Blue Header Kult Grete Thunberg

John Legend

Objavljeno dne: 03/09/2022
Zadnja posodobitev: 16/05/2023
Avtor: Sebastjan Starec


John Legend, mož od Chrissy Teigen, ki se razglaša za feminista, je top sredstvo in promotor od ”liberalne CIA”. Legend je znani pop pevec, tekstopisec in glasbeni producent, ki je dobitnik enajstih Grammy Awards, ter je tesen prijatelj od Baracka Obame in Hillary Clinton in jasno, ”nasprotnik” Donalda Trumpa.

Legend je 20.9.2019 na svojem Twitter računu kot podpornik Grete Thunberg, v sklopu protestov proti klimatskim spremembam zapisal –

»Young activists are challenging us to confront the realities of the climate crisis. Join me as I stand with @amnestyusa [Amnesty International USA] and @GretaThunberg today as we strike for climate. #ClimateStrike #StrikeWithUs #AmbassadorOfConscience«1

Poleg zapisa je objavil še sporočilo od Amnesty International Act on your Conscience – Strike for Climate.

Leta 2015 je Legend za svoje sledilce izjavil –

»We CANNOT elect a president who isn’t serious about climate change«2

Kot velika pridigarja glede ”zaščite okolja”, pa se je par na Valentinovo leta 2020 s svojim zasebnim letalom odpeljal na večerjo v 800 kilometrov oddaljeno francosko restavracijo v kalifornijski kraj Yountville. To je tudi sprožilo ogorčenje številnih sledilcev na Instagramu. Legend in njegova žena pa sta skupaj z ostalimi hollywoodskimi elitami tista, ki zelo pogosto za svoja potovanja uporabljajo zasebna letala, hkrati pa drugim pridigajo o klimatski krizi.

Na fotografiji sta John Legend in njegova žena skupaj s spolnim predatorjem Harveyem Weinsteinom, s katerim je Legend sodeloval pri več projektih. Posnetek je nastal leta 2016 na Sundance Festival, ki je močno financiran s strani ”liberalne CIA”. Weinstein, ljubljenec liberalne super elite, posebno od Sorosa, ter pomemben podpornik ”liberalne CIA”, je bil tudi redni obiskovalec od Sun Valley Meetings, kjer se je srečeval s top financerji in propagandisti ”liberalne CIA”. Ko je ta fotografija prišla na plan, se je Legend pretvarjal, da ni vedel za Harveyeva dejanja. Pred tem in kasneje se vsi takšni največji hinavci in najbolj pokvarjeni moralni pridigarji pretvarjajo, da niso nič vedeli oz. sodelujejo še pri ”protestih” od #MeToo (del ”liberalne CIA”).
O tem je javnost opozorila Courtney Love, sicer tudi sama močno dejavna v omrežju ”liberalne CIA”, ko je 14.10.2017 tweetnila naslednje –

»Although I wasn’t one of his victims, I was eternally banned by CAA for speaking out against«3

Creative Artists Agency je tesno povezana s super elito in z omrežjem ”liberalne CIA”, kot tudi predstavlja pomemben del od Sun Valley Meetings.

John Legend in super elitni Jeffrey Sachs

Legend je leta 2008 začel turnejo skupaj s članom super-elite Jeffreyem Sachsom, po tem, ko je prebral njegovo knjigo The End of Poverty. Sachs, ki je tesen zaveznik Rockefellerjev in Sorosa, ter bil pomemben predstavnik pri privatizaciji Rusije v 90ih, je tudi član od Council on Foreign Relaitons, ekonomski svetovalec od Brookings Institution, član svetovalne uprave od Peterson Institute for International Economics, član uprave od Sanders Institute in svetovalec top sredstva ”liberalne CIA” Bernieja Sandersa, ekonomist pri Bretton Woods Committee, ustanovni član uprave od Institute for New Economic Thinking, bil udeleženec od Bilderberg Group (1990), direktor od Center for Global Development, udeleženec od Clinton Global Initiative, ter direktor od Earth Insitute – University of California, pri promociji trajnostnega razvoja.

»Yet, the event’s most important guest isn’t someone you’d normally see vying for a lounge chair beside this exclusive hotel pool, even though he travels the world with the likes of Bono, Angelina Jolie and Madonna: Jeffrey Sachs may be best known as an economic advisor to the stars, but the 54-year-old Columbia University professor isn’t interested in hobnobbing his way into the tabloids; he’s hell-bent on halving extreme poverty by 2015 — and if another celebrity comes along for the ride, …
To be fair, the association between Legend, 30, and Sachs seems genuine; in an email for this story, Sachs characterized their relationship as that of “friends and colleagues..4

»When Grammy Award-winning soulster John Legend first read The End of Poverty by Earth Institute director Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, he was so inspired that he traveled straight to Ghana to learn more about the problems faced by African countries. The book made him realize how it could be possible to set impoverished villages onto the road of self sufficiency and progress, and the trip showed him how he himself could make a difference to the lives of millions5

Barack Obama

Barack Obama je leta 2016 v Beli hiši organiziral rojstnodnevno zabavo, kjer so bili tudi top aktivisti/agentje ”liberalne CIA” – po pisanju Refinery29 so bili tam Ellen DeGeneres, Jay Z, Beyonce, Usher, Kendrick Lamar (Obamov najljubši raper), Magic Johnson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Stevie Wonder, Jennifer Hudson, Usher, George Lucas, Samuel L. Jackson in John Legend; kot tudi Joe Biden in Hillary Clinton.6 Po pisanju DNA pa tudi Oprah Winfrey, Portia De Rossi, Alonzo Mourning in Jennifer Hudson.7

Legend se je avgusta 2021 s svojo ženo Chrissy Teigen udeležil Obamovega 60. rojstnega dneva, ki se ga je udeležilo nekaj sto ljudi, velika večina brez mask. Legenda pa je javnost imenovala za hinavca, ker je teden dni pred tem dogodkom preko Twitterja modroval javnosti o tem, kako je nevarno, če si v zaprtih prostorih brez maske ali necepljen zaradi COVID-a.

2.8.2021, Legend tweetnil –

»Public service announcement! We were so happy to announce new tour dates today! The tour moves to mostly indoor venues as we get further into fall though. Please keep in mind that the Delta variant of Covid 19 is highly transmissible and doesn’t give a shit about our fun plans!«

»Being unvaccinated and/or unmasked at a large indoor gathering is like literally begging to get COVID. Please don’t do that to yourself, your family or your neighbors8

»We have the tools to fix this. The vaccines really work and have saved so many lives. So grateful to all the scientists who worked so hard on this! We went from peaking at several thousand deaths a day to a few hundred a day in the US9

Obamova rojstnodnevna zabava, katero se je udeležilo 475 gostov, je bila na njegovem posestvu na elitnem Martha’s Vineyard. Dogodka se kljub povabilu zaradi covidnih razmer niso udeležili Oprah Winfrey, David Axelrod, Larry David, David Letterman in Conan O’Brien. Na zabavi so bili tako prisotni NBA zvezdnik Dwyane Wade in njegova žena Gabrielle Union; pevec Bruce Springsteen (deluje kot sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”; podpornik super elite in tesen Obamov prijatelj); top sredstva ”liberalne CIA” Beyonce in Jay Z; voditelj Stephen Colbert (The Late Show; The Renaissance Weekends; Creative Artists Agency); sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” Tom Hanks; sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” Bradley Cooper (Creative Artists Agency); sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” igralec Don Cheadle (Not on Our Watch; Clinton Global Initiative; TED Conferences); sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” režiser Spike Lee; sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” Steven Spielberg; sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” pevec Eddie Vedder iz Pearl Jam; pevka in sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” Alicia Keys; pevka H.E.R.; raper Common; pevec Erykah Badu; raper Trap Beckham, ki je zapel pesem Birthday Bi*ch, na katero je plesal Obama; elitni Eric Holder (Boule); elitna Nancy Pelosi; super elitni John Kerry; Al Sharpton (National Action Network; March on Washington). Med povabljenci je hotela biti tudi globalistka in promotorka ”liberalne CIA” Meghan Markle s svojim možem princem Harrjem.

Vsi gostje, kot veliki ”človekoljubi” in v glavnem izraziti podporniki množičnih migracij, popolnoma nekritični do Obamove vloge v vojnah v Libiji in Siriji in do njegove vloge pri podpori skrajnega islama in terorizma, ki so privedle do množičnih migracij in smrtnih žrtev.

Hillary Clinton

Leta 2015 pa se je Legend udeležil zabave, ki jo je za svoj 68. rojstni dan priredila Hillary Clinton. Gostje na zabavi še ostala sredstva ”liberalne CIA”, kot so Amy Schumer, Demi Lovato, kot tudi spolni predator in z liberalno elito tesno povezani Harvey Weinstein. Jasno, vsi veliki podporniki Clintonove, ne glede na njeno preteklost. Ali pa ravno zaradi njene preteklosti – tukaj mislim na njeno vlogo v vojnah v Libiji in v Siriji, ter pri njeni pomembni podpori skrajnega islamizma in terorizma, ter državnih udarov oz. ”arabske revolucije” po severni Afriki in drugje. Dogodek na rojstnodevni zabavi je vodila urednica revije Vogue Anna Wintour, ki je velika podpornica Clintonove, ter sodelovala pri obeh Obamovih. Wintourjeva pa je zbirala finančna za Obamo skupaj s Harveyem Weinsteinom in Calvinom Kleinom.

”Anti-Trump” aktivist

Kot pro-migrantsko sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”, se je Legend udeležil proti-Trumpovih protestov, ko je Trump (sredstvo ”konservativne CIA”) napovedal ”ničelno toleranco” do imigrantske politike, kar je zajelo tudi otroke, ki so bili ločeni od staršev. Dejstvo je, da je stvar okoli teh migracij močno napihnjena iz obeh strani, bolj kot ne za delanje megle. Trump je med svojim govorom pred kongresom leta 2019 glede migracij dejal, da legalni migranti bogatijo narod, ter jačajo družbo na nešteto načinov. Pri tem pa dodal, da naj pridejo ljudje v ZDA v večjem številu, kot kdaj koli, vendar morajo to storiti legalno. Kar je samo zmanipulirana logika, da legalno je dobro, nelegalno pa slabo. To potrjujejo tudi številke, saj je samo leta 2019 v ZDA na novo prišlo 1.2 milijona ljudi. Seveda te množične migracije, legalne ali ilegalne, močno nižajo ceno delavcem z nizkimi plačami, in močno večajo dobičke največjim korporacijam in vsem ostalim, ki služijo na račun migracij. S tem pa se razkorak med bogatimi in revnimi samo še veča. Hkrati pa se s tem otežuje zaposlovanje štiri milijonom mladim Američanom, ki vsako leto pridejo na trg dela. Trudi Davida Rockefellerja in njegove struje, da bi pripeljali v ZDA čim večje število ljudi iz Južne Amerike, ter tako širili gospodarstvo in brisali gospodarske meje, so bili vpeljani preko sporazuma NAFTA iz leta 1994, medtem ko je njihov poskus FTAA iz leta 2005 propadel. Trump je samo uporabljal ”proti-migrantsko” retoriko za svoje volivce, medtem, pa še naprej stregel elitam in njihovim korporacijam, ki so ga javno ”napadale”. Trump, kot ”anti-establišment”, v resnici tesno povezan z desničarskimi globalisti, ki so tesno povezani z George Shultzem in Henry Kissingerjem.
Legendu in njegovi ženi Chrissy Teigen so se pri teh pro-migrantskih protestih pridružila še ostala sredstva ”liberalne CIA”, kot so to Kerry Washington, Amy Schumer in ostale filmske zvezde, katerim so se pridružili še elitni Kamala Harris, Eric Garcetti, Senator Kevin De Leon in ostali.

Skupaj z ostalimi sredstvi ”liberalne CIA”, se je Legend 21.1.2017 udeležil anti-Trump demonstracij, le da se jih je sam udeležil v Utahu, njegova žena pa v Washintonu.

»Just a day after Donald Trump was sworn in as President, Oscar winners Julia Roberts and Charlize Theron, Jessica Chastain, Scarlett Johhanson, Emma Watson, Ashley Judd, Bella Thorne, sixties star Cher, models Chrissy Teigen and Padma Lakshmi and comedians Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham protested the President’s stand on abortion, diversity and climate change. …
While her husband John Legend was marching in Utah, Chrissy Teigen made her presence felt in DC. The model has been vocal on social media decrying the Trump’s inauguration, which she called ‘sickening’. She even slammed First Lady Melania Trump for her copycat Jackie Kennedy look for the ceremony.«10

Legend je skupaj z ostalimi sredstvi ”liberalne CIA” sodeloval v kampanji proti imenovanju vrhovnega sodnika Bretta Kavanaugha, ki ga je imenovala Trumpova administracija.

»You’ve got George SorosOpen Society Policy Center funding the likes of Sixteen Thirty Fund, and then this Sixteen Thirty Fund, as the Daily Caller initially reported, siphoning off money to a group called Demand Justice aimed at stopping Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. The ties are tough to discern — but they’re there.
Here’s how it’s all linked: Tax filings from Soros’ Open Society Policy Center show tens of thousands of dollars have been granted to the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a 501(C)4 initiative that provides money for left-leaning social and environmental issues. In 2015 tax filings, for instance, the Soros OSPC revealed it funneled $550,000 to the Sixteen Thirty Fund — an amount that put this initiative at the top 10 of OSPC contributions that year.
In 2018, Demand Justice burst on the scene to “stop Trump’s SCOTUS nominee, Brett Kavanaugh,” as it wrote on its own website. What’s Demand Justice? As the Center for Responsive Politics on its site put it, Demand Justice is a “newer liberal ‘dark money’ group” that “launched a digital ad campaign against Trump’s judicial picks in May 2018.”
GovPredict — which just found that nearly 90 percent of political donations made by Alphabet employees, including those who work for Google, YouTube, Verily and others, have gone, between the years of 2004 and 2018, to Democrats — has a new report on Amazon.
Since 2004, Amazon employees donated $610,805 to Hillary Clinton; $413,763 to Barack Obama; $128,750 to Democrat Patty Murray; $106,965 to Democrat-Socialist Bernie Sanders; $95,345 to Democrat Maria Cantwell; and $57,098 to Democrat Jay Inslee. Republicans on that list? Mitt Romney received $62,400; Jason Chaffetz, $39,000; and Trump, $17,436.
That’s Google; that’s Amazon — two of America’s largest employers.
Then comes this, an announcement from singer-actor John Legend — with more anti-Kavanaugh ties to Team Soros.
“A diverse coalition of social justice organizations today unveiled a new digital ad featuring singer-songwriter actor John Legend that urges viewers to contact their senators and tell them to vote ‘no’ on the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh,” a statement from the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights read. Interesting that it’s a “digital ad” campaign — the exact type of campaign Demand Justice launched in May to oppose Trump’s court pics, yes?«11

Global Fund to Fight AIDS

John Legend je podpornik od Global Fund to Fight AIDS, katerega financerji/partnerji so –

»Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation … Catholic Relief Services … Chevron [del od Council on Foreign Relations] … Children’s Investment Fund FoundationComic ReliefTata Trusts [Tata Sons Private Limited je del od Council on Foreing Relations] … United Nations Foundation«12 13

Legendove povezave z elitnimi organizacijmi in ”liberalno CIA”

Legend se je skupaj z Mattom Damonom, Benom Affleckom, Oliverjem Stoneom, Jessejem Jacksonom in ostalimi, pridružil organizaciji MoveOn za spot Obama in 30 Seconds. MoveOn je prejel milijonske donacije od Sorosa in ostalih elitnih fundacij, ki so del ”liberalne CIA”.

» is teaming up with Hollywood to produce an ad for Barack Obama. Actually, there hoping that readers all over will submit their own pro-Obama slots for a chance at earning national airtime. From the press release: joined forces today with Academy Award-winners Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Oliver Stone, multiple Grammy-winner John Legend and author Naomi Wolf to announce a new ad contest, “Obama in 30 Seconds.” The contest provides a platform for Obama supporters to show in 30-second spots what inspires them about the Senator’s candidacy. MoveOn will buy time to run the winning ad on national television.
Entries will be viewed by a celebrity panel:
Ben Affleck … Steve Buscemi … Matt Damon; progressive hero & future Congresswoman Donna Edwards; … Reverend Jesse Jackson … Rory Kennedy .., John Legend; … Moby; Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas [CIA cover ops recruitment program 2002-2003]; … Oliver StoneEddie VedderNaomi Wolf«14

World Economic Forum

6.3.2012 je bil Legend udeleženec od super elitnega World Economic Forum, kjer je bil imenovan za Young Global Leader.15
Vidnejši udeleženci foruma leta 2012 so bili Gordon Brown, Felipe Calderón, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, David Cameron, Salam Fayyad, Bill Gates, Timothy F. Geithner, Stephen Harper, Peter Blair Henry, Arianna Huffington, Boris Johnson, Ban Ki-moon, Peter Mandelson, Angela Merkel, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Shimon Peres, Paul Polman, Nouriel Roubini, Sheryl Sandberg, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Desmond M. Tutu, Peter Voser, Muhammad Yunus, Jacob G. Zuma.

Drug Policy Alliance

Leta 2016 je bil Legend so-podpisnik pisma generalnemu sekretarju UN-a Ban Ki-moonu, v katerem so podpisniki pozivali k bolj humani politike glede drog.

Pismo je bilo del kampanje od Drug Policy Alliance, katere člani uprave so (bili) – Frank Carlucci (top CIA; Carlyle Group; Atlantic Council; CSIS; Trilateral Commission), George Shultz, Paul Volcker, George Soros, Deepak Chopra, Walter Cronkite, Sting, Ethan Nadelamnn, Arianna Huffington, Harry Belafonte, Nicholas Katzenbach, Russell Simmons, Vaclav Havel in Richard Branson.

Podpisniki pisma – 

»Celebrities and Artists Join Over 1,000 Worldwide Calling for End to “Disastrous” Drug War, Ahead of UN Special Session …

Celebrities: … Michael Douglas  … Jane FondaPeter GabrielWoody Harrelson. Natalie Imbruglia … Norman Lear. John Legend. Annie Lennox … Rita Marley. Rita Ora. Busta Rhymes … Gloria Steinem.
Sting … 

Former Presidents & Prime Ministers: … Fernando Henrique CardosoRuth Dreifuss (Switzerland). Vicente Fox (Mexico). César Gaviria Trujillo (Colombia). Aleksander Kwasniewski (Poland). Ricardo Lagos (Chile) … George PapandreouAndries A. van Agt (Netherlands). Ernesto Zedillo 

U.S. Public Officials: … Howard Dean Bob KerreyBill Richardson Bernie SandersKurt SchmokeElizabeth Warren.

Current and Former Cabinet Ministers: … Emma Bonino [Open Society Foundations; European Council on Foreign Relations] … Frank Carlucci … Bernard Koucher … Robert Reich [Sanders Institute] … George ShultzThorvald Stoltenberg … 

Business & Philanthropic Leaders: … Richard BransonEli BroadWarren Buffett … Mark Cuban … Barry Diller … Christopher Forbes … David Geffen …Mo IbrahimAlexander Rinnooy KanDustin MoskovitzStuart ResnickGeorge Soros … 

Faith/Religious Leaders: … Jesse L. Jackson … 

Other Leaders: Lord Paddy Ashdown [International Crisis Group] … Mabel van Oranje [European Council on Foreign Relations]«16; dostop 2.9.2022

»Letter Signed by Over 1,000 Leaders and Celebrities … Entering the UN …
Hillary Clinton Latest to Sign Letter, Joining Senators Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Cory Booker, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Richard Branson, More Than a Dozen Former Heads of State, and Hundreds of Other Legislators, Cabinet Ministers, Former UN Officials, and Celebrities …
The unprecedented list of signatories includes a range of people from Senators Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton to businessmen Warren Buffett, George Soros, Richard Branson, Barry Diller, actors Michael Douglas and Jane Fonda, Super Bowl champion Tom Brady, singers John Legend and Mary J. Blige, activists Reverend Jesse Jackson, Gloria Steinem and Michelle Alexander, as well as distinguished legislators, cabinet ministers, and former UN officials.«17

Financerji od Drug Policy Alliance leta 2015 – 

»Elton John AIDS Foundation … Levi Strauss Foundation. Libra FoundationNew York Foundation. New York State Health Foundation. Open Society Foundations. Proteus FundRiverStyx Foundation«18; str. 23

Financerji od Drug Policy Alliance leta 2017 – 

»Aria Foundation … California Wellness Foundation … craigslist Charitable Fund … Good Ventures … Laura and John Arnold FoundationLibra Foundation … Marijuana Business Daily … Open Philanthropy Project. Open Society FoundationsRiverStyx FoundationRockefeller Family FundSan Francisco Foundation«19; str. 19

»Ending mass criminalization in the name of fighting drugs … Internationally and domestically, an unprecedented and wideranging coalition of powerful stakeholders with whom we have engaged over the years is now calling for decriminalization. These include the United Nations, World Health Organization, International Red Cross, Human Rights Watch, the NAACP, Movement for Black Lives, and American Public Health Association. And policymakers in France, Norway, Ghana, Ireland and Canada are actively examining the possibility of decriminalizing the personal use of drugs20; str. 9

Global Citizen

Legend je tesno povezan z Global Citizen, ki je klasična ‘new left’ ”liberalna CIA” ideologija in je tesno povezano s filantropijo super elite. Leta 2019 in 2020 pa je bil Legend tudi voditelj od Global Citizen Prize.

Člani uprav od Global Citizen –

  • Članica direktorske uprave je bila tudi Arriana Huffington, ki velja za top Sorosevo podpornico in zaveznico.
  • Član globalne uprave je globalist Chris Anderson, ki je lastnik in generalni direktor od TED (TED Talks; TED Conferences). Anderson je poročen z Jacqueline Novogratz, ki je članica od Council on Foreign Relations; bila mednarodna kreditna analitičarka pri Rockefellerjevi Chase Manhattan Bank 1983-1986; bila ustanoviteljica in direktorica programov The Philanthropy Workshop in od The Next Generation Leadership pri Rockefeller Foundation; upraviteljica od Aspen Institute; s strani Hillary Clinton bila imenovana v Foreign Affairs Policy Board – State Department.
  • Član globalne uprave Kelly Curtis, je menedžer od skupine Pearl Jam in tesno vpleten v omrežje ”liberalne CIA”.
  • Član globalne uprave Daniel Green je višji svetovalec od Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, pred tem je bil višji producent pri ABC News – ABC (del Sun Valley Meetings), član globalne uprave od The Impact Guild (del ”liberalne CIA”).
  • Član globalne uprave Tom Jones je glavni operativni direktor od Women’s World Banking, katere financerji so top fundacije ”liberalne CIA” in vodilne Wall Street institucije, kot tudi predstavniki od Council on Foreign Relations in Sun Valley Meetings. To so Visa Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Credit Suisse Foundation, MetLife Foundation, Swiss Re Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Cisco Foundation, Citi Foundation, Credit Suisse APAC Foundation, ExxonMobil Foundation, Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, Standard Chartered Bank, The Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, Bloomberg, Boston Consulting Group, BNY Mellon Foundation, Caterpillar Foundation, Citi Inclusive Finance, Exxon Mobil Corporation, Mastercard, PIMCO Foundation, #SheMeansBusiness, WhatsApp, Inc. in Sasawaka Peace Foundation, Goldman Sachs Gives, Seattle Foundation, European Investment Bank.21
  • Članica globalne uprave Kristin Lemkau je generalna direktorica od Rockefellerjevega J.P. Morgan Wealth Management, ki vključuje Chase Wealth Management, J.P. Morgan Advisors in Digital Wealth Management, ter upravlja s $690 milijardami sredstev. Lemajujeva je članica vodstvenega odbora od Robin Hood Foundation, kjer je v preteklosti deloval Harvey Weinstein, top financer pa George Soros.
  • Član globalne uprave John F. Megrue Jr. je so-predsedujoči od Bridgewater Associates, ki je korporativni član od Council on Foreign Relations. Megrue je član uprave od Grameen America, katere ustanovitelj Muhammad Yunus je top sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” in tesno povezan s super elito. Člana uprave v preteklosti sta bili John Doerr in Steven Rockefeller Jr., član svetovalnega odbora pa je bil John C. Whitehead. Predsednica in generalna direktorica od Grameen je Andrea Jung, ki je tudi članica uprav od Rockefeller Capital Management, Apple in Unilever. Megrue je pod-predsedujoči UN-ovemu Health Millennium Development Goals.
  • Član globalne uprave Sean Parker, je so-ustanovitelj od Napster, ustanovni predsednik od Facebook (del od CFR) in ustanovitelj od Parker Foundation. Parker je pri 16ih letih začel razvijati spletno tehnologijo za CIA, ter bil svetovalec od super elitnega in s CIA tesno povezanega Petra Thiela, pogostega udeleženca od Sun Valley Meetings, člana izvšnega odbora od skupine Bilderberg in začetnega investitorja od Facebook. Parker je z ostalimi predstavniki Silicon Valleya Markom Zuckerbergom, Billom Gatesem, Reidom Hoffmanom in Ronom Conwayem, ustanovitelj od pro-migrantskega Vsi ustanovitelji od pomembni udeleženci od Sun Valley Meetings. Parker je ustanovitelj od washingtonske Economic Innovation Group, kjer se mu je pridružil tudi Ron Conway. Parker je član uprave še od Obama Foundation.
  • Članica globalne uprave Jane Rosenthal je so-ustanoviteljica od Tribeca Film Festival, katerega glavni ustanovitelj je top sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” Robert DeNiro. Rosenthalova, ki je dobitnica nagrade Jane Jacobs Medal for Lifetime Leadership od The Rockefeller Foundation, je bila izvršna od CBS-TV (del Sun Valley Meetings) in izvršna pri The Walt Disney Company (del Sun Valley Meetings). Rosenthalova je članica od Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, ki podeljuje Oskarje v imenu propagande ”liberalne CIA”. Rosenthalova je ustanovna uprviteljica od The National September 11th Memorial & Museum, katerega ustanovni upravitelji so bili super elitni Peter G. Peterson, John C. Whitehead, Vartan Gregorian, Robert Wood Johnson IV, Judith Rodin; častni predsedniki pa George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, William J. Clinton, Barack Obama, Rudolph W. Giuliani in Philip D. Murphy. Upravitelja muzeja sta bila še David Rockefeller in Henry Kravis. Ustanovni upravitelji v upravi leta 2021 še predsedujoči Michael Bloomberg, Kenneth I. Chenault, Robert De Niro, Maurice R. Greenberg, Robert Iger, Jerry I. Speyer, Anne M. Tatlock in Daniel R. Tishman.
  • Član globalne uprave Jay Brown je so-ustanovitelj in generalni direktor založbe RocNation, katerega je ustanovil s top sredstvom ”liberalne CIA” in tesnim Obamovim prijateljem Jay-Zjem in Tyranom “TyTy” Smithom. Pod okrilje RocNation spadjo top sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” Rihanna, Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera, J. Cole, producent DJ Mustard, Calvin Harris, kot tudi sam Jay Z. Pod okrilje od RocNation spada tudi Obamov ”Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones, ki je bil od 1997-1999 Next Generation Leadership Fellow od Rockefeller Foundation, je med drugim ustanovitelj od Color of Change, ki spada v omrežje ”liberalne CIA”, skupaj z Leonardom DiCaprijem član uprave od Natural Resources Defense Council, služil kot Senior Fellow od Center for American Progress, ter bil imenovan za Young Global Leader s strani World Economic Forum. Pod RocNAtion spadajo tudi razni športniki, kot so Axel Witsel, Jordan Lukaku, Kevin De Bruyne in Romelu Lukaku. Partnerska organizacija od RocNation je Clara Lionel Foundation, od top sredstva ”liberalne CIA” Rihanne. Rihanna preko svoje fundacije tesno povezana z družino Rockefeller in tudi z ozadjem globalne (geo)politike. O tem več  pod raziskavami od Rihanne.

Posamezen dogodek od Global Citizen si preko televizije ogleda tudi do 2 milijona ljudi.

»More than 2 million viewers watched as [2019] Global Citizen celebrated activism. … Global Citizen Prize aired Friday night on NBC, making the awards show’s worldwide broadcast debut.
People across the US tuned in to the broadcast to see stunning music performances from Jennifer Hudson, Stormzy, John Legend, Sting, and special guests Chris Martin, H.E.R. and Jorja Smith. Activists and leaders were honored for their contributions in the effort to end extreme poverty. The Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed won the prize for World Leader of the Year for her work to promote the Sustainable Development Goals around the world. Sting won Artist of the Year prize for his decades of work to preserve the rainforests.
Chobani CEO Hamdi Ulukaya was honored as Business Leader of the Year for his work to improve the lives of refugees through his business and around the world. Filmmaker and activist Richard Curtis won Global Citizen of the Year for his work to promote the Global Goals. And Priya Prakesh, a 28-year-old woman from India, won the Cisco Youth Leadership Award for founding HealthSetGo, a health program for students in India.
According to Deadline, more than 2 million viewers tuned into the NBC broadcast, which kicked off a series of airings around the world. The show aired on SKY in the UK on Saturday, with it set to air on MSNBC, MTV, and Multichoice networks through the rest of December.«22

Leta 2019 je Legend vodil Global Citizen Prize v Londonu. Preko Global Citizen pa tudi širi ideologijo ”liberalne CIA” oz. podpira super elito.

»Legend, named [2019] Sexiest Man Alive, just hosted Global Citizen Prize in London. …
Legend’s activism is almost as famous as his love songs. Alongside his superstar one-woman-culture-factory partner Chrissy Teigen, Legend is unafraid to speak his mind on politics — and has performed on numerous Global Citizen Festival stages over the years. …
He’s a feminist that does real feminist things. … #MeToo…
And Legend has backed us since the start — way before Global Citizen Festival was a thing. He headlined our first-ever gig back in 2011: The End of Polio Concert in Perth, Australia, that the World Health Organization called a “turning point” in the battle to eradicate polio forever. …
In 2014, Legend created the FREEAMERICA initiative to end mass incarceration and has worked with Global Citizen in the past few years to end cash bail — when a person charged with a crime must pay to be released before trial. If you cannot afford it, you go to jail. That means for poor citizens, poverty is essentially criminalized. …
He hosted Global Citizen Prize. …. Proud partners of the Global Citizen Prize include Comcast NBCUniversal, MSNBC, Cisco, Johnson & Johnson, Citi, Live Nation, Reckitt Benckiser (RB), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Motsepe Foundation.«23

Partnerji od Global Citizen 2020 –

»Johnson & Johnson [del CFR] … P&GCisco [del CFR] … VerizonDelta AirlinesCitiGroup [del CFR] … Coty … WW International … Coca-Cola Africa [del Sun Valley Meetings] … Forbes ONE Championship … Comcast NBCUniversal [del Sun Valley Meetings] … MSNBC [del Sun Valley Meetings] … Thomson Reuters Foundation [del CFR]«24
NGO-ji dne 14.7.2020 niso bili objavljeni.

Partnerji od Global Citizen 2019 –

»World Vision … UNICEF … United Nations FoundationSave the ChildrenOxfam AmericaONE CareAtlantic Council Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationAvaazComic Relief … Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation … Equality Now … FC Barcelona Foundation … Geneva Global … Global Poverty Project … Hivos … Human Rights Watch  … Internaitonal Rescue Committee  … Jamie Oliver Food Foundation … Natural Resources Defense Council  … Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights … Rotary International … Save the ChildrenTEDxJohannesburg … The Earth Institute … The Global Fund … Transparency International … United Nations Girl Up Club … UN Women«25

International Rescue Committee

John Legend je ambasador od pro-migracijskega International Rescue Committee, ki je tesno povezan z liberalnim establišmentom/CIA in ”liberalno CIA”.

Predsednik in generalni od IRC je David Miliband – Labour Party; so-predsedujoči je Timothy F. Geithner; so-predsedujoča je Sally Susman, članica od Council on Foreign Relations, izvršna pod-predsednica od Pfizer, pod-predsedujoča od Pfizer Foundation, bila izvršna pod-predsednica pri Estée Lauder Companies, bila pod-predsednica pri American Express.

Člani svetovalne uprave leta 2020 –

  • Morton I. Abramowitz;
  • Madeleine K. Albright;
  • F. William Barnett – Council on Foreign Relations, McKinsey & Company;
  • W. Michael Blumenthal;
  • Tom Brokaw;
  • jordanska princesa Firyal;
  • Evan G. Greenberg;
  • Maurice Greenberg;
  • Henry Kissinger;
  • Winston Lord;
  • John J. Mack – Morgan Stanley, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, Credit Suisse First Boston, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Partnership for New York City, Business Roundtable, Business Committee for the Arts (David Rockefeller; Robert O. Anderson; C. Douglas Dillon; Kip Forbes; Frank Stanton; Eli Broad; Christie Hefner – Playboy);
  • Indra Nooyi;
  • jordanska kraljica Rania Al Abdullah;
  • Condoleezza Rice;
  • Rajiv Shah – Rockefeller Foundation;
  • Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr.

V preteklosti so bili člani svetovalne uprave tudi John C. Whitehead, Colin Powell, James Wolfensohn, William vanden Heuvel, Felix Rohatyn, Kofi Annan.

Člani direktorske uprave so Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein – UN Human Rights; François-Xavier de Mallmann – Goldman Sachs; Thomas Nides – Morgan Stanley; Michael J. O’Neill – American Express; Gillian Sorensen – United Natios Foundation; Joshua L. Steiner – Bloomberg.

Ambasadorji od IRC so še igralec Rami Malek (Bohemian Rhapsody); top sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” in feministka Mia Farrow; top sredstvi ”liberalne CIA” George in Amal Clooney. V preteklosti pa je bil ambasador tudi pevec Sting.

Z International Rescuee Committee pa sodelujejo tudi druge hollywoodske zvezde. Igralka Rosario Dawson, ki je sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”, se je leta 2006 udeležila IRC-jevega koncerta za Darfur.
Junija leta 2007 so top predstavniki ”liberalne CIA” iz zasedbe filma Ocean’s Eleven, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Don Cheadle in Jerry Weintraub (tesen prijatelj Ronalda Reagana in Georga H. W. Busha), ki so ustanovitelji od Not On Our Watch, donirali $2,75 milijonov za International Rescuee Committee za Darfur. V tej kampanji zbiranja sredstev za IRC so sodelovali še Warner Brothers Studios, Vanity Fair in CineVegas.26 Not On Our Watch je nastal v koordinaciji z Johnom Prendergastom, ki je bil tedaj Sorosevo sredstvo pri njegovi International Crisis Group. Mentorica od Prendergasta je super elitna Susan Rica (govornica od hollywoodskega Creative Artists Agency), njena mentorica pa super elitna Madeleine Albright. So-ustanovitelj od Not On Our Watch David Pressman (Concordia Summit; Clooney Foundation for Justice; Southern Poverty Law Center), je bil direktor od War Crimes and Atrocities pri National Security Council v Beli Hiši in član Obamovega Atrocities Prevention Board, ki je nastala preko Madeleine Albright. Pressman je bil pomočnik od Albrigjhtove.

Johnu Legendu se je 12.6.2014 pri IRC Voices kot pro-migrantska propagandistka pridružila sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” igralka Piper Perabo (Covert Affairs). Perabojeva sodeluje na protestih skupaj z ostalimi sredstvi ”liberalne CIA”, kot je Jane Fonda, kjer je rada aretirana. Perabojeva je tudi podpornica od Elizabeth Warren.

»Perabo first learned about the IRC from a relative who works as a caseworker for the IRC’s refugee resettlement program in Boise. She was inspired by the work the IRC does to assist refugees who have been given sanctuary in the U.S. as they start to rebuild their lives. Over the coming year Perabo will have the opportunity to visit select IRC programs around the world.«27

21.5 leta 2017 je Hollywood Foreign Press Association gostil (anti-Trump) #RefugeesWelcome dogodek na filmskem festivalu v Cannesu, kjer se je zbiralo sredstva za International Rescue Committee, za vojne begunce. Med zvezdami, ki so so udeležile dogodka so bila tudi sredstva ”liberalne CIA” kot so Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, Dustin Hoffman, Jeremy Renner in Jake Gyllenhaal, ki je tudi prejel donacijo HFPA-ja za IRC v višini $500,000.28

United Talent Agency, katera je ravno tako pomemben predstavnik iz tega omrežja, je 22.2 2017 odpovedal zabavo Academy Awards, v protest Trumpu, ter zbiral sredstva za International Rescue Committee in American Civil Liberties Union (del ”liberalne CIA”). V ta namen je agencija pred svojim sedežem v Los Angelesu uprizorila odprti pro-migrantski shod z naslovom United Voices, kjer so bili med glavnimi govorci sredstva ”liberalne CIA” Jodie Foster, Michael J. Fox in Keegan-Michael Key. Govorec pa je bil tudi predsednik od IRC David Miliband. Dogodka so se udeležila še razna sredstva ”liberalne CIA, kot Mark Ruffalo, Wilmer Valderrama (That ’70s Show), Reza Aslan (Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow; Ploughshares Fund; National Iranian American Council), kalifornijski pod-guverner Gavin Newsom, britanska pevka in igralka Cynthia Erivo, elitni znanstvenik Bill Nye (ASU+GSV Summit; Renaissance Weekends; Richard Dawkins for Science and Reason; pro-Obama; pro-Biden), igralka in foto model Emily Ratajkowski, komik Seth Rogen, igralec Jai Courtney (Terminator Genisys; I, Frankenstein), igralec in producent Ted Danson (Cheers; CSI: Crime Scene Investigation), igralec James Edward Franco (Spider-Man; Rise of the Planet of the Apes), igralka Juliette Lewis (Natural Born Killers), igralka Minka Kelly (Charlie’s Angels). United Talent Agency pa je tudi donirala $250,000 za ACLU.29 30

Financerji od IRC leta 2020 in v preteklosti prihajajo iz najpomembnejših fundacij ”liberalne CIA”, top Wall Street bank, top korporacij in posameznikov iz Silicon Valley –

»$10 MILLION +: Bloomberg Philanthropies. LEGO Foundation. $1 MILLION +: AirbnbArnhold Foundation. BlackRock, Inc. Cisco Systems, Inc. Citi Foundation. Humble Bundle. The IKEA Foundation. Latter-day Saint Charities. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Mastercard Foundation. Novartis AG. PayPal Giving Fund. Pfizer Inc. and The Pfizer Foundation. Stavros Niarchos Foundation … $500,000 +: … Bezos Family Foundation. Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationThe David & Lucile Packard FoundationJPMorgan Chase & Co. … Microsoft The New York Times Neediest. Cases Fund. Nicholas Kristof’s C-19 Impact Initiative, powered by Focusing Philanthropy. Open Society Foundations. Sotheby’s. Wells Fargo. $100,000 +: … American ExpressCarnegie Corporation of New YorkChan Zuckerberg Initiative, LLC. Clara Lionel Foundation [Rihanna]. Conrad N. Hilton FoundationThe Crown Family eBay, Inc. The Estée Lauder Companies … Global Impact. Goldman Sachs GivesMastercard. Morgan Stanley. NEO Philanthropy. Nike, Inc. NoVo Foundation. The Rockefeller Foundation. The Starbucks Foundation. The Starr Foundation. Tripadvisor FoundationWarburg PincusWestern Union Foundation … Under $100,000: Adobe Inc. Aetna, Inc. … Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. … Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation. Capital One. Charles Schwab Corporation. The Columbus Foundation. Comic Relief USA. The Crown Goodman FamilyFWD.usGE Foundation. Goldman Sachs & Co. Hearst. HSBC Bank plc. International Monetary Fund … McKinsey & Company, Inc. … Paypal. The PepsiCo Foundation Save The ChildrenStarr International Foundation. Target … UN Federal Credit Union Foundation … Verizon. Warner Media … World Bank Group. Yahoo! Finance. INDIVIDUAL DONORS $100,000 +: … Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund … BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund … Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, LLC … Carole & Timothy GeithnerGoldman Sachs Philanthropy FundLarry and Lori Fink … Chip & Sheryl Kaye and Warburg Pincus … W. M. Keck Foundation … Christy and John MackMargot and Tom Pritzker Family FoundationSheryl Sandberg and Tom Bernthal … Eric Schmidt … Silicon Valley Community Foundation … The Speyer Family Foundation / Katherine Farley and Jerry I. Speyer. Meryl StreepTides Foundation Anne Wojcicki Foundation. Troper Wojcicki FoundationUBS Donor Advised Fund … Vanguard CharitableThe Diller – von Furstenberg Family Foundation … $50,000 +: … American Express Center for Community Development … Tom and Meredith Brokaw … California Community Foundation … Dalio Foundation Indra K. NooyiThe San Francisco FoundationVerizonFareed Zakaria. $25,000 +: … Madeleine K. Albright … Americans for Immigrant Justice … The Boston Foundation … The Rotary Foundation … Anne-Cecilie and Rob SpeyerArthur Sulzberger, Jr … LIFETIME GIVING $40 MILLION +: Anonymous (2). The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. LEGO Foundation. NoVo Foundation. $20 MILLION +: Anonymous (2). Arnhold Foundation. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Bloomberg Philanthropies. The IKEA Foundation. The Starr Foundation. $10 MILLION +: Anonymous (4). General Electric and GE Foundation. The Grove Foundation. … Jewish Communal Fund … Latter-day Saint Charities … Pfizer Inc. and The Pfizer Foundation. Sheryl Sandberg and Tom Bernthal. Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Stavros Niarchos Foundation. $7.5 MILLION +: BlackRock, Inc. Dubai Cares … Mastercard Foundation … $5 MILLION +: American Online Giving Foundation. American Red Cross. The Andrew W. Mellon FoundationCiti FoundationLarry and Lori FinkOpen Society FoundationsThe Speyer Family Foundation/ Katherine Farley and Jerry I. Speyer. Starr International Foundation John C. Whitehead (§). $2.5 MILLION +: AirbnbAmerican ExpressBank of America Charitable Gift Fund … Columbia University. Community Foundation of New Jersey. The Crown Family. The David & Lucile Packard Foundation … Global Impact. Goldman Sachs & Co. Goldman Sachs Gives. Humble Bundle … JPMorgan Chase & Co. … Christy and John MackMargaret A. Cargill PhilanthropiesMicrosoftThe New York Times Neediest Cases Fund … PayPal Giving Fund … Tripadvisor Foundation … $1 MILLION +: … American International Group, Inc. … American Jewish World Service … Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. … Bezos Family FoundationBloomberg Philanthropies … The California Endowment. California Community Foundation … Carnegie Corporation of New YorkCisco Systems Inc. Comic Relief USA. Conrad N. Hilton FoundationDalio Foundation. Dalio Philanthropies … H.R.H. Princess Firyal of Jordan … The Ford Foundation … Carole & Timothy GeithnerHumanity United. Intel FoundationLeonard and Judy LauderMastercardMorgan Stanley. Nike Foundation. Novartis AGThe Pew Charitable Trusts The Prudential FoundationThe Rockefeller FoundationThe Starbucks FoundationThe PepsiCo Foundation. Time Warner, Inc. Merryl H. and James S. Tisch … Unbound Philanthropy. The Diller – von Furstenberg Family Foundation. Warner Media. Wells Fargo. Western Union Foundation. Maureen White and Steven RattnerTroper Wojcicki Foundation«31; str. 70-73

»John Legend believes that every child deserves a quality education and commits much of his time making sure children have the chance to thrive in school. John has visited the IRC’s Refugee Youth Summer Academy in New York, a program that helps prepare refugee and immigrant children for school in the fall. …
(John Legend) ”In visiting the IRC’s Refugee Summer Youth Academy, I really connected with the Leaders in Training [high school refugee students who serve as youth counselors]. It’s wonderful that, after learning from the program and going on to become successful in their own schools, they choose to come back and give their summers to help other students through the same process. I find that inspiring.”«32

»International recording artist, Oscar, Golden Globe, and nine-time Grammy winner John Legend believes that every child deserves the chance to thrive in school. During his visit to the IRC’s Refugee Summer Youth Academy, John learned more about the challenges refugees face in getting a quality education.
Join John in supporting the IRC’s education work. Show your commitment to children and the future of their communities by giving these Rescue Gifts.«33

Tweet od IRC, 10.9.2018 –

»Congratulations to IRC Voice @JohnLegend for receiving an Emmy award last night! John is now one of the select few to have a prestigious EGOT – Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony Awards. We’re honored to have him in the IRC family! #StandWithRefugees«34

IRC zraven objavil sliko z Legendom in njegovim citatom: »Our America is big, it is free, and it is open to dreamers of all races, all countries, all religions

Teach For All

Legend je skupaj s super elitno Laurene Powell Jobs globalni ambasador od leta Teach For All, ki spada v omrežje ”liberalne CIA” in je bil ustanovljen leta 2007 na super elitnem Clinton Global Initiative. Teach for All deluje kot močan propagandist globalizma in ”liberalne CIA”.

So-stanovitelja od Teach For All, ki ima pod sabo po celem svetu 60 organizacij, sta Wendy Kopp in Brett Wigdortz. Teach For All je leta 2021 oznanil tudi triletno poskusno partnerstvo z Evropsko komusijo, in bo financiran preko Erasmus+ Key Action 3 in The Novice Educator Support and Training (NEST).

Koppova je ustanoviteljica tudi od Teach For America in spada pod okrilje del Teach For All. Koppova je bila govornica pri World Economic Forum; bila govornica od Commonwealth Club of California; bila 1991 Global Fellow od Echoing Green (del ”liberalne CIA”); leta 2008 dobitnica od The Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship; leta 2008 bila Ashoka Fellow; leta 2003 dobitnica od The Clinton Center Award for Leadership and National Service; leta 2003 dobitnica Outstanding Social Entrepreneur Award od The Schwab Foundation.

Brett Wigdortz je leta 1999 začel delati Rockefellerjovo Asia Society v New Yorku, da bi razvijal politične in poslovne programe za jugo-vzhodno Azijo. Leta 2000 je odšel v McKinsey & Co. (del od CFR), kot svetovalec za Indonezijo, Filipine in Singapur, kjer je bil usmerjen na maloprodajno bančništvo, organizacijsko učinkovitost in azijske mikrofinance. Leta 2007 je bil Wigdortz imenovan za UK Ernst & Young Social Entrepreneur of the Year.
Wigdirtz je bil upravitelj od National College for Digital Skills and Future Leaders, ki rekrutira in trenira novo generacijo ravnateljev za zahtevne mestne šole. Ustanovni partnerji kolidža so Bank of America Merrill Lynch, King, Gamesys, Deloitte, IBM in Aldridge Foundation.
Financerji od National College for Digital Skills and Future Leaders leta 2021 so najpomembnejša podjetja od Council on Foreign Relation, kot tudi tesno povezana s Sun Valley Meetings –

»Deloitte. Salesforce. Bank of AmericaIBM … Aldridge Foundation … BlackRockFacebook. Ernst&Young. Google. Financial Times … Siemens … Hewlett Packard«35; dostop 2.1.2022

Wigdritz je predsedujoč upravi od National Citizen Service (NCS) Trust, medtem kot je predsedujoči upravitelj od National Citizen Service s super elitno tesno povezani nekdanji britanski premier in globalist David Cameron. Cameron je bil leta 2008 in 2013 udeleženec od skupine Bilderberg, ter bil v obdobju od 2008 – 2020 dokaj redni udeleženec od World Economic Forum.

Financerji od Teach For All so –

»At least $1 million in annual funding: … BHP Foundation. Imaginable Futures [Pierre Omidyar]. Sheryl Sandberg and Dave Goldberg Family Fund … at least $500,000: … Citigroup, Inc. Deutsche Post DHL GroupOak FoundationU.S. Agency for International Development … at least $250,000: … Carnegie Corporation of New YorkCredit SuisseJacobs Foundation … in-kind support: … Boston Consulting Group. Cisco Systems, Inc. … at least $5,000: … Bank of America Charitable Foundation … Bloomberg PhilanthropiesDow JonesExxonMobil Northrop Grumman. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) … Project carried out with the support of the Sofina Covid Solidarity Fund, managed by the King Baudouin FoundationSAP Foundation. Schmidt FuturesThe Moriah Fund«36

Harlem Village Academies

Legend je pod-predsedujoči od progresivne in globalističnega Harlem Village Academies Board, ki deluje zelo v stilu ideologije ”liberalne CIA”. S Harlem Village Academies sodelujejo top predstavniki liberalnega establišmenta in sredstva ”liberalne CIA”, kot so Rupert Murdoch, Charles R. Bronfman, Barry Diller, Michael Bloomberg, Leon Black – JP Morgan Chase, Jack Welch – General Eletric, Steve Forbes, Katie Couric, Jonathan Gray – Blackstone Group, Edward Lewis, sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” Hugh Jackman.
Leta 2007, ko je tedanji predsednik George W. Bush obiskal Harlem Village Academy, jo je imenoval “a model of excellence.”.
Po pisanju Daily News, ima šola zelo veliko število izpisov otrok ali otrok, ki ponavljajo razred. Leta 2003-04, ko se je šola odprla, je samo 48 od 73 petošolcev napredovalo v šesti razred. V šolskem letu 2006-07 jih je od 68 napredovalo v naslednji razred 46; v šolskem letu 2007-2008 je 40 od 76 petošolcev napredovalo v šesti razred.

Ustanoviteljica od Harlem Village Academies je vzgojiteljica Deborah Kenny, ki je bila tudi pod-predsednica pri Parenting Group, ki spada pod Time Warner (del Sun Valley Meetings). Leta 2008 je bila med najvišje plačanimi izobraževalnimi direktorji v državi New York, s plačo v višini $442,807. Deborah Kenny, ki je več kot očitno tesno povezana s super elito, je bila leta 2008 tudi udeleženka od super elitnega in s CIA in Trilateral Commission povezanim Sun Valley Meetings.
Kennyeva je bila skupinska predsednica od Sesame Street Publishing, ki spada pod super elitni Sesame Workshop, kateri se je prvotno imenoval Children’s Television Workshop (CTW), namenjena pa je bila izobraževanju predšolskih otrok. Sesame Street uporablja za komunikacijo z otroci Muppetove lutke od Jima Hensona. Tudi pri Sesame Workshop je bil Kennyjeva povezana s super elito in omrežjem ”liberalne CIA”. Ustanovitelja od Children’s Television Workshop leta 1968 sta super elitna producentka Joan Ganz Cooney in Lloyd Morrisett, ki je bil tedaj pod-predsednik od Carnegie Corporation of NY (del ”liberalne CIA”) in za Social Science Research Council, katerega glavni financerji v tistem obdobju so bili Russell Sage Foundation, Ford Foundation, Carnegie Corporation in Rockefeller Foundation. Oba, Cooneyeva kot Morrisett sta častna doživljenjska upravitelja od Sesame Workshop.
Morrisett, ki je bil od leta 1969-2004 član od Council on Foreign Relations, je služil tudi kot pod-predsednik od Carnegie Corporation of NY; bil podpredsednik od Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; služil kot predsednik od John and Mary R. Markle Foundation (del ”liberalne CIA”), 1969-1998; je upravitelj od Public Agenda (Cyrus Vance; Frank Stanton; Sidney Harman; Barry Muntiz; David Gergen; Admiral Bobby Ray Inman; Peter G. Peterson); je svetovalni upravitelj, ter bil 30 let član uprave in devet let (1986-1995) predsedujoči od RAND Corporation; bil član od American Association for the Advancement of Science; bil član od American Psychological Association; bil član od American Psychological Society.
Cooneyeva, je bila žena od super elitnega top Rockefellerjevega zaveznika Petra G. Petersona (Blackstone Group; Pilgrims Society), kateri je bil njegov naslednik pri Council on Foreign Relations. Cooneyeva je tako direktorica od super elitne Peter G. Peterson Foundation; je od leta 1974 članica od Council on Foreign Relations; bila do leta 2020 predsedujoča izvršnemu odboru od Sesame Workshop; od leta 1954-1962 delala za NBC; leta 1966 je sodelovala pri študiji “The Potential Uses of Television in Preschool Education,” od Carnegie Corporation of NY, preko katere je nastala Children’s Television Workshop; življenjska upraviteljica od Paley Center for Media (William Paley; Henry Kissinger; Les Moovens; Bob Iger; Sumner Redstone; Shari Redstone; Barbara Walters; Norman Lear; Wallis Annenberg; Jeffrey Katzenberg; James Murdoch; Lachlan Murdoch; Pat Mitchell Seydel); bila članica uprave od Rockefellerjeve Chase Manhattan Bank (del od CFR); bila članica uprave od Xerox Corporation; bila članica uprave od Johnson & Johnson Corporation (del od CFR); bila članica uprave od Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (del od CFR); bila članica uprave od National Child Labor Committee; bila upraviteljica od American Film Instituite; služila kot članica od President Carter’s Commission for a National Agenda for the Eighties (Maria Weight Edelman – Children’s Defense Fund, Carnegie Council for Children; Herman E. Gallagos – Rockefeller Foundation, National Council of La Raza; John W. Gardner – Council on Foreign Relations, Rockefeller Brothers Fund Panel on Education, Carnegie Corporation of NY, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; Dorothy I. Heigh – National Council of Negro Women; William A. Hewitt – Pilgrims Society, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Deere & Co., Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Ruth J. Hinerfeld – League of Women Voters, UN Association of the U.S.; Benjamin L. Hooks – NAACP, Souther Christian Leadershio Council, National Bar Association; Matina S. Horner – Council on Foreign Relations, TIME Inc., The Century Foundation, Time-Warner, BlackRock Equity/Liquidity Funds Board; Lane Kirkland – AFL-CIO, Commission on CIA Activities within the US; Michael McCloskey – Ford Foundation Energy Policy Project, National Resource Council of America; Donald C. Platten – Council on Foreign Relations, Chemical Bank, Federal Reserve System; Henry Schacht – Pilgrims Society, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Urban Institute; William Scranton – Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Urban Institute, President’s Intelligence Oversight Board; Marina v. N. Whitman – Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, The Atlantic Council, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Institute for Advanced Study, J.P. Morgan Chase Corporation, General Motors); bila članica od President Nixon’s Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse imenovana Shafer Commission po guvernerju Raymondu P. Shaferju (Rhodes Scholar; Council on Foreign Relations; National Committee on US-China Relations); bila članica od United Nation’s Reorientation of UN Information Activities Task Force.

Financerji od Sesame Workshop/Joan Ganz Cooney Center leta 2021 so vodilni financerji ”liberalne CIA”, kot tudi pomembni udeleženci od Sun Valley Meetings –

»Peter G. Peterson (FS). Sesame Workshop (FS) … Apple Professional Development [del Sun Valley Meetings]. Bezos Family Foundation [del Sun Valley Meetings]. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [del Sun Valley Meetings]. Carnegie Corporation of New York. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (PS). Cisco[del od CFR]. Comcast [del Sun Valley Meetings]… Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB. PBS Ready to Learn … EA (PS) … Ford Foundation. Foundation for Child Development … Heisings-Simons Foundation … Intel [del Sun Valley Meetings]. Joyce Foundation. Knight FoundationMacArthur Foundation. McGrawHill (PS). Microsoft. Motorola Mobility Foundation. National Science Foundation. PBS Kids Raising Readers (PS) … Pritzker Children’s Initiative. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation … Silicon Valley Community Foundation … U.S. Department of Education. USC Annenberg. Verizon Foundation. Warner Bros [del Sun Valley Meetings]. William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. XBOX 360«37

Na Kennyjevo je močno vplival način vodenja od Jacka Welcha, ki je bil od leta 1981-2001 generalni direktor od General Electric (del od CFR; del od Sun Valley Meetings), in naredil podjetje GE najvrednejše na svetu. Ko se je Welch upokojil je prejel od podjetja GE odpravnino v višini $417 milijonov. Leta 2006 je imel neto premoženja v višini $720 milijonov. Welch je bil od leta 1991-1992 predsedujoči od elitnega The Business Council, s katerim so tesno povezani družina Bechtel, Joseph Gorman, James Gorman, Donald Graham, Henry Kravis, Harold McGraw III, Rupert Murdoch, David Rubenstein, Stephen Schwarzman, Dick Cheney, David O’Reilly, Niall FitzGerald, James Robinson III, Kenneth Chenault, Jeff Bezos, Jim McNerney, Rex Tillerson, John Hess in ostali. Welch je bil govorec pri super elitnem The Commonwealth Club of California; bil skupaj z Davidom Rockefellerjem leta 1991 udeleženec letne večerje NYC Rainbow Room (Peter G. Peterson, Laurence Tisch, Barbara Walters) od Business Enterprise Trust; bil leta 1999 in 2008 udeleženec od super elitnega Microsoft CEO Summit; leta 1999 bil govorec pri Fortune Global Forum. Welch pa je bil tudi član uprave od Fiat S.p.A., ki je tesno povezano s skupino Bilderberg; bil član uprave od NBC (del Sun Valley Meetings); bil član elitnega Alfalfa Club.
Welch je bil tudi član od Strategic and Policy Forum, ki je svetoval tedanjemu predsedniku Trumpu. Člani so odstopili v roku nekaj mesecev, (uradno) zaradi Trumpovega izstopa od pariškega podnebnega sporazuma. Ključni ustanovitelj foruma poleg Trumpa je bil Stephen Schwarzman; člani pa so bili še Jamie Dimon, Larry Fink, Elon Musk, Jim McNerney, Mary Barra, Bob Iger, Kenneth Fraizer, Brian Krzanich, Indra Nooyi, Kevin Plank, Ginni Rometty, Mark Weinberger, Doug McMillon.

The Show Me Campaign in New Profit

Legend je leta 2007 ustanovil The Show Me Campaign, katere namen je, očitno preko ideologije ”liberalne CIA”, ponujati otrokom dostop do ”kvalitetnega izobraževanja”. Pri tem Legend sodeluje s prej omenjenimi programi, kot so Teach for All, Teach for America, Harlem Village Academies, kot tudi z New Profit. Preko The Show Me Campaign je tudi investitor od naložbenega filantropskega sklada New Profit, ki je nastal leta 1998.

Ostali vidnejši investitorji od New Profit so še –

»AccentureAmerican ExpressAT&T. Bain Capital Children’s Charity, Ltd. Bank of America Charitable Foundation … Carnegie Corporation of New York. Chan Zuckerberg Initiative DAF. Silicon Valley Community Foundation Comcast DeloitteBill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Charitable Giving Fund … Imaginable Futures [Pierre Omidyar] … JPMorgan Chase FoundationW.K. Kellogg FoundationLumina FoundationSkoll Foundation … The Boston Foundation … The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Inc. … The William and Flora Hewlett FoundationThe LEGO FoundationThe Omidyar GroupWalmart. Walmart Foundation. Walton Family Foundation«38; dostop 2.10.2021

Ustanoviteljica in predsednica od New Profit je Vanessa Kirsch. Kirschova je pred tem, leta 1992 ustanovila Public Allies, preko katerega se vodi program od AmeriCorps, in je namenjen razvoju vodenja mladih odraslih v stilu ”liberalne CIA”. Public Allies so postali zvezni partner za časa predsednikovanja Georga H. W. Busha. Nekdanji bolj znani člani tega programa so bili Michelle Obama, ki je bila tudi ustanovna izvršna direktorica od Public Allies Chicago, od leta 1993 do 1996 in članica nacionalne uprave od 1997 do 2001; leta 2010 Sasheer Zamata, ki je od leta 2015 ambasadorka od American Civil Liberties Union, bila članica zasedbe od Saturday Night Live na NBC od 2014-2017; od leta 1994-1995 Travis Rejman, ki je delal pod vodstvom Michelle Obama, in bil preko Goldin Institute del kampanje od Kony 2012, ki jo je vodila Obamova administracija in ”liberalna CIA”; leta 1997 raper Malik Yusef, ki sodeluje z raznimi sredstvi ”liberalne CIA”, kot so Jay-Z, Russell Simmons, John Legend, Kanye West.

Generalni direktor od Public Allies Jaime Ernesto Uzeta je leta 2018 dejal –

»Public Allies is about cultivating the ‘Michelle Obamas’ of this generation … «39

Ustanovna partnerja prvega programa od Public Allies, ki je bil ustanovljen v Washingtonu, sta bili John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation in Surdna Foundation

»Public Allies was awarded $835,000 between 1994 and 2021, including 8 grants in Chicago Commitment and Community & Economic Development40; dostop 3.1.2022

Obe fundaciji tudi financirali Public Allies Chicago. Leta 1993 je Hillary Clinton v Beli hiši predstavila program od Public Allies Tomorrow’s Leaders Today

Član uprave od New Profit je bil tudi mož od Vanesse Kirsch, veliko bolj vplivni Alan Khazei, ki je služil kot izvršni direktor od City Year, katera je kasneje postala del nacionalnega programa od AmeriCorps. City Year je Khazei ustanovil leta 1988 skupaj z Michaelom Brownom, oba pa sta tudi pomagala Billu Clintonu ustanoviti AmeriCorps preko National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993. George H. W. Bush je imenoval Khazeija za pod-predsedujočega od Commission on National and Community Service, kjer je deloval od 1990-1992.
Leta 2008 je Khazeijeva City Year postala partnerska organizacija skupaj z Bushevo Points of Light Institute in s Civic Enterprises od bostonske Be The Change, preko katere je nastala kampanja ServiceNation. Cilj te kampanje je bil razširiti možnosti, da Američani odslužijo eno leto v ne-vojaški nacionalni službi, kot je AmeriCorps. 11. septembra leta 2008 je tako Khazei organiziral ustanovno srečanje ServiceNation Presidential Candidates Forum and Summit, ki je potekalo v Alfred Lerner Hall na elitni Columbia University. Na forumu sta se srečala predsedniška kandidata Barack Obama in John McCain, skupaj s 700 vodji nacionalnih služb, na forumu pa sodeluje tudi več kot 300 organizacij. So-predsedujoči od ServiceNation Summit je Vartan Gregorian, predsednik od Carnegie Corporation. Člani odbora41 od ServiceNation Summit so bili Michael Bloomberg, Henry Cisneros, igralka Glenn Close, William Cohen, Tom Daschle, John J. DeGioia, Paul Fireman – Reebok, David Gergen, Michael Gerson – The Washington Post, Lee H. Hamilton, Gary Hart, Mellody Hobson – Ariel Investments, Martin Luther King III, Joel Klein – New York City Public Schools, Sam Nunn, Peter G. Peterson, Samantha Power, Susan Rice, Bill Richardson, Laurie M. Tisch, David Walker – Peter G. Peterson Foundation. Vidnejši udeleženci srečanju še Arnold Schwarzenegger, tedanja senatorka Hillary Clinton, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., jordanska kraljica Noor, Caroline Kennedy, Wendy Kopp, Admiral Mike Mullen, tedanja prva dama Laura Bush, Edward Kennedy.

Pri projektu ServiceNation in dogodkih povezanimi z njim, sodelujejo tudi Carnegie Corporation of New York, Target Corporation in revija Time.

Financer v višini $250,000 od ServiceNation Presidential Candidates Forum and Summit bila tudi super elitna Peter G. Peterson Foundation.42

Financerji od ServiceNation Summit pa so Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Goldman Sachs, PwC, United Nations Foundation, The Case Foundation, Facebook, Bank of America, The Illumination Fund, McCormick Foundation in Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.43; str. 6-7

ServiceNation je bil kritiziran s strani sredstev ”konservativne CIA”, kot so John Birch Society.

Leta 2016 se je SeviceNation združil s Franklin Project od Aspen Institute in s Service Year Exchange, preko česar je nastal vplivni Service Year Alliance, pri čemer je Khazei sodeloval z Generalom McChystalom. Ustanovni predsedujoči od Service Year Alliance je tako postal zloglasni General Stanley McChystal, tesen prijatelj nekdanjega CIA-jinega direktorja Davida Petraeusa. Oba, tako McChrystal, še bolj pa Petraeus, postajata zelo pomembna neokonservativna člana liberalnega establišmenta. Oba tudi imela ključni vlogi tako v vojni v Afganistanu, kot v Iraku.

Člani vodstvenega odbora od Service Year Alliance so Madeleine Albright; Anna Burger – Service Employees International Union; Barbara Bush; Raymond G. Chambers – Points of Light Foundation; Richard Danzig; Michèle Flournoy; Robert Gates; David Gergen; Michael Gerson – The Washington Post; Stephen J. Hadley; Arianna Huffington; Walter Isaacson; Vanessa Kerry; Laura Lauder – Aspen Institute; Jonathan Lavine – Bain Capital; Mel Martinez – JP Morgan Chase & Co.; Jamie Merisotis – Lumina Foundation; Wes Moore – Robin Hood NYC; Condoleezza Rice; Isabel Sawhill – The Brookings Institution; Kori Schake – American Enterprise Institute; Olympia Snowe – Bipartisan Policy Center; Barbara Stewart – AmeriCorps; Laurie M. Tisch – Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund; Elisa Villanueva Beard – Teach for America.

Khazei je bil tudi član uprave od Global Zero, katere namen naj bi bil svet brez jedrskega orožja. So-ustanovitelj, ki so navdahnili ustanovitev od Global Zero preko časopisne kolumne so bili Henry Kissinger, Sam Nunn in George Shultz. Člani od Global Zero poleg top predstavnikov liberalnega establišmenta tudi predstavniki številnih držav iz celega sveta. Med financerji pa sta tudi Ploughshares Fund in Skoll Global Threats Fund.

Khazei je tudi član uprav od Teach for America in od Harvard Alumni Association. Khazei je bil član vodstvenega odbora od leta 2000 nastalega Center for Public Leadership na Harvard University. Ustanovni direktor centra je bil super elitni David Gergen, ki je tudi član uprave od New Profit. Člani vodstvenega odbora centra leta 2021 so Nicolas Berggruen, Dina Powell McCormick, brat veliko bolj znane Jacqueline Novogratz Michael Novogratz in predsedujoči od CFR David M. Rubenstein.
Khazei je bil tudi član uprave od super elitnega Partnership for Public Service.

Khazei je član direktorske uprave od The GroundTruth Project, medijske in novinarske neprofitne organizacije, ki pokriva lokalne novice in spada v omrežje ”liberalne CIA” in je namenjeno usposabljanju tujih dopisnikov, da se jih usposabljala v ideologiji ”liberalne CIA”. The GroundTruth Project je fiskalni pokrovitelj od leta 2017 nastalega Report for America, so-pokrovitelj je tudi Google News Lab. Khazei je član izvršni član odbora tudi pri Report for America, ki je osnovan po prej omenjenem AmeriCorps, primerja pa se ga tudi s sistemom od Teach for America, preko katerega se ideologija globalizma in ”liberalne CIA” preko učiteljev širi po ameriških šolah. Report for America, ki načrtuje, da bo do leta 2022 razposlala 1000 ”novinarjev” po redakcijah po ZDA, plačuje svoje t.i. Corps members po $40,000 na leto.

Financerji od The GroundTruth Project –

»$5M+: The Knight Foundation. Facebook Journalism Project … $1M – $5M: The Bake Family Trust . The Ford Foundation. [John T. & Catherine T.] MacArthur Foundation. Spring Point … $500,000 – $999,999: The Joyce Foundation. Open Hands Initiative. The David & Lucile Packard Foundation. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Craig Newmark Philanthropies Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. Microsoft … $250,000 – $499,999: … Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation … Google News Initiative. Heising-Simons Foundation. Jonathan Logan Family Foundation. Henry Luce Foundation … $100,000 – $249,999: … FORTUNE Journalism PleasrFund … $50,000 – $99,999: Annenberg FoundationThe Annie E. Casey FoundationDemocracy Fund … $5,000 – $49,000: … Battery Foundation … Kendeda FundPark Foundation. Kresge FoundationBloomberg«44; dostop 3.1.2022

Člani uprave od New Profit –

  • Član uprave od New Profit je super elitni David Gergen, ki je član od Council on Foreign Relations; član od Trilateral Commission; direktor od National Committee on U.S.-China Relations; direktor od Aspen Institute; direktor od Center for Global Developmnet; upravitelj od American Assembly (Paul Volcker; Henry Cisneros; Dwight Eisenhower, Clifton Wharton Jr.; Bobby Ray Inman; Frank Weil; Bill Bradley; Anya Schiffrin); so-predsedujoči od Council of Scholars – Center for the Study of the Presideny and Congress; bil član od National Commission on Presidential Transition and Foreign Policy – Miller Center of Public Affairs; bil direktor od Public Agenda; član od Pacific Council on International Policy; direktor od Partnership for Public Service; član svetovalne uprave od America Abroad Media (Michael Armacost; Sandy Berger; Zbigniew Brzezinski; Robert Gates; Chuck Hagel; Lee Hamilton; Carla Hills; Samuel Huntington; John Kerry; Jeanne Kirkpatrick; Anthony Lake; Richard Lugar; Robert McNamara; Susan Rice; Brent Scowcroft; Strobe Talbott; James Woolsey; Philip Zelikow); član vodstvenega odbora od Service Years Alliance (General Stanley McChrystal; Madeleine Albright; Barbara Bush; Robert Gates; Stephen Hadely; Arianna Huffington; Walter Isaacson; Vanessa Kerry; Condoleezza Rice); bil udeleženec od Bohemian Grove; bil govorec pri Commonwealth Club of California; bil govorec pri Richmond Forum; bil govorec pri Connecticut Forum; bil udeleženec od Renaissance Weekends; bil govorec pri The Common Good; bil glavni govorec pri Service Academies Global Summit (Kurt Campbell; General Stanley McChrystal); udeleženec od World Economic Forum; bil govorec pri Climate One. Gergen je višji politični analitik od CNN in ustanovni direktor od Center for Public Leadership na Harvard University. Gergen pa je bil tudi član uprave od Teach for America; od World Resources Institute; član uprave od Yale Corporation; član uprave od Schwab Foundation (World Economic Forum); predsedujoči od National Selection Committee za Innovations in American Government pri Ford Foundation.
  • Predsedujoči upravi od New Profit je Jeffrey C. Walker, ki je bil v preteklosti pod-predsedujoči pri Rockefellerjevi JPMorgan Chase & Co.; bil predsedujoči od JPMorgan Chase Foundation, 2003-2005. Leta 2009 je Walker končal program na Harvardu za Senior Executives in State and Local Government kot David Bohnett LGBTQ Victory Institute Leadership Fellow. Walker je član gostujočega odbora in svetovalne uprave pri dekanu od Harvard University; član svetovalne uprave od MIT Media Lab; bil svetovalec od Brookings Institution, 2012-13; direktor od Lincoln Center Film Society, od 2002 – ; član uprave od Morgan Library, 2003 – ; bil član uprave od Millennium Development Goals Health Alliance; predsedujoči od Council of Foundations pri University of Virginia; bil predsedujoči od Millennium Promise, katere ustanovitelj je super elitni Jeffrey D. Sachs, in je sodelovanje med United Nations in Columbia University; član svetovalne uprave od Chopra Foundation, od top sredstva ”liberalne CIA” Deepaka Chopre; član svetovalne uprave od (Jacqueline Novogratz; Joi Ito); član uprave od African Philanthropy Forum (Tsitsi Masiyiwa; Lord Hastings).
  • Članica uprave od New Profit je Wendy Kopp iz Teach For All/Tech for America.
  • Članica uprave od New Profit je Kristin Mugford, ki je nekdanja direktorica od Bain Capital, delala za Disney Corporation (del Sun Valley Meetings), danes pa je predavateljica na Harvard Business School. Mugfordova je direktorica od strani Sorosa močno financiranega Center for American Progress, katerega donatorka je tudi Mugfordova. V obdobju 2015-16 je donirala $50,000 za Hillary Victory Fund. Od leta 2010 do 2019 je bila Mugfordova članica uprave od Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund, ki upravlja za okoli $30 milijard sredstev in je pomemben financer ”liberalne CIA”.
  • Član uprave od New Profit je E. John Rice Jr. – o njemu takoj v nadaljevanju pod Management Leadership for Tomorrow, s katerim sodeluje tudi John Legend.

Legendova The Show Me Campaign pa je so-ustanoviteljica od leta 2017 nastale LRNG, ki je gibanje predano inovacijam v učnem procesu. Ustanovni financer od LRNG v višini $25 milijonov je top financer ”liberalne CIA” John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Drugi partner od LRNG je National Writing Project, kateri je prav tako financiran s strani ”liberalne CIA”, kot tudi s strani ministrstva za šolstvo –

»Over our 45-year history, NWP has been generously supported by donations from individuals; federal grants from the U.S. Department of Education, the National Park Service, the National Science Foundation, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services; and private grants and contributions from nearly 50 philanthropic organizations and corporations, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and the Spencer Foundation45; dostop 3.1.2022

Management Leadership for Tomorrow

Legend je tudi član vodstvene uprave od Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT), katere namen je pripraviti temnopolte ljudi na delovna mesta po končanih visokih šolah, ki zagotavljajo ekonomsko mobilnost njihovim družinam. MLT tako sodeluje z elitnimi podjetji, kot so to Amazon, Boston Consulting Group, Citi, Deloitte, Goldman Sachs, Google, Greylock Partners, PepsiCo in Target.

Ustanovitelj in generalni direktor od MLT je E. John Rice Jr., ki je bil v svoji karieri izvršni direktor pri NBA (del Sun Valley Meetings), pred tem pa je delal za Walt Disney Company (del Sun Valley Meetings). Rice, ki je tudi član uprave od New Profit, je upravitelj od super elitne Yale University, ter bil s strani Obamove administracije imenovan v President’s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for African Americans in v President’s Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Rice pa je tudi upravitelj od Institute for Citizens and Scholars, ki se je pred tem imenoval Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. Njegov oče Emmett J. Rice Sr. je študiral kot elitni Fulbright Scholar v Indiji in je bil pod super elitnim Paulom Valckerjem guverner od Federal Reserve System, 1979-1986. Rice Sr. pa je bil tudi izvršni direktor od International Finance Corporation, ter bil član elitne pol-skrivne Afro-ameriške bratovščine Sigma Pi Phi/Boule. Rice Jr. je brat od bolj znane in super elitne Susan Rice, ki je bila v drugi Obamovi administraciji njegova svetovalka za nacionalno varnost.

Člani vodstvenega odbora od MLT so še Valentino Carlotti – Brown Brothers Harriman (pomembni financerji nacizma); Tyler Dickson – Citigroup; Matt Halprin – YouTube (del Sun Valley Meetings); Christy Haubegger – WarnerMedia (del Sun Valley Meetings), ustanoviteljica od Latina Magazine.

Vidnejši člani svetovalne uprave od MLT so Colin Campbell – Colonial Williamsburg Foundation (del družine Rockefeller); Kevin Garnett – ex-NBA; Richard Gay – Viacom (del Sun Valley Meetings); Lloyd Howell – Booz Allen Hamilton; Jason Kilar – WarnerMedia (del Sun Valley Meetings); Candace Matthews –Amway (družina DeVos top financer ”konservativne CIA”).

Partnerske organizacije od MLT so poleg tega, da so pomembni financerji ”liberalne CIA”, tesno povezane s Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, skupino Bilderberg in s Sun Valley Meetings

»Abbott. Accenture. Activision Blizzard. AdobeAmazon. American Airlines. American ExpressAndreesen Horowitz. Anheuser-Busch. AppleAT&TBain & Company. Bain Capital. Bank of America Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationBloomberg. Booz Allen Hamilton. Boston Consulting Group. The Bridgespan GroupCapital One. The Carlyle GroupCisco. CitiCredit Suisse … Dell Technologies. Dell. DeloitteeBayLilly & Co. … EtsyExxonmobil. Ernst & Young. Facebook. Fannie MaeGeneral Electric. Genentech, Inc. General Mills. Gilead. GlaxoSmithKlineGoldman Sachs. GoogleHBOJP Morgan Chase. Kapor Capital … KKRLinkedInMARSMondelez International. Morgan Stanley. NFL. NetflixNikePepsiCo. Pfizer. PGIM. PIMCO … P&G … Reckitt … Salesforce. SAPUberVanguardVisaWalt Disney Company. Warburg Pincus. Warner MediaWells Fargo«46; dostop 3.10.2021

Partnerske univerze od MLT –

»Columbia Business School. The Fuqua School of Business [Duke University]. Harvard Business School. SC Johnson College of Business [Corrnell University]. MIT Management Sloan School. Stern School of Business [New York University]. Haas School of Business [University of California]. The University of Chicago Booth School of BusinessYale School of Management … McDonough School of Business [Georgetown University] … Graduate School of Business [Stanford University]«; dostop 3.10.2021

Americans for the Arts/Business Committee for the Arts

To pa še ni konec Legendovih povezav s super elito. Legend je še z nekaterimi sredstvi ”liberalne CIA” član od Artists Committee od Americans for the Arts/Business Committee for the Arts, ki ga je leta 1967 ustanovil David Rockefeller. Direktorji v preteklosti pa so bili super elitni Robert O. Anderson, Eli Broad, C. Douglas Dillon, Frank Stanton, kot tudi Willard C. Butcher – The Chase Manhattan Bank, Rawleigh Warner, Jr. – Time Inc. Emeriti člani uprave pa so John H. Bryan – Sara Lee Corporation, Ralph P. Davidson – Time Inc., Christopher Forbes – Forbes Inc., Christie A. Hefner – Playboy Enterprises Inc., John J. Mack – Morgan Stanley, A. Thomas Young – Lockheed Martin Corporation.

Skupaj z Legendom pa so člani od Artists Committee še Alec Baldwin, Tony Bennett, Chuck D, Laurence Fishburne, Norman Lear, Yo-Yo Ma, Yoko Ono, Robert Redford, Salman Rushdie, Zoe Saldana, Martin Scorsese, Meryl Streep, Kerry Washington, Michael York. V preteklosti pa je bil član tudi Paul Newman.

Financerji od Business Committee for the Arts pa prihajajo iz omrežja ”liberalne CIA” kot tudi s strani vodilnih korporacij –

»2019 … GIFTS OF $500,000+: The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation … GIFTS OF $100,000–$499,999: American Express. Bush Foundation. The William and Flora Hewlett FoundationThe Joyce Foundation. The Kresge Foundation … GIFTS OF $50,000–$99,999: Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation. John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation … U.S. Bank … GIFTS OF $25,000–$49,999: … Mertz Gilmore Foundation. National Endowment for the Humanities. GIFTS OF $10,000–$24,999: Aetna … Bank of America. BVLGARI. Dior … Liberty Capitol Group, UBS Financial Services … The McKnight Foundation«47; str. 6

»2006 … Gifts of $1,000,000 and above: The Ford Foundation … Gifts of $500,000–$999,999: American Express Foundation. Gifts of $250,000–$499,999: MetLife Foundation. Gifts of $100,000–$249,999: The Rockefeller Foundation. Gifts of $50,000–$99,999: The Paul G. Allen Family FoundationAmerican International Group, Inc. … The David and Lucille Packard Foundation. United Technologies Corporation. Gifts of $25,000–$49,999: … The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. The McGraw-Hill Companies. François Pinault Foundation … Gifts of $10,000–$24,999: American Express. Bloomberg. Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP … JP Morgan Private BankThe San Francisco FoundationTishman Speyer Properties, LP. Verizon Foundation. Gifts of $5,000–$9,999: … Caterpillar Inc. … Fannie Mae FoundationNorthrop Grumman Corporation. Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP. Sotheby’s. Texas Instruments. The Wallace Foundation. Gifts of $2,500–$4,999: … The James Irvine Foundation … Arts & Business Council of New York Honor Roll of Donors … Gifts of $100,000–$249,999 JPMorgan Chase Foundation. Gifts of $50,000–$99,999: Deutsche Bank. Gifts of $25,000–$49,999: Bank of America … Gifts of $10,000–$24,999: … Time Warner. Gifts of $5,000–$9,999: American Express CompanyThe McGraw-Hill Companies. MetLife Foundation. The New York Times Company Foundation«48; str. 19

Dobitnik nagrade Young Artist Award od Business Committee for the Arts leta 2006 je pomembno sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” Jake Gyllenhaal, medtem ko je dobitnik od Special Recognition Award Robert Downey Jr., še eno sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”.

The Connecticut Forum

John Legend je bil govorec pri elitnem, leta 1992 nastalem The Connecticut Forum, kjer so bili govorci najpomembnejši predstavniki liberalnega establišmenta in razna sredstva ”liberalne CIA” –
Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Ann-Marie Slaughter, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Richard Holbrooke, Richard Perle, David Gergen, Francis Fukuyama, Jack Kemp, Katharine Graham, Michael Bloomberg, Richard Armitage, General Norman Schwarzkopf, Oliver North, Arianna Huffington, Laura D’Andrea Tyson, Samantha Power, William F. Buckley Jr., Christopher Dodd, Edward Meese III, Elie Wiesel, Howard Dean, Joi Ito, Joseph Califano, Michelle Obama, Benazir Bhutto, Newt Gingrich, Nicholas Kristof, Nicholas Negroponte, Robert Reich, Pat Buchanan, Stephen Breyer, Walter Cronkite, Walter Isaacson, Bill Moyers, Bob Woodward, Charlie Rose, Christopher Hitchens, Christopher Buckley, David Brooks, Fareed Zakaria, Antonio Villaraigosa, Neill deGrasse Tyson, Oscar Arias, Julia Gillard, Alec Baldwin, Ann Coulter, Andrew Cuomo, Anthony Bourdain, Ashley Judd, Ralph Nader, Barbara Ehrenreich, Bill Cosby, Chuck D, Cornel West, Craig Newmark, Danny Glover, Jason Alexander, Jean-Michel Cousteau, Mia Farrow, Gloria Steinem, Michael Moore, Adam Savage, Patti Smith, Salman Rushdie, Spike Lee, Wendy Kopp, Nile Rogers, Yo-Yo Ma.

ASU + GSV Summit

Legend je bil govorec tudi pri leta 2010 nastalem ASU + GSV Summit, ki ga organizirata Arizona State University in Global Silicon Valley Ventures , kjer je članica svetovalne uprave Julia Stiglitz, hčerka top Rockefellerjevega/Sorosovega zaveznika Jospeha Stiglitza.

Govorci skozi različna obdobja so bili – Condoleezza Rice, Bill Gates, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Jeb Bush, Priscilla Chan, Reed Hastings, Penny Pritzker, Tony Blair, Sir Richard Branson, Sandra Day O’Connor, Donald Graham, General Stanley McChrystal, Nicholas Kristof, Laurene Powell Jobs, Bill Nye, Cindy McCain, Vicente Fox, Sal Khan, Ronan Farrow (Rhodes Scholar; sin vodilne feministke ”liberalne CIA” Mie Farrow), Esther Wojcicki, Julia Stiglitz (hčerka Josepha Stiglitza), Mitch Kapor, Antonio Villaraigosa, Gloria Steinem, raper Common, Magic Johnson, Matthew McConaughey, Andre Agassi.

Financerji/partnerji srečanja leta 2021 –

»Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationWalton Family FoundationGoogle Cloud. MicrosoftAWSChan Zuckerberg Initiative. Charles Koch FoundationLEGO VenturesAT&T. Barclays. Bertelsmann … Charles Koch Institute … Goldman SachsMcGrawHillOppenheimerQatar Foundation. Qualcomm«49; dostop 5.10.2021

Predsednik od Arizona State University, katera povzema ideologijo ”liberalne CIA”, je Michael Maurice Crow, ki je predsedujoč upravi od CIA-jinega podjetja s tveganim kapitalom In-Q-Tel, katerega ustanovitelj George Tenet je nekdanji direktor od CIA. Preko In-Q-Tel nastane tudi podjetje Palantir Technologies od super elitnega Petra Thiela.

Crow je pri In-Q-Tel v upravi skupaj s super eltinimi predstavniki, kot so –

  • David McCormick (Bridgewater Associates; McKinsey & Co.; Trilateral Commission; Council on Foreign Relations; Atlantic Council; Defense Policy Board; Aspen Institute),
  • James L. Barksdale (Time Warner; Sun Microsystems; FedEx; Netscape; President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board; Markle Task Force on National Security in the Information Age – Markle Foundation),
  • Jamie Miscik (CIA; President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board; Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; Center for Strategic and International Studies; Kissinger Associates; International Rescue Committee),
  • Admiral Mike Mullen (Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; Atlantic Council; Foreign Affairs Policy Board; Veterans of the OSS; The Forum for the Future of Higher Education; Bloomberg Global Business Forum; Robin Hood Foundation),
  • Ted Schlein (National Security Institute; National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence; Kleiner Perkins),
  • Jeffrey H. Smith (CIA; CIA Officers Memorial Foundation; Council on Foreign Relations; Markle Task Force on National Security in the Information Age; Arnold & Porter; Iran/Contra Committee; Clade X; Disney Worldwide Services Inc.),
  • George Tenet,
  • A. B. ”Buzzy” Krongard (CIA; Banker’s Trust; Blackwater CIA connections; DLA Piper; Under Armour).

Crow, ki je bil vice provost od Columbia University, je tudi ustanovitelj in bil direktor od Earth Institute (Jeffrey Sachs) na Columbia University. Crow je član od Council on Foreign Relations; bil svetovalec na State Departmentu; je član uprave od New America Foundation; član od Arizona Advisory Committee od U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; član od Rework America Task Force – Markle Foundation; upravitelj od McCain Institute for International Leadership; bil govorec pri Sedona ForumMcCain Institute for International Leadership.

Financerji od McCain Institute for International Leadership, katerega ustanovitelj je vplivni neokonservativec in pomemben podpornik skrajnega islama John McCain III

»$100,000 AND ABOVE: … Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bloomberg Philanthropies. Carnegie Corporation of New York Chevron. Cisco Systems, Inc. … DaimlerThe Eranda Rothschild Foundation Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild. FedEx Corporation. Ford Foundation. Freeport-McMoRan Foundation. GE FoundationHess Foundation, Inc. Humanity UnitedJohn LehmanOpen Society Foundations. Robert Bosch Stiftung … Royal Embassy of Saudi ArabiaThe Sasakawa Peace FoundationThe Starr FoundationTides with support from Oak Foundation. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.. Wallenberg Foundations AB … $25,000 – $99,999: … AT&T Services, Inc. … BlackRock, Inc. BP … Eli and Edythe BroadDonald E. Graham The John and Cindy McCain Family Foundation. JPMorgan Chase Foundation. Mikhail Khodorkovsky Leonard and Judy Lauder Fund. The Lauder Foundation – Leonard and Evelyn Lauder Fund … One Earth Future – Our Secure Future: Women Make The Difference … Raytheon CompanySaab ABGeorge Soros, Chairman, Soros Fund Management. SpaceX … $1,000 – $24,999: … Morton AbramowitzMartin S. IndykCBS CorporationHumanity UnitedHenry A. KissingerJoe and Hadassah LiebermanPenguin Random HouseSarah and Ross Perot, Jr. General (Ret.) David H. Petraeus. Phoenix Suns … Nat and Loretta RothschildSUEZ North AmericaThe Tahrir Institute for Middle East PolicyFrances F. TownsendUber TechnologiesVolkswagen Group of America, Inc. … Additionally, the Howard G. Buffett FoundationThe Smith Richardson Foundation«50; dostop 7.10.2021

Crow pa je bil tudi udeleženc od Aspen Symposium 2011, ki poteka v okviru Forum for the Future of Higher Education. Posamezni vidnejši strokovnjaki od foruma so super elitni člani, kot so to General John Allen, Norman Augustine, Senator David Boren (Rhodes Scholar), William Bowen (The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; Trust Committee – Rockefeller), General Wesley Clark, Martin Feldstein, Niall Ferguson, Roger W. Ferguson Jr. (TIAA; Alphabet; Group of 30), Leslie Gelb, Richard Haass, Lee Hamilton, Walter Isaacson, Senator Bob Kerrey, General Jim Mattis, Admial Michael Mullen, Joseph Nye, Peter Orszag, Samantha Power, Robert Putnam, Jeffrey Sachs, Admiral James Stavridis, Lester Thurow (Rhodes Scholar; MIT Sloan School of Management; Economic Policy Institute), Paul Volcker, Daniel Yankelovich (Public Agenda; Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Education).

Financerji od foruma pa prihajajo iz ”liberalne CIA” –

»Foundations providing support for the Forum include: … Ford FoundationLumina Foundation for Education … Previously the Forum received support from the following foundations: The Annie E. Casey FoundationThe Atlantic PhilanthropiesCarnegie Corporation of New YorkThe William and Flora Hewlett FoundationThe James Irvine FoundationJohn S. and James L. Knight Foundation K. Kellogg Foundation The Kresge FoundationThe Henry Luce FoundationThe Andrew W. Mellon Foundation«51; dostop 8.10.2021

Chrissy Teigen

Crissy Teigen je žena Johna Legenda in podpornica Grete Thunberg.

Teigenova je donatorka od Planned Parenthood (”liberalna CIA”); podpornica migracij; ”anti-rasistka” in podpornica radikalne skupine Black Lives Matter, ki spadajo v omrežje ”liberalne CIA”; bila govornica na Families Belong Together; donirala za ACLU (”liberalna CIA”); podpornica od Elizabeth Warren, kot tudi od Kamale Harris; je podpornica od Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation.

»Celebrities Samuel L. Jackson, Justin Timberlake, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, the late Prince, Matt McGorry, Jesse Williams, Beyonce, Jay Z, Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar, Bellamy Young, Bette Midler, Katy Perry and Josh Groban among many others have joined the movement and articulated their support vocally and publicly. Many have written pieces supporting Black Lives Matter and advocate for an end to all forms of racism.«52

»Singer John Legend and model Chrissy Teigen told Vanity Fair they’d likely be backing Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) in the 2020 election. “My favorite—I’m going to say it, we’ll break news today—is Elizabeth Warren,” Legend told the magazine. “She’s the best candidate running today and she comes at it with joy and with sincerity and with a wealth of knowledge and experience.” Teigen said she loved Warren but added that she “also love(d) Kamala Harris.”«53


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