Vojna v Siriji
Čas branja 94 minut.

- Kreator in propagandist od Grete Thunberg, liberalni establišment, je glavni akter vojne v Siriji, tudi kot pomemben podpornik in financer skrajnega islamizma in terorizma
- Vojna v Iraku
- Liberalni establišment in vojna v Siriji
Kreator in propagandist od Grete Thunberg, liberalni establišment, je glavni akter vojne v Siriji, tudi kot pomemben podpornik in financer skrajnega islamizma in terorizma
Vodilni think tanki in ostale nevladne organizacije (iz ”liberalne CIA” in tudi iz ”konservativne CIA”), kot tudi njihovi glavni financerji, pa naj si gre za vojno industrijo, ali pa za banke in ostale korporacije, ki so pod kontrolo liberalnega establišmenta, so bili pomembni oz. glavni propagandisti vojne proti diktatorju Assadu v Siriji. Ta vojna, se je prvotno s strani istih akterjev začela v Libiji, ter se z izvozom skrajnih islamskih militantov in orožja preselila v Sirijo, ki velja za pomembno zaveznico Irana – sicer tudi sam financer raznih terorističnih skupin. Hkrati Obamova administracija v tej geopolitični igri na Bližnjem vzhodu, proda za 100 milijard $ orožja Savdski Arabiji, ki poleg tega, da je pred tem podpirala skrajne islamiste in teroriste v Siriji, aktivno vojaško deluje tudi v Jemnu, da bi zaščitila svoje interese proti šiitskemu Iranu.

Vojna v Iraku
Če se najprej ustavimo v Iraku, ki je bil izhodišče za Sirijo. Invazija in okupacija Iraka je predstavljala najpomembnejši dogodek v ameriški zunanji politiki po vojni v Vietnamu in po oboroževanju Talibanov v Afganistanu. Osrednjo vlogo pri vojni v Iraku je odigral Council on Foreign Relations, kot organizacija in skupnost, kot tudi njegovo vodstvo, člani in osebje, v vseh fazah vojne in okupaciji Iraka, od leta 2003 do leta 2011.
»The CFR was involved in the development of an overall climate of opinion on the Middle East prior to 2003, in lobbying for the actual decision to go to war, in the development and implementation of imperialist war aims, including the brutal suppression of the Iraqi resistance movement, and in the ultimate decision to partly reverse course and withdraw American troops.«1Laurence H. Shoup, Wall Street’s Think Tank, 2015, str. 218
V Iraku je bil bolj tradicionalni pristop geopolitičnega ravnotežja, ki je bil dolgo časa priljubljen s strani ameriške super elite, zamenjan za neomejen, vse-svetovni hegemonistični cilj ameriškega imperija preko nadzora obsežnih naftnih virov v Perzijskem zalivu. Območje Iraka in obkrožujočih področij, kot je območje okoli Kaspijskega morja, vsebuje dve tretjini svetovne nafte in je zato postal center svetovne geopolitične in ekonomske moči in tekmovanja v poznem dvajsetem in zgodnjem enaindvajsetem stoletju. Po uspešni invaziji na Irak in s postavitvijo vojaških baz, je vzporedno potekala tudi vzpostavitev neoliberalnih politik in ekonomskih programov z namenom preoblikovanja iraške politične ekonomije. Po invaziji so bili preko vojaške sile vzpostavljeni izkoriščevalski neoliberalni ekonomski programi, skupaj s psevdo-demokratičnim političnim sistemom po ameriškem vzoru. CFR-ovi oblikovalci politik v in izven vlade, so predvidevali, da bodo domnevno superiorni rezultati takšnih politik uspešno integrirali Irak, njegove vire in ljudi v globalni mednarodni kapitalistični red, ki je v glavnem voden s strani ZDA. V zameno pa so CFR-ovi odločevalci verjeli, da bo to otrdilo obstoječi kapitalistični sistem doma zaradi doseženega pritoka dobička/kapitala nazaj v ZDA. Imperialistične politike, ki jih je predstavljal ”War on terror” so bile tako nazadnje namenjene ustvarjanju dodatnega globalnega prostora za razvoj ekspanzionističnega kapitalističnega sistema, katerega cilj je bilo spodbujanje hitrega kopičenja kapitala, posebno v imenu ameriškega in transnacionalnega kapitalističnega sistema, katerega glavna politično oblikovalna in konsenzusno-tvorna organizacije je CFR.2Laurence H. Shoup, Wall Street’s Think Tank, 2015, str. 218
Pritisk na strateško pomembnost nafte na območju Perzijskega zaliva in dejstvo, da kdorkoli nadzira ta vir ima ogromen potencial in dejansko moč nad ključnimi industrijskimi ekonomijami sveta, se je odražal pri pričevanju takratnega državnega sekretarja Dicka Cheneyja v 90ih pred Senate Armed Services Committee. Cheney, ki je dolgoletni član in bil direktor od CFR, ko se je srečala študijska skupina glede “Great Power Interests in the Persian Gulf”, katera je sprejela enake perspektive, ter dejala senatorjem, da kdorkoli nadzira tok te nafte, ima popolni nadzor nad ameriško ekonomijo, kot tudi od večine svetovnih narodov.3Laurence H. Shoup, Wall Street’s Think Tank, 2015, str. 221
V istem obdobju, od leta 1991 – 1992, takoj po razpadu Sovjetske zveze, je bil oblikovan dokument “Defense Planning Guidance”, ki nastane v glavnem s strani štirih Cheneyevih podrejenih na Pentagonu, vsi štirje tudi člani od CFR. To so bili Paul Wolfowitz, I. Lewis Libby, Zalmay Khalilzad in Andrew W. Marshall. Osnutek dokumenta, ki sicer ni bil namenjen za javno objavo, je objavil super elitni New York Times, ki jasno, da ščiti interese te super elite. Tukaj se pojavi vrsto vprašanj, koliko je šlo v resnici za uhajanje informacij, saj je New York Times trdno v rokah liberalnega establišmenta in pomemben del nacionalno varnostne strukture. Podobnih primerov ”uhajanja” informacij, pri katerih so sodelovali člani super elite in njihovi mediji je bilo v preteklosti kar nekaj. Kakor koli, članek v New York Times je povzročil javno polemiko o ameriški zunanji in obrambni politiki. Dokument je bil na široko kritiziran kot imperialistični, ker je dokument začrtal politiko unilateralizma in preventivne vojaške akcije za zatiranje morebitnih groženj s strani ostalih narodov in za preprečitev, da bi diktatorski režimi zrasli do statusa supersile.
Za časa Clintonove administracije in v začetnem obdobju administracije Georga W. Busha je bila zelo pro-vojna skupina, ki je konstantno delala na tem, da ZDA potisne v invazijo na Irak, z namenom da bi ZDA dominirale območje Perzijskega zaliva. Osrednja skupina je bil radikalni neokonservativni Project for the New American Century (PNAC), ki je nastal leta 1997, v glavnem sestavljen iz ljudi iz Council on Foreign Relations. Druga pro-vojna skupina pa je bil sam Council on Foreign Relations. PNAC dobi svoj pravi pomen v Bushevi administraciji, vendar deluje samo do leta 2006, ko ga nadomesti Foreign Policy Initiative. PNAC je pa po drugi strani tesno povezan tudi z American Enterprise Institute (AEI), kjer je tudi nastal. AEI, ki sicer spada v omrežje ”konservativne CIA”, naj bi bil ”proti-utež” od CFR. AEI je v glavnem tesno povezan z Rockefellerjevimi interesi in neoliberalizmom. Med drugim je bil predsedujoči upravitelj od AEI v 80ih Willard Butler, tesen Rockefellerjev prijatelj, ter predsedujoči in generalni direktor od Rockefellerjeve Chase Manhattan Bank. Upravitelji pa tudi številni generalni direktorji iz vodilnih korporacij liberalnega establišmenta. Financerji od AEI pa v glavnem prihajajo iz omrežja ”konservativne CIA”.
3. junija leta 1997 je petindvajset posameznikov podpisalo ustanovno listino “Statement of Principles” za ustanovitev PNAC, od tega jih je bilo okoli 72% članov od Council on Foreign Relations. Med podpisanimi tudi Jeb Bush, sicer nikoli član od CFR, vendar družina Bush predstavlja izredno pomemben del liberalnega establišmenta in ozadje od CIA.
Prvo pismo, ki ga je leta 1998 PNAC4https://web.archive.org/web/20050426194606/http://www.newamericancentury.org/iraqclintonletter.htm v zvezi z odstranitvijo Saddama Husseina poslal tedanjemu predsedniku Billu Clintonu, članu od Council on Foreign Relations, so podpisali v glavnem člani od Council on Foreign Relations. To so bili (v odebeljenem tisku člani od CFR) – Elliott Abrams; Richard L. Armitage (1998; član od CFR Study Group); William J. Bennett; Jeffrey Bergner; John Bolton (CFR, 2000 – ); Paula Dobriansky; Francis Fukuyama; Robert Kagan; Zalmay Khalilzad; William Kristol; Richard Perle; Peter W. Rodman; Donald Rumsfeld; William Schneider, Jr.; Vin Weber; Paul Wolfowitz; R. James Woolsey (CIA); Robert B. Zoellick. Torej, od osemnajstih podpisanih, jih samo pet ni članov od CFR, vendar tudi Bolton postne član od CFR leta 2000. Armitage pa je leta 1998 so-predsedujoči, skupaj z nekdanjim upraviteljem od Rockefeller Foundation in članom od Trilateral Commission Harolodom Brownom, poročilu CFR-ove študijske skupine The Tests of War and the Strains of Peace: The U.S.-Japan Security Relationship. Jasno, vsi ostali podpisniki tesno povezani še s številnimi nevladnimi organizacijami znotraj liberalnega establišmenta, James Woolsey pa je tudi nekdanji direktor od CIA.
20. septembra leta 2001 je PNAC napisal pismo tedanjemu predsedniku Bushu za podporo ”War on Terror”, ki je plod od CFR in njegovega neokonservativnega elementa PNAC. Mediji in razni vodilni strokovnjaki, kot sredstva dezinformiranja javnosti, PNAC izpostavljajo kot neokonservativni in skrajno-desni element, ne pa njegovih tesnih in zelo očitnih povezav s Council on Foreign Relations, kot tudi z ostalimi vodilnimi nevladnimi organizacijami liberalnega establišmenta, kot tudi s CIA. V pismu podpisani med drugim zahtevajo odstranitev Saddama Husseina, kot ”vodilnega svetovnega terorista”, kot tudi močno povečanje vojaških izdatkov. Podpisniki pisma (odebeljeni člani od CFR) so bili William Kristol; Richard V. Allen; Gary Bauer; Jeffrey Bell; William J. Bennett; Rudy Boschwitz; Jeffrey Bergner; Eliot Cohen; Seth Cropsey; Midge Decter; Thomas Donnelly; Nicholas Eberstadt; Hillel Fradkin; Aaron Friedberg; Francis Fukuyama; Frank Gaffney; Jeffrey Gedmin; Reuel Marc Gerecht; Charles Hill; Bruce P. Jackson; Eli S. Jacobs; Michael Joyce; Donald Kagan; Robert Kagan; Jeane Kirkpatrick; Charles Krauthammer; John Lehman; Clifford May; Martin Peretz; Richard Perle; Norman Podhoretz; Stephen P. Rosen; Randy Scheunemann; Gary Schmitt; William Schneider, Jr. (CFR; 2003 – ); Richard H. Shultz; Henry Sokolski (CFR; 2007 – ); Stephen J. Solarz; Vin Weber; Leon Wieseltier; Marshall Wittmann. Od 41 podpisanih jih je 21 članov od CFR. Poleg tega so vodilni člani Busheve administracije člani od CFR, pred tem povezani s PNAC, kot tudi so člani od Trilateral Commission in skupine Bilderberg.
Pomembni elementi od Council on Foreign Relations so bili tudi vpleteni v samo pro-vojno kampanjo proti Iraku. Ta se je najprej v obdobju od 1997 – 1999 začela na komaj zaznaven način, ter kasneje, v obdoju od 2001 – 2002 na bolj odkrito pozivanje k vojni. Današnji predsednik od CFR in Rhodes Scholar Richard Haass, je bil v obdobju od 1994 – 1997 Council Fellow in tudi pod-predsednik in direktor od Foreign Policy Studies pri Brookings Institution, je v številnih knjigah in člankih pisal o tem, kakšna naj bo ameriška zunanja politika. Haass pa je bil v odboju od 2001 – 2003 vodja strateškega načrtovanja na State Departmentu, ki ga vodi član od CFR Colin Powell, njegov namestnik pa je Richard Armitage iz CNAP. Julija 2003 Haass tudi postane predsednik od CFR. Haass v svoji knjigi The Reluctant Sheriff: The United States after the Cold War, ki jo je leta 1997 izdal CFR pravi, da mora biti ameriška nacionalna varnost še naprej orientirana proti Perzijskemu zalivu, Azijsko-Pacifiški regiji in Evropi. Ameriška politika, oz. politika liberalnega establišmenta mora po njegovem mnenju delovati tako, da ohranja sprejemljiva ravnotežja skozi nasprotovanje ali izravnavati kakršno koli neravnovesje, ki se pojavi ali v obliki lokalne države ali nastajajoče velike moči. Kar se pa tiče samega Perzijskega zaliva, pa je Haass poudarjal, da je ključnega pomena ohraniti dostop do nafte. Leta 1999 Haass za CFR-ovo revijo Foreign Affairs piše, da morajo ZDA nositi imperialistično vlogo v svetu, in da je ključno vprašanje, kako izrabiti njen velikanski presežek moči v svetu. Pri tem mora ameriška zunanja politika načrtovati imperialistično razsežnost, v tej vlogi pa naj bi ZDA predstavljale Veliko Britanijo 19. stoletja.
Pritisk na vojno proti Iraku s strani vodilnih članov CFR-a, je na začetku leta 2002 postal bolj odkrit. V tem času je Foreign Affairs objavil članek Kennetha M. Pollacka “Next Stop Baghdad?”. V času nastanka članka je bil Pollack član, Senior Fellow in direktor nacionalno varnostnih študij pri CFR. Pred tem je Pollack za časa Clintonove administracije služil kot direktor za zadeve v Perzijskem zalivu pri National Security Council, ter bil CIA vojaški analitik specializiran za področje Perzijskega zaliva. Njegov članek odseva naraščajoče splošno mnenje za vojno pri CFR, kot tudi pri liberalnem establišmentu. Kasneje izide celotna CFRova knjiga The Threatening Storm: The Case for Invading Iraq, ki jo izda elitna Random House. V zahvali se Pollack najgloblje zahvali Leslieju Gelbu, pomembnemu članu super elite in predsedniku od CFR, kot tudi drugim voditeljem pri CFR, ki so omogočili, da je knjiga nastala. Pollackovo delo pa je pohvalil tudi tesen Rockefellerjev prijatelj in top predstavnik super elite Peter G. Peterson, predsedujoči od CFR.
Pollackov zaključek tako v članu kot v knjigi je bil, da je situacija podobna kot tista leta 1938 v Evropi in da nimajo ZDA nobene druge izbire, kot da napadejo Irak in eliminirajo Saddamov režim. V obeh pisanjih se je Pollack osredotočil na gradnjo taktičnega primera za invazijo, kot tudi da je dejstvo, da orožje za množično uničevanje predstavlja veliko nevarnost. Kot tudi, da bo imela invazija in poraz Saddamovega režima prednosti, ter da bo to pomenilo velikansko korist ameriške zunanje politike. Ta velikanska korist, ki si jo je predstavljal Pollack pomeni, da Saddam ne bi več nadziral globalne dobave nafte, ter da bi lahko ZDA svobodno sledile drugim ciljem na svoji zunanje politični agendi, vključno z možnostjo, da zgradijo ”novi Irak”. Ameriški stroški za obnovo Iraka naj bi bili po Pollackovem mnenju minimalni, niti ne desetine milijard dolarjev, ker naj bi Irak obnovo plačal sam s svojimi ogromnimi zalogami nafte. V obdobju od 2003 – 2010 naj bi bili stroški vojne v Iraku vsaj $1,100 milijard.
Pollack pa tudi izredno lepo povezuje American Enterprise Institute z liberalnim establišmetnom, saj je trenutno Resident Scholar od AEI, kjer se ukvarja z Bližnje vzhodno politično-vojaškimi zadevami, osredotočen pa je v glavnem na Irak, Iran, Savdsko Arabijo in države v Perzijskem zalivu. Pred tem je bil Pollack Senior Fellow pri Saban Center for Middle East Policy pri Brookings Institution, ki prireja Saban Forum, katerega moderator je bil tudi Pollack. Udeleženci od Saban Forum skozi različna obdobja so bili Condoleezza Rice, Henry Kissinger, Haim Saban, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Elliott Abrams, Sandy Berger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, James Wolfensohn, Nicholas Burns, Lester Crown, Tony Blair, Jane Harman, Rita Hauser, Richard Holbrooke, Ariel Sharon, palestinski predsednik Mahmoud Abbas, Ehud Barak, palestinski premier Salam Fayyad, Benjamin Netanyahu, Strobe Talbott, George Tenet, Mortimer Zuckerman, Michael Herzog, David Ignatius, Thomas Pickering, Joseph Nye, Leon Panetta, Thomas Friedman – New York Times, Joseph Lieberman, Lindsey Graham, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Stephen Breyer, Zalmay Khalilzad, Amos Yadlin, Natan Sharansky.
Pollack je bil tudi višji svetovalec od Albright Stonebridge Group, katere ustanoviteljica je top predstavnica liberalnega establišmenta Madeleine Albright. Bil pa tudi Research Fellow pri neokonservativnem Washington Institute for Near East Policy, ter strokovnjak in član uredniške uprave od Octavian Report, katerega prav tako sestavljajo top predstavniki globalistične, neokonservativne, neoliberalne super elite, kot tudi ”liberalne CIA”, umetniki, itd. To so Tony Blair, Kevin Rudd, Stephen Harper, George Shultz, Ehud Barak, F. W. De Klerk, Dick Cheney, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, John D. Negroponte, David Miliband, Natan Sharansky, admiral James Stavridis, William Perry, Jeh Johnson, General Michael Hayden, Jose Maria Aznar, Michael Steinhardt, Garry Kasparov, igralec Forest Whitaker, Abe Foxman, Bernard Henri-Levy, Lawrence Summers, Richard Haass, Michele Flournoy, Nouriel Roubini, Ian Bremmer, Michael Abramowitz, Paula Dobriansky, Stuart Eizenstadt, Cass Sunstein, Susan Schwab, Francis Townsend, John Bolton, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, Anne Applebaum, Elliott Abrams, Max Boot, William Kristol, Richard Kemp, Graham Allison.
Liberalni establišment in vojna v Siriji
Vojna proti Siriji se je med drugim začela preko medijev, prvotno s strani CFR neokonservativcev, ko so Sirijo postavili na Os zla. Eden takšnih zgodnejših zagovornikov te vojne je bil nekdanji Bushev svetovalec za nacionalno varnost Stephen Hadley, ki je preko super elitnih medijev, kot so CNN, Bloomberg TV, Fox News, MSNBC, Washington Post, ”pozival” Obamovo administracijo, da če hoče zaustaviti Iran, mora ojačati rdečo linijo proti Assadu. Hadley pa tudi avtor članka na uredniški strani od Washington Post z naslovom “To stop Iran, Obama must enforce red lines with Assad.” Washington Post je tesno povezan s CIA/liberalnim establišmentom, tako preko družine Graham, kot tudi sedaj, ko je v lasti Jeffa Bezosa.
Hadleyu so se tej anti-sirski pro-vojni grožnji pridružili najvišji predstavniki liberalnega establišmenta, kot so Madeleine Albirght, William S. Cohen, General Wesley Clark, Nicholas Burns, Frances Townsend, General Anthony Zinni, General James Cartwright, Michele Flournoy in General Michael Hayden.
»111 appearances, 13 attempts at disclosure. These commentators made 111 appearances – as op-ed authors, quoted experts, or news show guests – in major media outlets such as CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Bloomberg, and the Washington Post. Despite the commentators’ apparent financial and professional stakes in military action, major media outlets typically failed to disclose these relationships, noting them, often incompletely, in only 13 of the 111 appearances (see table below for media outlet breakdown).«5https://public-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/PAI-Syria-media-report.pdf [financiran s strani ”liberalne CIA”]; str. 2-3
Vodilni propagandisti vojne proti Siriji
Stephen Hadley

Nekdanji svetovalec za nacionalno varnost od Georga W. Busha.
Hadley, kot vpliven predstavnik liberalnega establišmenta in vojni hujskač, pa je –
- član od Council on Foreign Relations;
- izvršni pod-predsedujoči od Atlantic Council;
- bil upravitelj od Carnegie Endowment for International Peace;
- bil direktor in predsedujoči od U.S. Institute of Peace;
- član svetovalnega odbora od U.S. Global Leadeship Coalition;
- član od Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute;
- član od United States Energy Security Council (R. James Woolsey; George Shultz; Robert Bud McFarlane; Wesley Clark; Norman Augustine; John Lehman; Alan Greenspan; William Perry; Gary Hart; C. Boyden Gray; James Roche; general Keith Alexander; Harold Brown; T. Boone Pickens; Tom Ridge);
- član državniške uprave od Clements Center for National Security (Henry Kissinger, Kurt Campbell, John Lehman, Paula Dobriansky, Kelly Ayotte, John McCain, Ashton Carter, George Shultz, Condoleezza Rice, Sam Nunn, Marco Rubio, Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, Eliot Cohen, Robert Kagan);
- član vodstvenega odbora od Service Year Alliance (ustanovni predsedujoči General Stanley McChrystal; Madeleine Albright, Barbara Bush, Roberts Gates, David Gergen, Dan Glickman, Arianna Huffington, Walter Isaacson, Vanessa Kerry, Condoleezza Rice);
- redni udeleženec od Munich Security Conference;
- so-predsedujoči od UC San Diego Forum on U.S. – China Relations;
- bil govorec pri Aspen Security Forum – Aspen Institute;
- udeleženec od Halifax International Security Forum;
- predsedujoč svetovalni upravi od Center for Middle East Public Policy – RAND Corporation;
- član od Defense Policy Board (Henry Kissinger, Graham Allison, James Schlesinger, Brent Scowcroft, George Shultz, William Perry, Eliot Cohen, Madeleine Albright, Harold Brown, Admiral Vernon Clark, Jane Harman, Michael Armacost, Jaene Kirkpatrick, Thomas Donilon, Kurt Campbell, Sam Nunn, Newt Gingrich, James Woolsey, Ricahrd V. Allen, John Hamre, Norman Augustine);
- so-predsedujoči od Quadrennial Defense Review Independent Panel / National Defense Panel;
- član od CIA’s National Security Advisory Panel;
- ustanovni član od Foreign Affairs Policy Board – State Department (ustanovni člani še – Jane Harman, Carla Hills, Robert Kagan, Jim Kolbe, Thomas McLarty III, Admiral Michael Mullen, John Negroponte, Thomas Pickering, John Podesta, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Strobe Talbott, Jacqueline Novogratz).
- bil vodja od The Scowcroft Group (Brent Scowcroft – top Rockefellerjev zaveznik), kot tudi bil vodja pri odvetniški pisarni Shea & Gardner v Washingtonu;
- član menedžerske uprave od Applied Physics Laboratory (Senior Fellows 2020 – General John R. Allen – Brookings Institution; Richard J. Danzig – President’s Intelligence Advisory Board, Defense Policy Board; James R. Gosler – CIA; Admiral James G. Stavridis – Carlyle Group ) – Johns Hopkins University;
- član od Kissinger Papers Advisory Board – Yale University.
- Hkrati pa je Hadley, ko je pozival na vojno proti Siriji, bil direktor od vojaškega podjetja Raytheon (del od CFR), ki izdeluje rakete Tomahawk. Rakete Tomahawk so bile pogosto omenjene kot potenciala izbira za napad na Sirijo. Hadley je tudi glavni pri svetovalnemu podjetju RiceHadleyGates.
»Hadley earns $128,500 in annual cash compensation from the company and chairs its public affairs committee. He also owns 11,477 shares of Raytheon stock, which traded at all-time highs during the Syria debate ($77.65 on August 23, making Hadley’s share’s worth $891,189). Despite this financial stake, Hadley was presented to his audience as an experienced, independent national security expert. …
Stephen Hadley has voiced strong support for a strike on Syria in appearances on Bloomberg TV, Fox News, and CNN, as well as in a Washington Post op-ed. Though he has a financial stake in a Syria strike as a current Raytheon board member, and is also a principal at consulting firm RiceHadleyGates, he was identified all four times only as a former National Security Advisor to George W. Bush.«6https://public-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/PAI-Syria-media-report.pdf; str. 1
- S podjetjem Raytheon Technologies so preko njegovega vodstva povezani še ostali top člani liberalnega establišmenta, kot so to John Deutch – CIA, admiral Vernon Clark, Warren Rudman, General James Cartwright, William Swanson, itd
General Jack Keane
Od leta 2003 neformalni svetovalec ameriških predsednikov in ostalih višjih uradnikov, med drugim med vojno v Iraku član svetovalnega odbora od Defense Policy Board. V medijih, kot so BBC, PBS in Fox News, se je kot močan promotor vojne proti Siriji pojavljal tudi general Jack Keane, direktor pri podjetju General Dynamics.
Keane je –
- član od Council on Foreign Relations;
- član svetovalne uprave od Spirit of America (General Stanley McChrystal, Nancy Soderberg, General James L. Jones, General Michael Flynn, General Jim Mattis, General H. R. McMaster, John McCain, George Shultz, Peter Ackerman);
- član svetovalnega odbora od American Corporate Partners (John Hamre, Vernon Jordan, William Kristol, General David Petraeus, George Shultz, Lawrence Summers, David Axelrod);
- strokovnjak pri National Security Institute – George Mason University;
- bil udeleženec od Yalta European Strategy;
- strokovnjak pri The Cypher Brief (Conferences) (General Michael Hayden, General David Petraeus – CIA, General Stanley McChrystal, Michael Chertoff, Tom Ridge, John McLaughlin, David Cohen – CIA, James Clapper, Jane Harman, General Keith Alexander, Chris Inglis – NSA, Rick Ledgett – NSA);
- guverner od H. Smith Richardson Foundation (del ”konservativne CIA”; Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel Huntington, Fred Ikle, General Edward Meyer, Donald Rumsfeld, James Woolsey – CIA, Martin Feldstein, Paula Dobriansky);
- direktor od George C. Marshall Foundation;
- ustanovitelj in predsedujoči od Institute for the Study of War;
- član direktorske uprave od Allied Nuclear (Robert Bud McFarlane, General Keith Alexander, General James Cartwright, Mike Rogers, Dennis Ross);
- član od Quadrennial Defense Review Independent Panel / National Defene Panel (Philip Odeen, Stephen Hadley, William Perry, Richard Armitage, John Lehman, Admiral David Jeremiah, General Larry Welch, Rudy de Leon, Andrew Krepinevich, General James McCarthy, Sherri Goodman);
- upravitelj od RAND Corporation;
- služil kot strateški svetovalec od podjetja Academi (Blackwater – Eric Prince, CIA, ”konservativna CIA”);
- višji svetovalec od KKR & Co. L.P. (del od CFR);
- član direktorske uprave od IronNet Cybersecurity (General Keith Alexander; Admiral Mike McConnell; Mike Rogers);
- Trustee Fellow od Fordham University;
- višji strateški analitik od Fox News Channel (del Sun Valley Meetings);
- vojaški analitik pri ABC News Inc (del Sun Valley Meetings);
- bil govorec pri The Policy Forum/The Policy Forum on International Security Affairs (Henry Kissinger, R. James Woolsey, Michael Barone, Eric Edelman, Peter Rodman);
- bil govorec pri Jewsih Leadership Conference (Henry Kissinger, William Kristol, Elliott Abrams, Martin Kramer, Norman Podhoretz, Eric Cohen, Roger Hertog, Mike Pompeo, Ben Shapiro).
- Keane je so-ustanovitelj od nuklearno tehnološkega podjetja IP3 International (International Peace, Power and Prosperity), katero je poskusilo prodati ameriško nuklearno tehnologijo Savdski Arabiji. S podjetjem so povezani General Keith B. Alexander, General James Cartwright, Robert McFarlane (CFR; NSA; Bretton Woods Committee; Aegis Defence Service), Frances Townsend. S podjetjem IP3 pa je povezan tudi neokonservativec in tesen Trumpov zaveznik General Michael Flynn (Spirit of America; Flynn Intel Group; American Congress for Truth/ACT! for America; London Center for Policy Research), ki je skupaj z Jaredom Kushnerjem promoviral načrt od IP3 International, za prenos nuklearne energije iz ZDA v Savdsko Arabijo, kar bi bil skupni Rusko-Ameriški projekt.
- član uprave od MetLife;
- direktor od vojaškega podjetja General Dynamics (Henry Crown – pomemben financer Baracka Obame, Lester Crown, Paul Kaminski, Cyrus Vance, Frank Carlucci – CIA, General Jim Mattis, Donald Rumsfeld);
- Tukaj je potrebno poudariti, da je največjii lastnik podjetja General Dynamics družina Crown, ki je bila pomembna financerka Obamove predsedniške kampanje. Michelle Obama pa je bila članica od Chicago Council on Global Affairs (Chicago Council on Foreign Relations), kjer je bil predsednik Lester Crown. Sama družina Crown pa pomemben del liberalnega establišmenta, kot tudi pomembna podpornica zionizma.
»Jack Keane has strongly supported striking Syria on PBS, the BBC, and Fox News. Though Keane is currently a director of General Dynamics, one of the world’s largest military services companies, and a venture partner of SCP Partners, a defense-focused investment firm, only his military and think tank affiliations were identified in all sixteen appearances.«7Ibid.; str. 3
General Anthony Zinni
General Anthony Zinni je bil poveljnik od United States Central Command, 2001 – 2003. General Zinni je bil pomemben zagovornik vojne proti Siriji, kjer je zagovarjal to stališče na CNN, na CBS This Morning, kot tudi bil citiran s strani Washington Post. Kot promotor vojne proti Siriji, je bil direktor pri vojaškem podjetju BAE Systems, katero je tesno povezano z liberalnim establišmentom.
Zinni je –
- bil član od Genocide Prevention Task Force (Madeleine Albright, William Cohen, Thomas Daschle, Jack Kemp, Thomas Pickering, Stuart Eizenstat, Vin Weber, Daniel Glickman) – U.S. Institute of Peace;
- predsedujoči od U.S. Middle East Institute (Paula Dobriansky, William Webster, Thomas Campbell, Robert Jordan, Richard A. Clarke);
- direktor od American Academy of Diplomacy (Michael Armacost, Frank Carlucci, Richard Gardner, Carla Hills, Sol Linowitz, Lawrence Eagleburger, Max Kampelman, John J, McCloy, Henry Kissinger, Alexander Haig, Robert McNamara, William Bundy, Warren Christopher, C. Douglas Dillon, Donald Rumsfeld, Joseph Nye, James Schlesinger, Joseph Nye, Colin Powell, Cyrus Vance, Paul Wolfowitz, William Webster, George Shultz);
- ugledni višji svetovalec od Center for Strategic and International Studies;
- član uprave od Potomac Institute for Policy Studies;
- bil član uprave od American Security Project (Christine Todd Whitman, Chuck Hagel, John Kerry, Norman Augustine, Susan Rice, Richard Armitage, Kenneth Duberstein);
- član svetovalne uprave od The Center for Climate & Security;
- bil direktor od National Interest Security Company (člana uprave – Chuck Hagel, General Michael Hayden), ki je sedaj del od IBM (del od CFR), pred tem pa bilo del od DC Capital Partners LLC (2007-2010);
- bil izvršni pod-predsednik od DynCorp International Inc., ki je bilo med vojno v Iraku del zasebnega Private Security Company Association of Iraq, skupaj s podjetji kot so Blackwater, Armour Group, Diligence, Kroll Associates, itd.
- Poleg tega Zinni tudi (bil) član svetovalne uprave od zasebnega obrambnega podjetja DC Capital Partners LLC (Thomas Campbell); član svetovalnega odbora od Veritas Capital LLC; član uprave od obrambnega podjetja Global Linguist Solutions; direktor od Caliburn International.
»General Anthony Zinni has expressed support for military action in Syria during three appearances on CNN and one on CBS This Morning, and has been quoted in the Washington Post. Though a director with major defense contractor BAE Systems and an advisor to defense-focused private equity firm DC Capital Partners, only Zinni’s military experience was considered relevant by the media outlets interviewing him all five times.«8Ibid.; str. 3
Frances Townsend
Townsend je bila svetovalka za domovinsko varnost od Georgea W. Busha, 2004-2007.
Frances Townsend se je pojavila na Anderson Cooper 360 – CNN, kjer je šestkrat promovirala vojno proti Siriji, hkrati pa je CNN-ova analitičarka za nacionalno varnost.
Townsendova je –
- članica svetovalnega odbora od CIA;
- je članica od Council on Foreign Relations;
- članica od Trilateral Commission;
- članica vladnega odbora od Miller Center of Public Affairs (Thomas Donilon, Bob Woodward, James Baker III, Warren Christopher, Lee Hamilton, Edwin Meese III, Brent Scowcroft, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Strobe Talbott, Carla Hills, Leon Panetta, Bill Richardson, Lawrence Eagleburher, William Webster, Stuart Eizenstat, Max Kampelman, Donald Rumsfeld. Ashton Carter, John Deutch);
- članica od Partnership for a Secure America (Zbigniew Brzezinksi, George Shultz, Madeleine Albright, Sandy Berger, John C. Whitehead, Frank Wisner II, John Lehman, Lee Hamilton. Thomas Kean, Thomas Pickering, Sam Nunn, William Perry, Carla Hills, Paula Dobriansky, Warren Christopher, Rita Hauser, Anthony Lake);
- udeleženka od Sedona Forum – McCain Institute for International Leadership;
- članica izvršnega odbora od Center for Cyber and Homeland Security (Charles Allen – CIA, Richard V. Allen, Michael Chertoff, Henry Crumpton – CIA, Edwin Meese III, William Sessions – FBI, William Webster, Cofer Black);
- višja svetovalka od Middle East Strategy Task Force (Madeleine Albright, Stephen Hadely, Wolfgang Ischinger, Nicholas Burns, Prince Turki al Faisal, David Miliband, Mike Morell – CIA, Jose Manuel Barosso, Yasar Yakis, Kenneth Wollack, Carl Bildt) – Atlantic Council;
- upraviteljica od Center for Strategic and International Studies;
- udeleženka od Concordia Summit;
- predsedujoča od Intelligence and National Security Alliance;
- predsednica od Counter Extremism Project (Mark Wallace, Joe Lieberman, Elliott Abrams, Howard Berman, Radoslaw Sikorski);
- upraviteljica od New York City Police Foundation (Alexander Tisch, Andrew Tisch, H. Dale Hemmerdinger);
- članica svetovalnega odbora od Network 2020 (Leslie H. Gelb, Rita Hauser, Amb. Frank Wisner, Susan Thornton, Frances Fragos Townsend, H. Onno Ruding);
- članica svetovalne uprave od United Against Nuclear Iran (James Woolsey – CIA, Meir Dagan – Mossad, Richard Dearlove – MI6, Richard Holbrooke, Pauline Neville-Jones, Jeb Bush, Bill Richardson, John Bolton, Lord Charles Guthrie, Graham Allison, Otto J. Reich, Kristen Silverberg, Radoslaw Sikorski, Ana Palacio, Jonathan Powell);
- članica svetovalne uprave od BEACON Global Strategies;
- članica od Homeland Security Group (Michael Chertoff, Jane Harman, General Keith Alexander, Michael V. Hayden, John McLaughlin, William H. Webster, Charles E. Allen, Stewart A. Baker, Richard Ben-Veniste, Peter Bergen, William J. Bratton, Philip J. Crowley, Jessica Stern, Juan Zarate, Guy C. Swan III) – Aspen Institute;
- strokovnjakinja pri Octavian Report (Kevin Rudd, Stephen Harper, Ehud Barack, George Shultz, Dick Cheney, John Negroponte, David Miliband, Admiral James Stavridis, William Perry, Jeh Johnson, General Michael Hayden, Jose Maria Aznar, Garry Kasparov, Abe Foxman – ADL, Bernard-Henri Levy, Lawrence Summers, Richard Haass, Ian Bremmer, Juan Zarate, Karl-Theodor Zu Guttenberg, Max Boot, William Kristol, Alyssa Ayres, Richard Kemp, Graham Allison, Anne Applebaum).
»Frances Townsend has appeared on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 six times strongly favoring action in Syria. Though Townsend holds positions in two investment firms with defense company holdings, MacAndrews & Forbes and Monument Capital Group, and serves as an advisor to defense contractor Decision Sciences, only her roles as a CNN national security analyst and member of the CIA and DHS advisory committees were revealed in all six appearances.«9Ibid.; str. 3
Vodilni think tanki liberalnega establišmenta, ki so pozivali k vojni proti Siriji
Hkrati s temi posamezniki, ki so preko medijev prodajali vojno proti Siriji, pa so bili v ozadju tudi elitni think tanki, povezani z vojno industrijo in so tehtali napade na Sirijo. To so bili The Brookings Institution, Center for Strategic and International Studies in The Institute for the Study of War.
»Seven think tanks. The report profiles seven prominent think tanks with significant industry ties that weighed in on intervention in Syria. These think tanks were cited 144 times in major US publications from August 7th, 2013 to September 6th, 2013. The Brookings Institution, Center for Strategic and International Studies, and The Institute for the Study of War were the most cited think tanks from our dataset.
Experts with The Brookings Institution were cited in 31 articles on Syria in our dataset, more than any other think tank. Brookings is an influential think tank that is presented in the media as an independent authority, yet it receives millions in funding from the defense industry, including $1 – 2.5 million from Booz Allen Hamilton [del od CFR] and $50,000 – $100,000 from Boeing [del od CFR], General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin [del od CFR], Northrop Grumman [del od CFR], and Palantir Technologies [del od CFR; Peter Thiel – CIA]. Brookings Executive Education’s Advisory Council Chair, Ronald Sanders, is a Vice President and Senior Fellow at Booz Allen Hamilton.«10Ibid.; str. 3-4
Poročilo od Public Accountability Initiative, ki je financirano s strani elitnih fundacij liberalnega establišmenta (kateremu pripada tudi Brookings Institution) oz. s strani ”liberalne CIA”, daje sicer dobre začetne informacije, vendar namenoma zelo skope. Jasno, razkrivajo samo toliko, koliko je primerno za občo javnost, da misli, da bo s temi informacijami informirana. Dejansko pa temu ni tako. Za pravi vplogled v ta veliki ustroj liberalnega establišmenta je potrebno veliko več informacij in povezav, tako med osebami, kot med korporacijami, tako vojaškimi, kot ostalimi, kot tudi med neskončnim številom nevladnih organizacij in elitnih univerz. Prav tako poročilo od Public Accountability Initiative ne razkrije, da so sami financirani s strani istih fundacij, ki financirajo ključne nevladne organizacije liberalnega establišmenta iz omenjenga poročila.
Financerji od Public Accountability Initiative –
»11th Hour Project [Eric Schmidt] … American Federation of Teachers … Arca Foundation … Chorus Foundation … Ford Foundation … Kindle Foundation … Mertz Gilmore Foundation … Open Society Foundations … Park Foundation … Rowboat Family Foundation … Sagner Family Foundation«11https://public-accountability.org/about/funding/
Public Accountability Initiative pa je ustanovitelj in vzdrževalec spletne strani littlesis.org.
Brookings Institution
Če pogledamo vodstvo od Brookings Institution, vidimo, da popolnoma pripada liberalnemu establišmentu.
General John R. Allen –
- Allen je predsenik od Brookings Institution, kjer na tem položaju nasledi pomembnega člana liberalne super elite Stroba Talbotta.
- Allen je član od Council on Foreign Relations.
- Bil govorec pri elitni Foreign Policy Association (George Shultz, James Baker III, Henry Kissinger, John C. Whitehead, John Foster Dulles, Maurice Sonnenberg, Maurice Greenberg – tudi financer, Patrick Gross, William Rhodes, Theodore Roosevelt IV, Warren Christopher, Henry Luce III).
- Obiskovalec od Global Security Forum (Carl Bildt, Ian Brzezinski, James Townsend, Michael Chertoff, Peter van Praagh, Adners Fogh Rasmussen, Hans Binnendijk, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Radoslaw Sikorski, Karel schwarzenberg, Pauline Neville-Jones, Anne Applebaum, Viktor Orban, John McCain) – Bratislava;
- Predavatelj na NATO Defense College Foundation.
- Služil kot Marine Corps Fellow pri Center for Strategic and International Studies.
- Član od Homeland Security Advisory Council (William Webster, James Schlesinger, Gary Hart, William Bratton, Norman Augusitne, Lee Hamilton, Mitt Romney, General Keith Alexander, Thad Allen – Booz Allen Hamilton, Jane Harman, Chad Sweet – Chertoff Group).
- Član od Transatlantic Task Force – German Marshall Fund – Bundeskanzler-Helmut-Schmidt-Stiftung, katere predsedujoči je Wolfgang Ischinger.
- Je (uradno) nasprotnik Trumpa in bil podpornik Hillary Clinton.
- Bil udeleženec od World Economic Forum.
- Senior Fellow od Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.
- Senior Fellow pri Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory.
- Član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od Globsec (Carl Bildt, Catherine Ashton, Ian Brzezinski, James Townsend, Maroš Šefčovič, Michael Chertoff, Peter van Praagh, Thomas Wieser).
- Predavatelj od War & Foreign Affairs pri Hertog Foundation (Elliott Abrams, Daniel Blumenthal – AEI, Robert Kagan, Donald Kagan, Frederick Kagan, Kimberly Kagan, Paul Wolfowitz, James Dubik).
- Strokovnjak pri Forum for the Future of Higher Education (Norman Augustine – Lockheed Martin Corporation, William Bowen – The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, General Wesley Clark, Martin Feldstein, Niall Ferguson, Leslie Gelb, Richard Haass, Lee Hamilton, Walter Isaacson, Bob Kerrey, General Jim Mattis, Admiral Michael Mullen, Joseph Nye, Samantha Power, Jeffrey Sachs, Admiral James Stavridis, Paul Volcker; Forum sodeluje z Brookings Institution, s CFR, z WGBH in organizira Aspen Symposium v povezavi s fundacijami ”liberalne CIA”).
- Član nacionalnega varnostnega svetovalnega odbora od U.S. Global Leadership Coalition.
- Član direktorske uprave od Homes for our Troops.
- Član svetovalne uprave od Washington Institute for Near East Policy, kjer so ostali vidnejši člani še Eliot Cohen, Henry Kissinger, Joseph Lieberman, Edward Luttwak, Richard Perle, Condoleezza Rice, James G. Roche, George P. Shultz, James G. Stavridis, R. James Woolsey – CIA, Mortimer Zuckerman; ostali pomembni člani pa so bili še Max M. Kampelman, Warren Christopher, Lawrence S. Eagleburger, Alexander Haig, Jeane Kirkpatrick.
- Barack Obama je Allena leta 2014 imenoval za posebnega odposlanca za Global Coalition to Counter ISIL.
- Allen je bil 10.5.2016 poseben gostujoči govorec pri pro-migrantskem International Refugee Assistance Project, kjer sta člana direktorske uprave Robert J. Abernethy (Brookings Institution; CFR) in Samantha Power (Refugees International; International Crisis Group; Princeton Project on National Security; National Security Action; USAID), medtem ko svetovalno upravo sestavljajo Michael Breen (Human Rights First, Truman National Security Project; se bojeval v Iraku in Afganistanu), John Oliver (HBO), Thomas A. Russo (AIG). Financerji od IRAP v glavnem iz kroga liberalnega establišmenta in ”liberalne CIA”.
- Financerji od IRAP, 2016-2017 –
»$5,000 and above … Airbnb. Akin Gump Strauss LLP … American International Group, Inc. … Apple, Inc. … Rita & Charles Bronfman … DLA Piper … Levi Strauss Foundation … Google Inc. … Hauptman Family Foundation, Ellen Bronfman Hauptman and Andrew Hauptman … Intel Corporation. Interfaith Refugee Project … Jewish Coalition for Disaster Relief – Syrian Refugees … The J.M. Kaplan Fund … Latham & Watkins LLP … The George Lucas Family Foundation … Metabolic Studio, a direct charitable activity of the Annenberg Foundation … Microsoft Corporation. The Moriah Fund. The Morningstar Foundation … Netflix … Open Philanthropy Project. Open Society Institute’s Matching Gift Program … BNP Paribas. Borealis Philanthropy … The Sigrid Rausing Trust … Tsadik Fund of Tides Foundation … United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture. Univision Communications, Inc. Vanguard Charitable … Corporate Partners: 3M. American International Group. General Electric. JP Morgan Chase … Microsoft. Starbucks«12https://refugeerights.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/IRAP_Report_to_Supporters_2017.pdf; str. 36-37
- Financerji od IRAP, 2019-2020 –
»$100,000+ … Chan Zuckerberg Initiative DAF, an advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Democracy Fund … Levi Strauss Foundation. Open Philanthropy … Robert J. Abernethy. Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Stavros Niarchos Foundation. Supported (in part) by a grant from the Open Society Foundations … United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees … $50,000 – $99,999: AIG … Borealis Philanthropy. Carnegie Corporation of New York … The Moriah Fund. The Morningstar Foundation. The Sigrid Rausing Trust … Unbound Philanthropy. $25,000 – $49,999: … Refugee Action Fund … United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture … $10,000 – $24,999: … Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP. Rockefeller Family Fund (Fund for the Future) … Warburg Pincus LLC. $5,000 – $9,999: … Apple, Inc. … Google Inc. … Microsoft … The DLA Piper Foundation«13https://refugeerights.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/IRAP_2020AnnualReport_Final.pdf; str. 15-16
Nekaj vidnejših članov uprave od Brookings Institution –
- Robert J. Abernethy (CFR, Center for American Progress, Truman National Security Project, Atlantic Council, Aspen Institute, RAND Corporation );
- Susan Crown (članica družine Crown – General Dynamics; CARE USA);
- Paul Desmarais Jr. (član super elitne družine Desmarais; član globalne uprave svetovalcev od Council on Foreign Relations; udeleženec od Bilderberg Group; delal za S.G. Warburg & Co; direktor od GDF Suez; so-predsedujoči od The Nature Conservancy of Canada; član od The Business Council; predsedujoči guvernerski upravi od International Economic Forum of the Americas; njegov brat Andre član od Trilateral Commission, ter član uprave Rockefellerjeve JP Morgan Chase);
- Philip H. Knight (so-ustanovitelj podjetja Nike – del od Sun Valley Meetings);
- Aditya Mittal (ArcelorMittal Europe);
- Andrew H. Tisch (CFR, Loews Corporation, U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; družina Tisch je tesno povezana z liberalnim establišmentom);
- Richard C. Blum (CFR, Initiative for Global Development, Religions for Peace, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice);
- Kenneth M. Duberstein (CFR, Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress, Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership, Partnership for Public Services, America Aborad Media, America-Israel Friendship League);
- Rajan Bharti Mittal (njegov brat Sunil Bharti Mittal je član globalne uprave svetovalcev od Council on Foreign Relations);
- Steven Rattner (CFR, New America Foundation, Center for Global Energy Policy, American-Israel Friendship League, Clinton Global Initiative, Quadrangle Group, Rattner Family Foundation);
- Thomas E. Donilon (CFR, Miller Institute of Public Affairs, Center for Global Energy Policy, National Security Action, UC San Diego Forum on U.S.-China Relations, Trilateral Commission, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Defense Policy Board, Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity );
- Henry Louis Gates Jr. (CFR, Protect Our Defenders, Learning Policy Institute, Hutchins Center for African and African American Research – Harvard University, New York Public Library, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Aspen Institute);
- Teresa Heinz (CFR, Heinz Family Foundation, Heinz Endowments, Carnegie Corporation of NY, Global Philanthropy Froum – World Affairs Council of Northern Carolina, China-U.S. Center for Sustainable Development, Earth Day Network, Carnegie Mellon University);
- Vernon E. Jordan Jr. (Bohemian Grove, Rockefeller Foundation, CFR, Ford Foundation, Center for the Study of Presidency and Congress, Urban Institute, Miller Center of Public Affairs, Sun Valley Meetings, Bretton Woods Committee, Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership, American Corporate Partners, American-Israel Friendship League, African-America Institute (CIA), Century Association, Rockefeller Center Club, Bilderberg Group, Trialteral Commission, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Internatioal Crisis Group, Clinton Global Initiative, United Negro College Fund, New World Foundation – Hillary Clinton, Barrick Gold, Iraq Study Group, CIA External Advisroy Group, Lazard Freres, American Express, Dow Jones, Sara Lee Corporation, The Economic Club);
- David M. Rubenstein (predsedujoči od Council on Foreign Relations; so-ustanovitelj in so-izvršni predsedujoči od Carlyle Group, Harvard Corporation, Hoover Institution, Institute for Advanced Study – Princeton University, The Business Council, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Stanford Institue for Economic Policy Research, Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership, Wall Street Journal CEO Council, Good Club / The Giving Pledge, British-American Business Council, Americna Council on Germany, Americna Academy in Berlin, Asia Society, U.S.-China Business Council, Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, Bloomberg New Economic Forum, The Economic Club, Freedom House, Bilderberg Group, Center for Strategic and International Studies, World Economic Forum, Trilateral Commission, International Economic Forum of the Americas, JP Morgan Chase);
- Haim Saban (Partnership for a New American Economy, Clinton Global Initiative, American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, Israel Policy Forum);
- John L. Thornton (CFR, Financial Services Volunteer Corps, Goldman Sachs Foundation, China Institute in America, Asia Society, National Committee on U.S. China Relations, Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, China Institute for Reform and Development, Schwarzman Scholars – Tsinghua University, African Leadership Academy, Barrick Gold; mentor Stevea Bannona).
Financerji od Brookings Institution
- Tudi financerji (2019) od Brookings Institution prihajajo iz vrst ”liberalne CIA” oz. v glavnem posamezniki ter korporacije iz ozkega kroga liberalnega esablišmenta –
»$2,000,000 and Above … Arnold Ventures [Laura and John Arnold Foundation] … The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation … The Hutchins Family Foundation … Philip Knight … Embassy of the State of Qatar … David M. Rubenstein [predsedujoči od CFR] … $1,000,000–$1,999,999 … Allen & Company LLC [Sun Valley Meetings; CIA] … Robert Bosch Stiftung … Ford Foundation … Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation … The Kresge Foundation … $500,000–$999,999 … Carnegie Corporation of New York … Annie E. Casey Foundation … Robert Wood Johnson Foundation … JPMorgan Chase & Co. … Charles Koch Foundation … LEGO Foundation. Mastercard Impact Fund … Microsoft Corporation … Government of Norway … Alfred P. Sloan Foundation … $250,000–$499,999 … Bank of America … Ben S. Bernanke … Richard C. Blum and the Honorable Dianne Feinstein … Exxon Mobil Corporation … Google, Inc. … Intel Corporation … Japan International Cooperation Agency … Lumina Foundation for Education [Omidyar Network] … The John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation … Mastercard … Mastercard Foundation … The McKnight Foundation … Morgan Stanley … Charles Stewart Mott Foundation … Northrup Grumman Corporation … Omidyar Network … Tides Center … UBS Optimus Foundation … The Walton Family Foundation … $100,000–$249,999 … Robert John Abernethy … Paul Achleitner and Deutsche Bank AG … Airbus … Chevron … Comcast NBCUniversal … Susan Crown and William C. Kunkler III … Democracy Fund … Paul Desmarais, Jr. … IBM International Foundation … Japan Bank for International Cooperation … The Joyce Foundation [Barack Obama] … The Henry Luce Foundation … Andrónico Luksic … Mars, Incorporated … Aditya Mittal … The Morningstar Foundation … National Science Foundation … New Venture Fund … PepsiCo … The Peter G. Peterson Foundation … Pritzker Traubert Family Foundation … Rio Tinto … Rockefeller Brothers Fund … The Rockefeller Foundation … Robert E. Rubin … Eric E. Schmidt … Shell … Tom Steyer and Kat Taylor … The Andrew H. and Ann R. Tisch Foundation … Total S.A. … Toyota Motor Corporation … $50,000–$99,999 … John R. Allen … Amazon.com … Apple, Inc. … AT&T … BP plc … Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation … Citi … The Commonwealth Fund … The Crown Family … Deloitte … FedEx Corporation … Harvard University … HP Inc. … ING Group N.V. … Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Co. … Millennium Challenge Corporation … Palantir Technologies … Twitter, Inc. … UBS AG … UN University World Institute for Development Economics Research … United Technologies Corporation … Wal-Mart Stores Inc. … Wells Fargo & Company … The World Bank … Wyss Foundation … $25,000–$49,999 ... BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. … The Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies … Central Intelligence Agency … Cisco Systems … Facebook, Inc. … Georgetown University … Gianni Di Giovanni, Eni SpA … Teresa Heinz on behalf of the Heinz Family Foundation … Conrad N. Hilton Foundation … John S. and James L. Knight Foundation … James D. Robinson III … University of Chicago … Yale University … $10,000–$24,999 … The Boeing Company … Columbia University … Environmental Foundation, Michael Otto … Freedom House … Stanford University … Tata Group of Companies … $5,000–$9,999 … Cato Institute … The Honorable Kenneth M. Duberstein … Surdna Foundation«14https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/2019-annual-report.pdf
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Naslednji think tank, ki ga omenja poročilo od Public Accountability Initiative, je Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), na elitni jezuitski Georgetown University. CSIS je tesno povezan s CIA in s Pentagonom, ter prav tako tesno povezan z Rockefellerjevim omrežjem.
CSIS je bil citiran v 30ih člankih v povezavah s Sirijo.
»The Center for Strategic and International Studies was cited in 30 articles on Syria. CSIS has ample individual connections to the defense industry through its advisors and trustees, including CSIS Senior Advisor Margaret Sidney Ashworth, Corporate Vice President for Government Relations at Northrop Grumman, and CSIS Advisor Thomas Culligan, Senior Vice President of Business Development at Raytheon. CSIS President and CEO John Hamre is a director for defense contractor SAIC.«
Najpomembnejši upravitelji od CSIS prihajajo seveda iz Rockefellerjevega kroga. To so ali so bili – Henry Kissinger, Maurice Greenberg, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Paul Volcker, Brent Scowcroft, Joseph Nye, Thomas Pritzker, Stanley Druckenmiller, Brendan Bechtel, Evan Greenberg; ter člani svetovalne uprave – Sam Nunn, William Cohen, Edmund de Rothschild, Etienne Davignon, itd.
Predsednik in generalni direktor od CSIS je super elitni John Hamre –
- bil Rockefeller (Foundation) Fellow, leta 1974 na Harvard Divinity School;
- član od Council on Foreign Relations;
- član od Trilateral Commission;
- član od Aspen Strategy Group (Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Nicholas Burns, Madeleine Albright, Graham Allison, Eliot Cohen, Richard Danzig, John Deutch, Dianne Feinstein, Richard N. Haass, Chuck Hagel, Jane Harman, David Ignatius, Nicholas Kristof, Richard G. Lugar, Sam Nunn, Meghan O’Sullivan, William J. Perry, John Podesta, Tom Pritzker, Jack Reed, Condoleezza Rice, Strobe Talbott, Fareed Zakaria, Dov S. Zakheim, Philip Zelikow, Robert Zoellick, Al Gore) – Aspen Institute;
- bil član od Markle Task Force on National Security in the Information Age – Markle Foundation, ki je poročala 9/11 Commission;
- direktor od Henry Luce Foundation;
- član od National Petroleum Council (John Deutch – CIA, Ray L. Hunt, Riley Bechtel, John Watson, David O’Reilly, Lee Rayomnd, T. Boone Pickens, Robert O. Anderson);
- bil član od National Committee to Unite a Divided America – Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress;
- član od American Academy of Diplomacy;
- član od Private Sector Council (David Packard, Frank Carlucci – CIA, Norman Augustine, Thomas Foley, Chuck Hagel, Paul O’Neill);
- član svetovalnega odbora od American Corporate Partners (Vernon Jordan, William Kristol, Richard Myers, General Peter Pace, General David Petraeus – CIA, George Shultz, Paul Wolfowitz, General John Keane, Robert Rubin, Sherly Sandberg, Barry Diller);
- član/so-avtor od Action Ukraine Report (Madeleine Albright, James Baker III, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Frank Carlucci, Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer) – U.S.-Ukraine Business Council;
- udeleženec od China Development Forum;
- član od The Economic Club Washington;
- podpisnik od NoGreaterThreat – Nuclear Peace Initiative;
- udeleženec od Concordia Summit;
- upravitelj od MITRE Corporation (ustanovljena od MIT, Ford Foundation in RAND Corporation);
- direktor od Science Applications International Corporation (Sherri Goodman, James Woolsey, Harry Train II, John Deutch – CIA, Bobby Ray Inman);
- predsedujoči od Defense Policy Board;
- član od Commission on the Future of the U.S. Aerospace Industry;
- član od Defense Business Board;
- član od FBI Director’s Advisory Board;
- član od United States European Command Senior Advisory Group;
- član od Task Force on Nuclear Weapons Management; bil član od Task Force on State Department Reform (so-financerjia CFR in CSIS), 2001;
- član nadzorne uprave od Stavros Niarchos Foundation Agora Institute – John Hopkins University;
- član od Policy and Strategy Advisory Board – Texas National Security Review, University of Texas;
- imenovan Gender Champion pri Gender Champions in Nuclear Policy (Emma Belcher – Ploughshares Fund, Jenna Ben-Yehuda, William J. Burns, Vartan Gregorian, Stephen B. Heintz, Frederick Kempe, Ernest Moniz, John Palfrey – John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation);
- bil govorec pri Chicago Council on Global Affairs;
- član uprave od ITT Corporation.
- Hamre je bil namestnik sekretarja za obrambo v Clintonovi administraciji, 1997-1999 in bil član Obamove tranzicijske skupine.
Predsedujoči upravi upraviteljev od CSIS je Thomas J. Pritzker –
- član od Council on Foreign Relations;
- upravitelj od Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute;
- predsedujoči in generalni direktor od Pritzker Organization;
- izvršni predsedujoči od Hyatt Hotels Corporation;
- predsedujoč upravi od Hyatt Foundation;
- član uprave od Pritzker Family Philanthropic Fund;
- član uprave od Pritzker Foundation;
- financer okoljevarstvene organizacije Rare;
- član uprave upraviteljev od University of Chicago [leta 2002 donirali 30 milijonov $];
- član uprave upraviteljev od The Art Institute of Chicago.
- Poleg tega pa je družina Pritzker povezana še s Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Brookings Institution, Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, Third Way Foundation, America Aborad Media, Media Matters for America, s Sorosevo Democracy Alliance, Institute of Politics – Chicago University, National Security Action, U.S. China Business Council, Bloomberg New Economic Forum, Appeal of Conscience Foundation, Economic Strategy Group – Aspen Institute, Center for Global Development, Conservation International, Breakthrough Institute, RAND Corporation, American Enterprise Institute, Obama Foundation (Nika Kovač), World Wildlife Fund, Joint Distribution Committee.
- Družina Pritzker pa je tudi financerka od nevladnih organizacij, ki spadajo pod Sorosevo/ Rocekfellerjevo okrilje, kot tudi pod ”liberalno CIA”.
- Preko Pritzker Family Foundation tako financirajo –
»American Independent Institute … Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation … Center for American Progress … New America (New America Foundation) … New Leaders Council … UnidosUS (formerly National Council of La Raza)«15https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/pritzker-family-foundation/
- Preko Libra Foundation financirajo –
»1Sky … 350.org … American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Foundation … Asian Americans Advancing Justice … Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice … Citizen Engagement Lab … Center for Biological Diversity … Center for Community Change … Center for Constitutional Rights … Center for Investigative Reporting … Center for Media Justice … Center For Reproductive Rights … Ceres … Climate Justice Alliance … Color of Change … #Cut50 … Democracy Now Productions (Democracy Now!) … Demos … Drug Policy Alliance [George Soros, Frank Carlucci – CIA, George Shultz, Paul Volcker, Deepak Chopra, Walter Cronkite, Sting, Richard Branson] … Earthjustice … EarthRights International … Ella Baker Center for Human Rights … Emergent Fund … Environmental Health Coalition … Equal Justice Initiative … Forward Together … Fund for the City of New York … Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives … Global Fund for Women … Global Greengrants Fund … Grassroots Climate Solutions Fund … Grassroots Global Justice Alliance … Grassroots International … Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights … Human Rights First … Indigenous Environmental Network … Institute for Strategic and Equitable Development … International Indian Treaty Council … Mother Jones … National Domestic Workers Alliance … New Media Ventures … Our Children’s Trust … Planned Parenthood Federation of America … Students for Sensible Drug Policy … URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity … Washington Office on Latin America … Women’s Foundation of California … Women’s Media Center«16https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/libra-foundation/

- Margot and Tom Pritzker Family Foundation pa financira tudi super elitni International Rescue Committee17https://www.rescue.org/sites/default/files/document/3846/csb1905annualreportwebfinal1.pdf, ki je tesno povezan s CIA in kjer v vodstvu skozi različna obdobja zasledimo člane liberalne super elite, kot so to – William vanden Heuvel, William Casey, John C. Whitehead, Henry Kissinger, Maurice Greenberg, Evan Greenberg, Madeleine Albirght, Morton Abramowitz, Felix Rohatyn, James Wolfensohn, Tom Brokaw, Winston Lord, John Train, Colin Powell, Jami Miscik, jordanska princesa Firyal, Clairborne Pell, David Miliband, Timothy Geithner.
Predsednik Emeritus od CSIS je Sam Nunn –
- član od Council on Foreign Relations;
- bil udeleženec zasedanj skupine Bilderberg, 1996, 1997;
- so-predsedujoči od Euro-Atlantic Initiative – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace;
- bil upravitelj od Carnegie Corporation od New York;
- bil strokovnjak pri Hoover Institution (del ”konservativne CIA”);
- član izvršnega odbora od National Committee to Unite a Divided America – Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress;
- član uprave svetovalcev od Special Operations Warrior Foundation (Frank Carlucci – CIA; John McCain; Ross Perot III);
- bil član od Consultation on International Security and Arms Control (Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, Josephn Nye, Helmut Sonnenfeldt, Harold Brown, John Lehman, William Perry, Brent Scowcroft, Howard Baker, McGeorge Bundy, James Schlesinger, Al Gore, Cyrus Vance, Josef Joffe, Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, Samuel Huntington) – Carter Center of Emory University, 12-13.4.1985;
- član od American Academy of Diplomacy;
- član od Democratic Leadership Council;
- bil udeleženec od Forstmann Little Conferences;
- so-predsedujoči od Concord Coalition;
- član svetovalnega odbora od U.S. Global Leadership Coalition;
- član zunanje svetovalne uprave od MIT Energy Initiative (John Deutch – CIA; George Shultz, Norman Augustine, Stephen Bechtel Jr., Thomas McLarty III, Susan Eisenhower, Ratan Tata, Frances Beinecke, Walter Hewlett, Robert Millard, John Reed);
- član svetovalnega odbora od Americans for Campaign Reform (Frank Carlucci, Lee Hamilton, Carla Hills, Roderick Hills, Walter Mondale, Peter G. Peterson, James Gustave Speth, Paul Volckerm, Christine Todd Whitman);
- član uprave od Clements Center for National Security – University of Austin;
- dobitnik nagrade od Atlantic Council, 1996;
- bil udeleženec od Munich Security Conference;
- bil udeleženec od Darthmouth Conferences, 1986;
- član od National Bureau of Asian Research;
- član uprave svetovalcev od Layalina Productions (George H. W. Bush, Richard V. Allen, David Abshire, James Baker III, Sam Berger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Lawrence Eagleburger, Richard Fairbanks, Lee Hamilton Carla Hills, Henry Kissinger, James Schlesinger, Brent Scowcroft, George Shultz, John C. Whitehead);
- član od Alfalfa Club;
- član od Gridiron Secret Society (Jimmy Carter, Dean Rusk, Max Cleland, David Shafer);
- v vodstvu od Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs – Harvard University;
- član od Atlantic Partnership;
- so-predsedujoči od Nuclear Threat Initiative;
- so-ustanovitelj od Global Zero;
- član vodstva od Theranos;
- član od Defense Policy Board;
- član od International Commission on Non-Nuclear Proliferation and Disarmament;
- član od Coalition for Democratic Majority;
- bil udeleženec od Russian Jewish Congress;
- udeleženec od Sun Valley Meetings.
- Članica od CFR tudi njegova hčerka Michelle Nunn, ki jo najdemo tudi v upravi od U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, v upravi od National Security Action, je članica od Trilateral Commission, ter generalna direktorico od Points of Lights Foundation (George H. W. Bush).
Ostali vidnejši upravitelji od CSIS leta 2020 –
- Brendan Bechtel (Council on Foreign Relations; Bechtel Group; Alfalfa Club; National Geographic Society; Business Roundtable; American Society of Corporate Executives; The Conservation Fund);
- Erskine Bowles (Council on Foreign Relations; Partnership for Public Service; Economic Strategy Group – Aspen Institute);
- William S. Cohen (Brookings Institution; Council on Foreign Relations; Genocide Prevention Task Force – U.S. Institute of Peace; Bretton Woods Committee; U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; Partnership for a Secure America; Israel Policy Forum);
- Lester Crown (General Dynamics; Aspen Institute; Center for Strategic and International Studies; Center for Middle East Public Policy – RAND Corporation; Chicago Council on Global Affairs; National Committee to Unite a Divided America – Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress; America Abroad Media; American Jewish Committee; Jerusalem Foundation; Israel Policy Forum; Forstmann Little Conferences; Campaign for American Leadership in the Middle East);
- Stanley F. Druckenmiller (bil glavni investicijski direktor od Sorosovega Quantum Fund, Forstmann Little Conferences, Robin Hood Foundation);
- Evan Greenberg (Atlantic Council; British-American Business Council; Business Roundtable; Peterson Institute for International Economics; Bretton Woods Committee; Concord Coalition; Center for the National Interest; U.S.-China Business Council; International Rescue Committee; Conservation Fund);
- Maurice Greenberg (AIG; Council on Foreign Relations; Bretton Woods Committee; Peterson Institute for International Economics; Business Executives for National Security; British-American Business Council; Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy; Financial Services Leadership Forum; International Rescue Committee; Wall Street Journal CEO Council Summit; National Committee on U.S.-China Relations; China Development Forum);
- John B. Hess (Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; American Petroleum Institute; The Business Council);
- Carla A. Hills (Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; International Crisis Group; Foreign Affairs Policy Board – State Department; Peterson Institute for International Economics; Financial Services Volunteer Corps; Partnership for a Secure America; National Committee on U.S.-China Relations; U.S.-China Business Council; American Academy of Diplomacy; America Abroad Media; Orange Circle; World Economic Forum; JP Morgan Chase; AIG);
- Ray Hunt (George W. Bush Institute – George W. Bush Presidential Center; Urban Institute);
- General James L. Jones Jr. (Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg Group; Nuclear Threat Initiative; EastWest Institute; Munich Security Conference; Concordia Summit);
- Henry A. Kissinger;
- W. James McNerney Jr. (The Boeing Company; The Business Council; Partnership for a New American Economy; U.S.-China Business Council; China Development Forum);
- Phebe Novakovic (predsedujoča in generalna direktorica od General Dynamics; CIA; članica uprave od JP Morgan Chase; članica uprave od Abbott Laboratories; članica od Business Roundtable; članica od The Business Council; članica od Economic Strategy Group – Aspen Institute);
- Joseph Nye Jr. (Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg Group; Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute; Atlantic Council; Defense Policy Board; Defense Science Board; Foreign Affairs Advisory Board – State Department; Munich Security Conference; World Economic Forum);
- Leon Panetta (CIA; Atlantic Council; Iraq Study Group; Partnership for a Secure America; Center for National Policy; Panetta Institute for Public Policy; National Committee to Unite a Divided America – Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress; Munich Security Conference; ClimateOne; Campaign for American Leadership in the Middle East);
- William K. Reilly (World Wildlife Fund; ConocoPhillips; David and Lucile Packard Packard Foundation; Energy Project – Bipartisan Policy Center,);
- Julie Sweet (Accenture; World Economic Forum; Business Roundtable; Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP);
- Frances F. Townsend;
- Darren W. Woods (Exxon Mobil; Bloomberg New Economcy Forum).
Financerji od CSIS 2018/2019 –
»Contributions of $500,000 and up … Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation … Carnegie Corporation of New York … Sarah Scaife Foundation [del ”konservativne CIA”] … Smith Richardson Foundation [del ”konservativne CIA”] … Stavros Niarchos Foundation … William and Flora Hewlett Foundation … Contributions of $200,000 — $499,999 … American Endowment Foundation … Charles Koch Foundation … Ford Foundation … Good Energies Foundation … Henry Luce Foundation … MacArthur Foundation … Oak Foundation … William and Flora Hewlett Foundation … Contributions of $100,000 — $199,999 … Alfred P. Sloan Foundation … ClimateWorks Foundation … Democracy Fund … Open Society Foundations … Omidyar Network Fund … Contributions of $5,000 — $99,999 … Bloomberg Philanthropies … BlueGreen Alliance … Care USA … Center for Global Partnership … Fraser Institute … George Washington University … International Labor Organization … International Republican Institute … Kissinger Center for Global Affairs … Rockefeller Brothers Fund … Shanghai Institutes for International Studies … The Warburg Pincus Foundation … The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars … CORPORATION AND TRADE ASSOCIATION DONORS … Contributions of $500,000 and up … Bank of America Corporation … Chevron Corporation … Northrop Grumman Corporation … Contributions of $200,000 – $499,999 … The Boeing Company … Exxon Mobil Corporation … Gilead Sciences, Inc. … JPMorgan Chase & Co. … Leonardo S.p.A. … Lockheed Martin Corporation … Raytheon Company … Saudi Aramco … Starr Insurance Companies … Contributions of $100,000 – $199,000 … Bechtel Corporation … BP … Citigroup … General Dynamics Corporation … Hess Corporation … HP, Inc. … IBM … McAfee, Inc. … Merck & Co., Inc. … Contributions of $65,000 – $99,000 … Alcoa Foundation … Anadarko Petroleum Corporation … AT&T … BAE Systems, Inc. … BHP … Booz Allen Hamilton … The Coca-Cola Company … General Electric Company … Google Inc. … Hyundai Motor … Intel Corporation … Qualcomm, Inc. … Royal Dutch Shell plc … Science Applications International Corporation … Verizon … Contributions of $35,000 – $64,999 … Amazon.com, Inc. … Apple Inc. … Barclays Bank PLC … ConocoPhillips Co. … DHL … Eni S.p.A. … Johnson & Johnson … MITRE Corporation … Occidental Petroleum Corporation … Procter & Gamble Co. … Toyota Motor Corporation … United Technologies Corporation … Contributions of $5,000 – $34,999 … Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld … BASF SE … BBVA Frances … Caterpillar … The Cohen Group … Credit Suisse Group … Dell Inc. … The Walt Disney Company … Duke Energy … Ey … General Motors Company … Halliburton … HSBC Holdings plc … Kelloggs … KPMG … Microsoft … Pepsico … Pfizer … U.S Chamber of Commerce«18https://csis-website-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/200420_AnnualReport_20182019.pdf?7.3dovSji8NKXD7xxjlMK2EOApW7BqQx
The Institute for the Study of War
V poročilu od Public Accountability Initiative je omenjen tudi The Institute for the Study of War (ISW)–
»Analysts representing The Institute for the Study of War were cited in 22 articles on Syria in our dataset. One such article by former ISW Senior Research Analyst Elizabeth O’Bagy was cited by Secretary John Kerry and Senator John McCain [International Republican Institute – CIA] during congressional hearings in their effort to justify intervention.1 ISW’s Corporate Council represents a who’s who of the defense industry and includes Raytheon, SAIC, Palantir, General Dynamics, CACI, Northrop Grumman, DynCorp, and L-3 Communications.«19https://public-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/PAI-Syria-media-report.pdf; str. 4
Financerji od ISW leta 2011, ko se je začela vojna proti Siriji so bili poleg top predstavnikov liberalnega establišmenta še z njim tesno povezani top predstavniki ”konservativne CIA” –
»ISW’s Founding Supporters: The Paul E. Singer Family Foundation. Donors Trust. The Smith Richardson Foundation. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation. Mr. Roger Hertog. National Security Leadership Award Sponsor: General Dynamics. Corporate Council: CACI … DynCorp Int. Palantir. Northrop Grumman«20http://www.understandingwar.org/sites/default/files/2011_AnnualReport_26MAR_email.pdf; str. 32
- Ustanovni financerji od ISW – The Paul E. Singer Family Foundation, Donors Trust, The Smith Richardson Foundation, The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Roger Hertog (Hertog Foundation) – prihajajo iz omrežja ”konservativne CIA”.
- Poleg korporativnih financerjev, pa so bili leta 2011 financerji še posamezniki –
»Commander’s and President’s Circle: … Michael B. Ajouz [delal za Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.; Goldman, Sachs & Co.; EastWest Institute] … Michael Mukasey [Debevoise & Plimpton; National Security Institute] … Maj. Gen. Arnold Punaro [Defense Business Board, Science Applications International Corporation; National Defense Industrial Association; Center for a New American Security; Center for Strategic and International Studies; Bipartisan Policy Center; Atlantic Council] … Keith Brendley [RAND Corporation] … Benefactors and Patrons: … General Gordon Sullivan [Spirit of America; MITRE Army Advisory Board; MIT Lincoln Laboratory; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute]«21Ibid.; str. 33
- Financerji od ISW so prav tako tesno povezani z liberalnim establišmentom. S Council on Foreign Relations so kot korporativni predstavniki povezani Raytheon, Palantir in Northop Grumman. S tem, da je Palantir Technologies od Petra Thiela tudi pomemben del od CIA (In-Q-Tel), ter povezan z NSA, FBI, DHS, Special Operations Command in z West Point. Peter Thiel pa pomemben predstavnik od Bilderberg Group, kot tudi Trumpove administracije, ter obiskovalec od Sun Valley Meetings, ki so tesno povezani s Trilateral Commission in pomemben podpornik ideologije ”liberalne CIA” (Hollywood, mediji, visoko tehnološka podjetja).
Financer od ISW pa je tudi Gatesov Microsoft, ki tudi spada pod okrilje Council on Foreign Relations, in je tudi financer od Center for Strategic and International Studies, od Brookings Institution, od Atlantic Council, njihovo vodstvo pa udeleženo na zasedanjih od Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, kot tudi na Sun Valley Meetings. - So-ustanovitelj podjetja L-3 Technologies (L-3 Communications), je banka Lehman Brothers, ki predstavlja pomemben del liberalnega establišmenta. Pri podjetju L3-Technologies je (2020) predsedujoči in generalni direktor William M. Brown, ki je v svoji karieri delal za pomembno globalistično podjetje McKinsey & Company (del od CFR), katero je pomemben financer in načrtovalec ideologije ”liberalne CIA”. Hkrati pa je Brown član od The Business Council (Stephen D. Bechtel Sr., David Packard, Henry Kravis, Harold McGraw III, Rupert Murdoch, David Rubenstein, Stephen Schwarzman, Dick Cheney, David O’Reilly, James Robinson III, Kenneth Chenault, John Bryan Jr., Jeff Bezos, Jim McNerney, Rex Tillerson, John Hess); član od Business Roundtable (Kenneth Chenault, Evan Greenberg, Jim Hackett, Rex Tillerson, David O’Reilly, Jospeh Gorman, John Watson, Riley Bechtel, Douglas Daft); ter član odbora upraviteljev od Association of the United States Army, katerega predsedujoča je prej omenjena Phebe N. Novakovic.
Predsednik in generalni direktor od L3-Technologies je Christopher E. “Chris” Kubasik, ki je bil pred tem izvršni direktor od Lockheed Martin (del od CFR), ter bil partner pri pravnem podjetju Ernst & Young (del od CFR; pomemben financer ”liberalne CIA”). Kubasik pa je tudi član uprave od National Defense Industrial Association, član uprave od Association of the United States Army, član od Aerospace Industries Association, član od Navy League of the United States.
ISW je vseskozi tesno povezan z nekdanjim direktorjem od CIA Davidom Petraesom (povezan z Danilom Türkom pri Concordia Leadership Council), kateremu so bili tudi svetovalci. Petraeus je povedal to o Kim Kagan –
»“Kim Kagan is a leader. She has gotten the big ideas right for this organization, she has communicated them to the organization and indeed to supporters, she has overseen their implementation and she has then captured best practices, worst practices, refined them and repeated the process. And so, Kim, tonight I really want to say thanks to you for all that you have done. You are a barracuda at some times… But just let me say thanks to you formally for your tremendous leadership.” … General David Petraeus, August 4, 2011«22http://www.understandingwar.org/sites/default/files/2011_AnnualReport_26MAR_email.pdf
Direktorska uprava od ISW leta 2011 – 2020
- Predsedujoči je General Jack Keane – omenjen in analiziran na začetku tega poročila.
- Ustanoviteljica in predsednica je Kimberly Kagan –
- članica svetovalne uprave od Spirit of America (John McCain, Peter Ackerman, George Shultz, General Jack Keane, General Stanley McChrystal, Nancy Soderberg, General James L. Jones, General Michael Flynn, General Jim Mattis, General H. R. McMaster).
- Leta 2016 je bila Kaganova govornica pri pro-globalističnem Concordia Summit (David Petraeus; Danilo Türk). Ostali pomembni udeleženci leta 2016 so bili še – Madeleine Albright, General Keith Alexander (član direktorske uprave od Amazon), Giuliano Amato, Jose Maria Aznar, Joyce Banda, Afsaneh Beschloss, Cherie Blair, Ian Bremmer, Tom Brokaw, Warren Buffett, Felipe Calderon, , Laura Chinchilla, Paula Dobriansky, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Kristalina Georgieva, Sherri Goodman, Lindsey Graham, Jane Harman, General James L. Jones, Frederick Kagan, Frederick Kempe, Vanessa Kerry, John D. Negroponte, General David Petraeus, T. Boone Pickens, Bill Richardson, Judith Rodin (Rockefeller Foundation), Donald Rumsfeld, Marietja Schaake, Anne-Marie Slaughter, George Soros, Tom Stritikus (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), Peter Sutherland, Laura Thompson (International Organization for Migration), Frans Timmermans, Frances Fragos Townsend, Alexis Tsipras, Danilo Türk, Cyrus Vance Jr., Paul Wolfowitz, Katherine Zimmerman (American Enterprise Institute).
- Ostali pomembni udeleženci od Concordia Summit – Jose Manuel Barroso, Tony Blair, Laura Bush, Michael Chertoff, Bill De Blasio, Patrick Gaspard (Open Society Foundations), Joe Gebbia (Airbnb), Antonio Guterres, Lord Michael Hastings (KPMG), Per Haggenes (Ikea Foundation), Sean Hinton (Soros Economic Development Fund), Jeremy Kroll (K2 Intelligence), Christine Lagarde, Frank Mars, David Miliband, John Prendergast (”liberalna CIA”), Wilbur Ross Jr., Laura Tyson, Princesa Lamia Bint Majed Saud AlSaud, Jeh Johnson, Bill Kristol, Bernard-Henri Levy, Danska princesa Mary, Thomas McLarty III, Carolyn Miles (Save the Children), Ivanka Trump, Elliott Abrams, Jordanska Princesa Rania, Howard Buffett, Kellyanne Conway, Jacqueline Novogratz, Michelle Nunn, David Rubenstein. Bolj znani člani vodstvenega odbora od Concordia so – Princ Abdulaziz bin Talal Al Saud, Jose Maria Aznar, Jose Manuel Barroso, Cherie Blair, Ian Bremmer, Paula Dobriansky, Jacob Frenkel, Jane Harman, Jeh Johnson, John D. Negroponte, General David H. Petraeus, Anders Fogh Rasumssen, Kevin Rudd, Frances Townsend, ter tudi Danilo Türk.
- V Afganistanu je Kaganova delovala pod Generalom Stanley McChrystalom, ki je znan po tem, da so preko njega potekala mučenja iraških zapornikov. Nadrejeni od McChrystala pa seveda ljubljenec liberalnega establišmenta, nekdanji direktor od CIA David Petraeus, za katerega je prav tako delala Kaganova, in sicer leta 2010, prav tako v Afganistanu.
- Kaganova je Asadov režim obtožila, da se ne bojuje proti ISIS-u, za katerega nastanek je seveda odgovorna Obamova administracija, skupaj z zaveznicami, kot so Savdska Arabija, Katar in Turčija.
»Kagan also accused the Assad regime of failing to combat ISIS in Syria. “The Assad regime is not fighting ISIS. The Assad regime has every incentive to make sure that extremist groups perpetuate themselves in Syria so that outside powers can’t come in and strengthen the opposition and make it legitimate and democratic.”[5] This statement has been directly[6] contradicted[7] by many reports[8] and experts[9] on the Syrian conflict.«23https://militarist-monitor.org/profile/kimberly-kagan/
Poleg tega pa Kaganova prihaja iz vplivne neo-konservativne družine. Njen mož je Frederick Kagan, ki je rezidenčni strokovnjak od American Enterprise Institute (del ”konservativne CIA”), in je bil podpisnik od Rebuilding America’s Defenses, ki ga je pripravil Project for the New American Century. Frederick prav tako delal za Generala Petraeusa v Afganistanu.
»Kimberly Kagan has been a close adviser to U.S. generals serving in recent U.S. wars. These relationships have drawn scrutiny, particularly the relationship Kagan and her husband Fred had with General Petraeus. According to a December 2012 Washington Post [tesno povezani z liberalnim establišmentom okoli Rockefellerja, CIA, Trilateral Commission in Sun Valley Meetings] investigation, the Kagans visited Afghanistan repeatedly and extensively throughout Petraeus’ tenure there, during which time they received extraordinary accommodations for civilian visitors—including near round-the-clock access to military and intelligence officials, top-level security clearance, and priority travel to anywhere in the country, as well as desks and military email accounts. In return, the Kagans advised Petraeus and penned supportive op-eds about the general and the war effort when they periodically returned home.
Although the Kagans did not receive compensation from the U.S. military for their advisory work, the Post noted that they continued to receive paychecks from their respective think tanks while they were advising Petraeus. “For Kim Kagan, spending so many months away from research and advocacy work in Washington could have annoyed many donors to the Institute for the Study of War,” it observed. “But her major backers appear to have been pleased that she cultivated such close ties with Petraeus.”
Many of ISW’s major contributors and fundraisers—including DynCorps International, CACI International, and General Dynamics—are military contractors with active interests in the Afghan war. At a 2011 ISW event honoring Petraeus, Kagan thanked her corporate supporters for sponsoring her “ability to have a 15-month deployment [in Afghanistan] essentially in the service of those who needed some help.«24Ibid.
- Direktor od ISW je William Kristol.
- Kristol prihaja prav tako iz neokonservativne družine, in je deloval kot upravitelj od Manhattan Institute for Policy Research (del Mont Pelerin Society).
- Bil udeleženec od skrivne Forstmann Little Conferences (Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, Nathaniel Rothschild, Nelson Mandela, Richard Branson, Princ Turki al Faisal, Jeff Bezos, Sandy Berger, Benazir Buttho, Joe Biden, Conrad Black, Tony Blair, Michael Bloomberg, Pail Bremer, Tom Brokaw, Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton, Peter Coors, Kevin Costner, Sherly Crow, Lester Crown, Dr. Richard Dearlove, Barry Diller, John Doerr, Stanley Druckenmiller (Soros’ Quantum Fund), Michael Eisner, Elizabeth Hurley, Walter Isaacson, Steve Forbes, Newt Gingrich, Alan Greenspan, Peter Jennings, Paul Tudor Jones, Paul Kagame, Martin Luther King III, Jeane Kirkpatrick, John McCain, David Petraeus, Lord George Robertson, Charlie Rose, Eric Schmidt, George Tenet, Oprah Winfrey, Prince Andrew Windsor, Bob Woodward).
- Član svetovalne uprave od American Corporate Partners (John Hamre, Vernon Jordan, General David Petraeus, George Shultz, Paul Wolfowitz, General John Keane, Larry Summers, David Axelrod).
- Član svetovalne uprave od Institute of Politics – Chicago University.
- Bil član od Americna Committee for Peace in the Caucasus (so-ustanovitleji – Zbigniew Brzezinski, Alexander Haig, Max Kampelman; člani – John Brademas, Richard V. Allen, Frank Gaffney, Michael Ledeen, Riched Perle, Caspar Weinberger, James Woolsey, Richard Pipes, Helumt Sonnenfeldt, Morton Abramowitz, Paula Dobriansky, William Taft IV, Stephen Solarz, Robert Kagan, Elliott Abrams, Joshua Muravchik, Eliot Cohen, Richard Gere).
- Član od Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute.
- Član mednarodne svetovalne uprave od New Atlantic Initiative.
- Član od Committee for Peace and Security in the Gulf (Stephen Solarz, Richard Perle, Elliott Abrams, Richard V. Allen, Richard Armitage, Frank Carlucci, Paula Dobriansky, Frank Gaffney, Fred Ickle, Robert Kagan, Michael Ledeen, Robert McFarlane, Joshua Muravchik, Donald Rumsfeld, Helumt Sonnenfeldt, Caspar Weinberger, Paul Wolfowitz, Dov Zakheim, John Bolton, William Clark, Zalmay Khalilzad).
- Udeleženec od Concordia Summit.
- Član svetovalne uprave od Renew Democracy Initiative.
- Član svetovalne uprave od Alliance for Securing Democracy (Michael Chertoff, Mike Morell – CIA, John Podesta, Mike Rodgers, Marietje Schaake).
- Bil direktor od Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation (del ”konservativne CIA”).
- Bil ustanovni predsedujoči od Project for the Republican Future.
- So-ustanovitelj od Project for the New American Century (Donald Kagan, Robert Kagan, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, Frank Gaffney, Fred Ikle, Richard Perle, John Lehman, Richard V. Allen, James Woolsey, Richard Armitage, Paula Dobriansky, Paul Wolfowitz, Francis Fukuyama, Daniel Pipes. Dov Zakheim, Robert Zoellick, Steve Forbes, John Bolton, John McCain, Eliot Cohen, Zalmay Khalilzad).
- Direktor od Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (James Woolsey, Clifford May, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Jack Kemp, Richard Perle, General Paul X. Kelley, Paula Dobriansky, Steve Forbes, Max Kampelman, Robert McFarlane, Michael Ledeen).
- Direktor od Jack Miller Center for Teaching America’s Founding Principles and History.
- Bil član direktorske uprave od Foreign Policy Initiative.
- Član svetovalne uprave od Alexander Hamilton Society (Aaron Friedberg, Elliott Abrams, Max Boot, Ian Brzezinski, Eliot Cohen, Elbridge Colby, Robert Kagan, General David Petraeus, Roger Zakheim).
- Član ustanovne uprave od Emergency Committee for Israel.
- Bil udeleženec od Jewish Leadership Conference (Roger Hertog, Eric Cohen, Natan Sharansky, Elliott Abrams, Martin Kramer, Malcolm Hoenlein, Norman Podhoretz, Henry Kissinger).
- Kristol pa je tudi direktor od anti-Trumpovega Defending Democracy Together, kjer so zbrani republikanci, ki so (uradno) Trumpovi nasprotniki, ter hkrati podporniki od Joa Bidena (klasični igralec iz liberalnega establišmenta, ki se igra ideologijo ”liberalne CIA”). Člani uprave so še Christine Todd Whitman, Linda Chavez, Jennifer Horn, Bob Inglis in Mona Charen. Pri tem se Kristol in njegova druščina uradno pridružujejo nekdanjim predstavnikom za nacionalno varnost, ki so služili v administracijah Ronalda Reagana, Georga H. W. Busha, Georga W. Busha, kot tudi v administraciji Donalda Trumpa (”konservativna CIA”/neokonservativec). Bolj pomembni predstavniki – Richard Armitage, John Bellinger, Richard Burt, Eliot Cohen, Chuck Hagel, General Michael Hayden (CIA, NSA), Carla Hills, David Kramer, Winston Lord, John Negroponte, William Taft, William Webster (CIA, FBI), Dov Zakheim, Philip Zelikow.
Kristol je pomagal urejati financiranje od Americans for Community and Faith-Centered Enterprise (ACFE) preko Olin Foundation (del ”konservativne CIA”), preko katere je George W. Bush potiskal ”svoje” verske iniciative. Vodja in so-ustanovitelj od ACFE je bil vplivni neokonservativec Michael Joyce, tesno povezan s ”konservativno CIA”, kot tudi povezan z liberalnim establišmentom. Joyce, ki je bil član vplivnega ultra-konservativnega Malteškega viteškega reda, je bil tako direktor od Bradley Foundation (1985-2001; del ”konservativne CIA”) in direktor od Olin Foundation (1979-1985), bil član od Mont Pelerin Society (del ”konservativne CIA”), bil prvi predsedujoči od Philanthropy Roundtable, so-ustanovitelj od Project for the Republican Future, bil član uprave od Clare Booth Luce Fund, bil podpisnik od Project for the New American Century. Joyce je bil član Reaganove tranzicijske skupine, ter bil svetovalec tako od Georga H. W. Busha, kot od Busha mlajšega.
- Članica uprave leta 2011 je bila tudi Elizabeth Cheney, hčerka top neokonservativca Dicka Cheneya.
Dick Cheney predstavlja tesno povezavo z liberalnim establišmentom, jasno, kot član od Council on Foreign Relations, član od Trilateral Commission, udeleženec od Bohemian Grove, član od The Business Council, član od Bretton Woods Committee, udeleženec od Forstmann Little Conferences, član od Alfalfa Club, član od Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute, ter povezan še z vrsto drugimi nevladnimi organizacijami.- Elisabeth Cheney je delala za USAID;
- delala za Armitage Associates LLP (Richard Armitage – U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, America Abroad Media, Center for a New American Security, Atlantic Council, U.S.-Muslim Engagement Project, Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute, CSIS, International Crisis Group, ManTech, Defense Policy Board, Project for a New American Century, Le Cercle);
- bila vodja od Iran Syria Policy and Operations Group – State Department (2006; financirani s strani International Republican Institute);
- z Williamom Kristolom so-ustanoviteljica od Keep America Safe;
- so-ustanoviteljica od Foundation for the Future (Condoleezza Rice, Shaha Riza, Anwar Ibrahim, Sandra Day O’Connor, Abdul Rahman al Rashed, Kamel Abu Jaber);
- bila vodja od Iran Syria Policy and Operations Group – State Department;
- članica uprave od Gerald R. Ford Foundation (Henry Kissinger, James Baker III, Brent Scowcroft, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Alan Greenspan, Rich DeVos, Carla Hills, Paul O’Neill, William Coleman Jr., Douglas DeVos, Richard Parsons).
- Cheney je bila leta 2009 govornica pri ultra-konservativnem/neokonservativnem/CIA ”anti-muslimanskem” Center for Security Policy (James Woolsey, Frank Gaffney, Devon Gaffney Cross, Senator Jon Kyl, Polkovnik John Nagl, James Schlesinger, Donald Rumsfeld, Casper Wainberger, General James L. Jones, Dick Cheney, Richard Perle, Fred Ikle, John Lehman, Bruce Gelb, Paula Dobriansky, Dov Zakheim, James Roche, Evan Galbright, General Paul Vallely, Robert Kagan, Bruce Jackson, Garry Kasparov, Elliott Abrams, Nina Rosenwald), ki je nekakšno nadaljevanje od American Security Council. Financerji od CSP –
»Donors Capital Fund … $150,000; 2014 … $250,000; 2013 … $200,000; 2013 … $500,000; 2011 … $300,000; 2011 … $25,000; 2011 … $455,000; 2010 … DonorsTrust … $75,000; 2014 … $50,000; 2014 … The Boeing Company … $25,000; 2013 … CACI International … $20,000; 2013 … General Dynamics Corporation … $15,000; 2013 … Lockheed Martin … $15,000; 2013 … Northrop Grumman Corporation … $5,000; 2013 … Raytheon … $20,000; 2013 … General Electric … $5,000; 2013 … The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation … $50,000; 2013 … $60,000; 2012 … $70,000; 2011 … $75,000; 2010 … Sarah Scaife Foundation … $175,000; 2012 … $175,000; 2011 … $175,000; 2010 … Joyce and Donald Rumsfeld Foundation … $2,000; 2012 … $1,000; 2011 … $5,000; 2010«25http://conservativetransparency.org/org/center-for-security-policy/?order_by=year%20DESC
- Član uprave od ISW leta 2020 je tudi nekdanji direktor od CIA General David H. Petraeus, ki je bil pred tem poveljnik koalicijskih sil v Iraku.
Petraeus je še eden v vrsti vplivnih neokonservativcev, ki je jasno da tesno povezan z liberalnim establišmentom, ne samo kot direktor od CIA, ampak še preko vrsto drugih nevladnih organizacij.- Poleg tega je Petraeus partner od podjetja Kravis Kohlberg Roberts (KKR; del od CFR) in predsedujoči od KKR Global Institute.
- Henry Kravis predstavlja pomemben del liberalnega establišmenta in je med drugim upravitelj od Rockefeller University, je upravitelj od Council on Foreign Relations, član izvršnega odbora od The Business Council, bil predsedujoči od Partnership for New York City (ustanovitelj David Rockefeller), udeleženec od Sun Valley Meetings, član od Bretton Woods Committee, so-predsedujoči od Republican Leadership Council, dobitnik nagrade od Atlantic Council, član svetovalne uprave od Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, član od Alfalfa Club, redni udeleženec od Bilderberg Group. Podobno povezana je njegova žena Jose-Marie Kravis, ki je med drugim redna udeleženka od Bilderberg Group in članica od Trilateral Commission. Kravis je financiral vse neokonservativne predsednike ZDA, to so George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush in Donald Trump, kot tudi kandidata za predsednika Johna McCaina.
- Petraeus je član od Council on Foreign Relations;
- član od Trilateral Commission;
- redni udeleženec zasedanja skupine Bilderberg, 2013 – 2019, 2022;
- direktor od Atlantic Council;
- bil gost od Pilgrims Society;
- udeleženec od Munich Security Conference;
- bil udeleženec od Forstmann Little Conferences;
- član vodstvenega odbora od Concordia Leadership Council (Danilo Türk);
- član nacionalne varnostno svetovalne uprave od U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; član svetovalne uprave od Amery Heritage Center;
- član svetovalne uprave od American Corporate Partners;
- upravitelj od McCain Institute for International Leadership;
- član nacionalne uprave od National Medal of Honor Museum;
- član svetovalne uprave od pro-migrantske (Special Immigrant Visas) No One Left Behind (Paul Wolfowitz);
- član odbora od National Infrastructure Performance Council (Maurice Greenberg, George Pataki);
- višji podpredsednik od Royal United Services Institute for Defense and Security Studies (Corporate Advisory Group – BAE Systems);
- član uprave upraviteljev od International Journalists’ Programme (tesno povezani z ozadjem vplivnih nemških medijev – Bertelsmann Group, Axel Springer; ameriški upravitelji – Richard Burt, James Hoge, Alexander Haig Jr., Henry Kissinger, Joe Lieberman; nemški upravitelji – Mathias Dopfner, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff);
- udeleženec od Asia Security Conference;
- član svetovalne uprave od U.S.-India Strategic Partnership Forum;
- član od Alfalfa Club;
- bil višji strokovnjak od Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs – Harvard Universtiy, 2013-2019;
- podpisnik od #NoGreaterThreat od Nuclear Threat Initiative;
- svetovalec in investitor od Mark 43 (Jeff Bezos, Sophia Bush, Ashton Kutcher, Vance Serchuk, Jonnathan Smidt);
- član od Veterans of the OSS (predstavljajo najpomembnejši predstavniki CIA, ki so tesno povezani z liberalnim establišmentom);
- član uprave svetovalcev od Third Option Foundation (podpira CIA Special Operations operativce in njihove družine);
- član omrežja strokovnjakov pri The Cypher Brief, ki organizira tudi Threat Conference;
- bil govorec pri World Affairs Council of Dallas;
- predavatalj pri Hertog Foundation;
- član svetovalne uprave od Alexander Hamilton Society.
- gostujoči strokovnjak na Jackson Institute for Global Affairs (Howard Dead, General Stanley McChrystal, John Kerry, John Negroponte, John Podesta) – Yale University;
- so-predsedujoči globalnemu svetovalnemu odboru od Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
- Poleg tega je Petraeus partner od podjetja Kravis Kohlberg Roberts (KKR; del od CFR) in predsedujoči od KKR Global Institute.
Pomemben član uprave od ISW leta 2020 pa je tudi demokratski senator Joseph I. Lieberman. Lieberman je –
- član od Council on Foreign Relations;
- so-predsedujoči od American Internationalism Project – American Enterprise Institute (top ”konservativna CIA”);
- član guvernerske svetovalne uprave od Partnership for Public Service (emeriti člani uprave – Susan Rice, Richard Danzig, David Gergen, Lloyd Howell Jr. – Booz Allen Hamilton, James Loy – Boeing Company, Peter Orszag – Lazard Freres; guvernerska svetovalna uprava – Norman Augustine, James A. Baker III, Erskine Bowles, Bill Bradley, Kathryn Bushkin Calvin – UN Foundation, Kenneth M. Duberstein, Stuart E. Eizenstat, Stephen B. Heintz – Rockefeller Brothers Fund, John L. Hennessy, Charles O. Holliday Jr. – DuPont, General P.X. Kelley, Sharon King – The Atlantic Philanthropies, Philip A. Odeen, Norman J. Ornstein – AEI, Don Michael Randel – The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, John E. Pepper – The Walt Disney Company, Hugh Price – Brookings Institution, Robert E. Rubin, Richard Schlosberg – David & Lucile Packard Foundation, Lawrence H. Summers);
- upravitelj od McCain Institute for International Leadership;
- član direktorske uprave od Center for a New American Security;
- član uprave od Clements Center for National Security;
- član uprave od International Journalists’ Programme;
- svetovalec od National Bureau of Asian Research;
- podpisnik od Renew Democracy Initiative;
- so-ustanovitelj in član nacionalnega odbora od American Council of Trustees and Alumni;
- so-ustanovitelj in član svetovalne uprave od Committee for the Liberation of Iraq;
- član svetovalne uprave od Counter Extremism Project;
- član uprave od American Federation for Children;
- bil predsedujoči od Democratic Leadership Council;
- član svetovalne uprave od Jewish Institute for National Security of America (so-ustanovitelja Michael Ledeen in Henry Jackson);
- član svetovalne uprave od The Washington Institute for Near East Policy;
- častni so-predsedujoči od Committee on the Present Danger;
- ugledni svetovalec od Foundation for the Defense of Democracies;
- predsedujoči od United Against Nuclear Iran (v glavnem liberalci in delno konservativci, ki so tudi povezani s CIA in Mossadom; James Woolsey – CIA, Meir Dagan – Mossad, Richard Dearlove – MI6, Mark Wallace, Richard Holbrooke, Pauline Neville-Jones, Leslie Gelb, Jeb Bush, Francis Townsend, Lord Charles Guthrie, Graham Allison, Walter Russell Mead – CFR, Otto Reich);
- bil častni član uprave od Center for Excellence in Education (Colin Powell, Jimmy Carter Lindsey Graham, Frank Carlucci – CIA, Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, Thomas Pickering, Admiral William A. Owens);
- predsedujoči od Progressive Policy Institute (Will Marshall, Bill Clinton, Dick Gephardt, Jay Rockefeller);
- ameriški član svetovalne uprave od Transatlantic Forum (Richard Burt, John McCain, Edward Djerejian, Condoleezza Rice, Richard Holbrooke, Henry Kissinger);
- član mednarodne guvernerske uprave od Peres Center for Peace (Lester Crown, James Baker III, Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Carter, Warren Christopher, Leslie Gelb, Richard Pratt, Mortimer Zuckermann, Charles Bronfman, Baron Eric de Rothschild, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, Bruce Rappaport, Paul Desmarais Jr., Jacques Delors, Desmond Tutu);
- član od Alfalfa Club;
- član svetovalne uprave od Ukrainian Jewish Encounter (Timothy Garton Ash (zaveznik Sorosa), Stuart Eizenstat, Abraham Foxman – ADL, Bernard-Henri Lévy);
- član odbora od Jewish Muslim Advisory Council;
- član direktorske uprave od Cohen Veterans Network (tesno povezani z Robin Hood Foundation, katere pomemben financer je George Soros; Admiral Michael Mullen, Steven Cohen – Robin Hood Foundation, Douglas Haynes – ex McKinsey & Co.).
- Leta 2012 je Lieberman skupaj z Johnom McCainom obiskal bojevnike od Free Syrian Army na turški meji, kjer sta izjavljala, da je konflikt možno rešiti samo militaristično. Free Syrian Army pa so bili tesno povezani s skrajni islamisti, kot so Al Nusra (sirska Al Qaeda) in z ostalimi salafističnimi terorističnimi skupinami. Free Syrian Army pa so bili oboroženi z ameriškim orožjem, med drugim z raketami TOW, kot tudi s snajperskimi puškami Barrett .50 cal. Hkrati pa so se mnogi vojaki od FSA, če ne celo večina njih, pridužili tako ISIS-u, kot tudi Al Qaeda Syria.
Ostali pomembni propagandisti vojne proti Siriji
Poleg teh omenjenih think tankov in posameznikov, pa so bili akterji, ki jih omenja poročilo in so pozivali k vojaški akciji proti Siriji, povezani tudi z vsekakor vodilnim think tankom liberalnega establišmenta Council on Foreign Relations, z Atlantic Council, kot tudi z American Enterprise Institute (del ”konservativne CIA”), kot tudi s Sorosem povezanim Center for American Progress. Povezani pa še s CIA, Trilateral Commission, Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute, National Endowment for Democracy, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, Internaitonal Crisis Group, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, itd.
»The report also includes profiles on the Council on Foreign Relations, the American Enterprise Institute, the Atlantic Council, and the Center for American Progress. Each profile includes a selection of commentary from analysts associated with the think tank and a selection of defense industry ties. These ties are both organizational (corporate sponsorships and donations) and individual (ties through their directors, advisors, trustees, fellows, and analysts).«26https://public-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/PAI-Syria-media-report.pdf; str. 4
Poleg zgoraj omenjenih komentatorjev iz poročila od Public Accountability Initiative, ki so pozivali k vojnemu posredovanju proti Siriji, pa je tu še seznam ostalih pomembnih predstavnikov liberalnega establišmenta, ki so počeli enako –
»James Cartwright … Frances Townsend … Nicholas Burns … William S. Cohen … Wesley Clark … Roger Cressey … Michele Flournoy … Michael Hayden … Colin Kahl … Brian Katulis … Madeleine Albright … John Negroponte«27https://public-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/PAI-Syria-media-report.pdf; str. 6
Madeleine Albright
Med temi imeni zagotovo najvplivnejša iz Rockefellerjevega kroga Madeleine Albright, ki je nekdanja državna sekretarka iz administracije Billa Clintona. Albrightova po povezanosti in dejavnostih v nevladnih organizacijah zaostaja samo za Henryem Kissingerjem, Jamesom Woolseyem, Georgom Shultzem in Zbigniewim Brzezinskim.
Če se našteje samo nekaj teh njenih povezav –
- članica uprave od Council on Foreign Relations;
- članica od Trilateral Commission;
- članica od Brookings Doha Center – Brookings Institution;
- pod-predsedujoča in kasneje predsedujoča od National Democratic Institute for International Affairs;
- ustanoviteljica od Albright Stonebridge Group;
- članica uprave od Center for National Policy;
- članica od Council of American Ambassadors;
- članica od American Academy of Diplomacy;
- bila direktorica od U.S. Institute of Peace;
- članica od Bretton Woods Committee;
- članica svetovalnega odbora od U.S. Global Leadership Coalition;
- častna direktorica od Diplomacy Center Foundation;
- članica svetovalne uprave od America Aborad Media;
- so-predsedujoča vodstvenemu odboru od Initiative for Global Development;
- ustanovna predsedujoča mednarodni svetovalni upravi od Pew Global Attitudes Project – Pew Research Center (Pew Charitable Trust je pomemben del ”liberalne CIA”);
- članica od Partnership for a Secure America;
- članica od Consensus for American Security – American Security Project;
- ustanovna direktorica od Center for a New American Security;
- članica mednarodne uprave od Atlantic Council;
- direktorica od National Committee on U.S.-China Relations;
- članica od Alfalfa Club;
- direktorica od International Rescue Committee;
- članica od Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute;
- guvernerka od Atlantic Institute of International Affairs;
- bila strokovnjakinja in govornica pri Center for Strategic and International Studies;
- redna udeleženka od Clinton Global Initiative;
- udeleženka od Concordia Summit;
- so-predsedujoča od Institute for Global Development;
- članica od Defense Policy Board;
- članica od CIA External Advisory Board.
»Media commentary: Albright issued a statement urging Congress to vote in favor of striking Syria that was quoted in the Washington Post: The “risks of complacency and inaction far outweigh those of the limited, but purposeful, response now contemplated,” Albright said in a statement. “The dangers of this world will only deepen if aggressors believe that global norms have no meaning and that gross violations can be carried out with impunity.”
Most recently, she has appeared on CBS’s Face the Nation and CNN commenting on a possible deal with Russia.«28https://public-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/PAI-Syria-media-report.pdf; str. 21-22
R. Nicholas Burns
Burns je služil kot tiskovni predstavnik State Departmanta in kot ameriški diplomat pri zvezi NATO. Burns je –
- član od Council on Foreign Relations;
- član od Trilateral Commission;
- član direktorske uprave od Atlantic Council;
- član direktorske uprave od Rockefeller Brothers Fund;
- član od Brookings Saban Center for Middle East Policy – Brookings Institution;
- bil Fulbright Scholar (2020);
- upravitelj od Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress;
- član od American Academy of Diplomacy;
- upravitelj od Diplomacy Center Foundation;
- direktor od Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute;
- član direktorske uprave od Center for a New American Security;
- član odbora višjih svetovalcev od Royal Institute of International Affairs;
- član direktorske uprave od Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs – Harvard University;
- član svetovalne uprave od America Aborad Media;
- član obveščevalnega odbora od Intelligence Squared U.S. (Jonathan Soros, Max Boot, Ian Bremmer, David Coulter, Devon Gaffney Cross, David Frum);
- častni član uprave od The Common Good;
- član svetovalne uprave od National Security Action;
- član uprave od Appeal of Conscience Foundation;
- pod-predsedujoči od Ditchley Foundation;
- gostujoči strokovnjak pri Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars;
- član svetovalne uprave od Refugees International (Mark Malloch Brown, Thomas Pickering, Samantha Power, General William Nach, Bill Richardsn, Bill Bradley, Frank Wisner II, David Kramer);
- udeleženec od Munich Security Conference;
- udeleženec od Herzliya Conference;
- višji svetovalec od Cohen Group;
- član Malteškega viteškega reda;
- bil svetovalec in plačani govorec pri podjetjih kot so Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, CitiBank, State Street, Honeywell.
»Media commentary: Burns has made appearances on CNN and Fox News in addition to penning op-ed columns for the Boston Globe. He has expressed strong support for a strike on Syria and suggested that inaction may threaten national security.
From one of Burns’s Boston Globe op-ed pieces (9/7/2013):
From a foreign policy perspective, the decision isn’t even close — the United States must act by attacking President Bashar Assad’s air force, artillery, and command and control assets within Syria. The goal is to intimidate him, degrade his military capacity, and deter him from ever using these weapons again. There are risks, to be sure, in any use of force. But this will not be another Iraq — the United States will not put ground troops into Syria. And the risks are even greater if we do nothing.
From CNN’s State of the Union with Candy Crowley (9/1/2013):
[Gloria] BORGER: And Nick Burns, let me ask you, what are the implications of this kind of delay for our allies in the region, or in Syria, for that matter?
BURNS: Well, Gloria, there are some risks here. Risk one is that Assad will misread this, not understand what the president is trying to do as David [Gergen] has described in terms of domestic affairs and believes that we’re a paper tiger. And that will embolden him. The second risk is that Iran, Hezbollah and Russia, the coalition supporting Assad, will also feel that they have got license to continue what they’re doing. So the president needs to counteract those.«29https://public-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/PAI-Syria-media-report.pdf; str. 13
William S. Cohen
Cohen je nekdanji obrambni sekretar v administraciji Billa Clintona. Cohen je –
- bil član direktorske uprave in je član od Council on Foreign Relations;
- bil predsedujoči od Middle East Study Group – CFR;
- upravitelj od Center for Strategic and International Studies;
- bil predsedujoči študijski skupini pri Brookings Institution;
- član od Genocide Prevention Task Force – U.S. Institute of Peace;
- član od Bretton Woods Committee;
- član svetovalne uprave od U.S. Global Leadership Coalition;
- član od Partnership for a Secure America;
- član svetovalne uprave od Global Strategy Forum;
- vodja ameriške delegacije pri Munich Security Conference;
- direktor od U.S.-China Business Council;
- član uprave od US-India Business Council;
- član od Alfalfa Club;
- član uprave od Barrick Gold;
- ustanovitelj od Cohen Group (Nicholas Burns, James Mattis, George Robertson, Marc Grossman);
- predsedujoči od Cohen Financial Group Inc;
- član uprave od U.S.-India Business Council;
- član uprave od AIG (del CFR; Maurice Greenberg tesen zaveznik Davida Rockefellerja);
- svetovalec od Ploughshares Fund (del ”liberalne CIA”);
- član svetovalne uprave od Black Economic Alliance (Susan Rice, Robert E. Rubin);
- član svetovalne uprave od Cool Earth (John Chipman – International Institute for Strategic Studies, Theodore Forstmann, Martin Sorrell, Nicholas Stern);
- bil predsedujoč študijski skupini pri School for Advanced International Studies – John Hopkins University;
- bil član uprave od Viacom (del Sun Valley Meetings), 2003-2006;
- član uprave od ViacomCBS (del Sun Valley Meetings), 2006-2018;
- bil govorec pri National Committee on U.S.-China Relations.
»Media commentary: Cohen has made multiple appearances on CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, and Bloomberg TV to discuss Syria in recent weeks. He has expressed confidence in the US intelligence on Syria, but advised consulting with the UN and Congress and determining more clear objectives before taking action.37 From CNN Newsroom (9/11/2013):
COHEN: Nonetheless, the president is where he is right now and if he is forced to take action because the Russians are stalling and Assad is not complying, then he should use the Desert Fox operation that President Clinton initiated against Saddam Hussein with a four-day campaign that did real damage to Saddam’s capabilities. And I think that’s what the president has in mind.«30https://public-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/PAI-Syria-media-report.pdf; str. 14
General Wesley Clark
Clark je služil kot vrhovni poveljnik od Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO, od 1997 – 2000. Clark, ki je študiral kot elitni Rhodes Scholar, je –
- član od Council on Foreign Relations;
- direktor od Atlantic Council;
- član od Markle Task Force on National Security in the Information Age;
- upravitelj od National Committee on American Foreign Policy;
- direktor od National Endowment for Democracy;
- član od Responsibility to Protect Working Group (Madeleine Albright, Sherri Goodman, Michael Abramowitz, Paula Dobriansky, Nicholas Rostow, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Nancy Soderberg) – U.S. Institute of Peace;
- član nacionalnega varnostnega svetovalnega odbora od U.S. Global Leadership Coalition;
- član svetovalnega odbora od American Council on Renewable Energy;
- član od National Security Network;
- član od Project on National Security Reform;
- član od United States Energy Security Council;
- višji svetovalec od Center for Strategic and International Studies;
- član svetovalne uprave od The Global Panel;
- upravitelj Sorosove Internaitonal Crisis Group;
- udeleženec od Clinton Global Initiative;
- član višje svetovalne uprave od NATO Defense College Foundation;
- upravitelj od American Renewable Energy Insititute, ki organizira American Renewable Energy Day Conferences.
- V vodstvih nevladnih organizacij in podjetij je Clark tesno povezan z nekdanjim direktorjem od CIA in vodilnim neokonservativcem Jamesom Woolseyem.
»Media commentary: Clark has made appearances on CNN and NPR [del ”liberalne CIA”] and penned an op-ed for Zocalo Public Square that was published in USA Today. He has expressed condemnation of Syria’s use of chemical weapons and support for Obama’s response on moral grounds. From Clark’s op-ed in USA Today (8/29/2013):
But President Obama has rightly drawn a line at the use of chemical weapons. Some weapons are simply too inhuman to be used. And, as many of us learned during 1990s, in the words of President Clinton, “Where we can make a difference, we must act.
From CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront (9/4/2013):
CLARK: Because I think if the United States is going to lead, this is the time to lead, and what the president is doing is leading. Everyone signed this chemical warfare convention. It outlaws the use of chemical weapons. It’s actually been in law since 1925. And this is a chance for the United States and the world community to show that we
meant the piece of paper when we signed it. And that’s what this is about, U.S. leadership. It is not about the strike. This is about bringing the United States and the world together to make a statement. This is not going to be permitted in the 21st Century.«31https://public-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/PAI-Syria-media-report.pdf; str. 15
General Michael Hayden
Hayden je bil med Clintonovo in Bushevo administracijo direktor od National Security Agency (1999 – 2005) in bil med Obamovo administracijo direktor od CIA (2006 – 2009).
Hayden je –
- član od Council on Foreign Relations;
- direktor od Atlantic Council;
- udeleženec od Munich Security Conference;
- bil govorec pri Aspen Security Forum – Aspen Institute;
- član nacionalno varnostnega svetovalnega odbora od U.S. Global Leadership Coalition;
- član svetovalne uprave od American Abroad Media;
- član od Business Executives for National Security;
- član od Center for Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security;
- direktor od National Medal of Honor Museum;
- član od Association of Former Interlligence Officers;
- član od Jamestown Foundation (R. James Woolsey, Alexander Haig, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Max Kampelman, Richard V. Allen, Tom Clancy, Sam Nunn, Patrick Gross, John McCain III, Michelle Cleave, Margarita Assenova, Glen Howard);
- član svetovalne uprave od Middle East Media Research Institute;
- član svetovalne uprave od Third Option Foundation (CIA Special Operations);
- direktor od CIA Officers Memorial Foundation;
- strokovnjak pri The Cipher Brief Conferences;
- direktor od International Spy Museum;
- član od Langley Intelligence Group Network;
- strokovnjak pri National Security Institute (General Keith Alexander, General Jack Keane, Mike McConnell, John N. Moore, Mike Rogers, Michelle van Cleave, David Cohen – CIA) – George Mason University;
- so-predsedujoči strokovnjak pri Homeland Security Experts Group (Michael Chertoff, Jane Harman, General Keith Alexander, John McLaughlin, Admiral Eric Olson, William Webster, Richard Ben-Veniste, Janet Napolitano);
- bil govorec pri Foreign Policy Association;
- bil govorec pri The Common Good;
- podpornik/partner od Inclusive America (Richard Armitage, Christine Todd Whitman, Madeleine Albright, Henry Cisneros, John Deutch, Stuart Eizenstat, Mickey Kantor, Anthony Lake, John Podesta, Strobe Talbott, John Brennan, William Joseph Burns, David Cohen – CIA, Chuck Hagel, John Kerry, Michael Morell – CIA, Leon Panetta – Cia, Gayle Smith);
- bil govorec pri Ergo’s Global Flashpoitns Roundatioble;
- bil glavni govorec pri Foreign Policy Research Institute.
- Hayden hotel (uradno) postaviti sredstvo ”liberalne CIA” Edwarda Snowdena na seznam za ubiti.
»Media commentary: Hayden has made multiple appearances on CNN to discuss Syria. He has expressed support for striking Syria and suggested the attack cannot be “one and done.” He has also commented on the quality of intelligence on Syria.
From CNN’s Piers Morgan Live (8/29/2013):
HAYDEN: No, I think the United States would act unilaterally because President Obama made this commitment for the United States and frankly for himself personally about a year ago. And I just can’t conceive that he would back down from a very serious course of action in which these actions of President Assad have serious consequences.«32https://public-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/PAI-Syria-media-report.pdf; str. 17-18
Michele Flournoy
Flournoy je v Clintonovi administraciji služila kot Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy; v Obamovi administraciji služila kot Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, od 2009 – 2012; pomembna pobudnica za ameriško vojaško intervencijo v Libiji.
Flournoy je –
- članica od Council on Foreign Relations;
- bila višja svetovalka od Center for Strategic and International Studies;
- direktorica od Atlantic Council;
- članica od Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute;
- so-ustanoviteljica in nekdanja predsednica od Center for a New American Security;
- članica od Defense Policy Board;
- bila članica od President (Obama’s) Intelligence Advisory Board;
- bila članica od CIA Director’s External Advisory Board;
- strokovnjakinja od The Cipher Brief (General Michael Hayden, General Jack Keane, General David Petraeus, General James Clapper, Michael Chertoff, General Stanley McChrystal, John McLaughlin, Lisa Monaco, Tom Ridge, Kenneth Weinstein, David Cohen, Jane Harman, Admiral James Stavridis, Nicholas Rassmusen);
- članica uprave od Spirit of America;
- članica svetovalnega odbora od National Security Action;
- članica svetovalne uprave od Truman Center (Madeleine K. Albright, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Sherri Goodman, Gary Hart, Hanet Napolitano, Leon Panetta, William Perry, Anne-Marie Slaughter);
- članica častnega svetovalnega odbora od The Leadership Council for Women in National Security (Madeleine K. Albright, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Frances Fragos Townsend; financerji – Open Society Foundations, Schmidt Futures, The Starr Foundation, Pacific Council on International Policy);
- častna svetovalka od With Honor (Henry Kissinger; Frances Fragos Townsend, Robert M. Gates, Mike Bezos, Admiral Michael Mullen – CIA, David Gergen, Tom Daschle, Erskine Bowles);
- globalna svetovalka od Sesame Workshop (del ”liberalne CIA”; Thomas Donilon, Hosh Ibrahim – Mo Ibrahim Foundation, Louis Alberto Moreno, Admiral Michael Mullen);
- članica direktorske uprave od CARE (del ”liberalne CIA”);
- Senior Fellow od Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs – Harvard University;
- članica uprave upraviteljev od MITRE Corporation;
- višja svetovalka za javni sektor od The Boston Consulting Group (pomemben financer ”liberalne CIA”);
- članica uprave od Booz Allen Hamilton (del od CFR);
- strokovnjakinja pri Intellibridge;
- članica globalne svetovalne uprave od PIMCO;
- članica direktorske uprave od podjetja Intel (del od Sun Valley Meetings);
- bila govornica pri Institute for National Security Studies;
- bila govornica pri INSS Speakers Series (Joseph E. Stiglitz, Robert Zoellick, David Petraeus, Philip Zelikow, Federica Mogherini, Edward Luttwak, General H.R. McMaster, General John Allen, Paul Krugman, Niall Ferguson, Samantha Power, Kevin Rudd) – National Defense University;
- bila govornica pri Brussels Forum (Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Soros, Carl Bildt, Ursula von der Leyen, Federica Mogherini, Victoria Nuland, Jens Stoltenberg, David Ignatius, Cecilia Malmström, Herman Van Rompuy, Gilles de Kerchove, Jeff Sessions) – The German Marshall Fund;
- bila govornica pri American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC);
- bila govornica pri UC San Diego Forum on U.S.-China Relations (Stephen Hadley, Kurt Campbell, Graham Allison, Robert Roche, J. Stapleton Roy, Jake Sullivan, Lawrence Summers, Philip Zelikow).
»Media commentary: Flournoy appeared on MSNBC expressing support for a strike on Syria:
FLOURNOY: Look, I think there are very important stakes involved here: first, the issue of upholding the international norm against the use of chemical weapons; second, U.S. credibility and leadership in the world and third, knowing that the rest of the world is watching. What messages does Iran take from either action or inaction? So I do think that limited, focused strikes, focused on deterring further use of chemical weapons, degrading Assad`s ability to carry out such attacks, that those are something we need to support and we need to do. But I also think we need to better explain to the American people and to Congress the stakes involved and the risks of not acting, what that would mean.«33https://public-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/PAI-Syria-media-report.pdf; str. 18
Frances Fragos Townsend
Omenjena že prej. Townsendova je služila kot Homeland Security Advisor v administraciji Georga W. Busha; bila predsedujoča od Homeland Security Council; služila kot Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Combating Terrorism. Townsendova je članica od Council on Foreign Relations; članica izvršnega odbora od Trilateral Commission; upraviteljica od Center for Strategic and International Studies; članica direktorske uprave od Atlantic Council, višja svetovalka od Middle East Strategy Task Force (Madeleine Albright, Stephen Hadley, Wolfgang Ischinger, Nicholas Burns, Carl Bildt, Igor Ivanov, Princ Turki al Faisal, David Miliband, Michael Morell, Jose Manuel Barroso, Javier Solana, Kenneth Wollack – NDI) – Atlantic Council, 2016; članica od Homeland Security Group (Michael Chertoff, Jane Harman, Keith Alexander, Michael V. Hayden, John McLaughlin, William H. Webster, Juan Zarate; Janet Napolitano – ex-officio) – Aspen Institute; članica vodstvenega odbora od Miller Center of Public Affairs; članica od Partnership for a Secure America; bila članica od CIA’s External Advisory Board; bila članica od President’s Intelligence Advisory Board; bila članica od Director of National Intelligence’s Senior Advisory Group; članica vodstvenega odbora in govornica pri Concordia Summit (David Petraeus; Danilo Türk); predsedujoča od Intelligence and National Security Alliance (Admiral Mike McConnell, John Brennan, John D. Negroponte, Timothy Reardon – Lockheed, Scott White – Northrop Grumman, Dewey Houck – Boeing, Robert Griffin – IBM, Jim Allen – Booz Allen Hamilton, Lynn Dugle – Raytheon, DeEtte Gray – BAE Systems, Bernard Guerry – General Dynamics, Barbara McNamara – NSA, Aris Pappas – Microsoft, Michael Rodrigue – National Geospatial-Intelligenec Agency, David Shedd – DIA, Michael A. Thomas – Booz Allen Hamilton, General James Clapper); predsednica od Counter Terrorism Project; članica svetovalne uprave od United Against Nuclear Iran; članica direktorske uprave od Internationl Republican Institute; članica uprave od Bipartisan Policy Center; članica izvršnega odbora od Center for Cyber and Homeland Security; članica svetovalnega odbora od Network 20/20; članica častnega svetovalnega odbora od The Leadership Council for Women in National Security (Madeleine K. Albright, Michèle Flournoy, Anne-Marie Slaughter; financerji – Open Society Foundations, Schmidt Futures, The Starr Foundation, Pacific Council on International Policy); članica svetovalne uprave od With Honor (Henry Kissinger, Michele Flournoy; Robert M. Gates, Mike Bezos, Admiral Michael Mullen – CIA, David Gergen, Tom Daschle, Erskine Bowles); članica svetovalne uprave od American Democracy Month Council; članica svetovalne uprave od BEACON Global Strategies; upraviteljica od The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum; članica svetovalne uprave od Sine Institute – American University; članica uprave od New York City Police Foundation; članica uprave od McCain Institute for International Leadership; bila govornica pri Sedona Forum – McCain Institute for International Leadership; bila govornica pri American Committees on Foreign Relations; izvršna podpredsednica za korporativne zadeve pri podjetju Activision Blizzard (del Sun Valley Meetings; Call of Duty, Crash Bandicoot, Guitar Hero, Tony Hawk’s, Spyro/Skylanders, World of Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch); članica uprave od Freeport McMoran Inc. (del od CFR); članica uprave od The Western Union Company (del od CFR); direktorica od Thomson Reuters Special Services (del od CFR); nacionalno varnostna analitičarka na CNN (del Sun Valley Meetings).
»As CNN’s national security analyst, Townsend has made multiple appearances on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 to discuss Syria.16 Townsend has stated that she sees action as “inevitable,” but has also questioned the effectiveness of a limited air strike on most appearances, instead promoting a “full comprehensive strategy” without limits set by Congress. She has expressed on multiple occasions her concern that a limited strike will threaten US national security. From CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 (8/28/2013):
TOWNSEND: When we have used these standoff assaults before, like after the East Africa bombing, it has a short-term effect, but not a long-term strategic effect. And that’s what you really want to do. You don’t want to just deter the Syrians. You want to deter Hezbollah, al Qaeda, Iran from using these kind of weapons as well.
From CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 (9/3/2013):
TOWNSEND: That’s right, so you worry about the release of what chemical weapons they have, the use of Hezbollah, you know, asymmetric attacks not only inside Syria but are in the region and around the world against Western targets.
She has also commented on the quality of the intelligence on Syria, calling it a “pretty
compelling narrative” and questioned the trustworthiness of Russia’s plan to deal with Syria’s
chemical weapons.«34https://public-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/PAI-Syria-media-report.pdf; str. 10-11
General James Cartwright
Cartwright je služil kot pod-predsedujoči od Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2007 – 2011.
Cartwright je –
- član od Council on Foreign Relations;
- direktor od Atlantic Council;
- je Harold Brown Chair in Defense Policy Studies pri Center for Strategic and International Studies;
- član od Aspen Strategy Group – Aspen Institute;
- član od Defense Policy Board;
- član od Nuclear Threat Initiative;
- član direktorske uprave od Allied Nuclear (Robert McFarlane, General Jack Keane, General Keith Alexander, Mike Rogers, Dennis Ross);
- Senior Fellow od Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs – Harvard University;
- udeleženec od Sanya Initiative;
- podpisnik od Global Zero;
- direktor vodilnega orožarskega podjetja Raytheon;
- svetovalec od podjetja Accenture (top financer ”liberalne CIA”);
- svetovalec za obrambo pri ABC News (del Sun Valley Meetings).
»Media commentary: Cartwright appeared on ABC’s This Week Syria experts panel on September 1, 2013, the same day John Kerry made appearances on all of the Sunday shows. Cartwright echoed concerns that a limited strike would not be an effective deterrent, but agreed with host George Stephanopoulos that the United States needed to strike Syria to maintain credibility and send a message to Iran …
STEPHANOPOULOS: And General Cartwright, so much of this idea of hitting back at Assad, in part because of those horrific pictures, but also the word credibility comes back into play. All of the military, all the entire region, also looking at Iran and wondering the kind of message it sends to Iran if we do not, if we do not strike in the wake of an attack like this.
CARTWRIGHT: I think it’s critical here and that’s probably one of the audiences we have to pay close attention to.«35https://public-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/PAI-Syria-media-report.pdf; str. 10
Brian Katulis
Katulis ni vpliven član liberalnega establišmenta, vendar bi ga avtor izpostavil, ker je višji strokovnjak od Center for American Progress, katero je pomembno ozadje od Demokratske stranke, in je močno financiran s strani fundacij iz ”liberalne CIA”, med drugim s strani Georgea Sorosa, kot tudi s strani pomembnih podjetij/korporacij liberalnega establišmenta, kot so Akins Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, Anglo American, Apple Inc. (del od CFR), AT&T (del od CFR; del od Sun Valley Meetings), Bank of America (del od CFR), Blackstone Group (del od CFR), Citigroup (del od CFR), Comcast NBC Universal (del Sun Valley Meetings), Eli Lilly and Company, Facebook (del od CFR; del od Sun Valley Meetings), General Electric (del od CFR), Google (del od CFR; del od Sun Valley Meetings), Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (del od CFR), McLarty Associates, Microsoft Corporation (del od CFR; del od Sun Valley Meetings), Northrop Grumman (del od CFR), PepsiCo (del od CFR), Samsung Electronics America, The Albright Stonebridge Group, The Coca-Cola Company (Trilateral Commission), Time Warner Inc. (del od Sun Valley Meetings), Toyota Motor North America (del od CFR), Visa Inc (del od CFR). Fundacije in organizacije iz omrežja ”liberalne CIA” ki so v različnih obdobjih financirale center pa so – Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, American Federation of Teachers, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Bauman Family Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Blue Moon Fund, Carnegie Corporation of New York, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Democracy Alliance, Energy Foundation, Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, Ford Foundation, Heising-Simons Foundation, Joyce Foundation, JPB Foundation, Kendeda Fund, Kresge Foundation, Lumina Foundation for Education, Marisla Foundation, National Education Association, NEO Philanthropy, New Venture Fund, New York Community Trust, NextGen Climate Action, Open Society Foundations, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Ploughshares Fund, Pritzker Family Foundation, Proteus Fund, Public Welfare Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Rockefeller Foundation, Sandler Foundation, Sea Change Foundation, Service Employees International Union, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Sixteen Thirty Fund (1630 Fund), Stephen M. Silberstein Foundation, Tides Foundation, TomKat Charitable Trust, W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Walmart, Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, Wilburforce Foundation, William K. Bowes, Jr. Foundation, Wyss Foundation.36https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/center-for-american-progress-cap/
Katulis pa je tudi –
- višji svetovalec od The Albright Stonebridge Group, katere ustanoviteljica ja Madeleine Albright;
- študiral kot elitni Fulbright Scholar;
- delal za National Democratic Institute for International Affairs;
- bil govorec pri Concordia Summit;
- bil predsedujoči upravi od progresivnega National Security Network (Rand Beers, Leslie H. Gelb, Sandy Berger, Wesley Clark, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Theodore C. Sorensen, Frank G. Wisner, Rochard Holbrooke);
- član direktorske uprave od Middle East Policy Council (Richard Falk – sredstvo ”liberalne CIA”);
- bil govorec pri Global Energy Forum (Paula Dobriansky, Stephen Hadley, Jon M. Huntsman Jr., General James L. Jones, Frederick Kempe, Lanxin Xiang – Center of One Belt and One Road Studies) – Atlantic Council;
- bil govorec pri American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference;
- bil govorec pri 2010 Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference (John Duke Anthony, William S. Cohen, Chas W. Freeman, Jr., Anthony H. Cordesman, General Joseph P. Hoar, General John R. Allen, Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Sa’ud, Prince Turki Al Faisal Al Sa’ud) – National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations (John Duke Anthony, Prince Abdulaziz Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Prince Turki Al Faisal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Harriet Mayor Fulbright, General David Petraeus, H. Delano Roosevelt);
- bil govorec pri Herzliya Conference (General Danny Rothschild, Shimon Peres, Jacob Frenkel, Lawrence Summers, Dov Zakheim, General James L. Jones, Uri Rosenthal, Josef Joffe, R. James Woolsey, Kenneth R. Weinstein, General Michael (Mike) Herzog, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Ehud Barak), 2011;
- bil govorec na February 2019: America’s Changing Foreign Policy Debate and Syria – Richmond World Affairs Council.
»Media commentary: Katulis has appeared on MSNBC’s Politics Nation with Al Sharpton and Bloomberg TV, published a piece on Syria in the New York Daily News, and has been quoted in the Christian Science Monitor, Bloomberg and the LA Times. On MSNBC, Katulis said that Obama and Kerry had done a “very good job” making the case for airstrikes, though raised doubts about the efficacy of a limited strike.69 He has also commented on the role of international “silent partners,” countries who may not support the strike militarily, but in other ways.«37https://public-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/PAI-Syria-media-report.pdf; str. 20
Vse to vojno dogajanje okoli Sirije in Irana, pa je tesno povezano z Obamo in njegovo (progresivno globalistično) administracijo, saj Obama med drugim predstavlja pomembnega promotorja ”liberalne CIA”.
Viri –