Lena Headey
- Uvod
- International Rescue Committee
- ”Anti-Trump” aktivistka in podpornica Baracka Obame
- The Flood
- Plan International
- NOH8
- Podpornica Alexandrie Ocasio-Cortez
Headey je preko instagrama delila posnetek govora Grete Thunberg med zasedanjem UN-a, ter zapisala –
»That this cannot even wake the darkest hearts is so painful. LISTEN TO HER. #gretathunberg«1https://www.instagram.com/p/B2yZywgBCQ1/
Headey je najbolj znana po vlogi Cersei Lannister v HBO-jevi seriji Game of Thrones (2011–2019).
International Rescue Committee
Headey je podpornica in sodelavka od s CIA tesno povezanega International Rescue Committee, ki je pomemben del liberalnega establišmenta, ter tesno povezan s CIA.
»Actor Lena Headey and the International Rescue Committee are working together to bring global attention to the ongoing refugee crisis. …
“Game of Thrones” actor Lena Headey—who plays Cersei Lannister on the HBO drama—has spoken out against the “dehumanizing” treatment of refugees seeking safety in Europe. She has teamed up with the IRC to help people whose lives and livelihoods have been shattered by conflict and disaster.
In June 2016, Lena traveled to Greece with the IRC and her “Games of Thrones” co-stars Liam Cunningam and Maisie Williams as part of an IRC and HBO campaign that raised emergency funds for millions of refugees. On the Greek island of Lesbos, the three actors heard individual stories of refugees stranded in the country for months due to border closures and the reluctance by some European countries to welcome refugees. …
In Berlin, Lena visited local organizations partnering with the IRC which assist refugees as they adjust to their new lives in the country.«2https://www.rescue.org/lena-headey; dostop 6.9.2022
V vodstvu od IRC so ljudje, ki so dejansko preko Rockefellerjeve/CIA strukture odgovorni za mnoge vojne, države udare in barvne revolucije – Južna in Centralna Amerika, Afrika in Azija – predvsem Bližnji Vzhod, Evropa; odgovorni za številne vojne na Bližnjem Vzhodu, Aziji – Vietnam; Afriki – Libija; podporniki kroni kapitalizma, globalizacije, neoliberalizma; odgovorni za migracijske krize in ostalo. Te osebe so Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright, General Colin L. Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Timothy F. Geithner, Morton I. Abramowitz, James D. Wolfensohn, William Casey – CIA, Stephen Solarz – National Endowment for Democracy, Judith A. Miscik – CIA, in številni ostali.
Člani uprave od International Rescue Committee –
»Timothy F. Geithner Co-Chair, Board of Directors … David Miliband President and Chief Executive Officer … Board of Advisors … Morton I. Abramowitz … Madeleine K. Albright … W. Michael Blumenthal … Tom Brokaw … H.R.H. Princess Firyal of Jordan … Evan G. Greenberg … Maurice R. Greenberg … Philip Hammarskjold … Caroline Kennedy … Henry A. Kissinger … Winston Lord … David Miliband … General Colin L. Powell … Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan … Condoleezza Rice … Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr. … William J. vanden Heuvel … James D. Wolfensohn«3https://www.rescue.org/board-and-overseers
Financerji od IRC 2020 –
»$500 000 + … Airbnb [del Sun Valley Meetings] … The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation … Theodore J. Forstman Charitable Foundation … Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation … Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies … Mastercard Foundation … Microsoft Philanthropies … The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund … NoVo Foundation [Warren Buffett – Sun Valley Meetings] … San Francisco Foundation … The Walton Family Foundation … $250 000 + … American Express … Johnson & Johnson … JP Morgan Chase & Co … Morgan Stalney Global Impact Funding Trust … Open Society Foundations … Pay Pal [del od CFR; Peter Thiel tesno povezan s CIA in s Sun Valley Meetings, kot tudi s Trumpovo administracijo; Pierre Omidyar je pomemben financer ‘liberalne CIA’, kot tudi povezan z NSA/Booz Allen Hamilton] … $100 000 + … Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund [del CFR] … BNY Mellon [del CFR] … The California Endowment … The Crown Family [General Dynamics; top financerji od Obame] … The Diller – von Furstenberg Family Foundation [Sun Valley Meetings]… Gilead Sciences, Inc. … Goldman Sachs Gives [del CFR] … Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund … Google [del CFR; del Sun Valley Meetings] … Levi Strauss & Co. and the Levi Strauss Foundation … LinkedIn [del Sun Valley Meetings] … Morgan Stanley [del CFR] … Margot & Tom Pritzker Family Foundation … Eric Schmidt [Trilateral Commission; Google]«4https://issuu.com/internationalrescuecommittee/docs/csb1905_annualreport_issuu_final?e=9192242/70213154
”Anti-Trump” aktivistka in podpornica Baracka Obame
Headey je 14.6.2020 anti-Trumpovsko proslavljala ”rojstni dan” Baracka Obame, katerega administracija je bila preko CIA in s Savdsko Arabijo, Katarjem in Turčijo, ključna in odgovorna za financiranje in oboroževanje skrajnih islamistov v Libiji, Siriji in Iraku, kar je povzročilo predvsem uničenje Sirije, kot tudi dodatno destabilizacijo Iraka, ter nastanek več milijonov beguncev, nekaj 100 000 mrtvih, povzročilo množična posilstva žensk in otrok, množična obglavljanja ‘nevernikov’, na milijone uničenih domov. Obamova administracija nadaljevala tam, kjer je končala Busheva administracija, ki je bila tudi del liberalnega establišmenta.
»Game of Thrones actress Lena Headey published an unexpected post on her verified Instagram page and celebrated the birthday of former US President, Barack Obama, but his birthday wasn’t on June 14.
Today, June 14, on President Donald Trump’s birthday. However, Lena acted as it was Barack Obama’s birthday by sharing a picture of Obama on her Instagram account even though it wasn’t his birthday.
Here’s the caption:
“Apparently it’s the president’s birthday… So here he is. 🎉✊✊🎉 #theorangeballbagisstillinhisbunker #fucktrump”
This is actually a social media trend. Anti-Trump social media users tagged the social media platforms of Donald Trump to his posts and share Obama’s photo. With this trend, it was aimed to emphasize by social media users that Barack Obama is a true leader.«5https://isgp-studies.com/isis-rise-under-obama-and-clinton
Kot že omenjeno je leta 2016 je Headeyeva kot sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” preko IRC obiskala migrante v Grčiji in Nemčiji, ter, kot goreča podpornica Obame, hinavsko in brez vsakega občutka krivde, pozivala javnost proti dehumaniziranemu ravnanju z njimi.
Brez ene same kritike svojega idola Obame in njegove administracije, ki je soodgovorna za morijo v Siriji in drugje po svetu, je med tem obiskom Lesobsa, kot sredstvo liberalne super elite in kot sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”, kritizirala evropsko politiko nesprejemanja beguncev –
»Lena Headey went to Lesbos, the island at the heart of Europe’s refugee crisis, and two migrant camps in northern Greece to visit refugees stranded by Europe’s closed-door policies.
On Friday, she told The Associated Press the trip had been life-changing.
Co-stars Maisie Williams and Liam Cunningham joined her on the trip organized by the U.S.-based relief agency, the International Rescue Committee. …
More than a million migrants and refugees have traveled from the shores of Turkey to Greek islands since early 2015. Families crossed in dinghies and unsafe boats and continued to mainland Europe during the crisis, which triggered border closures across the continent. It also started an explosive political debate that emerged as a key issue in Britain’s referendum to leave the European Union, and is likely to play a role in upcoming elections in Germany and elsewhere.
Headey described Europe’s treatment of people fleeing war in Syria and other countries as “utterly ridiculous.” …
The British actress spoke with refugees who have been trapped in Greece for months.
“They just want a voice. That’s what they all said to each of us — ‘tell my story, tell my story’ — and that’s what we’re going to do,” Headey said.
“It was a life-changing trip to see firsthand the enormity of the loss of humanity that’s at stake. These people can and want to contribute to the world. They are smart with education and skills and we’re not allowing them to. We just stop them living. It can’t continue.”
Refugees, she said, were being deliberately misrepresented as a financial burden and security threat.
“I’d like to just erase the complacency and fear and replace it with humanity,” she said.«6https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/07/01/game-of-thrones-refugee-crisis/
The Flood
Headey kot sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” nastopa v filmu The Flood, kjer promovira migracije oz. globalizacijo v imenu liberalnega establišmenta.
»Headey is currently filming a movie called, “The Flood,” in which she plays a British immigration officer named Wendy, who decides the fate of a potentially dangerous Eritrean refugee named Haile (Ivanno Jeremiah). Being part of a movie which is based on real-life refugee experiences has reaffirmed Headey’s support for helping the world’s most vulnerable people. … There are currently more than 21 million refugees worldwide, with more than half of them coming from Syria, Afghanistan, and Somalia. Turkey has resettled more than 2.5 million refugees, the most of any country. Italy has also seen a massive influx of migrants, as the nation has become a crossroads in the main migration route from Africa. Greece is experiencing the same. … Immigration was a focal point in the United Kingdom’s “Brexit” debate. According to Headey, discussions about the refugee crisis in the UK have been moved to the backburner since the referendum. She hopes “The Flood” can reinvigorate support for resettling refugees.
The film is set for release in 2018. When it premieres, it will join the handful of movies that tackle the plight refugees face on daily basis. Though there are many documentaries about the subject, like the Oscar nominated “White Helmets [povezani s CIA; z njimi sodeluje sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” in član od CFR George Clooney],” “The Flood” will be one of the only fictionalized accounts.«7https://www.globalcitizen.org/es/content/lena-headey-game-of-thrones-star-refugee-crisis/
Plan International
Headey je ambasadorka od Plan International, ki je nastal leta 1937 z idejo, da je otroke po svetu potrebno zaščititi –
»I never expected to be in a position where I can connect on such an expansive social level with people – where I can hopefully encourage people to join Plan International USA and help raise much-needed awareness and funds.
The ever-present abuse of social and human rights in our world keeps me consciously awake, grateful, and humble.
Geography dictates my freedom as a woman, geography and the women before us who fought for our equal political voice. The inequality that is all too prevalent all over the world is so great and so frightening. We owe it to our sisters who have no voice, and no chance to be heard, to speak up.«
Financerji od Plan International leta 2020 –
»Accenture … AstraZeneca. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Chelsea FC. Citi. Coca-Cola. Credit Suisse … Fondation Chanel. Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media. Generation Unlimited. Girls not Brides. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Global Partnership for Education … JPMorgan Chase Foundation … Lego Foundation. Microsoft … Procter & Gamble … UN Women … Viacom. Women Deliver«8https://plan-international.org/finance; Plan International Worldwide Annual Review 2020; PDF str. 29
Headey je podpornica od LGBT organizacije NOH8.
Podpornica Alexandrie Ocasio-Cortez
Headey je podpornica od kongresnice in sredstva ”liberalne CIA” Alexandrie Ocasio-Cortez, kot tudi od novozelandske premierke Jacinde Ardern, ki je prav tako promotorka ideologij ”liberalne CIA”. Na svojem instagram profilu 27.3.2019 , kjer je AOC govorila o klimatskih spremembah je zapisala –
»@ocasio2018 and #jacindaardern #gretathunberg …. Who should run the world … YOU. Brilliant, vocal, fearless, bold and Inspirational women . I fucking love you and am side by side with every word 👊👊👊💗«9https://www.instagram.com/p/BvhLdJlBs9K/
Ocasio-Cortez, ki je leta 2016 delala kot organizatorka pri predsedniški kampanji top sredstva ”liberalne CIA” Bernieja Sandersa, je postala prva ženska članica od Democratic Socialists of America, ki je bila izvoljena v kongres. Pri tem je bila podprta s strani progresivnih organizacij, kot je MoveOn.org, močno financirane s strani Sorosa, kot tudi od Ploughshares Fund.
Leta 2019 je Ocasio-Cortez ”predlagala” zakonodajo o Green New Deal. Skupina je bila sestavljena v Green New Deal Coalition, ki jo v glavnem sestavljajo nevladne organizacije financirane s strani liberalnega establišmenta in ”liberalne CIA”. Financer koalicije je Sunrise Movement, ki seveda spada v omrežje ”liberalne CIA”, gibanje pa je tudi podprlo predsedniško kandidaturo Bernieja Sandersa leta 2020.
Vodstvo od Sunrise Movement je tesno povezano s 350.org, ki je močno financirana s strani Rockefellerjev, Tides Foundation, Park Foundation, ClimateWorks Foundation, kot tudi s strani tesenega Sorosovega zaveznika, člana od CFR in člana Bilderbergov Billa Moyersa, preko Schumann Center. Ustanovna predsednica od Sunrise Movement je Varshini Prakash (Bloomberg Green Festival; Climate One; The Years Project; Austrian World Summit R20; pro-Bernie Sanders; klimatska svetovalka od Joeja Bidena); članici uprave sta Betamia Coronel in Cristina DuQue (Sierra Club). So-ustanovitelj in politični direktor Evan Weber (U.S. Climate Plan; Evergreen Action) je sodeloval na Occupy Wall Street; so-ustanovitelj in član uprave Michael Dorsey (Sierra Club; okoljevarstveni programski svetovalec med predsedniško kampanjo Barack Obama, 2008; Enrironmental Protection Agency – Obama; George W. Bush Administration; bil član administracije Billa Clintona) je član od elitnega Club of Rome; so-ustanoviteljica in upravna direktorica Sara Blazevic (Fossil Fuel Divestment Student Network), prav tako sodelovala na Occupy Wall Street. Članica od Sunrise Movement je bila tudi Xiye Bastida (People’s Climate Movement) iz prav tako radikalnega Extinction Rebellion.
Dyanna Jaye, organizacijska direktorica od Sunrise Movement je članica direktorske uprave od US Climate Action Network, katerega financerji in članske organizacije leta 2020 so –
»Support: Kendeda Fund. Kresge Foundation. Mertz Gilmore Foundation. [John D. & Catherine T.] MacArthur Foundation. Surdna Foundation. [William & Flora] Hewlett Foundation … Tides Foundation. Overbrook Foundation. Nathan Cummings Foundation. Wallace Global Fund. 11th Hour Project [Eric Schmidt] … Member organizations: 350.org … Alliance for Climate Education … Avaaz … BlueGreen Alliance … CARE USA … Center for Community Change … Ceres … Citizens Climate Lobby … Climate Reality Project … Conservation International … Earthjustice … Earthworks … Environmental Defense Fund … Friends of the Earth … Greenpeace USA … Hip Hop Caucus … Institute for Policy Studies … League of Conservation Voters … Natural Resources Defense Council … Our Climate Education Fund … Oxfam America … Refugees International … Service Employees International Union … Sierra Club … Sunrise Movement … The Wilderness Society … Union of Concerned Scientists … Voices for Progress … World Resources Institute … World Wildlife Fund«10https://issuu.com/uscan/docs/usacan_2020_final_single; str. 33-36
- Financerji od Sunrise Movement Education Fund, predstavljajo sam vrh fundacij ”liberalne CIA” –
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund –
- Financerji od Sunrise Movement Education Fund, predstavljajo sam vrh fundacij ”liberalne CIA” –
»$100,000 … 2019«11https://www.rbf.org/grantees/sunrise-movement-education-fund
- George Soros –
»Recent FEC filings show environmental activism group Sunrise Movement’s in-house PAC received a $250,000 donation from Democracy PAC dated 04/29/2020. Democracy PAC is a Super PAC started by and entirely funded by Democratic megadonor George Soros and Fund For Policy Reform, the latter being a 501(c)(4) nonprofit that falls under the Open Society umbrella, on which Soros and two of his sons have seats on the board. … Sunrise PAC, which is Sunrise Movement’s political action committee, has raised approximately $1,000,000 this cycle. That means the $250,000 received by Democracy PAC accounts for a staggering 25% of their total income so far, making them Sunrise’s largest outside donor (Sunrise Movement injected $400,000 of their own money into their PAC earlier this year). … This massive donation from Soros could be seen as problematic for an environmentalist group however, as according to Soros Fund Management’s latest 13F filed with the SEC, Soros’ firm owns stock in several pipeline companies such as KKR and Dominion Energy, including over $2,000,000 worth of Energy Transfer Partners — owners of the Dakota Access Pipeline.«12https://medium.com/@RobletoFire/sunrise-movement-received-250-000-from-soros-super-pac-in-april-a40974e7c61c
- Wallace Global Fund –
»The Wallace Global Fund has awarded the second annual Henry A. Wallace Award — which includes a $250,000 cash award — and an investment of $750,000 to the Sunrise Movement and its partners.«13https://philanthropynewsdigest.org/news/wallace-global-fund-awards-1-million-to-sunrise-movement-partners
- John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation –
»Sunrise Movement Education Fund was awarded $500,000 in 2021, including 1 grant in Climate Solutions.«14https://www.macfound.org/grantee/sunrise-movement-education-fund-10115358/; dostop 22.10.2021
- Ford Foundation –
»137003 … 2020, $250,000«15Pridobljeno iz excelove tabele od Ford Foundation – https://www.fordfoundation.org/work/our-grants/grants-database/grants-all
- William & Flora Hewlett Foundation –
»$500,000 … 2019«16https://hewlett.org/grants/sunrise-movement-education-fund-for-general-operating-support/; dostop 22.10.2021
»$500,000 … 2020«17https://hewlett.org/grants/sunrise-movement-education-fund-for-general-operating-support-0/
»$300,000 … 2021«18https://hewlett.org/grants/sunrise-movement-education-fund-for-general-operating-support-1/
»$71,500 … 2021«19https://hewlett.org/grants/sunrise-movement-education-fund-for-support-to-scale-organizational-capacity-and-for-financial-planning/
- Flora Family Foundation –
»2020 … $100,000 … 2019 … $100,000«20https://www.florafamily.org/past-grants
- Park Foundation –
»$100,000 [2019]«21https://parkfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/2019-Grants-Awarded.pdf; str. 8
- ClimateWorks Foundation –
»2020 … $225,000«22https://www.climateworks.org/grants-database/
- Nekaj koalicijskih članov od Green New Deal –
»Center for Popular Democracy, Climate Justice Alliance, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, Greenpeace, Indigenous Environmental Network, Indivisible, Movement for Black Lives, MoveOn, People’s Action, Right To The City Alliance, Service Employees International Union, Sierra Club, Sunrise Movement, US Climate Action Network, and the Working Families Party.«23https://www.greennewdealnetwork.org/network; dostop 22.10.2021
- Kot tudi –
»Justice Democrats … Justice First, Dream Corps / Green For All, 350.org, CREDO Action, Indivisible, Demos, Honor the Earth, Labor Network for Sustainability, National Domestic Workers Alliance, Organic Consumers Association, Presente.org, League of Conservation Voters (LCV), and Earthjustice.«24https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-and-rep-ocasio-cortez-introduce-green-new-deal-resolution
Svetovalec od kongresnice Alexandrie Ocasio-Cortez pa je (bil) Zack Exley. Exley je Open Society Fellow (George Soros), ter avtor knjige Rules for Revolutionaries, ki je bila odlično sprejeta med top Rockefellerjevim sredstvom ”liberalne CIA” Naomi Klien, kot tudi s strani super elitne Katrine vanden Heuvel iz The Nation Institute. Exley pa je bil tudi višji svetovalec od Bernieja Sandersa, ter z nekdanjimi Berniejevimi sodelavci iz njegove predsedniške kampanje ustanovitelj od Justice Democrats, ti, pa so po poročanju številnih medijev tesno povezani s kongresniško kampanjo Ocasio-Cortez. So-ustanovitelj od Justice Democrats je tudi Cenk Uygur iz Young Turks Network (del ”liberalne CIA”; leva alternativa Alexa Jonesa), kot tudi Saikat Chakrabarti, ki je bil vodja kabineta od Ocasio-Cortezove, dokler ni avgusta leta 2019 postal vodja od think tanka New Consensus, ki promovira Green New Deal. Direktor pri New Consensus tudi Zack Exley.
Exley je bil prvi organizacijski direktor od pro-Obamove MoveOn Civic Action – MoveOn.org, kot tudi bil svetovalec od britanske Labour Party, s katero je povezan tudi Sunrise Movement. Poleg tega je leta 2010 Exley postal glavni direktor za prihodke, leta 2012-13 pa glavni direktor za skupnost pri Wikimedia Foundation, katere ustanovitelj Jimmy Wales je tesno povezan z Georgem Sorosom. Wales pa tudi govorec pri Ted Conferences, kot tudi bil udeleženec pri super elitnem World Economic Forum.
Leta 2010, ko se je Exley pridruži Wikimedia Foundation, je bila ta financirana s strani naslednjih fundacij ”liberalne CIA” in posameznikov –
»Foundation Support: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation … Omidyar Network … Google Inc. Charitable Giving Fund of Tides Foundation … Stanton Foundation … The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation … Ford Foundation … Open Society Institute … Major Benefactors ($50,000+): … Bing [Microsoft] … Leading donors ($5,000 to $14,999) … Mitchell Kapor Foundation … Elon Musk … Sustaining donors ($1,000 to $4,999): … Joichi Ito«25https://web.archive.org/web/20100620170741/http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/benefactors
Exley je bil so-ustanovitelj od prograsivnega ”grassroots” New Organizing Institute (NOI), ki je od nastanka leta 2005 do leta 2015, ko je prenegal delovati, izučil 30 000 članov oz. ”ljudskih aktivistov” za digitalno organizacijo in kampanje za Demokratsko stranko. NOI je bil že od začetka partnerska organizacija od pro-Obamovega MoveOn.org, ki je bil tudi financer od raznih delavnic od NOI. Vadbeni model politične kampanje za leto 2006, pa je bil na primer narejen po modelu Campaign Corps od EMILYs List.
»In order to test the concept and begin getting online campaigners trained and placed in time to impact the 2006 election cycle, Zack Exley and Judith Freeman organized a 9-day winter intensive training. They assembled the NOI advisory board that reads like a Who’s Who in online organizing, registered a 501c(4) and 527, and raised $200,000 to put on the training (including revenue from fee-paying organizations). … We were rewarded with a genuinely diverse class that included community organizers, campaign professionals, experienced programmers, recent college graduates, computer science majors, individuals with little to no technology experience, web designers, and those looking to break into the emerging field of new organizing in politics. 45% were women and 38% minorities; 53% under 25.«26https://web.archive.org/web/20080917184359/http://www.neworganizing.com/noistory.php
- Član uprave od NOI James Rucker, pa je tam prišel kot so-ustanovitelj od ColorofChange.org, ter služil kot direktor od Grassroots Mobilization za MoveOn.org Political Action in Moveon.org Civic Action.
- Joan Blades, članica svetovalne uprave od NOI, je so-ustanoviteljica od MoveOn.org; je so-ustanoviteljica in predsednica uprave od MomsRising; direktorica od American Progressive Caucus Policy Foundation; govornica pri TED Talk.
- Eli Pariser, član svetovalne uprave od NOI, je leta 2004 postal izvršni direktor od MoveOn.org, ter od leta 2008 predsednik uprave od MoveOn; so-ustanovielj od Avaaz.org; je Omidyar Fellow pri New America Foundation; član svetovalne uprave od SumOfUs; član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od AccessNow.org; član svetovalnega odbora od Jstreet; sodelavec od Safra Center for Ethics na Harvard University; je Langfield Visiting Resident pri Princeton University; je eden izmed 25ih vodilnih pri Information and Democracy Commission, ki so jo ustanovili Reporters Without Borders; bil govorec pri TED Talk.
- Andrew Hoppin, član svetovalne uprave od NOI, je član svetovalne uprave od Netroots Nation, ter strateški svetovalec od Craigslist Foundation.
- Ari Rabin-Havt, član svetovalne uprave od NOI, je delal za Al Gora in Harrya Reida; delal za Democratic National Committee; so-ustanovitelj od Click Back America, ki je poznan tudi kot MoveOn Student Action.
- Mike Podhorzer, član svetovalne uprave od NOI, je bil politični direktor od AFL–CIO, ter bil višji svetovalec od njegovega predsednika Richarda Trumke; predsedujoč upravi od Catalist; član uprave od America Votes; član uprave od Progressive Majority; medtem, ko je bil pri AFL-CIO je pomagal pri ustanovitvi od Working America, ki je postal AFL-jev partner; član svetovalnega odbora od Our Story Hub, ki je projekt od Proteus Fund; so-ustanovitelj in predsedujoči od Analyst Institute; leta 2021 začel sodelovati z MoveOn pri predsedniški kampanji Johna Kerrya; bil poročen s Carol Browner, ki je članica uprave od League of Conservation Voters in bila administratorka pri Environmental Protection Agency.
- Cliff Schecter, član svetovalne uprave od NOI, bil politični svetovalec med drugo predsedniško kampanjo Billa Clintona; je politični kolumnist za The Guardian; redni pisec za The Huffington Post in za radijski program od Young Turks; avtor knjige The Real McCain: Why Conservatives Don’t Trust Him—And Why Independents Shouldn’t.
NOI pa je podeljeval Organizer of the Year Award, ki jo je leta 2015 dobila Charlene A. Carruthers, kot klasično sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” –
»Charlene A. Carruthers is a Black, queer feminist community organizer and writer with over 10 years of experience in racial justice, feminist and youth leadership development movement work. She currently serves as the national director of the Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100) at byp100.org, an activist member-led organization of Black 18-35 year olds dedicated to creating justice and freedom for all Black people. … She has led grassroots and digital strategy campaigns for national organizations including the Center for Community Change, the Women’s Media Center, ColorOfChange.org and National People’s Action, as well as being a member of a historic delegation of young activists in Palestine in 2015 to build solidarity between Black and Palestinian liberation movements. Charlene … has served as a featured speaker at various institutions including Wellesley College, Northwestern University and her alma mater Illinois Wesleyan University. … Her work has been covered several publications including the New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Reader, The Nation, Ebony and Essence Magazines. She has appeared on CNN, Democracy Now!, BBC and MSNBC. Charlene has also written for theRoot.com, Colorlines and the Boston Review. She was recently recognized as one of the top 10 most influential African Americans in The Root 100.«27https://www.womenwerk.com/copy-of-jessica-morris
Financerji od New Organizing Institute leta 2008 –
»George Soros … $100,000 … Service Employees International Union … $65,000 … Working Assets … $66,000 … AFL-CIO … $5,000 … Amalgamated Transit Union … $5,000 … Votes Activation Network $10,000 … MoveOn.org … $5,000«28https://web.archive.org/web/20121017154718/http://neworganizing.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/NOI-501c4-990-2009.pdf; str. 13-14
Ostali financerji od NOI od 2008-2015 –
»New Organizing Institute’s 501(c)(3) “sister,” the NOI Education Fund, received $16 million in grants between 2008 and 2015 … Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program ($3,620,000) … Ford Foundation ($3,419,371) … Tides Foundation and Tides Center ($1,694,545) … Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund ($1,445,000) … Foundation to Promote Open Society and Open Society Foundations ($900,000) … Unbound Philanthropy ($475,000), a donor affinity group that funds liberal immigration policy groups and is closely associated with George Soros … Arca Foundation ($390,000) … Hull Family Foundation ($367,500) … Schmidt Family Foundation ($250,000), private foundation of former Google CEO Eric Schmidt … Wallace Global Fund ($215,000) … NoVo Foundation ($200,000) … Joyce Foundation ($182,500) … Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr Fund $200,000 2011 … $75,000 2012 … $75,000 … 2011 Energy Foundation $150,000 2011 … San Francisco Foundation $87,500 2012 … Silicon Valley Community Foundation $85,000 … Nathan Cummings Foundation $75,000 2011 … Bauman Family Foundation $50,000 2013 Color of change revenue project … Bauman Family Foundation $50,000 2014 Colorofchange.org … Compton Foundation Inc $50,000 2012 … Proteus Fund $50,000 2010 … Marisla Foundation $50,000 2010 … Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors $30,000 2014 … Ploughshares Fund $25,000 2014 … Robert R Mccormick Foundation $25,000 2013 … Ploughshares Fund $14,950 2014 … New World Foundation $10,000 2013«29https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/new-organizing-institute/
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez je bila so-predsedujoča od Biden-Sanders campaign climate task force. V tej igri liberalnega establišmenta, sta se Ocasio-Cortezova in Sanders, ter ostala sredstva ”liberalne CIA”, delali, kot ”trd anti-establišment oreh” v pogajanjih s predsedniškim kandidatom Joejem Bidenom, predstavnikom liberalnega establišmenta, pred tem v Obamovi (CIA) administraciji kot pod-predsednik ZDA, skupaj s Savdijci, Združenimi Arabskimi Emirati, Katarjem in Turčijo vpleten v vojno v Libiji in Siriji, na strani skrajnih islamistov. Sicer Biden sam obtožil prej naštete države (jasno, izpustil sebe in svojo administracijo), da so financirale in oboroževale skrajne islamiste, nakar se je Erdoganu in Združenim Arabskim Emiratom opravičil za obtožbe proti njima, medtem, ko se Katar in Savdska Arabija nista odzvali na njegove obtožbe. Ta sredstva ”liberalne CIA” seveda niti besede o tem, da bi razjasnila dogajanja v Siriji in Libiji, razen v okvirih dovoljenega. Še več, še vedno so pomembni podporniki od Obame & Co. Kot tudi ta sredstva ”liberalne CIA” ne bodo razkrila kako liberalni establišment deluje, katere so vodilne nevladne organizacije, ki poganjajo ta sistem iz ozadja, ter za koga v resnici delajo sami. Kritizirajo edino tisto ali tistega, kar jim super elita za katero delajo in katera jih plačuje, dovoli.
»Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will co-chair a task force for Joe Biden‘s campaign on climate change, a move that adds progressive credentials to the former vice president’s effort to unify the party ahead of the general election.
Ocasio-Cortez will work with former Democratic presidential nominee and Secretary of State John Kerry, the panel’s other co-chair, in a group that also includes Varshini Prakash, the executive director of the Sunrise Movement, the youth-led champions of the Green New Deal.
The task forces, which also cover health care, the economy, criminal justice and education, include a lineup of progressive leaders and top Biden campaign aides and allies. Sanders revealed plans to form the advisory panels when he dropped out of the presidential primary last month, a sign of both campaigns’ desire to form a united front against President Donald Trump and smooth over worries among Democrats that the party would splinter along ideological lines. …
“It’s no great secret out there, Joe, that you and I have our differences, and we’re not going to paper them over [Sanders se tukaj dela ”anti-establišment”, a financiran in popolnoma kontroliran s strani istih bankirskih/CIA elementov kot Biden]. That’s real,” Sanders said when he endorsed Biden in April. “But I hope that these task forces will come together utilizing the best minds and people in your campaign and in my campaign to work out real solutions to these very, very important problems.”
“A united party is key to defeating Donald Trump this November and moving our country forward through an unprecedented crisis,” Biden said. “As we work toward our shared goal, it is especially critical that we not lose sight of the pressing issues facing Americans.” …
Two sources familiar with the discussions told CNN that former President Barack Obama had been involved in the initial discussions about forming the task forces. A former top Sanders aide praised Biden’s team for its cooperation and said it did not reject any of the Sanders camp’s recommendations. In turn, the source said, the Sanders team chose its representatives carefully — steering clear of “bomb throwers” and focusing on experts, activists and lawmakers, like Ocasio-Cortez, with a sincere interest in collaboration. …
Sanders’ team is hoping to influence the personnel decision that would accompany a potential Biden transition, the Democratic Party platform, which will be hashed out over the summer at its convention, the Biden campaign’s own policy prescriptions.
Analilia Mejia [Unite Here; Working Families Party; White House Champion of Change – Obama], the Sanders campaign’s former national political director, and Carmel Martin [Center for American Progress], from the Biden campaign, will be charged with the coordinating the six groups’ work.
The health care group will be co-chaired by Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal [Distinguished Taconic Fellow – Center for Community Change; OneAmerica Foundation; We Belong Together; Fair Immigration Reform Movement; White House Champion of Change – Obama], a top congressional progressive and “Medicare for All” advocate, and former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy. The panel also includes Donald Berwick, who served as administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services during the Obama administration, and has written in defense of a single-payer health care system.
Sara Nelson [Association of Flight Attendants-CWA; AFL-CIO; Matriarch PAC], a progressive union leader, and California Rep. Karen Bass [TransAfrica Forum; CA African Americans for Obama; Obama’s national African American Leadership Council] will co-chair the task force on the economy; Chiraag Bains [Leadership in Government fellow – Open Society Foundations; Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans; Demos] and Virginia Rep. Bobby Scott [Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security Subcommittee] will lead the criminal justice reform group; Heather Gautney [višji svetovalec od Bernieja Sandersa; Our Revolution; Campaign For America’s Future; Center for Place, Culture and Politics; Occupy Wall Street; Alternative Globalization Movement; Anti-Iraq War Movement] and Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge [The Humpty Dumpty Institute] will co-chair the education panel; and the task force on immigration will be headed up by Marielena Hincapié [National immigation Law Center; Jobs with Justice; Commission on Immigration – American Bar Association; Indivisible] and California Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard [Congressional Progressive Caucus; PODER PAC].
Other high profile additions include former Attorney General Eric Holder [Common Good; Sigma Pi Phi – Boule; Save the Children; Covington & Burling LLP; Markle Task Force on National Security in the Information Age – Markle Foundation], a member of the criminal justice reform group, progressive economist Stephanie Kelton [Matriarch PAC; advisor to Bernie Sanders’s 2016 presidential campaign; Intelligence Squared US; Sanders Institute; Visiting Professor – University of Ljubljana; TED Talk] and Randi Weingarten [Clinton Global Initiative; Anti-Defamation League; The International Rescue Committee; Economic Policy Institute; Democracy Alliance; United Federation of Teachers; New York City Central Labor Council – AFL-CIO], president of the American Federation of Teachers. …
Former Sanders campaign manager Faiz Shakir [član predsedniške kampanje John Kerry 2004; Center for American Progress; Democracy Alliance Conferences; American Civil Liberties Union] called the task forces “a structural path to allowing Progressives an opportunity to influence the Biden campaign” and praised the Biden campaign as “exceptionally willing to embrace the input of the Bernie campaign.”
Ocasio-Cortez spokeswoman Lauren Hitt [Obama for America; Bill de Blasio for Mayor] said in a statement Tuesday night that the congresswoman made the decision to join the task force “with members of the Climate Justice community,” pledging that “she will be fully accountable to them and the larger advocacy community during this process.“«30https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/12/politics/ocasio-cortez-biden-campaign-task-force-climate-change/index.html