The Guardian
Čas branja 29 minut

- Uvod
- Guardian Media Group
- Scott Trust
- Financerji od The Guardian
- Članek o Inclusive Capitalism Initiative
The Guardian je daleč najbolj liberalen in progresiven britanski časopis. Poleg tega, da je The Guardian vodilni propagandist migracij, je vedno v ospredju, ko se gre za zavzemanje za Juliana Assangea iz Wikileaks ali za Edwarda Snowdena iz NSA. Seveda, je vse to predstava za javnost oz. načrtno manipuliranje oz. pranje možganov javnosti.
Časopisa in spletna portala The Guardian in The Observer, se upravljata preko Guardian Media Group in preko Scott Trust. Preko povezav vodstva se jasno vidi, da je le-to tesno povezano z neokonservativno bančno družino Rothschild, katera je pomembna globalistična in ”okoljevarstvena” zaveznica družine Rockefeller, kot tudi sam The Guardian je močno financiran, ne samo preko družine Rockefeller, ampak preko pomembnega sklopa fundacij iz ”liberalne CIA”, vključno s Sorosovo Open Society Foundations.
Družina Rothschild je vsekakor zelo pomemben dejavnik iz globokega ozadje te geopolitike, čeprav mediji o tem dejansko ne poročajo. Tudi ne preseneča to igranje vlog, ki jo igra elitni (skrajno) levičarski The Guardian ”proti” super elitni Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, ki jo vodi družina Rothschild. Takšne igre so seveda pomembne, da se zamegli dejansko dogajanje in glavne akterje, ter, da se vodi množice tam, kamor elite to želijo.
Poleg tega, da sta družini Rockefeller in Rothschild zgodovinsko tesno povezani, sta svoje sodelovanje leta 2012 še utrdili, ko je Rothschild Investment Trust, RIT Partners oznanil, da bo kupil 37% delež od Rockefeller & Company, katera upravlja Rockefellerjevo $34 milijard vredno premoženje. Lord Jacob Rothschild je s tem postal tudi član uprave Rockefellerjevega podjetja, katerega član uprave je tudi David Rockefeller Jr., tedaj pa je bil častni predsedujoči še David Rockefeller. David Rockefeller je ob tem dejal, da se z Jacobom poznata že pet desetletij.
Leto 2012 pa je tudi pomemben mejnik, ko preko družine Rothschild in neokonservativnega Henry Jackson Society nastane prej omenjena Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, ki je tesno povezana tudi z Rockefellerji.
The Guardian pa jasno, zelo pomemben propagandist od Grete Thunberg. Sam The Guardian pa pogosto povzemajo vodilni slovenski mediji, med drugim RTV Slovenija/MMC.
Guardian Media Group
Vodstvo od Guardian Media Group
Paul Myners
- Nekdanji predsedujoči član uprave od Guardian Media Group (GMG) baron Paul Myners iz Labour Party, ki je bil na tem položaju od 2000-2008, je kmalu nato postal član uprave od RIT Capital Partners PLC (Rothschild Investment Trust), leta 2015 pa je Myners nasledil top globalista, pro-migrantskega ideologa in tesnega Rockefellerjevega bankirja in zaveznika Petra Sutherlanda v guvernerskem odboru od London School of Economics, katera spada pod levičarsko Fabian Society. Poleg tega je Myners še direktor od Windmill Hill Asset Management, kjer je predsedujoči Lord Rothschild, leta 2018 pa je Myners postal še neodvisni direktor od Rockefeller Capital Management. Myners je bil tudi v vodstvu od Bank of England, bil tudi član uprave od elitne banke Lloyd’s of London, je predsedujoči od Edelman Public Relations, bil član uprave od N M Rothschild & Sons Ltd (1979—1985) in predsedujoči od Tate Foundation.
Carolyn McCall
- Carolyn McCall je bila generalna direktorica od GMG od leta 2006-2010, ter članica uprave od 1995, kot tudi članica uprave od Scott Trust, 2006-2010, kateri upravlja z The Guardianom. McCallova je članica uprave od Burberry Group Plc., kjer je predsedujoči Gerry Murphy, ki je glavni za evropski del od Blacksone Group (del CFR; tesno povezani s Kissinger Associates in AIG), ter bil član uprave o od British American Tobacco plc. McCallova je bila neizvršna direktorica od Lloyds TSB (leta 2016 višina sredstev v višini $436 milijard), ki spada pod elitno Lloyds Banking Group, katera pa ima sredstva v višini $833 milijard, ter bila eno leto članica uprave tudi tam. McCallova pa je bila tudi generalna direktorica od easyJet.
Amelia Chilcott Fawcett
- Amelia Chilcott Fawcett je bila predsedujoča od GMG, 2009-2013. Fawcettova je neizvršna direktorica od State Street Corporation, od katere generalni direktor za Evropo Jeff Conway je tudi član delovne skupine od Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism. Fewcettova je bila izvršna direktorica pri Morgan Stanley International; guvernerka od London Business School; predsedujoča od The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Foundation (ustanovitelj princ Charles); pravnica pri top Wall Street odvetniškem podjetju Sullivan & Cromwell LLP (del CFR); bila članica uprave od Bank of England. Fawcettova je Albrightova ambasadorka na The Albright Institute for Global Affairs – Wellesley College, ki ga je ustanovila top članica liberalnega establišmenta Madeleine Albright.
Brent Shawzin Hoberman
- Brent Shawzin Hoberman je bil neizvršni direktor od GMG. Skupaj s Jonathanom (Philip Pryce) Goodwinom sta ustanovitelja od Founders Forum, ki je evropski ekvivalent od Sun Valley Meetings. Gost od Founders Forum je bil tudi top član liberalnega establišmenta Peter Thiel, ki je pomemben član Trumpove administracije, kot tudi član nadzornega odbora od Bilderberg Group, ustanovitelj od In-Q-Tel/CIA financiranega Palantir Technologies (CFR), udeleženec od Sun Valley Meetings, prvotni investitor in član uprave od Facebook (CFR; Sun Valley Meetings), kot tudi financer Muskovega Open AI. Udeleženka od Founders Forum tudi pomembna Soroseva zaveznica Arianna Huffington, kot tudi ostali člani liberalne elite, kot so to Richard Branson, Reid Hoffman (CFR; nadzorni odbor Bilderberg Group; Sun Valley Meetings; LinkedIn), Sean Parker (Facebook; upravni partner od Founders Forum; član uprave od Obama Foundation), Ben Horowitz (Andreessen Horowitz, top ‘liberalna CIA’, Sun Valley Meetings), Tony Fadell (Apple – Sun Valley Meetings), Jessica Alba (hollywoodska ”liberalna CIA”), Ashton Kutcher (A-Grade Investments, Clinton Global Initiative, hollywoodska ”liberalna CIA”), Jeffrey Katzenberg (Walt Disney Studios, DreamWorks, Sun Valley Meetings), Daniel Ek (Spotify, Sun Valley Meetings), Ari Emanuel (Endeavor Talent Agency – ”liberalna CIA”), Mark Thompson (New York Times – Sun Valley meetings), Steve Case (AOL), Chad Hurley (YouTube – Sun Valley Meetings), Arthur Sulzberger Jr. (New York Times – Sun Valley Meetings; top član liberalnega establišmenta), Omid Kordestani (Twitter – Sun Valley Meetings), Demis Hassabis (Deep Mind – Google), Diane von Furstenberg (Partnership for a New American Economy), britanski princ William (top globalist), James Cameron (hollywoodska ”liberalna CIA”), Emanuelle Macron (francoski top globalist), in še vrsto ostalih. Hoberman pa je preko Founders Forum ustanovil tudi Founders Intelligence, ki sodeluje s podjetji kot so Lloyds Bank Group, BP, Fannie Mae in Unilever, Facebook, Diageo, Danone, iTC, Sky, Henkel. Hoberman pa je bil tudi član uprave od The Economist, ki je v lasti od družine Rothshild, Agnelli in še ostalih članov britanske aristokracije.
- Hoberman je predsedujoč svetovalni upravi od Oxford Foundry – Oxford University, kjer je član uprave tudi pomemben član liberalnega establišmenta in financer ”liberalne CIA” Ried Hoffman, ki je, kot že prej omenjeno član nadzorne uprave od Bilderberg Group, udeleženec od Sun Valley Meetings in član od Council on Foreign Relations. Člana uprave pa še Biz Stone (Twitter – Sun Valley Meetings), Jeff Wong (Ernest & Young – del CFR, financer ”liberalne CIA”).
- Hoberman je član svetovalne uprave od LetterOne Technology, katerega ustanovitelj je ruski oligarh in Zionist Mikhail Friedman, ki je bil tudi član globalne svetovalne uprave od Council on Foreign Relations, kot tudi tesno povezan z zinonistično-rusko oligarsko mafijo Solntsevskaya Bratva. Član uprave od LetterOne tudi Sorosov agent Lord Malloch-Brown, ki je bil član uprave od BP, udeleženec od Bilderberg Group, predsedujoči od Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, pod-predsedujoči od Open Society Fondations, pod-predsednik od Sorosovega Quantum Fund, ter so-predsedujoči od Sorosove International Crisis Group.
- Hoberman je imenovan za Young Global Leader – World Economic Forum.
Scott Trust
Vodstvo od Scott Trust
Andrew Graham
- Pri Scott Trust, ki upravlja z The Guardianom pa je predsedujoči upravi Andrew Graham. Graham je upravitelj od Rhodes Trust, katerega so-ustanovitelj je bil že večkrat omenjeni vplivni britanski imperialist, kolonialist in rasist Cecil Rhodes, ki je bil tesen zaveznik Rothschildov, kateri so bili tudi prvotni upravitelji od Rhodes Trust.
- Graham, ki je master od elitnega Balliol College, je bil član svetovalne uprave od ResPublica1 (ne zamenjati z britanskim think tankom), ki je glede na sestavo svetovalne uprave tesno povezan z Rockefellerjevo/Sorosovo navezo v omrežju ”liberalne CIA”. Vidnejši predstavniki svetovalne uprave so bili John Podesta (Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; Center for a New American Security; Center for American Progress; Truman National Security Project; Roosevelt Institute; Earth Future Coalition; Campaign for American Leadership in the Middle East; Clinton Global Initiative), Eli Pariser (;; Campaign for America’s Future; Sum of Us;, Anthony Barnett (; Transnational Institute Fellow, 1978 – 1983; The Guardian; New Left Review; Prospect), Zainab Bangura (Open Society Institute West Africa; International Crisis Group; National Endowment for Democracy Fellow; NED Democracy Award; Africa Democracy Forum), baronica Glenys Kinnock (European Council on Foreign Relations; Labour Party; Labour Friends of Israel; One World Action), Soha Ali Khan (Ford Foundation; Citigroup), Dai Qing (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists).
- Graham je predsedujoči od Europaeum, katerega ustanovitelj je tesen Rothschildov zaveznik Lord Weidenfeldt; ustanovitelja tudi super elitni Lord Ronald Grierson in Roy Jenkins; v vodstvu pa še financer Princ Hans Adam II von Liechenstein, princ Karel Schwartzenberg, ki je član Sorosovega European Council on Foreign Relations, José Manuel Barroso in Pascal Lamy, tudi član Sorosovega European Council on Foreign Relations.
Anthony Salz
- Anthony Salz je član uprave od Scott Trust od 2009 – . Salz velja za enega najbolj vplivnih korporativnih pravnikov. Salz je pod-predsednik od Rothschild Inc. in kot Rothschildov bankir je delal revizijo skorumpirane elitne banke Barclays (del od CFR), ki financira ideologijo ”liberalne CIA”. Salz je na začetku kariere delal za elitno odvetniško pisarno Davis Polk & Wardwell, bil član guvernerske uprave od BBC, katera je tesno povezana tako s super elito kot tudi z MI6. Salz je bil višji partner od elitne odvetniške pisarne Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, preko katere je opravil nekaj največjih visoko-profilnih korporativnih poslov, ter sodeloval z Rupertom Murdochom pri združitvi njegove Sky Television z British Satellite Broadcasting, iz česar je nastala BSkyB. Salz je sodeloval tudi pri združitvi med SmithKline in Beecham in pri združitvi med Reed International z Elsevier. Poleg tega pa je bil Salz predsednik svetovalne uprave od elitnega investicijskega podjetja Hambro Perks.
Njegov dober prijatelj je eden najvplivnejših britanskih bankirjev David Lionel Mayhew, ki je bil poslovni partner od Cazenove Group Limited, bil neizvršni predsednik od Cazenove Capital Holdings Limited, bil je predsednik od Cazenove Capital Management Limited, bil je neizvršni direktor od Rio Tinto Plc (Rothschildi pomembni so-lastniki), bil neizvršni direktor od Rio Tinto Group, je član elitnega britanskega Boodle’s Club, svetovalec od Cable & Wireless Communications, ter bil predsednik od JP Morgan Cazenove. Bankirska družina Cazenove je tesno poslovno povezana z britansko kraljevo družino. Družina oz. banka Cazenove pa je bila tudi tesno povezana s Thatcherjevo vlado, ki je dejansko predstavljala ideologijo ”konservativne CIA”, saj so bili v njeni vladi predstavniki banke Cazenove, ki so bili svetovalci glede privatizacije. In ko je Mayhew odstopil s polpožaja od JP Morgan Cazenove, se je Anthony Salz omenjal kot njegova zamenjava. Mayhew pa je tudi član svetovalnega panela pri Swiss Re, ki je tudi v elitnem klubu liberalnega establišmenta in v Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism.
Katharine Viner
- Katharine Viner je članica uprave od Scott Trust od leta 2015 in glavna urednica od The Guardian. Vinerjeva je bila prva ženska glavna urednica od The Guardian, pred tem pa je delala za Cosmopolitan. Njena znana kolumna iz The Guardian je Women of the Revolution: Forty Years of Feminism. Skupaj z Davidom Pemselom je oznanila zmanjšanje delovnih mest pri Guardianu in odpustitev 250 zaposlenih, ter nato šli na sprejemanje donacij – a dejansko so-financirani s strani liberalnega establišmenta in njihove ”liberalne CIA”.
- Viner je 29.4.2015 nastopila skupaj z Rockefellerjevo agentko Naomi Klien pri Lannan Foundation, katera predstavlja pomemben del ”liberalne CIA”. Ustanovitelj od Lannan Foundation je J. Partick Lannan, ki je bil 36 let direktor od podjetja IT&T, ki je tesno povezano preko Rockefellerjev, Kissingerja in CIA, z državnimi udari v Južni Ameriki. Član uprave od IT&T je bil tudi direktor od CIA John McCone, ki je bil tudi član od CFR. Za IT&T pa so v tistem času delali še ostali člani super elite – Felix Rohatyn – Lazard Freres/CFR; Eugene Black iz Ford Foundation/Atlantic Council/CFR; Harold Geneen bil predsednik od ITT Corporation in član od CFR, ko so pripravljali državne udare po Južni Ameriki.
Lannan Foundation pa je financer od –
»American Friends Service Committee … Center For Economic Research and Social Change … Democracy Now Productions (Democracy Now!) … Mother Jones … TYPE Media Center … Truthout … WESPAC Foundation«2
»Greenpeace … $600,000 … [unitl] 1996 … Sierra Club … $53,000 … [until] 1998 … Tides Foundation & Tides Center … $6,622,000 … [until] 2004«3
»According to the Lannan Foundation’s Form 990 financial filing for 2008, Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now! Productions was given three grants, totaling $375,000, by the Lannan Foundation. And that same year the Lannan Foundation also gave three grants, totaling $545,000, to The Nation/Nation Institute alternative left media group and three grants, totaling $475,000, to Foundation for National Progress/Mother Jones magazine.
“The Lannan Foundation in Santa Fe, New Mexico, believes in free speech. The foundation’s website says it is `dedicated to cultural freedom, diversity and creativity’. Authors, film-makers, poets make their way to a sanctum of liberalism bankrolled by the billionaire Patrick Lannan in the tradition of Rockefeller and Ford.
… according to its Form 990 financial filing, on December 31, 2008 the Lannan Foundation owned $942,000 worth of Microsoft stock, $953,683 of Disney Company stock, $1,267,640 worth of Wells Fargo stock, $1,389,789 worth of Coca-Cola Company stock, $1,580,982 worth of Wal-Mart stock and $44,145 worth of Goldman Sachs stock«4
Lannan Foundation pa je tudi financer od Rockefellerjeve kontrolirane ”proti-vojne” opozicije iz Institute for Policy Studies, ki je bil predstavljen že prej. Financer leta 2018 skupaj s spodaj navednimi sredstvi ”liberalne CIA” –
»AFL-CIO … American Postal Workers Union … Colombe Foundation … Common Counsel Foundation … Emerson Collective … Ford Foundation … International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers … JPB Foundation … Lannan Foundation … Lucy and Isadore B Adelman Foundation … The Moriah Fund Inc. … NoVo Foundation … Open Society Foundations … Park Foundation, Inc. … Ploughshares Fund … Rockefeller Brothers Fund … Sally and Dick Roberts Coyote Foundation … Samuel Rubin Foundation … Schumann Media Center … Sigrid Rausing Trust … Stewart R. Mott Foundation … The Annie E. Casey Foundation … The Atlantic Philanthropies … The Bauman Foundation … The James Irvine Foundation … The Nathan Cummings Foundation … The Progress Fund … The WhyNot Initiative … Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter Rock … W.K. Kellogg Foundation … Wallace Global Fund«5
Lannan Foundation pa tudi financer od Greenpeace – »$200,000.00 1995 – 1996«6
- Vinner je bila 24.4.2020 glavna govornica na globalni koneferenci The International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), skupaj s članom liberalnega establišmenta Arthurjem O. Sulzbergerjem, Jr., publicistom od New York Times. ISOJ je del programa od Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, kateri je nastal preko financiranja od John S. & James L. Knight Foundation, katera spada pod ”liberalno CIA”, ter upravlja z okoli $2,1 milijardo sredstev. John S. & James L. Knight Foundation v tej igri liberalnega establišmenta in ”liberalne CIA” financira organizacije, ki so ”kritične do prevlade” velikih tehnoloških podjetij kot so Facebook, Google in Apple. Tej igri so se priključili še Charles Koch Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, Craig Newmark Philanthropies in Omidyar Network. Med prejemniki sredstev za to nalogo tudi elitni American Enterprise Institute, ki spada pod ”konservativno CIA”. Med prejemniki sredstev tudi Economic Security Project, katerega ustanovitelj Chris Hughes je so-ustanovitelj od Facebook. Hughes pravi, da je korporativna moč ušla iz nadzora, dejstvo pa je, da je njegov Economic Security Project oz. ”Anti-Monopoly Fund” samo še eden od projektov liberalnega establišmenta in financiran preko ”liberalne CIA”, kot so Ford Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Omidyar Network, Nathan Cummings Foundation, John S. And James L. Knight Foundation. Chris Hughes, podpornik od Hillary Clinton, pa je tudi upravitelj od John S. & James L. Knight Foundation.
Financerji od ISOJ leta 2020 pa so –
»Google News Initiative [CFR; Sun Valley Meetings] … Microsoft [CFR; Sun Valley Meetings] … Univision Noticias [Sun Valley Meetings] … Journalism JSK Fellowships – Stanford University [John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships] … The Trust Project [financerji – Craig Newmark – Craig Newmark Philanthropies, Google, Democracy Fund, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Facebook]7 … John S. & James L. Knight Foundation«8
Financerji od ISOJ leta 2019 pa so bili –
»Open Society Foundations … Luminate [Pierre Omidyar] … Microsoft News … Chorus by Vox Media … Ford Foundation … John S. & James L. Knight Foundation … The Dallas Morning News … Facebook Journalism Project … Google News Initiative … Univision Noticias«9
Open Society Foundations in John S. & James L. Knight Foundation, pa sta bila financerja še leta 201810, 201711, 201612 in tako dalje, skupaj še s podjetji kot sta Google in Facebook, ter z Omidyarjem.
- Viner je bila govornica tudi na Global Editors Network Summit leta 2019, kjer so bili govorci še Krishna Bharat – Google News; John Micklethwait – Bloomberg; Rasmus Kleis Nielsen – Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism; Rana Ayyub – objave v Washington Post, New York Times, Guardian in Foreign Policy; Maria Ressa – Reppler (financer Omidyar Network)13; Christophe Deloire – Reporters without Borders (podporniki/financerji 2020 – National Endowment for Democracy, Sigrid Rausing Trust, Ford Foundation, Luminate, Council of Europe, Salesforce, Société Générale, American Express)14 (financerji 2018 – Open Society Foundations, Omidyar Network, Adessium Foundation, European Commission, UNESCO)15 (financer Ford Foundation – 2008, $100,000 … 2010, $100,000 … 2015, $100,000 … 2015, $100,000 … 2018, $150,000)16Pridobljeno iz excelove tabele od Ford Foundation –; Amy Webb (članica od CFR; višja strokovnjakinja pri Atlantic Council; Stern School of Business – New York University; World Economic Forum; strokovnjakinja pri Center for Strategic Foresight – U.S. Government Accountability Office) – Future Today Institute (stranke – AT&T, Chevron, Cisco, PwC, Sony, Accenture, EY, charles Schwab, General Mills, Dow Jones, Microsoft, IBM, MasterCard, U.S. Air Force, Allianz, Federal Reserve System, Best Buy, U.S. State Department, Fidelity, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The White House, Hearst, John S. & James L. Foundation, NBC Universal, U.S. Department of Defense, Univision, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Publicis Groupe, Time Inc., Crown Castle ), ”proti” podjetjem kot so Google (CFR), Facebook (CFR), Apple, Alibaba, Amazon, IBM (CFR), Tencent, Baidu, ki jih Webbova imenuja G-MAFIA.
Partnerske organizacije od Global Editors Network Summit leta 2019 –
»Facebook Journalism Project … Google News Initiative … Microsoft News … Philip Morris International … DATA JOURNALISM AWARDS PARTNERS … John S. & James L. Knight Foundation«17; dostop 3.2.2022
Mary Ann Sieghart
- Mary Ann Sieghart je članica uprave od Scott Trust od leta 2020. Seighartova je bila leta 2001, kot zaposlena pri The Times udeleženka od zasedanja skupine Bilderberg. Po študiju na Oxfordu je Sirghartova začela delati za Financial Times, ter nato poleti leta 1984 kot Laurence Stern Fellow delala za The Washington Post. Kasneje je delala kot politična dopisnica za The Economist in za Channel 4. Leta 1988 je začela delati kot urednica za komentatorske strani pri The Times, katerega ustanovitelji so Round Table Group. Pri The Times, kjer je bila med drugim tudi umetniška urednica, glavni politični vodstveni-pisec in vršilka dolžnosti urednika, ostane do leta 2007. Od leta 2010 – 2012 pa je pisala tedenske politične kolumne za The Independent.
- Sieghart je bila od leta 2010 – 2020 predsedujoča od Social Market Foundation, ki je povezan s Conservative Party, Laborut Party in Liberal Democrats. Fundacija je najljubši think tank od Johna Majorja, top predstavnika super elite in pomembnega predstavnika od Chatham House. Ustanovitelj od Social Market Foundation je Baron Daniel Finkelstein, ki je bil izvršni urednik od The Times, in član uprave od dezinformativnega proti-migrantskega in konservativnega Gatestone Institute, kjer je bil član uprave top neokonservativec in nekdanji direktor od CIA James Woolsey. Finkelstein je tudi pod-predsednik od Jewish Leadership Council.
- Sieghart je gostujoča profesorica na King’s College London; bila imenovana za Visiting Fellow na All Souls College, Oxford University, 2018-2019.
- Sieghart je (bila) tudi čanica nadzornega odbora od (anti-€) New Europe, katerega člani so tudi super elitni Malcolm Rifkind, nekdanji direktor od Chatham House Sir Laurence Martin, John Martin Taylor iz Goldman Sachs International, Sir Martin Wakefield Jacomb iz Barclays in Global Warming Policy Foundation, Nigel Lawson iz Global Warming Policy Foundation in eltini Anatole Kaletsky.
Vivian Schiller
- Vivian Schiller je direktorica od Scott Trust, 2015 – . Članica od Council on Foreign Relations, 2004 – ; bila generalna direktorica in predsednica od National Public Radio (del ”liberalne CIA”), 2009 – 2011; bila vodja za novice in novinarstvo pri Twitter (del Sun Valley Meetings), 2014; bila višja pod-predsednica in glavna digialna direktorica pri NBC News (del Sun Valley Meetings) in nadzornica od, 2011 – 2014.
- Schiller je leta 1988 začela delati producentska pomočnica za Turner Broadcasting, kjer je delala med drugim za razne dokumentarce, ter sodelovala pri Private life of Plants od Davida Attenborougha. Leta 1998 je začela delati za CNN, kjer je postala vodja dokumentarne enote. Leta 2002 je začela delati za The New York Times in Discovery Communications, da bi razvila novo skupno omrežje, ki je postalo Discovery Times Channel, danes pa se imenuje Investigation Discovery. Leta 2006 je postala generalna menedžerka od Iz New York Times pa je Schillerjeva leta 2008 odšla v NPR. Leta 2020 je Schiller postala izvršna direktorica od Aspen Digital – Aspen Institute, pred tem pa je bila članica od Commission on Information Disorder. Schillerjeva je članica uprave od International Center for Journalism (del ”liberalne CIA”); bila ustanovna predsedujoča upravi od The News Literary Project (del ”liberalne CIA”); bila strateška svetovalka od Craig Newmark Philanthropies (del ”liberalne CIA”), 2017 – 2020.
- Schillerjeva je članica svetovalne uprave od Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism na Oxford University. Glavni financer inštituta je Thomson Reuters Foundation, ki je korporativni član od Council on Foreign Relations. Ostali financerji so Open Society Foundations, Facebook Journalism Project, Google News Initiative, Oxford Martin School, BBC World Service, New Venture Fund, Luminate, Fritt Ord Foundation, Columbia University School of Journalism, Anglo American Group Foundation.18; dostop 3.2.2022
Schillerjeva je članica ameriške uprave od ”proti-dezinformativne” First Draft News, katere financerji prav tako prihajajo iz omrežja ”liberalne CIA” in vodilnih korporacij liberalnega establišmenta. Leta 2020 so to Craig Newmark Philanthropies, Democracy Fund, Facebook Journalism Project, Ford Foundation, Google News Initiative, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Wellcome Trust; leta 2019 Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, Facebook Journalism Project, Ford Foundation, Google News Initiative, News Integrity Initiative at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY, Open Society Foundations, Twitter.19; dostop 3.2.2022 - Schiller je članica od GroundTruth Board of Directors od Report for America, katerega financerji so [Facebook] Meta Journalism Project, Knight Foundation, Joyce Foundation, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Heising-Simons Foundation, Lumina Foundation, Microsoft, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Google News Initiative, Ford Foundation, FORTUNE Journalism PleasrFund, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Park Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Democracy Fund, Annenberg Foundation, Bloomberg, Gannett Foundation, Kendeda Fund.20; dostop 3.2.2022
- Schiller je članica svetovalne uprave od Reportes Withot Borders USA, ki je prav tako financiran s stran ”liberalne CIA”.
- Schillerjeva je bila udeleženka konference Forum 2000 od Forum 2000 Foundation. Udeleženci foruma najpomembnejši člani liberalnega establišmenta in njegovi zavezniki, kot Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Sachs, Madeleine Albright, James Woolsey, George Soros, Joseph Stiglitz, Hillary Clinton, Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, Joshua Muravchik, Charles Powell, Prince Turki Al-Faisal, Robert B. Reich, Prince Albert II, Vartan Gregorian, Fareed Zakaria, José María Aznar, Mary Robinson, Francis Fukuyama, Elie Wiesel, Karel Schwarzenberg, Richard von Weizsäcker, Garry Kasparov, Prince Hassan bin Talal, Yohei Sasakawa, Frederik Willem de Klerk, Oscar Arias Sánchez, Dalai Lama, Shimon Peres, Sergey Kovalyov, Hans van den Broek, Helmut Schmidt, Ehud Barak, Vicente Fox, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Yegor Gaidar, Viktor Orbán, Frans Timmermans, James J. Zogby, Lord Christopher Patten, Bob Geldof, Cornel West, Peter Gabriel, Heinz Fischer, Barbara Haig,
Bernard Kouchner, Boris Nemtsov, Mikheil Saakashvili, David Brooks, Christiane Amanpour, Henry Louis Gates. - Schillerjeva je bila udeleženka tudi od Concordia Summit.
Financerji od The Guardian
Financerji od The Guardian leta 2020 –
»$500,000 and above … BAND Foundation … Humanity United [Pierre Omidyar] … The David and Lucile Packard Foundation … Open Philanthropy Project [Dustin Moskowitz – Facebook] … Schumann Media Center … Wyss Foundation … $250,000-$499,999 … 11th Hour Project [Eric Schmidt –; Bilderberg Group; Trilateral Commission] … California Wellness Foundation … Energy Foundation … Conrad N. Hilton Foundation … Park Foundation … Skoll Foundation … Society of Environmental Journalists … Open Society Foundations … $100,000-$249,999 … Craig Newmark Philanthropies … Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation … $10,000-$99,999 … Aga Khan Foundation … Thomas A. Barron [Rhodes Scholar; Wilderness Society] … BMO Charitable Fund Program, National Philanthropic Trust … Goldman Environmental Foundation … RSF Social Finance … Tides Foundation … $5,000-$9,999 … Abby Rockefeller … The Clements Foundation … Jewish Communal Fund … $1,000-$4,999 … Charles Stewart Mott Foundation … Theodore Roosevelt IV … Schwab Charitable … Vanguard Charitable … Yellow House Fund of the Tides Foundation … $500-$999 … IBM Employee Charitable Contribution Fund … UBS Donor Advised Fund«21
Izredno pomemben financer od The Guardian je Rockefeller Foundation –
»Guardian Cities had been funded by US non-profit the Rockefeller Foundation since its launch in January 2014, most recently awarding it $3m over three years from January 2016 to December 2019. … In its grant records, the Rockefeller Foundation said the funding was awarded in “continued support of its Guardian Cities section to foster reader engagement and understanding of resilience as it affects poor and vulnerable communities in urban areas”.«22
V istem obdobju, ko je Rockefeller Foundation financirala The Guardian, je hkrati financirala tudi elitni neokonservativni, (kroni) kapitalistični in ”ksenofobni” Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism od Rothschildov.
Financer od The Guardian – Guardian News & Media Ltd. je tudi Ford Foundation –
»121151 … 2013, $100,000 … 120130 … 2014, $100,000 … 127398 … 2017, $300,000 … 130,414 … 2018, $300,000«23Pridobljeno iz excelove tabele od Ford Foundation –
Preden so lotim razčlenjevanja od Henry Jackson Society in Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, je potrebno še analizirati posamezne povezave vodstva od The Guardiana z liberalnim establišmentom.
Vodstvo od The Guardiana se udeležuje tudi srečanj od elitnega Founders Forum, ki je evropski ekvivalent od Sun Valley Meetings, ki ga prireja banka Allen & Co., katera pa ne samo, da je povezana s CIA preko Georga Teneta, povezana je predvsem z Rockefellerjevo Trilateral Commisson in s The Coca-Cola Company, ter je prenašalec ideologije ”liberalne CIA” preko medijev, Hollywooda in ostalih korporativnih sredstev.
Članek o Inclusive Capitalism Initiative
Sledi daljši povzetek iz The Guardian o Inclusive Capitalism Initiative, ki je nastal 28.5.2014 pod naslovom Inclusive Capitalism Initiative is Trojan Horse to quell coming global revolt –
»Henry Jackson Society‘s pre-emptive PR offensive seeks to popularise parasitic economic growth for the few … [pod sliko, na kateri sta Prince Charles in Christine Lagard zapisano] Prince Charles, Prince of Wales talks to Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary fund, before the start of the Inclusive Capitalism Conference at the Mansion House … Yesterday’s Conference on Inclusive Capitalism co-hosted by the City of London Corporation and EL Rothschild investment firm, brought together the people who control a third of the world’s liquid assets – the most powerful financial and business elites – to discuss the need for a more socially responsible form of capitalism that benefits everyone, not just a wealthy minority.
Leading financiers referred to statistics on rising global inequalities and the role of banks and corporations in marginalising the majority while accelerating systemic financial risk – vindicating the need for change. …
Central to the proceedings was an undercurrent of elite fear that the increasing disenfranchisement of the vast majority of the planetary population under decades of capitalist business-as-usual could well be its own undoing. …
The Conference on Inclusive Capitalism is the brainchild of the Henry Jackson Society (HJS), a little-known but influential British think tank with distinctly neoconservative and xenophobic leanings.
[Alan Mendoza] claimed that HJS research showed that “the only real solutions that can be put forward to restore trust in the system, and which actually stand a chance of bringing economic prosperity, are being led by the private, rather than the public, sector.”
The Initiative for Inclusive Capitalism’s recommendations for reform seem well-meaning at first glance, but in reality barely skim the surface of capitalism’s growing crisis tendencies: giant corporations should invest in more job training, should encourage positive relationships and partnerships with small- and medium-sized businesses, and – while not jettisoning quarterly turnovers – should also account for ways of sustaining long-term value for shareholders.
The impetus for this, however, lies in the growing recognition that if such reforms are not pursued, global capitalists will be overthrown by the very populations currently overwhelmingly marginalised by their self-serving activity. As co-chair of the HJS Inclusive Capitalism taskforce, McKinsey managing director Dominic Barton, explained from his meetings with over 400 business and government leaders worldwide that:
“… there is growing concern that if the fundamental issues revealed in the crisis remain unaddressed and the system fails again, the social contract between the capitalist system and the citizenry may truly rupture, with unpredictable but severely damaging results.” …
Indeed, as the New York Observer reported after the US launch of the Henry Jackson Initiative for Inclusive Capitalism, the rather thin proposals for reform “seemed less important than bringing business leaders together to address a more central concern: In an era of rising income inequality and grim economic outlook, people seemed to be losing confidence in capitalism altogether.”
Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, who co-hosted yesterday’s conference, told the NY Observer why she was concerned:
“I think that a lot of kids have neither money nor hope, and that’s really bad. Because then they’re going to get mad at America. What our hope for this initiative, is that through all the efforts of all of the decent CEOs, all the decent kids without a job feel optimistic.”
Yep. Feel optimistic. PR is the name of the game. …
The project is thus designed “to influence political and business opinion” and to target public opinion through a “media campaign that seeks to engage major outlets.”
The Henry Jackson Initiative for Inclusive Capitalism is therefore an elite response to the recognition that capitalism in its current form is unsustainable, likely to hit another crisis, and already generating massive popular resistance.
Its proposed reforms therefore amount to token PR moves to appease the disenfranchised masses. Consequently, they fail to address the very same accelerating profit-oriented systemic risks that will lead to another financial crash before decade’s end.
Their focus, in de Rothschild’s words in the Wall Street Journal, is cosmetic: repairing “capitalism’s bruised image” in order to protect the “common long-term interests of investors and of the capitalist system.”
That is why the Inclusive Capitalism Initiative has nothing to say about reversing the neoliberal pseudo-development policies which, during capitalism’s so-called ‘Golden Age’, widened inequality and retarded growth for “the vast majority of low income and middle-income countries” according to a UN report – including “reduced progress for almost all the social indicators that are available to measure health and educational outcomes” from 1980 to 2005.
Instead, proposed ‘reforms’ offer ways to rehabilitate perceptions of powerful businesses and corporations, in order to head-off rising worker discontent and thus keep the system going, while continuing to maximise profits for the few at the expense of the planet.
This is not a surprise considering the parochial financial and political interests the Henry Jackson Society appears to represent: the very same neoconservative elites that lobbied for the Iraq War and endorse mass NSA surveillance of western and non-western citizens alike. …
The “inclusivity” of this new brand of capitalism is also apparent in HJS’ longtime employment of climate denier Raheem Kassam, who now runs the UK branch of the American Breitbart news network, one of whose contributors called for Americans “to start slaughtering Muslims in the street, all of them.”
Perhaps the final nail in the coffin of HJS’ vision of capitalist “inclusivity” is associate director Douglas Murray’s views about Europe’s alleged Muslim problem, of which he said in Dutch Parliament: “Conditions for Muslims in Europe must be made harder across the board.”
Earlier this year, Murray’s fear-mongering targeted the supposed “startling rise in Muslim infants” in Britain, a problem that explains why “white British people” are “losing their country.” London, Murray wrote, “has become a foreign country” in which “‘white Britons’ are now in a minority,” and “there aren’t enough white people around” to make its boroughs “diverse.”
Yet this is the same neocon ideology of “inclusive” market freedom around which the forces of global capitalism are remobilising, in the name of “sustainable” prosperity for all.«
Tukaj je potrebno poudariti, da je pokrovitelj od Henry Jackson Society izjemno pomemben član liberalnega establišmenta, vodilni neokonservativec in nekdanji direktor od CIA James Woolsey, ki je hkrati tudi vpliven anti-muslimanski in anti-imigrantski dezinformator, ter zelo pomemben okoljevarstvenik, ki je bil tudi na začudenje mnogih, višji svetovalec od sredstva ”konservativne CIA” Donalda Trumpa.
Kot tudi je potrebno poudariti, da so isti ljudje, ki so v ozadju od globalizacije, ”okoljevarstvene” politike, Grete Thunberg, ter ”liberalne CIA” in ”konservativne CIA”, hkrati isti ljudje, ki so ustanovitelji in financerji od Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism.
Seveda se tega elitni medij kot je The Guardian, ki je financiran in voden s strani te iste kroni kapitalistične elite ne bo niti poskusil razčlenjevati, ampak bo izjemno hipokritsko igral (skrajno) levičarsko dogmo pranja možganov.
Tudi za The Guardian velja enako – »Yep. Feel optimistic. PR is the name of the game.«
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