mr. de Lattre’s words, ”to improve the timeliness and quality of information available on sovereign borrowers.” …
It works closely both with the I.M.F. (also an information collector, chiefly for its 146 member governments) and the steering committees of banks that had been set up to work out the rescheduling of debt with about 30 countries. …
Paul Mentre, a former French executive director of the I.M.F., said the bankers’ Institute of International Finance should help ”structure the dialogue between borrowing countries and the banks and reassure small banks that are now a vital part of the international lending process.” …
The Institute of International Finance grew out of a meeting of international monetary officials and private bankers at Ditchley Park, England, in May 1982. The man who had the most to do with its creation is generally acknowledged to be William S. Ogden, former vice chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank.
”I consider Bill Ogden to be my godfather,” Mr. de Lattre said.«38
»Acting on behalf of private creditors, the IIF has played a role in the global financial crisis of 2008 by advocating to relax subsequent attempts of self-regulation, as in the Basel III rules, the debt crises of Latin American, Asia, and the Euro zone. …
In 2011 the IIF was the main negotiating partner of the EU government, acting on behalf of the private creditors of Greece, on its debt restructuring. In the second bailout plan in July, some academics raised issues about its communication about “haircuts” on Greece’s debt (estimates biased upward), and, more generally, the IIF’s undue influence in favor of banks, at the expense of Greece’s future. Felix Salmon said in January 2012 that “the real negotiations are the ones which are certainly going on behind the scenes, between the troika (the EU, the ECB, and the IMF) and the Greeks” (as opposed to between the troika and the IIF), because, ultimately, it is in Greece’s power to default, and may do so in March when €14.4 billion are due for reimbursement.«39
Predsedujoči od IIF –
- William S. Ogden – predsedujoči ustanovnemu odboru in začasni upravi leta 1983.
- Richard D. Hill (1984–1986) – izobraževal se je na zelo elitni Phillips Exeter Academy; predsedujoči in generalni direktor od First National Bank of Boston. Bil član uprave od Raytheon Company. Leta 1982 je bil imenovan za predsednika od skrivne International Monetary Conference, katere se udeleži prvič že vsaj leta 1975. Bil član svetovalnega odbora od Japan-U.S. Economic Relations. Hill postane okoli leta 2001 član uprave od Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, ki je dejansko center za usposabljanje CIA osebja in center za pripravo državnih udarov in barvnih revolucij.
- Barry F. Sullivan (1986–1991) – leta 1957 je začel delati za Rockefellerjevo Chase Manhattan Bank in je leta 1972 imenovan za višjega pod-predsednika, najmlajši, ki je imenovan na ta položaj. Sullivan je skupaj s predsedujočim Davidom Rockefellerjem in višjim pod-predsednikom Williamom S. Ogdenom član izvršnega odbora banke. Leta 1982 je imenovan za predsedujočega in generalnega direktorja od First Chicago Corporation. Sullivan leta 1992 po posredovanju Davida Rockefellerja postane namestnik new yorškega župana (David Dinkins) za finančni in ekonomski razvoj. Sullivan je bil član Malteškega viteškega reda, ki je tesno povezan s CIA in predstavlja pomembno ozadje ’’konservativne CIA’’. Sullivan je bil predsedujoči upravitelj od Rockefellerjeve University of Chicago, ki je hkrati tudi center neoliberalizma preko Miltona Friedmana. Sullivan je bil tudi član uprave od Georgetown University, ki je tesno povezana s CIA in s Pentagonom. Ter bil upravitelj od Columbia University in upravitelj od Rockefellerjeve University of Chicago.
- Antoine Jeancourt-Galignani (1991–1994). Na začetku kariere je delal na francoskem finančnem in gospodarskem ministrstvu, nato pa je odšel k Rockefellerjevi Chase Manhattan Bank. V 70ih je postal generalni direktor od Crédit Agricole. V 80ih je bil glavni izvršni od Banque Indosuez. V 90ih je postal predsedujoči in generalni direktor od Assurances Générales de France, ki postane podružnica od Allianz. Bil pa je še član uprav od Total, Bouygues, Société Générale in Euro Disney.
- William R. Rhodes, vršilec dolžnosti predsedujočega (April – October 1994). Leta 1957 začne Rhodes delati za Citibank/Citigroup, kjer ostane 53 let, nenazadnje kot pod-predsedujoči od 1999 – 2010. V tem obdobju je pri Citibank član od Trilateral Commission H. Onno Ruding, ki je pod-predsedujoči od Citibank/Citigroup Rhodes leta 1984 postane član od Council on Foreign Relations. Leta 1994, ko je vršilec dolžnosti predsedujočega od IIF, se Rhodes udeleži tudi zasedanja od World Economic Forum. Leta 1998 se udeleži zasedanja skupine Bilderberg. Super elitni Rhodes ima tekom svoje kariere številne pomembne položaje v vodilnih nevladnih organizacijah liberalnega establišmenta. Tako je Rhodes pod-predsedujoči od National Committee on United States–China Relations; član od Group of Thirty; upravitelj od Economic Club of New York; predsedujoči emeritus in član uprave od Americas Society / Council of the Americas; član uprave od Foreign Policy Association; član uprave od Volcker Alliance; član svetovalnega odbora od Bretton Woods Committee; predsedujoči svetovalnemu odboru in Senior Fellow od neoliberalnega Hudson Institute; in član od European American Chamber of Commerce.
- Toyoo Gyohten (1994–1997). Gyohten je ena od vodilnih osebnosti iz ozadja japonskih financ in bančništva, ter hkrati vseskozi tesno povezan z liberalnim establišmentom, med drugim že med študijem na Princeton University, kjer študira kot Fulbright Scholar. Gyohten je po študiju leta 1955 začel delati na japonskem ministrstvu za finance, kasneje v 80ih pa dela še za International Monetary Fund in za Asian Development Bank. Od leta 1992 – 1996 je bil predsedujoči od Bank of Tokyo, od leta 1995 – 2016 pa je bil predsednik od Institute for International Monetary Affairs, ki je fundacija ustanovljena s strani Bank of Tokyo. Kasneje pa je še višji svetovalec od Bank of Tokyo – Mitsubishi. Kot član od Trilateral Commission je posebni svetovalec japonskega premierja Keizoja Obuchija leta 1998, ter nato posebni svetovalec premierjevega kabineta in posebni odposlanec premierja od 1998 – 2010. Gyohten je član od Trilateral Commission; član globalnega svetovalnega odbora od Council on Foreign Relations; član od Bretton Woods Committee; član svetovalne uprave od Aspen Institute; ter bil član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Goldman Sachs.
- Georges Blum (1997–1998). Blum je od 1993 – 1996 generalni direktor in nato predsedujoči od Swiss Bank Corporation (SBC). Banka SBC leta 1995 sklene zavezništvo s super elitno nemško-britansko banko S. G. Warburg iz česar nastane banka SBC Warburg. Družina Warburg je pomemben del liberalnega establišmenta, posebno njena ameriška veja, ki je kot članica od Pilgrims Society so-ustanoviteljica od Federal Reserve System. Banka SBC Warburg se leta 1998 združi z banko Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS; del od CFR), iz česar nastane druga največja banka na svetu. Pod banko SBC spada tudi SBC Warburg Dillon Read. Tedanja vodilna banka na svetu je Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi. Višji svetovalec od SBC Warburg je super elitni Eric Roll, ki se leta 1997, preden se združita SBC Warburg in UBS, kot predstavnik od SBC udeleži zasedanja skupine Bilderberg. Sicer je Roll udeleženec in nato še član nadzornega odbora skupine Bilderberg od leta 1964 – 2002. Roll pa postane okoli leta 1998 kot predstavnik od S.G. Warburg tudi član od Trilateral Commission. Vzporedno s tem, pa je Lord Howell of Guildford, ki je svetovalni direktor in višji svetovalec uprave od SBC Warburg Dillon Read, vsaj od leta 1995 član od Trilateral Commission. Istočasno pa je član od Trilateral Commission tudi David Robins, ki je izvršni pod-predsednik in vodja za področje Evrope pri USB.
- Sir John R.H. Bond (1998–2003). Bond je od leta 1961 delal za bank HSBC, kjer leta 1993 postane generalni direktor, leta 1998 pa še predsedujoči in ostane na položaju do leta 2006. Na položaju pri HSBC ga nadomesti Lord Stephen Green, ki je že vsaj od leta 2001 član od Trilateral Commission. Leta 2002 John Bond postane predsednik od skrivne International Monetary Conference, ki je ustanovljena istega leta kot skupine Bilderberg. Leta 1999 se Bond kot predsedujoči od HSBC udeleži tudi World Economic Forum. Istočasno pa je Bond od okoli leta 2001 dalje član mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od British-American Busienss Council. Kasneje postane Bond skupaj z ostalimi vodilnimi predstavniki liberalnega establišmenta član svetovalnega odbora od School of Economics and Management pri Tshinghua University. Leta 2006 postane Bond višji svetovalec od KKR & Co., ki je prav tako del od Trilateral Commission in skupine Bilderberg. Bond je v obdobju od 1997 – 2003 guverner od English-Speaking Union, ki spada pod Pilgrims Society.
- Josef Ackermann (2003–2012). Ackermann je bil generalni direktor od Deutsche Bank (del od CFR), 2002 – 2012. Ackermann je po študiju začel leta 1977 delati za švicarsko banko Credit Suisse (del Trilateral Commission), ki jo zapusti leta 1996. Še istega leta postane član uprave od Deutsche Bank. Prav tako je Ackermann zelo tesno povezan z liberalnim establišmentom. Ackermann je od okoli leta 1998 – 2001 član od Trilateral Commission. Ackermann je od leta 2004 do 2016 redni udeleženec zasedanj skupine Bilderberg, kot tudi član njegovega izvršnega odbora. Ackermann je član odbora (1999 – 2005) in kasneje predsedujoč upravi od World Economic Forum, ter pogosti udeleženec srečanj v obdobju od 2004 – 2013. Leta 2008 se Ackermann udeleži skrivne International Monetary Conference. Ackermann postane okoli leta 2009 član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Atlantic Council, kjer ostane do leta 2015. Prav tako pa je član od Atlantik-Brücke. Ackermann in Sir John Bond iz HSBC postaneta v obdobju okoli leta 2012 člana mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od China Banking Regulatory Commission, skupaj z evropskim predsedujočim od Trilateral Commission Jeanom-Claudeom Trichetjem. Ackermann je član od Group of Thirty. Leta 2014 postane Ackermann na željo Wilburja Rossa predsedujoči upravi od Bank of Cyprus. Ross, ki je večinski delničar banke, postane kasneje Trumpov sekretar za trgovino.
- Douglas Flint (2012-2016). Flint je v obdobju od 2011 – 2017 predsedujoči od HSBC, kjer je bil pred tem od leta 1995 finančni direktor skupine HSBC. V tem obdobju ima HSBC dva predstavnika pri Trilateral Commission. To sta Andreas Schmitz in Rachel Lomax. Flint je v obdobju od 2011 – 2016 redni udeleženec zasedanj skupine Bilderbnerg. Flint se leta 2013, kot predsedujoči od IIF, udeleži skrivne International Monetary Conference. Prav tako je Flint v tem obdobju od 2011 – 2017 redni udeleženec od World Economic Forum. Flint je pa tudi član od 30% Club; mentor pri Chair Mentors International; in Fellow od Salzburg Global Seminar.
- Axel A. Weber (2016 – ). Axel Weber leta 2015 postane član od Trilateral Commission in je član od Group of Thirty. Weber je bil predsednik (2004 – 2011) od Deutsche Bundesbank. Prav tako leta 2004 pa postane član guvernerskega odbora od European Central Bank. Istočasno pa postane še član uprave od Bank for International Settlements (BIS), nemški guverner pri International Monetary Fund in član od G7 (del Trilateral Commission). Weber je član uprave od skrivne International Monetary Conference in od leta 2011 član od Council for the Future of Europe pri Berggruen Institute. Leta 2012 Weber postane član uprave od UBS, kjer ostane do leta 2022. Leta 2023 postane Weber svetovalec od Boston Consulting Group in v tej vlogi tudi udeleženec od WEF.
Poročilo senatnega zasedanja februarja leta 1983 glede zakonodaje o povečanju financiranja IMF, ki ga je pripravil National Democratic Policy Committee (NDPC), ki je del omrežja od Lyndona LaRouchea in je ’’anti-establišment’’ del od Demokratske stranke. LaRouche je tesno povezan s CIA omrežjem, kar je razvidno tudi pri njegovi sicer izredno izčrpni publikaciji Executive Intelligence Review (EIR). EIR je zavajujoča predvsem na področju, kjer daje prevelik vpliv britanski obveščevalni in ekonomski eliti (Round Table Group) nad ameriško. Oster kritik od EIR je med drugim Henry Kissinger.
»The charter of the International Monetary Fund was authored at Bretton Woods in 1944 by Chancellor Lord J. M. Keynes, on behalf of the government of Britain and the British Crown, and accepted by then U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr. and his deputy Henry Dexter White (later acused as Soviet spy) acting as agents of British intelligence within the United States.
Lord Keynes’ objective was to perpetuate the zero-growth colonial world economic policies of the British Commonwealth and the private British and Swiss banks which financed 19th Century British colonial system, after the political dissolution of the British Empire.
The fundamental purporse of the Anglo-Swiss interests was to slow and where possible reduce world rates of population growth in accordance with the principles of Thomas Malthus [pomemben zagovornik zmanjševanja prebivalstva, predvsem domorodnega v britanskih kolonijah; glavni ekonomist od British East India Company] … IMF Managing Director Jacques De Larosière, in a speech to the United Nations in August, 1981, openly stated the fact that ’’A major goal of economic policy’’ is to ensure ’’the growth in the world’s population can be arrested … massive efford will be required if the world is to be protected from the pressures of a population growing beyond its resources … concentrated in the poorer developing countries.’’ …
Since 1944 the IMF has used its power to set international credit policy to prevent the industrial revolution in the Developing Sector and to maintain large parts of Asia, Africa, and Latin America as 19th century colonial raw materials processors in fact. This policy of world credit construction has destroyed large markets and potential markers for United States. …
Senator William Proxmire [član družine Rockefeller] (D-WI) in a speech on the Senate floor Feb. 23 [1983] stated clearley that the IMF is destroying American export markets. …
However, all current lending programs by the IMF are intended not to benefit recepient nations, but to bail out the insolvent private bank loans of the British and Swiss banks in the $2 trillion off-shore illigal Eurodollar market, legitimatizing the claim of foreign Eurodollars, which are not legal tender in the United States, upon the currency of the United States.
The IMF is thereby granting a defacto United States and government guarantee to the private loans of not only American, but British, Swiss and other foreign private banks.
Furthermore, the private banks including major U.S. banks, have, jointly with IMF, formed a ’’creditors’ cartel’’ known as the Ditchley Group, illegal under the U.S. Sherman and Clayton anti-trust acts, which is now actively rund by the IMF, and which has already established the informal policy that no new international loan will be made by United States and other private commercial banks without IMF control and supervision. …
Vice President George [H. W.] Bush [član od CFR, 1972 – , direktor 1977 – 1979; direktor od CIA, 1976 – 1977; član od Trilateral Commission, 1979 – 1980; družina Bush je del Pilgrims Society], Secretary of State George Shultz [član od CFR, 1974 – , direktor 1980 – 1982; član od Pilgrims Society; udeleženec od International Monetary Conference, 1973; član od Trilateral Commission, 1993 – 1998], and Treasury Secretary Donald Regan [član od CFR, 1973 – ; član od George Town Club – CIA], the same individuals politically promoting the IMF quota and related funding expansions in the U. S. Congress today, have also privately already proposed the establishment of the IMF as such a world central bank before the International Economic Policy task force of the Cabinet of the United States.
The centerpiece of this new system is to be the establishment of the International Monetary Fund as a form of ’’global MAC’’ [Municipal Assistance Corporation, 1975; iz MAC se razvije Rockefellerjevo Partnership for New York City, 1979], as Lazard Freres [po podatkih ameriške vojaške obveščevalne službe, je banka Lazard Freres skupaj z Banque Wurms, pred in med 2. sv. vojno pomemben financer nacistične Nemčije, preko vodilnega nemškega ekonomista Hjalmarja Schachta, Benjamina Stronga iz FED in Montaguja Normana iz Bank of England; banka je del Pilgrims Society in del Trilateral Commission] partner Felix Rohatyn [tesno povezan z družino Bronfman, s pomočjo katere pride v Lazard Freres; varovanec Andreja Meyerja, ki je ključni predstavnik banke; tesen prijatelj Davida Rockefellerja, s katerim tudi so-ustanovita MAC; član finančnega odbora pri Rockefeller Brothers Fund, 1977; član od CFR, 1984 – ; član od Trilateral Commission, 1985 – 1990; član od Bretton Woods Committee, 1985 – ; bil gost od Pilgrims Society; direktor pri N. M. Rothschild & Sons; bil direktor od IT&T, ki je kot sredstvo od CIA pripravljalo državne udare v Južni Ameriki] told Business Week in a Feb. 28 [1983], a corporation to take the world under receivership just as Rohatyn’s Big MAC took New York City under receivership.
’’The reality of the situation is that a significant part of the approximately $700 billion now lent to the Third World and Eastern block will come backe, if ever, only over a long period,’’ Mr. Rohatyn told readers bluntly. ’’Instead of maintaining the fiction that these are short-term, high-interest loans, it might be better … to stretch out exisiting loans to 25 to 30 years at much lover interest rates.’’
Under the MAC in New York City, as Rohatyn outlined it to Business Week Feb. 28, the debts which the City could not pay were swaped by the banks to MAC. MAC than functioned as a creditors’ cartel collection agency, in particular appropriating a revenue stream, ’’which the City could not touch,’’ to back up the debt. The City’s economy was destroyed.
Under a global version of MAC, Rohatyn proposes the IMF set up a ’’Global MAC fund’’ from which it will issue the banks $300 billion worth of IMF 25-30 years long term bonds.The banks will then swap the IMF $300 billion of their short and medium term loans. The banks will than be rid of the loans, although they’ll earn less on bonds, and the ’’debt bomb’’ threat by any debtors cartel against the bank greatly reduced.
The global MAC would ’’establish a revenue stream,’’ Rohatyn writes, by stealing Third World countries’ revenues from ’’sales of their commodities or other kinds of income in a way that would service their long-term bonds in an orderly manner.’’ …
’’De Larosiere has been brutally frank,’’ a British official said at the meeting. ’’The US must cut its budget, because the fate of the world economy depends on rapid US action.’’ De Larosiere, he said, has even organized many Third World and other nations against the US, by charging that the U.S. budget causes high world interest rates. ’’The Larosiere has set the entire meeting against the U.S.,’’ the British official said. ’’In fact, the only thing upon which all the Finance Ministers of the world can agree, is that the U.S. budget deficit is a threat to the world.’’
De Larosieres’ unprecedentend attack on America was even reffered to in the IMF’s public Communique, which stressed ’’the importance of reducing fiscal deficite in a number of countries.’’ De Larosieres refused to deny the charge by NDPC representatives that he intends to put the U.S. under an IMF program.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Donald Regan was asked by NDPC representatives Feb. 11 wheather the US must have an IMF program. ’’That’s not a bad idea, ’’ he stated. ’’We used to have one, you know.’’40Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate. Subcommittee on International Finance and Monetary Policy. Februar, 1983. Str. 415 – 423.
Jacques De Larosière
»Working with Finance Minister Valéry Giscard d’Estaing [pomemben so-ustanovitelj od G7 preko Trilateral Commission] under President Georges Pompidou, De Larosière took part in the international monetary negotiations after the August 1971 decision of United States (US) President Richard Nixon to end the convertibility of the dollar into gold, which allowed the dollar to float against other currencies. As a member of the French delegation he helped to produce the so-called Smithsonian Agreement, an effort to achieve a stable exchange rate mechanism following the ideas of the Bretton Woods system, in Washington DC in December 1971. However, this agreement failed during the 1973 oil crisis. In 1974 De Larosière was named chief of staff to Giscard d’Estaing and Director of the Treasury before Giscard d’Estaing was elected President of France in May 1974, with De Larosière serving as Undersecretary for Monetary Affairs between 1974 and 1978. The plan of the European Economic Community (EEC) to create an economic and monetary union during the 1970s suffered from the oil crisis and disagreement between Germany and France over the means to achieve such a goal. The European Commission set up a study group chaired by Robert Marjolin [Bilderber, 1955, 1956, 1960, 1965; Trilateral Commission, 1973 – ] and the Marjolin Report of 1975 pointed out that, given the lack of political will, it was still too early to establish stronger monetary cooperation within the EEC. De Larosière also engaged in discussions about reforming the international monetary system and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). At the initiative of Giscard d’Estaing a summit of five major states (France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom (UK) and the US) took place in Rambouillet, France in November 1975. The Rambouillet agreement established at the summit was discussed at an IMF meeting in Jamaica and resulted in a change of the IMF Articles of Agreement in 1976, which was seen as a first step toward a new system of international monetary management.
When IMF Managing Director Johannes Witteveen’s term came to a close in 1978, Giscard d’Estaing put De Larosière’s name forward and the Executive Board selected him unanimously after considering several other candidates. De Larosière began his five-year term as Managing Director on 17 June 1978. While in the French Treasury he had supervised the country’s foreign aid programs in Africa and had become quite sympathetic to the plight of stabilizing the African banking system. Upon assuming his new post he immediately expanded IMF lending to African member states, for which he was later criticized since repayment proved elusive. The program also raised concerns for the more conservative Executive Board members. By 1981 it had become clear to De Larosière that several large developing countries were on the verge of financial collapse and that the IMF could and should play a leading role in managing the looming crises. He played a key part i negotiations and took a hands-on approach to these and other negotiations, upsetting the conventional approach of staff-led talks (Stiles 1991: 35). He determined early on that default by major debtors could have serious, even catastrophic, ramifications for the global banking system since so many private banks were deeply committed and exposed. When Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castañeda visited him on 8 August 1982 to announce the country’s intention to impose a debt service payment moratorium the next day, De Larosière pleaded with him to delay and intervened with a few large private banks, assuring them that a bailout program was being negotiated. US Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker [vodilni Rockefellerjev ekonomist; Trilateral Commission, 1975 – ] was eager to help and the result was a ‘coordinated debt strategy’ whereby the debt was rescheduled and fresh loans were provided, while the Mexican government set about adopting austerity measures that satisfied the creditors (Doze 2005).«41IO BIO, Biographical Dictionary of Secretaries-General of International Organizations,; dostop 26.7.2023
»At the International Monetary Fund Interim Committee meeting in Washington D. C., finance ministers of the Group of 24 underdeveloped nations not only supported a 100 percent increase in the quotas of the IMF, as the Bank of England and the British Commonwealth Secretariat had prescribed; the G-24 demanded a vast expansion of the IMF’s power despite the evidence/that the IMF has deindustrialized and depopulated nation after nation in the Third World.
Minister after minister said to me wishfully that while they cannot control the Western commercial banks or the U.S. government, which have withdrawn loans and aid to them, “We control the IMF . ” The attitude was that the IMF, as a supranational body, might force the rich North to give them a few crumbs.
This state of fantasy is due in part to the fact that Third World countries have been so battered by the international private banks of the Ditchley creditors’ cartel that the Group of 24 ministers do not know what hit them. In terms of hard cash, it happens to be the case that the private banks have shut down world lending markets, and the IMF is the only entity left dispensing any funds to speak of.
IMF Managing Director Jacques de Larosiere has organized a public relations campaign for many months to convince the Third World that he alone is their friend, and that only he can wring money for them from the Western banks. De Larosiere has also supervised a campaign to identify the United States-and not the Anglo- Swiss oligarchic “families” who created the IMF as the principal villain.
How many Group of 24 officials know that de Larosiere is an explicit advocate of mass murder and that in a secret IMF speech in August 1982, he called for the “rapid reduction” of Third World populations? In fact, as EIR will document in future issues, Jacques de Larosiere was deployed into the IMF from the beginning not as a financial specialist or bureaucrat talented at diplomacy, but as an agent bent on destroying every sovereign nation in the Third World. …
De Larosiere has become a master at pitting the United States and the Third World against each other in the IMF gladiator arena, while he plays Nero. One of his most cynical ploys has been to publicly decry high U.S. interest rates which he privately supports as one of the co-conspirators of U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker [član od Trilateral Commission, 1975 – ]. De Larosiere propagates Volcker’s lying argument that high rates are caused by big U.S. fiscal deficits, and has succeeded in drawing the Third World into support for the central bankers and Wall Street spokesmen, who are demanding destructive cuts in the U.S. budget, and America’s submission to the IMF. …
Another finance minister, a leader of the Group of 24 who is committed to the industrialization of his country, was no smarter. I told him that the Ditchley creditors ‘ cartel was a conspiracy to bankrupt viable nations. “My God,” he said, “I did not know of this plan.”
“But,” he continued, “we control the IMF, and Jacques de Larosiere is the friend of the Third World!” After it was explained that de Larosiere works with the Ditchley private banks to deliberately force countries into IMF austerity programs which destroy them, the minister had further thoughts. “Yes,” he said, “the conditionalities .. . “
Ultimately, those Third World ministers who have a sense of patriotism recognize that they are being blackmailed by the IMF and de Larosiere.«42Executive Intelligence Review, Volume 10. De Larosiere is no friend of Third World. Marec 1983. Str. 10.
Institute for Policy Studies
Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) nastane leta 1963, kot ’’protest’’ proti vojni v Vietnamu in že od samega začetka deluje v omrežju ’’liberalne CIA’’. Nastane pa kot ’’protiutež’’ bolj ”konservativnemu” in super elitnemu think tanku RAND Corporation.
Nastanek od IPS je tesno povezan s Council on Foreign Relations in Rockefellerjevim omrežjem. Ustanovitelja inštituta sta Marcus Ruskin in Richard Barnet. Ruskin je bil od leta 1961 – 1962 pomočnik McGeorga Bundyja, takratnega Kennedyjevega svetovalca za nacionalno varnost (1961-1966), nato pa je postal predsednik od Ford Foundation. Barnet je bil od 1961 – 1962 pomočnik tedaj vodilnega Rockefellerjevega moža Johna. J. McCloya, pri Arms Control and Disarmamet Agency, leta 1970 pa tudi Barnet postane član od Council on Foreign Relations. Barnet postane leta 1963 so-direktor od IPS in ostane na položaju do leta 1978, v IPS pa ostane na položaju do leta 1998. Stern je bil prav tako v obdobju od leta 1961 in 1962 pomočnik Deana Ruska na State Departmentu. Oba, Rusk od 1950 – 1961 in McCloy od 1946 – 1949 in od 1954 – 1958, upravitelja od Rockefeller Foundation, McCloy pa je še hkrati upravitelj, od leta 1953 in nato od leta 1958 – 1964 predsedujoči od Ford Foundation. Tako, da je jasno, da je bilo Sternovo financiranje Hersha za njegovo vietnamsko reportažo popolnoma v skladu z liberalnim establišmentom in njihovimi bodočimi interesi. In vse od nastanka leta 1963 IPS deluje kot ’’anti-establišment’’.
Upravitelj od IPS v 80ih postane super elitni Paul Warnke, od leta 1971 član od Council on Foreign Relations in nato ustanovni član od Trilateral Commission.
Z IPS tesno sodeluje tudi Sternov tesen prijatelj ali vsaj tesen zaveznik Ralph Nader, ena od osrednjih figur v ’’anti-establišment’’ omrežju ’’liberalne CIA’’ iz 60ih, 70ih, mogoče že prej. Stern v 70ih preko Philip M. Stern Family Fund, skupaj s super elitno Carnegie Corporation financira Naderjev Center for Study of Responsive Law.43
V tem času z Naderjem tesno sodeluje Donald Kemp Ross, kateri nato v obdobju od 1985 – 1999 postane upravitelj od Rockefeller Family Fund (RFF). In ravno v tem času, kot bo razvidno kasneje, RFF financira Center for Public Integrity, preko katerega nastane The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, za katerega začne Blaž Zgaga delati leta 2011.
Ross pa je leta 2011 postal tudi član uprave od League of Conservation Voters, istega leta pa še predsedujoči od Greenpeace US. Bil pa je tudi svetovalec od New York Community Trust. Ross je bil od leta 1973 – 1982 ustanovni izvršni direktor od New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG), za katero je leta 1985 delal Barack Obama.
Ralph Nader pa je že davnega leta 1976 obiskal World Economic Forum oz. kot se je imenoval tedaj European Management Symposium. Tukaj je zelo pomemben podatek, da mentorji od Klausa Schwaba prav tako prihajajo iz samega Rockefellerjevega centra. To so bili Henry Kissinger, Maurice Strong, Graham Allison in ostali, ki so tudi ključno za nastanek od EMS oz. WEF.
Z Institute for Policy Studies so tesno povezana še vodilna sredstva ’’liberalne CIA’’, kot so Noam Chomsky, Henry Belafonte, Richard Falk, Gore Vidal, Robert Borosage in Katrina vanden Heuvel, katere oče William vanden Heuvel (del CIA omrežja) je član Kučanovega Collegium International.
Kot drugo, kar se tiče dogajanja okoli Institute for Policy Studies in njegovega delovanja.
Ustanovi financer in upravitelj od IPS poleg Philipa M. Sterna, je bil super elitni James Warburg, katerega oče Paul Warburg in njegov brat Felix Warburg sta bila ustanovna član od Council on Foreign Relations. Paul Warburg je bil skupaj z vodilnimi bančnimi družinami, vse tesno povezane s Pilgrims Society, kot so Morgan, Rockefeller, Loeb in Schiff, ustanovitelj od Federal Reserve Bank. James, ki je bil tudi finančni svetovalec od Franklina D. Roosevelta, je bil od leta 1932 član od Council on Foreign Relations. Ustanovna upravitelja od IPS sta bila tudi Hans J. Morgenthau, vplivni politični znanstvenik za mednarodne odnose in član od Council on Foreign Relations od leta 1958; Thurman Arnold, so-ustanovitelj super elitnega mednarodnega pravnega podjetja Arnold & Porter.
Začetni financerji od Institute for Policy Studies –
»The budget for the year 1963 to 1964 totaled just over $200,000. Early funding came from the Edgar Stern Foundation, which offered $40,000 for IPS’s first year with $30,000 each of the next two years. Another $32,500 came from the Peace Research Institute for the first year, as did $50,000 from an anonymous source. By the end of the decade, the budget grew to almost $500,000. … Through March 1964, IPS received funds totaling $167,577.74, which included large grants from the Stern Family Fund, the Ford Foundation, the EDO Foundation and James Warburg. Three years later, Warburg donated $400,000 to IPS. The next largest donation in 1967, $25,000, came from the Samuel Rubin Foundation, followed by smaller contributions from Philip Stern and Irving Laucks of the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions [deluje preko Fund for the Republic, katerega ustanovni financer je Ford Foundation v višini $15,000,000; član uprave super elitni Henry R. Luce – Luce Foundation]. The largest contributions in 1968 came from Philip Stern, who gave IPS just over $91,000, in addition to another $11,000 from the Stern Family Fund. $30,000 came from the Samuel Rubin Foundation. The D.J. Bernstein Foundation contributed $50,000; donations of $17,000 came from the Carnegie Corporation; and the Field Foundation provided IPS with funds totaling $15,000.«44; str. 49-50
Financerji od Institute for Policy Studies leta 1999 –
»AFL-CIO … ARCA Foundation … Heinrich Böll Foundation … Nathan Cummings Foundation … Ford Foundation … Peter Gabriel … HKH Foundation [Harold Hochschild tesno povezan z Rockefellerjevim CIA omrežjem] … Vanguard Public Foundation … JKW Foundation [vanden Heuvel] … Norman Lear Family Foundation … John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation … Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation … Joyce Mertz-Gilmore Foundation … C. S. Mott Foundation. Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust … Paul Newman … Samuel Rubin Foundation … Turner Foundation«45; str. 20
Financerji od IPS leta 2002, ko so tam višji učenjaki Noam Chomsky, Barbara Ehrenreich, Richard Falk, Vandana Shiva in Gore Vidal; ter upravitelji Harry Belafonte, Robert L. Borosage, Marcus Raskin in Katrina vanden Heuvel –
»AFL-CIO … ARCA Foundation … Ben & Jerry’s Foundation [financerji in svetovalci od Bernieja Sandersa] … Common Cause … Compton Foundation … Tides Foundation … Ford Foundation … Foundation for Deep Ecology … HKH Foundation … Vanguard Public Foundation … International Forum on Globalization … JKW Foundation … JMG Foundation [James M. Goldsmith je bil ultrakonservativno sredstvo MI6] … Jobs With Justice … John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation … Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation … Charles Stewart Mott Foundation … Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust … New World Foundation … Paul Newman … Open Society Institute … Park Foundation … The New York Community Trust … Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Rockefeller Family Associates. Rockefeller Foundation … The San Francisco Foundation … Samuel Rubin Foundation. The Sagner Family Foundation … Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program … Turner Foundation … Wallace Global Fund«46; str. 10
Financerji od IPS leta 2018 –
»AFL-CIO … Emerson Collective [Laurene Powell Jobs]. Ford Foundation … JPB Foundation. Lannan Foundation … NoVo Foundation [Warren Buffett]. Open Society Foundations. Park Foundation, Inc. Ploughshares Fund … Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Samuel Rubin Foundation. Schumann Media Center [Bill Moyers]. Sigrid Rausing Trust. Stewart R. Mott Foundation. The Annie E. Casey Foundation. The Atlantic Philanthropies. The Bauman Foundation. The James Irvine Foundation. The Nathan Cummings Foundation … W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Wallace Global Fund … William H. Donner Foundation«47
International Commission on the Balkans
Zaradi preteklega dogajanja na Balkanu in zaradi namena njegove integracije, je bila ustanovljena International Commission on the Balkans, katere predsedujoči od leta 2003-2005, je bil Giuliano Amato.
Financerji komisije so bili Robert Bosch Stiftung, King Baudouin Foundation, German Marshall Fund of the U.S. in Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.48; str. 64
Izvršni direktor komisije je bil Ivan Krastev, Sorosovo sredstvo, ki je od leta 2005 – 2011 član odbora od super elitnega International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), ki je tesno povezan s CIA/liberalnim establišmentom. Krastev je tudi ustanovni član od Sorosovega European Council on Foreign Relations, udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg (2019), bil strokovnjak pri National Endowment for Democracy, upravitelj od Friends of Europe, upravitelj Sorosove International Crisis Group, član uprave od GLOBSEC, član globalne uprave od Open Society Foundaitons, imenovan 2006 Young Global Leader – World Economic Forum. Ustanovni financer od IISS leta 1958 je bila Ford Foundation.
Komisijo so sestavljali še –
- top Sorosovo sredstvo Carld Bildt.
- Avis Bohlen – članica od Council on Foreign Relations (2002 – ); članica od American Academy of Diplomacy; prihaja iz elitne družine Bohlen/Krupp; tesno povezane s CIA – Georgetown Set;
- Jean-Luc Dehaene – udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg (2004); upravitelj od Friends of Europe (2001 – ); ustanovni član od European Council on Foreign Relations; belgijski premier (1992-1999; čas pedofilske afere Dutroux).
- Kemal Dervis – udeleženec zasedanj skupine Bilderberg (2002, 2004, 2006, 2007); član od European Council on Foreign Relations; bil pod-predsednik in direktor globalno ekonomskega programa pri Brookings Institution (2009 – 2017); je Nonresident Distinguished Fellow pri programu Global Economy and Development od Brookings Institute; član svetovalne skupine od Center for Global Development; višji svetovalec pri Istanbul Policy Center; redni pisec za Project Syndicate.
- Kiro Gligorov – služil kot prvi makedonski predsednik.
- Istvan Gyarmati – kot predsedujoči od Center for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (partner od National Endowment for Democracy); član odbora od International Institute for Strategic Studies; bil član vodstva od EastWest Institute.
- François Heisbourg – udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg (1988, 1989); predsedujoči od International Institute for Strategic Studies (2001 – 2018); bil predsedujoči fundacijskemu odboru od Geneva Centre for Security Policy (1998 – 2018); član od Global Commission on Post-Pandemic Policy; član od European Leadership Network; član od Centre for European Reform (2000 – ); član od Council of Senior Fellows pri Salzburg Global Seminar; redni udeleženec od Munich Security Conference.
- Bruce Jackson – kot predsednik (2002 -) od The Project on Transitional Democracies (Julie Finley; Randy Scheunemann; Ian Brzezinski; William Kristol; Richard Pipes; Carl Bildt), katerega financerji so bili Smith Richardson Foundation, German Marshall Fund of the United States, Donner Foundation, Bradley Foundation;49; dostop 18.1.2022 član od Council on Foreign Relations (1989 – ); bil svetovalec pri American Enterprise Institute; član od International Institute for Strategic Studies; predsedujoči mednarodnemu panelu od Committee for the Liberation of Iraq (Randy Scheumann; Carl Bildt; Adam Michnik; Christopher Hitchens; George Shultz; John McCain; Joseph Lieberman; Maurice Sonnenberg; James Woolsey; Newt Gingrich; James Hoffa); član od Center for Security Policy; član neokonservativnega Project for the New American Security; ustanovni član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Orange Circle (revolucija/državni udar v Ukraijini; Zbigniew Brzezinski, Madeleine Albright, Carla Hills, Vaclav Havel, Tim Draper, Emma Bonino, Vitali Klitschko, Nadia Diuk – NED); ustanovni predsednik (1996 -) od U.S. Committee to Expand NATO/U.S. Committee on NATO (Ronald Asmis; Julie Finley; Robert Kagan; Richard Perle; David Rothkopf; Randy Scheunemann); pokrovitelj neokonservativne Henry Jackson Society; redni udeleženec od Munich Security Conference (1990 – ); bil pod-predsednik za strategijo in načrtovanje pri Lockheed Martin.
- Dame Pauline Neville-Jones – uradno kot guvernerka od BBC, bolj verjetno kot članica svetovalnega odbora od Centre for European Reform (2000 – ); udeleženka zasedanja skupine Bilderberg (2004); upraviteljica od Freinds of Europe; guvernerka od Ditchley Foundation; članica od Institute for Strategic Dialogue (Lord Weidenfeld; The Lord Simon of Highbury; Wolfgang Ischinger; Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg; Mathias Döpfner; Ana Palacio; J. Adair Turner; Timothy Garton Ash); članica odbora od Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies; članica od United Against Nuclear Iran; članica profesionalne svetovalne uprave od International Institute for Counter-Terrorism – Herzliya.
- Janez Potočnik – kot član Evropske komisije; bil imenovan za vodjo pogajalske skupine za vstop Slovenije v EU (1998); bil evropski komisar za širitev (2004); bil evropski komisar za znanost in raziskave (2004 – 2010); bil evropski komisar za okolje (2010 – 2014); član svetovalnega odbora od European Policy Centre; član svetovalne uprave od Globe EU (Connie Hedegaard; Peter Bakker); upravitelj od The Cyprus Institute (Jeffrey Sachs; Ernest Moniz).
- Goran Svilanović – kot predsedujoči od Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe; nekdanji zunanji minister Srbije in Črne gore (2000-2004); bil generalni sekretar za Regional Cooperation Council (2013-2018); glavni svetovalec v kabinetu črnogorskega premierja Zdravka Krivokapića (2020-2022) za ekonomske reforme in evropsko integracijo; član svetovalne uprave od East-West Bridge International (Sergey Karaganov; Ludvik Toplak; Ana Brnabić) – Trilateral Commission; član od European Leadership Network; član svetovalne uprave od Centra za evropsko prihodnost (Blejski strateški forum); Fellow 2004 od Slyff Association (Yohei Sasakawa).
- Richard von Weizsäcker – nekdanji nemški predsednik; udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg (1970,1978); član od Atlantik-Brücke (ustanovitelja Max Warburg in John J. McCloy; Henry Kissinger; Nelson Rockefeller; George H. W. Bush; Wolfgang Ischinger – Young Leader Alumni; Angela Merkel); so-ustanovitelj in predsedujoči od American Academy in Berlin (so-ustanovitelj Henry Kissinger; David Rockefeller financer; Wolfgang Ischinger; David Rubenstein; Jeffrey Sachs); bil predsedujoči od The Königswinter Conference (2000); častni član od German Council on Foreign Relations (vsaj od 2006 – ); član od InterAction Council; član od Collegium International (so-ustanovitelja Michel Rocard in Milan Kučan); častni član od Club of Budapest (2004 – 2015).
- Ivan Krastev – .
International IDEA
Advancing democracy worldwide, as a universal human aspiration and an enabler of sustainable development, through support to the building, strengthening and safeguarding of democratic political institutions and processes at all levels.50; dostop 18.1.2023
Leta 1995 ustanovljeni International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance aka International IDEA ima svoj sedež na Švedskem.
Vidnejši člani uprave od International IDEA –
- Thorvald Stoltenberg (1995 – ) – ustanovni član od Trilateral Commission, 1973 – ; udeleženec in kasneje izvršni član zasedanj skupine Bilderberg, 1966, 1970, 1973, 1982, 1994, 1995; upravitelj od International Crisis Group; član od Global Commission on Drug Policy; član od Club of Rome, cca 1980 – 1984; služil kot United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 1989 – 1990; norveški minister za zunanje zadeve, 1990-1993.
- Bengt Säve-Söderbergh (1995 -) – ustanovni generalni sekretar od International IDEA; delal za Swedish Development International Authority (SIDA), 1967 – 1970; delal za švedsko zunanje ministrstvo v Afriki, cca 1970 – 1976; bil vodja od International Centre of the Swedish Labour Movement (The Olof Palme International Centre), 1978 – 1985; bil namestnik guvernerja od World Bank
- Henry de Boulay Forde (1995 – ) – član uredniške uprave od The Round Table, katere ustanovitelji so člani skrivne skupine Round Table Group (največji vpliv od začetka 20. stoletje, do začetka 2. sv. vojne; tesno povezani s Pilgrims Society; ozadje od Rhodes Trust, ki podeljuje Rhodes Scholarship), ki so v ozadju britanske kolonialne/imperialne politike; bil predsedujoči od Barbados Labour Party, 1986 – ; bil član od Privy Council; bil član od Commonwealth Committee on Vulnerability of Small States.
- Frene Noshir Ginwala (1995 – ) – bila članica od National Assembly of South Africa, 1994 – 2004; članica od Trilateral Commission; upraviteljica od Nelson Mandela Foundation; bila članica od Commission on Human Security (Peter Sutherland – Trilateral Commission, Goldman Sachs; Lincoln C. Chen – Rockefeller Foundation; Sadako Ogata – Ford Foundation Scholar, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; Carl Tham – Olof Palme Centre), financirane s strani Rockefeller Foundation.51Commission on Human Security, 2003; str. v
- Manmohan Malhoutra (1995 – ) – študiral kot Rhodes Scholar; bil zunanje politični svetovalec Indire Ghandi, 1966 – 1974; služil kot pomočnik generalnega sekretarja od Commonwealth of Nations; generalni sekretar od Rajiv Gandhi Foundation; preko Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group v letoh 1992 – 1993 dejaven za odstranitev apartheida v Južni Afriki.
- Aung San Suu Kyi (1995 -) – članica mednarodne svetovoalne uprave od Forum 2000; dobitnica W. Averell Harriman Democracy Award od National Democratic Institute, 1996; dobitnica Freedom Award od International Republican Institute, 1999; premierka Burme, 2016 – 2021.
- Jermyn Brooks (2003 – ) – član uprave od Transparency International, 2003-2006, 2011-2014; ustanovni član iniciative PACI – World Economic Forum; član uprave od Partnering against Corruption Initiative; upravni parter pri PricewaterhouseCoopers.
- Thomas Carothers (2003) – študiral kot Marshall Scholar; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1991 – ; pod-predsednik za študije pri Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; je član od International Forum for Democratic Studies – National Endowment for Democracy; bil predsedujoči globalni svetovalni uprave od Open Society Foundations; predsedujoči od Think Tank Fund – Open Society Foundations ( – 2023s); delal za USAID; gostujoči avtor pri Just Society (Jake Sullivan); pridruženi profesor na Sorosovi Central European University; piše za Journal of Democracy od National Endowment for Democracy.
- Michelle Bachelet (cca 2010 -) – članica od Inter-American Dialogue, 2010 – ; članica od Club of Madrid; članica od Council of Women World Leaders; je International Gender Champion; služila kot UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2018 – 2022; služila kot izvršna direktorica od UN Women, 2010 – 2013; predsednica Čila, 2006 – 2010, 2014 – 2018;
- Martti Ahtisaari (pred 2013) – udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 1994, 1996; bil predesujoči upravitelj in je kasneje svetovalec od International Crisis Group; častni predsedujoči od EastWest Institute; član od European Council on Foreign Relations; svetovalec od Open Society Foundations; član od Club of Madrid; dobitnik nagrade od National Committee on American Foreign Policy, 2013; dobitnik Fulbright Prize for International Understanding – Fulbright Association, 2000; udeleženec Blejskega strateškega foruma, 2007.
- Jerzy Buzek (cca 2013) – član od Club of Madrid; član od European Academy of Diplomacy (Zbigniew Brzezinski; Alexander Kwasniewski; Richard Lugar; Mikheil Saakashvili; Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga); član častnega odbora od European Movement International; častni član od Central Europe Energy Partners (Zbigniew Brzezinski; general James L. Jones – Center for Strategic and International Studies); predsednik od European Energy Forum (Franc Bogovič); poljski premier, 1997 – 2001; član Evropskega parlamenta, 2004 – .
- .Bassma Kodmani – udeleženka zasedanj skupine Bilderberg, 2008, 2012; izvršna direktorica od Arab Reform Initiative, ki je posredno raziskovalni program od Council on Foreign Relations, 2005 – ; članica od Atlantic Council Hariri Center; članica od European Council on Foreign Relations; vodila Governance and International Cooperation program for the Middle East and North Africa pri Ford Foundation v Egiptu, 1998 – 2005; bila vodja za zunanje zadeve pri (CIA) Syrian National Council, med ”arabsko pomladjo” in je tudi ključno za nastanek skrajne Islamske države, preko Obamove administracije; delala za Institut Français des Relations Internationales (Thiery de Montbrial), kjer je so-ustanovila in vodila Middle East Program, 1981 – 1998; članica izvršnega odbora od World Movement for Democracy (Damon Wilson – National Endowment for Democracy); članica uprave od Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Middle East Center; članica uprave od United Nations University. Dodatno o Arab Reform Initiative (ARI) – nastane preko US/Middle East Project (1994 – ), ki je prvotno projekt od Council on Foreign Relations, danes pa je samostojna organizacija, katere člani so vodilni predstavniki libernega establišmenta oz. CFR – Paul Volcker; Zbigniew Brzezinski; Brent Scowcroft; Carla Hills; Chuck Hagel; Sam Nunn; James Wolfensohn; Peter Sutherland; Richard Denzig; Thomas Pickering; predsednik Daniel Levy (European Council on Foreign Relations); Lee Hamilton; jordnaski princ Hassan bin Talal; Hosni Mubarak; Robert Lifton; Giuliano Amato.
- Margot Wallström (cca 2013 – ) – upraviteljica od International Crisis Group; članica od European Council on Foreign Relations; članica uprave od Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice; je International Gender Champion; članica uprave od Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy.
- Vidar Helgesen – generalni sekretar od International IDEA (2006 – 2013); udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 2018; udeleženec od World Economic Forum, 2014, 2017; izvršni direktor od The Nobel Prize; bil so-predsedujoči od China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development; član uprave od CICERO Center for International Climate Research.
- Pippa Norris (2014 – ) – fakultativna sodelavka pri Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (imenovan CIA at Harvard; ustanovitelja Henry Kissinger in Robert R. Bowie – CIA); fakultativna sodelavka od Center for International Development – Harvard University; fakultativna sodelavka pri Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; bila svetovalka pri National Endowment for Democracy; bila svetovalka pri National Democratic Institute; bila svetovalka pri Council of Europe; bila svetovalka od UN Women; bila svetovalka od Australian Electoral Commission; ustanovna direktorica od The Electoral Integrity Project.
- Kevin Casas-Zamora – generalni sekretar od International IDEA (2019 -); je Senior Fellow pri Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program (financiran s strani Ford Foundation) pri Inter-American Dialogue, 2017 – ; bil Senior Fellow pri Latin America Initiative – Foreign Policy Program na Brookings Institution, 2008 – 2012; leta 2013 je postal član od Bretton Woods Committee; leta 2007 je bil imenovan Young Global Leader – World Economic Forum; bil pod-predsednik Kostarike, 2006 – 2007.
- Laura Chinchilla – pod-predsedujoča od International IDEA (- 2023s); članica svetovalnega odbora od Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center – Atlantic Council; članica vodstvenega odbora od Concordia Summit (David Petraeus – CIA; Danilo Türk); pod-predsednica od Club de Madrid; so-predsedujoča od Inter-American Dialogue; članica uprave od Euro-America Foundation; članica od Council of Women World Leaders; so-predsedujoča od Commission on Elections and Democracy in the Digital Age – Kofi Annan Foundation, 2019 – ;članica guvernerske uprave od The Democracy and Culture Foundation; bila predsednica Kostarike, 2010 – 2014.
- Adam Bodnar (cca 2022 -) – magisterij iz primerjalnega ustavnega prava na Sorosovi Central European University, 2001; prejemnik Marshall Scholarship, 2013; delal za Helsinki Foundation of Human Rights; strokovnjak pri Agency of Fundamental Rights – European Union.
Članske organizacije od International IDEA leta 1998, poleg držav, ki so so-ustanoviteljice, kot so Nizozemska, Avstralija, Norveška, Danska, Južna Afrika –
- Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (IIHR); International Federation of Journalists; International Press Institute (IPI); Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA); Transparency International.52; dostop 7.5.1999
Partnerske organizacije s katerimi International IDEA tesno sodeluje leta 2020 –
»The Office of the Permanent Observer for International IDEA to the United Nations has also actively engaged with private foundations and think tanks based in New York and Washington, such as the Ford Foundation, the Open Society Foundations, National Endowment for Democracy, International Foundation for Electoral Systems, Sustainable Development Solutions Network and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.«53; str. 95
Vidnejše organizacije od International IDEA –
»National Democratic Institute … Open Society Foundation … Woodrow Wilson International Center … The Carter Center … USAID … Friends of Europe … Club de Madrid … International Foundation for Electoral Systems [National Endowment for Democracy] … Robert Bosch Stiftung … Sida … European Endowment for Democracy … Sunlight Foundation … Human Rights Watch … Transparency International (TI) … Open Government Partnership … Minority Rights Group International … Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) … Council of Europe … Council of the European Union … Deloitte … European Commission … European Parliament … European Union … European Youth Forum … Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Belgium … Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office / Ukaid … Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs … Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation … UNDP … UN Women«54; dostop 29.12.2022
Middle East Media Research Institute
”Proti-muslimanski” s CIA tesno povezani Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)je bil ustanovljen leta 1998.
So-ustanovitelja inštituta sta izraelski polkovnik Yigal Carmon (ustanovni predsednik, 1998 – 2023s) in Weyrav Wurmser (ustanovna izvršna direktorica, 1998-2001). Carmon je bil vojaški obveščevalec pri Israel Defense Forces, 1968 – 1988, ter bil od leta 1988 – 1993 protiteroristični svetovalec premierja Shamirja in premierja Rabina. Leta 1991 pa je bil tudi vodja izraelske delegacije na mirovnih pogajanjih s Sirijo v Madridu in Washingtonu. Wurmser je tesno povezana z omrežjem ”konservativne CIA” in je bila Senior Fellow pri Hudson Institue, medtem, ko je bil njen mož David Wurmser svetovalec Dicka Cheneyja za bližnji vzhod, bil posebni pomočnik Johna R. Boltona, ter raziskovalec za Bližnji vzhod pri American Enterprise Institute. Predsedujoča direktorski upravi je bila v preteklosti tudi zloglasna Nina Rosenwald, ki je hkrati tudi pomembna financerka inštituta.
Častni člani svetovalne uprave od MEMRI pred letom 2012 –
- Jimmy Carter; Ronald Reagan; George H.W. Bush; Bill Clinton; George W. Bush; Barack Obama.
Člana direktorske uprave in člani svetovalne uprave od MEMR leta 2012 –
- predsedujoči Oliver “Buck” Revell – nekdanji vodja za proti-terorizem pri FBI; Elliott Abrams – National Endowment for Democracy.
- Elie Wiesel; General Michael V. Hayden – nekdanji direktor od CIA; Jose Maria Aznar; Stephen J. Trachtenberg – George Washington University; Donald Rumsfeld; R. James Woolsey – nekdanji direktor od CIA; John R. Bolton; John Ashcroft – Blackwater USA; Ehud Barak – nekdanji izraelski premier; Mortimer Zuckerman; Norman Podhoretz; Christopher DeMuth, nekdanji predsednik od American Enterprise Institute; Paul Bremer; Lord George Weidenfeld; Yehuda Bauer, nekdanji direktor od International Institute for Holocaust Research; Herb London – predsednik emerit od Hudson Institute; Stuart Eizenstat; Josef Joffe; Natan Sharansky; Edgar Bronfman; Max Kampelman; Alan Dershowitz.
Člani svetovalne uprave in kongresne svetovalne uprave od MEMRI leta 2023 –
- general Michael V. Hayden, nekdanji direktor od CIA; general Keith Alexander – nekdanji direktor od NSA; Jose Maria Aznar; Ehud Barak – nekdanji izraelski premier; John Ashcroft – Blackwater USA; Stuart Eizenstat; Imam Hassen Chalghoumi – ustanovitelj in predsednik od Conference of Imams of France; Norman Podhoretz; John Poindexter; Natan Sharansky; Alan Dershowitz; Paul Bremer; Mortimer Zuckerman; Josef Joffe; Stephen J. Trachtenberg – George Washington University; Christopher DeMuth, nekdanji predsednik od American Enterprise Institute; Yehuda Bauer, nekdanji direktor od International Institute for Holocaust Research;
- Newt Gingrich; Jane Harman; Susan Molinari; Dennis Ross.
Pokojni nekdanji člani svetovalne uprave od MEMRI do leta 2023 –
- Elie Wiesel; Donald Rumsfeld; Richard Holbrooke; Jack Kemp; Jeane Kirkpatrick; Irving Kristol; Edgar Bronfman; Lord George Weidenfeld; Max Kampelman.
Financerji, ki so financirali MEMRI od leta 1999 do leta 2011, so v glavnem javnosti malo poznane, a vseeno pomembne fundacije, in prihajajo tako iz ”liberalne CIA”, predvsem pa iz ”konservativne CIA” oz. iz njenega samega obveščevalnega ozadja, ki je tesno povezano z globalisti 55Middle East Media Research Institute 501(c)3 Financing, 1999-2009; str. 1-5 –
- The Klarman Family Foundation – $125,000 od leta 2006-2008; The Shillman Foundation – $31700 leta 2006; The Harold Grinspoon Foundation – $132,500 do leta 2008; Gotham Charitable Foundation
Trus – $425,000 od 2006 – 2009; The Paul Singer Family Foundation – $150,000 od leta 2000 – 2003; The Middle East Forum [Daniel Pipes; Elliott Abrams; Nina Rosenwald. Financer je Seth Klarman iz Klarman Family Foundation] – $100,000 leta 2008; The Abramson Family Foundation – $100,000 od leta 2006-2007; Jewish Federation of Greater Washington – $51,000 leta 2006; Milken Family Foundation [Michael Milken – Milken Institute Global Conferences] – $105,000 od leta 2006 – 2008; Lowell Milken Family Foundation – $90,000 od leta 2006 – 2007; The Irving I. Moskowitz Foundation – $110,000 leta 2009; [Sheldon] Adelson Family Foundation – $250,000 leta 2007; William Rosenwald Family Fund,
Inc. [Nina Rosenwald] – $85,000 od leta 2005 – 2007; Anchorage Charitable Fund [Elizabeth Varet – sestra od Nine Rosenwald; David Steinmann – direktor od William Rosenwald Family Fund] – $91,500 od leta 2001 – 2003; Legacy Heritage Fund Limited [Leslie Wexner – Aspen Institute; Hollinger International; ”Mega Group/Study Group”; do leta 2008 tesno povezan z Jeffreyjem Epsteinom, ki upravlja njegove finance in tudi financira eno od njegovih fundacij v višini $45 milijonov] – $799,892 od leta 2003 – 2005; JLRJ, Inc [Susan Wexner] – $49,100 leta 2004; J. M. Foundation [Carl Helstrom – je hkrati pod-predsednik pri Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation] – $50,000 od leta 2005 – 2007; The Shelby Cullom David Foundation [Diana Davis Spencer Foundation] – $20,000 leta 2006; Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program – $89,000 od leta 2005 – 2007; Jewish Communal Fund – $280,910 od leta 2002 – 2006; The Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. – $160,000 od leta 2000 – 2009; The Randolph Foundation [naslednik od H. Smith Richardson Charitable Trust; predsednica od Randolph Foundation je bila Heather Higgens, vnukinja ustanovitelja od H. Smith Richardson Foundation, ki je hkrati guvernerka od Council for National Policy. Člani uprave od H. Smith Richardson Foundation pa so bili Zbigniew Brzezinski; Donald Rumsfeld; Samuel Huntington; Fred Ikle.] – $125,000 od leta 2001 – 2008; Donors Capital Fund, Inc. [družine Koch; Bradley; DeVos-Prince iz Blackwater USA] – $550,000 od leta 2007 -2008; Koret Foundation [Abraham Sofaer; Michael Boskin; Anita Friedman] – $375,000 od leta 2006 – 2008; Newton & Rochelle Becker Family Foundation [Rochelle Becker – Washington Institute for International Affairs] – $2,412,797 od leta 2004 – 2009.
U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (USGLC)
Zelo vplivna, a javnosti v glavnem popolnoma nepoznana pro-globalistično-militaristična U.S. Global Leadership Coatilion (USGLC), je bila ustanovljena leta 1995.
Ključno vlogo imajo seveda najvplivnejši predstavniki liberalnega establišmenta, organizacija pa deluje kot pod-veja od CIA, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Atlantic Council in skupine Bilderberg. Na nižjem nivoju so člani uprave in člani tudi predstavniki iz omrežja ”liberalne CIA”. Najpomembnejše članske in partnerske organizacije od USGLC so med drugim Rockefeller Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundaton, Open Society Foundations, National Endowment for Democracy in še številni ostali.
The U.S. Global Leadership Campaign (USGLC) is a broad-based, nationwide coalition of businesses, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community leaders that advocates for a strong U.S. International Affairs Budget. The International Affairs Budget provides America with the fundamental tools to meet the global challenges of the 21st century and is critical to ensuring our national security, building economic prosperity, and strengthening humanitarian values.56; dostop 13.12.2007
Vidnejši člani svetovalnega odbora od USGLC leta 2007 –
»Gen. Colin L. Powell, Honorary Chairman … Madeleine Korbel Albright … James A. Baker, III … Samuel R. Berger … Harold Brown … Zbigniew Brzezinski … Frank Carlucci … Warren Christopher … William Cohen … Tom Daschle … Lawrence Eagleburger … Thomas S. Foley … Alexander M. Haig, Jr. … Lee H. Hamilton [9/11 Commission] … Gary Hart … Carla Hills … James R. Jones … Tom Kean [9/11 Commission]… Jack Kemp … Henry A. Kissinger [9/11 Commission] … Jim Kolbe … Anthony Lake … Bob Livingston [daljni sorodnik Thomasa A. Keana iz 9/11 Commission] … Sam Nunn … Paul O’Neill … William J. Perry … James Schlesinger … George P. Shultz … Steve Solarz … Lawrence Summers … Vin Weber … Timothy E. Wirth«57; dostop 13.12.2007
Vidnejši člani svetovalnega odbora od USGLC leta 2022/2023 –
»George Allen U.S. Senate, 2001 – 2007 … Richard Armitage … James A. Baker, III … Bill Bradley U.S. Senate, 1979 – 1997 … Hillary Clinton … William Cohen … Tom Daschle U.S. Senate, 1987 – 2005 … Christopher J. Dodd U.S. Senate, 1981 – 2011 … Thomas Donilon National Security Advisor, 2010 – 2013 … Bill Frist [National Endowment for Democracy, 2001 – 2006] U.S. Senate, 1995 – 2007 … Robert Gates … Dan Glickman [APCO Worldwide] U.S. House of Representatives, 1977 – 1995 … Carlos Gutierrez … Stephen J. Hadley National Security Advisor, 2005 – 2009 … Lee H. Hamilton [9/11 Commission] … Gary Hart U.S. Senate, 1975 – 1987 … Carla Hills … Tom Kean [9/11 Commission] Governor, New Jersey, 1982 – 1990 … Henry A. Kissinger [9/11 Commission] … Joe Lieberman U.S. Senate, 1989 – 2013 … Bob Livingston U.S. House of Representatives, 1977 – 1999 … Sam Nunn U.S. Senate, 1972 – 1997 … Robert O’Brien National Security Advisor, 2019 – 2021 … William J. Perry … Condoleezza Rice … Bill Richardson Governor, New Mexico, 2003 – 2011 … Tom Ridge Secretary of Homeland Security, 2003 – 2005 … Chuck Robb U.S. Senator, 1989 – 2001 … Mike Rogers U.S. House of Representatives, 2001 – 2015 … Rick Santorum U.S. Senate, 1995 – 2007 … Lawrence Summers … Vin Weber U.S. House of Representatives, 1981 – 1993 … Timothy E. Wirth U.S. Senate, 1987 – 1993 … Robert B. Zoellick … In Memoriam: … Madeleine Korbel Albright was a Founding Member of the USGLC Advisory Council from 2004 to 2022. Former General Colin L. Powell served as Honorary Chairman of the USGLC Advisory Council from 2005 to 2021.«58; dostop 5.1.2023
Člani uprave od USGLC so sestavljeni iz dveh sestrskih organizacij Center for U.S. Global Leadership in U.S. Global Leadership Campaign. Člani leta 2022/2023 –
»Center for U.S. Global Leadership: … Norm Coleman [National Endowment for Democracy], Co-Chair … Steve Benjamin [The New Deal], Co-Chair … Andrew Tisch, Vice Chair … George Ingram [Eurasia Foundation] Brookings Institution … Carrie Hessler-Radelet [Concordia Summit; Peace Corps; USAID] … Norman Ornstein American Enterprise Institute … Sherrie Westin [Council on Foreign Relations] Sesame Workshop …
U.S. Global Leadership Campaign: Sean Callahan [Caritas Internationalis; Catholic Charities USA], Co-Chair Catholic Relief Services … Candi Wolff [Economic Club of Washnigton; Bipartisan Policy Center], Co-Chair Citigroup … Ambassador Karl Hofmann [American Academy of Diplomacy], Vice Chair Population Services International (PSI) … Ambassador Karan Bhatia [Partnership for Public Service; General Electric] Google … Myron Brilliant [Council on Foreign Relations; Atlantic Council; National Committee on United States-China Relations; Concordia Summit] U.S. Chamber of Commerce … [ustanovni član uprave] Jeffrey Colman American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) … Kristin Lord [Council on Foreign Relations; Center for a New American Security; Elliott School of International Affairs; USAID] IREX … Greta Lundeberg [Council on Foreign Relations; Asia Society] The Boeing Company … Tjada McKenna [Council on Foreign Relations; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; USAID] Mercy Corps … David Miliband International Rescue Committee [CIA] … Michelle Nunn [hčerka od super elitnega Sama Nunna; Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission] CARE USA … Joanna Price [Atlanta Women’s Foundation; YMCA USA] The Coca-Cola Company [Warren Buffett] … Caroline Roan [Robert Woods Johnson Foundation] Pfizer, Inc. … Janti Soeripto [Concordia Summit; One Young World] Save the Children … Andrea Thompson [Royal United Services Institute; British-American Business Association; Women’s Foreign Policy Group; McChrystal Group Leadership Institute] Northrop Grumman … Peter Yeo [Council on Foreign Relations; The Huffington Post] UN Foundation/Better World Campaign … Edgar Sandoval [Procter & Gamble] World Vision US«59; dostop 5.1.2023
Člani nacionalnega svetovalnega odbora leta 2022/2023 sestavlja okoli 260 generalov in admiralov, med njimi tudi dva nekdanja direktorja od CIA in trije direktorji od NSA. Spodaj je navedenih samo en del članov –
»General Keith B. Alexander … Director, National Security Agency (’05-’14) … General John R. Allen … General Philip M. Breedlove … Commander, U.S. European Command and NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe (‘13-’16) … General John H. Campbell … Associate Director of Central Intelligence for Military Support, Central Intelligence Agency (’00-’03) … General Robert D. Chelberg … Chief of Staff, U.S. European Command (‘91-‘93) … General Wesley K. Clark … Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (‘97-‘00) … General Bantz J. Craddock … Commander, U.S. European Command and NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe (’06-’09) … Admiral Edmund P. Giambastiani, Jr. … General Michael V. Hayden … Director, Central Intelligence Agency (’06-’09) … General Barry R. McCaffrey … Commander, U.S. Southern Command (’94-’96) … General Stanley A. McChrystal [Iran-Contra] … Commander, International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan (’09-’10) … Vice Admiral John “Mike” M. McConnell … Director, National Security Agency (’92-’96) … General H.R. McMaster [’’anti-establišment’’; pro-Trump] National Security Advisor (’17-’18) … General Richard Myers … Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (’01-’05) … General David H. Petraeus … Director, Central Intelligence Agency (’11-’12); Commander, Coalition Forces in Afghanistan (’10-’11) and Iraq (’07-‘08) … Admiral Michael S. Rogers … Commander, United States Cyber Command; Director, National Security Agency (’14-’18) … Admiral James G. Stavridis … Commander, U.S. European Command and NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (’09-’13) … General Carl W. Stiner … Commander in Chief, U.S. Special Operations Command (‘90-‘93) … General Charles F. Wald … Deputy Commander, U.S. European Command (‘02-‘06) … General Charles E. Wilhelm … Commander, U.S. Southern Command (‘97-‘00) … General Anthony C. Zinni … Commander in Chief, U.S. Central Command (’97-’00)«60; dostop 5.1.2023
Vidnejši člani od USGLC leta 2007 –
»3M … ABB Inc. … Africa-America Institute … Aga Khan Foundation U.S.A. … American Academy of Diplomacy … American Airlines … American International Group. American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). American Jewish Committee. American Jewish Congress. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc. … Anti-Defamation League. Arab American Institute. Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee … AT&T Incorporated … Bank of America … B’nai B’rith. Boeing Company … Bretton Woods Committee … Business Roundtable … CARE. Cargill, Inc. … Caterpillar … Chevron Corporation …Citigroup, Inc. … Conoco Phillips … DaimlerChrysler … Dow Chemical Company. Dupont … Feed the Children … Ford Motor Company. Freedom from Hunger … Freeport McMoran Copper & Gold … Fulbright Association … General Dynamics. General Electric … GlaxoSmithKline. Global AIDS Alliance. Global Health Council … Global Vision, Inc. … Google, Inc. … Henry L. Stimson Center. Hewlett-Packard Company … Honeywell, Inc. … Howard University International Affairs Center … IBM … Initiative for Global Development. Institute for International Education (IIE) … InterAction. Inter-American Dialogue … International Center for Research on Women … International Rescue Committee … Jewish Council for Public Affairs … Johnson & Johnson … League of Women Voters. Levi Strauss & Co. … Lockheed Martin Corporation … Marathon Oil Company … Mercy Corps International … Meridian International Center … Microsoft … Monsanto Company … Motorola … National Association of Manufacturers. National Association of Social Workers. National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges. National Audubon Society … National Endowment for Democracy … National Wildlife Federation … Nokia. Northrop Grumman Corporation … Oxfam America … Population Action International … Pfizer. PhRMA … Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. … Population Institute. Procter & Gamble … Raytheon … Save the Children … Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) … Sierra Club … The Hip Hop Association … TRW Inc. … U.S. Chamber of Commerce. U.S. China Business Council. U.S. Fund for UNICEF. U.S. Russia Business Council … Union of Concerned Scientists … United Nations Association of the USA. United Nations Foundation … United Parcel Service (UPS). United States Committee for UNDP. United States Council for International Business. United Technologies Corporation. Universal Corporation … Verizon … Winrock International [Rockefeller] … Women in International Security … World Relief …World Vision International … World Wildlife Fund … YWCA of the USA«61; 4.1.2008
Vidnejši parnerji od USGLC leta 2022/2023 –
»The education arm of the USGLC, the Center for U.S. Global Leadership, is grateful for the generous support of our partners. Their support allows the USGLC to educate and engage the American public and opinion leaders about the importance of America’s civilian tools of development and diplomacy. … Funders: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Andrew W. Tisch. William & Flora Hewlett Foundation. Sesame Workshop … National Geographic Society. Johnson & Johnson … Global Innovation Fund. Open Society Foundations. The Rockefeller Foundation. Nuclear Threat Initiative. Pfizer. Cargill … Impact Partners: Chevron. … Google … National Partners: … P&G. Arizona State University. Abbott. UPS. ExxonMobil«62; dostop 5.1.2023
Medijske organizacije
European Centre for Press & Media Freedom
The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) je bil ustanovljen leta 2015 v Leipzigu.
The vision of the Centre is a society where media freedom enables open discourse and everyone can seek, receive and impart information. …
In 2009 Hans-Ulrich Jörges, then chief editior of the stern magazine, initiated the European Charter on Freedom of the Press.
To safeguard the Charter’s effectiveness the initiators seeked to found a watchdog institute. In the European Parliament former president Martin Schulz [Open Soicety Foundations – Reliable Alley] (Socialists and Democrats), Elmar Brok [Open Soicety Foundations – Reliable Alley](European People’s Parties) and Alexander Graf Lambsdorff [European Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission](ALDE, the Liberal group) gave their political backing to the idea. The Media Foundation of the Sparkasse Leipzig agreed to provide startup funding and steer the development of such an organisation. Eventually supporters from across Europe – academics, trades unions, investigative journalism organisations, media industry leaders, campaigning and aid organisations – gathered in Leipzig and founded the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom as a European Co-operative (SCE).63; dostop 17.1.2023
Financerji od European Centre for Press & Media Freedom v obdobju 2022/2023 –
»ECPMF is financed by various project funders – … National Endowment for Democracy … European Commission … Free Press Unlimited … Justice for Journalists … Medien Stiftung … Stadt Leipzig ..With support from: … Google for Nonprofits. «64; dostop 17.1.2023
Partnerske organizacije v obdobju 2022/2023 – Media Freedom Rapid Response; Journalists in Distress Network.
Media Freedom Rapid Response
The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) is a Europe-wide mechanism, which tracks, monitors and reacts to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States and Candidate Countries. This project provides legal support, public advocacy and information to protect journalists and media workers.65; dostop 17.1.2023
Partnerske organizacije v obdobju 2022/2023 –
- European Centre for Press & Media Freedom
- Article 19
- European Federation of Journalists
- Free Press Unlimited
- International Press Insitutte
Financerji leta 2022/23 – European Commission; European Commission (DG CONNECT); mesto Leipzig.
Partnerske organizacije so tesno povezane z National Endowment for Democracy in Open Society Foundations.
Slovenska tiskovna agencija
Sama propagandna podpora glede agencije STA iz tujine, prihaja zelo organizirane in sinhronizirane manipulacije, vseskozi iz tega omrežja liberalne (CIA) super elitne in ’’liberalne CIA’’. In zopet je tukaj Media Freedom Rapid Response, katerega vodilni financer je European Commission.
»Urgent solution needed as Slovenian Press Agency funding crisis passes 250 days
More than 250 days have now passed since the Slovenian Press Agency (STA) last received state funding for carrying out its public service mission from the government of Janez Janša, which currently presides over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. …
As the Slovenian government took over the rotating presidency of the European Council in July, an end to the crisis appeared to be in sight after the administration pledged to resolve the issue. However, the reworked public service agreement for 2021 included conditions which left the STA’s management with a choice between its existence or independence and it was not signed. Despite repeated calls for negotiations, UKOM refused and the government instead passed a controversial regulation on STA’s financing. Top government officials have meanwhile continued to try to discredit and undermine the STA on social media. …
The European Union cannot stand by as the leading press agency of a member state heading the EU Council presidency is silenced. We call on the European Commission to redouble its efforts to engage with the country’s leadership to end the crisis. Only then will the STA be able to continue the mission it was established to fulfill 30 years ago. …
Signed by:
Balkan Free Media Initiative
European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA)
European Broadcasting Union (EBU)
European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
Free Press Unlimited (FPU)
Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD)
Index on Censorship
International Press Institute (IPI)
Media Diversity Institute
OBC Transeuropa (OBCT)
Public Media Alliance
Reporters Without Borders (RSF)
Slovene Association of Journalists
Slovenian Union of Journalists
Society of Journalists, Warsaw
South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO)
The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation«66; dostop 24.12.2022
Analiza nevladnih organizacij, ki podpirajo Slovensko tiskovno agencijo
Article 19 se ni podpisal pod peticijo za podporo referenduma o RTV, je pa v tem obdobju podprl prejšnje dejavnosti v zvezi z RTV, kot član od The Media Freedom Rapid Response.
Financerji od Article 19 leta 2021 –
»National Endowment for Democracy (NED) … National Democratic Institute (NDI) … Open Society Foundations … Ford Foundation … [John D. & Catherine T.] MacArthur Foundation … Luminate [Pierre Omidyar]… Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom … SAGE Foundation … Facebook … Google … Twitter … US Agency for International Development (USAID) … US Department of State … Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) … European Commission … Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs … Embassy of The Netherlands … German Federal Foreign Office … Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) … Global Affairs Canada – Pro Democracy Fund … Canada Ministry of Foreign Affairs … Norway Ministry of Foreign Affairs … UNESCO … FRIDA … IFEX«67; str. 76
Financerji od Article 19 leta 2016 –
»Danish International Development Agency (Danida) … [Deutsche Welle] DW Akademie … European Commission … Ford Foundation … Freedom House … Fritt Ord … Guardian Foundation … Hivos … John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation … National Endowment for Democracy … Natural Resources Governance Institute … Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs … Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs … Norwegian Press Association … Open Society Foundations … Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency (SIDA) … UK Department for International Development(DFID) … UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) … United States Agency for International Development (USAID) … United States Department of State (USDoS) … William and Flora Hewlett Foundation«68; str. 71
Financerji od Article 19 leta 2001 –
»British Council … Council of Europe. DANIDA. Department for International Development, UK (DfID). Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada (DFAIT). European Human Rights Foundation. European Union … Ford Foundation. Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK. Friedrich Ebert Stichtung. Institut Fritt Ord … Joseph Rowntree Charitable Foundation. Joyce Mertz-Gilmore Foundation. Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Open Society Foundation for South Africa. Open Society Institute. Press Now. SIDA. Stichting Het Parool. UNESCO«69; str. 14
Balkan Free Media Initiative
Antoinette Nikolova
Ustanoviteljica od Balkan Free Media Initiative (BFMI) leta 2021 je Antoinette Nikolova. Za razumevanje kaj predstavlja BFMI, je potrebno najprej poznati ozadje Nikolove in ostala ozadja v katerih deluje.
V obdobju od 1996 – 2012 je bila Nikolova dopisnica iz Rima in New Yorka za Deutsche Welle, ki je tesno povezan z omrežjem in propagando ’’liberalne CIA’’.
V obdobju od 2004 – 2014 je bila dopisnica iz Evropske unije za zasebno bTV Media Group, ki je v obdobju od 2000 – 2010 spada pod News Corporation od Ruperta Murdocha. Rupert Murdoch je izredno tesno povezan z liberalnim establišmentom in ozadjem medijskega (dez)informiranja, poleg tega, pa je ena od osrednjih osebnosti Sun Valley Meetings, ki so tesno povezani s Trilateral Commission in CIA. Od leta 2010 je lastnik od bTV Media Group Central European Media Enterprises (CME), katerega ustanovitelja sta Mark Palmer in Ronald Lauder. Mark Palmer je so-ustanovitelj od National Endowment for Democracy, bil pa je tudi upravitelj od Freedom House. Ronald Lauder, super elitni sionist, ki je tesno povezan z Rockefellerjevimi interesi in omrežjem ’’liberalne CIA’’, je bil leta 2017 tudi udeleženec od Munich Security Conference. V preteklosti pa je bil Lauder tudi član uprave od pro-izraelske Anti-Defamation League, ki deluje v omrežju ’’liberalne CIA’’ in je tesno povezan z Mossadom in CIA, od leta 2007 pa je tudi predsednik od World Jewish Congress. V tem vmesnem obdobju od leta 2009 dalje je Time Warner (Warner Bros. Discovery – AT&T), ki je tudi predstavnik od Sun Valley Meetings, začel kupovati deleže od Central European Media Enterprises, leta 2013 pa tudi kupi kontrolni delež. Tako je od leta 2010 – 2020 bTV Media Group, ki ima v Bulgariji največje število gledalcev, v 75% lasti skupine WarnerMedia/AT&T, ki je, poleg tega, da je AT&T osrednji korporativni član od Council on Foreign Relations, sta WarnerMedia in AT&T pomembna predstavnika od Sun Valley Meetings, preko katerih je verjetno tudi prešlo do dogovora glede lastništva od bTV Media Group. Leta 2020 je AT&T prodal delež od WarnerMedia podjetju PPF Group, katerega lastnik je (bil pokojni) češki milijarder Petr Kellner, ki je imel že leta 2007 3% delež od Central European Media Enterprises, ter tedaj tudi postal član uprve od CME. Leta 2022 je Central European Media Enterprises kupil RTL Hrvatska od RTL Group, ki spada pod podjetje Bertelsmann. Bertelsmann je prav tako eno od osrednjih predstavnikov Sun Valley Meetings, ter tesno povezan s samim omrežjem liberalnega establišmenta in ’’liberalne CIA’’. Finančni svetovalec od CME (ko je bil njegov večinski lastnik AT&T), pri njegovi prodaji v PPF, pa ni bil nihče drug kot banka Allen & Co.,70 ki je ustanovitelj od Sun Valley Meetings. Drugi svetovalec je Bank of America Merrill Lynch, ki je korporativni član od Council on Foreign Relations. Pravni svetovalec od CME pa je Covington & Burling LLP, ki je še eno od super elitnih pravniških podjetij, povezanih z liberalnim establišmentom. Strukturna svetovalca od PPF sta bila BNP Paribas SA in Société Générale Côte d’Ivoire SA, obe tesno povezani s super elito in številnimi škandali. Rockefellerjeva J.P. Morgan Securities PLC pa je bila finančni svetovalec. Prodajo pa je odobrila tudi Evropska komisija.
Nikolova je bil v obdobju od 2012-2014 komunikacijska projektna menedžerka pri Kurdski regionalni vladi v Iraku.
Nikolova je v obdobju od 2014 – 2020 dopisnica iz EU za bulgarsko NOVA Broadcasting Group, ki je od leta 2008 – 2019 v lasti švedske Modern Times Group. Nova Television je leta 1994 ustanovil Srb Darko Tamindjić. Ni presenetljitvo, da je tudi ta švedska skupina tesno povezana z liberalnim establišmentom. Zelo pomemben ali ključen je podatek, da je neizvršni direktor od Modern Times Group, v obdobju vsaj od leta 2009 – 2017, Michael Mark Lynton, ki je od leta 2006 član od Council on Foreign Relations, in tesno povezan s podjetji, ki so del Sun Valley Meetings. Lynton se je šolal na super elitni in zelo selektivni Phillips Exeter Academy, kjer so se šolali tudi številni Rockefellerji, kot tudi John D. Negroponte in Mark Zuckerberg. Iz Phillips Exeter Academy pa je Lynton odšel na Harvard University, po diplomi je v obdobju od 1983 – 1985 delal za Credit Suisse First Boston. V obdobju od 1985 – 1987 pa dela magisterij na Harvard Business School. Leta 1987 začne delati za The Walt Disney Company (del Sun Valley Meetings), kjer je začel Disney Publishing. Od leta 1992 – 1996 je služil še kot direktor od Hollywood Pictures – Walt Disney Company. Od leta 1996 – 2000 je bil Lynton predsedujoči in generalni direktor od publicista Penguin Group, ki je spadal pod Pearson plc. Leta 2000 se pridruži Time Warner (del Sun Valley Meetings), kjer postane generalni direktor od AOL Europe, predsednik od AOL International in predsednik od Time Warner International. Leta 2004 je postal predsedujoči in generalni direktor od Sony Pictures Entertainment (del Sun Valley Meetings). Lynton leta 2012 zavzame še položaj generalnega direktorja od Sony Entertainment Inc., hkrati pa je že vsaj od leta 2012 redni udeleženec Sun Valley Meetings, prvotno kot predstavnik Sony Pictures Entertainment, po letu 2019 – 2022 pa še kot predstavnik od Snap in Warner Music Group. Leta 2017 Lynton postane predsedujoči od Snap (del Sun Valley Meetings), kateri so izdelovalci mobilne aplikacije Snapchat. Leta 2019 pa Lynton postane še predsedujoči od Warner Music Group (del Sun Valley Meetings). Pri WMG je pod-predsedujoči milijarder Len Blavatnik, ki je pomemben globalist in financer ’’liberalne CIA’’, tudi preko Oxford University. Vključno s temi položaji v vodilnih podjetjih zabavne industrije, pa leta 2009 postane Lynton tudi upravitelj od RAND Corporaration, ki je tesno povezana s CIA in s Pentagonom oz. U.S. Department of Defense. Vidnejši upravitelji leta 2022 so še top Sorosovo sredstvo Carl Bildt, Richard Danzig, Francis Fukuyama, Chuck Hagel, Karen Elliott House, Philip Lader, Janet Napolitano. Leta 2011 so vidnejši upravitelji Paul Kaminski, Karen Elliott House, Richard J. Danzig, Francis Fukuyama, Richard Gephardt, Ann McLaughlin Korologos, Peter Lowy, Paul H. O’Neill in James A. Thomson. Medtem, ko sta emeritus upravitelja Frank Carlucci iz CIA in Harold Brown. Najvidnejša člana svetovalne uprave od RAND Center for Global Risk and Security, sta poleg Harolda Browna in Jamesa A. Thomsona, še Henry Kissinger in Robert Abernethy.
Financerji od RAND Corporation leta 2011 –
»Office of Secratary of Defense … U.S. Department of Homeland Security … U.S. Department of Justice. Federal Bureau of Investigation. U.S. Department of State … U.S. Nonprofit Organizations: Annenberg Foundation. California Community Foundation. Carnegie Corporation of New York. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Humanity United [Pierre Omidary]. Rockefeller Brothers Foundation. Skoll Global Threats Fund. Smith Richardson Foundation … International Organization for Migration. Japan Foundation«71; str. 72-73
Leta 2012 je bil Lynton izvoljen še v Harvard Board of Overseers, poleg tega pa je še upravitelj od Natural Resources Defense Council (del ’’liberalne CIA’’) in upravitelj od Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Izredno pomembno oz. ključno pa je, ko Nikolova leta 2016 postane višja svetovalka vodilnega globalnega PR podjetja APCO Worldwide, ki je podjetje za javne zadeve in strateško komunikacijsko svetovanje. APCO Worldwide nastane leta 1984, kot podružnica od Arnold & Porter. Ustanoviteljica od APCO Associates je Margery Kraus, ki je danes tudi izvršna predsedujoča od APCO Worldwide.
Nikolova je od leta 2020 novinarka pri EurActiv, ki je prav tako tesno povezan s tem omrežjem in Evropskim parlamentom.
Leta 2021 pa je, kot že omenjeno Nikolova ustanovila in postala direktorica od BFMI Balcan Free Media Initiative. Preko vseh teh povezav Nikolove, je povsem jasno, da je BFMI sredstvo liberalnega establišmenta in obveščevalnih služb, ter preko tega del omrežja od ’’liberalne CIA’’, kjer deluje kot njihova spletkarka in propagandistka tudi v primeru STA. Hkrati pa ne preseneča, da takšne osebe iz tega omrežja sodelujejo in organizirajo konference na temo The Invisible Hand of Media Censorship in the Balkans.72
Sam Balcan Free Media Initiative pa je tudi tesno povezan z National Endowment for Democracy. Član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od BFMI Mark M. Nelson je bil od leta 2013 – 2021 višji direktor za Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) pri National Endowment for Democracy; bil vodilni specialist in programski vodja pri World Bank Group (1996 – 2013); delal za Wall Street Journal (1985 – 1996); bil pridruženi sodelavec pri Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1992 – 1993). Partnerske organizacije od Center for International Media Assistance, ki je iniciativa od National Endowment for Democracy, so –
»Open Society Foundations … Article 19 … Deutsche Welle Akademie … World Association of Newspapers and News Editors … Internews … Latin American Public Opinion Project … ijnet … Institute of Global and International Studies [Indiana University] … iRights info«73; dostop 27.12.2022
BFMI pa je seveda tesno povezan tudi s Sorosom. Članica mednarodne svetovalne uprave Meglena Kuneva, je tudi članica od European Council on Foreign Relations; bil evropska komisarka za zaščito potrošnikov (2007 – 2010); nominirana s strani Evropske komisije za Committee of independent eminent persons (2017 – 2018); bila bolgarska ministrica za izobrazbo in znanost (2016 – 2017); bila članica bolgarskega odbora za znanost in izobrazbo (2016 – 2017); bila urednica in novinarka na Bolgarskem nacionalnem radiu (1987 – 1991); dobitnica nagrade Gold distinction – Atlantic Club of Bulgaria.
European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
European Federation of Journalists
European Federation of Journalists je regijska organizacije od International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).
Financerji poročila South Asia Press Freedom Report for 2021-2022 –
»With support from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), European Union (EU), Norsk Journalistlag (NJ) and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the report highlights the stories of journalists in exile …«74; dostop 21.12.2022
Financer poročila Promoting Labour Rights, Gender Equality and Freedom of Association in Pakistan’s Media –
»February 2022 – January 2023
This project is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy«75; dostop 21.12.2022
International Federation of Journalists Asia-Pacific Project –
»IFJ Asia-Pacific project work is supported by funders including the European Union, Union to Union, Open Society Foundation, Norsk Journalistlag, UNESCO, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the Magna Carta Fund and many others.«76; dostop 22.12.2022
Organizacija IFJ je financirana še preko raznih projektov, ki so poleg NED in Open Society Fondations financirani še preko European Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, norveškega zunanjega ministrstva in norveškega sindikata novinarjev.
European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) je leta 2014 pozival evro poslance, naj podpišejo Journalists’ Manifesto for the revival of a free and pluralistic media in Europe. Od 54 podpisnikov jih je 31 (57,47%) tesnih Sorosovih zaveznikov, predvsem iz strak S&D, ALDE, European United Left–Nordic Green Left, ki so tudi osrednja sredstva ’’liberalne CIA’’ v evropskem parlamentu. Ostali podpisniki pa prihajajo iz strank, ki so v Evropskem parlamentu prav tako tesno povezane z ’’liberalno CIA’’ in liberalnim establišmentom, vključno z Evropsko ljudsko stranko. In ni presenečenje, da za ’’svobodnimi in pluralnimi mediji’’ iz EFJ/IFJ stojijo CIA-jin National Endowment for Democracy in Sorosova Open Society Foundations. Res, pluralna paleta pranja možganov. Podpisniki –
»May, European citizens have elected their Members of the Parliament to represent them at the new European Parliament. During the election, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has launched a Manifesto calling on all candidate MEPs to commit to the Journalists’ Manifesto for the revival of a free and pluralistic media in Europe.
Over 200 MEP candidates have endorsed the EFJ Manifesto by committing themselves to the following TEN principles. Among those MEP candidates who have signed the Manifesto, 50 of them them have been (re-)elected.
1. Democracy needs independent journalism
2. Europe needs media pluralism
6. Journalism as a public good
7. Investigative journalism needs free access to information
8. Investing in the future of journalism
10. Building trust and accountability through ethical journalism
Elected MEPs who have endorsed the EFJ Manifesto:
BELGIUM: 1. Frederique Ries [ALDE; Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality; European Parliament Intergroup on LGBT Rights] … 2. Guy Verhofstadt [Club of Madrid; Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; Council on the Future of Europe; Spinelli Group; ALDE] … DANEMARK: 3. Christel Schaldemose [PES; European Parliament Intergroup on LGBT Rights] … 4. Morten Messerschmidt [European Conservatives and Reformists Group; vodja danske skrajno desne stranke Danish People’s Party] … FINLAND: 5. Liisa Jaakonsaari [ALDE] … 6. Merja Kyllönen [European United Left–Nordic Green Left] … 7. Nils Torvalds [ALDE] … 8. Sirpa Pietikäinen [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; World Future Council; Group of the European People’s Party (EPP)] … FRANCE: 9. Marie-Christine Vergiat [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; European United Left–Nordic Green Left; DiEM25] … 10. Marielle de Sarnez [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; ALDE] … 11. Nathalie Griesbeck [ALDE] … 12. Patrick Le Hyaric [European United Left–Nordic Green Left] … 13. Robert Rochefort [ALDE; aretiran zaradi masturbiranja v javnosti] … GERMANY: 14. Evelyne Gebhardt [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; European Parliament Intergroup on LGBT Rights; S&D] … 15. Gabi Zimmer [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; European United Left–Nordic Green Left] … 16. Jo Leinen [European Movement International; European Policy Centre; Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; S&D] … 17. Jutta Steinruck [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; ALDE] … Kerstin Westphal [PES] … 18. Martin Schulz [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; World Economic Forum; S&D] … 19. Martina Michels [European United Left–Nordic Green Left] … 20. Matthias Groote [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; United Nations Climate Change Conference; S&D] … 21. Ska Keller [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; Young Global Leader 2015 – World Economic Forum; Protecting our European Way of Life; Greens/European Free Alliance] … 22. Ulrike Rodust [European Parliament Intergroup on LGBT Rights; PES] … ITALIA: 23. Antonio Tajani [World Economic Forum, 2014; European People’s Party] … 24. Gianni Pittella [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; ALDE] … 25. Davide-Maria Sassoli [World Economic Forum, 2020; ALDE] … 26. Mercedes Bresso [European Movement International; S&D] … NETHERLANDS: 27. Judith Sargentini [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; Greens/European Free Alliance] … 28. Bas Eickhout [United Nations Climate Change Conference; Greens/European Free Alliance] … POLAND: 29. Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; ALDE] … PORTUGAL : 30. Inës Cristina Zuber [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality: European United Left – Nordic Green Left] … ROMANIA: 31. Renate Weber [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; European People’s Party] … SPAIN: 32. Ángela Vallina [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; European United Left – Nordic Green Left] … 33. Clara Eugenia Aguilera García [European Parliament Intergroup on Artificial Intelligence and Digital; S&D] … 34. Eider Gardiazábal Rubial [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; Spinelli Group; European Parliament Intergroup on LGBT Rights; S&D] … 35. Elena Valenciano Martínez-Orozco [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; The Ideas Foundation for Progress; European Endowment for Democracy; S&D] … 36. Enrique Guerrero Salom [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; S&D] … 37. Ernest Urtasun [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality; Greens/European Free Alliance] … 38. Inés Ayala Sénder [S&D] … 39. Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández [Spinelli Group; S&D] … 40. Iratxe García Pérez [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; European Parliament Intergroup on LGBT Rights; European Parliament Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality; S&D] … 41. Javier Couso Permuy [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; pro-palestinsko sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’; European United Left – Nordic Green Left] … 42. Javier López Fernández [European Council on Foreign Relations; S&D] … 43. Jonás Fernández Álvarez [Spinelli Group; S&D] … 44. José Blanco López [The Ideas Foundation for Progress; S&D] … 45. Juan Fernando López Aguilar [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; European Council on Foreign Relations; The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy – CIA; Spinelli Group; Special Committee on Organized Crime, Corruption and Money Laundering (2012-2013), Committee of Inquiry into Money Laundering, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion (2016-2017) – Panama Papers (del ’’liberalne CIA’’); S&D] … 46. Lidia Senra Rodriguez [European United Left – Nordic Green Left] … 47. Marina Albiol Guzman [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; pro-Palestinsko sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’; European United Left – Nordic Green Left] … 48. Paloma López [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; European United Left – Nordic Green Left] … 49. Ramón Jáuregui Atondo [Parliament’s Committee of Inquiry into Money Laundering, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion (PANA) – del ’’liberalne CIA’’; S&D] … 50. Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; European Parliament Intergroup on LGBT Rights; S&D] … 51. Soledad Cabezón Ruiz [IDEAS Foundation for progress; S&D] … SLOVENIA: 52. Tanja Fajon [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; European Council on Foreign Relations; Transatlantic Policy Network; S&D] … UNITED KINGDOM: 53. Anneliese Dodds [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; predsedujoča od Labour Party; S&D] … 54. Claude Moraes [Open Society Foundations/Reliable allies; Commission for Racial Equality; Labour Party; S&D]«; dostop 22.2.2015
IFJ je na seznamu War in Ukraine: emergency support programmes for journalists on the front line, ki ga je objavil The Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD).
Free Press Unlimited
Leta 2011 je postal ustanovni direktor od Free Press Unlimited (FPU) Leon Willems, ki je bil pred tem direktor od Press Now. Williams je član izvršnega odbora od Global Forum for Media Development, vsaj od leta 2013 -; delal za United Nations; bil govorec pri 8th Global Investigative Journalism Conference, 2013. Od aprila 2022 je Willems višji svetovalec od FPU
Od 1.4.2022 je izvršna direktorica od Free Press Unlimited (FPU) postala Ruth Kronenburg, ki je hkrati od leta 2018 članica uprave od Transnational Institute. Kronenburg je sicer članica izvršne uprave od FPU od leta 2011. Transnational Institute spada pod elitni Institute for Policy Studies, ki je nastal preko Council on Foreign Relations in članov super elite, ter predstavlja vodilno sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’. Krenenburg je tudi članica izvršnega nadzornega odbora od Global Forum for Media Development, od leta 2021 – .
Članica nadzorne uprave od Free Press Unlimited je bila vsaj od leta 2012 –
- Marietje Schaake – top Sorosovo sredstvo, ki je istočasno članica Evropskega parlamenta in članica Sorosovega European Council on Foreign Relations. Schaakejeva je (bila) so-predsedujoča od Information and Democracy Working Group – Reporters Without Borders; članica uprave od Access Now; predsednica od CyberPeace Institute (Stéphane Duguin – Europol; Anne-Marie Slaughter; Brad Smith); imenovana International Director of Policy pri Cyber Policy Center na Stanford University; imenovana International Policy Fellow pri Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence na Stanford University; upraviteljica od Friends of Europe; članica od Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity, 2018 – ; komisarka pri Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace; članica od Chatham House Commission on Democracy and Technology (Toomas Hendrik Ilves); svetovalka od Centre for Humane Technology (cela vrsta sredstev ’’liberalne CIA’’, kot sta The Duke and Duchess of Sussex aka Meghan Markle in princ Henry; Chris Hughes – Facebook); članica od European Leadership Network; članica svetovalne uprave od Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy; so-predsedujoča od Global Future Council on Agile Governance – World Economic Forum; bila imenovana Young Global Leader – World Economic Forum, 2014; članica od Facebook Oversight Board; udeleženka od Munich Security Conference; bila imenovana ’’civic leader’’, ko je naslovila srečanje od Obama Foundation.
Leta 2022 so partnerske organizacije od FPU naslednje –
»Dutch Ministry of Foregin Affairs. Nationale Postcode Loterij. SIDA. European Commission. UNESCO«77; dostop 22.12.2022
Financerji od FPU leta 2016 –
»Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs … Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) … Dutch Postcode Lottery … European Endowment for Democracy … European Union«78; str. 35
Financerji od FPU leta 2012 –
»Adessium Foundation … Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) … Department for International Development UK … Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs … European Union … Federal Foreign Office Germany … France Expertise Internationale … ikam – Istanbul Research Centre on Women … Liberty Fund … Nationale Postcode Loterij … Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs … Oxfam Novib [ustanovitelj princ Bernhard, so-sustanovitelj skupine Bilderberg] … Sida – Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency«79; dostop 16.2.2012
Global Forum for Media Development
The Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) je bil ustanovljen leta 2005 in je –
… international network of around 100 journalism support and media development organisations across 60 countries. GFMD’s main focus is to foster collaboration as well as an exchange of information and experience among its members and partners with the aim to foster viable and independent journalism, greater transparency, and more pluralistic and sustainable media environments.
GFMD is a member of the Global Network Initiative (GNI), the United for News Coalition, a collaborator with the Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI), and was formally granted special consultative status by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in July 2018.80
Financerji od The Global Forum for Media Development leta 2022, kjer je članov 147 mednarodnih novinarskih organizacij –
»Core funders: The National Endowment for Democracy (NED). NED is a private, nonprofit foundation dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world. .… The Open Society Foundations (OSF). Founded by George Soros, OSF are the world’s largest private funder of independent groups working for justice, democratic governance, and human rights. … Programmatic funders: The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) … The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) … BBC Media Action … International Media Support (IMS)«81; dostop 22.1.2022
Financerji od The Global Forum for Media Development do leta 2016 –
»Donors that supported the GFMD have included the Open Society Foundations, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, National Endowment for Democracy, European Commission, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) and United Nations Development Fund (UNDEF). … The GFMD is supported by a grant of The Foundation Open Society Institute in cooperation with the Program on Independent Journalism of the Open Society Foundations.«82; 24.6.2016
Financerji od The Global Forum for Media Development od leta 2007 do leta 2011 –
»Since the launch of the GFMD secretariat in 2007, we have received financial support from our members, as well as from donor organisations.
Suport our activities, including the GFMD 2008 World Conference in Athens has come from the National Endowment for Democracy, the John S. and Jame L. Knight Foundation, the Open Society Institute, the Lodestar Foundation, USAID, the UNDP, the UNDEF, UNESCO, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, CAF Latin America, the Avina Foundation, the Lebanon Press Club, the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, the government of Greece, the City of Athens, the Center for International Media Assistance, the US Institute for Peace.«83; dostop 29.8.2011
Financerji od The Global Forum for Media Development ob ustanovitvi leta 2005 –
»GFMD is made possible through the generous support of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the Department for International Development (DFID – United Kingdom), the Ford Foundation, the Government of Jordan, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Lodestar Foundation, the National Endowment for Democracy, the United Nations Foundation, the Open Society Institute, and UNESCO.«84; dostop 5.2.2006
Ustanovna člana nadzornega odbora od GFMD sta tudi International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), ter Arab Press Freedom Watch (APFW), BBC World Service Trust, Institute for War & Peace Reporting (IWPR), Internews Europe, World Association of Newspapers (WAN) in ostali.
The Global Forum for Media Development je 1.7.2022 objavil War in Ukraine: emergency support programmes for journalists on the front line –
»As Russia’s war in Ukraine continues to escalate, Ukrainian journalists are on the front line, playing a vital role in keeping information flowing. To support journalists working in increasingly difficult conditions, a number of assistance programmes are available for media and journalists in Ukraine.
The Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) has published a resource guide on the crisis/emergency funding that is available for journalists, which is also available in Ukrainian. Resources range from grants, to medical support, provision of equipment, security support, relocation and insurance.
The opportunities listed include:
Civil Rights Defenders …Committee to Protect Journalists … European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) … European Endowment for Democracy … Freedom House … Free Press Unlimited … International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Safety Fund … International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Safety Fund … International Media Support: Defending Journalism (DJ) Safety Fund … International Women in Media Foundation (IWMF) Emergency Fund … Keep Ukraine’s media going … Katapult … Lviv Media Forum … National Endowment for Democracy (NED) … New Democracy Fund – Rapid Response Fund … Reporters Without Borders (RSF)«85; dostop 22.12.2022
GFMD je leta 2011 v Braziliji organiziral svojo tretjo GFMD World Conference, ki so se je udeležili86; dostop 7.10.2011 –
- Melinda Gates – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
- top Sorosova zaveznica Arianna Huffington – Huffington Post [del ”liberalne CIA’‘].
- Rosenthal Calmon Alves – Knight Chair in Journalism – John S. and Jame L. Knight Foundation.
- Evgeny Morozo – Open Society Institute Fellow; TED Fellow.
- David Kobia – MIT Media Lab Directors Fellow.
- Waddah Khanfar – predsedujoči od Al Jazeera (Katar; podporniki skrajnega islama in skrajne Muslimanske bratovščine v CIA ’’arabski pomladi’’); upravitelj Sorosove International Crisis Group; član od Global Agenda Council on Geopolitical Risk 2012 (Ian Bremmer; Moisés Naím) – World Economic Forum; TED Conference (Arab Spring Talk 2011).
- Tom Curley – predsednik in generalni direktor od Associated Press (propaganda liberalnega establišmenta).
- Friede Springer – namestnica predsedujočega od Axel Springer Verlag (del skupine Bilderberg; del Sun Valley Meetings – CIA/Trilateral Commission).
- Michelle Bachelet – izvršna direktorica od UN Women; članica od Club de Madrid.
- Dunja Mijatovic – Representative on Freedom of the Media – OSCE.
- Thomas Hammarberg – Commissioner for Human Rights – Council of Europe; generalni sekretar od Amesty International (1980-1986); generalni sekretar od Save the Children Sweden (1986 – 1992).
- Stephen King – partner pri Omidyar Network, 2008 – 2018; glavni izvršni od Luminate, 2018 – ;bil direktor pri BBC World Service, 2001 – 2008; direktor od BBC Media Action, 2001 – 2008.
- Alec Ross – posebni svetovalec Hillary Clinton na US State Department; bil Obamove predsedniške kampanje; bil član Obamove-Bidenove Tranzicijske supine, 2008/09; bil AmeriCorps Member pri Teach for America (del ”liberalne CIA”); član uprave od Truman Center for National Policy, 2022 – .
- Nazeer Ladhani – Aga Khan Foundation (del ”liberalne CIA”).
International Press Institute
International Press Institute je globalno orientirana organizacija, ki je bila zasnovana leta 1950 na Graduate School of Journalism – Columbia University in ima danes sedež na Dunaju. Ustanovni financer inštituta 16.5. leta 1951 je družina Rockefeller. To tudi pomeni, da inštitut že vse od ustanovitve deluje kot propagandni ustroj liberalnega establišmenta.
»To editors of the free world, no problem is greater than covering Russia and its satellites, where a free press is unknown. Last week the International Press Institute, founded by the New York Times’s Sunday Editor Lester Markel to explore just such matters, took up the problem in a report, The News from Russia. After sounding out more than 100 U.S. and foreign editors by questionnaire, I.P.I, concluded: “The occasional dispatch [an editor] receives from Moscow is completely misleading when he presents it in the traditional manner.”«87,33009,817071,00.html
So-ustanovitelj inštituta in ustanovni predsedujoči upravi leta 1951 je postal Lester Markel – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1947 – 1977; na osebno povabilo Adolpha S..Ochsa (družina Ochs Sulzberger so tesni Rockefellerjevi zavezniki in člani od Pilgrims Society) postane urednik nedeljske izdaje od New York Times , 1923 – 1964. Merkel je tudi organiziral uvodno srečanje urednikov na Columbia University leta 1950.
Ustanovni financer od International Press Institute je družina Rockefeller preko Rockefeller Foundation –
»A significant development in furtherance of humane values was the organization last year of the International Press Institute, with the immediate objective of advancing and safeguarding the freedom
of the press throughout the world. The institute is also interested in the improvement of journalistic practices, the exchange of accurate and balanced news among nations and in promoting mutual understanding among editors and thus among peoples. The Institute is an outgrowth of a visit to the United States in 1950 of a group of editors from 14 countries, reprisenting Europe, Latin America, Asia and Australia, which met here at the invitation of the American Press Institute and the American Society of Newspaper Editors. The International Press Institute was formally organized at a meeting in Paris in May of 1951, and Zurich, Switzerland, was chosen as headquarters. The Foundation’s grant of $130,000 is toward oprating expenses for three years.«88Rockefeller Foundation, Annual Report 1951, str. 90-91
Družina Rockefeller pa je posredno ustanovni financer od International Press Institute tudi preko Ford Foundation –
»International Press Institute: To Support Freedom of the Press [$]150,000«89Ford Foundation, Annual Report 1951; str. 21
Dejansko Rockefeller Foundation in Ford Foundation vseskozi financirata inštitut, kar je tudi razvidno iz nekaj spodaj navedenih primerov.
Rockefeller Foundation leta 1960-
»Asian Press Program: Established in 1951 to promote professional standards and practices in the daily press, to increase the international flow of news, and to encourage a free and responsible press, the International Press Institute, Zurich, Switzerland, is currently expanding its program for the Asian press. … To help finance the expanded Asian press program, The Rockefeller Foundation has appropriated $78,000 to the International Press Institute. The funds are available, with the balance remaining in an earlier grant, through 1961.«90Rockefeller Foundation, Annual Report 1960; str. 171
Rockefeller Foundation leta 1968 –
»International Press Institute: Program for the Asian Press [$]29,450«91Rockefeller Foundation, Annual Report 1968, str. 1978
Ford Foundation leta 1969 –
»International Press Institute: Improvemet of the flow of the news between countries [$]100,000. Training African journalists at Nairobi center [$]27,000«92Ford Foundation, Annual Report 1969; str. 152
Ford Foundation leta 1967, 1973 –
»International Press Institute: [$153,000 – 1973] … [$150,000 – 1967]«93Ford Foundation, Annual Report 1976; str. 46, 55
Financerji od International Press Institute leta 2022 –
»Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs. European Commission. European Media and Information Fund Managed by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. Fondation Nicolas Puech. Fritt Ord Foundation. Global Affairs Canada. Government of Sweden. Helsingin Sanomat Foundation. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. National Endowment for Democracy. Open Society Foundations. IFEX. UNESCO – Global Media Defence Fund«94; dostop 22.12.2022
Financerji od International Press Institute leta 2016/2017 –
»Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs. European Commission. Ford Foundation. Fritt Ord Foundation. Foundation Open Society Institute. Google. Helsingin Sanomat Foundation. The David & Elaine Potter Foundation«95; dostop 29.1.2017
International Press Institute je leta 2002 organiziral svetovni kongres. Predsedujoči gostujočemu odboru je bil Mitja Meršol, glavni urednik revije Delo. Izvršni pod-predsedujoči je bil Boris M. Bergant, tedanji namestnik generalnega direktorja RTV Slovenija. Njegov nečak je Igor E. Bergant. Člani svetovalne uprave so bili še Jure Apih, Sandra Bašić Hrvatin – (leta 2000 sodeluje pri projektu, ki je financiran s strani Open Society Institute1; publikacija Mirovnega inštituta – Značilnosti v propagando usmerjenih medijskih sistemov96; dostop 22.12.2022; cela vrsta publikacij preko Mirovnega inštituta; deluje pri Pod črta, ki je del omrežja ’’liberalne CIA’’), Boris Cekov, Jirka Cvetko, Tadej Labernik (direktor od STA), Janez Pergar (član Forum 21; ustanovni predsednik od Adriatic Council – TC), Kristina Plavšak, Aleks Štakul (tedanji generalni direktor RTV Slovenija), Barbara Verdnik (stranka Zares).
Vidnejši govorci na kongresu so bili –
- Erhard Busek (Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg, 1992; European Council on Foreign Relations; European Forum Alpbach; European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation; Europaeum).
- Wolfgang Petritsch (Institute for Hman Sciences – George Soros; European Leadership Network; Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation).
- Graham Avery (Bilderberg, 2000; glavni svetovalec za širjenje Evropske skupnosti).
- Milo Djukanović.
- Stjepan Mesić.
- Borut Pahor.
- Lojze Peterle (Friends of Europe).
- Boris Bergant.
- Janez Potočnik.
- Sandra Bašić-Hrvatin.
- Danail Danov – Media Development Centre (Financerji in partnerji leta 2022 – Center for Independent Journalism; Deutsche Welle; Guardian Foundation; International Center for Journalists; Konrad Adenauer Stiftung; National Endowment for Democracy; Open Society Institute; Peace Institute, Ljubljana; Royal Netherlands Embassy)97; dostop 22.12.2022, Sofia.
- Peter Preston – The Guardian Foundation.
- Chris Cramer – CNN International.
- Ronald Koven – World Press Freedom Committee (leta 2009 se združi s CIA-jinim Freedom House).
- Rafael Marques – Open Society Foundation.
- Aidan Whit – International Federation of Journalists.
- H.D.S. Greenway (Council on Foreign Relations, 1986 – ; Foreign Affairs; Bosch Fellow in Public Policy – American Academy in Berlin) – The Boston Globe.
Media Diversity Institute
Pro-globalistični Media Diversity Institute je bil ustanovljen leta 1997 v Londonu.
Ustanoviteljica inštituta je Milica Pesic, ki je med drugim nudila medijsko usposabljanje pri Open Society Institute, Freedom Forum, British Council, Internews, International Federation of Journalists, United Nations, Council of Europe, EBRD in UNICEF.
Inštitut deluje v omrežju ’’liberalne CIA’’, kjer preko inštituta delujejo razni trenerji, ki so povezani z Eurasia Foundation, USAID, United States Institute of Peace, Open Society Institue, Sorosovo Central European University, Anna Lindh Foundation, IREX, Internews, Save the Children UK, European Journalism Centre.
»An MDI “Reporting Diversity” Curriculum Development Workshop, organised jointly with the Budapest-based Central European University, has led to the establishment of Reporting Diversity courses within journalism faculties and schools at the following institutions: Zagreb University, Croatia; Tirana University, Albania; Sarajevo University, Bosnia; Sofia University, Bulgaria; Bucharest University, Romania and the Novi Sad School of Journalism, Serbia.«98; dostop 11.9.2009
Financerji inštituta do leta 2017 –
»Council of Europe … Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs … Eurasia Foundation … European Commission … European Cultural Foundation … Freedom Forum … IREX … Norwegian Union of Journalists … Open Society Institute … Sigrid Rausing Trust … Swedish International Cooperation Development Agency – SIDA … Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation … UK Department for International Development … UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office … UNESCO … UNHCR … United Nations Development Program … Westminster Foundation for Democracy [britanska kopija od National Endowment for Democracy]«99; dostop 27.2.2017
Financerji inštituta leta 2009 –
»European Commission, the United Nations Development Programme, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Open Society Institute, the Sigrid Rausing Trust, the Eurasia Foundation, the Council of Europe, Freedom Forum, IREX, Westminster Foundation for Democracy, and the European Cultural Foundation.«100; dostop 11.9.2009
Financerji inštituta leta 2004 –
»Open Society Institute … Sigrid Rausing Trust … Freedom Forum … European Cultural Foundation … European Commission … Council of Europe … The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs … IREX … Westminster Foundation for Democracy … The UK Department for International Development (DFID)«101; dostop 7.8.2004
Reporters Without Borders
Reporters sans frontières aka Reporters Without Borders (RWR) so bili ustanovljeni leta 1985.
Kot je razvidno iz poročila od RWB za leto 2021, so vodilni financerji naslednji –
»National Endowent for Democracy … Open Society Foundations … Open Society Initiative for West Africa … Ford Foundations … John D. & Catherina T. MacArthur Foundation … Craig Newmark Philanthropis … Well Spring Philanthropic Fund … Sida … Adessium Foundation … Fritt Ord … European Commission … giz – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit … Kingdom of Netherlands … Republique Francaise Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres … UNESCO«102; str. 34
Financerji od RWB leta 2020 –
»National Endowment for Democracy (NED) … Sigrid Rausing Trust … Ford Foundation … Luminate [Pierre Omidyar] … French Development Agency (AFD) … European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) … IFEX, the Global Network Defending and Promoting Free Expression … UNESCO … French foreign ministry … French defence ministry … Council of Europe … Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)«103; 21.9.2020
Financerji od RWB leta 2017 –
»National Endowment for Democracy (NED) … Sigrid Rausing Trust … Ford Foundation … French Development Agency (AFD) … European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) … IFEX, the Global Network Defending and Promoting Free Expression. … UNESCO … French foreign ministry … French defence ministry … Council of Europe … Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)«104; 29.9.2017
Financerji od RWB leta 2007 –
»The main companies helping Reporters Without Borders were Sanofi Aventis and the French distribution firm CFAO. The main foundations were the Soros Foundation, the Center for a Free Cuba, the US National Endowment for Democracy, the Sigrid Rausing Trust, the Overbrook Foundation and the Fondation de France.«105; dostop 31.8.2007
Financerji od RWB nekje v obdobju od leta 2003 – 2005 –
»Grants from private foundations (Open Society Foundation, Center for a Free Cuba, Fondation de France, National Endowment for Democracy) were slightly up, due to the Africa project funded by the NED and payment by Center for a Free Cuba [Elliott Abrams – NED; Jeane J. Kirkpatrick; Otto J. Reich] for a reprint of the banned magazine De Cuba.«106; dostop 16.6.2006
The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation
Fundacija se imenuje po malteški novinarki Daphne Caruana Galizia, ki je bila umorjena leta 2017. Galizija je bila za časa umora članica Sorosovega European Council on Foreign Relations. Član uprave je tudi njen sin Matthew Caruana Galizia, ki je danes prav tako član od European Council on Foreign Relations in tesno povezan z omrežjem ”liberalne CIA”. Galizia je bil leta 2021 skupaj s Primožem Cirmanom iz Necenzurirano, govorec pri dogodku, ki ga je organiziral Mirovni inštitut.
Svetovalci od fundacije –
Anne Applebaum
- top predstavnica liberalnega establišmenta; članica od Council on Foreign Relations, 2004 – ; članica uprave od National Endowment for Democracy, 2015 – ; Adjunct Fellow od American Enterprise Institute (top ’’koneservatina CIA’’); članica uprave od Renew Democracy Initiative, 2017 – ; članica mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od Center for European Policy Analysis, 2015 – ; bila Fellow od American Academy in Berlin, 2006; članica mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Reconnect Europe; članica mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od Israel Democracy Institute (George Shultz; Henry Kissinger; James Wolfensohn; Sidney Drell; Elliott Abrams; Martin Indyk; Stephen Breyer; Josef Joffe; Abraham Sofaer), 2022 – ; članica svetovalnega odbora od Justice for Kurds Network of Student Ambassadors, 2019 – ; Senior Fellow na The Agora Institute na School of Advanced International Studies – Johns Hopkins University; bila udeleženka od Munich Security Conference, 2017; študirala kot Marshall Scholar. Njen mož je top Sorosovo sredstvo Radoslaw Sikorski, ki je član od European Council on Foreign Relations; udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022 in od leta 2020 član izvršnega odbora; je Distinguished Statesman na Brzezinski Institute on Geostrategy pri Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2016 – ; bil izvršni direktor od New Atlantic Initiative, 2002 – 2005; bil član svetovalne uprave od Eurasia Group, 2016 – ; bil Resident Scholar pri American Enterprise Institute, 2001 – 2005 (Sikorski postane poljski obrambni minister, 2005 – 2007; poljski zunanji minister, 2007 – 2014); bil Fisher Family Fellow pri Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, 2018; član vodstva od Counter Extremism Project (Elliott Abrams; Frances Townsend); član od European Leadership Network; Senior Fellow pri Center for European Studies na Harvard University; član Evropskega parlamenta od leta 2019 – ; član svetovalnega odbora od Justice for Kurds Network of Student Ambassadors, 2019 – ; član svetovalnega odbora in udeleženec od Munich Security Conference, 2017 – . Sikorski je skupaj s top Sorosovim sredstvom Carlom Bildtom ustanovil Eastern Partnership od Evropske unije, ter predlagal in pomagal pri ustanovitvi od European Endowment for Democracy, ki je evropska kopija od National Endowment for Democracy. Skupaj s Fajonovo je Sikorski tudi udeleženec od Transatlantic Policy Network.
Deborah Bonello
- financirana s strani International Women’s Media Foundation,; dostop 27.12.2022 katere financerji so –
»Special Thanks: Howard G. Buffett Foundation … $500,000+: Craig Newmark Philanthropies. Luminate [Pierre Omidyar]. Raven Advisory … $250,000+: Bank of America. Emerson Collective [Laurene Powell Jobs]. Ford Foundation. Foundation for a Just Society. Henry Luce Foundation. Hollywood Foreign Press Association. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. National Democratic Institute. New Venture Fund. Silicon Valley Community Foundation … $100,000+: … Democracy Fund. Forbes Media … New Venture Fund. News Corp [Rupert Murdoch] … $50,000+: CNN … $25,000+: … Bloomberg. The Boston Globe. CBS … CNN. Facebook … McKnight Foundation. The Walt Disney Company. Women’s Equality Center … $10,000+: ABC News. Amanda Bennett and Don Graham … Discovery … Dow Jones Foundation … Hearst Corporation … NBC News and MSNBC … The New York Times … The Washington Post … $5,000+: … The Arnhold Foundation. The Estée Lauder Companies … Carnegie Corporation of New York … Knight Foundation … Andrea Mitchell and Alan Greenspan … Politico … Samuel Rubin Foundation … Supporters: … The Associated Press … Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation … Dan Glickman … Penguin Random House«108; dostop 27.12.2022
Bonello piše za think tank InSight Crime, katerega financerji so –
»Open Society Foundations. Center for Latin American & Latino Studies – American University. Suecia Sverige«109; dostop 27.12.2022
InSight Crime je član od Global Investigative Journalism Network.
Maria Ressa
- tesno povezana z omrežjem ’’liberalne CIA’’. Nobelova nagrajenka Ressa je dobitnica Albie Award, ki jih podeljuje Clooney Foundation for Justice. George Clooney je član od Council on Foreign Relations in top sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’. Dogodek podelitve nagrade je poleg Clooney Foundation vodila tudi Ford Foundation. Amal Clooney je tudi ena od voditeljic mednarodne pravne skupine od Reese, katera ima vsaj sedem kazenskih tožb s strani Dutertejeve administracije –
»“We believe that justice must be waged – it doesn’t just happen. So when journalists are locked up just for doing their job, we try to get them out of prison. When young girls are denied the right to study, work, or marry when they want, we help them fight for their rights through the courts. When minorities are targeted for genocide, we help trigger trials against the perpetrators,” said George and Amal Clooney.
Ford Foundation President Darren Walker added: “We are seeing attacks on journalists, human rights defenders, women, LGBTQ people and minorities proliferating worldwide, with very little accountability. With the Albie Awards, we hope to bring much-needed attention to the courageous work of our award-winners.”
According to the Clooney Foundation, Michelle Obama, Meryl Streep, Oscar Isaac, Dua Lipa, Aloe Blacc, John Oliver, Julia Roberts, Nadia Murad, Bruce Springsteen, and Patti Scialfa “are a few of the people who have signed on to be part of the evening and raise their voices on behalf of the honorees.”«110
Ressa je leta 2017 dobila Democracy Award od CIA-jinega National Democratic Institute; leta 2018 je dobila Free Media Pioneer Award od International Press Institute; leta 2018 je dobila Knight International Journalism Award.
Podporniki od The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation –
»We depend on and are thankful for the support that’s been selflessly provided by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), the Rory Peck Trust, PEN International, the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), the International Press Institute (IPI), Article 19, Index on Censorship, the Media & Law Studies Association (MLSA), Free Press Unlimited and the many different PEN centres, some continuously and some whenever their resources allowed them to.«111; dostop 27.12.2022
Richard A. Clarke
Richard A. Clarke – imenovan tudi ’’Counterterrorism Czar’’; v Clintonovi in nato v Bushevi administraciji služi kot National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-Terrorism (1998-2003). Clarke je v Reaganovi administraciji delal za State Department; leta 1992 ga George H. W. Bush imenuje za predsedujočega od Counter-terrorism Security Group, ter ga imenuje v U.S. National Security Council.
Za Clarka pa se zdi, da je samo še en izmed številnih dezinformatorjev v tem omrežju, o čemer pričajo številne njegove povezave. Med drugim je Clarke strateški svetovalec pri Paladin Capital Group, kjer je bil vodilni strateški svetovalec neokonservativec R. James Woolsey, nekdanji CIA direktor in vodilni dezinformator.
Clarke je bil udeleženec od skrivnih Forstmann Little Conferences, ki so se jih udeleževali vodilni predstavniki liberalnega establišmenta, super elite, kot tudi vodilni financer mudžahedinov in Al Qaede princ Turki al Faisal. In nasploh je Clarke tesno povezan z vodilnim CIA/Rockefellerjevim sredstvom Frankom Wisnerjem II.
Clarke je postal širši javnosti poznan leta 2004, ko je izdal knjigo Against All Enemies, ter pričal pred 9/11 Commission. Richard Clarke je ’’obtožil’’ tedanjega CIA direktorja Georgea Teneta (Council on Foreign Relations, 1998 – ; In-Q-Tel; Saban Center for Middle East Policy – Brookings Institution; Sun Valley Meetings; Forstmann Little Conferences), top CIA operativca Coferja Blacka (Counter-Terrorist Center – CIA; Coordinator for Counterterrorism – State Department, 2002 – 2004; Center for Cyber and Homeland Security, 2015 – ; Burisma Holdings; Blackwater USA, 2005-2008; Aspen Security Forum) in CIA uradnika Richarda Bleeja (CIA, 1984 – ; vodja od Alec Station – The Strategic Assessments Branch – CIA, ki je bila ustanovljena julija 2000, vendar je imel Blackov CTC ’’velike’’ težave, da je skupino našel; kot vodja podružnice, ki je zadolžena za nadzor nad Bin Ladenom in Al Quaedo, se Blee prijavi na uradno dolžnost 10.9.2001), da so namenoma zadrževali informacije o dveh ugrabiteljih, ki so ugrabili American Airlines Flight 77. Zelo pomembno vlogo pri tem naj bi imel Blee, ker je oviral ostale vladne agencije, da te ne bi mogle ugotavljati nepravilnosti v zvezi z devetnajstimi ugrabitelji.
»As we sought to clarify how the CIA had handled information about the hijackers before 9/11, we found a half dozen former government insiders who came away from the Sept. 11 tragedy feeling burned by the CIA, particularly by a small group of employees within the agency’s bin Laden unit in 2000 and 2001, then known as Alec Station. …
The [9/11] commission became aware in early 2004 of a warning written by Doug Miller, an FBI agent working inside the CIA’s Alec Station. In January 2000, Miller tried to inform his bosses about a man named Khalid Al Mihdhar, who had previously been identified as a member of an al-Qaida operational cadre. By the spring of 2000, the CIA had learned that Mihdhar and another suspected al-Qaida operative, Nawaf Al Hazmi, had likely arrived in Southern California. But the CIA did not pass along the information to the FBI.
The draft cable — blocked by Miller’s CIA superiors — was not turned over to the commissioners or to the earlier congressional investigation. It was discovered in CIA records by an investigator working for a concurrent inquiry conducted by the Justice Department’s inspector general. Apparently it had been missed by Tenet’s DCI Review Group, convened immediately after the attacks to examine CIA records in order to prepare the director for the coming government investigations. …
We pushed [Thomas] Kean. Could it be this was a simple mistake, a failure to recognize the significance of Mihdhar and Hazmi, as the CIA had initially characterized it?
“Oh, it wasn’t careless oversight,” Kean replied. “It was purposeful. No question about that in my mind … In the DNA of these organizations was secrecy.”
Mihdhar and Hazmi boarded American Flight 77 at Washington Dulles airport on the morning of Sept. 11. After the plane took off, they joined three other men in commandeering the aircraft and flying it into the Pentagon, killing a total of 184 people.
In 2009, former White House counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke took the scenario further. In an on-camera interview he suggested that Tenet, once a close friend and colleague, had ordered the withholding of the information about the two al-Qaida operatives from the FBI and from the White House.
Clarke explained why he had come to that remarkable conclusion. Tenet, he said, followed all information about al-Qaida “in microscopic detail” and would call Clarke at the White House several times a day to share “the most trivial of information.” In addition, there were terrorism threat meetings held in person every other day.
[’’]We must have had dozens, scores of threat committee meetings over the time when they knew these guys had entered the country … They told us everything except this … So now the question is, why?[’’] …
“I am outraged and have been ever since I first learned that the CIA knew these guys were in the country,” explained Clarke. “But I believed for the longest time that this was probably one or two low-level CIA people who made the decision not to disseminate the information. Now that I know that 50 CIA officers knew this, and they included all kinds of people who were regularly talking to me, saying I’m pissed doesn’t begin to describe it.” …
We found the same suspicion was also prevalent among FBI counterterrorism agents from the time, particularly those who had worked under a legendary FBI agent named John O’Neill in New York. … He retired to serve as chief of security at the World Trade Center and was killed in the Sept. 11 attacks, only three weeks after leaving the bureau.
O’Neill’s deputy for counterterrorism was Pasquale D’Amuro, who was appointed inspector in charge of the FBI’s investigation into the attacks.
“I am cautious about saying it, because you have to deal with the facts,” D’Amuro told us. He said that he was told that Richard Blee, the chief of Alec Station, and his deputy, Tom Wilshere, had blocked the sharing of intelligence on Mihdhar and Hazmi with the FBI.
“I had heard that Blee stopped it from coming over, that Blee and Wilshere had had the conversation and stopped it,” D’Amuro said. “There’s no doubt in my mind that that went up further in the agency than just those two guys. And why they didn’t send it over — to this day, I don’t know why.”
Jack Cloonan, former manager at the FBI’s al-Qaida-busting I-49 Squad, is another insider pained by the CIA’s actions.
“If you start to look into everything that’s Khalid Al Mihdhar and Nawaf Al Hazmi, you can’t help but conclude to most people’s minds that this is it,” Cloonan, said during an emotional interview in his New Jersey living room. “9/11 occurred not because the systems failed. The systems actually worked. Somebody made a critical decision not to share this information … If you look at this, it’s really just a handful of people. I don’t know how they sleep at night, I really don’t.”«112
Richard Clarke je vsekakor tesno povezan z liberalnim establišmentom, zato to njegovo delovanje resnično deluje, kot še eno izmed manipulacij in dezinformiranja javnosti.
Clarke je bil leta 1996 vpleten v t.i. operacijo Orient Express, ki je bil skrivni pakt, katerega so sestavljali super elitna Madeleine Albright, kot ameriška ambasadorka pri UN, Michael A. Sheehan (Council on Foreign Relations, 2006 – 2015; Coordinator for Counterterrorism; nekdanji vodja od ISI General Ziauddin Butt, je dejal, da Sheehan oz. ZDA niso imele nobenega namena ujeti Osamo bin Ladena – “Of the officers US sent to probe for him (Osama Bin Laden), one was a retired major named Sheehan who was extremely unprofessional. At night when we were supposed to discuss the matter, he was so drunk that we had no chance of discussing this matter“), posebni svetovalec Madeleina Albright pri UN in James P. Rubin (Council on Foreign Relations, 1991 – ; komisar od Port Authority of New York and New Jersey; bil zunanje politični svetovalec med predsedniško kampanjo John Kerryja), desna roka Albrightove. Namen te operacije je naj bi bila odstranitev tedanjega generalnega sekraterja UNa Boutrosa Boutros-Ghalija, ki se je leta 1996 brez tekmeca potegoval za drugi mandat. Ta skupina z Albrightovo na čelu je pričakovala, če gre verjeti uradni zgodbi, da bo pridobila naklonjenost drugih držav. Vprašanje, kaj je bilo v resnici v ozadju, ker Boutros-Ghali, ki je študiral kot elitni Fulbright Scholar, ter bil nasploh precej povezan z liberalnim establišmentom že vsaj od leta 1979. Leta 1979 je tako Boutros-Ghali sodeloval pri ustanovitvi od Institute for Middle East Peace and Development (Track II Arab-Israeli), pri ustanovitvi katerega je sodeloval tudi super elitni Rockefellerjev operativec Cyrus Vance (Pilgrims Society; Council on Foreign Relations; Rockefeller Foundation), član uprave pa je bil top CIA sredstvo Frank Wisner II (Council on Foreign Relations; Rockefeller Brothers Fund; Refugees International). Ena od precej zanimivih Boutros-Ghalijevih povezav je preko Committee for a World Parliament (COPAM), ki je nastal leta 2000 in katerega namen je izgradnja podpore za svetovni parlament pod UN zastavo, kar je še kako pro-globalistično. Eden od začasnih ’’problemov’’, na katerega je naletela ta skupina predstavnikov super elite pa je bil ravno 11/9 in ’’War on Terror’’. Leta 2009 se je COPAM pridružil Campaign for the Establishemnt of a United Parliamentary Assembly (CEUNPA). Pri COPAM je bil Boutros-Ghali tako član uprave še z Olivierjem Giscard d’Estaignom, vodilnim Rockefellerjevim globalistom Petrom Sutherlandom, top ’’konservativnim CIA’’ operativcem Ottom van Habsburgom, Trilateralcem Jacquesom Delorsom, Michelom Rochardom, Ernestom Ulrichom von Weizsackerjem, Lord Juddom iz Oxfam, Shimonom Peresom, Nelsonom Mandelo, Sonjo Ghandi in ostalimi. Bil član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od PlaNet Group, katere člani so bili še Robert Hormats, Etienne Davignon, Felix Rohaty, Jacques Delors, Pehr Gyllenhammar, Shimon Peres, Michel Rocard, Muhammad Yunus. Prav tako pa je bil v letih 1995 in 2008 udeleženec od World Economic Forum. Leta 1993 je Boutros-Ghali dobil nagrado Arthur A. Houghton Jr. Star Crystal Award for Excellence od African-American Institute, ki je sicer center CIA in Rockefellerjevega delovanja v Afriki.
Clarkeovo kasnejše delovanje pa tudi postavlja pod vprašanje njegovo resnično vlogo pri vsem tem. Clarke je tako fakultativni sodelavec od Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs (Graham Allison; Nicholas Burns; Ashton Carter; Erica Chenoweth; John Deutch – CIA; Jason Furman; Joseph Nye; Meghan O’Sullivan; Samantha Power; Lawrence Summers), ki je tesno povezan z delovanjem od CIA in raznih njihovih skrivnih programov, kot je bil v preteklosti ’’arabska pomlad’’, danes pa je to med drugim ozadje od globalnih ’’klimatskih protestov’’.
Clarke je leta 2021 postal član svetovalne uprave od podjetja za prepoznavanje obrazov Clearview AI. Clarku se je kot članu uprave pridružil tudi Lee S. Wolosky, ki je s Clarkeom član delovne skupine pri The Century Foundation, ki je izdala poročilo Defeating the Jihadists: A Blueprint for Action. Podjetje Clearview AI sta leta 2017 ustanovila Hoan Ton-That in Richard Schwartz. Hoan Ton-That, ki je po očetovi strani potomec vietnamske kraljeve družine, se je leta 2007 iz Avstralije preselil v San Francisco. Leta 2009 je ustanovil podjetje HappyAppy in aplikacijo ViddyHo, ki je aplikacija za lažno predstavljanje oz. malware, ki je pošiljal neželeno pošto med uporabnikove stike. Zaradi tega je imel Ton-That tudi opravke s policijo. Kasneje je ustvaril še Viddyho-ju podobno Vso to njegovo delovanje je očitno pritegnilo pozornost start-up investitorja Navala Ravikanta iz AngelList. Ravikant je pomemben investitor v podjetja, kot so Uber, Twitter, Foursquare (Andreessen Horowitz; Morgan Stanley), Wish, Postmates (BlackRock; Uber), Thumbtack (Sequoia Capital; Tiger Global Management; Google Capital), Notion (Sequoia Capital), SnapLogic (Andreessen Horowitz), Opendoor Technologies Inc. (SoftBank Group Vision Fund; General Atlantic), Clubhouse (Andreessen Horowitz; TED Conferences), Bolt (Sequoia Capital; Fidelity Management and Research Co), OpenDNS (Cisco). Velika večina teh podjetij, ki so ključni start-up investitorji od zgoraj naštetih podjetij, so del omrežja od Trilateral Commission/CIA preko zelo pomembnih Sun Valley Meetings. Ravikant je tudi ustanovitelj od MetaStable Capital, ki je kriptovalutni hedge fund, ki je bil lastnik od Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, ter še številnih ostalih kriptovalut. Investitorji v sklad so bili še Founders Fund (Peter Thiel – Palantir Technologies/CIA; Sun Valley Meetings), Andreessen Horowitz (Sun Valley Meetings), Sequoia Capital (Michael Moritz – top financer ’’liberalne CIA’’, doniral $20 milijonov za American Civil Liberties Union), Union Square Ventures in Bessemer Venture Partners. Vse to pa je Ravikant podprl še kot gost pri zelo sumljivem The Joe Rogan Experience, ki je prav tako del omrežja ’’konservativne CIA’’. Hon-That je leta 2016 spoznal Richarda Schwartza, ki je delal za nekdanje new yorške župane Rudyja Giulianija (precej povezan s ’’konservativno CIA’’; bil govorec pri Council for National Policy), Edwarda Kocha, Davida Dinkinsa, kot tudi za Henryja Sterna. Bil pa je tudi član od New York City Council. Leta 2000 je Schwartz so-ustanovil porno filter, ki je bil odobren s strani new yorške nadškofije. Aplikacija, ki je delovala nekje do leta 2005, je blokirala spletne strani od Child Online Protection Act (COPA), ter različne strani na strani od COPA, kot so Center for Democracy and Technology (del ’’liberalne CIA’’), American Civil Liberties Union (del ’’liberalne CIA’’), Electronic Frontier Foundation (del ’’liberalne CIA’’), American Family Association (del ’’konservativne CIA’’). Hoan Ton-That in Richard Schwartz sta se spoznala na neoliberalnem Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, ki seveda spada v omrežje ’’konservativne CIA’’ in je hkrati tesno povezan z liberalnim establišmentom. Inštitut sta leta 1978 ustanovila bodoči zloglasni CIA direktor William Casey in prav tako z obveščevalnim omrežjem tesno povezani Anthony Fischer. Preko vseh teh povezav, ki jih je Ton-That pridobil v obdobju do leta 2015, ko je delal za Angel List, pa se je povezal s številnimi dezinformativnimi in neo-nacističnimi sredstvi ’’konservativne CIA’’, ki v tistem času oz. malo kasneje predstavljajo tudi pro-Trumpovo in ’’alt-right’’ ozadje. To so predvsem Andrew Alan Escher Auernheime (The Daily Stormer), Mike Cernovich (redni gost od The Alex Jones Show; Pizzagate), Pax Dickinson (Business Insider CTO), kot tudi s Thielov dolgoletni tesen prijatelj Charles C. Johnson (ex-Brietbart) in Thielov varovanec Jeff Giesea. Giesea je pred 2016 RNC organiziral večerjo, ki so se je udeležili Hoan Ton-That, Mike Cernovich, Charles C. Johnson in ustanovitelj alt-right spletne strani VDARE Peter Brimelow, ki je po pisanju New York Times tesno povezan z Rupertom Murdochom, ki je še en top predstavnik CIA/liberalnega establišmenta in tudi pomemben predstavnik Sun Valley Meetings. Giesea je ustanovil tudi “Gays for Trump”, ki je bila zabava na 2016 RNC, ki jo je vodilo top sredstvo ’’konservativne CIA’’ Milo Yiannopoulos. Zabave pa se je udeležil tudi vodilno nizozemsko neokonservativec in sredstvo ’’konservativne CIA’’ Geert Wilders, ki je sicer varovanec od vodilnega nizozemskega neokonservativca Fritsa Bolkesteina (Bilderberg, 1996, 2002-2004; govorec pri Trilateral Commission, 2001), ki je bil prav tako član od Mont Pelerin Society in leta 1985 gost od National Democratic Institute for International Affairs.
Začetna investitorja od Clearview AI sta tako top CIA sredstvo Peter Thiel in Naval Ravikant. Podjetje je januarj leta 2020 ’’razkril’’ New York Times (del Sun Valley Meetings) v članku The Secretive Company That Might End Privacy as We Know It. Po objavi članka je 40 organizacij, ki so seveda del ’’liberalne CIA’’, kot so Color of Change, Council on American–Islamic Relations (zelo radikalna, pro-migrantska; financirana s strani Rockefellerjev; povezana s terorizmom in Al Qaedo), Demand Progress, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Electronic Privacy Information Center, Fight for the Future, Freedom of the Press Foundation, Media Alliance, National Center for Transgender Equality, National Hispanic Media Coalition, National LGBTQ Task Force, Project On Government Oversight, Restore the Fourth, Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, Woodhull Freedom Foundation, poslalo protestno pismo do Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB), ki je bila ustanovljena z 9/11 Commission Act of 2007. Skupaj s Clarkeom so tako leta 2021 člani svetovalne uprave postali še Floyd Abrams (Liberty and Security Committee – Constitution Project; Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism; Committee on Freedom of Speech; Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP), ki je bratranec od super elitnega Elliotta Abramsa (National Endwoment for Democracy); nekdanji komisar od New York City Police Department Raymond W. Kelly (Distinguished Visiting Fellow – Council on Foreign Relations; Counter Extremism Project; Cypher Brief Conferences – CIA, NSA, GCHQ, DIA; K2 Intelligence; The Economic Club of NY; Aspen Security Forum – Aspen Institute; Homeland Security Advisory Council; Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.), ki je tesno povezan s postavitvijo visoko-tehnoloških nadzorovalnih sistemov pod New Yorku; Lee Wolosky (Council on Foreign Relations, 1997 – ; National Security Network; Defeating the Jihadists: A Blueprint for Action – The Century Foundation; Transnational Threats – National Security Council, 2000-2001; The National Center for Law and Economic Justice; Muslim Coalition for America; Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison; Jenner & Block), ki je varovanec od Theodorja Sorensena; Thomas Feddo (Council on Foreign Relations, 2022 – ; National Security Institute; ForgePoint Capital Cybersecurity); Owen West (Council on Foreign Relations; Assistant Defense Secretary for Special Operations, 2017-2019, Trump; Global Natural Gas & U.S. Power – Goldman Sachs; Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation); Rudy Washington (nekdanji namestnik župana Rudyja Giulianija).
Richard A. Clarke je predsedujoči guvernerski upravi od pro-savdskega/arabskega Middle East Institute, ki ga je ustanovil Kermit Roosevelt, top CIA operativec. Inštitut že od nekdaj tesno povezan z Rockefellerjevimi naftnimi interesi. Vidnejši člani guvernerske uprave Paula J. Dobriansky (Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; Atlantic Council; National Endowment for Democracy; Defense Policy Board; Center for a New American Security; Smith Richardson Foundation); Brian C. McK. Henderson (Atlantic Council; Chatham House Foundation; Chase Manhattan Bank; Rockefeller Capital Management); Marjorie A. Adams (Council on Foreign Relations); Robert Jordan (služil kot ameriški ambasador v Savdski Arabiji; Council on Foreign Relations; World Affairs Council of Dallas Fort Worth; Bilateral U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce); general John P. Abizaid (služil kot ameriški ambasador v Savdski Arabiji; Council on Foreign Relations; CIA’s External Advisory Board; International Institute for Strategic Studies; U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; Combating Terrorism Center – United States Military Academy, West Point; Hoover Institution); Thomas J. Campbell (DC Capital Partners, LLC; Center for a New American Security; DynCorp International Inc. – CIA); George R. Hoguet (Council on Foreign Relations; Weatherhead Center for International Affairs – CIA); strokovnjaki general Philip Breedlove (Bilderberg, 2014; Atlantic Council; Center for a New American Security; Supreme Allied Commander of NATO). Leta 2020 so člani mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od inštituta še Richard A. Debs (Pilgrims Society; U.S.-Saudi Business Council; Morgan Stanley; Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Ford Foundation Fellow; Fulbright Scholar; King Abdul Aziz medal); Lee H. Hamilton; Thomas R. Pickering; Frank G. Wisner II; medtem, ko je član guvernerske uprave William Webster.
Financerji od Middle East Institute leta 2020 –
»$500,000-$1,000,000: … Embassy of the United Arab Emirate. $100,000-$499,999: Thomas Campbell … DC Capital Partners [Richard Armitage; general John F. Kelly; Donald M. Kerr Jr. – CIA 2001 – 2005; Admiral James Stavridis; general Joseph T. Votel -U.S. Special Operations Command; general Anthony Zinni; Thomas Campbell]. Saudi Aramco. $50,000-$99,999: Council on Foreign Relations. GIZ … Ploughshares Fund. Rockefeller Brother Fund. World Bank Group. $25,000-$49,999: Chevron. Embassy of the State of Kuwait. ExxonMobil. Foundation for Middle East Peace. Hunt Oil. National Defense University … $10,000-$24,999: … American Chamber of Commerce … Arnold & Porter LLP … Chevron. Richard Clarke … Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman … Occidental Petroleum. Paladin Capital Group (R. James Woolsey – CIA; Richard A. Clarke)«113; str. 59
Tom Harkin
Tom Harkin – slovenskih korenin; nekdanji ameriški senator, 1985 – 2015; takratni predsednik Slovenije Janez Drnovšek mu je leta 2005 podelil Zlati red za zasluge RS; pomemben podpornik Izraela; kot senator bil član od Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, ki letno odobri $2 milijardi vojaške pomoči Izraelu; so-predsedujoči svetovalnemu odboru od USGLC Iowa, ki je podružnica od super elitne U.S. Global Leadership Coalition.
Zelo malo ljudi se spomni, da je za časa predsednikovanja neokonservativca Georga H. W. Busha (Skull & Bones; top predstavnik liberalnega establišmenta; CIA direktor; tesno povezan z Mossadom in s savdsko kraljevo družino; tesno povezan z banko BCCI, ki je bila CIAjino središče za pranje denarja od drog in orožja) na začetku 90ih, njegova administracija (vsaj za manipuliranje javnosti) poskušala zaustaviti gradnjo izraelskih naselij na Zahodnem bregu. Gradnjo pa so podpirali vodilni člani Demokratske stranke, med njimi predsedniški kandidati Bill Clinton (Trilateral Commission; Council on Foreign Relations; Club of Madrid), Bob Kerrey (Council on Foreign Relations, 2001 – ; 9/11 Commission; Hakluyt), Tom Harkin in L. Douglas Wilder (prvi Afro-ameriški guverner; član od Boule, ki je tesno povezana z NAACP – del ’’liberalne CIA’’), katerega predsedniško kampanjo je iz ozadja financirala/vodila pol-skrivna elitna in ekskluzivna Afro-Ameriška bratovščina Boule/Sigma Phi Pi (Martin Luther King Jr.; Eric Holder; Vernon Jordan; Kenneth Chenault; Clifton Wharton Jr.; William Coleman Jr.; Ron Brown; Whithey Young – Rockefeller Foundation)114, katere član je od poznih 60ih.
»Democrats know that George [H. W.] Bush is absolutely right in trying to stop Israeli settlements on the West Bank, but only two have come out and said so, Sen. Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont and Rep. David R. Obey of Michigan.
They could make a contribution to peace in the Middle East, not to mention their reputations, if they joined him in telling Israel that the days of wine and roses in the U.S.-Israeli relations are over. The realities of the new world order have been acknowledged by the militant Anti-Defamation League [del ’’liberalne CIA’’], whose spokesman, Abraham Foxman [Council on Foreign Relations, 2006; America-Israel Friendship League; Endowment for Middle East Truth], wrote that things have changed since the Soviet collapse and the Persian Gulf War.
What makes the Democrats’ position almost grotesque is the fact that most Americans (87 percent) and most Israelis (67 percent at last count) stand with Bush and against Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir’s policy of building to the horizon.
Hyman Bookbinder [od 60ih lobist za AFL-CIO – del ’’liberalne CIA’’; tesen zaveznik Martina Luther Kinga Jr.; ustanovitelj od National Jewish Democratic Council], everyone’s favorite Jewish lobbyist who recently retired from the American Jewish Committee [Jacob H. Schiff; Elliott Abrams – National Endowment for Democracy; Elliot E. Cohen; Norman Podhoretz; Otto Graff Lambsdorff], is an impassioned advocate of Israel. He deplores Bush’s methods and tactics, but thinks that he has a point on substance. To Bookbinder, Bush’s Sept. 12 attack on the Jewish lobby and his depiction of himself as “one lonely little guy” up against thousands of lobbyists, was “a political temper tantrum, a disgrace” and a clumsy and dangerous move that could ignite ever-menacing antisemitism. … One of Bookbinder’s birthday party guests said, “We American Jews have been going over there [to Israel] for years and telling Israeli governments they shouldn’t do certain things. They appear to listen, then go right on doing what they want to do. They are addicts; we are enablers.”
But Democratic presidential aspirants, both avowed and potential, make up a solid front of opposition to Bush … [as] Sen. Bob Kerrey … Sen. Tom Harkin … Gov. L. Douglas Wilder … Gov. Bill Clinton … [and] Gov. Mario M. Cuomo of New York … Former senator Paul E. Tsongas«
Ta na videz konfuzna igra liberalnega establišmenta, ki se igra preko republikanske in demokratske stranke, je lepo vidna tudi v naslednjem Harkinovem primeru iz leta 1986, kjer z Johnom Kerryjem delujeta kot sredstvi ’’liberalne CIA’’ delujeta kot nasprotnika od kontrasov v Nikaragvi. V nadaljevanju bo tudi bolj jasno zakaj –
»Senators who voted for $100 million for a wider war in Nicaragua will not be able to say in years to come that they didn’t know what they were doing. The opposition laid out the precedents, the dangers and the consequences in full detail.
Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), for instance, traced the history of the contras and their initial training at the hands of the Argentine military, the most brutal in Latin America. Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) [Skull & Bones; Council on Foreign Relations, 1992 – ; Bilderberg, 2012; Munich Security Conference; U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; American Security Project; U.S. Institute of Peace; Service Year Alliance; precej pogosti udeleženec od World Economic Forum, 1993 – 2022] reviewed the record of the early days of Vietnam, quoting the officials of the time as denying any intention of involving American combat forces. A typical quote from Robert S. McNamara, then secretary of defense: “We have no plans at present to send combat troops to South Vietnam.”
It accords with President Reagan’s assertion that “American troops have not been asked for and are not needed.”
In Vietnam, such declarations were, in due course, followed by the dispatch of 525,000 American servicemen to fight a jungle war. One of them was Harkin; another was Kerry.
It was all sadly illuminating, but the Senate Republicans, led by Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard G. Lugar (R-Ind.) [Rhodes Scholar; National Endowment for Democracy; Insternational Republican Institute; Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; American Academy of Diplomacy; U.S. Global Leadership Coalition] and prodded by their leader, Robert J. Dole (R-Kan.) [Center for Strategic and International Studies; American Security Council; Republican Leadership Council; Balkan Action Council], could not pause in their rush to the slippery slope. With the help of varying numbers of Democratic hawks, and the Senate’s sense of urgency about something else — namely recess — they carried the day against every mitigating amendment. They rejected moves to keep the CIA out of the management of the war, to keep U.S. advisers out of the combat zone, to keep funds for starving Africans out of the contra piggy bank. They crushed the incipient filibuster in its crib.
The Republicans kept saying they were not seeking war, only democracy. Lugar earnestly, shamelessly insisted that it was not another Vietnam in the making but an El Salvador, or possibly the Philippines revisited. Charges of atrocities, larceny, drug-smuggling, avarice and sloth would vanish, as the contras, under U.S. advisers and trainers, are transformed into law-abiding, purposeful liberators. The U.S. government is issuing pocket manuals telling them how.
Sen. Jim Sasser (D-Tenn.) [Council on Foreign Relations, 2001 – ; National Committee on U.S. China Relations; The U.S. China Policy Foundation; International Advisory Board – Culture and Civilization of China, Yale University; United Nations Association; APCO Worldwide; tesno povezan z družino Gore] made the most arresting speech of the long debate, and the most chilling. He gave the administration’s $100 million scenario for the months ahead.
The contras, Sasser said, would be trained not as guerrillas but as regular army units. They would, perhaps next spring, launch an invasion into a northern corner of Nicaragua, seize a remote, uncontested area and declare themselves the provisional government of Nicaragua.
We, according to Sasser, would immediately grant them recognition. The Sandinistas would attempt to eradicate the contras. At that point, he foresees, the Reagan administration, faced with contra wipeout or full-scale intervention, would send in the Marines.
The chamber was virtually empty, so nobody challenged him; eventually several members of his party pointed out the rightness of what he said.
Later, asked where he had gotten his idea, the senator said promptly, “From the administration.”
From Elliott Abrams [Council on Foreign Relations; National Endowment for Democracy; Center for Security Policy; NGO Monitor; American Jewish Committee; Jewish People Policy Institute; Israel Democracy Institute], the assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs, who will be the field marshal of the offensive, Sasser learned of the official hope that by tightening the screws on the Sandinistas, we could cause internal collapse.
The State Department [vodi ga top Rockefellerjev zaveznik George Shultz – Council on Foreign Relations, 1974 –] much favors the “provisional government” ploy as a means of “legitimizing” the contras.
The president’s national security affairs adviser, Adm. John M. Poindexter [pomemben za vzpon Palantir Technologies – CIA, Peter Thiel, Alex Karp; DARPA Information Awareness Office; Trumpov podpornik in dezinformator glede Trumpovega poraza], told Sasser during a heated White House discussion that “the president does not want to leave this problem to his successor — he wants to get rid of the Sandinistas now.”«115
Delovanje Harkina kot sredstva ’’liberalne CIA’’ še bolj osvetli podatek, da je že od 70ih tesno sodeloval z Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), ki nastane kot del gibanja ’’proti vojni v Vietnamu’’ in je tesno povezan s Council on Foreign Relations oz. liberalnim establišmentom, čeprav IPS uradno deluje kot ’’anti-establišment’’ in je povezan z raznimi skrajno levičarskimi gibanji in komunističnimi vladami. Harkin je bil tako tesno povezan z Orlandom Letelierjem,116 čilskim ambasadorjem v ZDA pod vlado Salvadorja Allendeja. Ko pride v Čilu leta 1973 na oblast general Augusto Pinochet s pomočjo CIA izvršenega državnega udara, za katerim stojita David Rockefeller in Henry Kissinger, pristane Letelier v zaporu oz. v koncentracijskem taborišču. Je pa, vsaj uradno, Kissinger kasneje zahteval njegovo izpustitev. Letelier je nato izpuščen in se preseli v Washington, kjer postane Senior Fellow od IPS, da bi razkrinkal Pinochetovo diktaturo. Leta 1975 postane Letelier Director of Planning and Development for the International Political Economy Programme pri Transnational Institute, ki je evropska veja od IPS. Letelierja ubijejo v Washingtonu leta 1976. Oseba, ki ji sodijo za organiziranje atentata na Letelierja je Michael Townley, ki je tedaj uradno delal za brutalno Pinochetovo tajno policijo Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional (DINA). Za umor je odsedel vsega 62 mesecev. Townley, ki je trdil, da je že leta 1970 poskušal delati za CIA v Čilu, vendar uradno nikoli, je v Čilu vodil tajno radijsko postajo in se družil z opozicijskimi skupinami. Townley je odgovoren tudi za atentat na Allendejevega generala Carlos Pratsa in njegovo ženo v Argentini leta 1974. V Italiji je bil v odsotnosti obsojen na 15 let zapora, ker je deloval kot posrednik med DINA in italijanskimi neo-fašističnimi organizacijami. Leta 2005 je Manuel Contreras, nekdanji vodja tajne policije DINA, čilskemu preiskovalnemu sodniku, ki je preiskoval Letelierjev umor povedal, da so Townleyju pri atentatu na Letelierja pomagali CIA agenti in ameriška vlada. Je pa Contreras s kazanjem na CIA, skušal zmanjšati svojo vlogo v Pinochetovi krvavi diktauri. Kljub temu vlogo CIA in Kissingerja potrjuje več dejstev, čeprav je v ’’razkrivanje’’ tega vpet National Security Archive (tesno vpet v omrežje ’’liberalne CIA’’ in tesno povezan s Council on Foreign Relations), ki je tesno povezan z IPS in s Center for National Security Studies, v tem Rockefellerjevem omrežju. Kissingerjeva vloga nekaj dni pred atentatom –
»As secretary of state, Kissinger canceled a U.S. warning against carrying out international political assassinations that was to have gone to Chile and two neighboring nations just days before a former ambassador was killed by Chilean agents on Washington’s Embassy Row in 1976, a newly released State Department cable shows
Whether Kissinger played a role in blocking the delivery of the warning against assassination to the governments of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay has long been a topic of controversy.
Discovered in recent weeks by the National Security Archive, a non-profit research organization, the Sept. 16, 1976 cable is among tens of thousands of declassified State Department documents recently made available to the public..
In 1976, the South American nations of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay were engaged in a program of repression code-named Operation Condor that targeted those governments’ political opponents throughout Latin America, Europe and even the United States.
Based on information from the CIA, the U.S. State Department became concerned that Condor included plans for political assassination around the world. The State Department drafted a plan to deliver a stern message to the three governments not to engage in such murders.
In the Sept. 16, 1976 cable, the topic of one paragraph is listed as “Operation Condor,” preceded by the words “(KISSINGER, HENRY A.) SUBJECT: ACTIONS TAKEN.” The cable states that “secretary declined to approve message to Montevideo” Uruguay “and has instructed that no further action be taken on this matter.”
“The Sept. 16 cable is the missing piece of the historical puzzle on Kissinger’s role in the action, and inaction, of the U.S. government after learning of Condor assassination plots,”«117
Atentat na Letelierja in možen Kissingerjev razlog za to, pojasnjuje Letelierjeva tesna povezanost z obveščevalnimi službami iz Kube, s Stasijem iz Vzhodne Nemčije in s sovjetsko KGB –
»Secret papers found in Chilean exile Orlando Letelier‘s attache case after his assassination show he had been collecting a mysterious $1,000 a month through a “Havana connection.” The papers also reveal that Letelier’s office had been in close contact, perhaps innocently, with a top Cuban intelligence agent named Julian Torres Rizo. …
The blast we have learned, revealed that Letelier had been leading a strange double life. … They found some unexpected clues that were even more fascinating. The brefcase contained papers so sensitive that Letelier probably carried them to prevent their theft by the Central Intelligence Agency. We have seen some of these bush-hush papers.
They show that Letelier received $1,000 a month through a “Havana connection.” His contact was Beatrice (Tats) Allende, daughter of Salvador Allende … [who] now lives in Havana with her husband, a Cuban official.
In a May 8, 1975, letter to Letelier, she notified him that he would receive $5,000 as an advance payment “para apoyer to trabajo”—”to support your work.” This was to be followed by the monthly $1,000 payments. The money would come, she said, from the Chilean Socialist party in exile. The disbursement had been approved, she explained, by the party’s leader, Carlos Altamirano, who is reported to be living in exile in East Berlin.
The Chilean Socialist party has offices in East Berlin. Havana and Rome. Intelligence sources contend that money couldn’t have been transmitted to Letelier without the Cuban government’s approvaL
Another letter in Letelier’s briefcase was written on Sept. 14, 1976, by one of his young colleagues. It tells of a meeting in Havana with Emilio Brito, a Communist Central Committee functionary. According to our intelligence sources, Brito is affiliated with the Cuban planning group that directs the subversion of Puerto Rico and the United States.
The letter thanks Brito for some scholarly material “received from the bands of Julian Rizo.” The writer promises to send other academic information to Brito through “la Mision,” meaning the Cuban mission at the United Nations.
Officially, Rizo was listed as the first secretary of the Cuban mission. But asearly as March 1, 1976, we identified him as a spy in diplomatic disguise. “His mission at the United Nations,’’ we wrote, “is to develop contacts with radicals in this country.”
We have omitted the name of Letelier’s young colleague, because he has received an assassination threat. But we questioned him for an hour. He contended persuasively that he was to tally unaware of the intelligence roles of Brito and Rizo.
Letelier at the time of his death was affiliated with the Institute for Policy Studies, whose director, Marcus Raskin, said he had no knowledge of Letelier’s secret payments. “What he did for his Chilean concerns was totally outside his institute work,” Raskin told us. “As a fellow at the institute, he was a total success who performed with brilliance and skill.” …
We reached Tati Allende in Havana by telephone, but she declined to reveal the source of the payments. Her letter to Letelier, she said, was “personal,” and she couldn’t understand why it would be made public “unless it, was to hurt” Letelier’s cause. …
Footnote: Letelier had planned to visit Cuba on Sept. 21, the day he was killed. Also in the attache case was a letter he had written to a longtime friend, Cuban Foreign Minister Raul Roa, introducing a Dutch sympathizer.«118
Čeprav so v vmesnem času prišle številne medijske zgodbe o zagotovi vpletenosti CIA v Letelierjev umor, se to ni moglo potrditi, dokler ni v javnost prišlo vsaj del uradne dokumentacije –
»As head of DINA (the Spanish acronym for Directorate of National Intelligence) [Manuel] Contreras oversaw a network of clandestine detention centers where tens of thousands were killed or tortured in Chile itself. He also dispatched death squads abroad to hunt down and murder opponents of the regime in Argentina, Mexico, Italy and the US.
The CIA [William E. Colby – CIA direktor 1973 – 1976, član od CFR 1975 – 1995; George W. Bush – CIA direktor 1976 – 1977, član od CFR 1971 – 1978] established its intimate relations with Contreras from the time he was named DINA head by Chilean dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet in early 1974, just months after the US-backed military coup toppled President Salvador Allende. These ties continued until the secret police chief was forced to resign from the Chilean military because of international furor over the Letelier assassination three years later.
The CIA report, issued in compliance with Congressional legislation, claimed that the US agency had urged Contreras “from the start” to refrain from human rights abuse. It adds, however, that CIA officers in Chile recommended “a paid relationship” despite considering him “the principal obstacle” to improving human rights in Chile. The CIA now claims that it rejected the proposal and that it issued only one payment to the secret police chief as the result of a “miscommunications” between the headquarters in Langley, Va., and the Santiago station.
While Contreras was invited to Langley twice to meet with CIA spymaster Gen. Vernon Walters [član od American Security Council; kasneje v 80ih član uprave od Atlantic Council; tesno povezan s 6I; član Malteškega viteškega reda], there is little in the report detailing the nature of the relationship between Washington and the Chilean general. …
The admission that Contreras was on the CIA payroll goes beyond confirming long-standing accusations that Washington abetted and helped cover up for this vicious political murder. As the operation was planned and ordered by an agent and informant of the CIA, there is ample reason to suspect that the agency played an active role in the killing itself. …
Further, the former general insisted that the CIA, rather than the DINA initiated the Letelier assassination. So too, he said, it was the CIA that ordered the murder of Carlos Pratts, the former commander-in-chief of the Chilean army, and his wife in Buenos Aires, as well as the attempted murder of ex-vice president Bernardo Leighton in Rome. …
The CIA report also confirms the close (and paid) relations between the agency and another group of right-wing Chilean assassins who murdered Gen. Rene Schneider in 1970 [Richard M. Helms – CIA direktor 1966 – 1973; član od CFR 1973 – 2002; družina Helms so člani od Pilgrims Society] for opposing calls for a military coup. The CIA paid the group $35,000. The cash, the report said, was offered “in an attempt to maintain the previous contact secret, preserve good will and for humanitarian reasons.” …
In Washington, meanwhile [leta 2000], the Clinton administration and the CIA [George Tenet – CIA direktor 1996 – 2004; član od CFR 1998 – ; močno vpleten v 9/11] continue to hold back reams of classified documents on US relations with the Pinochet dictatorship on the pretext that their release would compromise intelligence sources and methods. While the administration has released thousands of documents in the last 16 months in a belated response to the demands of Spanish prosecutors following the indictment of Pinochet and his detention in London, the most incriminating material has been withheld. Both the Directorate of Operations, the CIA’s most secretive department, and US military intelligence have refused to declassify cables, memos and reports that record the concrete relationships between the US spy agency and the Pentagon on the one hand, and those who directed the death squads, “disappearances” and torture centers in Chile on the other.
There are very good reasons for the reluctance to make this material public. If a Spanish court can indict Pinochet for crimes against humanity, what is to stop it or the judiciary in another country from indicting [to se v resnici ne bi nikoli zgodilo] former US officials like Henry Kissinger, George [H. W.] Bush, Gen. [Vernon] Walters and others, once the evidence detailing US involvement in these crimes is released? …
Thus, while the CIA claims it was collaborating with Contreras to ameliorate “human rights” in Chile and obtain information about “Operation Condor” and its network of international repression and assassination, the FBI was actively involved in a “Condor” operation centering on the torture and subsequent murder of a political prisoner.
This documented episode merely provides an example of the working relations between US police and military agencies and savage dictatorships that ruled much of Latin America in the 1970s and 1980s. Established by military officers trained and aided by Washington, and advised by the Pentagon and the CIA, these regimes acted as defenders of US financial and corporate interests …«119
Thomas H. Kean
Thomas H. Kean je nekdanji predsedujoči (2002-2004) od 9/11 Commission, kjer na položaju nadomesti ustanovnega predsedujočega Henryja Kissingerja. 9/11 Commission je tako kot večina takšnih komisij sredstvo za manipuliranje javnosti in namerno prikrivanje dejstev.
»He [Thomas Kean] agreed to an on-camera interview for our documentary in 2008. He surprised us by voicing many doubts and questions about the CIA’s actions preceding Sept. 11 — and especially about former CIA director George Tenet [Council on Foreign Relation, 1998 – ].
Four years after Tenet testified to the commission, Kean said the CIA director had been “obviously not forthcoming” in some of his testimony. Tenet said under oath that he had not met with President Bush in the month of August 2001, Kean recalled. It was later learned he had done so twice.«120
9/11 Commission se je po letu 2004 nadaljevala kot 9/11 Public Discourse Project121; dostop 10.1.2023, ki je trajal do konca leta 2005. Začetni financer projekta je bila William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, top financer ’’liberalne CIA’’. Za obdobje delovanja v letu 2005, pa je 31.12.2004 projekt dobil finančna sredstva v višini $25,000 s strani Smith Richardson Foundation (del ’’konservativne CIA’’), ki je top financer močne CIA. Drugi financer za obdobje v letu 2005 pa je John S. & James L. Foundation, ki je vodilni financer za področje ’’preiskovalnega’’ novinarstva v omrežju ’’liberalne CIA’’. S temi sredstvi je Christopher A. Kojm nadaljeval ’’osveščanje’’ javnosti glede ugotovitev komisije.
Christopher A. Kojm, ki je bil namestnik direktorja od 9/11 Commission, je od leta 1985 član od Council on Foreign Relations; bil predsedujoči od U.S.National Intelligence Council; 2009 – 2014; bil višji urednik pri Foreign Policy Association, 1979 – 1984; bil član osebja (1984-1998) pri House Foreign Affairs Committee, ki ga je vodil super elitni Lee Hamilton (9/11 Commission); služil kot Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence Policy and Coordination pri Bureau of Intelligence and Research – State Deparment, 1998 – 2003; bil gostujoči profesor pri Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, 2004 – 2006; bil višji svetovalec pri Iraq Study Group (James Baker III; Lee Hamilton; Chas Freeman; Vernon Jordan; Edwin Meese; Sandra Say O’Conner; Leon Panetta – CIA; William Perry; Chuck Robb), 2006; član fakultete Elliott School of International Affairs na George Washington University, 2007 – 2009, 2014 – ; bil za časa Bidenove tranzicijske skupine član od Agency Review Team, glede sprememb pri United States Intelligence Community.
9/11 Public Discourse Project se kasneje združi s Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, katerega ustanovitelj je top sredstvo ’’konservativne CIA’’ Ron Paul, ki je tesno povezan z ’’anti-Rockefeller’’ John Birch Society.
Kdo je Thomas A. Kean, kateri postane predsedujoči od zloglasne 9/11 Commission, in na tem položaju, vsaj uradno, zamenja Henryja Kissingerja?
Kean prihaja iz širše bankirsko/politične družinske naveze Fish/Kean/Winthrop/Stuyvesant (Dutch West India Compan) iz New Jerseyja, ki je že od 18. stoletja del ameriške politične super elite. Preko vseh teh povezav preko porok in poslovnih navez, pa je naveza Fish/Kean/Winthrop/Stuyvesant v sorodu in tesni povezavi še z družinami Rockefeller, Forbes in Kerry (John Kerry). Ta elita je leta 1867 tudi ustanovila in vodila prvo res pomembno fundacijo Peabody Education Fund. Skupaj s Hamiltonom Fishem (državni sekretar 1869 – 1877) in Robertom C. Winthropom (1809 – 1894), je bil leta 1867 ustanovni upravitelj sklada tudi William Aiken Jr. (1870-1946), ki je bil lastnik največje plantaže riža s 700 sužnji. Aikenov sin, bankir Alfred L. Aiken postane ustanovni član od Council on Foreign Relations in član od Pilgrims Society. Keanov daljni sorodnik (pra-stric) je bil super elitni Hamilton Fish Armstrong, ki je bil ustanovni član od Council on Foreign Relations in ustanovni urednik od Foreign Affiars. Keanov sorodnik Hamilton Fish V pa je tesen zaveznik Georgea Sorosa in predsednik od The Nation Institute, ki je eden od vodilnih propagandistov v omrežju ’’liberalne CIA’’, preko njegovega lastnika Williama van den Heuvela, pa tudi tesno povezan s CIA.
Družina Kean/Fish/Stuyvesant pa je sorodstveno tesno povezana še z družinami Livingston, Astor, Vanderbilt, kot tudi z eno najvplivnejših britanskih družin Cecil. Najpomembnejši predstavniki teh družin večinoma postanejo tudi člani od Pilgrims Society, tako v ZDA, kot v Veliki Britaniji.
Dejstvo, da je Thomas A. Kean član zelo ozkega kroga super elite, priča tudi njegovo članstvo v Pilgrims Society, in tudi dobitnik nagrade Pilgrims of the United States Medallion of Service to the Nation. In ni presenetljivo, da ravno Kean zamenja Kissingerja na čelu 9/11 Commission, ker naj bi Kissingerjevo vodenje komisije vodilo v konflikt interesov zaradi njegovega podjetja Kissinger Associates. Kissingerja, kot člana od Pilgrims Society/Council on Foreign Relations in hkrati vodilnega člana (CIA) liberalnega establišmenta, je zamenjal drugi član Pilgrims Society. In kar je verjetno še pomembnejše, posebno v zadnjem obdobju, je, da je Kean od leta 1991 tudi član od Council on Foreign Relations. Druga pomembna stvar je, da je družina Kean prijateljsko tesno povezana z družino Bush že nekaj generacij. To prijateljstvo sega še iz obdobja, ko sta bila Keanov dedek Hamilton Fish Kean (1862 – 1941) in Samuel P. Bush (1863 – 1948; dedek Georgea H. W. Busha) sošolca na Stevens Institute of Technology. Samuel P. Bush, ki izvira iz New Jerseyja, se je poročil s Floro Sheldon (1872–1920), ki je potomka družine Livingston, s katero je, kot že omenjeno, sorodstveno povezana tudi družina Kean. Samuel P. Bush pa je že vsaj od leta 1901 povezan z Rockefellerji, ko postane generalni direktor od Buckeye Steel Castings Company, ki je v lasti Franka Rockefellerja. Stranka podjetja pa je med drugim E. H. Harriman (Pilgrims Society). Harrimani in družina Bush postanejo izredno pomembni družinski zavezniki, tudi kar se tiče financiranja nacizma. Keanov oče Robert Winthrop Kean Sr. in Prescott Bush (Skull & Bones; oče Georgea H. W. Busha), sta oba služila skupaj kot senatorja. Poleg tega pa tudi Prescott S. Bush Jr., brat od Georgea H. W. Busha (Skull & Bones; očitno član od Pilgrims Society, ko je ambasador pri UN), ko slednji postane predsednik ZDA, postane član od Pilgrims Society. Družina Bush je izredno pomemben zaveznik Savdske kraljeve družine, katerih (CIA) podizvajalci so glavni akterji dogodkov 9/11 leta 2001. Sam Keanov tesen prijatelj George H. W. Bush pa eden najpomembnejši CIA operativcev in vpleten v številne afere, tudi preko banke Nugan Hand Bank, ki je bila ena od ključnih bank za preprodaje droge. Top CIA predstavnik William Casey, ki je prav tako povezan z banko, pa je bil skupaj s Kissingerjem vpleten v še pomembnejšo afero preko banke BCCI, ki tudi predstavlja pomembno povezavo med CIA liberalnim establišmentom in vodilnimi predstavniki Savdske Arabije, kot so Prince Turki al Faisal, Adnan Khashoggi in Esam Ghazzawi. Turki al Faisal, izredno pomemben Sorosov zaveznik, je ključen (CIA) financer Mudžahedinov v Afganistanu. Adnan Khashoggi je najpomembnejši savdski preprodajalec orožja in vpleten v afero Iran-Contra (William Casey – CIA). Esam Ghazzawi, ki ima na banki BCCI denar od savdskega princa Fahda bin Salmana, leta 2001, nekaj mesecev pred napadi 9/11 gosti na svojem domu Mohammeda Atto, vodjo teroristov 9/11. Ghazzawi odpotuje v ZDA manj kot dva tedna pred napadi. Princ Fahd skrivnostno umre julija 2001, leto dni kasneje umrejo še njegov starejši brat in še dva druga princa. Končno poročilo od 9/11 Commission Kean preda svojemu tesnemu družinskemu prijatelju in tedanjemu predsedniku ZDA Georgeu W. Bushu. Več o teh dogodkih v nadaljevanjih.
Član od Pilgrims Society je bil vsaj od leta 1990 dalje tudi Keanov starejši brat Robert Winthrop Kean Jr. Član od Pilgrims Society pa je bil tudi njun oče in bankir Robert Winthrop Kean Sr. (1893-1980). Zelo vpliven bankir pa je bil tudi Moses Taylor (1806–1882), pra-dedek od Keana Sr., ki je v tistem času veljal za enega najbogatejših američanov, katerega premoženje bi v današnjem času znašalo okoli $2 milijardi. Taylor je bil direkor od National City Bank of New York, ki je danes znana kot super elitna Citibank in hkrati vodilni financer ’’liberalne CIA’’. Lastnik banke po Paniki leta 1837, ko več kot polovica podjetnikov v New Yorku propade, postane družina Astor, ki v tem času podvoji svoje bogastvo. Družina Astor kasneje postane eden vodilnih predstavnikov od Pilgrims Society in tudi pomemben podpornik fašizma in nacizma – Cliveden Set. Bogastvo družine Astor naj bi izviralo (ni čisto preverjeno) tudi ali predvsem iz prodajanja obveščevalnih podatkov britanski kraljevi družini leta pred in po ameriški državljanski vojni, kot tudi iz hujskanja Indijancev, da ob mejah napadajo ameriške priseljence. Britanska kraljeva družina pa naj bi za te usluge družini Astor poplačala z deležem od preprodaje opija na Kitajskem. Moses Taylor, katerega oče je tesno povezan s Astorji, je prvotno obogatel kot komisijski posrednik v kubanski pridelavi sladkorja, kjer je zagotavljal trgovske usluge lastnikom suženjskih plantaž na Kubi. Njegov tesen poslovni partner in del družinskega sorodstva je bil Percy Rivington Pyne I (1820 – 1895), ki je zelo obogatel s kubansko preprodajo sužnjev. Pyne je za časa svojega poslovanja s kubanskimi sužnjelastniki zaslužil okoli $3 milijone, kar bi danes zneslo okoli $200,000,000 ki jih je investiral v ameriška podjetja in industrijo. Pyne I pa hkrati postane predsednik od Astorjeve National City Bank of New York. Keanov sorodnik, ter Mosesov vnuk in bankir Percy Rivington Pyne II (1882-1950), ki nasledi Mosesovo bogastvo, prav tako postane član od Pilgrims Society. Družina Pyne je tudi eden od pomembnejših financerjev in upraviteljev od Princeton University. Guverner New Jerseyja pa domuje na razkošnem posestvu Drumthwacket, ki ga leta 1893 kupi Moses Taylor Pyne, in ostane v lasti družine Pyne do leta 1941. In prav Thomas A. Kean je bil leta 1982 prvi guverner, ki je na njem prebival do konca svojega mandata leta 1990.
Zelo zanimiv je tudi podatek, da je Keanova nečakinja Leslie Kean ’’preiskovalna novinarka’’ in pisateljica, ki je najbolj znana po knjigah o UFO in posmrtnem življenju. Kean je bila tako večkratna gostja na dezinformativnem ’’New Age’’ radiu Coast to Coast AM, ki je tesno povezano z omrežjem ’’liberalne CIA’’ in ’’konservativne CIA’’, kot tudi s posamezniki in organizacijami, ki so zelo tesno povezane s CIA, kot je recimo Arlington Institute, katerega direktor je v nekem obdobju vodilni neokonservativec R. James Woolsey. Preko svojih gostov je Coast to Coast AM tesno povezan tudi z že večkrat omenjenim Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, katerega gostja je bila Anneke Lukas in katero je propagiral Global Citizen kot žrtev pedofilske afere Dutroux. Pomemben oz. vodilni propagandist, dezinformator in financer ’’razkrivanja’’ UFO pa ni nihče drug kot Laurance Rockefeller. Leslie Kean je začela svojo kariero kot ’’preiskovalna novinarka’’ v 90ih na radijski postaji KPFA, ki je vodilna postaja v omrežju Pacifica Radio Network. PRN prav tako spada v omrežje ’’liberalne CIA’’ in je financiran s strani Ford Foundation, Open Society Institute, John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Park Foundation, J. M. Kaplan Fund. Knjige od Leslie, kot je ta z naslovom UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record, pa je izdala elitna založba Penguin Random House, ki je od leta 2020 v lasti od Bertelsmann. Leta 2017 je New York Times (del Pilgrims Society; del Council on Foreign Relations) objavil članek, ki ga je Leslie napisala skupaj s Helene Cooper in Ralphom Blumenthalom, v katerem avtorji ’’razkrivajo’’ da je Department of Defense od leta 2007 – 2012 zapravil $22,5 milijonov za skrivni projekt Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), ki je preiskoval UFO. AATIP je vodil Luis Elizondo, katerega oče Elizondo III je bil CIA operativec, in je bil del operacij, preko katerih so poskušali odstraniti Fidela Castra. Luis Elizondo pa je delal za vojaško protiobveščevalno službo in za Pentagon. In v tej vlogi se je tudi pojavljal v raznih medijih kot strokovnjak za UFO. Tesen Elizondov kolega je Christopher Mellon, iz super elitne bankirske družine Mellon, ki je tesno povezana z Rockefellerji in CIA. Tako družina Mellon preko Andrew W. Mellon Foundation financira ’’liberalno CIA’’, preko Mellon Scaife Foundations pa so vodilni financerji ’’konservativne CIA’’. Sam Christopher Mellon pa je v tej vlogi UFO ’’strokovnjaka’’ med drugim nastopil na Joe Rogan Experience, ki je še eno dezinformativno konspiratorno sredstvo ’’konservativne CIA’’. Christopher Mellon je v Clintonovi in Bushevi administraciji služil kot Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, kasneje pa za Security and Information Operations. Nato pa je bil še kadrovski direktor od United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
Če se vrnemo nazaj k Thomasu H. Keanu.
Earth Day Network
Thomas Kean je vse od ustanovitve leta 1970 tesno povezan z Earth Day Network, ki je pomembno sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’ na področju t.i. okoljevarstva. Leta 1970 je Kean sprejel Wetlands Protection Act of 1970, ki je bil prvi te vrste v ZDA. Udeleženec dogodkov od Earth Day pa je bil vsaj v letih 1982, 1983, 1984, 1989, (zagotovo tudi vmes), 2013.
Kean je bil od leta 1990 do 2005 predsednik od Drew University, in kot že omenjeno, v vmesnem času, od leta 2002 – 2004 predsedujoči od zloglasne 9/11 Commission. Kean pa je tudi predsedujoči od Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, ki je top financer ’’liberalne CIA’’.
National Endowment for Democracy
Prav tako v tem obdobju, od leta 1991 – 2000 je Kean član uprave od National Endowment for Democracy. Člani uprave od NED leta 1994 –
»BOARD OF DIRECTORS: John Brademas, Chairman. Eddie N. Williams, Vice Chairman. Edward Donley Treasurer. Susan Kaufman Purcell, Secretary. Carl Gershman, President … Harry Barnes, Jr.[The Carter Center] … Zbigniew Brzezinski [Center for Strategic & International Studies] … Lynn Cutler … Paula Dobriansky … Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr. … Antonia Hernandez … Fred C. Ikle [Center for Strategic & International Studies] … James A. Joseph [Council on Foundations] … John T. Joyce … Thomas H. Kean … Robert H. Krieble … Richard Lugar … Matthew F. McHugh [The World Bank] … Mark Palmer … Donald M. Payne … Stephen J. Solarz … Julia Taft (njen mož je William H. Taft IV) … Paul Wolfowitz …Kenneth Young [AFL-CIO]«122; dostop 15.2.1997
Leta 1994 je recimo National Endowment for Democracy za njuno delovanje v Sloveniji financiral International Republican Institute in Libra Institute –
»International Republican Institute– $120,963
To conduct a five-month training program for prospective mayoral candidates, campaign managers and staff, and an election observation mission for local elections scheduled for December 1994.
Libra Institute– $40,000
To conduct a series of training seminars for women, youth and journalists designed to support the creation and growth of independent, citizen-based organizations and grassroots political activities in Slovenia.«123; dostop 15.2.1997
Leta 1995 –
»With NED funding, the Croatia-based Erasmus Guild and the U.S.-based Center for Strategic & International Studies convened a meeting in Zagreb in February 1995, bringing together representatives of Western organizations working in the former Yugoslavia and civic leaders (including journalists, trade unionists, and human rights activists) from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia (including Kosovo and Vojvodina), Slovenia, Albania, and Hungary. Among the topics discussed was the role that the region’s independent media and civic organizations can play in promoting democratic values, freedom of speech, and respect for human rights. Given the difficulty of communications between like-minded activists living in different republics of the former Yugoslavia, the two-day event was a rare opportunity for democratic activists from the region to meet and exchange information. The conference fostered interaction between indigenous groups and Western funding organizations resulting in concrete proposals for building civil society and strengthening the independent sector in the region.«
The Zagreb meeting continued the Endowment’s active role in assisting civil society in the region. According to the head of Droit de Parole, a Paris-based organization that ships newsprint and media equipment to the former Yugoslavia, “the grant from NED has been critical to the survival of the independent media in Serbia, Kosovo, and Montenegro.”«124; dostop 18.8.2000
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Leta 1991 Kean postane upravitelj od Carnegie Corporation of New York, od leta 1997 – 2002 je predsedujoči, nato od 2002 – 2007 ponovno upravitelj, nato od 2007 – 2013 ponovno predsedujoči in leta 2022 vršilec dolžnosti predsedujočega, po smrti Vartana Gregoriana. Carnegie Corporation je poleg Rockefellerjev, Ford Foundation, Sorosa, Gatesa, Buffetta vodilni financer ’’liberalne CIA’’.
Partnership for a Secure America
Kean je ustanovni član od uradno leta 2005 ustanovljenega Partnership for a Secure America, ki je projekt od zelo progresivne The Century Foundation.
»Partnership for a Secure America (PSA) is a nonprofit founded by former U.S. Representative Lee Hamilton and U.S. Senator Warren Rudman to advance bipartisanship on today’s critical national security and foreign policy challenges. Leveraging the leadership of its distinguished Advisory Board, PSA has unique credibility and access to forge common ground and fashion thoughtful, fact-based policy that promotes America’s national interests.«125; dostop 18.1.2023
Sicer obstaja spletna stran že iz leta 2002, ki pa ni dobro delujoča, kljub temu se da razbrati, da so kot člani svetovalne uprave navedeni do črke H. Madeleine Albright, Howard Baker, Samuel Berger, William Cohen, Paula Dobriansky, Slade Gorton, Lee Hamilton, Gary Hart, Rita Hauser. Ostali so verjetno isti, kot tisti leta 2005.
Člani svetovalne uprave leta 2005 –
»Lee Hamilton (co-chair). Warren Rudman (co-chair). Howard Baker. Samuel R. Berger. Zbigniew Brzezinski. Warren Christopher. Lawrence Eagleburger. Gary Hart. Rita Hauser. Carla Hills. Richard Holbrooke. Nancy Kassebaum Baker. Thomas Kean. Anthony Lake. Robert McFarlane. Donald McHenry. Sam Nunn. William Perry. Thomas Pickering. Theodore Sorensen. John Whitehead. Frank Wisner«126; dostop 1.12.2005
Campaign for American Leadership in the Middle East
Kean je bil podpisnik pisma, poslanemu njegovemu družinskemu prijatelju Georgeu W. Bushu leta 2005, glede reševanja izraelsko-palestinskega spora Campaign for American Leadership in the Middle East (CALME).
National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR)
Kean je za časa, ko je predsedujoči od 9/11 Commission, torej, od leta 2001-2007 član uprave in pod-predsedujoči od leta 2005 – maja 2007, od maja 2008 – 2023s, od National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR), ki je bil ustanovljen leta 1966 za izgradnjo odnosov med liberalnim establišmentom in Kitajsko.
Predsedujoča od NCUSCR leta 2001 je Carla Hills, ki je leta 2022 častna predsedujoča od NCUSCR. Hills je od leta 1993 članica od Council on Foreign Relations, v obdobju od 2007 – 2017 pa je bila tudi so-predsedujoča. Od 80ih let dalje pa je tudi članica od Trilateral Commission. Pod-predsedujoči od NCUSCR so Lee Hamilton (9/11 Commission); Robert S. McNamara; James R. Sasser; Ezra F. Vogel. Videnjši člani uprave leta 2001 so bili Michael H. Armacost; Nancy Kassebaum Baker (njen mož Howard Baker); Gerald R. Ford; Peter F. Geithner (oče top Rockefellerjevega ekonomista Timothyja Geithnerja; član od CFR, 2001 – 2013; delal skoraj 30 let za Ford Foundation, tudi kot direktor od Asia Programs, 1990 – 1996, in bil prvi predstavnik fundacije v Pekingu; bil svetovalec od Rockefeller Brothers Fund; delal za U.S. Agency for International Development; delal zaSasakawa Peace Foundation); David R. Gergen; Maurice Greenberg; Henry Luce III; J. Stapleton Roy. Direktorji emeriti so Robert O. Anderson; Theodore M. Hesburgh; Robert A. Scalapino. Predsednik (1998 – 2005) od NCUSCR je John L. Holden, ki je od leta 2000 član od Council on Foreign Relations; bil predsednik od US-China Strong Foundation; upravni direktor od McLarty/Kissinger Associates, 2019 – ; višji družabnik predsedujočega upravitelja za Chinese Business and Economics pri Center for Strategic and International Studies; delal za American Chambers of Commerce v Pekingu in Hong Kongu; udeleženec od Concordia Summit, 2020.
Financerji od NCUSCR leta 2001 ob 35i obletnici organizacije –
»ANNIVERSARY SUPPORTERS: American International Group, Inc. [Maurice Greenberg; strateški partnerji Kissinger Associates, Blackstone Group; svetovalec Richard Helms – top CIA]. Archer Daniels Midland Company … The Coca-Cola Company [Warren Buffett] … Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. New York Stock Exchange, Inc. … LEADERSHIP SUPPORTERS: AOL Time Warner Inc. BP. Citigroup, Inc. Ford Motor Company … The Henry Luce Foundation. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. New York Life Insurance Company. Nike, Inc. … PATRONS: … The Blackstone Group L.P. The Boeing Company. Chevron Corporation … Dow Chemical Company … Goldman, Sachs & Co. Hills & Company. Johnson & Johnson … The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation. Marsh & McLennan Companies [Maurice Greenberg]. McKinsey & Company, Inc. Morgan Stanley. PepsiCo, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc. Sullivan & Cromwell … SPONSORS: FedEx Corporation … HSBC USA Inc. … KPMG Peat Marwick … Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy. Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide. O’Melveny & Myers LLP. Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison … OTHER CONTRIBUTORS: Michael H. Armacost … Winston Lord … Philip Morris Companies … John C. Whitehead«127NCUSCR, Annual Report 2001, str. 27
Predsedujoči od NCUSCR leta 2022 je Jacob J. Lew, ki je od leta 2006 član od Council on Foreign Relations. Lew je bil v Obamovi administraciji sekretar za finance, 2013 – 2017. Predsedujoči emeritus leta 2022 je W. Michael Blumenthal, ki je od leta 1970 član od Council on Foreign Relations. Izvršna pod-predsedujoča od NCUSCR leta 2022 sta Henry Kissinger (2011 – ) in Maurice Greenberg. Poleg Keana so pod-predsedujoči še Evan Greenberg, Nicholas R. Lardy, William R. Rhodes in J. Stapleton Roy. Vidnejši člani uprave so Dennis C. Blair; Ray Dalio; William E. Ford (General Atlantic); Jon M. Huntsman, Jr.; Merit E. Janow; David M. Lampton (Bellagio Residency Award – Rockefeller Foundation), Rob Speyer; Susan A. Thornton; Jerry Yang (Yahoo).
Financerji od NCUSCR od julija leta 2022 –
»Founder: The Starr Foundation [Maurice Greenberg] … Cornerstone Supporters: Carnegie Corporation of New York [Thomas Kean]. Chubb [Evan Greenberg]. Dalio Philanthropies … The Blackstone Group [Peter G. Peterson; Stephen Schwarzman]. The Henry Luce Foundation. … Chairs: AME Cloud Ventures [Jerry Yang]. BlackRock, Inc. [Laurence D. Fink]. Citigroup, Inc. Invesco, Ltd. [Wilbur Ross – Skull & Bones] … Perfect World Entertainment, Inc. [Chi Yufeng] … Tishman Speyer Properties, LP … Leaders: … BlackBerry, Ltd. … General Atlantic Foundation. Intel Corporation. Mastercard. Nike, Inc. PayPal Holdings, Inc. The Walt Disney Company … Walmart, Inc. William R. Rhodes Global Advisors … Benefactors: Amgen, Inc. … Marsh McLennan. Merck & Co., Inc. Patrons: Deloitte & Touche LLP … Edelman. Ernst & Young LLP … Hills & Company, International Consultants … KPMG LLP … Standard Chartered Americas … United Airlines, Inc. Wall Street Investment Group, Inc. Warburg Pincus LLC«128; dostop 14.12.2022
Yousef Al Otaiba
Yousef Al Otaiba je vodilni diplomat Združenih Arabskih Emiratov, ki od leta 2008 deluje v Washingtonu in je že iz študijskih časov tesno povezan z liberalnim establišmentom. Njegov oče je naftni magnat Mana Al Otaiba, ki je bil šestkratni predsednik OPECa in je pomembni delničar od Abu Dhabi Group.
Otaiba postane med študijem v Egiptu in kasneje na Georgetown University, varovanec super elitnega Franka Wisnerja II, ki prihaja iz vplivne CIA družine. Otaiba je v obdobju med 2006/07 zelo pomemben podpornik Busheve administracije, ko si ta prizadeva povečati število vojakov v regiji. S tem si Otaiba tudi pridobi pomemben status pri liberalnem establišmentu, leta 2008 pa postane tudi ambasador v Washingtonu.
Za časa Obamove administracije, ki lahko dejali, da je Otaiba de facto član Demokratske stranke in je seveda zelo tesno povezan z Obamo in njegovo administracijo. Ključno pa je njegovo delovanje v obveščevalnem omrežju z vodilnimi predstavniki liberalnega establišmenta. In v tej vlogi začne leta 2015 lobirati za Savdskega princa Mohammeda bin Salmana, da bi postal Savdski prestolonaslednik. Salman s podporo Otaibe, Združenih Arabskih Emiratov, liberalnega establišmenta in določenega kroga Savdske kraljeve družine, postane Savdski prestolonaslednik leta 2017, leta 2018 pa že polni svetovne naslovnice zaradi umora Jamala Khashoggija.
Čeprav uradno ”anti-Trump”, se med Trumpovo administracijo Otaiba tesno poveže s Trumpovim zetom Jaredom Kushnerjem, za katerega sicer pravi, da ga z lahkoto manipulira.
Yousef Al Otaiba pa deluje tudi kot CIA proti-iransko sredstvo.
Yousef Al Otaiba po njegovi pomembni podpori zloglasnemu Savdskemu princu in prestolonasledniku Mohammedu bin Salmanu in po umoru in razkosanju Jamala Khashoggija leta 2018, še naprej zelo tesno sodeluje z liberalnim establišmentom in vodilnimi predstavniki ’’liberalne CIA’’, jasno, z roko v roki z vodilnimi predstavniki feminizma in propagandisti belske krivde. In pa, nihče od teh se v resnici ne obremenjuje zaradi razkosanja Salmanovega kritika Khashoggija, katerega stric je bil sicer pomemben CIA operativec in preprodajalec orožja za Južno Ameriko in za skrajne islamiste, ter Savdsko Arabijo. Ves pomp in krokodilje solze, ki so ga ustvarili Bezosov Washington Post, ter ostali mediji in posamezniki, so samo farsa za javnost.
Zelo pomemben dogodek pa je iz leta 2012, ko se Yousef Al Otaiba udeleži zabave, ki jo organizira Robert Allbritton, ki je ustanovitelj in publicist znane revije Politico. Družina Allbritton je zelo pomembna družinska zaveznica družine Bush, predvsem je tukaj pomembna (CIA) naveza z Georgeom H. W. Bushem. Družina Allbritton pa je tudi pomembna zaveznica nekdanjega čilskega diktatorja Pinocheta. Družina Allbritton je imela do leta 2005 v lasti najpomembnejšo washingtonsko banko Riggs National Corporation, preko katere Savdski princ Bandar mesečno financira dva terorista, udeleženca v 9/11, mesečno pa financira tudi pomembnega podpornika Al-Qaede v ZDA. Banka Riggs pa je simbolično kaznovana le zaradi pranja denarja od Pinochetta, diktatorja Teodoroja Mbasogoje, ter zaradi izplačila $1 milijarde princu Bandarju, ki jih je prejel od vodilnega britanskega proizvajalca orožja BAE System, ki ji je prejel ob rekordnem nakupu orožja za Savdsko Arabijo. Poleg Otaibaja so udeleženci zabave še Valerie Jarrett, Eric Schmidt, Ivanka Trump, Eva Longoria, in ostali iz tega omrežja.
Yousef Al Otaiba je hkrati zelo zelo tesno povezan z Barackom Obamo, Penny Pritzker in Valerie Jarrett, ki so vsi preko Obama Foundation mentorji od top sredstva ”liberalne CIA” Nike Kovač iz Inštitut 8. marec.
Varovanec Franka Wisnerja II
Yousef Al Otaiba je študiral na Cairo American College, kjer je njegov mentor super elitni Frank Wisner II, ki je tedaj tudi ameriški ambasador v Egiptu, 1986 – 1991. Frank Winser prihaja iz vplivne CIA družine in je tudi sam del tega omrežja. Njegov oče Frank Wisner I je leta 1948 postal vodja CIA-jinega programa za tajne psihološke in paravojaške akcije pri Office of Policy Coordination – CIA. Frank Wisner I je bil skupaj z Rockefellerjevimi tesnimi CIA kolegi, kot so Allen Dulles, Cord Meyer, Richard Helms in pa C. D. Jackson (Time Magazine; Bilderberg), Philip Graham (Washington Post; Bilderberg), Henry Luce (Time Magazine; Life Magazine), Arthur Hays Sulzberger (New York Times), Joseph Alsop, William Paley (CBS), Stewart Alsop (New York Herald Tribune), James Reston (New York Times), eden od ključnih ljudi tajne operacije Mockingbird, preko katere je liberalni establišment za širjenje lastne propagande, na skrivaj nadziral vodilne ameriške medije, delno tudi posamezne evropske. V to sodi tudi obsežna propaganda proti ultrakonservativnemu senatorju Josephu McCartheyju, ki je verjetno v ozadju delal za J. Edgarja Hooverja. Številni vodilni novinarji so pisali članke, ki jih je naročil Frank Wisner I. In tudi ni presenečenje, da je bil tudi Frank Wisner I od leta 1946 član od Council on Foreign Relations; upravitelj Rockefellerjeve Conservation Foundation; po pisanju nekdanjega CIA uradnika Davida A. Phillipsa, je bil Winser član posebne skupine imenovane Knight Templars (Allen Dulles; Kermit Roosevelt; Tracey Barnes; Richard Bissell), ki je delovala znotraj CIA.
Frank Wisner II pa je član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1975 – ; bil upravitelj od Rockefeller Brothers Fund; član od Iran Project (Thomas Pickering; William Luers – RBF; Jim Walsh; Stephen Heintz – RBF) – Rockefeller Brothers Fund, 2002 – ; udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderbeg, 1986, 1994. Zelo pomembna je njegova povezave v vodilnim globalnim vohunsko/korporativnim podjetjem Hakluyt, ki je tesno povezano z Sun Valley Meetings od Trilateral Commission/CIA. Vzporedno z delovanjem pri RBF in Hakluyt, pa je bil Wisner tudi svetovalec od Kissinger Associates, ki so hkrati tudi poslovni (CIA) partner od AIG, Blackstone Group, Carlalye Group in od Hakluyt. Winser pa je tudi član uprave od AIG, ter tudi član uprave od Refugees International, ter bil član uprave od American Iranian Council (Cyrus Vance; David Hamburg; Thomas Pickering; Andrew Young).
Iz vseh teh povezav Franka Wisnerja II in njegovega očeta, je jasno razvidno, v kakšne roke je prišel bodoči vodilni emiratski ambasador Yousef Al Otaiba. Po študiju na Cairo American College, Otaiba na pobudo Wisnerja II nadaljuje študij mednarodnih odnosov na super elitni Georgetown University, del katere je tudi CIA-jin/Pentagonov Center for Strategic and International Studies. In ravno nekje v tistem obdobju postane Frank Wisner član uprave od Institute for the Study of Diplomacy (v tistem obdobju so tam vodilni – Max Kampelman; Robert Gallucci; Thomas Pickering; Lee Hamilton; general William Odom; Peter Sutherland – vodilni pro-migracijski globalist; Stapleton Roy; Chester Crocker) na Georgetown University. Otaiba konča študij leta 1995. Kasneje se Otaiba ponovno vrne v ZDA, kjer postane Fellow pri Industrial College of the Armed Forces na National Defense University v Washingtonu, kjer ostane nekje do leta 2000.
Leta 2015 je bil ustanovljen The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington (AGSIW), katerega ustanovni predsedujoči je Frank Wisner II. Ustanovitelj inštituta in častni predsedujoči je Abdel Monem Said Aly, ki med drugim piše za The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, katerega člani uredniške uprave so top CIA sredstvo savdski princ Turki Al-Faisal, Walter Isaacson, Thomas R. Pickering.
Člani ustanovne uprave so poleg predstavnikov ’’demokratičnih’’ zalivskih držav še –
- Thomas Pickering;
- Anders Fogh Rassmusen;
- F. Gregory Gause III (Fulbright Scholar, 2009; Council on Foreign Relations; Fellow for Arab and Islamic Studies – Council on Foreign Relations, 1993 – 1994; Foreign Policy Studies – Brookings Institution, 1986-87; Non-Resident Senior Fellow – Brookings Doha Center, 2012 – 2015; Fellow pri King Faisal Center for Islamic Studies and Research; Smith-Richardson Foundation grant for Saudi Arabia project, 2009-10);
- general John P. Jumper (Council on Foreign Relations; The Carlyle Group; Science Applications International Corporation);
- George R. Salem (Council on Foreign Relations; Middle East Institute; Arab American Institute; American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee; United Palestinian Appeal; DLA Piper);
- Marcelle M. Wahba (Council on Foreign Relations; American Near East Refugee Aid).
- Ustanovna Resident Scholar je Karen E. Young (Fulbright Scholar, 1997-1999, 2005-2006; pisala za Washington Institute for Near East Policy; delala za Ford Foundation; financirana od Carnegie Corporation; financirana od Smith Richardson Foundation).
Korporativni člani inštituta leta 2021 so –
»Raytheon … Chevron …. Lockheed Martin … Aramco … General Electric … AGSIW extends a special thank you to the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Washington [Yousef Al Otaiba]«129; str. 21
29.11. leta 2016 pa je bil gost inštituta tudi Wisnerjev varovanec Yousef Al Otaiba. Otaiba se je udeležil nove serije okroglih miz, ki jih je inštitut naslovil z The Trump Administration and the GCC Countries.
Yousef Al Otaiba se je pridružil Wisnerju tudi pri American University in Cairo, kjer Otaiba služi kot upravitelj, Wisner pa je svetovalni upravitelj. Svetovalni upravitelji univerze so še –
- prvi predsednik univerze Thomas A. Bartlett (Rhodes Scholar; Council on Foreign Relations; Century Association; Brookings Institution; US-Japan Foundation; International Association of Universities; American University Kuwait);
- Mohamed ElBaradei (Sorosov agent; International Crisis Group; Mo Ibrahim Foundation; International Atomic Energy Agency);
- Mohammed (Mo) Ibrahim (Council on Foreign Relations – GAB; , International Crisis Group; Mo Ibrahim Foundation; Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice; B Team; One Young World);
- Robert W. Kasten, Jr. (podpornik Trumpa; Center for Strategic & International Studies; Bretton Woods Commitee; American Foreign Policy Council; Alexis de Tocqueville Institution);
- William A. Rugh (Council on Foreign Relations; Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy – CIA; Middle East Institute; Middle East Policy Council; American Academy of Diplomacy; Institute for the Study of Diplomacy – Georgetown University).
Član od Cosmos Club
Preko vseh teh Otaibajevih povezav, je pomemben podatek, da je Otaiba član od washingtonskega Cosmos Club, katerega letna članarina znaša okoli $2000, in v katerem so se sprejemale precej pomembne odločitve. Za letno delovanje kluba je potrebnih $12 milijonov. Uradno zgodovinsko gledano so člani kluba člani washingtonske oz. ameriške politične, poslovne, univerzitetne, pravne, umetniške, znanstvene, novinarske in zakonodajne elite. Vendar med znanimi člani izstopa kar lepo število vodilnih CIA operativcev. Avtor tudi dvomi, da je Otaiba prišel v Cosmos Club, da bi se pogovarjal o literaturi in umetnosti. Mogoče o kakšnem novinarju za odstrel, glede na to, kar se bo zgodilo leta 2018 s strani njegovega savdskega varovanca.
Med drugim sta se leta 1969, kot člana kluba, Henry Kissinger in Elliott Richardson, z ostalimi člani od Council on Foreign Relations, pogovarjala glede vojne v Vietnamu. Razni člani kluba so bili še – Donald Jameson (Jamestown Foundation), CIA operativec, ki je bil tesno povezan z zasebnim ultrakonservativnim obveščevalnim omrežjem Le Cercle; William Colby, zloglasni CIA direktor in član od Le Cercle; CIA operativec Stefan Halper (Center for Strategic and International Studies; Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies; njegov očim je bil Ray S. Cline – Director of the Directorate of Intelligence – CIA, 1962 -1966), prav tako tesno povezan z Le Cercle; Charles Burton Marshall (varovanec Williama Elliotta – svetovalec od CIA; Elliott je študiral kot Rhodes Scholar; Ellittovi varovanci so bili McGeorge Bundy, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Richard Allen), ki se je udeležil zasedanja skupine Bilderberg leta 1959; John S. McCain Jr. (oče top neokonservativca John McCaina III); ameriški predsednik William Howard Taft (Skull & Bones; Pilgrims Society); Frederick Seitz (predsednik od Rockefeller University, 1968 – 1978), ki je zanikal klimatske spremembe vse do smrti leta 2008; Antonin Scalia; Nelson Rockefeller (Pilgrims Society), tudi občasni udeleženec od Le Cercle; Lois Rice (President’s Intelligence Advisory Board – Bill Clinton), mama od super elitne Susan Rice (povezana z Otaibajem), ki je bila pri Obami članica od National Security Council (2013-2017); Thomas Pickering; bankir George Foster Peabody (Pilgrims Society); Sandra Day O’Connor; Robert McNamara; Archibald MacLeish (Skull&Bones); Walter Lippmann (ustanovni član od Council on Foreign Relations); Sol Linowitz; George Kennan (Bilderberg, 1955, 1956; Georgetown set – CIA); Arthur F. Burns; James Baker III; Richard B. Parker (Council on Foreign Relations; Middle East Institute).
Članstvo v klubu ni javno dostopno, vendar se zdi, da je Otaiba postal član kluba, da bi imel direktni dostop do vodilnih članov liberalnega establišmenta, obveščevalcev in dogodkov, ki potekajo v klubu. En takšen primer, kaj se dogaja v klubu je bil dogodek, ki ga je leta 2004 organiziral ravno The Saban Center for Middle East Policy, na katerem je uvod pripravil Martin Indyk, glavna govornica pa je bila katarska Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Misnad, ki je predsedujoča od Qatar Foundation for Education. Sicer sta Cosmos Club in Brookings Institution med seboj oddaljena dobrih 600 metrov. Samo kot zanimiv dodatek – takoj sosednji stavbi od Brookings Institution sta American Enterprise Institute in Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; na sproti ceste, čez Massachusetts Avenue je Peterson Institute for International Economics; 200 metrov vzhodno je Center for Strategic and International Studies; 200 metrov malo bolj severno od CSIS je Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs; 150 metrov južno je Middle East Institute. In že iz tega vidika je imel Yousef Al Otaiba teoretično, v zelo majhnem obsegu, na dosegu roke zelo pomembne organizacije. Vemo pa, da je bil Yousef Al Otaiba leta 31. maja 2016 govorec pri Brookings Institution na temo Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Initiative130 glede The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), ki so ga leta 2015 sprejeli Iran in P5+1 partnerji. Govorci na panelu so bili še Derek Chollet (U.S. Department of State, 2021 – ; Council on Foreign Relations; Center for Strategic and International Studies; Center for a New American Security; Brookings Institution; German Marshall Fund); Robert Einhorn (Council on Foreign Relations; Center for Strategic and International Studies; Brookings Institution); Richard Nephew (Global Anti-Corruption – U.S. Secretary of State; Brookings Institution; Center for Global Energy Policy). Popolnoma je jasno, da Otaiba deluje kot proti-Iransko CIA sredstvo.
Ključni podpornik Savdskega princa Mohammeda bin Salmana
Otaiba, kot varovanec Franka Wisnerja, je bil v obdobju 2006-2007 ključen podpornik Busheve administracije, ko si je ta prizadevala povečati število svojih enot v Iraku. V tem delovanju je Yousef prepričeval ostale države v regiji, da so podprle te načrte. In s tem si je tudi prislužil velik ugled v liberalnem establišmentu.
Ko Otaiba postne ambasador v ZDA, postane, kot se za te sorte ljudi tudi spodobi, še filantrop, in ustanovi Oasis Foundation, preko katere financira revne predele v ZDA, plačuje za umetna nogometna igrišča v New Yorku, Los Angelesu, Miamiju, Chicagu in v Washingtonu. Financira pa tudi številne ameriške bolnice, vključno z Johns Hopkins, Cleveland Clinic, Mercy Hospital in Children’s National Medical Center. Financiral pa je tudi New York Police Foundation, ki je prav tako tesno povezana z liberalnim establišmentom.
Otaiba, katerega domači ’’šef’’ je Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan iz emiratske kraljeve družine, je izjemno pomemben podpornik tedaj še Savdskega princa in obrambnega ministra Mohammeda bin Salmana, za katerega je Otaiba močno lobiral v Washingtonu za časa Obamove administracije. Tukaj je ključno tudi dejstvo, da je Otaiba Wisnerjev varovanec, ter, da je savdski princ Turki al Faisal top CIA sredstvo znotraj samega omrežja liberalnega establišmenta in da se te stvari zelo verjetno ne bi dogajale brez potrditve iz tega omrežja. Mohammed bin Salman tako postane savdski prestolonaslednik junija leta 2017 in je tudi ključen za usmrtitev in razkosanje Jamala Khashoggija iz Washington Post (Jeff Bezos – CIA; Sun Valley Meetings), 2.10.2018.
Otaiba je glede na uradne podatke, začel propagirati Salmana leta 2015, ko je začel prirejati pomembne dogodke na svojem posestvu v Virginiji. Otaiba je tako 23.10.2018, tri tedne po razkosanju Khashoggija, priredil takšno zabavo tudi za super elitno Penny Pritzker131, ki je bila v Obamovi administraciji sekratarka za trgovino. Pritzker je bila tedaj predsedujoča od Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (top propagandist ’’liberalne CIA’’). Zelo pomemben je tudi podatek, da ravno ta Pritzkerjeva postane članica uprave od pro-globalistične Obama Foundation, kjer postane Fellow vodilno slovensko sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’ Nika Kovač iz Inštituta 8. marec. Pritzkerjeva (Council on Foreign Relations), katere ’’varovanka’’ je vodilna feministka Nika Kovač, je zelo prijateljsko povezana z Yousefom Al Otaibajem, že vsaj od leta 2012, ko ta v Chicagu preko svoje Oasis Foundation sodeluje z njeno družinsko Pritzker Foundation (top financer ’’liberalne CIA’’) –
»Beyond our security cooperation, our citizens themselves can see first-hand the depth of our friendship – in very concrete ways. For example, in 2012, your dynamic Ambassador, Yousef Al Otaiba, came to my hometown of Chicago to dedicate a new public soccer field. The field was a gift from the UAE Embassy and the Manchester City Football Club [lastnik kluba je Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan; njegov brat Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan je zelo pomemben podpornik savdskega prestolonaslednika Mohammeda bin Salmana] in partnership with my family’s [Pritzker Traubert Family] foundation and the Chicago Park District, where my husband serves as President of the board. The mayor, hundreds of families, and youth soccer teams from the local community attended the celebration. And I must say it has been a very good investment by the UAE if judged by the daily use of the field.«132
Oktobra 2015 je Yousef Al Otaiba predstavil Savdskega princa Mohammeda bin Salmana nekdanjemu direktorju od CIA generalu Davidu Petraeusu, ki je ob tem dejal –
»“Incredible, frankly. Breathtaking vision. And some of it already in execution. If just half materializes, will be extraordinary,” Petraeus emailed Otaiba afterward.
“MBZ [Mohamed bin Zayed] shares that exact assessment,” Otaiba replied, referring to the UAE crown prince. “Now you need to convey that to an extremely anxious and wary administration of MBS. I’ve been urging them to invest in him the way we have.”
MBS [Muhammad bin Salman] also met while in Washington in 2015 with Martin Indyk [Council on Foreign Relations; Middle East Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; Doha center in Qatar – Brookings Institution; Washington Institute for Near East Policy; Institute for National Security Studies; Munich Security Conference; Sun Valley Meetings; AIPAC] and Stephen Hadley [kot top predstavnik liberalnega establišmenta, eden ključnih propagandistov vojne proti Siriji za časa Obamove administracije; Council on Foreign Relations; Atlantic Council, 2015; CIA’s National Security Advisory Panel; Foreign Affairs Policy Board – State Department; Center for Middle East Public Policy – RAND Corporation; U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; U.S. Institute of Peace; Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Munich Security Conference]. Indyk, a senior diplomat during both the Clinton and Obama administrations, relayed the conversation to Otaiba. Hadley was a top adviser to former President George W. Bush.
“I think MBS is far more pragmatic than what we hear is saudi public positions,” Otaiba wrote to Indyk on the morning of April 20, 2015.
“I agree on that too. He was quite clear with Steve Hadley and me that he wants out of Yemen and that he’s ok with the US engaging Iran as long as it’s coordinated in advance and the objectives are clear,” Indyk said.
Otaiba responded: “I don’t think we’ll ever see a more pragmatic leader in that country. Which is why engaging with them is so important and will yield the most results we can ever get out of saudi.”
MBS’s signature policy is the three-year Saudi- and UAE-led military intervention in Yemen, which is aimed at defeating a rebel group in North Yemen and restoring the country’s former president to power. Obama administration officials initially expected the intervention — which started in March 2015 — to last only a few weeks, but three years later, the coalition’s forces are engaged in a costly quagmire.
Meanwhile, the intervention is contributing to the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, with millions of people on the brink of starvation and a cholera epidemic that has infected 1 million people. As progress has stalled, various press reports have suggested that Saudi Arabia is looking for a way to exit the conflict, but on terms that allow it to save face.«133
Naj opomnim, da je Petraeus skupaj z nekdanjim slovenskim predsednikom Danilom Türkom član od Concordia Leadership Council, s katerim je povezan tudi princ Turki al Faisal (Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; International Crisis Group; Munich Security Conference), kot tudi savdski Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, ki je sin prav tako vplivnega člana savdske kraljeve družine, Talala bin Abdulaziz Al-Sauda, imenovan tudi ’’Rdeči princ’’. Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud je bil sin savdskega kralja Abdulaziza bin Abdul Rahman Al Sauda. Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal bin Abdulaziz iz Concordije, pa je brat od princa Al-Sauda Al Waleed bin Talal Al Sauda, ki je prav tako tesno povezan z liberalnim establišmentom in bil pomemben financer Wall Streeta, dokler ga ni močno finančno oklestil ravno novi prestolonaslednik Mohammed bin Salman. Mohammed bil Salman pa je na položaju prestolonaslednika zamenjal princa Muhammada bin Nayefa, ki je brat od prej omenjenga Talala bin Abdulaziz Al-Sauda.
Tesne povezave z Obamovo administracijo
Kot je bilo prej omenjeno, je Otaibi zelo tesno povezan s Penny Pritzker, hkrati, pa je tesno povezan tudi z Obamo in s ključnimi ljudmi v njegovi administraciji, kot tudi iz Sorosovega kroga.
Drugi mentor feministke Nike Kovač in ljubljenec vodilnih globalnih medijev, Barack Obama, ima s svojo administracijo, poleg sodelovanja v CIA kreaciji ’’arabske pomladi’’ in financiranja skrajnega islamizma, zelo krvave roke tudi zaradi sodelovanja s Savdijci oz. z Mohammedom bin Salmanom v vojni v Jemnu, ki jo je seveda z veseljem nadaljevala tudi Trumpova ”anti-establišment” administracija. Eden ključnih Obamovih ljudi glede Bližnjega vzhoda in ameriško-savdske intervencije v Jemnu pa je bil Robert Malley (Rhodes Scholar; Senior Fellow Council on Foreign Relations, 1997 – 1999; Counter-ISIL Campaign – NSC), ki je po odhodu iz Obamove administracije za svoje zasluge, imenovan za predsednika in generalnega direktorja od Sorosove International Crisis Group.
Malley je tudi tesno povezan z Otaibajem, s katerim sta se, vsaj glede na vsebino dokumentov pogovarjala tudi o Trumpu –
»The Huffington Post, the U.S. media outlet that received the latest series of emails, said they showed Yousef al-Otaiba denigrating Trump and others in communications with officials close to then President Barack Obama. The Huffington Post said one of the emails showed Otaiba corresponding with Rob Malley, Obama’s chief adviser on the Middle East, on election night. “You got room for me in Abu Dhabi?” Malley wrote to Otaiba. “This isn’t funny,” the UAE ambassador responded. “How/why is this happen. On what planet can Trump be a president?” In another exchange from 2016 with Judith Miller [Council on Foreign Relations; Manhattan Institute for Policy Research; The New York Times; Fox News], a right-wing U.S. commentator who reportedly sent Otaiba a series of tweets from a Saudi whistle-blower that criticized Emirati Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the UAE diplomat said “the 7 minutes I spent reading this was the equivalent of watching 7 minutes of Donald Trump. A waste of my time.”«134; str. 3
Robert Malley je bil že leta 2002 ustanovitelj in vodja od Middle East and North Africa Program pri International Crisis Group, kjer ostane na položaju do leta 2014, ko postane član osebja pri Obamovem National Security Council. Tudi ni presenečenje, da sta bila upravitelja in kasneje svetovalca od International Crisis Group Zbigniew Brzezinski in njegov tesen kolega in CIA sredstvo savdski princ Turki al Faisal, ki sta v 80ih skupaj sodelovala pri financiranju mudžahedinov in skrajnih islamistov v Afganistanu. Brzezinski je tudi vodilni zunanje politični svetovalec oz. mentor Baracka Obame.
Malley pa je tudi član mednarodne uprave od U.S./Middle East Project, kateri je iniciativa od Council on Foreign Relations. Iz analize je razvidno, da gre za tesno povezavo z ljudmi iz liberalnega establišmenta, oz. kroga okoli Davida Rockefellerja, Henryja Kissingerja, Georga Sorosa, Davida Petraeusa, Martina Indyka, Haima Sabana in tudi Penny Pritzker. Člani mednarodne uprave so še Chuck Hagel; predsednik Daniel Levy (Rockefeller Brothers Fund; Middle East Programme – International Crisis Group; Director for the Middle East and North Africa – European Council on Foreign Relations; Century Foundation; Middle East Taskforce – New America Foundation); Efraim Halevy (Mossad, 1967 – 1995; Bertelsmann Foundation); Enzo Viscusi (Council on Foreign Relations; International Institute for Strategic Studies; Foreign Policy Association; Eurasia Group; The Century Foundation; Business Council for International Understanding; Business Executives for National Security); Fouad M.T. Alghanim (Council of Foreign Relations; Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; International Institute for Strategic Studies; Crown Center for Middle East Studies; World Economic Forum; Kuwait Russia Business Council); Giuliano Amato; Hanan Ashrawi (Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy); predsednik emeritus Henry Siegman (z Davidom Rockefellerjem sta se verjetno vsaj do neke mere poznala že vsaj od leta 1968, kot je bil Siegman član izvršnega odbora od Urban Coalition, katerega predsedujoči A. Philip Randolph (Institute) je tesno povezan s CIA dogajanjem, ki je analizirano pod Century Foundation;1 uradno je kot Rockefellerjev agent proti-izraelski pogajalec, ki Izrael imenuje ’’de-facto apartheid’’; Senior Fellow on the Middle East – Council on Foreign Relations; Resident Scholar – Rockefeller Foundation Study Center in Bellagio; American Jewish Congress, 1978 – 1994); James F. Dobbins (Bilderberg, 1983, 1990; Council on Foreign Relations; RAND Corporation); Lee Hamilton (9/11 Commission; CIA External Advisory Board); Mark Sedwill (Bilderberg, 2022; Rothschild & Co.; International Institute for Strategic Studies; Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies – David Petraeus; Special Forces Club); Monica Maggioni (Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg, 2014; European Council on Foreign Relations; Italian-American Foundation; World Economic Forum, 2016, 2017); Peter A. Joseph (Israel Policy Forum; American-Jewish Joint Distribution Committee; Jewish Community Center; Third Way; Shalom Hartman Institute); Ramez F. Sousou (Council for Inclusive Capitalism; Soros Private Equity; Soros Fund Management; Goldman Sachs; Harvard University; National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children); Richard A. Debs (Pilgrims Society; Council on Foreign Relations; Federal Reserve System; Bretton Wodds Commmittee; U.S. – Saudi Business Council; Russian-American Bankers Forum; Institute for International Education; Middle East Institute; Carnegie Enodwment for International Peace; Group of Thirty; Morgan Stanley; Ford Foundation Fellow; Fulbright Scholar; King Abdul Aziz Medal); Rula Jebreal (Palestinka; Young Global Leader – World Economic Forum, 2008; poročena v super elitno bankirsko družino Altschul, ki je del Pilgrims Society in Goldman Sachs); Sam Nunn; predsedujoči Thomas R. Pickering.
Tesne povezave z Donaldom Trumpom in Jaredom Kushnerjem
Otaiba je tesno povezan z Donaldom Trumpom, njegovim zetom Jaredom Kushnerjem, Trumpov prvi državni obisk pa je ravno prihod v Savdsko Arabijo. Kushner pa se močno zbliža tudi s Savdskim prestolonaslednikom princem Mohammedom bin Salmanom –
»The day after [Martin] Indyk and Otaiba emailed about Yemen, the Washington Post’s [Jeff Bezos tesno povezan s CIA in Sun Valley Meetings] David Ignatius [Council on Foreign Relations, 1987 – ; Trilateral Commission; Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; Saban Forum – Saban Center for Middle East Policy; Sun Valley Meetings; Munich Security Conference; Colloquium on Counterintelligence Conference – CIA] reached out to Otaiba to share his latest article on MBS. Otaiba, in an email obtained by The Intercept, wrote back:
Thank you for taking the time to go out there and meet with MBS [Mohammed bin Salman]. As someone who knows the region well, it looks from how you wrote this piece, that you are beginning to see what we’ve been saying for the last two years. Change!
Change in attitude, change in style, change in approach.
I think we would all agree these changes in saudi are much needed. So i’m relieved to find you saw what we’ve been seeing and frequently trying to convey. Your voice and your credibility will be a huge factor in getting reasonable folks to understand and believe in whats happening.
Our job now, is to [do] everything possible to ensure MBS succeeds.
One of the things Otaiba did was introduce Saudi Arabia to the public relations firm that represents the UAE in Washington, the Harbour Group, which then also took on Saudi Arabia as a client. Amid global outrage over Khashoggi’s murder, the Harbour Group dropped Saudi Arabia as a client, but it continues to work with the UAE.
In the wake of Donald Trump’s election, Otaiba became close with the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and helped forge what would become a bond between Kushner and MBS. Kushner successfully lobbied to make Saudi Arabia the first foreign country Trump visited. As The Intercept previously reported, MBS later told those close to him that Kushner was “in his pocket” and that Kushner had shared U.S. intelligence related to the Saudi royal family with him, according to three sources who have been in contact with members of the Saudi and Emirati royal families.
Kushner, in a Monday interview with CNN’s Van Jones [top sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’; Center for American Progress; Institute of Noetic Studies Fellow, 2013; Ella Baker Center for Human Rights; Color of Change; Green For All; Progressive Agenda; Natural Resource Defense Council;; Clinton Global Initiative; Omega Institute for Holistic Studies], dodged a question about whether he believed the Saudis’ widely ridiculed official statement that Khashoggi died in a fist fight with rogue operatives at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. “With regards to the situation in Saudi Arabia,” Kushner said, “I’d say that right now, as an administration, we’re more in the fact-finding phase.”
In that same interview, Kushner also said that he doesn’t really have much to do with the Middle East.«135
Globalist liberalnega establišmenta I
Da je Yousef Al Otaiba v resnici s srcem in dušo zrcalna podoba globalista in propagandista ’’liberalne CIA’’, priča tudi njegov zelo zanimiv govor, ki ga je imel leta 2016 pri s Pentagonom in CIA tesno povezanim think tankom RAND Corporation, kjer je dejal, da čuti optimizem glede naslednje generacije prebivalcev Bližnjega vzhoda, zaradi programa Rhodes Scholarship na New York University Abu Dhabi. Otaiba s tem pove, da natančno razumne pomen in koncept od Rhodes Scholarship, kot pomembno sredstvo širjenja anglo-ameriškega imperializma oz. globalizma.
»To United Arab Emirates Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba, the Middle East is a place of both peril and promise. Although, from his vantage point, Iran and Islamic extremists [v glavnem financirani s strani CIA, Savdske Arabije in Katarja; ZAE pa je center za zbiranje sredstev za podporo skrajnih militantov v Afganistanu in Pakistanu, kot tudi za napade 9/11] pose a threat to the entire region, the next generation of young people is spreading a culture of optimism, opportunity, and openness, the ambassador said.
On June 1 at RAND’s Santa Monica headquarters, Al Otaiba discussed what he saw as the UAE’s progress as both an emerging power in the Middle East as well as a reliable ally of the West.
The Emirates has diversified its economy over the past two decades so that oil and gas make up just 30 percent of gross domestic product, Al Otaiba said, and it is the largest U.S. export partner in the Arab world despite being a country of just 10 million people. Al Otaiba mentioned that the Emirates has played a leading role in a fight against Iranian-backed forces in Yemen, and he also noted that it joined the coalitions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria.
But what Al Otaiba most sought to convey was his sense of optimism about the next generation of Middle Easterners. Last week he gave the commencement address to 130 students from 58 countries graduating from New York University Abu Dhabi. The university has already produced six Rhodes scholars from its three graduating classes, he said.
Al Otaiba relayed an inspirational story told by President Clinton about his giving the first commencement address at NYU Abu Dhabi in 2014. Clinton was to make awards to two teams that had won a university competition: On one were students from India and Pakistan, and on the other were youths from China and Taiwan. Clinton asked if the students were sure they wanted to be photographed together for fear of reactions back home. “They said,’We’re so over that stuff. That stuff doesn’t matter.’ Instilling that in young people is the only way we get out of these problems,” Al Otaiba said.
“When I look ahead in the region, I see more Rhodes scholars and fewer terrorist recruits,” Al Otaiba said. “More Mars missions and fewer ballistic missiles, more women leaders and fewer Jihadi Janes, more online start-ups and fewer extremist websites. An Islam of peace and inclusion, not of extremes. In the UAE, this is our way forward.”«136
Glavni govorec na otvoritvi od New York University Abu Dhabi leta 2014 je bil Bill Clinton. In takoj bo tudi jasno, zakaj ravno on.
To svojo podporo globalizma in ’’liberalne CIA’’, pa je Yousef potrdil tudi leta 2017 z obiskom od InterAction Forum 2017. Za razliko od prejšnjih zadev, kjer se je Yousef ’’gibal’’, je InterAction klasično pro-globalistično sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’. Še bolj zanimivo postane, ko se razkrije, da so vodilni številni govorci študirali kot Rhodes Scholar oz. Fulbright Scholar. Fulbright Scholarship, ki se financira preko U.S. Department of State, je ustanovil J. William Fulbright, ki je sam študiral kot Rhodes Scholar. Rhodes Scholarship izvira iz načrta oživitve angleškega imperializma konec 19. stoletja in je tesno povezan z anglo-ameriško Pilgrims Society. Sama ideologija pa se je prenesla na Rockefellerjevo vizijo imperializma oz. globalizma. Ključni govorec foruma leta 2017 je bil Bill Clinton, ki je študiral kot Rhodes Scholar, njegov mentor pa ni bil nihče drug kot J. William Fulbright.
In tudi povezave vodilnih govorcev pričajo o njihovi povezani z Rocekfellerjevim/CIA omrežjem preko Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Rockefeller Foundation, U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, Center for Strategic & International Studies, European Council on Foreign Relations, ONE Campaign. Ostali govorci prav tako prihajajo iz omrežja ’’liberalne CIA’’.
- moderator Sam Worthington – Fulbright Scholar; član od Council on Foreign Relations; bil član uprave od U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; Resident Fellow pri Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center; član svetovalnega odbora od Voluntary Foreign Assistance (ACVFA) – USAID; so-ustanovitelj od ONE Campaign – začetna financerja Bill Gates in George Soros; predsednik in generalni direktor od InterAction; član uprave od CIVICUS; član uprave od TheAlliance to End Hunger; bil generalni direktor od Plan International USA; bil član programskega odbora od Hope for African Children Initiative; bil upravitelj od Religions for Peace (Thomas McLarty – Kissinger Associaties, Richard Blum, Jeffrey Sachs, John Brademas).
- Bill Clinton – Rhodes Scholar; Trilateral Commission; Council on Foreign Relations; Clinton Foundation.
- Mary Robinson – Fulbright Scholar; Trilateral Commission; Club of Madrid; InterAction Council; Earth Institute – Columbia University; Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice; Council of Women World Leaders; Women in International Security; Munich Security Conference, 2017.
- Norman Ornstein – Fulbright Scholar; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 1978 – ; Resident Scholar pri American Enterprise Institute; član uprave od U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; član svetovalne uprave od Committee to Investigate Russia; član svetovalne uprave od Represent.Us; član uprave od Volcker Alliance; član svetovalnega odbora od The American Ditchley Foundation; piše za The Atlantic.
- Kristalina Georgieva – Fulbright Scholar, 1991 – 1992; članica od European Council on Foreign Relations; udeleženka od World Economic Forum; udeleženka od Paris Peace Forum; članica od Women Political Leaders Global Forum; bila upraviteljica od Institute for Sustainable Communities, 2003 – 2005; udeleženka od Concordia Summit; udeleženka od Bled Strategic Forum.
- Joyce Banda – tesno povezana z National Democratic Institute; članica uprave od Center for Global Development; Distinguished Fellow od Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; članica od Council of Women World Leaders; upraviteljica od Brazzaville Foundation; udeleženka od Concordia Summit.
- Eric P. Schwartz – član od Council on Foreign Relations; bil vodja od Independent Task Force on Post-Conflict Iraq – Council on Foreign Relations; bil izvršni direktor od Connect US Fund (Tides Center) – ustanovitelji so bili Rockefeller Brothers Foud, Open Society Institute, William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation; bil pomočnik državne sekretarke Hillary Clinton, 2009 – 2011; predsednik od Refugees International; bil Fellow od U.S. Institute of Peace, 2001 – 2003; bil Fellow od Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2001-2003; delal za Asia Watch – Human Rights Watch.
- Daniel F. Runde – član od Council on Foreign Relations; pod-predsednik za globalne analize pri Center for Strategic and International Studies; član od Bretton Woods Committee; imel višje položaje pri International Finance Corporation; član programske skupine pri Partnership for Central America; član uprave od International Foundation for Electoral Systems – CIA; član uprave od Spirit of America; sodeloval z ONE Campaign; bil član svetovalnega odbora od Voluntary Foreign Aid – USAID; delal za Citibank; njegov oče James A. Runde je bil investicijski bankir pri Morgan Stanley & Company.
- Gayle E. Smith – članica od Council on Foreign Relations; članica svetovalne uprave od Center for a New American Security; članica uprave od National Security Network – CIA; generalna direktorica od ONE Campaign; članica svetovalnega odbora od Acumen Fund; bila višja svetovalka pri USAID; bila predsedujoča pri Clinton Global Initiative; Senior Fellow pri Center for American Progress; članica uprave od Africa-America Institute – CIA/Rockefeller Foundation; članica uprave od Oxfam America; članica uprave od USA for Africa; udeleženka od Concordia Summit, 2021.
- Nilmini Gunaratne Rubin – njen oče je bil Fulbright Scholar; članica od Council on Foreign Relations; višja sodelavka od Project on Prosperity and Development – Center for Strategic and International Studies; članica od Women’s Democracy Network – International Republican Institute; imenovana Young Global Leader – World Economic Forum; bila direktorica pri National Security Council – President George W. Bush; članica od Experts Network – WEF; vodja za globalno politiko pri Hedera; bila članica ustanovne programske skupine pri Facebook – Peter Thiel/CIA; bila govornica pri TEDx; njen mož je Joel Martin Rubin – zunanjepolitični strateg Demokratske stranke, bil politični direktor od J Street, bil Legislative Fellow – Brookings Institution; leta 2020 je bil med predsedniško kampanjo Bernieja Sandersa zadolžen za ’’ozaveščanje’’ Židov, sodeloval pri Obamovi predsedniški kampanji 2012, bil politični direktor pri super elitnem Ploughshares Fund (William S. Cohen, Ben Rhodes, Michael Douglas, Susan Eisenhower, Jeff Skoll, Hal Harvey).
- Kimber Shearer – pod-predsednica za strategijo in razvoj pri International Republican Institute, 2005 – ; delala za International Rescue Committee – CIA; delala za State Department, 2002 – 2005.
- Karen Attiah – Fulbright scholar; sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’; piše za Washington Post oz. na novo ustvarjeno poglavje Global Opinions; v glavnem se posveča na Afriko, globalne probleme rase, politike, identitete in spola; skupaj z Davidom Ignatiusom je dobila 2019 George Polk Award glede umora novinarskega kolega Jamala Khashoggija; prav tako je za pisanje o Khashoggiju prejela nagrado od National Association of Black Journalists; podpornica top sredstev ’’liberalne CIA’’, kot so Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib in Ayanna Pressley; bila govornica pri IntelligeneSquared Dabates (Ian Bremmer, Robert Rosenkranz – Council on Foreign Relations, David Couler – JP Morgan Chase, Vanessa Mendoza – Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, Alexandra Munroe – Council on Foreign Relations).
- Rajiv Joshi – ustanovni član in upravni direktor od The B Team; pridruženi dekan pri Columbia Climate Action; ustanovni član od We Mean Business; bil član uprave od CIVICUS; bil upravitelj od Oxfam; bil član od Glasgow Anti Racist Alliance; član svetovalnega odbora od Oxford Säid Business School (Paul Polman, Jacqueline Novogratz, Vivienne Cox – Trilateral Commission, Michael Warren – Albright Stonebridge Group, Margarita Louis-Dreyfus, Vivian Hunt – McKinsey & Company; raziskovalec pri Center on Global Energy Policy – general Stanley McChrystal – varovanec CIA direktorja Davida Petraeusa, Thomas Donilon, Reid Hoffman – Bilderberg, Steven Rattner, Theodore Roosevelt IV – CIA družina).
- Eduardo Martinez – član korporativnega svetovalnega odbora od The National Council of La Raza (del ”liberalne CIA”); predsedujoči od Points of Light Corporate Service Council – Neil Bush; direktor od UPS Foundation; kot predstavnik od UPS je bil predsedujoči od Global Agenda Council on Humanitarian Response – World Economic Forum; član izvršnega odbora od Managing the Risk and Impact of Future Epidemics – WEF.
- Manish Bapna – predednik in generalni direktor od National Resources Defense Council, 2021 – ; izvršni pod-predsednik in upravni direktor od World Resources Institute, 2007 – 2021; bil član uprave od Oxfam America; bil strateški svetovalec od McKinsey & Company; član odbora od China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (Stephen Heintz – Rockefeller Brothers Fund, John J. DeGioia, Kate Hampton, Laurence Tubiana).
- Lindsay Coates – predsednica od InterAction, 2015 – 2018; članica uprave od U. S. Global Leadership Coalition, 2015 – 2017; Resident Fellow pri Center for Global Development; generalna direktorica od Population Action International; članica vodstvenega kroga od Foreign Policy for America; članica svetovalnega odbora od United Nations Association; članica uprave od Obama Administration Task Force on Global Poverty, 2008 – 2009.
Financerji od InterAction leta 2017 –
»Over $1M: [Bill & Melinda] Gates Foundation. USAID … Under $1M: FedEx. International Civil Society Centre. International Fund for Agricultural Development. New Venture Fund. Open Society Foundations. Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Rockefeller Foundation. U.S. State Department of Population, Refugees and Migration. UPS. Wallace Genetic Foundation. Wallace Global Fund. Wellspring Philanthropic Fund. Individual Donors: … Susan Ross & Dr. Charles MacCormack [Fulbright Scholar; Council on Foreign Relations; Brookings Institution; Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs; Malaria No More; Save the Children] … Samuel Worthington [Fulbright Scholar]«137; dostop 12.1.2023
Dogodek pri bankirski družini Allbritton leta 2012
Nekaj zanimivih spodaj analiziranih ljudi, ki so se zbrali na Milken Institute Global Conference leta 2019, se pozna že vsaj od leta 2012, ko sta bankir in publicist od POLITICO Robert Allbritton in njegova žena Elena Allbritton priredila zabavo v svoji bogati rezidenci, ki je bila zgrajena okoli leta 1800. Še kuharski mojster, slavni Wolfgang Puck, je tisti, ki ga je kasneje Otaiba najemal, da je kuhal za njegove razkošne zabave, preko katerih je predstavljal program za prestolonasledstvo princa Mohammeda bin Salmana.
Najprej o družini Allbritton. Oče Roberta Allbrittona je bankir Joe Allbritton, ki je leta 1973 postal član od Council on Foreign Relations. Albritton, ki leta 1981 postane predsedujoči od najpomembnejše washingtonske banke Riggs National Corporation, leta 1983 dobi še popolni nadzor nad njo. Izvršni direktor banke je med drugim tudi Jonathan Bush Sr. (Skull&Bones; United Negro College Fund; Partnership for Public Service; George Bush Presidential Library), ki je bil mlajši brat top CIA operativca Georgea H. W. Busha. Jonathan je leta 1970 ustanovil banko J. Bush & Co., ki je več let zagotavljala diskretne bančne usluge ambasadam tujih vlad v Washingtonu. Banko J. Bush & Co. leta 1997 kupi Joe Allbritton, Bush pa leta 2000 postane predsednik in generalni direktor od Riggs Investment. Bushev sin Jonathan S. Bush (Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation) postane leta 2004 član od Council on Foreign Relations. In tudi leta 2004 je morala banka Riggs plačati simbolni znesek v višini $25 milijonov civilne globe, zaradi pranja denarja dveh diktatorjev, in pa Savdskega denarja, ni pa bilo nobenih obtožb zaradi tesnih povezav z 9/11. Seveda ni bilo za pričakovati, da bo zloglasna 9/11 Commission, katere sestava je enaka, kot bi Al Capone sebi pripravil komisijo, da bi mu sodila, kaj razkrila javnosti. Preko banke je, kot je poročal Newsweek, savdski princ Bandar, ki je bil 22 let veleposlanik v Washingtonu, opral na milijone $ denarja ($1 milijardo). Princ Bandar je več desetletij tesen družinski in CIA prijatelj družine Bush. Preko banke so vsaj trije posamezniki, dva terorista vpletena v 9/11, in en znani simpatizer Al Qaede, prejemali mesečne dohodke. Denar je prihajal iz računov princese Haife Al Faisal, žene princa Bandarja oz. hčerke savdskega kralja Faisala. 9/11 Commission je leta 2004 jasno zavrnila poročanje Newsweeka, glede vpletenosti Haife Al Faisal in princa Bandarja. Delno razkriti deli ’’preiskave’’ od 9/11 Commission, ki so bili objavljeni leta 2016, pa so seveda potrdili vpletenost Bandarja v financiranje teroristov vpletenih v 9/11 preko banke Riggs.
Istočasno sta imela na banki odprte račune tudi dva pomembna diktatorja, tesno povezana z liberalnim establišmentom. Eden je bil nekdanji čilski neoliberalni diktator Pinochet, ki je prišel na oblast s pomočjo Rockefellerjevega-Kissingerjevega-CIA državnega udara. Drugi je bil diktator iz Ekvatorialne Gvineje general Teodoro Mbasogo, ki je prišel na oblast preko državnega udara. Država bogata z nafto, je preko banke Riggs poslovala z vodilnimi naftnimi podjetji liberalnega establišmenta, kot so Exxon Mobil, Amerada Hess, Marathon Oil in ChevronTexaco.
Preko banke Riggs je med drugim od leta 1985 dalje princ Bandar na skrivaj, vsake tri mesece prejemal po $30 milijonov, kar naj bi zneslo več kot $1 milijardo. To je bilo plačilo, ki ga je Bandar prejel od vodilnega britanskega proizvajalca orožja BAE System (tesno povezani z liberalnim establišmentom), zaradi rekordne prodaje orožja Savdski Arabiji v višini $34 milijard. BAE System tudi pomemben financer super elitnih nevladnih organizacij, tudi teh v omrežju ’’liberalne CIA’’.
Stvar postane še bolj zanimiva, ko pogledamo, kdo so bili še člani uprave banke Riggs. To so bili Jack Valenti; Norman Augustine – ustanovitelj CIAjinega podjetja In-Q-Tel; J. Carter Beese Jr. – top predstavnik podjetja Dilligence, ki je tesno povezano s CIA in igralo pomembno vlogo v iraški vojni.
Torej udeleženci te branč zabave so bili138 –
- Yousef Al Otaiba;
- Super elitni Eric Schmidt – član od Council on Foreign Relations; član od Trilateral Commission; član izvršnega odbora skupine Bilderberg; vodilni predstavnik od Sun Valley Meetings; izvršni predsedujoči od Google/Alphabet.
- Ivanka Trump.
- Demokratski senator iz Virginije Mark Warner – član od Council on Foreign Relations, 2005 – ; udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 2005; član uprave od Atlantic Council; član od Future of Work Initiative – Aspen Institute; član od Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism; podpredsedujoči od Senate Intelligence Committee, 2017 – 2021; predsedujoči od Senate Intelligence Committee, 2021 – ; njegova pomembna financerja v obdobju 2008-2014 sta JP Morgan in Blacstone Group.
- Republikanski guverner iz Lousiane Bobby Jindal – študiral kot Rhodes Scholar; član pro-Trumpovega America First Policy Institute; imenovan Young Global Leader – World Economic Forum, 2008; bil višji svetovalec pri McKinsey & Co.
- republikanski guverner iz Virginije Bob McDonnell – član izvršnega odbora od Republican Governors Association.
- Barackov kampanjski direktor Jim Messina – udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 2015; član od Council on Foreign Relations, 2016 – ; ustanovitelj od Messina Group; član uprave od; član Obamove administracije; njegove stranke so Uber, Airbnb, Google, Delta Air Lines.
- Predsedujoči (2015 – ) od Republican National Committee Reince Priebus – vodja Trumpovega kabineta, 2017; odvetnik od NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund; 2018 Fellow od Institute of Politics – Harvard University.
- višja svetovalka Baracka Obame Valerie Jarrett – članica uprave od Obama Foundation; mentorica Nike Kovač.
- CNN [del Sun Valley Meetings] voditelj Wolf Blitzer – član izvršnega odbora od Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.
- Predsednik od NBC News [del Sun Valley Meetings] Steve Capus – član uprave od Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 2022 – ; mednarodni poslovni strateg pri Alongi Media & Al Jazeera Media Networks, 2021; višji svetovalec generalnega direktorja od United States Agency for Global Media, 2019 – 2020; voditelj od CBS News, 2014 – 2018; upravitelj od Newseum, 2008 – 2017.
- Voditelj Fox News [del Sun Valley Meetings] Bret Baier – ’’kritik’’ Trumpa in z njim igra golf; član od The Senate Project – Bipartisan Policy Center.
- Igralka Julia Louis-Dreyfus – top sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’; članica uprave od Natural Resources Defense Council; podpornica Baracka Obame; podpornica Hillary Clinton.
- Igralka in so-predsedujoča Obamovi predsedniški kampanji Eva Longoria – top sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’; članica uprave od Time’s Up; udeleženka od Clinton Global Initiative; ustanoviteljica od Eva Longoria Foundation; članica uprave od Momento Latino; članica uprave od Latino Media Network; top podpornica Hillary Clinton.
- NFL igralec iz Green Bay Packers Charles Woodson – podpornik Baracka Obame.
- Modna oblikovalka Rachel Zoe.
Milken Institute Global Conference 2019
Yousef Al Otaiba se po njegovi pomembni podpori zloglasnemu Savdskemu princu in prestolonasledniku Mohammedu bin Salmanu in po umoru in razkosanju Jamala Khashoggija leta 2018, še naprej zelo tesno sodeluje z liberalnim establišmentom in vodilnimi predstavniki ’’liberalne CIA’’, jasno, z roko v roki z vodilnimi predstavniki feminizma in propagandisti belske krivde. In pa seveda, nihče od teh se v resnici ne obremenjuje zaradi razkosanja Salmanovega kritika Khashoggija.
Otaiba je bil tako leta 2019 govorec na super elitni Milken Institute Global Conference. V vseh teh letih so se konferenc udeležili številni vodilni člani liberalnega establišmenta, predstavniki njihovih korporacij, medijev in številna sredstva ’’liberalne CIA’’. Otaiba je bil govorec na temo Transforming Economies: Investment in MENA.
Spodaj analizirani ljudje so ključni del ozadja Baracka Obame, če izvzamem tistih par ’’izdajalcev’’, ki so hkrati del Trumpovega omrežja, ki pa seveda nadaljujejo sprevrženo in jasno podporo, ki jo je imel Mohammed bin Salman pri Baracku Obami & Co.
Vendar gremo najprej malo v zgodovino, da se še boljše razjasnijo določene zadeve.
Kot že omenjeno, se je nekaj zanimivih spodaj analiziranih ljudi, ki so se zbrali na Milken Institute Global Conference leta 2019, pozna že vsaj od leta 2012, ko sta bankir in nekdanji publicist od POLITICO Robert Allbritton in njegova žena Elena Allbritton priredila zabavo v svoji bogati rezidenci, ki je bila zgrajena okoli leta 1800. Še kuharski mojster, slavni Wolfgang Puck, je tisti, ki ga je kasneje Otaiba najemal, da je kuhal za njegove razkošne zabave, preko katerih je predstavljal program za prestolonasledstvo Mohammeda bin Salmana. Prav tako je med udeleženci kar nekaj predstavnikov Allbrittonovega časopisa Politico in njegove banke Riggs. Iz Obama Foundation pa sta bila udeleženca Valerie Jarrett in David Simas. Med tem ko je so-financer konference Pritzker Private Capital, katerega so-ustanovitelj in predsedujoči je Anthony Pritzker, brat od Penny Pritzker, ki je tesna Otaibajeva prijateljica in članica uprave od Obama Foundation. Ter kar pet predstavnikov nekdanjega Allbrittonovega časopisa POLITICO (od leta 2007 v lasti od Axel Springer – del Sun Valley Meetings), vključno z generalnim direktorjem Patrickom Steelom.
Udeleženci konference leta 2019 –
Predstavniki liberalnega establišmenta –
- Afsaneh Beschloss (Council on Foreign Relations; Ford Foundation; Rockefeller Brothers Fund; World Resources Institute);
- Leon Black (Council on Foreign Relations; JP Morgan Chase; Russian Direct Investment Fund; Apollo Global Management; tesen kolega od Jeffreyja Epsteina od leta 1997);
- Richard Blum (Council on Foreign Relations; Brookings Institution; McLarty/Kissinger Associates; National Democratic Institute; Initiative for Global Development; Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice; mož od Diane Feinstein);
- Stuart Eizenstat (Council on Foreign Relations; Bilderberg, 2002; Atlantic Council; Freedom House; The Global Panel Foundation; Campaign for American Leadership in the Middle East; APCO Worldwide; Jewish Public Policy Institute; podpisnik pro-migrantske Inclusive America);
- Niall Ferguson (Bilderberg, skoraj redno 2009 – 2019; Hoover Institution; Council for the Future of Europe – Berggruen Institute; Institute for Strategic Dialogue; Forum for the Future of Higher Education);
- Michèle Flournoy (Council on Foreign Relations; Center for Strategic and International Studies; Center for a New American Security);
- Eric Garcetti (Rhodes Scholar; Council on Foreign Relations; leta 2014 gostil Clinton Global Initiative);
- Richard Haass (Rhodes Scholar; predsednik od Council on Foreign Relations);
- Margaret Hamburg (Council on Foreign Relations; Rockefeller Foundation; Global Commission on for Post-Pandemic Policy; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation);
- Jane Harman (Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; Aspen Institute; Defense Policy Board; CIA External Advisory Board; Homeland Security Advisory Council; Munich Security Confernce);
- Valerie Jarrett (višja svetovalka od Obama Foundation; The Joyce Foundation; Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Ariel Investments; bila članica Obamove administracije; mentorica Nike Kovač);
- Kerry Kennedy (US Institute of Peace; Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights; Human Rights First; International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life; Amnesty International);
- Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (Council on Foreign Relations; Independent Task Force on Peace and Security in Colombia – CFR; Women in International Security; Points of Light Foundation; John F. Kennedy Library Foundation);
- Michael Klowden (generalni direktor od Milken Institute);
- Nicholas Kristof (Rhodes Scholar; Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; Clinton Global Initiative; kolumnist od The New York Times);
- Barackov kampanjski direktor Jim Messina (Bilderberg, 2015; Council on Foreign Relations, 2016 – ; Messina Group;; član Obamove administracije; njegove stranke so Uber, Airbnb, Google, Delta Air Lines);
- Michael Milken (ustanovitelj od Milken Institute; tesen kolega CIA sredstva za državne udare in barvne revolucije Petra Ackermana; skupaj z Ackermanom so-kriva za propad elitne banke Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc.; pomiloščen s strani Trumpa);
- Lynda Resnick (Aspen Institute; The Washington Institute for Near East Policy; W.E.B. Du Bois Institute; Milken Family Foundation; Conservation International; FIJI Water Company; tesno povezana z Arianno Huffington);
- Karl Rove (Bush’s Brain; Forstmann Little Conferences; George W. Bush Institute; American Corporate Partners; Americans for Community and Faith-Centered Enterprise; Bohemian Grove; Friends of Abe; Wall Street Journal);
- Stephen Schwarzman (Skull & Bones; Blackstone Group; JP Morgan Chase; Council on Foreign Relations; Atlantic Council; The Business Council; Partnership for a New American Economy; Berggruen Institute of Governance; Schwarzman Scholars/Rhodes Scholars – Tshingua University; Strategic and Policy Forum);
- David M. Solomon (Goldman Sachs; Citigroup; Bear Sterns; Robin Hood Foundation);
- Gene Sperling (Council on Foreign Relations; Economic Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; The Hamilton Project – Brookings Institution; Center for American Progress; Bloomberg);
- admiral James G. Stavridis (Rockefeller Foundation; H. Smith Richardson Foundation; Atlantic Council; Munich Security Conference; McLearty/Kissinger Associates; Washington Institute for Near East Policy).
Člani liberalnega establišmenta ali predstavniki podjetij, ki so del Sun Valley Meetings od Allen & Co./Trilateral Commission in ključni financerji in propagandisti ’’liberalne CIA’’ –
- Edgar Bronfman Jr. (Council on Foreign Relations; JP Morgan Chase; Warner Music Group; vodilni financer od New York University; član uprave od Global Thermostat);
- Raymond Dalio (Council on Foreign Relations; Bridgewater Associates; Climate Leadership Council; Volcker Alliance; tesen prijatelj Paula Volckerja);
- Peter Diamandis (ustanovitelj in predsedujoči od XPRIZE Foundation; ni bil udeleženec od Sun Valley Meetings, je pa tesno povezan s posamezniki in podjetji – Elon Musk; Eric Schmidt; Wendy Schmidt; Anne Wojcicki; Sergey Brin; Larry Page; James Manyika; Dustin Moskowitz);
- Joe Gebbia (so-ustanovitelj in generalni direktor od Airbnb; vodilni podpornik migracij; član svetovalnega odbora od United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees);
- Jeffrey Katzenberg (DreamWorks Animation; Walt Disney Studios; Paley Center for Media; Edge Foundation; vodilni podpornik in financer od Hillary Clinton in Baracka Obame);
- Sherry Lansing (Council on Foreign Relations; Paramount Pictures; 20th Century Fox; Teach for America; The Carter Center);
- Eileen Murray (Bridgewater Associates; Morgan Stanley; Credit Suisse First Boston; Business Council for International Understanding);
- Eric Schmidt (vodilni predstavnik liberalnega establišmenta; Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission Bilderberg, 2007 – 2022; Google/Alphabet);
- Joe Tsai (so-ustanovitelj in izvršni pod-predsednik od Alibaba Group; delal za Investor AB, ki je ključni del od vodilne Bilderberg družine Wallenberg; lastnik od Brooklyn Nets);
- Devin Wenig (predsednik in generalni direktor od eBay – Pierre Omidyar je vodilni financer ’’liberalne CIA’’; Business Council; Governors of the Consumer Industries – World Economic Forum; Thomson Reuters; Salesforce Global Advisory Board; General Motors).
Predstavniki podjetij in medijev, ki so del liberalnega establišmenta –
- Nisha D. Biswal (predsednica od U.S.-India Business Council; višja pod-predsednica pri U.S. Chamber of Commerce; višj svetovalka od Albright Stonebridge Group; članica mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora od U.S. Institute of Peace);
- Ronald O’Hanley (predsednik in generalni direktor od State Street Corporation; Fidelity Investments; Bank of New York Mellon; McKinsey & Company; East/West Institute; Institute of International Finance; Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism; The Conference Board; The Boston Foundation);
- Matthew Kaminski (Center for European Policy Analysis; Concordia Summit, 2017; bil novinar pri The Wall Street Journal; delal za Financial Times; glavni urednik od POLITICO; ustanovni urednik od Politico Europe; dobitnik nagrade 2004 Peter Weitz Prize – German Marshall Fund, za pisanje o EU);
- Anne Palmer (višja dopisnica iz Washingtona za POLITICO; udeleženka od World Economic Forum);
- Dirk Van de Put (predsedujoči in generalni direktor od Mondelēz International; Coca Cola Caribbean; Groupe Danone SA);
- Robert Soros (predsedujoči od Soros Capital Management; Soros Fund Management; Museum of Modern Art – Rockefeller; top financer Baracka Obame);
- Jack Sherman (višji pisec in so-urednik pri POLITICO; );
- Patrick Steel (generalni direktor od POLITICO; FBR Capital Markets & Co.; POLITICO in Steel sta del Clintonovega omrežja okoli bankirjev Roberta in Joeja Allbritton iz Allbritton Communications, Riggs Bank N.A., Council on Foreign Relations in Institute of International Education);
- Mark Weinberger (globalni predsedujoči in generalni direktor od EY; Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism; American Council for Capital Formation; Strategic and Policy Forum; BritishAmerican Business; Russia Foreign Investment Advisory Council; International Business Council – World Economic Forum; Just Capital; Johnson & Johnson; MetLife, Inc.; President Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum)
- Ben White (glavni ekonomski dopisnik od POLITICO).
Trumpovi predstavniki –
- Jared Kushner (C3 US-Arab Business & Healthcare Summit, 2012; Bilderberg, 2019; Real Estate Board of New York; Affinity Partners; top podpornik Mohammeda bin Salmana);
- Steven Mnuchin (Skull&Bones; Goldman Sachs; Liberty Strategic Capital; Sears Holdings Corporation; New York Presbyterian Hospital); Wilbur L. Ross, Jr. (Bilderberg, 2017; Brookings Institution; Rothschild Inc.; U.S.-Russia Investment Fund; Business Roundtable; WL Ross & Co. LLC; Partnership for New York City; Japan Society; Wall Street Journal CEO Council; Concordia Summit, 2017);
- Ivanka Trump (W20 – Women Political Leaders; US-Canada Council for the Advencement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders; New York City Police Foundation; Young Global Leader – World Economic Forum; Concordia Summit).
Predstavniki ’’liberalne CIA’’ –
- Benjamin Bronfman (sin Edgarja Bronfmana Jr.; član od Commission to Engage African Americans on Climate Change – Joint Center for Political and Economic Tudies; ustanovitelj od EBJ Capital; član uprave od Global Thermostat; njegova partnerka je hip hop raperka M.I.A. – sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’);
- Sophia Bush (igralka; ’’aktivistka’’; Do Something – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Time’s Up; podpornica Baracka Obame; pro LGBTQ);
- Carol Coletta (Senior Fellow – The Kresge Foundation; John S. and James L. Knight Foundation; National Vacant Properties Campaign);
- Calvin Klein (financer ’’liberalne CIA’’; top financer Baracka Obame; financer Hillary Clinton);
- Cecilia Conrad (upravna direktorica od John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; nadzornica programa MacArthur Fellows; The Edge Foundation; TIAA; African Center for Economic Transformation);
- Paul Dalio (sin od Rayja Dalioja; filmar; Moonstruck Productions; The Joseph Campbell Foundation – Laurance Rockefeller);
- Susan Desmond-Hellmann (generalna direktorica od Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Google Ventures; Facebook; Pfizer; The Procter & Gamble Company; Genentech);
- Abigail Disney (vodilna promotorka belske krivde; feministka; Daphne Foundation; Global Fund for Women; JUST Capital; White House Project; Ms. Magazine);
- The Edge (član skupine U2);
- Earvin “Magic” Johnson;
- John Kluge, Jr. (Founder and Managing Director, Refugee Investment Network);
- Wes Moore (CEO, Robin Hood Foundation);
- David Simas (CEO, Obama Foundation);
- Gene Simmons (Co-Founder, KISS);
- Nicholas Turner (President and Director, Vera Institute of Justice);
- Randi Weingarten (President, American Federation of Teachers);
- Sherrie Westin (President, Global Impact and Philanthropy, Sesame Workshop);
- Joel Wittenberg (Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, W. K. Kellogg Foundation).
Tuji udeleženci –
- Ibrahim Saad Almojel (Saudi Industrial Development Fund; Saudi Aramco; Stanford Club of Saudi Arabia); Ernesto Araújo (brazilski zunanji minister); Hazem Ben-Gacem (Investcorp; Credit Suisse First Boston; Middle East Centre – Oxford University); Paul Kagame; Hakan Koç; Christine Lagarde (feministka; vodilna propagandistka spolnih kvot); Lord Mandelson; Luis Alberto Moreno; Patrice Motsepe (Founder and Chairman, African Rainbow Minerals); Emmanuel Roman (CEO, PIMCO); Khalid Al Rumaihi (Bahrain Economic Development Board; Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company; JP Morgan; Investcorp; McLaren Group).
Globalist liberalnega establišmenta II
Yousef Al Otaiba se po njegovi pomembni podpori zloglasnemu Savdskemu princu in prestolonasledniku Mohammedu bin Salmanu in po umoru in razkosanju Jamala Khashoggija leta 2018, še naprej zelo tesno sodeluje z liberalnim establišmentom in vodilnimi predstavniki ’’liberalne CIA’’, jasno, z roko v roki z vodilnimi predstavniki feminizma in propagandisti belske krivde. In pa seveda, nihče od teh se v resnici ne obremenjuje zaradi razkosanja Salmanovega kritika Khashoggija, katerega stric je bil sicer pomemben CIA operativec in preprodajalec orožja za Južno Ameriko in za skrajne islamiste, ter Savdsko Arabijo. Ves pomp in krokodilje solze, ki so ga ustvarili Bezosov Washington Post, ter ostali mediji in posamezniki, samo samo farsa za javnost.
Otaiba je bil tako leta 2019 govorec pri super elitni Milken Institute Global Conference. V vseh teh letih so se konferenc udeležili številni vodilni člani liberalnega establišmenta, predstavniki njihovih korporacij, medijev in številna sredstva ’’liberalne CIA’’. Otaiba je bil govorec na temo Transforming Economies: Investment in MENA.
Spodaj analizirani ljudje so ključni del ozadja Baracka Obame, če izvzamem tistih par ’’izdajalcev’’, ki so hkrati del Trumpovega omrežja, ki pa seveda nadaljujejo sprevrženo in jasno podporo, ki jo je imel Mohammed bin Salman pri Baracku & Co.
Vendar gremo najprej malo v zgodovino, da se še boljše razjasnijo določene zadeve.
Financerji od Milken Institute Global Conference 2019 –
»Amgen … Accenture … The Annenberg Foundation … Apollo Global Management … Bank of America … Nicolas Berggruen … BlackRock … Blackstone … BNY Mellon …Booz Allen Hamilton. BP … Bristol-Myers Squibb Company … Calvin Klein Family … Citibank … Credit Suisse … Deutsche Bank … Edelman … Etihad Airway … Ernst & Young. Facebook … Fox Corporation … Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation … Genentech. General Atlantic. Generation Investment Management … Goldman Sachs … Google … Infosys Limited … Inter-American Development Bank … Investcorp … Johnson & Johnson … JPMorgan. JPMorgan Chase Foundation … McKinsey & Company … Merck … MetLife … Milken Family Foundation … Novartis. Novo Nordisk, Inc. Mike & Sukey Novogratz … PepsiCo … Pfizer … PIMCO … Pritzker Private Capital … The Rock Creek Group. The Rockefeller Foundation … S&P Global Ratings … Soft Bank … State Street Corporation … Temasek … UBS Optimus Foundation … Viacom … Wells Fargo Bank«139Milken Institute 2019 Global Conference, Driving Shared Prosperity; str. 35 – 36
Alvaro Uribe Vélez
Alvaro Uribe Vélez je bil v obdobju od 2002 – 2010 kolumbijski predsednik in je zelo tesen prijatelj in zaveznik Georgea W. Busha.
Uribe Vélez je bil Visiting Scholar na Walsh School of Foreign Service – Georgetown University, 2010 – 2011; član uprave od News Corporation (Rupert Murdoch; del Sun Valley Meetings), 2012 – ; bil svetovalec pri One Young World (top propagandist ’’liberalne CIA’’), 2012; je Senior Associate Member pri St Antony’s College, University of Oxford; bil udeleženec od World Economic Forum; v precej rednih meddržavnih odnosih s Hugom Chavezom, Fidelom Castrom, Lulom de Silvo, Ricardom Lagosom.
Kot zelo tesen Bushev neoliberalni-neokonservativni kolega, se Uribe Vélez z njim leta 2011 udeleži ustanovne konference Counter-Extremism Conference pri Concorida Summit, leta 2012 pa postane še član od Leadership Council of Concordia (David Petraeus – CIA; John D. Negroponte – CIA; Danilo Türk).
Uribe Velez je bil od oktobra do decembra leta 1982 župan mesta Medellin, ki je eden od osrednjih kolumbijskih mafijskih centrov. Leta 2020 ga aretirajo zaradi preiskave njegove vpletenosti v pokole v krajih El Aro in La Granja, ko je bil guverner Antioquije (1995-1998). Leta 1991 preiskovalci od U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency izdajo poročilo o njegovi povezanosti z narkokarteli in Escobarjem –
»1991 intelligence report from U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) [del Iran-Contra; BCCI] officials in Colombia. The document was posted today on the website of the National Security Archive [del Rockefellerjeve ’’anti-CIA’’ propagande; del ’’liberalne CIA’’], a non-governmental research group based at George Washington University.
Uribe’s inclusion on the list raises new questions about allegations that surfaced during Colombia’s 2002 presidential campaign. Candidate Uribe bristled and abruptly terminated an interview in March 2002 when asked by Newsweek reporter Joseph Contreras about his alleged ties to Escobar and his associations with others involved in the drug trade. Uribe accused Contreras of trying to smear his reputation, saying that, “as a politician, I have been honorable and accountable.” … The newly-declassified report, dated 23 September 1991, is a numbered list of “the more important Colombian narco-traffickers contracted by the Colombian narcotic cartels for security, transportation, distribution, collection and enforcement of narcotics operations.” The document was released by DIA in May 2004 in response to a Freedom of Information Act request submitted by the Archive in August 2000. …
President Uribe — now a key U.S. partner in the drug war — “was linked to a business involved in narcotics activities in the United States” and “has worked for the Medellín cartel,” the narcotics trafficking organization led by Escobar until he was killed by Colombian government forces in 1993. The report adds that Uribe participated in Escobar’s parliamentary campaign and that as senator he had “attacked all forms of the extradition treaty” with the U.S. …
Uribe, the 82nd name on the list, appears on the same page as Escobar and Fidel Castaño, who went on to form the country’s major paramilitary army, a State Department-designated terrorist group now engaged in peace negotiations with the Uribe government. Written in March 1991 while Escobar was still a fugitive, the report was forwarded to Washington several months after his surrender to Colombian authorities in June 1991.
Most of those on the list are well-known drug traffickers or assassins associated with the Medellín cartel. Others listed include ex-president of Panama Manuel Noriega, Iran-contra [CIA; William Casey; Ted Chackley; George H. W. Bush; Oliver North; Elliott Abrams – National Endowment for Democracy] arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi [CIA; Stanford Research Institution; BCCI; Barrick Gold; Trireme Partners; Far West Ltd.; Al Haramain Foundation – Al-qaida], and Carlos Vives, a Colombian entertainer said to be connected to the narcotics business through his uncle.«140
Med predsedniškimi volitvami leta 2002 v Kolumbiji in Peruju, če gre dobesedno verjeti Stephenu Lendmanu (’’anti-establišment’’, ter pro-Chavezovo, pro-rusko in pro-palestinsko sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’), so operativci od CIA, National Endowment for Democracy (vodilni financer/partner slovenske (skrajne) levice in ’’anti-Janša’’ protestov, ter podpornikov ’’RTV stavke’’), International Republican Institute in US Agency for International Development (USAID), vzpostavili proces, da je zmagal pro-ameriški kandidat. V Kolumbiji je bil to Alvaro Uribe Velez, v Peruju pa Alan Garcia –
»Colombia and Peru … Both nations have a majority of poor and indigenous people who want no part of a US imposed neoliberal “free market” way of doing things, and in a free and open election would never elect any candidate who did. So how come that’s exactly what happened? On May 28, we’re supposed to believe the Colombian people rejected a more moderate or democratic alternative and instead chose to reelect right wing hard-liner and close Bush ally Alvaro Uribe Velez who had to arrange for the constitution to be changed to allow him to run in the first place. And on June 4, lightning seemed to strike twice in one week as the people of Peru for some unexplained reason elected former disgraced president and economy-wrecker while he held office Alan Garcia who also happens to support the Washington Consensus and will dutifully surrender his nation’s sovereignty to the Bush administration. …
For many weeks before the Colombian and Peruvian elections, CIA, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), US Agency for International Development (USAID) and International Republican Institute (IRI) operatives were all over both countries setting in place the process needed to assure both their candidates won regardless of whether the majority of people wanted them. They clearly did not, and had they been allowed to vote and do it fairly would have defeated both Washington allied candidates who will do everything they can to support the interests of the US, its giant transnational corporations and their own elite and virtually nothing whatever to serve the needs of their own people. …
[klasične pamflete sredstev ’’liberalne CIA’’] No system as corrupted as the US model that needs repression, imperial expansion and militarism to make it work can possibly survive. It’s already in decline and will eventually crumble under its own weight. … A glorious, shinning day is ahead for all peoples in the Americas and beyond, and when it comes the spirit and legacy of Hugo Chavez and his glorious Bolivarian Revolution will have been vindicated.«141; dostop 2.1.2023
Se je pa mesec dni pred kolumbijskimi lokalnimi volitvami septembra leta 2000, zgodilo srečanje štirinajstih kolumbijskih županov, ki so pripotovali v Washington na konferenco, ki jo je na Center for Latin American Studies – Georgetown University, organiziral National Endowment for Democracy. Najpomembnejši izmed županov je bil Juan Gomez Martinez, tesen prijatelj Uribe Veleza. Juan Gomez pripada ultra-konservativni družini Gomez, ki že več generacij nadzoruje področje pokrajine Antioquia, kjer leži drugo največje kolumbijsko mesto Medellín – center narkokartelov v Kolumbiji. Pred drugo svetovno vojno in po vojni je družina Gomez center kolumbijske podpore fašizmu, kot tudi nacizmu. Družina Gomez je ena najvplivnejših kolumbijskih družin, kar si zagotavlja tudi preko časopisa El Colombiano, ki ga upravljajo s svojimi zavezniki. Iz mesta Medellin prihaja tudi vsem znani Pablo Escobar, s katerim je prvotno tesno povezana tako družina Gomez kot Uribe Veleza. Po sporu z Escobarjem Uribe Veleza formira skrajno desne paravojaške oddelke smrti, ki se ne spopadajo samo z Escobarjem, ampak tudi z uporniško skupino FARC, ki tudi predstavljajo enega od osrednjih sovražnikov družine Gomez. Po Escobarjevi smrti leta 1993, ti paravojaški oddelki prevzamejo posle Medellinškega narko kartela in naslednje leto ustanovijo AUC – Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (United Self-Defences of Colombia). V to dogajanje v tem obdobju, pa so vpletene tudi administracije Billa Clinton in Georgea W. Busha, s katerimi je tesno sodeloval Uribe Veleza. Uradno tako proti gverilcem iz FARC in National Liberation Army, kot proti paravojaški skupini AUC. Med predsednikovanjem Uribe Veleza je s strani vojske ubitih več tisoč civilistov, več milijonov ljudi pa je žrtev prisilnega preseljevanja.
»Fourteen Colombian mayors … had come to Washington to draw attention to the terrible risks faced by those who struggle to carry out their duties as elected officials, especially in regions no longer controlled by the Colombian government, but by armed groups in the ongoing civil war.
Mayors in Colombia are on the front lines of the armed conflict, particularly in isolated, rural communities. The mayors’ visit came just one month before the local elections, held on October 29, which the mayors predicted would be cause for more intimidation and violence against candidates. Guerrillas and paramilitaries vowed to disrupt the elections by targeting those candidates they deem to be “corrupt.”
During their two-day visit the mayors’ delegation, which included Juan Gomez [Martinez], Mayor of Medellín, and Omar Garcia, mayor of San Vicente del Caguán in the FARC-controlled zone, met with members of the US Congress, multi-lateral agencies and the media. The mayors also participated in a half-day conference cosponsored by NED and Georgetown University focusing on the crisis of local governance in Colombia. The Federation of Colombian Mayors, who organized the delegation, has figured prominently in articulating the needs of the embattled mayors before the central government in Bogotá, as well as in direct dialogue with the prominent armed groups to allow the local elections to proceed without violence.«; dostop 1.2.2003
»Colombia’s second largest newspaper, El Colombiano, is owned by a family with a history of admiration for fascist dictators, massacres and state corruption. The family’s domination over public opinion in Medellin is arguably undisputed.
El Colombiano, nonetheless, has over history gone as far as inciting violence and concealing war crimes to advance the ultra-conservative agenda of the Gomez family, a family implicated in state crimes ranging from massacres to the embezzlement of funds for poor farmers. …
El Colombiano has a tradition of violating almost every basic principle of journalism for the benefit of either the Gomez’ family’s wealth or their ultra-conservative political convictions, initially in alliance with the regional branch of the Conservative Party and more recently the hard-right Democratic Center party of former President Alvaro Uribe.
Consequently, the newspaper has become one of the primary instigators and apologists of political violence, human rights violations and even civil war. Because of its long-held monopoly position in paisa media, hardly anyone in Medellin or Antioquia is aware of the family’s fascist sympathies and leading role in the armed conflict. …
In the early 20th century, the conservative cause in Colombia was to oppose liberal democracy, particularly the separation of the state and the Catholic Church. It wasn’t until 1991 that church and state were separated and Colombia became a modern liberal democracy.
The newspaper was bought by Conservative Party executives Fernando Gomez and Julio Carlos Hernandez in 1929 and has remained in control of their families ever since, much to the benefit of their families and whichever political party they supported.
A year later, however, LP candidate Enrique Olaya won the elections, thanks to campaign manager and El Tiempo director Eduardo Santos, the great-uncle of Colombia’s current president [Juan Manuel Santos Calderón, 2010 – 2018].
The newspaper was bought by Conservative Party executives Fernando Gomez and Julio Carlos Hernandez in 1929 and has remained in control of their families ever since, much to the benefit of their families and whichever political party they supported.
To end almost half a century of conservative hegemony, Olaya founded the Liberal Republic of Colombia and embarked on a political reform to separate church and state and a rural reform for a less unfair distribution of land, much to the fury of the Catholic Church, which owned much of Colombia’s territory and controlled the anti-secular CP.
Inspired by Bogota CP-hardliner Laureano Gomez, an outspoken admirer of Adolf Hitler, Gomez and Hernandez embarked on a disinformation campaign to undermine the government, promote fascism and recover Conservative control over the state.
The Conservative Party regained power amid major bipartisan social tensions, agitated by newspapers like El Colombiano on one hand and El Tiempo on the other.
By 1936, El Colombiano had become an outspoken supporter of Nazi Germany, with who the conservatives shared an intense hatred against communists. Gomez, together with the Catholic Church, founded the UPB university, copying the neo-classical architecture of the nazis.
When Francisco Franco began his 36-year dictatorship in Spain in 1939, El Colombiano hailed him as “the new Caesar.”
In spite of Nazi Germany’s defeat in the Second World War, both the “Laureanista” wing of the CP and El Colombiano continued propagating fascism, fueling anti-liberal and anti-communist sentiment that increasingly began taking hold in Latin America.
Another “Laureanista,” Juan Zuleta, entered the newspaper’s board of directors “under the wise orientations of Fernando Gomez,” according to former President Carlos Lleras in 1947.
The political tensions came to a boil in 1948 after the murder of LP dissident Jorge Eliecer Gaitan.
El Colombiano reported it a communist coupIt wasn’t. It was the beginning of “La Violencia,” Colombia’s bloodiest decade in history.
Agitated and promoted by the media, the 10-year bipartisan civil war killed hundreds of thousands of Colombians either because they were liberal or conservative.
Gomez was appointed Governor of Antioquia by then-President Luis Mariano Ospina (Conservative Party) the same year. Ospina was married with the sister of Gomez’ business partner Hernandez at the time. Zuleta and the Hernandez family took charge of the paper.
Laureano Gomez, the political idol of the El Colombiano directors, became president in 1949.
El Colombiano reported that “never have there been more orderly elections in Antioquia and Medellin” when Colombia elected its first fascist president in the midst of a civil war. …
Journalist Dario Jarizmendi left El Colombiano to create the Medellin LP counterpart of El Colombiano and, together with the Gaviria family “and regional businessmen,” helped found El Mundo newspaper, breaking El Colombiano’s monopoly, but not the Gomez’ family political power.
Juan [Gomez Martin] made it from Medellin council member in 1970 to senator in 1978.
Meanwhile, the country, and particularly Antioquia, became increasingly submerged in violence as Escobar teamed up with both the Liberal Party for a political shield and guerrilla groups like the FARC and M-19 to protect his drugs trafficking business. El Colombiano radicalized conservative public opinion against the growing power of both Liberals and Marxists. …
In 1982, the year that Pablo Escobar was elected into Congress on a Liberal Party ticket, a lot of things happened.
The [El Colombiano] newspaper patriarch was appointed ambassador to the United Nations and a young LP politician, Alvaro Uribe, was appointed mayor of Medellin. In the same year, the FARC decided it would enter drug trafficking by “taxing” narcos with routes passing through guerrilla territory.
However, Escobar was kicked out of Congress in 1983 and had his immunity removed while Uribe, whose family had intimate relations with members of the Medellin Cartel, was removed from his Medellin office.
According to Uribe, the FARC killed his father for refusing to pay taxes. Escobar sent a helicopter to recover the body of the Uribe family patriarch and his injured son, Santiago.
The drug lord began killing anyone standing in his way, particularly journalists and elitists. …
Juan Gomez became the first elected mayor of Medellin in 1988, the year the first paramilitary massacre took place at the order of Liberal Party politician politician Cesar Perez and the year Escobar bombed his newspaper.
In rural Antioquia, ranchers and large landowners of all parties had taken the Gomez’ “Laureanism” a step further and formed “self-defense” groups that began a fiercely anti-communist paramilitary offensive against the FARC, the EPL, and labor unions, making fascist terms like “social cleansing” (limpieza social) for the benefit of “Colombians of virtue” (Colombianos de bien) terms commonly used to date.
In 1991, Ana Mercedes [Gomez] took over control of El Colombiano from Jorge Hernandez. A year later, Juan was elected governor of Antioquia, giving the family full control over public policy and opinion. …
A year later, Escobar walked out of his self-built prison at only miles from El Colombiano’s main office in Envigado and began a major terror campaign against former associates in the province.
The formation of “Los Pepes,” a paramilitary group that had turned against Escobar, in collusion with local police and the military, turned the entire situation around in Medellin and Antioquia.
After Escobar’s death in 1993, the paramilitary group inherited the Medellin Cartel’s drug trafficking business and formed the AUC a year later.
Gomez was succeeded by Uribe in 1995. While still a member of the Liberal Party, the new governor actively promoted paramilitarism until the groups’ brutality became so abhorrent they were banned by President Ernesto Samper.
This caused a rift in the Liberal Party and Uribe left together with Bogota dynasty politicians in media, Juan Manuel Santos and German Vargas.
In 2001 he teamed up with the “Laureanistas” from his home province. A year later Uribe was elected president, endorsed by both El Colombiano and the AUC. …
Days before the 2002 elections, El Colombiano reported on the horrors of the war, mentioning only the FARC, not the paramilitaries who were carrying out a massacre every two days at the time. Ironically, the paper also featured an interview with linguist Noam Chomsky [top sredstvo ’’liberalne CIA’’], author of the book “manufacturing consent” or “the thinker who criticizes his own country” as El Colombiano put it. …
After Uribe had taken office … Juan Gomez was appointed ambassador to the Vatican.
With US support bartered by former President Andres Pastrana (CP), Uribe began a brutal military offensive, at times in plain collusion with the AUC.
Uribe left office in 2010, leaving the presidency in the hands of Santos. In the eight years he was in office, the military had assassinated more civilians than Pablo Escobar in his entire career.
When the president and his family’s former El Tiempo newspaper had returned to the liberal camp and announced peace talks with the FARC, the “Laureanistas” regrouped.
Uribe formed the Democratic Center party and was joined by Ana Mercedes Gomez and Fabio Valencia, ripping apart the Conservative Party while providing a safe haven for families investigated for their ties to the AUC or corruption.
By then, Both Uribe and Valencia’s brothers had already been imprisoned for ties to death squads, while Uribe’s brother was and continues to be in jail awaiting trial for allegedly forming a paramilitary group of his own.«142
Viri –