- Uvod
- Družina Trudeau
- Povezave Trudeauja z liberalnim establišmentom in omrežjem ”liberalne CIA”
- Microsoft CEO Summit
- Wall Street Journal CEO Council Summit
- Bloomberg Global Business Forum
- One Young World
- Feminist, ”okoljevarstvenik” in pro-migrantski Trudeau prodajal orožje Savdski Arabiji
- Trans-Pacific Partnership
- Pomemben podpornik od Trudeauja tudi Barack Obama
Justin Trudeau je kanadski premier od leta 2015 in pomemben promotor globalizma liberalnega establišmenta in ”liberalne CIA”.
Trudeau je 27.9.2019 oznanil, da se bo udeležil podnebnega akcijskega pohoda, ki ga je tisti dan vodila Greta Thunberg v Montrealu.
Trudeau je ob tem dejal –
»There has been an extraordinary amount of mobilization by young people, and by Canadians across this country and indeed around the world, calling for real action on climate change.«1https://www.firstpost.com/tech/science/greta-thunberg-to-strike-for-the-climate-in-canada-pm-justin-trudeau-to-join-her-7411821.html
Thunbergova se je istega dne sestala s Trudeaujem in mu dejala, jasno da, kot sredstvo liberalne super elite in sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”, da se ne bori dovolj proti podnebnim spremembam. Trudeau, kot član super elite, ji je ”obljubil”, da bo posadil dve milijardi dreves, če bo ponovno izvoljen.
»[Thunberg] said that Trudeau is not doing enough — but added that she says the same thing to every political leader she meets.
“My message to all the politicians around the world is the same: just listen and act on the current, best available united science,” she said.
“I try not to focus on the individuals and rather focus on the whole picture because … of course it’s easier to just blame someone and of course he has a lot of responsibility … and he, of course, is not doing enough.
“But we need to, because this is such a huge problem. This is a system that is wrong. So my message to all the politicians is the same — to just listen to the science and act on the science.”
[Trudeau said] She is the voice of a generation of young people who are calling on their leaders to do more and to do better, and I’m listening«2https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-greta-thunberg-climate-change-action-1.5299674
Pri tem je Trudeau na svojem Facebook profilu zapisal –
»Thank you, Greta Thunberg for inspiring our kids, for pushing us all to do more, and for building a movement to make it possible.«3https://www.facebook.com/JustinPJTrudeau/photos/thank-you-greta-thunberg-for-inspiring-our-kids-for-pushing-us-all-to-do-more-an/10158101226180649/
Družina Trudeau
Trudeau prihaja iz elitne globalistične družine, ki po očetu nadaljuje vodenje Kanade. Družina Trudeau je tesno povezana s super elitno družino Desmarais, katera je tesno povezana z Rockefellerjevimi interesi, kot tudi povezana s pomembnimi evropskimi poslovnimi interesi in posamezniki, kot so Etienne Davignon in družina Frere, ki ima v lasti družbo Suez.
Njegov oče Pierre Trudeau je bil govorec pri elitnem The Economic Club of NY; udeleženec srečanja od Club of Rome, leta 1971 v Salzburgu, kot tudi bil na otvoritvi kanadske sekcije leta 1974. Pierre je bil član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Desmaraisove Power Corporation of Canada, katere člani so bili še Paul Volcker, Charles Bronfman, Helmut Schmidt, Lord Armstrong of Ilminster (N. M. Rothschild; Rio Tinto), Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani (Savdski minister za nafto, 1962-1986), Gustavo Cisneros, Michael Francois-Poncet (BNP-Paribas), Baron Albert Frere, Pierre Haas (BNP-Paribas International), Viscount Rothermere. Medtem, ko je bil pomemben Rockefellerjev varovanec Maurice Strong izvršni pod-predsednik (1961-1963) in predsednik (1963-1966). Strong pa je v zgodnjih 60ih rekrutiral Jamesa Wolfensohna, da je vodil avstralsko podružnico od Power Corporation.
Družina Trudeau ima tudi svojo fundacijo Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, katere ustanovni član in predsedujoči je Edward Johnson. Johnson je bil tudi direktor pri Power Corporation of Canada. Fundacija je promotor ideologije ”liberalne CIA” – ”sistemski rasizem”, Black Lives Matter, … Eden od pomembnih financerjev fundacije je milijarder John H. McCall MacBain, preko McCall MacBain Foundation. MacBain, ki je študiral kot elitni Rhodes Scholar, je upravitelj od Rhodes Trust, ter bil pred tem direktor pri Power Corporation of Canada. MacBain je ustanovni predsedujoči od European Climate Foundation; član svetovalne uprave od Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (Elizabeth Barratt-Brown – Natural Resources Defense Council; Mark T. DeAngelis – The Nature Conservancy; Michael Fitzpatrick – Google; Adam Wolfensohn); direktor od Mandela Rhodes Foundation.
Justin Trudeau je, tako kot Greta, udeleženec od World Economic Forum; s Trumpom ustanovitelj od United States-Canada Council for the Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders (Ivanka Trump, Dina Habib Powell); bil udeleženec od Paris Peace Forum.
Poleg tega je Trudeau feminist, kot tudi agresivni promotor migracij v imenu globalizma in multikulturalizma liberalnega establišmenta, kot tudi pomemben promotor ”liberalne CIA”.
»Teaching boys to be feminists gives them a sense of justice and empathy and helps them “escape the pressure to be a particular kind of masculine” that is damaging to men and those around them, Trudeau writes. “I want them to be comfortable being themselves, and being feminists – who stand up for what’s right, and who can look themselves in the eye with pride.”
Trudeau said he had been thinking about how to raise his daughter, Ella-Grace, as a feminist when his wife, Sophie, reminded him that their sons Xavier and Hadrien needed to be advocates for women as well.«4https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/11/justin-trudeau-pens-essay-on-raising-feminist-sons-all-of-us-benefit
»Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may struggle to sell his ambitious new immigration plan to Canadians, a new survey shows.
Only 17 per cent of respondents say the country should accept more immigrants in 2021 than it did last year, according to a Nanos Research Group poll conducted for Bloomberg News. That suggests most Canadians are less than enthusiastic about aggressive new targets announced last week.
Trudeau hopes to attract 401,000 newcomers next year, 60,000 more than in 2019. The target would rise by 10,000 in each subsequent year, bringing it to 421,000 in 2023. Respondents were asked whether the government should raise levels above last year’s actual inflows. …
An open-door policy is a central tenet of the Liberal government’s long-term growth agenda.«5https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/trudeau-s-plan-to-ramp-up-immigration-falls-flat-with-canadians-1.1518817
Povezave Trudeauja z liberalnim establišmentom in omrežjem ”liberalne CIA”
Microsoft CEO Summit
Trudeau je bil udeleženec od Bill Gatesovega (zaprtega za javnost) Microsoft CEO Summit, ki je del njegovega podjetja Microsoft (del od CFR; del Sun Valley Meetings). Znani udeleženci srečanj, ki potekajo od leta 1997, so top predstavniki liberalnega establišmenta, poleg Gatesa, so to še Al Gore, General Kenneth Minihan (direktor od NSA), Steve Forbes, Riley Bechtel, William Esrey (Sprint), Frank Biondi (Universal Studios), Siegfried S. Hecker (Los Alamos National Laboratory; Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies), Paul Hazen (Wells Fargo), Katherine Graham, Nicholas Negroponte, Gerald M. Levin (AOL Time Warner), Rupert Murdoch, Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, Steve Ballmer (Microsoft; Los Angeles Clippers; Accenture), Martha Stewart, Jack Welch (General Electric), Jacques Nasser (Ford Motors), Michael Dell, Noboyuki Idei (Sony), John Chambers (Cisco), David Glass (Wal-Mart), Abdallah S. Jum’ah (Saudi Aramco; The Saudi Investment Bank; Halliburton), Carly Fiorina (HP), Hasso Paltner (SAP), Ross Perot Jr., Raymond Kurzweil, Barry Diller, Vivek Paul (Wipro; Freedom House), Thomas Friedman (New York Times), Tom Brokaw, Charlie Rose, Michael Kinsley (Slate), Rob Walton (Wal-Mart), Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan Chase), Timothy Geithner, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Al Saud, Ursula Burns (Xerox), Mike Duke (Wal-Mart), Robin Li (Baidu), Alan Mulally (Ford Motors), Bob McDonald (Procter & Gamble), Jim Sinegal (Costco), Walter Isaacson, Sal Khan (Khan Academy), Lei Zhang (Envision), Reed Hastings (Netflix), Muhtar Kent (Coca Cola), Jorge Paolo Lemann (3G Capital), Kevin Plank (Under Armour), Rex Tillerson (Exxon Mobil), Denise Morrison (Campbell Soup), Ivan Seidenberg (Verizon), Bradbury Anderson (Best Buy), Robert Greifeld (Nasdaq Stock Market), Chartsiri Sophonpanich (Bangkok Bank), Oswald Grubel (Credit Suisse Group), Bernard Charles (Dassault Systemes), Satya Nadella (Microsoft), Arianna Huffington, Jeff Immelt (General Electric), Sizwe Nxasana (Telkom South Africa), Mohamed Al-Mady (Saudi Basic Industries Corporation).
Wall Street Journal CEO Council Summit
Trudeau je bil decembra 2020 udeleženec od Wall Street Journal CEO Council Summit, ki so se ga udeležili še William Kristol, Elon Musk, Mike Pompeo, Wilbur Ross, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Člani od WSJ CEO Council, če naštejem vidnejše predstavnike, so – Mike Roman (3M), Robert Ford (Abbott), Julie Sweet (Accenture), Jimmy Etheredge (Accenture), Milton Cheng (Baker McKenzie), Bernard Mensah (Bank of America), Jean-Yves Filion (BNP Paribas), David McCormick (Bridgewater Associates), Faiza J. Saeed (Crawath, Swaine & Moore), Thierry Betbeze (Dassault Falcon Jet), Punit Renjen (Deloitte Global), Richard Edelman (Edelman), Carmine di Sibio (Ernst & Young), Hugh Frater (Fannie May), Enrique Lores (HP Inc.), Arvin Krishna (IBM), Patrick Gelsinger (Intel), Alex Gorsky (Johnson & Johnson), Gianrico Farugia (Mayo Clinic), Satya Nadella (Microsoft), Adena Friedman (Nasdaq Inc.), Rupert Murdoch, Robert Thomson (News Corp), Lachlan Murdoch, David Taylor (Procter & Gamble), Mike Wells (Prudential PLC), Almar Latour (WSJ; Dow Jones & Co.), Afsaneh Beschloss (RockCreek), Sir Martin Sorrell, Marc Benioff (Salesforce), Mark Testoni (SAP National Security Services, Inc.), Kenichiro Yoshida (Sony), Maurice Greenberg, Surya Kant (Tata Consultancy Services), Michael Chertoff, Ross Perot Jr., Ronan Dunne (Verizon), Guru Gowrappan (Verizon Media), Anna Sarnoff (WarnerMedia Studios and Network Groups), John Visentin (Xerox).
Oktobra 2020 je WSJ CEO Council organiziral (online) srečanje, ki so se ga udeležili Bill Gates, Oliver Bäte (Allianz), John Bolton, General Stanley McChrystal, Paul Polman, Satya Nadella (Microsoft), Rahm Emanuel, Vivian Hunt (McKinsey & Co.), Christine Lagarde.
Letnega srečanja leta 2019 so se udeležili – Rahm Emanuel (vodja Obamovega kabineta 2009-2010; župan Chicaga 2011-2019), Beth Galetti (Amazon.com), Joe Kaeser (Siemens AG), Lawrence Kudlow, Jared Kushner, James Mattis, Nancy Pelosi.
Udeleženci srečanja maja 2021 so bili – Ben van Beurden (Royal Dutch Shell), Kurt Campbell, Mark Carney, Jamie Dimon, Kenneth C. Fraizer (Merck & Co.), Adeny Friedman (Nasdaq Inc.), Alan Jope (Unilever), Keyu Jin (London School of Economics), James Manyika (McKinsey Global Institute), General Paul M. Nakasone (NSA), Ginni Rommety, Uğur Şahin (BioNTech), David M. Salomon (Goldman Sachs), Margrethe Vestager (European Commission; Trilateral Commission; European Council on Foreign Relations), Janet Yellen, Eric Yuan (Zoom); programski udeleženci so bili – Stephanie Chang (The Trust – Wall Street Journal | Barron’s Group), Barbara Humpton (Siemens Corporation), Christian Klein (SAP), Almar Latour (Dow Jones & Co.; WSJ), Rich Lesser (Boston Consulting Group), Anna Sarnoff (WarnerMedia Studios and Networks Group), Rob Speyer (Tishman Speyer), Evan Spiegel (Snap Inc.), Robert Thomson (News Corp).
Gostje leta 2013 so bili – Barack Obama, Penny Pritzker, Larry Summers, Chris Christie, Paul Ryan, James Clapper, Gen. Martin E. Dempsey; medtem, ko so bili med vidnejšimi gosti in člani leta 2010 naslednji – Senator John McCain, Peter Orszag, Ernesto Zedillo (Yale Center for the Study of Globalization), Timothy Geithner, Robert Gates, Tom Albanese (Rio Tinto), Jeffrey Bewkes (Time Warner), Natarajan Chandrasekaran (Tata), Robert Diamond (Barclays PLC), Hugh Grant (Monsanto), Muhtar Kent (Coca Cola), Alan Mulally (Ford Motor), Rupert Murdoch, Frederick W. Smith (FedEx); med vidnejšimi člani od WSJ CEO Council leta 2010 so bili – Michael Bloomberg, Timothy Geithner, Robert Gates, Larry Summers, Muhtar Kent, David Rubenstein, Henry Kravis in Rupert Murdoch.
Bloomberg Global Business Forum
Trudeau je bil govorec prvega srečanja pri Bloomberg Global Business Forum, katerega ustanovitelj je Michael Bloomberg (UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ Special Envoy for Climate Action); medtem ko so ustanovni partnerji John Elkann Agnelli (Bilderberg Group), savdski princ Mohammad Bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Jack Ma (Alibaba), Anand Mahindra (Mahindra Group), Aliko Dangote (Dangote Industries).
Bloomberg Global Business Forum je nastal kot naslednik od Clinton Global Initiative.
Govorci v obdobju 2017-2019 so bili – LeBron James (otvoritvena video predstavitev), Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Henry Kravis, Henry M. Paulson, David M. Rubenstein, Stephen Schwarzman, Laurence D. Fink, Lloyd Blankfein, David M. Solomon (Goldman Sachs Group), Michael Corbat (Citigroup), George W. Bush, Laura Bush, Mark Carney, Bill Clinton, Jamie Dimon, Bob Iger (The Walt Disney Company), Christine Lagarde, Denis Duverne (AXA Group), Strive Masiyiva (CFR; Rockefeller Foundation; Asia Society; Bank of America), Dara Khosrowshahi (Uber), Caroline Fairchild (LinkedIn), Cecilia Malmström (Evropska komisarka; Trilateral Commission; Migration Policy Institute; Friends of Europe; German Marshall Fund Task Force; TTIP), indijski predsednik Narendra Modi, Federica Mogherini (Friends of Europe, European Leadership Network, International Crisis Group; Munich Security Conference; German Marshall Fund Fellow), Brian Moynihan (Bank of America), Tidjane Thiam (Credit Suisse), francoski predsednik Emmanuel Macron, nizozemski premier Mark Rutte, Zhang Xiaoqiang (Chinese National Development and Reform Commission), turški predsednik Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, novozelandska premierka Jacinda Ardern (deluje kot sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”), Sheila Lirio Marcelo (Care.com), Evan Spiegel (Snap Inc.), britanska premierka Theresa May, južno afriški predsednik Cyril Ramaphosa, Jim Hackett (Ford Motor Co.), Bill McDermott (SAP), Ginni Rometty (IBM), Frans Timmermans (Bilderberg Group; Institute for International Finance; World Leader Forum; Concordia Summit).
Partnerske organizacije od srečanja leta 2019 –
»The 2019 Bloomberg Global Business Forum partners include LVMH Moёt Hennessy-Louis Vuitton Chairman and CEO Bernard Arnault, BNP Paribas CEO Jean-Laurent Bonnafé, AXA Group CEO Thomas Buberl, Dangote Group President and Chief Executive Aliko Dangote, EXOR Chairman and CEO John Elkann, HSBC Holdings Group Chief Executive John Flint, Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra, Alphabet and Google SVP and CFO Ruth Porat, Goldman Sachs Chairman and CEO David M. Solomon, Enel CEO and General Manager Francesco Starace, Credit Suisse CEO Tidjane Thiam, Allianz Global Investors CEO Andreas Utermann, and Macquarie Group CEO Shemara Wikramanayake.«6https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/michael-bloomberg-to-host-2019-global-business-forum-bringing-together-heads-of-state-and-international-ceos-to-address-restoring-global-economic-stability-and-investing-in-the-transition-to-a-low-carbon-economy-300890931.html
One Young World
Trudeau je bil svetovalec od One Young World, preko katere se promovira pro-globalistične in mlade voditelje v duhu sredstev ”liberalne CIA”.
»At the heart of every global threat is a failure of leadership. This new generation is the most informed, most educated, most connected generation in human history. One Young World identifies, promotes and connects the world’s most impactful young leaders to create a better world, with more responsible, more effective leadership.«7https://www.oneyoungworld.com/about-us
Partnerske korporacije in organizacije od One Young World tako prihajo iz kroga Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Sun Valley Meeting in ostalih omrežij, ki so tesno povezana z liberalnim establišmentom.
Partnerji od 2019 London Summit – Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Citi, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Visa, Western Union, BP, Shell, The Coca Cola Company, PepsiCo., Credit Suisse, Standard Chartered, Viacom, Deloitte, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, FedEx, UPS, McKinsey&Co., PwC, Cargill, General Electric, Gilead, Allen&Overy, KPMG, Unilever, Verizon, Bloomberg, Brunswick, KFC, Manpower Group, BNP Paribas, Rio Tinto, AstraZeneca, Audi, BMW Group, Siemens, Total, Chanel, L’Oreal, Engie, Syngenta, Novartis, Ferrero, Nestle, Roche, Lenovo, Samsung, Vodafone Foundation, Tata, Anglo Gold Ashanti, Schlumberger, Bristol Myers Squibb, Airbus, IKEA, AirFrance, ORF, Sky, Thomson Reuters, European Commission, Chartered Accountants Worldwide, Abbott, British Council, London Business School, The Hague, Schwarzman Scholars, Yunus Youth.8https://www.oneyoungworld.com/partnerships
Poleg Trudeauja so bili pri različnih srečanjih svetovalci od One Young World prav tako tesno povezani z liberalnim establišmentom, kot tudi z omrežjem ”liberalne CIA”. Ti svetovalci so ali so bili –
Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Mary Robinson, Arianna Huffington, Sir Richard Branson, Paul Polman, Jack Dorsey, Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia.org), Jean-Paul Agon (L’Oreal), Dambisa Moyo (Barclays, Barrick Gold, Goldman Sachs), Vicente Fox, Mo Ibrahim, Juan Manuel Santos Calderón, Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein, Lord Michael Hastings (KPMG International), Bob Dudley (BP), Peter Schwarzenbauer (BMW AG), Hikmet Ersek (Western Union), Sir John Major, Oscar Morales, Ronan Dunne (Verizon), Bernard Kouchner (Medecins Sans Frontieres), Tidjane Thiam (Credit Suisse; McKinsey & Company), Leena Nair (Unilever), Juergen Maier (Siemens), Ellyn Shook (Accenture), Ken Costa (Lazard), Professor dr. Jan Peter Balkenende (Ernst&Young; Bilderberg Group; Clinton Global Initiative), Carolyn Everson (Facebook; Instagram), Joe Franses (Coca-Cola European Partners), Kofi Annan, Muhammad Yunus, Desmond Tutu, Sir Bob Geldof, Meghan Markle, Natalia Vodianova, Ahmed Kathrada, Fatima Bhutto, John Simpson (BBC), Thuli Madonsela (Law Trust & Social Justice and Law Professor, University of Stellenbosch), Jon Landau (Titanic, Avatar), Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway, Crown Prince Haakon, Lauren Bush, Fatou Bensouda (Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court), Mike Davis (Global Witness), Hassan Jallow (World Justice Project), Clifford M. Samuel (Gilaed Sciences), Mohammad Gawdat (Google), Jayathma Wickramanayake (United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth), Jane Goodall, Hani Abouhalka (Johnson & Johnson), Professor Richard R. Ernst, Tawakkol Karman (Women Journalists Without Chains; Transparency International), Saad Mohseni (International Crisis Group; International Center for Journalists), Ulrike Sapiro (The Coca-Cola Company; Water Stewardship & Sustainable Agriculture), Dame Ellen MacArthur (Ellen MacArthur Foundation), Salil Shetty (Amnesty International), Kumi Naidoo (Amnesty International), Laxman Narasimhan (PepsiCo Latin America; McKinsey & Company; CFR; Brookings Institute), Maajid Nawaz (TED Conferences), Martin Davidson (British Council), Eberhard von Koerber (Club of Rome; Clinton Global Initiative), Kenneth Roth (Human Rights Watch), Kathy Calvin (UN Foundation), Theodor Meron (CFR; Institute of International Law; International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals), Robert Črepinko (European Migrant Smuggling Centre-Europol), Emma Watson, Rosario Dawson, Cher, Jamie Oliver, Bruce Dickinson, Boris Becker, Roger Federer, Clarence Seedorf, Nadezhda “Nadya” Tolokonnikova (Pussy Riot), Sol Campbell, Juanpa Zurita (19 million followers on social media), Rossana Bee (over 20 million followers and several billion video views world-wide), Fonseca (Latin Grammy winner), Halima Aden (Fashion Model & Refugee), Wyclef Jean (Fugees), Akon, J. K. Rowling.
Feminist, ”okoljevarstvenik” in pro-migrantski Trudeau prodajal orožje Savdski Arabiji
Trudeaujeva feministična vlada je prodajala orožje Saudski Arabiji, kljub oz. ravno zaradi njene vpletenosti v vojno v Jemnu in drugje, in kljub umoru Khashoggija. Jasno, Savdska Arabija tesno povezana z liberalnim establišmentom in njenim obveščevalnim (CIA) ustrojem.
»Canada sold a record amount of military hardware to Saudi Arabia in 2019, despite sharply criticizing its poor human rights record and placing a moratorium on any new exports to the kingdom. Newly released figures show Canada sold nearly C$3bn (US$2.2bn) worth of military equipment to Saudi Arabia in 2019 – more than double the total of the previous year, reported the Globe and Mail. The bulk of the exports were light armoured vehicles, part of a deal with the Saudis worth C$14.8bn. The record figures come despite a moratorium on export permits following the killing of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and mounting civilian deaths from the war in Yemen. The government’s decision not to issue new permits does not affect existing permits. A permit can cover multiple items and as a result, companies have existing permits for years. … Canada also exported more than 30 large-calibre artillery systems and 152 heavy machine guns to Saudi Arabia. The multi-billion-dollar arms deal with the kingdom was initiated under a previous Conservative government in 2014, but continued under the Liberals.«9https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/09/canada-doubles-weapons-sales-to-saudi-arabia-despite-moratorium
»The Saudi regime is responsible for one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises through its war in Yemen. … In the run-up to Canada’s 2015 federal election, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau promised voters a renewed vision of Canadian foreign policy, including hikes in foreign aid, deployments of Canadian UN peacekeepers, and the use of a feminist perspective. … However, during Trudeau’s time as prime minister, Canada has exported more weapons abroad than at any point in its history. Some of these arms sales have been directed to the most repressive regimes in the world. … In 2014, Canada’s Conservative government brokered the sale of hundreds of light armored vehicles (LAVs), manufactured by the company General Dynamics [družina Crown – top Obamovi financerji] Land Systems-Canada (GDLS-C), for the Saudi Arabian National Guard. Worth $14 billion, this arms contract was the largest in Canadian history. While the Conservative government may have orchestrated the deal, it was the Liberals who actually greenlighted the arms shipments. Government documents published in April 2016 show that Trudeau’s minister of foreign affairs, Stéphane Dion, formally approved the export of the LAVs more than four months after the Liberals took power. The memo describes Saudi Arabia, a state that uses mass executions as a means of political repression, as a “key partner for Canada” and a “regional leader promoting regional security and stability.” Following the assassination of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents in October 2018, Canada did freeze arms exports to Saudi Arabia. However, this pause affected only new export permits. It did not prevent any of the LAVs that had already received permit approvals from leaving Canadian soil. In fact, exports even increased by 111 percent over this period of roughly a year and a half. … Saudi Arabia supplied written guarantees that Canadian LAVs would be used only for internal security purposes. But there are numerous photographs and videos of these LAVs being diverted to the Yemen conflict. Diversion is illegal under Canadian and international law, and awareness of diversion requires Canadian officials to revoke any further export approvals to the offending party. Canada has also sold other weapons to the Saudis, including thousands of Winnipeg-made sniper rifles. They, too, have been illicitly diverted, in this case to the military forces of the Saudi-aligned Yemeni government.«10https://www.jacobinmag.com/2021/02/trudeau-canada-saudi-arabia-arms-sales-yemen
Trans-Pacific Partnership
Trudeau je bil podpornik od Trans-Pacific Partnership, nastalega leta 2016, od katerega je kasneje, leta 2017, odstopila Trumpova administracija (neokonservativci/”konservativna CIA”). TPP, ki je bil tudi osrednja os Obamove administracije do Azije, je tedaj predstavljal največji svetovni ”prosto-trgovinski” dogovor. Iz TPP je kasneje nastal Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership. TPP so na začetku ”kritizirale” razne okoljevarstvene in ostale organizacije iz omrežja ”liberalne CIA”, kot so Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, World Wide Fund for Nature, Friends of the Earth, 350.org, Greenpeace, Institute for Policy Studies in ostali; medtem, ko je (Obamova) Bela hiša dobila podporo od organizacij iz istega omrežja, kot so Bloomberg Philanthropies, Center for American Progress, World Wildlife Fund, Wildlife Conservation Society, Defenders of Wildlife, International Fund for Animal Welfare, World Animal Protection, Seafood Watch in ostalih. Pomemben podpornik od TPP tudi elitni Peterson Institute for International Economics –
»The agreement will open new markets to trade and investment, but it also includes new rules in several important areas where critics have concerns. Some say it does not adequately protect the environment. But the TPP is actually the most environmentally-friendly trade deal ever negotiated.«11https://www.piie.com/newsroom/short-videos/tpp-and-environment
Pomemben podpornik od Trudeauja tudi Barack Obama
»Obama endorses Trudeau: ‘The world needs his progressive leadership’ … Barack Obama has urged Canadians to re-elect Justin Trudeau, an apparently unprecedented endorsement of a candidate in a Canadian election by a former American president. … “The world needs his progressive leadership now, and I hope our neighbors to the north support him for another term,” Obama wrote. Trudeau later responded with his own tweet: “Thanks my friend, we’re working hard to keep our progress going.” … Obama also endorsed Emmanuel Macron for president in France’s 2017 election, and he warned British voters against backing leaving the European Union.
Trudeau formed a close relationship with Obama when he was president and the two were pictured having dinner in Ottawa earlier this year.«12https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/oct/16/obama-justin-trudeau-canada-election