Michael Bloomberg
Čas branja 27 minut
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- Bloomberg in Kissinger
- Bloombergove povezave
- Bloomberg ustanovitelj
- Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism
Michael Bloomberg ni direktno javno podprl Grete Thuberg, sta bila pa oba v ospredju že na COP25 v Madridu leta 2019. Bloomberg sam vsekakor zelo pomembna oseba iz ozadja tako globalne (okoljske) politike, kot tudi ”liberalne CIA”, ter tesno povezan s posamezniki, kot je Al Gore, ki so v ozadju od Thunbergove. Bloomberg, v tem obdobju tudi še neuspešni (anti-Trumpov) kandidat liberalnega establišmenta za ameriškega predsednika, od leta 2018 deluje kot UN Special Envoy for Climate Ambition and Solutions. Na ta položaj pa ga je imenoval generalni sekretar Antonio Guterres.
Greta Thunberg in Michael Bloomberg za CBS This Morning –
»What Greta Thunberg, Michael Bloomberg, and a meteorologist want you to do to help the Earth … We also asked an activist, a meteorologist and a politician to share tips on what you can do to help the Earth. Here’s what they said: Greta Thunberg: “Spread awareness about this crisis” …
“Call your elected official and say, ‘I don’t want to breathe dirty air, I don’t want to pollute the world, I don’t want to run the risk of the Earth not being able to sustain life. Let’s do something about climate change. Stop polluting,'” Bloomberg advised.«1https://www.cbsnews.com/news/climate-change-greta-thunberg-michael-bloomberg-and-a-meteorologist-want-you-to-help-the-climate/
Greta Thunberg in Michael Bloomberg na UN-ovem srečanju v Madridu leta 2019 –
»UN negotiators meeting in Madrid have been accused of “playing politics” while the climate crisis grows. … US presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg is due to attend, while Greta Thunberg will also address the meeting. … Up to half a million people took part in a march in Madrid in support of rapid climate action, but according to observers, negotiators haven’t got the message. … While the interventions of Michael Bloomberg and Greta Thunberg will likely gain headlines, there is still uncertainty over whether a final decision can be taken here that will be ambitious and set out a clear timeline for countries to get their pledges on the table ahead of COP26 in Glasgow in November 2020.«2https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-50706236
»“We are desperate for any sign of hope,” Thunberg said. “I’ve given many speeches and learned that when you talk in public you should start with something personal or emotional to get everyone’s attention, say things like ‘our house is on fire,’ ‘I want you to panic,’ and ‘how dare you.’ But today I will not do that, because then those phrases are all that people focus on. They don’t remember the facts, the very reason why I say those things in the first place.”
On Wednesday, Thunberg was named Time Magazine’s person of the year. …
Outside the COP25 venue, activists from Extinction Rebellion blocked roads and camped out overnight on Monday demanding stronger action on climate change and protections for Indigenous peoples facing violence amid the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. On Wednesday, youth activists occupied the stage during one of the COP25 events. …
There were some signs of progress toward reducing emissions, however. Former New York Mayor and presidential contender Michael Bloomberg highlighted on Tuesday that many US cities, states, and businesses remain committed to the Paris climate agreement and are on track to meet its goals, even though the US government is officially going to withdraw from the accord next year.«3https://www.vox.com/2019/12/11/21010673/cop25-greta-thunberg-climate-change-un-meeting-madrid
Bloomberg, ki ima okoli $57 milijard premoženja je pomemben član liberalnega establišmenta, ter pomemben financer ”liberalne CIA”, v glavnem preko svoje zasebne fundacije Bloomberg Philanthropies. Poleg tega je Bloomberg od leta 1999 tudi član od Council on Foreign Relations, ter preko svoje fundacije tudi financer in korporativni član od CFR. Poleg tega pa je Bloomberg še član od Rockefellerjeve Trilateral Commission; član od elitne Century Association; član od elitnega The Economic Club of New York; bil udeleženec od Clinton Global Initiative; bil udeleženec od Bohemian Grove, 2008.
Bloomberg in Kissinger
Bloomberg je dober prijatelj od Henrya Kissingerja, kateremu je leta 2015 tako čestital za rojstvni dan –
»Happy Birthday Dr. Henry Kissinger – a wise statesman and good friend.«4https://twitter.com/mikebloomberg/status/603681894786555906
Tega leta je bil Bloomberg tudi ustanovni financer od Kissinger Center for Global Affairs na super elitni Paul H. Nitze School for Advanced International Studies na Johns Hopkins University, kjer je bil tedaj Bloomberg predsedujoči upravitelj univerze. Financerji od inštituta so –
»The Agnelli Family … Bloomberg Philanthropies … China-United States Exchange Foundation … The Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation … JPMorgan Chase & Co. … The Kraft Group … The Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis Foundation … Rupert Murdoch … Peter G. Peterson Foundation … David Rockefeller … Eric and Wendy Schmidt … The Speyer Family Foundation … The Starr Foundation … The Xerox Foundation«5https://sais.jhu.edu/kissinger/about/donors; dostop 23.2.2022
Bloomberg je tudi financer od Henry A. Kissinger Prize pri elitni American Academy in Berlin, katere financerji so še –
»Hushang Ansary, Audi AG, Georg Bauch-Food Concepts, [Bloomberg Philanthropies], Robert Bosch GmbH, Mrs. Edward P. & Mrs. Francois Djerejian, Goldman Sachs & Co., Helga & Erivan Haub, Baroness Nina von Maltzahn, Porsche AG, The Honorable John F. W. Rogers, and Unternehmensgruppe Tengelman.«6https://www.americanacademy.de/events/henry-a-kissinger-prize/; dostop 23.2.2022
Bloomberg in Henry Kissinger sta leta 2017 skupaj dobila nagrado od George C. Marshall Foundation. Kissinger je dobil George C. Marshall Foundation Award, Bloomberg pa George C. Marshall Foundation Humanitarian Award.
»Henry Kissinger received the George C. Marshall Foundation Award for a lifetime dedicated to supporting free enterprise and democracy throughout the globe and for his skilled statesmanship in solving tough problems. Michael R. Bloomberg received the inaugural George C. Marshall Foundation Humanitarian Award for his extraordinary philanthropy and the effects of his generosity on the lives of countless individuals and numerous organizations that have benefitted from his largess. Walter Isaacson, president and CEO of the Aspen Institute, served as master of ceremonies … Retired career diplomat Thomas R. Pickering delivered a tribute to Dr. Kissinger, and Carnegie Corporation of New York President Dr. Vartan Gregorian spoke in praise of Mayor Bloomberg.«7https://www.marshallfoundation.org/newsroom/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2017/09/Fall-2017-Strategist-Online-version-FINAL.pdf; str. 1
Vidnejši člani svetovalnega odbora in upravitelj od George C. Marshall Foundation so (bili) super elitni Dick Cheney, Thomas R. Pickering, General Andrew Goodpaster, Harry Byrd Jr., Paul Nitze, Cyrus Vance, Bernard Rogers, Edward Meyer, Warren Rudman, David Abshire, Colin Powell, C. Boyden Gray, General Paul Gorman, Melvib Laird, Brent Scowcroft, John C. Whitehead, Richard Armitage, Rozanne Ridgeway.
Dobitnika nagrad tudi David Rockefeller in George H. W. Bush leta 2002.
Korporativni partnerji od fundacije leta 2017 –
»Five-Star Members: Axiom Investors. Bloomberg Philanthropies. Carnegie Corporation of New York. GE Aviation. Hearst. L-3 Technologies. Pwc. Siguler Guff & Company. The Starr Foundation. Four-Star Members: BNY Mellon. FedEx. Two-Star Members: Airbus Group. Air France KLM. Deloitte … Ernst & Young. Heineken. Honeywell … Perella Weinberg Partners. Pfizer. Raytheon … One-Star Members: … Booz Allen Hamilton«8https://www.marshallfoundation.org/newsroom/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2017/09/Fall-2017-Strategist-Online-version-FINAL.pdf; str. 2
Bloombergove povezave
World Conservation Society
Bloomberg je bil kot župan New Yorka tudi upravitelj od zelo elitne World Conservation Society, kjer je bil častni upravitelj tudi Robert Wood Johnson IV (CFR; Trumpova administracija; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation). Upravitelji pa tudi Andrew H. Tisch, David B “Scott” Schiff, Walter C. Sedgwick, John N. Irwin III (Achelis and Bodman Foundations – ”konservativna CIA”), Frederick W. Beinecke (The Prospect Hill Foundation; The Samuel H. Kress Foundation), Julia Marton-Lefèvre (Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation; China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development; World Resources Institute; International Research Institute for Climate and Society; Coca-Cola Company; Dow Chemical Company), Duncan A. Chapman (ex-Lehman Brothers), Judith H. Hamilton (ex-Ernst & Young; Committee for Economic Development), Alejandro Santo Domingo (ex-Goldman Sachs; Grupo Empresarial Bavaria S.A.; The Nature Conservancy), Hamilton E. James (Blackstone Group; Center for American Progress; Port Authority Board of Commissioners).
Institute of Advanced Study – Princeton University
Bloomberg je bil upravitelj od Institute of Advanced Study na Princeton University, ki je po njemu imenovala Bloomberg Hall. Upravitelji od inštituta pa so še drugi pomembni predstavniki liberalnega establišmenta, kot so David Rubenstien (Blackston Group; CFR), Afsaneh Beschloss, Nancy B. Peretsman (Allen & Company – Sun Valley Meetings), Mario Draghi (ex-European Central Bank; Brookings Institution; ex-Goldman Sachs; Group of Thirty), Vartan Gregorian (CFR; Carnegie Corporation of NY; Ford Foundation Fellow), Helene L. Kaplan (ex-JP Morgan Chase; Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom; Carnegie Corporation of NY; MITRE Corporation), Eric E. Schmidt (CFR; Google; New America Foundation, Bilderberg Group; Trialteral Commission; Peterson Institute for International Economics; J.P. Morgan Chase; The Atlantic Council; Trilateral Commission), James D. Wolfensohn (World Bank; CitiGroup; Bilderberg Group; CFR), Marina v.N. Whitman (CFR; Bilderberg Group). Na Institute of Advanced Study pa je profesor tudi Noam Chomsky iz Institute for Policy Studies, ki je ”liberalna CIA” kontrolirana opozicija.
Sun Valley Meetings
Bloomberg je bil udeleženec od Sun Valley Meetings, ki ga vodi s CIA in Trilateral Commission/Coca-Colo povezana banka Allen & Co., preko katerega se ne dogajajo samo pomembni poslovni premiki v ozadju finančnega, medijskega in informacijskega poslovanja, ampak tudi širi ideologija ”liberalne CIA”.
Kot tudi je bil Bloomberg udeleženec od skrivne Forstmann Little Conference, ki so se je udeležili še ostali pomembni člani liberalnega establišmenta, kot so Henry Kissinger, Sir Evelyn Rothschild, Donald Rumsfeld, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton, Eric Schmidt, George Tenet, kot tudi medijski predstavniki, kot sta Tom Brokaw in Oprah Winfrey.
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
Bloomberg je predsedujoči od Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), ki je nastal, da bi svetoval “investors, lenders and insurance about climate related risks.” Vodilna finančna podjetja, ki so partnerji od TCFD imajo skupno $118,000 milijard sredstev.
»Nearly 800 public- and private-sector organizations have announced their support for the TCFD and its work, including global financial firms responsible for assets in excess of $118 trillion. … Based on a recent report issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a global group of climate scientists convened by the United Nations, urgent and unprecedented changes are needed to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement«9https://www.fsb-tcfd.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/2019-TCFD-Status-Report-FINAL-053119.pdf, str.i-ii
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) je nastal preko Financial Stability Board pri Bank for International Settlements, ki mu je tedaj predsedoval (2011-2018) Mark Carney, sedaj tudi UN Special Envoy for Climate Action & Finance za COP26. Carney je bil v obdobju 2013-2020 še guverner od Bank of England. Pred tem je od leta 1990 do 2003 delal za Goldman Sachs v različnih pisarnah v Bostonu, New Yorku, Londonu, Tokiju in v Torontu. Leta 2003 je zapustil GS, ter postal namestnik guvernerja pri Bank of Canada, leta 2007, v obdobju finančne krize pa postane guverner. S tem položajem postane najmlajši guverner centralne banke med državami G8 in G20. Carney je bil pri Bank for International Settlements v obdobju od julija 2010 do januarja 2011 tudi predsedujoči od Committee on the Global Financial System.
Carney, ki je uradno nasprotnik Brexita, je član od Rockefellerjeve Group of Thirty; član fundacijske uprave od World Economic Forum, ter udeleženec foruma 2008, 2013-14; bil udeleženec od Bilderberg Group, 2011, 2012 in 2019. Carney je tudi tuji direktor pri Peterson Institute for International Economics; direktor od Bloomberg Philanthropies; od leta 2015 član izredno pro-globalistične mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Blavatnik School of Government (Dominic Barton; Lord Weidenfeld; Lord John Browne; Bill Clinton; Mathias Dopfner; Eric Schmidt; Sir John Hood; Anne-Marie Slaughter; Wolfgang Reinicke) na Oxford University; član globalne svetovalne uprave od PIMCO; član uprave od Hoffman Institute for Global Business and Society pri INSEAD; bil leta 2020 skupaj z ostalimi top predstavniki liberalne super elite govorec pri Fortune Global Forum/Fortune-Time Global Forum; bil častni govorec pri The Economic Club of NY; bil leta 2021 govorec pri Pi Capital; bil govorec pri Climate One.
Januarja leta 2020 je britanski premier Boris Johnson imenoval Carneyja na položaj finančnega svetovalca za britansko predsedovanje pri COP26 v Glasgowu, ki bi morala biti prvotno leta 2020, a je bila prestavljena za eno leto.
Vidnejši partnerji od TCFD so – ABN AMRO Bank N.V., Accenture (del od CFR), Allianz SE, American Bar Association, Anglo American, ArcelorMittal, AXA Group, Banco Santander, Bank of America, Bank of England, Bank of New York Mellon (del od CFR), Barclays (del od CFR), Barrick Gold Corporation, BASF SE, BBVA, Belgijsko ministrstvo za finance, BHP, BlackRock (del od CFR), Bloomberg LP (del od CFR), Bloomberg LP Retirement Plans, BMCE Bank of Africa, BNP Paribas, China Asset Management Co., Ltd., Citigroup Inc. (del od CFR), Coca-Cola HBC AG (Trilateral Commission), Credit Suisse Group AG, Daimler, De Nederlandsche Bank, Deloitte Global (del od CFR), Deutsche Bank (del od CFR), Dow Chemical Company, E.ON SE, eBay, Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management, Electric Power Development Co., Ltd., Eni SpA, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, EY Global Limited (del od CFR), First Abu Dhabi Bank, General Mills, Glencore, Global Accounting Alliance, Goldman Sachs (del od CFR), Kanada, Čile, Francija, Švedska, Velika Britanija, H&M group, Harvest Fund Management – Kitajska, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (del od CFR), Hitachi Ltd. (del od CFR), HSBC Holdings plc, HSBC Pension Trust (UK) Ltd., Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, ING Group, Institute of International Finance, JPMorgan Chase & Co. (del od CFR), Leonardo SpA, Lloyds Banking Group, London Stock Exchange plc, Maersk, Mitsubishi Corp. (del od CFR), UBS Realty, Moody’s Corporation (del od CFR), Morgan Stanley (del od CFR), Nasdaq (del od CFR), Nestlé, Nordea Bank Abp, OMV, PepsiCo Inc. (del od CFR), PwC, Rio Tinto (Rothschild), Rockefeller Asset Management, Royal Bank of Canada, Royal Dutch Shell plc., Royal Philips, S&P Global (del od CFR), Salesforce (del od CFR), Schroders, Scottish Episcopal Church, SIBUR LLC – Rusija, Société Générale, Solvay, St James’s Place Wealth Management (Rothschild), Standard Chartered (del od CFR), State Street Corporation, Statoil, Suez (družina Frere), Swedbank, Syngenta International, Telefónica, The New York City Board of Education Retirement System, The Virgin Group, ThomasLloyd Group, Total S.A. (del od CFR), Toyota Motor Corporation (del od CFR), Türkiye Garanti Bankası A.Ş., UBS Group, Unilever, United Church Funds, US-China Green Fund, Vanguard, Veolia, Walmart de México y Centroamérica, Wells Fargo & Company (del od CFR), Zurich Insurance Group.10https://www.fsb-tcfd.org/supporters/
Član vodstva oz. t.i. Data user od Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures tudi David Blood, ki je z Al Gorom ustanovitelj in višji partner od Generation Investment Management. Al Gore pa jasno predstavlja pomembno ozadje od Grete Thunberg. Tako se tudi tukaj vidi tesno sodelovanje med Bloombergom in ozadjem, ki promovira in osmerja Greto.
David Blood pa je tudi so-predsedujoči od The World Resources Institute; bil generalni direktor od Goldman Sachs Asset Management; član uprave od The Nature Conservancy.
Leta 2007 je postal globalni partner od Generation Investment Management tudi Kleiner Perkins, katerega vplivni partner je super elitni John Doerr, ki je s tem postal tudi član svetovalne uprave od Generation Investment Management. Pomemben partner pri Kleiner Perkins pa je bil tudi super elini General Colin Powell.
Ostali Data users leta 2021 so še predstavniki od JP Morgan Chase (del od CFR), BNP Paribas Asset Management, UBS Asset Management, Citibanamex, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, AXA, Swiss Re. V preteklosti pa še od Barclays in BlackRock, katera upravlja s $7,430 milijardami sredstev.
Posebni svetovalec od TCFD pa je Russell Picot iz elitne britanske banke HSBC, katera ima zelo dolgo zgodovino pranja denarja od drog in črnih skladov.
Med vidnejšimi je tudi Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, ki upravlja z okoli $4,000 milijardami sredstev.
Breakthrough Energy
Februarja 2019, ko je imela Greta Thunberg govor pri Evropski komisiji v Bruslju, se je predsednik evropske komisije Jean Claude Juncker (hinavsko) delal, da je ganjen od Grete in njenih dejanj.
»“I’m glad to see that young people are taking to the streets in Europe to create visibility for the issue of climate change,” Juncker said. “Because mitigating climate change is not just the job of young people but in fact for older people, if only they were to take up the task.”«
Greti in medijem je Juncker dejal, da mora EU porabiti na stotine milijard evrov za boj proti klimatskim spremembam v naslednjih 10ih letih. Juncker je predlagal, da naj bi med leti 2021-2027 vsak četrti evro znotraj EU proračuna šel za ublaževanje klimatskih sprememb. Seveda Junckerjeva odločitev nima nobene veze s sredstvom ”liberalne CIA” Greto in njenimi dejanji, kot se to rado prikaže javnosti, ampak je to bilo narejeno v povezavi z 26.9.2018 na One Planet Summit, skupaj z World Bank, Bloomberg Philanthropies, World Economic Forum, itd. Udeleženci še Mark Carney, Bill Gates, Aliko Dangote, Christine Lagarde, Paul Polman, Arianna Huffington, Valdis Dombrovskis, Emmanuel Macron in ostali globalisti.
17.10.2018 po EU sporazumu na One Planet Summit, je ”Junckerjeva” EU podpisala Memorandum of Understanding z Breakthrough Energy-Europe, v kateri bodo imele korporativne članice od Breakthrough Energy-Europe prednostni dostop do katerega koli financiranja. Breakthrough Energy, ki tesno sodeluje z UN, je bila ustanovljena s strani super elitnega Billa Gatesa. Med člani od Breakthrogh Energy pa najdemo nekatere najpomembnejpe predstavnike super elite.
Člani od Breakthrough Energy so:
- Michael Bloomberg ($54 milijard premoženja, Bloomberg LP),
- Mukesh Ambani ( $60 milijard premoženja; Reliance Industries Limited – India, zelo povezan z liberalno elito),
- Marc Benioff ($6,9 milijard premoženja, Salesforce.com, top ‘liberalna CIA’, Sun Valley Meetings),
- Jeff Bezos ($111 milijard premoženja, tesno povezan s CIA, Amazon, Sun Valley Meetings, Forstmann Little Conferences – Conrad Black, Dick Cheney, Richard Clark),
- Richard Branson ($4 milijarde premoženja, Virgin Air; Forstmann Little conferences – skupaj z Bezosom & Co.),
- John Arnold ($3,3 milijarde premoženja; Laura and John Arnold Foundation – Arnold Ventures LLC),
- Ray Dalio ($18,7 milijard , Bridgewater Associates (del CFR)),
- Aliko Dangote ($8,9 milijard, Dangote Group, najbogatejši afričan),
- John Doerr ($7,7 milijard premoženja, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers; tesno povezan z Ericom Schmidtom, Jeffom Bezosom, Reidom Hoffmanom, Barackom Obamo; bil udeleženec super elitnega Forstmann Little Conferences skupaj s Kissingerjem, Volckerjem, Schultzem),
- Bill Gates ($108 milijard, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Sun Valley Meetings),
- Reid Hoffman ($ 1,9 milijard premoženja, LinkedIn, Bilderberg Group, Sun Valley Meetings),
- Sir Christopher Anthony Hohn ($1,2 milijarde premoženja, The Children’s Investment Fund Management),
- Vinod Khosla ($2,1 milijarde premoženja, Khosla Ventures),
- Jack Ma ($43 milijard premoženja, Alibaba),
- Dustin Moskovitz ( $12,2 milijarde premoženja, so-ustanovitelj od Facebook, Good Ventures) in Cari Tuna,
- Patrice Motsepe ( $2,1 milijarde premoženja, African Rainbow Minerals – del Sorosovega EITI),
- Xavier Niel (6,1 milijarde $, Iliad S. A.),
- Hasso Plattner ($15,9 milijard premoženja, SAP SE),
- HRH Prince Al-waleed bin Talal (Alwaleed Philanthropies Saudi Arabia),
- Julian Robertson ($4,4 milijarde premoženja, Tiger Management),
- David Rubenstein (predsedujoči od Council on Foreign Relations; $3,3 milijarde premoženja; Carlyle Group, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, CSIS),
- Neil Shen ($1,6 milijard premoženja, Sequoia Capital China),
- Nat Simons in Laura Baxter-Simons (Prelude Ventures, Sea Change Foundation),
- Masayoshi Son ($23 milijard premoženja, Softbank),
- George Soros ($8,3 milijarde premoženja, Soros Fund Management LLC (del CFR), $20 milijard premoženja v Open Society Foundations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, CFR),
- Tom Steyer ($1,6 milijard premoženja, NextGen America),
- Ratan Tata (uradno $ 1 milijarda premoženja, Tata Sons Private Limited (del CFR)),
- Meg Whitman ($3,8 milijarde premoženja, Hewlett Packard Enterprise),
- Ms. Zhang Xin in Mr. Pan Shiyi (SOHO China – $12,4 milijarde sredstev),
- Mark Zuckerberg ($74 milijard premoženja, so-ustanovitelj od Facebook (del CFR), Sun Valley Meetings);
Podjetja člani od Breakthrough Energy –
- BNP Paribas (upravlja z 2 000 milijardami € sredstev),
- Breakthrough Energy Venture,
- Engie (153 milijard € sredstev),
- General Electric (del CFR, del Pilgrims Society, Sun Valley Meetings, $310 milijard sredstev),
- Microsoft (del CFR, Sun Valley Meetings, $286 milijard sredstev),
- National Grid,
- Oil & Gas Climate Initiative,
- Reliance Industries Limited ($140 milijard sredstev),
- Total S. A. (del CFR, $256 milijard sredstev),
- University of California,
- Wells Fargo (del CFR, $1 900 milijard sredstev),
- Wheatsheaf.
V tej skupini pa je tudi vodilna investicijska banka Black Rock (del od CFR; upravlja s $7,400 milijardami sredstev in je največje tovrstno podjetje na svetu), ki je tudi vodila Climate Finance Partnership, oznanjen 26.9.2018, na One Planet Summit v NYC. Climate Finance Partnership pa sta potrdila francoski predsednik Emmanuel Macron (Attalijevo in Rothschildovo sredstvo) in Larry Fink ($1 milijarda premoženja; član od CFR, član uprave od Robin Hood Foundation (glavni financer George Soros)) iz BlackRock. Larry Fink spada pod okrilje Rockefellerjevega top zaveznika Petra G. Petersona (Pilgrims Society, Trilateral Commission, CFR) in Stephena Schwarzmana (Skull&Bones, CFR, Atlantic Council, Asia Society), ki sta ustanovitelja od Blackstone Group (CFR, Kissinger Associates, CIA).
Climate Finance Partnership sestavljajo še francoska vlada, nemška vlada, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (top ”liberalna CIA”), Jeremy and Hannelore Grantham Environmental Trust ($245 milijonov sredstev) in IKEA Foundation.
Bloomberg ustanovitelj
Bloomberg Global Business Forum
Bloomberg je ustanovitelj od Bloomberg Global Business Forum, ki je nastal leta 2017. Forum je dejansko nadaljevanje od super elitne Clinton Global Initiative.
Ustanovni partnerji so še ostali pomembni člani in zavezniki liberalnega establišmenta, kot so to John Elkann iz pomembne Bilderberg družine Agnelli; Savdski princ Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz; Jack Ma iz Alibabe, ki podpira 72-urni delovni teden (Working 12 hours a day, six days a week is a gift “beyond monetary gains,” according to China’s richest man.)11https://www.marketwatch.com/story/alibabas-jack-ma-calls-the-996-chinas-72-hour-work-week-a-huge-blessing-2019-04-15; Anand Mahindira iz Mahindra Group; Alingo Dangote iz Dangote Industries.
»Michael R. Bloomberg today announced the second Bloomberg Global Business Forum will be held in New York City on September 26th at the Plaza Hotel during the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly. Supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies … With protectionism on the rise – as well as worldwide population growth, economic inequality and climate change threats – it has never been more important for the world’s public and private sector leaders to uncover common goals and engage in economic diplomacy to promote continued globalization, innovation and competition. This one-of-a-kind forum will move beyond analysis and provide participants with the chance to shape the next stage of the global economy.
The inaugural Bloomberg Global Business Forum held in September 2017 was attended by more than 50 heads of state and 250 global CEOs from all regions of the world including French President Emmanuel Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook, Blackrock Co-founder Larry Fink, Microsoft Corp. Founder Bill Gates, Alibaba Founders Jack Ma and Lucy Peng, PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi, SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son and many others. The Forum also served as the stage for several major announcements including announcements by World Bank President Jim Kim and UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa Cantellano who joined Michael Bloomberg to announce a new initiative to ramp up finance for climate action; California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.’s announcement of the 2018 Global Climate Action Summit being held in San Francisco; Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan views on security for a region in flux; and discussions by European Commission Vice President Federica Mogherini, ENGIE CEO Isabelle Kocher and Econet Founder Strive Masiyiwa on climate change, mass migration and economic transformations.
The 2018 Bloomberg Global Business Forum partners are Alphabet Inc./Google CFO Ruth Porat, BNP Paribas CEO Jean-Laurent Bonnafé, Credit Suisse CEO Tidjane Thiam, Dangote Group President/Chief Executive Aliko Dangote, Engie Global CEO Isabelle Kocher, EXOR Chairman and CEO John Elkann, LVMH Chairman and CEO Bernard Arnault, Mahindra Group Chairman Anand G. Mahindra, Misk Foundation Chairman and His Royal Highness Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, and SOHO China Founder and CEO Xin (Shynn) Zhang.
Heads of state from five continents are already confirmed to attend this year’s Forum. Prominent attendees expected include United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa Cantellano; Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England; Adriana Cisneros, CEO of Cisneros Group; Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice President for the European Commission; Roger Ferguson, President and CEO of TIAA-CREF; Dawn Fitzpatrick, CIO of Soros Fund Management; Ken Griffin, Founder and CEO of Citadel; former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger; Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund; Bill McDermott, CEO of SAP; Nicholas Moore, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Macquarie Group; South African President Cyril Ramaphosa; The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC, Commonwealth Secretary-General; Feike Sijbesma, Chairman and CEO of Royal DSM; Barry Sternlicht, Founder and CEO of Starwood Capital Group; Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition; Alexa von Tobel, Founder and CEO of LearnVest; and Fernando Zóbel de Ayala, President and COO of Ayala Corporation.
Recognizing that saving our planet in the race against global warming is a shared responsibility requiring cooperation between governments, leaders from the public and private sectors and civil society, French President Emmanuel Macron, Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres, President of the World Bank Group Jim Yong Kim and United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action Michael Bloomberg will host the second One Planet Summit on the afternoon September 26th at the Plaza Hotel. They will convene key influencers to account for the implementation of commitments made at the inaugural One Planet event in December 2017, celebrate progress made and further engage public and private actors to raise ambition for multilateral climate action. The One Planet Summit will show how high-level institutional decision-makers as well as individual citizens can all work as one planet to deliver solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change and invent our collective future.«12https://www.bloomberg.org/press/releases/michael-bloomberg-bring-together-heads-state-international-ceos-2nd-annual-global-business-forum-one-planet-summit/
Udeleženci od Bloomberg Global Business Forum še – LeBrone James (na otvoritveni video konferenci), Lloyd Blankfein, Mark Rutte, Admiral Michael Mullen – CIA, Paul Polman, Frans Timmermans, Ajay Banga, Bill McDermott, George W. Bush, Laura Bush, Jamie Dimon, Bob Iger, Hank Paulson, David Rubenstein, Stephen Schwarzman, Bob Iger, Caroline Fairchild – LinkedIn, Dara Khosrowshahi – Uber, Cecilia Malmström, Narendra Modi, Pierre Moscovici, Brian Moynihan, Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, David M. Solomon, Xie Zhenhua, Ginni Rometty, Lawrence H. Summers, Ursula Von Der Leyen, Janet Yellen, Yu Liang, Lei Zhang, Zhou Xiaochuan.
Partnership for a New American Economy
Bloomberg je leta 2010 ustanovil pro-migrantsko organizacijo Partnership for a New American Economy, katere člani so še ostali predstavniki liberalnega establišmenta in financerji ”liberalne CIA”.
Poleg številnih ameriških županov, so to še
- Ursula Burns (Xerox Corporation; Uber – Sun Valley Meetings; American Express; The Business Council).
- Candace F. Beinecke (CFR; The Wallace Foundation; First Eagle Funds, Inc. – Soros; Rockefeller & Co Inc).
- Jeffrey L. Bewkes (CFR; Time Warner Inc. – Sun Walley Meetings; Media.NYC.2020 – Bloomberg; The Paley Center for Media; Partnership for the New York City).
- Lloyd C. Blankfein (Goldman Sachs; Human Rights Campaign; Federal Reserva Bank of NY; Robin Hood Foundation; Partnership for New York City; Catalyst; Clinton Global Initiative).
- Kenneth I. Chenault (CFR; American Express; Business Council; Facebook, Berkshire Hathaway – Sun Valley Meetings; Airbnb – Sun Walley Meetings).
- James Dimon (JP Morgan Chase; Federal Reserve Bank of NY; Business Council; Harvard Business School; Catalyst, Inc.; The Partnership for New York City).
- Mark Cuban (Dallas Mavericks; financer od Electronic Frontier Foundation).
- John Doerr (Forstmann Little Conferences; Google; One Campaign; Obama Foundation; Grameen Foundation; v ozadju nove Forstmann Little Conference in alternative od Sun Valley Meetings).
- H. Rodgin Cohen (Sullivan & Cromwell – CFR; The Economic Club of NY; svetovalec od JP Morgan Chase, AIG, Fannie Mae, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, Mellon Bank of NY, State Street Corporation, CitiGroup; Group od Thirty).
- Laurence Fink (BlackRock; CFR; Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism; New York University; Financial Services Leadership Forum – NYPL; Bloomberg Global Business Forum; Robin Hood Foundation; Business Roundtable; Museum of Modern Arts; Partnership for New York City; tesno povezan s francoskim predsednikom Macronom – One Planet Summit).
- James P. Gorman (Morgan Stanly – Sun Valley Meetings; U.S. Federal Reserve Board; Columbia Business School; Partnership for New York City; Institute of International Finance).
- Eric Garcetti (župan Los Angelesa; Rhodes Scholar).
- Kevin R Hackett (Rockefeller Group International; Partnership for New York City).
- Thomas Glocer (CFR; Thomson Reuters – CFR; Merck & Co.; Morgan Stanley; Afiniti; K2 Intelligence).
- Drew Houston (Dropbox – Sun Valley Meetings; Facebook; FWD.us).
- Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn – Sun Valley Meetings; CFR; Bilderberg Group).
- Charles R. Kaye (CFR; Warburg Pincus – CFR; Asia Society; The Partnership for New York City).
- Mari Kuraishi (Global Giving).
- Harold McGraw III (McGraw Hill Financial – S&P Global – CFR; Business Roundtable; Partnership for New York City; International Chamber of Commerce; The Business Council).
- Rochelle Lazarus (Ogilvy & Mather; Blackstone Group; General Electric; Merck & Co.; Rockefeller Capital Management; World Wildlife Fund; Columbia Business School).
- John C. Lechleiter (Eli Lilly and Company – tesno povezani s CIA; Business Roundtable; The Business Council; Columbia Business School; Harvard Business School).
- Gregory R. Page (Cargill; 3M; Deere & Co.; Alight – American Refugee Committee).
- Vikram Pandit (CitiGroup; Columbia Business School; Institute of International Finance).
- Robert E. Moritz (PricewaterhouseCoopers; World Economic Forum; Business Roundtable; Conference Board).
- Pierre Omidyar (eBay; Sun Valley Meetings; Omidyar Network; Humanity United; Berggruen Institute on Governance; Clinton Global Initiative).
- Richard D. Parsons (CFR; CitiGroup; Sun Valley Meetings; TimeWarner; LA Clippers; tesen priajteljdružine Rockefeller; Partnership for New York City; Rockefeller Brothers Fund; Rockefeller Foundation; Museum of Modern Art; Clinton Global Initiative; Rockefeller Center Club).
- Shantanu Narayen (Adobe – Sun Valley Meetings; Adobe Foundation; Pfizer; US-India Strategic Partnership Forum; Dell Inc.).
- John Paulson (Paulson & Co.).
- Haim Saban (Saban Entertainment; Saban Center for Middle East Policy – Brookings Institution; Clinton Global Initiative; AIPAC; Friends of the Israel Defense Forces; Israel Policy Forum).
- Stephen Schwarzman (CFR; Blackstone Group; Skull & Bones; JP Morgan Chase; Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence; Thu Business Council; Partnership for New York City; Berggruen Institute on Governance; Atlantic Council; British-American Business Council; Asia Society; Schwarzman Scholars – Tsinghua University; Bloomberg Global Business Forum).
- Rob Speyer (CFR; Tishman Speyer; Atlantic Council; Fund to Advance New York City; Business Roundtable; Fudan University; New YorkCity Police Foundation).
- John B. Veihmeyer (KPMG International; University of Notre Dame; Ford Motor Co.; Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts; Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy; Business Roundtable; Partnership for New York City).
- Jerry Yang (Yahoo! – Sun Valley Meetings; Sun Valley Meetings; Alibaba Group; Stanford University).
- Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook; Sun Valley Meetings; FWD.us; New Establishment Summit; SEM – Tsinghua University).
Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism
Bloomberg je leta 2014 ponudil domovanje Rothschildovi Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, ki ima svoj izvor v letu 2012 nastali delovni skupini HJS Inclusive Capitalism.13https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/mckinsey%20offices/united%20kingdom/pdfs/towards_a_more_inclusive_capitalism.ashx Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism ima tako svoj izvor v elitni neokonservativni/zionistični Henry Jackson Society, ki je skupaj z Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild tudi ustanoviteljica od HJS Inclusive Capitalism task force. HJS ima sicer svoj izvor na elitni britanski University of Cambridge, nakar pa se je preselila v London.
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